.ij.. ; v - ' . . . , - -r . . i. ' - i "" ! 1 . . ' I 1" , - km'., ; r ! 1 " ,1 J ..v -J; .1- cur in; r r J I VOLt XO. 73 WJ3IKGT0X, If. c FBHiYi aOITSnKG, - MAY- 20, t8G5. If PBICE KLlf CEXTS 7 : THE IltR AID OF THE UXIOT." ! d bem 7V cf the 4th . inst ; in u "in r ?r t ' 1 t ! J 'i I f-- ;tt - -. " publish n K3T c jch cba S:JUtditf4Sci5it-?i !7 WILMI.VGTOX. y C A L INTE LMCENCB. MAY 20 . . ... . : . 7 ik.-ikci rr. T 3 ittU(i-a of Jesse La sail rr. n 1 fj.Sn n 1 Kfct i. . - I1? A Uemarlcablc tUamK f firca t f n iuu i I n run mtioa o... t. r . - r" ? ... - . -- -...-.. .lt viii" ' - iJi .:s: -.1 Arm: inn i'v . v .. . frASi-f.-Watt.;t no aa of du.v fL ' 't 5Jr- u we -Jen,, tuid&ia "roluUon villi.-, a rciwA,;. s , t-;,w r .iJV r t.f ? ?, .t?- 5 1 " ' ";r V a .I -tn"m-Mvorkf rhich be i -P? A0?re is no rood reason whv If. v.ZL :A . . ; ir.M. to t pa i at in puco of pertain, aod stared back. ftun -r taia .oi?nd a pr2iiura. The only er, : nlV CVC 5urn iSffrtlMtrtcatr. wheu the psrsoz to whom the letter IT' h -uu ancTfihot Uir.c T be cnprtal deprciaSi f grccnbuJks wc "i ' hWr 3 fl TiJ!I:,M i . a . . v r A3 i m f t - ' i . Lilt, . rM 'i I f ' v. . v i t t.: f ' i trm 1 1 tjoct i - j utk iy 'iw.tvt v ' tunii - fi,.M,l,., .... ....i j-v r - j- sldrci3?d for the lcttcf. a ... Jfc . t . ,r . r y iiic villi w,-jM, iiruii a una jUttSiL leu, ami he was a DnsontT or rf... u irn T.iE Mails. :vlii f.rrw lorK. per steamer Vcstcrifiv, wlita" Oiir iotirniaxit lft ' ti.-J F.:rr,.e. will cloe t.j-cy 1? U. ler lJ-mptJvarrcs' of hhoutin, in that neigb- havo been threar 't V. I ... j i. r f- J MW 7 " John Eice, at 9 A. ir. X bcre will hcreficr te a' dtiljr rcail between !?cwtern ftud tfcls citv, hr railroad. Hails for Xfirrn will close &t '5 P. 3kl. Mail3 fron Xcw bern -111 be rcadj for deHrerv at 9 A. M. Wo m trfchoni later dae3 fron the North tn&n a u...?"iY. . k.T isM,,l,44ri " l'inS tit 19tb lust- the news or waicn was publi&Lct naa bis leer broken, Th&v were L-mnJnvVii m io our paper oi aucsutj. b ioo ttiiii great t v wt;ttJ itieir w.y-totLis spliiiera r.erisiicf? The Colon foreea under Gca. ITai c.. rpt , j -..vj, nmv.; win i ercriL'sr Iars have be. remold. OapIrtirtTir. f-r..f " Vrc' that it m'ightbp. indefinite! Vv protrnctetl. or tlu I the rio.uces of the Datiop'vrT.uld insuS.ricnt to rc par its heavy j2pi nditnres. ana ss. they clo tht of individuals, aud Vn , -x.. i ire in ivrfvivivn .v 1 esteiday noon s the 12:4a ' freight train ' POd vtitli the risks th-.y 'indar ; but the v can-! A 'I m 'jS ' ! Uas apving duTTly pa,t the mtch EneL' nmibtoin exorbitant and un astifiAWrSS.1' fSSS eff'lmi,n,,, tH j lor'3 Creek, one of thu bos a.ra irom some nn- As tbo ! projects -v auoccssf.il issue havol St LcefT,d them acrutn faccountab oacoident tipped, nd it beinS filled nghtcrW, and a3 the ability of the country to D. mndlrofl 'Ls f.f. V X I with ccioiod men. tbr made a rush, aua three lhr 1 tlae drafts of men and money necssa-f Gen S2o? my .6f theta naxaed Geo. Kennedy. Ilm WhitW. ry to cnu&h the rebellion S hiiii n,o" a wi. ivfo u:tEriT Gemonstratod. the nrem nm i I V o tin ( aimnst nomiml sum. I But the ime reasons which .