' ; , . ..... , , ..." . nrr tmd r 1 f " - - '"'- iv " ' ' 0.1.-0.01.- THE HEnAlB 0F-?2E,M. LMI5CT05. ISA 71 i r,r The beaifit of U L ...JUit tdrbtwasnot such as U ib. kill calHifar.yet ouite Urge. . . . would not fee ltd ia drairing a diatiacticn, exc.pt in the kwur aasW by Mr. Toward, we w. rMat-will acres with tox 7 Mr. Ws 'T" . . -Je of eemedy acting-seen a the Lu.Wl.fcriW Th.pi.ee; was such ua tut it If to be riproaucea ie- ijat, wh.a ell heXl avail themselves of a haae. to aajaj h,Mt IWX'h- V" l.e to tee the Wta out ia such number lest irht. W. hope th.y will be there egain to-aicht, vb add rraoe to hi waing.. Ptn.f hit writi.fi for jHoti.,.btttw. . aly firs the lest v.roe. n i w7 Taa4 raids: t lias her prais.. in po.tr ; For her at mtra an ts I erio whole pint, of bitt.r twi, Aid tcy iirw y The fullowiar reeeipe for the c.re of hjiropho- ii, tt u. by . friendr i. eerneatlj reeemflteai- Litetke young fenini .doto. no iei Hmu it it would come i. eoae tine : t4. r-romut. of Ltom. mentione new remedy r Qi bite el dog, discorered by German ttrinuy iur jton of Magtf.ourg, n&mea muco id ky which tne peiniui ppucua o rwu t iron i .Toiaea. jsmwj bv.-s thing the pUc. with hot water. M. IIilde"brand I(ert&imed br ezperieiMe that het water h&s effett of decomposing the Tirns, and, if Applied time, readers cauttnxatioa woneee.sary. in it p4b alt that is to be done, after weir bathing int at stated, is to apply a aolation of caus- c ptt?a to tne wouna wim wimdm, -i 4rdi anoint it witn antimony oiaimeni. ild Times AA.ut.The adTexUeement ef the oanmr Cornnanier Capt. Powell, which leares r New York on Thursday morning rewinds ns old times ae.tin. The amount of good done lis city by the establishment of th. steamers aaaot'ba estimated at th. present. Business 11 retive and ererything wear a more cheerful Tect We already hear of quite & number of ortherm business men that have armed in the st few days for the purpose of establishing them es amongst us. e can certainly predict for siogton a great and glorious future which will tkpe itself in a short time. focKAXDizs tor Salb. By reference to c lwrpartof to-day's issue it will be seen that r Brry, at. the store of Harriss & Howell, has rale on consignment a large lot of merehan- Parties wishing any of the articles enumer- -1 sad better call at the vearlist opportunity. iliiis. We have received two hrge mails t'-im the last forty-eicht hours. To whom we eiatlfbted for them we don't know, but hope it Utter times are ahead in the mail line. Surrender of Guerillas i Missouri. St. Louis. May 9. 1865. -Ifajer Cooper's rebel hattalion. one hundred i fifty strong, surrendeed to Gen. Sandbom Springfield, Mo., on Saturday. They 'took f- ath of allegiance, rkirty of Price's men took the oath &t Crosa- l ixj before yesterday. Contiderable nutri U are arriving from other points Personal ItatalLlgjsnos.' ishop Simpson, in his funeral oration over remains of Mr. Lincoln, alluded to the Hon. f a Bell ai having "miserably perished." It ars, oowev.r, that Air. neu is noi ceaa, n still re f. zee in Northern Alabama, and f ruar Brownlow aays in a letter to kia pa- at b. has written him to come nome, as- him he will not be molested. J.ff Dawi. CnATTAjroooA, May 9, .1865. aertoa Davis was at Powelton, Hancock J. Gtorrit, Friday night last. General naa printed handbills , anaomneing ,tne r his eantura .tattered throurh the try. ' r . Thire't twa wav. of doinr iL" said Pat to i3 M he steod ransuss and waiting for a I 'If I aave pae 2,009 :I must laj up 37ear far twenty-Teare, er I earn pmt J 20 a year for eoe hundred years now thailfdor - ... MagMaMaMpavMaw a pbice m pais Opening Trade with the Southern States. t kihiud articl.s they.. s&II be aelx.4 and bell subject to the orders of th. Setretary f the a reajury, ana mo ei-cr aau lor ta with sepersede att ether 'wrolatitta and! cir m'iaerctofore pretcribeS by- he Tretsurr port io the Depattoea. all wYl7:! "tr.! ana asiw aaeb resist arriving from .trV rfli? I. " wT-I iirL. l""" l H port, ofrom any domest withro. " per eleamift, or witb contsowfiticlef; s" "HS?tVl with the , carso. be wixed ad held s.iubjeetto thb .rua akd bwcxtio?, it. confiscation State. Sixth-Lxmxo WrrHiw AK DzrxaTTJM rutu rauxssxT. KULXa AJTs KXCULATIOXS CONCmriKG COMMXX CIAL XXTBXCOUESK WITS lKSVyotXCTIOXABr 8TATK8. . xzccTirs - Chulmbxk, AxlKsirsoXAmr:B Thf fbregbing rules and reguUtionVceawr.. Watlun an msarrectionarr State not declared ones ! to the cvraraeree of the wcrid shall be ladea i f mi rt a f .; ua : onderthe perrMoo ofth of Trta;;7y - 1 DepartBent, whose-duty it shall , be to reqwre conormity wfth the acts 4f Cearress ralatiar oexoro anw arucm ara auiowea to be. anmtMd I tK.... t.