THE HERALD OF THE UNION. W I LM : NGTOIV MAY 11. TE^mS OF SUBSCRIPTION: Single Copy By Mail or Carrier, one week... By Mail or Carrier, one month Bv Mail or Carrier, three months. To Newsdealers— » Per each 100 copies... 10 50 5 00 6 00 50 00 Per each-1000 copies Wholesale orders for papers must be handed in on t-ho - evening previous to publication, and accom panied by the cash. RATES OF ADVERTISING: ■One Square, each and every insertion Half a Column, each and every insertion One Column, each and every insertion.x 8 00 00 Special notices will be charged at the rate of twenty-five cents per line, each insertion. A discount of 25 per cent., from these rates will be made for advertisements inserted one month or ^3"So advertisements “ till forbidden” will be received. All orders for papers or advertising must be ac companied with the cash. Job Work done with neatness and dispatch, and at moderate rates. PRESIDENT JOHNSON ON RECONSTRUC TION. On Friday, the 28th ult., Gov. Aforlon, of In diana, with a delegation from that state, waited on President Johnson, and addressed him on the state of the country. Gov. J/orton, among other things, dwelt, upon the question of adjustment, iu which he condemned the doctrine of secession, suggested that the rebels were personally liable for their treason, and that there was no power to punish them collectively by reducing a state to a territorial condition, or declaring its municipal character forfeited. He declared that the state governments could not be destroyed by the acts of individuals, whether they were officers of that goveinment or private citizens The^e declara tions seem to have incited President Johnson to a more complete enunciation of his views upon this matter (han has yet been made by him. He de clared his intention to punish treason in the same decided manner as heretofore. Upon the ques tion of reconstruction, and how it was to be ef fected, lie used the following significant lan- . guage:— Upon this idea" of destroying states, my posin tionjhas been heretofore well known, and I see no cause to change it now, and I am glad to hear its -reiteration on the present occasion. Some are satisfied with the idea that the states are to be lost in territories and other divisions; are to lose their character as states. But their life breath has been only suspended, and it is a high constitutional obligation we have to secure each of these states in the possession and enjoyment of a republican form of government. A state may be in the goveinment with a peculiar institution, and by the operation of rebellion lose that feature; but it was a state when it wentinta rebellion, and when it comes out without the institution, it is still a state. I hold it as a solemn obligation in any one of these States where the r^bel armies have been beaten back or expelled, I care not how small the number of uuioti men, if enough to man the ship of state—I hold it, I say, a high duty to protect and secure to them a republican form of govern ment. This is no new opinion. It is expressed in conformity with my understanding of the genius aud theory of our government. Then iu adjusting and putting the government upon its legs again, I think the progress ofthis work must pass into the hands of its friends. If a state is to be nursed until it again gets strength, it must be nursed by its friends, not smothered by its ene mies. Tke North Carolina Secretary of State Delin» Ing his Position. [Brom the Raleigh Progress, April 