-have mad. if. Interest to the next arrival as giving some further ItaporUat f&otg In. the hijtcry of the asaoaglaaUon Tea Lima List. The Hes of letters remain ing in the post offiee will fce found ia our columns t-day, Ihe steamer Euterpe, Capt. El&ridge, sails from hsr wharf thia afternoon at C o'cloch precise y. Faiae.ngra xauat b on bearfl, t. 5 o'clock. ' KeutiH Kiflerucn. The renawn ttUkjIi Kentucky jriflMnen have obtained for precision r.nd skill rn handling the riS Ia becoms world vride, and excited t e attcition and wonder of the warriors of other cations ' In battle they have etood as cool 'and collected, although the first, time- in action, a the oldest veterans in Europe ; pouring in their Jea lly fire, with unerring am. ' 1 shot that ofBrer,' exrlaimed a riSecaa, as heaiw an ofS-er fall at New Orleans-. I ahot Eim in the rij;ht eye,' replied the other nntzxzn. Aud I acat him io the left eye was the re pone. . : After the battle, itTva? found that an ofF.-r had Ueen shot in'borh eves. TnU unerring pre cision can onlj b obtains J by long practise and thorough drilling. At the firat aettlement cf the State, tbav were city to cblain their pay. cnnvel?ed t be constantly tin ier arms, as it were, in guard against the wild Indian ai.d inur- deroMS toiuuLaink. As the f..the so the child ru up. taught ir. ear.ist in aucy possible, to poie ihe rifie and direct its aim. As amniurii t.on vh not a' trays convnieat tr be bad, the faibtr woul l dole out to bis sn a ce tin xium ;;cr .,f c.rri'!- for his rifl, fur each of wlrch in i.ust hrii'o: ,ouic seme siit ol cams, or Ket a fhtko; for evi-ry missing shot. I was cant-erst rith inv . t la" :1 .V.i. 'l ana roacry vizs comtunted on the Washington rond a A.w xailes frora town upon the family ol a Mr. Gr?ce. Tbc partioulaia, as We gottuem are es follows : Two wbita men, recognised by Mrs. Grace aa a aan, a citizen) by the ..ntue of Wiseand one of ihe construction corps who has recently bought land and settled out in that neighbor hood, by the naae of JVim Mxrtun. acotiH a. nitd by two darkies, went to the htjue of I urace auer nignt ana on i. octin at the dooi, it wai opened by Grace's soa, aged about 10 years, when they bot bina through the hmza. killiag him . inuunly - They then proceeded .... ! . . .. to roo inaiscnmiHateiy, tnonej and evcrythxut; rise upon which thej could lay their L autre upn. The white men left in the direction ot Wash- ing'oaand the negroes for Nev? Berne. D" tectiv.s are in pursuit c and they may yet be oroogut to town. . ;. ore SftaVbtiijtC On Saturday night a c uple 'pf darkies fell upo'J a poor soidier sonjewhtre up tlie Trent road and after shooting bun, otl.erwij-e mal- I?0?1 5S? Ui -iPusMnaJlj make it fall to 100. The tjolvfency of th GU-verninentv and its Srri5le Murder and WUoiBnI Robbery J a"ty to wan-tain its credit ai c uadoubted. Oo Mndojr night aJioinble case ot murder I lts wrrenvy admirably serves all the require- t .P I.!. . . u ui aif sue commerce, and at the rate at, whithe Xsstional Loan U being taken, the whole National Debt can ha fumlctd lit months. nd specie payments resumed by the federal Treasury, if such a polky ahouH be ueemea aavisable. Ihere is plenty of told in the conntrr fin on- swer nil legitimate purpcsesihe amount be Jfg, it is suppaNodgreuter now than when th Var commenced. Cue of its most Important uaes, mat ol being equally current as a cirrcTc- tmg medium in all sections of the Union, is more . vwnvemo- tiy aided bv the new