-tie nEHALD t)F ran' Cuicri.-J WiLsllJfGTOrt. MAY 16. Tcnr.io.OF cucccniPTion: Fia'rle Cpr-..--'--: - 32 Hr Mail Cmiw. r? B Mail or Carrier, om mo nib Y Hr Mail or Carrier, three months.-. To Newsdealers ' . , u M Ter each 109 copifj....- ..r jf)J Per eacb-1000 copies - . - 5 00 Vfcctes tie order (nr pspers mcatrbe banded in on the evening frevioas to publication, end accom yexied by the oih v ,. ,;. - . ,,. r ; HATES OFADVEnTISIMC: One 8qHre, each and every Insertion. 1 00 Half ft Column, eacb and ererr iajertlon-.-. 8 00 Oae'Coinrae. each and every insertion... 15 09 -ape?Ul notices will be., charged at tbe'rate of t veatv-ave cent pr Urn, each, inserUoa.' - A discouat r IS per eat. from theae rates will o made for advertisements inserted one monta or eager. - ' " ' " p&Xo advertisexaeata till forbidden" will be received. - - ' . - . . ;alT AlLorders fr. papers advextAsiag must be ac companied with the cash. , Job Work done with neatness and dispatch, and at moderate rates. n&tiblsvitn the iaicrr-U ef the eeuntry1 to the loyal souther stales taeir efforts fe ituia Ueiromtr prorperooj and happy eondition.f eondaeir1tbep of cor mw President wfcUo mncb to tifr. of that er of; oed oolimg which if w do sir able betweea' the two sections. " ;V. ru. t!1l.:4- I... a, nraelamatiom ob- joUisfr'upoa ftU -ttiliUry, nftral and cItU o5eer of tbo (OTerozaea w "v? - - : taftt tbe robelUott U'oir ended; '..uMitiooal dili getfeo in efbrta'to capture tbolrea rebol orauers afloa. He alao aaja ibat if, after thi prbciaaiatioa shall' beeoraekaown p ttttiga' pot? tbeio crniseTareceiTohcitality thert,: proper re Uliator ffitararet will bo roaorUd to agaiaat the shipo of Ihoao : natioai which extend sueh hospi taHty to theae'piraiicil eyselt. V ? ,.' . On. tho-aoralar of Ua-15th UbL? JOH WARD, infaniaon of John E. and Atkaha LippiU, age 13 numta; "T: V ' , s : The fmneraleerTieea will Uke place at 8t. . John s Cbnrch", thia afternoon at 5 ofciocty The friend of the famtlj are'fnrited to attend. THIS KKTTBIf. OP.PEACE. V , 1ft thall, for the preaenC la the bpiruon of onr nMiUrj leaders, require a standiog army of ene bundred thousand men. The centinued pt eence f certain disaffected parties in the southern states, who will need to be watched and held in subjection, will necessitate the creation of milita ry departments in each state. The iast Testige of rebellion must be crushed out so effectually that posterity will nerer hear, any whispers of treason against the life of the Republic.. Eren the above amount of men, when preperly diauibuted, will loare a small force at each point: Eridently the government is disposed te trust the parole of the rebel armies. There hare been flagrant viola tions of thia sacred b'ond, but it is altogether im probable thst there should, be any considerable and widely spread disregard of sncU an obliga tion among a people who hare given many ex hibitions of good sento-and good faith, if they hare at other times been guilty of folly and treachery. If instead of Maintaining pece and good order the malcontents among them compel the govern ment to resume aetiro hostilities, they will never again obtain such terms af amnesty as President Lincoln accorded, and such terms of sunender as -General Grant o&ered. Mild as Grant! terms are, however, let it be remembered that they are sufficient for our security, and if Lee and his offi cers are the honorable gentlemen their admirers claim, they witt'abstain from every word anAact 9 W f which coufHJ),. construed 'into hostility, to the United States government until they aro regular ly exchanged or rsteased. The tegulatiops of war among all nations declare that the violation of a parole incurs the penalty of fleatlu The southern people hare sutiered so long and