-r .v i j " . . r amtlsisstarV avulanes liat wmh tit fnmVtn. I t ' Washington, April 29, 186$. Being desirous to relieve nil i'jjal oitizens citizens and well disposed persons rsfiiiirtr ia insnneetion- ary. states irom onnec-sary commercial res tri.tioni, and to enoor.rart tkeo.to return to peaceful porsaitK His hereby ordered ; First.-Tail tbi restxictiona uooa internal and dome. tie cOSaDirciaA ihUrcours. be discon tinued ia su.h parts of the States of Tennessee, Virri.ia, North Carolhm outh Carolina. Geor gia, Florida, Miasissrppi, and so much of Lou isiana as lies east of the Mississippi river, as shall be embraced within tho lines of national military occupation, excepting only such res ! ' ' i . r me, are hereby approved. ! ANDREW JOHNSON. um mm IHTISA'S BEVOLT coFTimni). AII. MATAXfOROa TJIfDZSTX ARXip 1 w nar mvasa sam s si sia ab Skit t jaw a ww ssa sa s --a : r xu!.. - JI.v-j I depart naent. 1.. w. fiA..M... rk. r J 1 tne app I ISO UUIS. by the President ; tod excepting, also, from the effect of tb'.a order, the folio wine articles, con traband tf War. te wit: arms, ammunitioi). and all Articles from which ammunition is man- ofactured, gray uniforms and cloth, locomotive, -i v ? j : - care, vauroaa iron ana macQinery lor opcrvmg raur'jadsi telegraph wires, insalators for opera tin' telegraph lines. Second. That all existing military and naval ovders vu any manner restricting domestic and Cfivrt w:8i commercial intercourse and trade in the ! atities above named be, and tb.e same are herebr revoked ; and that no military or naval thai weocr all merchan diao the Uxre and fees reqaired br law and these regulations have he.a paid, or eeenred to be paid, which fact, with the amount s paid, shall he certified upon tbe'raaaifit. . No clear aace shall be granted. JX apon .sny article; so shipped the fees and, infernal rerenae taxes or eith.r shall oaly have beea. seenr.d to be paid, rack facts sball be noUd open tht manifest, and the proper o&ctr at tho port of destination of saob Tesl shall hold the goods till all such taxes and fees .hall be -paid according to lawn an d. these regulations. &unvL STons.rPrtent; desiriBg Reported Warlike PreparaUoas to keep ) supply atore at any place within an H-w.awnB uurrccuvB .oiaie . taiu maie appuoauon therefor tt the nearest otScsref the Treasary which application shall set forth icant is loyal to the government of States ; and upon . beioe convinced of sack loyalty a liQehse fer sticb 'supply store shall forthwith be granted, and tie. person to whom the license is given 'shall be authorised to purchase goods at any other supply store' within the insurrectionary States, or attach other point aa he may select. The party re- la France. THE WAR ON THE PACIFIC COW, Complicity of nelgittm In the Inva sion ef Mexico, d3cc, One of the most interesiini nainis in 14 a; . ceiving such license shall pay thfrefor the li- iust at present, is Matamnrnt whM oese fee prescribed by the Internal Revenue news, an attack was momentarily expected from JSighaXxxurnD Aantxss-All articles with the srarrison m th -snr,nrK. f ,. of local producrioa- and consumption, eueh as The Spanish mail steamer Barcelona arrived cri fruits, butter, ice,, iggs, meat, e&al, &c, the 29th ulk.f but though ihe broueht dates to offier in any manner inUrrupt or interfere with "JlZi "h . m ."bVw" "z? nu' o irom verauruz, there was not one word . th. same, or with any boats or v.sseL'eBgaged ;?rted d sold at such points m an insorrsc- of intelligence from M.tamoros, and some had j - -j r.w... . uvjuh , w luuLiun mat we biorv oi UOnina i iVcnA Sbifmeht of Pkoducts of ak Imscrk 1 pronouncement was a canardt particularly since rectio art Statk. AIL cotton not produced tJ latest papera from New Orleans said nothing by, pereana with their own labor or with the about it. The arrival, bowever, yesterday cf labor of freedmen or others employed and paid tfle steamer Mexico from Mat am.ros confirms by them must,-before shipment to any port or the original state vent, and removes all place m a Voyal State, bo sold to and resold by aouPt aDout tho important rnovemsnts there therein under proper authority pursuant to the regulations of the de.rctary ot the 'ITeasury. ANDKEW. JOHNSON. THE ItDLSS ANP aSOrLA'TlONS. Tbxa-scxt Department. May 9, 1865. With a view of cawying dot the - purposes of the Executive, as expressed in his Executive an officer of the -government especially appoint- transpiring, 'ihe dates by this steamer are not ed'for the purpose under regulations prescribed 'afccr than the 16th, only