national etirren 1 'n noardlug it away in the hope of getting an exorbitant premium, or, m the fear of such disasters as would anake it the oaly raluabl money of the land, riow see the fallacy of the calculations, and will scon b- glad to rid themselves of a burdensome and inconvenient charce bv denoaitin it it. Knu putting it into general circulation. It is or 1G. is. irumarv rpioimr- rno.T,r.' yal btates on amount of the surrender . ;of Lee and the end of th rebeltiow. f. Mobile occupied hy .tlft Unioa force. General Stonetcaa Hccupres Salisbury, V. ; fter.a eri of viotorteg, to hnviu . , edvaaccd upoii that Stute fr?m tK Va?t emobnt.df zaiifar property captured . mth the t.wn. ! ' ' Asssiiiation of President Lincoln ly Joo. ' ; n ilkea, Booth, an jaetor, and attempted murder of Ab Seward, Secretary of State. Mr. Frederick So war-J badly injured jDeath of President Lincoln. The whole country in mourning. A Terr fco cmn day ." ridrew Johnson, Viee President, takes tho' oath prescribt-d by the constitution and becomes President pf the UniU States. he SagTetnoyed by General Andersons, .rom Fort Sumter itt IBal, boUtd by him on the same fort with appropriate cereac- 2ifcS. . i 15. t; "--w ruv,iu ius u-4raesc nours . Ol Rational credit, when prices were most in9aed L ft J . . . , - treated nim in a most shocking manner, lie ucrpea ior tne uovernment loan, paid in I is thought to Je in a very critical condition. ifM hut half of what their bonds in' bold wotrld f 19 Wed ¬ learn the name of tne offending- cJ or now. And those who oTera.t-H -finn.' i paitie. eially on the theory of NatiohaUuin have learn fid a new m-aiang of the legend that "the man recovered M the bite it w&s the dosf d- ec. I urn cy's War Press, tit tv.c vi c i.d.rhil s.'ii.'iof he Keutuckiu:, rr.atii tte toljcwiojr anecdote : vus i a in the wilds of Kentucky, rae ! r ' . John Minor Bott. Richca'Mi-f Ccnespondtcce ol ihe N. T. Tribv-e. Every one is anxiously awaiting the advent of the new btoie OoTt-rcment and the resump tion of law in the Old Dominion.' The hope is very genet ally expressed thut John Minor Bot 9 may be called upon to net in some capacity in establishing iht nnv status, ami hs once spurn ed and disre'rded counsel will, it w b eo very far toward harmon.ziug tl the peopb. The fact ' may not be gezieihllv who was rather good-looking, ouit dog . that An SnoeSk Arden of tike D.y. An Iowa papvr has the following story, which rccans tne ineiasms ot Tennyscn73 poem : "Thirty months ago, a German, living on White sireor ia Dubuque, Iowa,' volunteered with th? 26. Great fire irt New YorL Second great fire ia virroitaf Payne, the seppofled aoiiw 0" th3 attempt upon tha life cf Soaretr.ry Seward. .' - J Ueneral Sherman ccncludcfl a treaty vrith (neral Johnston, Tshieh i cot ratified. He is ordered to reiurae aofltllitl f. coce. . . : :' . ; " Funeral of ProsWent Licsola at WachW1 on. - . ( c The reward nor offered for the afreet nf Joba VV ilkes Booth, the murderer cf4 tVa Prasidnt, is .