lost' so mush that they aro 'inexpressibly anxious fnv (Vim rlnm of DMCC. Wo incline to the opin ion from the evidences of distress presented in thie city,, in. 8avannah, in 'Charleston, and in , Richmond, that instead of interposing obstacles in he way of its permsnent re-establishment, they wiii facilitate it in every available method. The War Department is evidently impressed with, this conviction; if we judge by its preparations for the immediate withdrawal of so largo a per centage of 'oar forces and xneana'of transportation. Its action' is a pledge to the nation" that afftr .four years of wearying, war, terminated by the most Morion triumnhs of. our arms, by the success of B - J, consntional liberty, and by the vindication of the majesty-of the government, the power of the people and the principles for which they hare fought, we are now to be crowned with the-bless-" in gs of peace. The restoration of peace will -be aeoompanied with the return of thousands of onr soldiers to their former avocations. The varied pursuits of labor which have. slowly dragged along, will re ceive fresh impulses from the hands which have so long been absent. The hum of returning in dustry will indicate that active at.d earnest men cultivating tho arts of peace Agriculture eom- xaerce. manafactcres, will bo reviviSd The na tional destiny will be re-assured In the minis of those who doubted and' despaired add the thick gloom of national trial. Patient sacrifice and un swerving patriotism hare dispelled the last shadow of apprehension and have paved the way for aca reer of meridian splendor. . Heqcefbrth the Uni ted States will not only command the unqualified esteem and. admiration of the world, but will in all respects be the exepplar of nations. A IKW ERA.. ' fc A new era in our pr egress from rarolution to national, commercial and social prosperity is be fore ue thii"moralBg;in:.the important order, from President Johnion, removing ;Testrictibni npea trade, and, eonuneree in . certain southern , states which will be found in another column. -Accompanying it is an order from the' Treasury Depart ment, establishing , the rales under which.' such trade may ha csnled'oa attd-snuatraUsg.such artielea a it is not yet deemed, pre parte permit to be carried into those statss. Jhia aetiori evln4 eea- a desire oa the part of the gsTerxae&t to af. TO-DAX'S ADVERTISEMENTS Sole Lessee anu Manager,;....Mr. JOHN DAVI5. '"- - . Xoesday Evening nay -8d5- - XJlIlJiUPII ANTl success. The performance will commence with the present popular. Comedy of THEPEOPIE'S LAWYER. Solon Shingle ........p. I& Townsend. After which SONG ...! FLAHERTY. M ' To conclude with the Laughable farce of POOR PILL1COT)DY. v S&T SEE SMALL BILLS, -a AdnifiwuDre s Circle, $1 00j Parqaette, 60 centi; Col: red Gallery, 25 cents. fob mm. T SUMMER RESIDENCE situated on Middle Sound. Apply to M. McI!fNlS, S"o 16 Forth Water Street. Myl5. 64-3t M. & J. LA WT0S 8 OLD STAIN D OPE IV AG A I IT BY thyuaderiiinedo supply the market in Un dertaking and Cabinet Making, at the shortest notice, and fifty per cent, cheape- than any estab lishment in the cityGive as a sail. Shop on Front Street, between Princess and Ches nnt, C. rf. JENKINS, G. 8. COPES. MaylSth 64-3w RECEIVED TO-DAY, The very latest Call at Mayl6th-lt NEW YORK PAPERS. WHITAKER'S Book Store. 1IEIIEAETE11, New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore Can be had at ' May ISjh-lt . . Papers, WHITAKER'S B.ook Store- EOB NEW I0KK DIRECT, The first class Steamship CAPTAIN POWELL, Will leave on. Thursday, May 19th, AT 12 O'CI-pCK, Box New York ditect from HARRIS-& HOWELL'S -Wharf. No freight received on day of sailing. For freight or passage applv. to . HORACt L. BARKY. . 1 J ' The first class Steamship C1XAS. 7. 