26. ] "Raleigh, N. C., April 21. Mr. Editor : In your issue of day before yes terday you wrote as follows: “In speaking of the flighty Governor Vance, we do not wish to be understood as censuring all state officers, &c. The gentlemen we have named (Surgeon General Warren; C. R. Thomas, secretary of state; C. II. Brogden, comptroller; and Mr. Worth treasurer,) we believe to be true, and we hope that they will make our predictions good by immediately assuming a bold and decided stand in favor of the Union. I do not think that those who have known me well since the beginning of the agitation of secession in North Carolina, have doubted where or how I stood politically. I have never been a secessionist. I hive been a conservative, by whatever other party name we may have been designated.— But, sir, it is not. my purpose to attempt my own political vindication now, and under sur rounding circumstances I have no motive for doing so. It is - a mortifying reflection with conservative men to-day that some of us have acted, not only inconsistently, but against our Judgment and convictions of right during the revolution. To every secessionist I would say : “Go and sia no more.” To every conservative I would say, 4 come, let us do better.” A great work is before us, at the close of this revolution. Domestic Savery ought to be, must be abolish ed at once and forever in North Carolina ; and • when this shall have been done, reconciliation will be quick and general, if not universal.— The abolition of slavery is a condition precedent to the settlement ol our national difficulties up on apy satisfactory and permanent basis. You and I, Mr. Editor, must take “a bold and deci ded stand in favor of” performing this condi tion. I do not wish to discuss the matter, but I am decidedly “ in favor of the Union,” and the re-establishing of the relations of North Carolina, freed from human slavery, with the federal government in the speediest way con formable with the Constitution and compatible with the dignity and character of the state. C; R. Thomas. DIED. In this town, on the 10th inst.. PIERRE, infant son of F. M. and J. Agostini, aged 7 months and 15 days. On the afternoon of May 9, Mrs. E. E. GEORGE, of Ft. Wayne, Ind., in the 54th year of her age. For the past three years she has labored with un tiring zeal both upon the field of bat'le and in the hospitals to ameliorate the sufferings of our sick and wounded soldiers. Upon the arrival of our paroled prisoners at this place she was assigned to duty at Camp Graham and Jackson Hospital; Here she coni tracted typhoid fever, from which she had so far*re- eovered as to be able to walk about and ride out as she had frequently done, and it was while the writer of this article was at the office of Capt. Lamb obtain ing transportation for her to go North, that she died instantaneously. F. KENT, Chaplain.* SPECIAL NOTICES CONCORD CHAPTER NO. 1. Companions : Assemble at the Lodg« Room this (Thursday) night, Mth inst., _ at 7) o’cleck, for work. By order of the M. E. H. P. A. PAUL REPLTON, Sec’y. May 11th, 1865. . 