' V " X'-'' TL Legr3atef J MiflSchufeltg'ai! oa -'. "T lflVJ f4l m . i V u ivvu cuutcuicu iu4i uuut in a intern replete wi:h genuine natrioitfm. r-Our li Jimits wih not permit us to prefent our ' bulwarks would be fluttered . to lomA. 1 hen mlotht their fragment! float by the jicenfes oiput eri. kemies. ibeh might ye Ongie- handed. merthecnfi and buffeting the ' 4eW truSion threatened from' the deep con u'ciwim tne c.ouds ahoy, which, in an. readers with, more of this raafteriy rC t7 &lifidrt,Tre ready " tdbrtal Wow formtncei than the following. wUti yjicjaiafted ,.aa 3l fpecimeCaT the j. who)et .. ;. .-, .."i.: -.. yv; lKIegaVntTfi'ui. incendiary in T jibel'bjiis puWfotionaoufd be thought b jr foniedaiigcroui to the liberty cf fpeecb tnriAir preft a"ttrong public opinion, (a wouiprf ro govemmenr, wwiid he. equally Vflkicjoufto its authorift and to-dilcouiw teiuncf m oppofer: .; Shall fucVaibe xvithhetd f Or rriuiV falfe views. mUftarii tnents and grodndlefs alarms, indicative of " itremrdiftruft and daijffer from the ft;. jprefeqtatives of ourown election, the Go ' vernrnent ef ouf own chokj hurry Tirtu pnaund well meaning men into aftg preg nane with: awful confequences Ir 19 faid meafae are nBneflarf;fuocrtniitutioiali oppr'sjllrve1 and tyrranmcal-1 ;'ls it ';e itain1 this ig correft l-Areirizerisw the (Iteetg; iti to meetings, An multitudinous afiem. bliesf citizens prefled ; with deep perfonal interefts and exctte'd from erroi.eous con.' eptioT8,r capable' of deciding on great - Cbmpbcated conditutional " que&ions i Hen -e bur peril. heme' diftratt ion 1 aud confufion in fociety. Hence encourages roenHto the 'enemy. -i Are fch cl ikens moreonhy ot confidence than their fu lers'fi' Are. the better inflrufted or.'do they poflefs higher means of information ? Ae our rulers bknded-by their interefts or imp alfioned byitheir bufferings ? fhey de cide againft their interefts, and their Iu (fen uigsitfein common wi htheh conlti'uent!. Are. they actuated by prejudice or ftimu ; lmtm.A k. (....-.. ' ' PL I - vj .inruiuicmi t ncj IMIC UO . thing perfonalJ Their infults and Injuries hire seen the infults and ir juries of their cpuntry - What then is to be done I States, ' tawis. and indwtdua s hare "their favori projects, rjie-union h?vei theirs? Thus J jvrt ig;c are we, with augmented relent men s, to lulh 'oetber in tuinous coliifi v oas ? Are -we wi h mutual hatred to rend afui !er the bands which hint united us ? ' To throw from our vitals the Uiield which proteds them ., : . 4 : ' A good government is Heaven's richeft girt.', Pift flea's will hewthe worth of ours V Calami'ies farmed and. h troduced our federal ; Confti'ution. Its 'adoption, the defired and lon fofpended hope of our citiaens was hailed and tru'y hailed, as the falrarioa of our country Experi ence has exalted its value, and difctofed more and more, its practical excellencies. Ir is worthy the wifom an J labours of its so hort, aod merits erery facrafice for iu prefer? it ion.. (Jar hiflory which preceded i:s a loprion furnifhti'xmpl-s, which are fraught with ad nnnitions. Our Govern, mmt was hombled and inefEcient. . Otr Union a thicad. .Our Commerce unrrgu. lated and unpro'edet'. Uur revenue no. thing. Our faith prrfidy, 0r e.tt bankroptcy,'and our privations the trtot of every thing. Individuals were embarraflcdi gri'vances complained of our rulers ceaw fared, town ana county , reloluiioM pub tidied, combiaitions formed, a non-com j w .i. 1 . - 1 t iktcnt oppofed, property fold tat one third its value, lender laws made, the iofdveot smprifoned and ourcouttiof judice dop , ped Bat Government mad then be fop potted and its laws be refpeQed. Troops were detached, armed men pa ro td uur ftreets, snd we faw them with a j-y b fptred by the idea of prote&ioa and fees, ri'j, from the exco wn of the law aod the energits of lis officers. Is the prevnu tatire sgainft all there and worfe calami;ies o. w to be aVtfuloned, snd thefe ami worfe ones to be iavoktd to affl.ft s ? ShooMthe oonheiv the middle or the foithtm Stites, fhrtald Virginia, or could M uachefvtts, eny of lur towns or chr- A.tf truifnrM la Conrrf. m l . ww.