1VEA1IXV ' , - with excellent accommodation for .60 passengers, now- leading at lew- York,, for - Wilmington,' will fellow tho-Commander in about 10-days. . AH " msrchanduq, shigped by. these. Steamers V'- ' V"". 'V'.- , ' r will leOTexed. byiinsttrance. . .Cash advaaces-oade eainerchandire consigned toArthur Learj, Ji ew Tok. . . . . 'f ghtirabitf Orders exectt for nurchandue . ? v . Uay-HU Md BY: HOMCE Tha folTowing mdre. received on consign ment per STEA5IER COIIAIER, At the office of N HARBIS8 & HOW ELI, v- ' ' - - - 1 " 200 boxes Boots and Shoes, 25 cans Patroleum Oil, ' - - f ' 5 packages Petroleum Oil Lamps, 44 doz. Brooms, different paterns, 1 case Palm leaf Fans, . 11 bales Hay, . 1 box Seeds, ?. .- . . 25 kegs Nails, 22 bbls. Bourbon Whiskey, $0 cases bourbon Whiskey, 50 cases Ale, 15 cases Jelly, - 10 cases Pickles, ' 10 bbls. Cider, 100 cases do, 200 bbls. Potatoes, 25 bbls. Turnips, 60 bbls. Flour, 40 bbls. Fulton Marked Beef, 29 half bbls. Fulton Market Beef; 15 boxes Oranges, 15 boxes Lemons, 40 tons Ice, 27 Plows, 2 dcz. Axes, &c, &c. . The above lot of goods will be sold for cash at wholesale, and desirable merchandize taken in payment . No package broken. . ? May 16. 6-tf ' SPCCIAL riOTiCE8. the Cisena of Bladen CoumV tAaoVranTsas nirrateTor WtrstTa. J t Geaeral, Orders Xojji,'-iaraed at tl; th, by Uajor .Oeaerai otaoai3, ftfg p. meat of North CsroU&S, contains the felloWitr stracttons: , , Th Corps and District Coasaaaderr will, u , as practicable send to a a ah conn tj mader ikrn , riedictioa a discreet officer, with a fieitf-' to organize a snail company time mjp We: loyal citizens to serve as a locvl potit uatil farther orders. As far as. neetttary ti paaies soorgaaiaed will bo famished w,ith' eitar arms sad aamnaition, bat will receiva ae eo sation for their services. - "All the members will be required to takt tk uk of allegiance to the Government of tb Statei, and an oath tn pr f serve the peace, ptn. crime, and arret criminaU as far as pruu. within their conaty, and to obey all lswfl 0Kn of the United States Military satheritiec. Criminals arrested by the. police coMpiii : be tent to the nearest military pot for tri i. Military Commij'sion. A fall' staUnifat of crime and the names of witnesses mmst be sect the pruoaers in each case. ' . .To carry out these orders, an officer from tv Hesdqhatters will be at Eliza hethtown on Uoti May 15th to meet toch citizeni of Bladea eoun desfre to organise the company referred to. J will be happy to confer with them npon anj aaitv, of common interest. All citizens are requested to give this not.c, wide a circulation as possible- By order of Brig. Gen it aw let-. E. LEWIS MOORE, I Capt. A A. A. Ctk May 13th, 1865; - ! ' i j , .- Head! Q'hs DisTaicT or Wilki.votg?, 'Wilmington, N.:C., May 9th, 1BC5. Inobe'ience t orders from department head.; ters the following notice is : published : . Head Q'ri Division r thi Jamii ; v May 8h, 18CL 25000 Reward. Bv order of the ecrt'. of War, a reward o Twenty-Five Thonrand Doll: i berebv offered for the arrefi and deliver f: trial of William Smith, rebul Uorernor of VirpitJ H. V . llAtLECK, Major Uenersl ComM c, , All officers and soldiers will give cireuUt.ot the above and consider memeeirea nnaer otavi A effect the arrest referred to, if possible. By order'ibf Brigadier General JIhyirt E. LEWIS MOORE, Capt. andA. A. G j'HEADQAftTKBB DlHTKICT Or WimiKOTO. 