$150JU00. - . The remains f the Ltte pwsiccr art? ta' fcenfrom Washington ca their eayjfo SpriagSeld, IllmoiP where thty are t9 hs finally deposited, ' " Jiha Wilkes Booth, tha av -In : of Present & ahot aad If lUed by a party e C cavalry sent oat to to west; fcim. H,r- . ... - - &.ow wi u"iii jr , tuu 19 me war. w e ) - ujiv-v, 49 i&Ken. le leeimgs oi shall call him ix-hrr.idt for short. Ue left a wrf i uencr:u Jon laajjstnousf Known mat ALr. liotcs, over a jear JU;ocaa pre- very irual, and eh.ldksa Time roll l ,,. pated ur pubiica.ion a' book, reviewing the j Schmidt, says the Dubuque Times t went with i progress cf rebellion from 1S2, and embracing J his regiment to Vickabuig. There he was shot ho t an account of the di-bolieal scttcmes of intrigu one day, and was left lcr dead cn tho field nsta. ffcrre.in? in ih TTetV, 1 ... . ..v catiun taaot. - ' ! . . ' .- T?w bqiHr r.f the Rte?.cr Sultana ctpV e cn th Mlfs&lpni, c!ttir"th beat r.. Fifteea hundred reTen ,ee!3j; . - . r a; i :i:vl an or-norrunif yoi tuJvin- the P"ticiaBs, ooai aonii anu ouui, : me sa inte.iugence was sent to his wife by fcia ! rt rfea xrem wbsl pricona rrere hrfj. ..Mir.r -.-.tr of the tari er sc-tieis fo-'-u4s'uer'. 1 waited m tb great contest ju.st past. From c-ptain, anu . she immediately obtained the - as- 29 President: JohnPoh appoints Thurislay, 1? 5 b Iw.h. f t.nie It became nerevrv for mt mun-at.njs ol' 'tho chai act-r of tho worK it w j sistauoe of a lawyer, and seeured his back pav Je, as a day cfcatiooal fcozaiUatSoo and ro . ;ott davs ot a ic - tavern aid to wbPe ! 0MQ lch w iH Ett ou! l,,S-v and a widow's -peiion. She drew the latter STV ' a'v.v t: ilmluok my d n.Ld t hn J b,u -e v "hich ' s?,? artlo the t regularly, and.. with whathe esroed, madaged' ? dcTcred to icm the city PbHa- !,r w, r.f whrJh Utcrt 4T abin I civi,;--Q'A w yld' h b':tin as iU 1 ! t0 'ire months Ph?at. r . ' ti. ' 'f , ' i Unco The ktidbrd hid a littV in ',Vfrn dWJ rtT IrtanJ hvin-nnd tusungujaned pel- j troted the att-ntiori of ens Schor.es, a fer ! ' - r " ' " ' "; vean, ofsse," who coaipanietl me wi h h Wle iUt'ic nV The ibli'atJcn' of-tTse d' b' occupation. Ho- wooed and wen, and; for I TrW Ex.hi.B of t in ir.i alw.vs had extremllv gla LcL On one frrcd bT i?1 Bo! Lfae ? K'ira s,h P. Flon. They treremer- j The olio wing if extSSreora .iaiinn ih .npr,, , . . i war. and there c n i.ow be c .rehsoD wny it r;erl list summer. The eoure f true In mr, ! of th " - A-L I 111. Ilir IIP'I ceivmg h sqnirici . n very hi-rh branch f n tree, he up itii his rilie and tlzcd away and d- wn came the squirrel. The look cf dismay a-mi vhich he viewed the game, I hhall never fTjcet. Dropping I ho but: of his rifle on the jgrouud, he buret i a to tears. In the utmost sur prUeI inquire i whr. the matter was. He an . yjf ed . Jjddy'il lick me. Lu k yJi What for ?' - ; ! Brcaus I diuo? tdpi ia the Lead. I s bed aim. all I couMi?atthe dajpleas- uu xiius wvf. uu reiarcing to pc tavern 1 intkiceded for him all in my power to sate him ' fn.ni the hickory, but it was of no u3 ; ihap plieatiou tntwt hi m-tde, if oiily for example. -0, no, i.U.angr; if I let hiin off Iti&k a tndinjr rule of our itie. I Was never let ? And what wascood for me ia good &r him. Ife must boot right, or put up with what be gala. The hickory was appbed, but ao bones were brokeal Such; training aa that, which was uni versal in those parts, tells the crcret of Ken tucky rifle idVNUag. . , : VI;. ; I . i" fp?aktng j smo-trt with them until !a?t Sa tintay mominc, porter U the fint day of. the rial ef the avmhit when, jnst alter they had finished breakfast ' : . should bf tanner .'c'aved. And wlnle of the iMok. nn uic.de t ia connection; ' . I " . . J- will not be inappropriate: Mr. fecbmidt. the first htifband. "upeoed the I . "The Judrc Adrocafa ataied in Am nam ml. Prior to the secoud arrest Ot Mr, l. oy tr.e. r doorad vralked in I on that the reaaoa for the rule cicludinr rell authorities hi re. he had taken the- tore- . , -Here vca a fix Mrs -ori-r r-rt?j t..