-r . ill'. , by vppoGiion or a cotivejfed Sate of things force iheiradop'ion thoa In Iced, would one AatthveoUtainfd sdtfaftrausniairph o -rtbe U. S'aus. Then we lhoU have c rHTti the Union -then fho-ald wt h ie profits ted v Gatetnmeot, snd hire t amplrd uo4rr our iti the lad fcfetre of rtitiotul power. Could the oppofi-ioa nm all. s rirt ttwttt (be who v our r'vhi a i ior ftTrrb would be festmd to ibe beadi But this can never "be. Societ't is yet: ftrbhg Americans, virtaous and enlightened Americans, fteady " and deter.' mined, will continue 'their C onfidence in their eflTorts.? ; They will rally around the' national Coruitution.c vernment, and fhould it be driven to the edge of the precipice, keep thein bold in the extremity of its exit, ani fink with it' into.the awful abyls rv:; 1 Th.e importance, &' the interefting & perilouB nature of the crifis, has cohipslled me, thus Idng, to dwell upon it, and to hope from thewifdom of 6ur legifliture, fbvne reconciling .expedient, to quiet the agifated minds of our citizens. . I h ittheadeathat there are no dangers; thit i can be faid, thus far fhall the incite ment come, & nofarther and here fhaUits effects be ftayed ? Let us not be deceived, This is the prerogative of God alone '- Are, we ripe, are we prepared to proclaim to i fuffering and an enflived world, that uti : happy man ha made his lad difpanng ef fort for the fupport of a free government that the molt Dromifinpexnerimemha- fa foon failed ? that libetty, the (egitimaiel! offspring of law the favourite child of go., vernment, has been exoeUed its honednr t. tLinz p ace, drivei! from itslail re reat, & : meaJikepsirofts, who perhaps eat:ainei an awacataeat tor me commodore a aa officer." .. ' j '.1 " ; -: : i -.'.,;.,- , - :tf-The commodcre fuffer ed himfelf b .be pUced In &e chair; , in the manner here refvTibed . arid fjut of the perfons who furroundei hi-ti weref about to Ipeak, wien the citizens began to throng into the pUce of meetiiigc K hrvVji-.Vi v 'Tne occupation of the'chiir before the oenod "advertifed. ixcitrA ferm irit j the perfons who 1iad occupied K. t .' ... . L . - ;' mv puic, aiuuuuiuig 10 aoout 9 to .endeavored to prevent any accefs of other citizens 1 and much info'ent abufe was lavished by perfons in this jgroupe, on the citizens who had juft arrived - the pref. fiire from the putfide .became Very great, and it reusable' and thofe who had raken poflelBan of the platform, found ir i-rtnnf fible toTentjin nrewardi of ten thonfand ucitizens nia entered in urge malles, at a -Huiucr Deiore cieycn anathe groupe found a retreat their only refource they however determined to deitroy the 'chair afid platform, when l a momentary cpoflid took olace-1 fome broken heads were, re ceived, & much worfe mud have followed, hadirnot been for the timely interpofition of captain Jones and foiie other citizens, who affoj-ded the difffiaid an oppouunity of retiring under fbowers of fnow balls and fhouts of derifwn they then fof ned their littlt group in front of1 the State Houfe.'and after givinir Phin RnnJ ki. Britannic maj? fty sconiul,TtiRKr.CHBEas! '4k t J " J ." MMBrii.nBM!. letired to their head quarters, the Briti i lofit Hout, where it is 'pre timed they ft, I ... . . - 1 . . - - W - f - V. . . V W 1 u.uicru me wunu i van we nor win wua "in mue men reioiutions as It tney had maenanimous oatience. and endure mm tions a few motuhs longer, and give to go vernment faii", unimpeded experiment of their meaiurt , on foreign nations i Will Dot the evils and the objections from exifting meafures lie as ftrong againft non intercourfe, war, or any o'her arrangement for na ional defence ? Are we ready to fiirrender all, to export our government !with our produce, and to import foreign Jefpo ifm with foreign goods i The, far. jmer's merchandize and his fhips" are in ;theconnrty. Mine are there,' and I fhould rather fink them than government fhould , belunk- w uhout government they are not mine : nor family nor perfonal protection, 'nor the opportunity of future