60-lt TO-DAY'S ADVERTISEMENTS Sole Lessee ana Manager,.......Mr. JOHN DAVIS. SECOND NIGHT. Thursday Evening May 11, 1865- The Comedy of NAVAL ENGAGEMENTS. SONG.. ,By A Volunteer. To conpiude with the great farco of ^G^TJEKY TICKET. ^* SeFsMALL BILLS. “@« Admission,—Dress Circle, SI 00: Parquette, 50 cents; Colored Gallery, 25 cents. DE. ALEX. IL MEDWAY FEERS his professional services to the inhabi- k /tants of Wilmington and surroundin A small stock of medicines on hand for Office corner of Front and Dock streets. May 11th, 1865. g country family use 60-lt* GOOD NEWS-- AT-HOME AGAIN npHE subscriber respectfully announces that he JU will re-open the City (formerly-Carolina) Ho tel, to-morrow (Wednesday) 10th inst., for the re ception andaccommopation of the public. Patron age solicited. No efforts spared to make guests conifer table. Charges moderate for the times. P; SHEMWELL. Wilmington, May 9tb, 1865. 59 12t WANTED. FURNISHED HOUSE, in a good location.—. Good care taken of the furn'iture—no children e family. Possession on or before June 1st. Apply at th ay 10th POST OFFICE. 59-St FOK KENT. T HE House over the Store occupied by the sub scriber on the North-east corner of Market and oeuonp street, to rent until the 1st of October next. Apply to M ay 10th, 1865. JOHN F. STOLTER. 60-tf ATTRACTION! ATTRACTION!! D O you want a good Picture? If so, losenotime in calling at Whitaker’s Book Store and leave your orders for Madison & Co., who have every pre paration for taking good likenesses. J^ Portraits! Portraits ! ! “^ga May 9th, 1865. 6f* NOTICE. A BOUT tine month since there came to in; cow- _Ax pen on Masonbofo’ >ound, a Brindle Cow with white belly and back ; also her calf (red.) Maik, two slits in the under part of left ear, and one slit and half crop in under part of right ear. Anv.onc calling and .proving property and paying charges can have her. JOHN HEWLETT. May 8th-3t* JOHN A. BAKER,. Niamey at .Law, Office 37 Market Street. (Rear room of Willis’ Drug Store,)] Wilmington, N. C BAILEY IS ON HAND AGAIN. (Opposite General Dodge’s Office,) Tj'URNIS'HES good meals, good beds, good cigars, F &c., Ac., ai all hours. lie has not yet “thrown the flag to the breeze” as he wants to raise a ‘breese’ for the flag. April 18-43tf BKE-RKE-RICE-BKE. JNRESH beat, in tierces, barrels and bags, ■ Pea Nuts in bags. Family Flour in bags, Corn Meal and Hominy, . Wheat, bran and Rice douce for Cows. At the Cape Fear Mills. ALEX. OLDHAM. April 25th, 1865. 48-10t* FOB RENT. nplLL 1st October next, the residence on 2nd, be- g tween Chestnut and Princess streets, now occu ¬ pied by Dr. NV. W. Harriss. App.y to HARRIS & HOWELL. Wilmington, May 5th, 1865. It* 10. T--LO8T. L OST, somewhere between the corner of Dock and Front streets and Mr, Richard Turner’s house, near the Railroad, between Third and Fourth streets, a double cased det-itched lever Gold Watch, H. Itossalett, maker, Chaux de Foods, No. 2961, gold hunting case anchor.' Any, person finding the same and bringing it to this office, will be suitably re warded. May 4tb4t* Remaining in May 9th, 1865. LIST OF SETTERS the Post Office at Wilmington (Concluded.) McCoy A C 2 Mott A F Myers Chas D’ Mohn C H Morril B D Murphy Benard P Mallet Charles Morill B D Merfey Carolina 2 Meneeal Betsey Mooney W P Maler C Mathews A W McCabe Caroline Murphy A T Morgan Anney Millen A L Murphy Dolley ,Mosher Bread 8 McCombs Enoch 2 Morrison Emma I) Moor E F Mitchell & Ellis McAfee Davis J Miller Fannie Morse Emelmer Mellin Ebin Moneghan F McCarty Daniel McCarty Hellen Mrs Millenor Hiram Al Meares Gaston 3 Moore G W 2 Meoy Herten A Miss Mono G G McCartney Horace Moore Geo H Mote Hattie Marine Ida Miss Meercs Harriet Miss Mehrekens G Mrs Morgan Henry Macye Hester Miss Mitchels G W Marsteller Geo D McDonald Hugh M’Cattint H Muse Joel II Myers Joshua Mathews J M Mescott John L McLean A Lewis McRae J D McCheney Josephine Meway Louise McLarkey John Merrick Jane