- ! nr.e- . . " V- . - . , . " , ...... -.wii irr j r -wwy v.- mq oicrf Auzmcsioa so ine xuoca Lm m the hands ot .a unionist 01 me city wen tarn a pale and tremoIcqL f o Sehad r. Schones j wliic tho cornmjsaiba tasitting, applied only offMUif r mirfnitrht his nriV8.te rflDerS. Wlta T.fio-i antf sfe fc Vari - anWiJ W-ULl -1 1 trKi.l. U . -.- iri-'i 1 .. . . w..fcfcwv " v . r;- -' . -- r. .fcjv- "- a 1 - sun ucsiraoie faov.o. oetM Cia e?erai mutcs oi suecc, Acnooes revived, aad boldly .-asked,' fVbat is to be done ?' ScJamidt ftsato at t xHit owes: self hurried away to prison. On the 4T S'A- sequent he was visited by a ofliQer of tffc pns ou, who desired tj know whttlrer hrhd con cealed any documents pievious to his, aiiri'St Mr. Belts a once nplied that ?e hd concealed one document which he hd no Uubt the au thorities rpuld like to peruse. Vhat is it ?" cagerlyqaerled ti.e officer ; "I must have it " t is," re urned Mr. li.. plcidiy, and pptakii'g slowly as be tooked the I'iScerfuU Ia Uia ejvi, vvUic and secret advocates,, Jk'ttrth and South, must pat &at.duyn ana tojd nis torr. He wes w amied. not evertly, near Vicksborg and taken pis oner" and the rebels carried bun tsw t with ,thtra . -From time to time he had been in Soithi era prisons, until three? Hecks kh.i wka he ws exenangej. lie came to ue as son as he oouid, and b&stenec! to' his bo'an- 'ir.M ceiyed no mthnatiph ,f hi wif' marriage un hi'h'e' eutered the bouse tlwt moinmjr. As he 1 ui orr. uar leeimrs ort-rcame hixa Vie dttys'f 1 clhqvn ".- i1iere b it? we a.4 be wept, and se wep also: ; But It all havo it: -agiia exo.afmed th- omcer; m- ended in the. eeond . husba: d'a refusal to aWa ieny. i - oa may have the Ma. only .n the wife ur Jhe, we are informed nfoted tm ona.concuuoa. ana mat is, mi you o-m- 10 mw., express a pre ereace and 5. t!ie twd mea frota year masxer, JcfferECT. D-vi, a written, a- j might eettle Uie wer between- theoctTtx fidsTlt, duly aigned by tiimseltftthat be, will, on For lour o.h loth men k.pt ve- j cio-eto the Rnd z&niMT t9 ttWiaks4 wilhf ai altera 1 ilto oiQcalty m the, cutler eitddd oa iTedae eldei to the pablic He, however, thocckt th testimony hereafter introduced might be sivea te the public ?itbout any. imnronriAtv eajbarraEsmscttu tkt Gorrramsat. lit, taerr ford, Cagrsttedrtiiat the President f n UiU&iou k aathor.xed to grait perfsiia Ctr ihr adevission xA ancb proper jieraona . ffpexicra f the press and oihers a could b adaif ed toahe room without inconvenience to. th laiabirs of tne ccmaissin r j. -1 - 1 I-.- A TVarsnw UtUraUtea UiaitheGoTertoeat has prserfd the forest to be : eat -flown which frxieBkd akg . b whole length - of the lratier trosa Polygon. to TaurDggen, ia ardtr to drs troy the retreat of smugglers, who aek felageV in the wouda when purine by thr frontier guard. Tl0 trade in-iuafc-t kkprassia Uia -oooequeoce mot'act.Te tkc cleapnea of the' aitici hiring atuact Urge t;tr f ieal ) 1 . t