acqutfltioos, iof future happinefs" . . , ; Frm tbt AtHtOMM. -,,. "T " . ' '.: . ; PHILADELPHIA CITY ANDCQUN ', ' - TT MEETING' - Teflerday being appointed by a call up on the friends of the union, independence and commerce, for meeting at the State Houfe, to take place at eleven o'clock, the citizens of the various djfhi&s of the Northern and Southern Liberties, and "of the fourteen wards of die city, affembled about 10 o'clock, at their relpeclive dif t lets, in order to reach the place of afleov b!y at the hour publicly notified. ' A platform aod chairs, for the accom modation of the citizens who fhodld b rU led to prefide and to act as fecretirv, and iut iulu luiiciia miui iiun( or to ad. drefs the meeting, had been prepared by a fe'eft committee "of the feveral dutritls. At ten o'clock, an hour before the pe riod appointed for taking the ch tir a num. ber of tet loos, com oof cd of men hofti! m the peace and the principles of the govern mmt, lome tew lawyers, Kobtrt Vfhu ton, the late mayor of this city, and per fons of ibis all. entered the S ate Houfe Yard, and in a quarter of 'aa boar after, placed ihemfclves on the platform and were in the aft of proceeding to read cer fai.i refolations or fame fucb muttr. mU j - w W w the fit ft boJr of the citizens, from tk lower part of the city and Sou.hwatk rcacnea ine place 01 mtetuir . r .1 i 1. . iiofnrrit was imcaaea to Prod act a riot bf this uaworthv trick, or thai it etpe:ted 10 impofe oon the public by fuch furrrptuiout proceeding, is oeiiher impmanttoafur aia, nor atahe maitet termunieti, of any other confequence than as it gvs So ahibit in ftrotigvr colota the unpnnctcd flly or depmliy ol thofe who wne cceriel , , A hod f vl failors wis calUJ upon the preceding rvtoing, sndcommodoif Trg ton wis fetKled to be ma!e the InArunvnt of this unwof 'by proce?din " Among the, flste l et of this feiilioos rroanp. . rrtfat formerly' a roidthlpman, recentl I'rrrb would be festerrd to ibe ' mfai fomierlt' a mlUm .. wrtdt Al ns'hn we fbottlf oen'b as dXnlTeJ for miLnri.T.rM (rnm .K. if frrt aca bt loft. Our paladiom, our aik butti tu; .mi a suo-.Ut ol other Ui Hood their pn-nnd 'A: "A few minuses before 1 1 o'ciockcapt' W.".M J iWM was called to the chair,' ond B:o; Robert. M Mytus appoin ed Seaetafy by the unani nous voice of tIGH TEEV; THOUSAND ct zens V who were there affembled Order and filence immediately prevai d. .The chair tnan addrefled the people in. his ufual en ergetic, and impreffive ftyle -and was followed by Mr Dallas, who went into a verv lengthy examination 7f the topics which tiowaguate the nation-hut it wm hot .poffible to hear, from the immen e boiy of people ihat we're' arranged between the centre and the place at which we flood.". k After a number of patriotjlL re.tblu ions were pauea, general darkei, the mayor ot ibis citv delivered ' a very, popular and pointed IpeeCn"7"WBlcti TnwB our uia. we could not well h.-ar, we onderfland he narrated the conduct ot Timothy Pickering, in the afe of feveral American citizens, who were detained and prefled bo board a Bririfh floop of war, at Phila lelphia harf, , when Pickering was Secretary of State. The cafe we reco' e(X well, and thofe who were near enoo rh to hear Mr. B.uker's ftatemenr, expr.ffd their execration of Pickering, in terms and rones, that rerer berated to the adjacent ftreets.' . . After the ftveral fpeakers had clofeJ, .Mr. J. Leib moved, that as a grofs mifre prefentation, u to the nambers of the people had been fptead abroad, that the citizens prefent, match in proosflbn down Chefnat (beet through Second inro Dock, (bv the Bntifb Coff e Houfe,) and there difperfe. The motion was carried with an unirerfal fhout. an j the meeting was immediately clofed the citizens in ai immrnfeco:amn,of boat 8,000 perfons, proceeded in the direction propofedi 'and ta Dock Street, jhe citizens from the northern and fouthera diftncti, fepara.ed for their refpective homes, ia different bodies ' - . HOUSE OFREPRBSBKTJTirES. REPEAL OF THEE.M lARGO,&c. Mr. XVR. Williams noved that tht Houfe at 4in refolre kfrlf into a mmm!nu of