1 t WUmJnton, V. (7., May 5th, 1W6 Notice is hereby given that after date all pew. using gas will be expected to settle thair cwt J connts with the gas cbmpsaj. No bills for gas, Incurred after this date, will J paid by the military authorities. By order af Brigadier General Hawlbt. EJLBW13 MOOBE, Cspt aad i. i. U. Restaurant and Billiard Saloon. No. 40 North Water Street. HAVING th roughly repaired and. fitt( d up the old stand formerly occupied br D. J. Gilbert, prepared t accommodate at all honrs, und re spectfuHy solicit a s re of patronage from the citi tens of Wilmington and visitors generally. No pains Will be spre ; to please the most f studi ous, .while my Billiard Tables are surpassed by none in the city. J, h. FAY, 63-2t . ' Proprietor. STOLEN OR 8TBAYED. A BLACK, and tan Dog Pup, aout two months old, a brown mark over each eye, and brown feet. A lioeral reward will bepaid to any person bringing it to the Theatre. W. F. OORB&TT, May I218C5. V 61 tf SOTICE 'NOTICE ! ! fl HE; undersigned is nw prepared to make and J repair ' arriages, Buggies, and all kinds of ve hice8 ; also painting and trimming done with neat ness and in the best stjle. My shop is on the corner of Red Cross and Second streets, opposite Mr Hen ry Nutt's residence, where I tan be found at all times. Give me a call. ' JAMES IiOWRY Msyl2th,i;865; f :61-fii 10 SENT, a house near the business part of the town Apply,at tbis offioei, wv - ( 62-2t ICE "OIIEASJ! IiCVBsJL!.'' AT bo foand at all times at BAILEY'S TA URAJIT', Private ; rooms for Lad is lies Tarnished at reasonable rates. ' ' Anril 22? ' .vn - 45-tf -' r , - HtADQWARTKES DlST. or WlLMINCTOV , J WUmington, April 28th, 1865. j Special Oaoiss, No. 42. s I (extsact) . . j - IT. All c.nrmunicatk n between the lereril Pr. of this district, and the setileraents or nejroti Fort Anderson,' and its vicinitr, is hereby pwti tad, excep it by special permission from theicHci: quarters i By order of Brig. Gen. Bawlet : , E. LEWIS MOORE, CspU 4 A. i. Gtr i FamD fflHE snbscribr- Tstfally anw ' X wfll reopen the; City (formerly Carolina) Ho tel, to-morrojr. ( TTednesdsy) 10thjnst. lor itbe.re, eeption anu accommopatioa of the public. Patronage-solicited, No ebrts pred to make gneals-, oomforUble. . Charges mOderaU for th tisats. WilaUgton, May Sth, m5. Mn$. . Headq'ss Post of Wiljii!to. U Wilmineton. N. C, Mar 3d, m. , . Gtneral Order No. IQ.l. The Brevet Brifti General, commanding poal of Wilmirgtoaianoi cet the following chancres in hiaetan: 1st Lieutenant and Adjutant -John Greet, Ttk 5e Hampshire Volunteers, A. A. A. tr. ano ron - tanlyice Lieut F. F. Huntington, a?gigsi tot as A. A. I. G. and Post Inspector. 1st Lieutonaat F F. Huntington, 15 K Heav ArtiUery, A. I. G. and Poitaipf vice Capt James Bil Caryl, relieved. 2na Lieutenant Albert Foster, Utb Kew I' Heavy Artillery, A. A. D.. C. They will be obeyed and reepect'd aceorc-ty By order of Brevet Bri . Gen. Jos. C'. Abbot j ; ..0H' GREEN. 1st Lieutenant and Aat'g As-'t Gekr- HsadQuartkrs I'i3TJticr or N i.yix'? ' Wi mington, A. C, Aprii'llUi. 1 General Ord Xo. l.Stwul . AtV'y Unt superintenident of frecdmen for the d.:-'- WUmingtOn, will have the general aoperv. a iA nn,ni;'nn i f the district, dLnrtf them upon auoecupied lands, sopplying thefiefl with rations and clothing and farming iF--aad endeavoring to cace all to lead indoitr- -' Mr. Ashley if 'so' appointed cPeriflt. colored schools. All perna coming w -to preach, teaclforin say way labor for t- will report to tim. All supplies of bookior 'M ntfiar artlales intended for the colore! pie will be reported to him. If possible the 'rj directions of donors wll be respected, ooi the fall benefit :pf benovolent effort it ble that tome systenv be 'observed, j The Miller, Holmes, HiU and Taylor on the Cape Fear, river, near fort Anders, apart for the use ot rreeamen, aim w- i refneecolored people. ' . E. LKWIS MOORE, Capt.AA- . TOB BEiW. j rinii Hoase ever the Store occupies w f i L icriber on U-e ortn-eaf w. - Secpad strwt, to jeat an ui . J.yQfa Apprcca . " r. ! MaflWh,. i.

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