two, or at most three, by the Secretary of the Treasury and approved ' days later than those already received by you, by the President ; and before allowing any cot- which short space of tinad notbing,very serious ton or other prodliet to.be shipped, or granting bad odcarredJ. tin consequence otthe slender clearance for anv vessel, the nroner customs of- garrison of regular troops under itfeiia'a orders. :ial intercpurse between the ficor or other persons acting as such must re- the .foreign residence had volunteered and or Vircinta, North Carolina, quire front the purehaeing agaat or the internal ganized themselves into ccmpaniec, .amounting rionda, Alabama, j icyvuhv uui.er a ceriiaeaiv mat ine cpiwo pro- ' ' vui u'ntu uuujcu(uii, uisviouieu aa posetf to be snipped nas been resold by him, or lu"UWil io sevn nunared uermans, three that twenty-five per cent of the value thereo! hundred Frencht two hundred Spaniards, one Order, bearing date of April 29, 1865, ("To re- ! i ......... ji . i j; .j neve i u loyat citizeaB ana weii-aisposea persona residing in insurrectionary States from unneces sary oommercial'restridtions, and to encourage them to return to peaceful pursuits' the follow ing.regulations are prescribed, and will hereaf ter govern commerci States of Tennessee South Carolina, Georgia, Mississippi, and Louisiana east of the Mississ ippi river, heretofore declared in insurrection, and the loyal States': First. All commercial transactions under theee regulations shall be conducted under' the supervision of fiieers of customs and others acting as officers of customs. Secand. PkoIii'bitjjd Articles. The follow- jng articles aro prohibited, and none such will be allowed to be transported to or within any State heretofore deeUred in insurrection, except on government acc.unt, viz : Arms, ammuni tion, all articles from which ammunition is manufactured, gray, uniforms and cloth, loco motives, cars, railroad iron, and machinery for operating railroads, telegraph wires, insulators, and instf uments for operating .telegraph lines. 'Third. Amounts of Products Allowed, xxd Places to ahich such may be Trans ported. It having been determined and agreed nnon bv tho- oroDer officers of he War end Treasnry Departments, in accordance with the requirements of section nine of the act of July 2 1864, that the amount of e;oods required to supply the necessities of the loyal persons re siding in the insurrectionary States, within the military lines of the-United States forces, shall be an amount equal to the aggregate of tho ap plications therefor and that the places to which such'goods may be taken shall be all plaoes in such lines that may be named in the several applications for transportation thereto, it is therefore directed that clearance shall be grant ed, on application by any leyal citizen, for goods not prohibited, in such amounts and to such places which, under the revenue and collection laws of the United Stetes, ' hare been created ports of entry and delivery in coastwise trade,, as the applicant may desire. jFbttrM.CLBARANCE. Before any jessel shall be cleared for any port within the insur rectionary States, or from "one port to another therein, or from any such ports to a port in the loyal States, the master of every such vessel shall present' to tbe proper officer of custom a manifest of her cargo, which manifest shall set forth the character of the merchandise corapo sieg said cargo, and, if showing no prohibited articles, shall be certified by such efficer of cus toms. Fifth AaarvAi. akd Diicmargb of Cargo ik an IvstTRXxdioxARY STATavr-Om - the arri val of any such -vessel at the port of destination, it shall be the duty of the maater thereof forth with to present to tho proper officer of the cus tons the certiied manifest of her cargo, where upon tho officer shall cause the ressel to be Omk charged toadcx his general snpervisiosi, nd if the cargo is found to - correspond with tbo man ifest a certificate to that effect shall be gvr the master. If there shall be fedaTPW- hag been pa d to such purchasing scent in Hundred English and two companies of the civil money, anbl tha the cdtten is thereby free from guard, under the command,of the Prefect of the further fee or tax. If the cetton proposed to department, Don Pedro J, deJ Garza, already be shipped is claimed and proved to be the pro- lui,te an ol1 aian, but very energetic. The Ldnotof a person's own labor, or of freedmen or newspapers ot j xMatamoros the Monitor and others employed and paid by them the officer vai'y Jxprest-tre naturally eloquent over the will require that the shipping fee of three cents