, ,uni . , ' r i i- ',' sis-- Jt-y -v i . -V mmMm ' 7vyr:-; y. y .i4;-';i;i.:ljf v rv. :f f .... - 1 ...i;.,4;.v:otfcL;.- 1809. . Accompaning the lollo wing Mcffage uom -., 3T. tifStnatt and thut tf. Rtfrtstntativtt "rV 1 ' ' t'f""' ; I communicata to Congrefs, certain let ''Jtffrs which pifled between thff Britifli fey 'leioetff of Awe Mr,,Caiitiimgi7ind,KMrfr ; Pinkoefi par miniftei: plenipotentiary it i Lpajon. i: When , docuaient .concerning the relion. hetween. the Ported J&atet ; ' , nd Great JBfitMrt.were laid t before .Con fprfa at the commencement of the feQion 'T thi? answer of Mf .Pwknef.'to the; letter. : pf Mr.CnVtrg,'had uoti bf eceid,: , and a commanicatiori pf the Jetter alone Vould hare accorded nei Aer with propri. rf, nor with the wilhea of, Mji Pjnknsjr irhen that srnfwer afterwards , arrived k - wa confidered that a what had oaffed in' A , OTtif4iIoa Jiad beenj,pfdea. byj'" written and. formal 'corn.rp0irte fubjeft,- th variance jinthfc' ftatetnenta of - what had Tcrbailj pflfcd wai not of fufli : " cUnt importance to be made the matter oi diftina and fpecial commanication. The . letter of Mr. Cinning, howcrer, having - laelf arrjeared in print,, unaccompanied bf that of Mr Pinkney in ren!Vi and ha. ' ting a tendency to make imptefltom not warranted by the ttatementa 01 wr. rw ney, it hat become proper that thf wiv!e (hould be brou aht into pufrlic view. ' f : TH"i JEFFRRSOtt. 'r- Jsnuarj 17. 1809.- , : ' 1 Mr, Pinintj It Me. MaJ'it ' London, StFTVMBaa. , IS08. . : CHeibHowiyi""Ca whichwai pubKOied in our iaft J.' V ., 4 1& I have thi! honor to ircknowjedgethe receipt of your aftfwef to tny:oflScial tote' of'th Sd of lift month," restive" to 'the Britirti order iii 'couhcil of Janriirr khel dremlier. 1 80? $ toje'the with" a ftite ment of . ihe fubflince of what ha 9afV ied between us at 'ttuie Several ihferviewsV previous ro the preTentatibn of that note. I fliill lofe fro " time iiiT frarfmittin t6 my government copies of both thefe papers, upon the llt of which I will take the fi bf 1 tf. ih the coarfe of a few days, to trou ble you 'with fome bbfervations ." . vf '' 21 have the"ho'nor"to bt' " - --x- I ntir mrtlr aaIIam IimmUa UMtif Ihe right honorable WwKZ&y-s:-. r- Gwjy Canning gc tsV. . ' SIR, SIR, I ana now enabieO to rranlmit to you 1 ni,?ht. to m iuu. A(' ii..'ao AugutL let re- ""iTiis anfwer wis accompanied hy 'a rer, of which alio a copy ks inenftd. capitulating wiia' Mr.' Canning fuppofft to be ' the fubdinte of what hai palfed between us at our leverat nterietrs pre, vious to the prefentatioa of nir oJi:ui : hrtef .'., ; " ' k V ' ' To the accompinyinj pjper I think it fodifpehfable thit I rhould rrty wi hout - May, fupporti'i j with poiitenefi, but with fUmnefs - the fttements', which I have al ready hf the honor romake toyu. of the conver riions in qurflion, and corrediog fome errors upon points which Mr. Cn tu h t,houtht bt to introduce Into hit letter, but which 1' had tiot 'foppofed it ' oecruary to menibn b detail in my dif pitches. ' ? ' " " t I Qull ot detain Mr. At water with tiew to this reply but will rake cart to forward a copy of ii by an early convey net Mj orbcial note and the anfwtr n it being 'peffeOly eiplicif, Mr.' C ings mifapfrehenfini (for fuch they art) cf previous verbal Crmmoniciikmt, cn rcarccly bt vtty Important in a pub'ic view but it U, nevenhelf fa, of fomt con ttxptttt thit, wliitever nuy be the ob ' et his flatcment, I (hould not make my Wf party to Us ioaccur acL-a, by t vf n tacit admiflion ef ihem. " " -j- I do not