Meier Joseph 2 Muse James B Merurn J Mernder John McKay John Meyers Kate McBride John Millis John C Messick Lawrence Merrick Jane Nohagar Ann Nootine Willis Nelson Holmes K 2 Neais Ama Nye Frank N Orwing Samuel Osterhaut Harry Oates John G Olonnor & Deize Popie Aaron Powell Annie Potter A S Pery Charlott D Phelps ADM Parsley 0 G Pounds Anna Pardee Ben Col Panecerat B B Pettifoot C Miss Price Catharine K Payne Phestus Pollman E C Potter Dr Parr F G Parmlee E K Piver David? Pirse Elisabeath Pickett Fan Potter S A Peck Harmon Perison Geo W Peterson Ishau Park Isace Palfrey Geo Patten Harriet Pittils Geo Padget Geo W Pollock Geo Plaine Hellen Powers Julia Phillips L D Protsman John W 8 Potter L D Petaway Lucy A Queen David Queen Nancy Robinson Clarisa Rounds A J Reeves Amos Robinson Alice Roberts Alfred B Russ Bricter Reed Dora 2 Rendel David W Ritter Elisabeath Rounds Emanuel Ravick F Ringgold Benj Ryans & Ileddrick 2 Reynoles John A3 Roberson Lucy Short C Scharwald Alace Sikes Cathrine Smith A Sickenberger Adam .Smalles Clary Spicer C A Sampson Fanny M ' Marshall Joshua Mooney James J M’Gentz John Maxwell John C More Maggie McLntyrs Mary E McCartheny Maggie Miller Mary S Meloy Molly Moor Nancy Merrick Margaret Marines M E LeLarinns Neill More Mary McGreal Paul Moore Mary 11 Mitchell Mary McDuffie Mary Madder Margeret McIntyre Mary E Malisa Williams Mundell Mr McCalet Mary Maiing Mary E Miller Mollie S Melvin Peter McRackan Robt M M Medan 0 Moran R S Rev Morgan R J -McLaughlin Patrick Miller R McDaniels Rachel Mengert Rev Mv Maxwell R McLaughlin Thomas -Murray Samuel B McCabe S Mrs Maple Thomas Maxwell Thomas Mints S S Mayer Samuel Martin Violet Marks Thomas McGilverey Differ Marrell Daniel Marshburn Thomas Meer Thomas F Marco S Murfs Samuel 8 Miller Susey McNiel Sarah Murphy Thomas Rue Monroe S B Marks Wm H Jfunts Wm B McRary S Williams McLaurin Wm 2 More Willie Males Wm P McDode W H McCormick Wm Marks Wm Mrs Manuel W H McNeal Wm McGuier Wm Martin Walter J 2 Nickles Daniel Nugent Thomas Newtoun Andrews Newbery Emelie 0 Ogelsby Betsy Ochottell Lucy Oweili Howard D Ornsby J C P Rough Jno II Perry John A Parker Lizzie Petteway J F Protsman J W Petteway James 2 Pottey John W Penney L 2 Pettit Josh Plummer James Philps Thomas Potter John W Perrey James C Parker Wm M 2 Phillips C. Polley Mary Pippen Mary Parker Mama Wm Parsley 0 G 2 Piatt Robert Patten Robt Pyne Robt Pettit Robt Wm Parker Urbanna 2 Petterway Salterway Philips Samuel Potter Winnie A 2 Peden Wm N Perdrick Wm 2 Poper W P Perkins Wm B Phillips Susie W Pudan Wm Peden Wm Col Q Queen A R Richvin Lewis Ryan James H Russ K Roberson James R Ricks Julia S Radliffe M A Ratcliff Mary J Russell Mary E Bisley RA Rechman Rosa Ricketts R C Robbins Sarah Robbotts Sam Rice Wm Rhoads Win S Stevens Jackson Savage J Y Sibeft J Si'gely John P Sabin James B Schuyler John Spence John Shook J P .Schulken E 2 Scull Daniel Smith John C Sharp Ben M Sneetser Chas M Smith Candes Sterling Amanda E Shill A Streeter A 2 Stebbs Dr Samson Fannie Sintas F C Seebeck Fred Sampson Francis .Shaw Ed Col ( Stevens James Shervard E F Smith Elias Smith John W Slattery I) Stanton Fred Sceekers Elisy Sylvester E Sigsly John Stone Erar Scull Daniel P Stevens E Sampson Elisabeath Sampson Fannie J Starkweather Frances Sampson Lucy Smith II Seaton George C .Sears Harriet A Shelley Henry C Sack Henry C Smith Henry P Short JI M Selph Henry Sneet Geo M Snow Isaac Smith Harriet Starrett Geo D Suuthermer Jacob Savage John T . Sigmonds John G