the whote'oo Mr. Nich lUs'a rrfolntwn Mf ireap mored to p npone the fr ther confidrr tioa of the f jS-ett inJenni t. ly. CThe mvlon was ua Icrftood to M template puitlrj the fubjtfi tompJ'ettiy atttft. Mr. Troup's tnoiioa war ncva rived, by teas snd Kay,, 93 t t , j the Houfe re folved Itfcif into a tomoTniee of the who'v on the fubjeiV The qurS'ioa being now a ,i t Waak lathe rtfolurtoa for rrpJ,rt! eWarvl bltri $f mwau, sni rtft 'utl with the ftmth Ly tf ti - Mr. MrfeJv ftvoke a f m' withlm dayt wa taka . aoi CtrrwJ Ayes 70.; 1 1 ' yTifh hca bn9ttt to be patii on thai claaTe of fche.rfo4.eiMi contesinla ting the MPatL eF:rda"MBiacU' " a r 1.1.1 i 4 ' and a half in favour of it,.:V- - .. ' ml .. .v . (! . ' . . -- . i . i t ticii me qur.iion, was racen on that : ITie queilionbeing" ttatel ot the feconi '; .. w . iiw uw pai( : -which relates to iflumg lettert of marque'; "-" and reprifal . y , . Mr.. Jlandolnh mnved tA (rriV t t.u r a. ur.i..: . j i" . j. . . , n ito rctmaiion, ana mien alter tne .. word? iMnlgt th aint timt itewot0lA - autmrut tin mfcbvtt vittHt of IIh XT. .... Stattt tvnti vibolljb) tttimiofjb0 jJnUe&?J -rStatefto arm and dtfmi agdimt aay'erhtit:'i:-'i vttlii tYttinf'utStr. iti British VmH T - fl'gio ioTtr as tbir ordirt oi dtertf the alternatives Drsfenwd a th ifii-'l..,': pi the committee bf this motion ;;.for , a ' inendmehti moved thatjthemimmitteenowi. rife to igive time for mature telibcratioa-i i 'Agreed to without debate. ,. . ; -ry t -tf '.f." ,, i.,t cj.rv' ' J 1 . , FeVaf.r . -1. i .t- l: ? REPE AL OF THE EM rah rcr ' i , The .'Houfe.agjia refoived itteif into a committee ot the whole on Mr. Nicholas' ; , reto utton 'i v j , t '(-,. : . 4 FTh qaeftion pending .fcirg' oo M Randolph!s motion .to amend nidhyct I MefliM Key arid jMilnot fupported i ; ! Aqd Mr D R. Wiliiamr oppofed it. " And the committe rof.withrur . Am-rt- dine die auefticn and obtained - : s C Monday j February & Pi.' .4' , ' REPEAL OF. THE EMBARGO,'1 &v I The following reioiutions wereoi&red -by Mr. Darell on Saturday, and referred '? to the committee of the whole on 'jMeJj'.' ' Nicholas's refolutioa i 1 ! ? i Jittolwd, That the United States wilf' : conGderi any capture and condemnation of ' merchant,. veflels of the...U. S. owned V,-" holly by a citizen or citizens thereof, and ' engaged in a lawful commerce,.! by Taa i ' i armed veflel failing under belligerent lljc. An A arrinrr hm ml iihiIm imk-. f (awful com aerce or neu ral r!.br of rk .' V, States, as a declaration of war oi rh T' i ; O -i.n a liferent flair fhdl belonr and in whnfT " courts fuch co deovuiioo lhall be had. .V.-'t Raolwd, That the Prefidedt of the U. . ' ' States, on being fatisfadlordy informed ' - j ium Mpiurc ana CJ.iaennation as arore-V -faid, be rcquettcd,' forthwith, . to recall from fuch beuijerem .date, by and uhaer whofe authority fucb capture and concern , . l itioa lhall be made! fuch refi dent mLiu. '. ller or miniders of the U. States as a)tj refide at the gjvera Bent thereof. ; The Hjur again rsfolved itfelf into a ' . ' committee of tiie whofe oa the rcbUtio is . ottered by Mr Nicliolu. Mi, flacoa. 43 J ror. uiueu ; ": t'-' - ' The amendment offered to Mri UuH" cholas's refolution bv Mr. Randolah Ut the followuig words, being under coaS. f deration t to authorize the merchant V veueuot th3 Urn e.l Statei, owned whrf. iy by citizens of the United States, to arm , and defend themfelrea apaicft an arn-,1 veffels fading uaJtr die tJrailh or French ag, 10 rang as toeir oraeri or decrees ax u tire volte i. Mr. J. G. Jaclfjti fnoke a-tin& it fr about three houts. f . When the com.uluee rofa aal ohtaiael least tofitagViu. J fuotJ FA 7. . HXPEAL OF ma EM3 RGO, tcU Tlie Houfe rtfaiwd i felf into a coea. snUtee of the-whole 11 sail. JLl r. M um' n the chair, on tha rvfe suiooa oa tie f&. jea ol the Rate of omr Hrwn teUooos, Mr. Randolph suse44tsu yn der conrtderaiioo. Meflis Sioan. C,uLjalicu , ud the amendmrou" J( . - I he qucflKMi wa aiM.UlbOLurrsm . fomiii.hotMr NiCinrrftiyat- , there were fjr iMag 4y So Nit tiaraacf wviktmt 1 ! 1 tool of that itj.