perceive that a formal re pit to the more e&cial piper can no bt ol any dvtrttart but I Dull probtbly tike occi Con to combine with my reply f tJie one pjpet fome obfrrvariont ittn iht other. I regret tltrtmlv that tht vew which ' 1 luvt been toftrorfeJ to lay before that Ertmment have not btrt met bf it as I i U fir been led to tip ft ' Ihe em' lurt Cant flit, however, to pHct In a fironf light the jail and iibfral fentimenti by wKch our govtmmert Is smma'td, tni In other trfprfls tob offttl and honorif b td our country. ' - I havt tht bonor to br, - -Vi-iih tht b?r,tft con6drrtW - ' Sir, ' Tcnr mo tbHt, httnMt frm nt, LOMDOH, OoroBsk 11,' 1803. I hare thr honor to Wranfmlr mcWt-A J a copy of mv reply ro Mr. Canning's let ter to me or the aid "of laft -momh .' compariying hi official anfwer of the fame utc iu nj iroie 01 ne xaa ot rtuguii, 4 I have the honor to be, ' :v'' I '.''With the higheft confideration, ,y- v-'-: Sir- -:.-;. -',..: ,t ; Tour moll obedient, humble femnr, SitiuJI ' ATll.T.tAM PlMICSIiry' U IhibtHoraiU JamrtAloiuttHtje &f4 VfHKAT CUMDEltAKO FLACK. ' Odokr 10, 1808. u; PfR, s - " ...'- ' . 1.' . If my reptjf to the? letf er, which yoo did me the honor to addrefs to me on tht 'lU of laft rrinih,: Ihnuld 1 bo of greater length than the occafion may be thought to icauire vou Will I am lure imoute'it to iti real oufe, an ttrneft dere on ' my put aniir trom a looting 01 Imcerl rel ped fot yoo, that tht llatement, which I an to give of fdl deemed by you to be important, (hall be fu'l as well as accurate. I will not fjiigue you Or, with afturm ces that no perfon rould bt left difagfed than" 1 am to HnJ fault with the obJeU of your letter which appears to be to guard againlt all rtufreprefen atiort of what has pafled in our la'e rctmiews beyond what you find recorded h my note " Toy have told ntthat I h4ve, perfontlly, no coi cera In that obje&,' nd 1 did not retja rt to be told that my government hat as lit tl lundetfland, indeed,' that tht or cumltance, whkh hat fgg e(lrd a pecuiiar motive for this proceed m;;, wa ont of thote newipapt mifrcprtlrmarions, which tvrry day produces where tht prefs b free, which find no credit and beget no confe quenct, an far whkh it is greatly to be feared t tor expedient wil provide no rt mtdy Of my condoft, when that circum Oanct oeuire!,-ta giving you unfolicited proofs that I hvl traafmitted to Mr srcrr ti'y Mad if on, a faithful report of our con fertnees, midden by public rumour or ptiv Ve conjfdure. h i not neceffary jt mt to fpeak for you hart jourfclf done jufticttoit ' - fht motive, to which I lot ipdetrtd for tht honour of your fetter, appeati 10 have bem inftruontntal in producing 100 ther i ff-deqaally uneurpilob't Du jrmf w'nl allow tnt to fay lAaf, tjmtl iht rt, elptof tht lettf,l bid not been sppti d, by tht fl ghteft in-imadon, that It w. in any degrnowifg ro ftch t caoft that you detltned on tht pan of hit maje4y' covrnajnr'J. afier two toftftrmtea in r 1 . . . t , , , . . ged,'to unfoh . as well, at ofEciall. at rrt fenclh and with perfeft, franknefs, , to give an anfwer to 7. bal overture. .:?-vV:-.