Simons John II Seeill James Sterrett John B Sawsser Josheua Stocklam John F Surles Julia Stricklan L Shuchcomb John N. Sampson James II Stanton James Sterrett John R " Sennenty Joseph Snyder Leslie M Shoeman Jane M Siiwely J B Stearrett John If Stevenson Kate •- Shorn.) W Sonard Joseph Strout Jessee Schmitt Fao Strause John W Sheperd Merritt Sweeney Miclrael Suwyar Nellie Slaver M M Stephen Nicholas Schroyn Milton Smith Nancy Smith Mary Ann Smith Margret Stephens Margaret Smith Moody B Sanders Jno A Smith R T Short Rosanna Shemwell P Sigeley JP • Sillyaw 0 L Smith Otis B Suthan Samuel D Shipman Stephea Smith Peter Shemwell Poindexter Snecder Ruben Sutherlan Rebecca Schermerhorns ^ Smith Thomas C Salomon Sigmuni Shinchfield Samuel Schermerhorne U 3 , Stiffel Sergent Skipper Sarah 1 Scott Sarah . Todd Anna Jane Tiencken C Tenney Bridget Thally David. Thompson Edvin Trevy Emma L Tyler Geo M 4 Tilley Lucy TabautJane Taylor John Turner John Verney James W VanBurdick A Voss Katharina Vanness W W Wolf Aaron H Wilderson Chas E Wilkens Caroline Willebre Jno C Willan C M Wetch Benj Wertham B Wilson Chas M Williams Ann E Waters Chas Williams Annie E Williams Caroline XVoodle Bright Wright Catharine Wines Cate C Woods C J Dr Wescoat Efrom Welborn Ernley White Franklin 2 Williamson E D . Whitley Silas West David Wolcott F E 2 M eilis Elender Wiseman T M .White Wm F Welborn Emsley M 2 Willmerns James Walker E A Miss Walker Elizabeth Wise Daniel L Wadsworth Daniel P Wilcox David Washington E Mrs Willis Elijah Wallings Edward Walker E A Williamson Eliza ‘Whithead Eliza Miss Winton Henry L Williams Isabel Webb Harry Williams Henneter Willets II B Williams Hannah Williams Isabel Miss Webster George Wiliams G W Webb H 2 Watkins H Walker Geo Williams George W Williams Henry A White Henry Willimer Isabel Welch James Wright Joshua G 2 Williams James Walker John 2 Whitman James White John Wheelock J W Wallace J T Wiggin Lytle Young A D Young Alnanda Young Daniel A Persons calling for Scott S C Smith Thomas C Shaw Fenor Steebes Win J Shaver Webster 2 Smith Wm P Sutton Wm Spooner W P 2 Stubbs Wm J Smith Wm L T . ' Talbert Mary E Tompson Meouger Tilman Rebecca Tracy Patrick Thompson Rachel Townshend Sarah I, Tehees S E Mrs Taylor Wm 3 Thurston J T Thurston Win JI Tirrell Vim M VanOsten Robert L Vaughan Win W Viney .Wilton H W Watkins John S Wilcox John C Williamson John A Wilson Mary Ann Wagner Nancy Walker Jane Whitney John II Walker Mary C 5 Williams Mahia Mis Wilson John Sergi Williams John Rev White Mary Mrs Williamson E Miss Wells M A E Mrs Wiggins Martha Wagner Nancy Wallace Michael Werlys Anney Mrs Williams Robt Winn Philet-us 3 j Warner Orson 8 Williams Robt D 4*j White P JUrs Whitcomb Robt Weards Polley Mrs Wood Rebecca ^iss Whiting W If 6 Mn Worty Samuel Whitney Samuel Whaten Thomas Weight Sally F Worth T C Weeks Sarah Wallace Stephen West Sarah P Williams SarahS i Williams Simon Wallace SD2 White R-horty Whittaker T J 2 Warden Simon D Wallace Stephen Woods Thomas Wallace Thomae Walker Wm C Webster Wm A Willard Wm H Whitley Ziba 2 Watkins MII Wilston Win Wells Wm II Ward Wm Capt2 Wright Wm T Wright Wm F Mra Ware Af W Williams W W Walton Wm P Wheeler Wm Waller Wm H Warner W P Wooster W EH 1 Walker P Wm t) Wadlagh WmE / Yate John Young Catherine the - above will pleases'. they are advertised. By recent act of Congr‘.| the rate on advertised letters is two cents. B. B. VASSALL. Special Agent Post Office Department

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