enuiasiasra and; all that sort of thing displayed per.pound shaltbo paid or secured to be paid D tUe FePle ot the tqwn. The editor of h thereon. It any product other than cotton is- uJe wiimn an ace ci Josirg his Jite in offered for shipment the certificate of th. inter- one 01 the suburbs while riding around probably nal ievenue officer that ail internal taxes due n 8earcb of items, a most unexpected varletr thereon iiuve been collected and paid must be wnicn commodity he found in a party of Cm produced pr.or to such products being shipped tinistas,- Who fired at him, killing his companion. r cleared, and if there is no internal revenue m8 SIdc Four individuals-of Cortina'e forcen officer trien such taxejshall be collected by the werft capttired, pne of whom, a Lieut. Colonel custom officer, or he shall cause the same to be Rodrigues, was immediately shot. The other secured to be paid, provided in these regula- re m confinement, i be stages leaving Mata- tiong. . i uivius auu oaguau uav oeen roDoea as a mat- Timth. Inland Tbansportatiov. The nrn-1 terqt coarse, though the ranchero of Brtwnfi- visions of these regulations, maces sari v modiw1 viUe, of the 1 5 th ult says that Cortina ha fied, shall bS considered appleable to all ship- disapproved of those and many other acts of menu inland to or within the insurrectionary States by any means of transportation whatso ever. Eleventh. Charges. -Goods not prohibited; may be transported to Hfsmrectionary States free. The charges upon all products shipped or transported from an insurrectionary btate, other than upon jCotton, shall be the charges prescribed by the internal revenue laws. Upon cotton, other than that purchased and resold by the government, three cents per pound, whixjx most, be credited by the . officer collecting as follows, viz- Ten cents per pound as the ship-j ping fee. All cotton purchased and resold by the government shall be allowed to bo trans-i ported free from all feee aud taxes whatsoever.! Twclftft. Records to br Kxft. Full and complete accounts aad, records must be kept: by all offio.ra acting under these regulations of their transactions under them, in such man-1 ner and ferm as shall be prescribed by the Com missioner of Customs ! Thirteenth -Lotalitt a , Rxquibtts. No goods shall beseld in an insurrectionary State by or to, nor any transportation held with, any person or persons not loyal to the government uf tbe United States. Proof of loyalty must bo the taking and sabseribing tbe following oath or evidence, to be filed, that it, or one similar in purport and meaning has been taken vis: I, ,- do eolemnly .swear, in presence of Al mighty God, that I will henceforth faithfully support, protect and defend the jconsttatioa of tbe united States, and all law made ia pur suance therein. ? Fourtetnth.'sxxm RsocLATieKS Bxroxsn. These regulations shall take effect and bo ia farce on and after the 10 day of May, 1865, and robbery committed by those under his orders. This paper and the Monitor agree that the num ber of these latter docs not exceed three hun dredmen; and; though this estimate may b an exaggeration it is certainly nearer the truth than six thousand the number first reporUd; for, ifGortina hd anything like so respectable a force, he would have undoubtedly attacked Matamoros without delay. It ii stated in the Monitor that Captain Moat, of the French war steamer Adonis, Had arrived at Matamoros, with despatehes to Mejia from Marshal BazineJ It is added whether as part of the despatches or not I cannot say that the French government had transportation jrrpartt for the embarkation of eighty thousand men, tcho would be sent over on the first intimation from Marshal Bazaine in regard fa th intentions of the United Slates in Mexico. ' - The 10th of AApril,- the 1 anniversary of the acceptance of the Mexican crown by Maximilian, waa sign .lized by the publication of a number of edicts or decrees. Among tbein is ne of general amnesty ; half a uozen relate to variou charitable institution., while another half dozen reate to rarious, orders and correspitndiftg dor co rations, ucK as the Mexican Eagle, Goadx lope, the Cross of. Constaney, &o., and on. creates an Order and Cross of St. Charges, for ladies. One of the; most important rordei that in ease of the Emperor', death, or oth.r disabling cause, tbo regeaey shall ipso fatU devolve on the Empress- j ' ' ' Guerilla warfare continues with Taryiag sue -eesfl. Saltillo waa occupied by the rdissidenta' on April l.aad remained some ten day. ia their possesion attention probably being "eall.d t I

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