-At ourfirfl interview (on the 29rbof j unej yeroai . commun ca ion wai r not Jifcountenanced, but commended, v. Fori after ( had, made myfc if underftood as to the purpolefor, whlcV the interview 4iad been requetted you aiky me if! I thought pf faking a more formal,, courfej; but im mediately, added, that' yon prefumed 1 did not, for that tht Oourfe bad adopted was wtjfuited to the occafion . My reply wai in fubltanCBi that the freedom of miner. fation was lictter adapted to our fubjeft, ana more likely to condud Us to an ad rantageous coOcluGon, than the coniraint and fmality of written intercourfe ; and that 1 had hot intended to prcfent a note. Af the fecond interview (ort the 224 of July) it did not occur to me; that had any reafon ro.. conclude, and certainly 1 dM not concjovtlut feroartammubic tion hid not continued to acceptahit as a oreparatory courfe and it was not un til the third interview (on the 23th of Ju lyj that' if was; rejected as ' inadmiflible. But, even then I was not told, and had not the fnialleft tufpicion, that thit tejec tibn was to be afcribed either .wholly of partially, to the motive which your letter has Cnce announced to mei That this motive had, neverthelets, all the influence now impiitetlo it 1 4m entirely confident 1 and 1 take notice of it only "becaufe, n I have not mentidhed it to mv Vornmnr in my official account of our conferences, 1 can no otherwife juftif y the omiflion,t iw ,i ui iv jwu, wan oj uiewirg that 1 had, in truth, no knowledge of tht fad, when that a-count. waa tranfmitted. . I may take occafion to' frt forth in tht present letter the inn pott of all that can be 'awstivi wmr&t wrir i am- mntniniw m cording b my recolleclion of them but thert are lomt points to which I ought to pay a more particular attention, becauft you hitf 'tliought them entitled to it a! , though. I IhouU inyfelf, perhapi, have been inclined to think that they had loft much of their importance by the prefentation of my note and tht receipt, ot your written anfwer, both of which art perfectly Intel ligible, upon ihefe points at leaft, with out the aid of tht conferences that pre ceeded th;m, , . " ' , You Obferve, that "the principal point, In which the fuggeftions, . brought for. ' watd by me in jvrfpnal conference, ap prr 10 you to hart' difered in fume M degree from the propofal ftated by mt In riting, are two: the fiift, that la ' C0nterf4tion the'propoW itfell was not diftihdiy ftited as an overture author Mteit'by my government i iht frcond, that the bfnefkial confeqoencet, likely to tefult to this country fiom tht ae' wcep:anc cf that propofal,' wert pur- faed' througH .mote amnio illuHra' Mian , . With frpri to iht Cift'of theft frfppoj fed d.lTrtencei; 1 feel perWed, fir, tbtu upoa larthc; recolleQiurOt wUI occur 10 yMt that at ourfirft cWerence, I rold you tvp iciily that tht fubOanct of what I then fuggefled that it to fay. that your or!m king repeal at to ut, wt weu'4 fuf(nd tht Emir go tt i Great Btitaiv wat from tey govrrnmcnt 1 but that iht mantiet of Conducing aD4 itloOra-ingiJ fubjed upon whkh I had no pt0 or deta, wai my ,own I evm repeafed to you the words of my inaruaiona, trM. -wettujwn my memory! tni I dij not underfland. enbrf tfenoe afierwards, tbtt there was any doubt aa to ibeir ttiaenct of then' fuflkJenty.olf spy drfirt lo have amnrttiad and forma) con raualcttioa of them whi?t thtr-fuft ofOaf difcuflinri Was diftint sn4 UrXtrlalu I f4ld grif cvl. tdly that 1 had ben dir-fttJ to tvquirt th levocation of iW nru.Oi trd-M in t: unc i t tuf I kid alfo iha, i.h"c-h ft 5ti&-t vf U Ut.iud.CTain finten .? !g il' . j "i , i 1 hi mi 11 1$ T4jar-:.' r-- poled itfelf.to be aurhoiized to'eaped ikei4 ' ; repeal ipon te ground of right at it ea' '- iftedrom-;the firft '(a.ubjed, 'however, which I am informed you adid not with ' at that time to; agitate) I ; wanotwith. " ftandirg, ympowereif. to. grU yoi the a. ' bove mentioned affuirancM,, which Would. 1 as 1 prefumed, hold 'out JnducenYenta. to Great Britain, as well asori jthe fcort of "policy as' on that of i'ulGcc to fulfil; rha fni ezpedaUpn. . fhould fcarcely : have un' ; ; dertaken to ofler .fuch affurancei aa front " myfejf, or , upon my,'own .;convidiorf' ,Jiat the prefident would- ad in cunformO ty -with them. X And I mould ftilf left jf 'J. that were poffible) have ventuf ed to ilk of you that you would make themj' in that' : tormj &e fubjed of repeated conferences,' and even of reference to others, as placing tht qiieftion of a recall or continuance of -the orders in council upon new grounds of; ' prudence and equity t1 y 1 , '. I If it la mereiT intenAA . t J' IT Is) to fav that 1 did not mat' rAm Clare my intention to make, my oyertiire in siting, before I had endeavoured io preI v Dare for it. b Detfoiial mljnari"An. " . , B r f.-.rvn, ,jyui a reception as I felt it defer ved, ' and be- ; iotc a couia aicertain wnn Ihape it would, be mod proper to give to it cr how it . would be met by this" , government, ) no. ! thing can be more Corrcd 1, 4 V, - '. . It was my fincere wifli jha( m'y jjropo.", fal, which I believed to be adrantagebua to Great Britain, as well as honorable to'tho Uni'ed States, Diould be, accepted t and, ; , accoriinglr, I preferred a mode of. pro ceediflg, which, while it was calcula ed to' avoid unprofitablt difcuOiori upon top :ca of fdme delicacy and great dilGculty', would ' furnifh opportunities for .frank & friendly' communication upon all thebearingsoF my ' pVopofal, and lead, to the refu.t at wh'chl ' aimed, if that refutt (hould be pradicabk aftrr a liberal interchange of feotime'nW fhould be found' to be aioft, for :be'lo-"' nor of our rtfpedive governments, 'liefe' , riews wett laid before you without re let ve, r & feemed be to approved, and I confefa to ' rbo, fir, that when was afrcwafls id. , formed that, if I wou'd obtnn aq , anfwer to my overture, I muft make It in wnrinir, ' and that 1 mull not look for soy preViouY intimation ot the nature of that anfwrt, I did nor allow rnyfell any fonder to annc4. paft With much confidence fuch an ULa' as I defirrd.' ' , ' ;'i.e fecorid dilterroce, which yout let' ter fuppofrs to eaift beMreen my nore'and tttbal fuggeftiona, cannot I think' ;in any' view, bt very material; 1 wul.' Oy forne. thing upon it, however.;'. . . . , "Mr noe declares' iha-'If t fy'i. .1 rurf ue certain ideal thtoug't all the diuftra 06.4 of whkh they are futcept'ible, it is becauft our petfonal conlrrfrtcet.at well tnw wiitk'm, pt'uir 01 int ideas them felret, tender" it 'unnectflary. rh ! tit , undoubtedly, that more had hen laid in our confttencta. iin'imv.. e - I M , Ul thoft ideas, than ta to ht found in tbt TuJt Iff.tl 1 mnA 1 1. ...... . - . ('vaiiuii can fcirci'y bt c her !ft than nue, 1 1 m patiaied fargei aiyou verjr jyfty (tJ j - Bpww uw cvDirqocnces of a laipm.. lion of the embargo t to -Ctiat Britain, while it ftil! rthihcd to bt t f-. tui a ' gainft PtAnct 1 Tht tvneral Ma. to WitVti.VJL'.Ji refers ii, that Juflke snd in'trfS conpl. acranme ci try troporal. H, partus. 1st rcCticr-l ae. that if tour -r. ..a Oortmbirrn Cruy bt ttLiodcd In ih mimrr iiyg. iicfl. ter tirmtrrjl irt. Ctfbtf. uld tt )mmtdia-t:T ut;fC( . (hat if n,nct followed youi eaimr. an 1 retained her tfecttrt, tbt avowed rut po' of je or!rti wofiM H aComrhn.ed' 1 ah t if Franet rtfbffd Vn wuQt tht rrrrican enoargn, inuevlng tt to Jxr wtuldocciry th VU., 0 yint cruett tnd iwifrtm tVet; nCvct m hnr ,hm rt r v. t S 1 ",vi

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