1 muni f i l i iir i 171 in win , , 1 , m p"l "-"""lk.' iBiiHiitiiire 1 t 1 : Perhaps the annals of legiflauaji do not afford an example of a vote , lb extraordi , nary, as that of the in the houfe of renrefpnr..til ni rl m i lis inftiitf i...",,. . . 1 I - principigB. of,, tn emoargo and the policy upon which it was entered into, have umTergone no. change whatever. t "The belligerent hate neither refunded nor modified their reftrairits upon com merce . , ; : , s.;Vvi '::'Z'?X ;" " . f ; Note port is DDcnnav rhar vxnnt opened twelve months agoi'and many that wire then onen - h linu tin -'Url - What then could hare produced fuch a 'We have never, on great 'public occa f ons, fuueredunlividuil interelts to with hold great and oeceflary truths j . v It- is afotemn and feriout truth "that vote in queftion, was the effect of pmie na-nber of -mcmbrtt of con;refs, who un det the influence of tht panic, lwe been weal enough to Rive a w.e, which if they hare any fenGbiliry they nrill ripen as , long as they hare lifer . . f ;'. .h Whuerer pomt . this occurrence may be Tieved in, it brefenti ititnret -which are paioul for an A-nerican to look" on, and which muft expoJe us to the derifion and lncreaied- contumely of ihe fanning and the. Hawittinry, and will gire'new infolence and ne w energy to the cormp ' tion which haa produced it Jwl at it The conllitution hi cai. federation of ftatrt h fundamental priit ciple of which .is. that' the mill of the ma. jori'y and the gtoJof ths Whole (hall be us bafM) that a minority irheihcr of men or 01 .na-es, man luonut to mat tupeuor will and that fuperior good. ' ' V The legitimate authorities of the land hive taken meafuresof a double chanAr. frittrvtt'm of property and frtpjralivt ftr ; The(e laws are frt a dr fimce. " 4k"' . A traitor in the fenate hoife, - dam to , y invite fefl ton of the onioiMotrea' fonahJe f efittince, - X faQiova wnnemptiMe, piiifuVef Bicable faction, echoes this treafanai bie porpofes i and the ttiJ snd thel . tmutnti of togiand are othew, vh. . iuf ibt hwt u ; ' ' Their roiniftera holdinf oat procama lions to violate the la w, and procure in an indemnity for ail who fhould - violate our laws ' ' ' Seditious town meeting are fet on foot to different ftates. and fubfrtiptions ' art of eaed i hue Vw by ibe day 1 . to Oppofe the voice of th people and to fuwlitme the voke of this birti mcl for the vtiet $ tbt finfJt' " Colleclots are prevailed pon to rtCgq their ofGcei. The people 'art invited torefiH the laws, i The laws art rtCfted by force."1 Bthith dipt come jnto oar wreri and ' fone Iway cartofs, and murder our people who leOd.' The morderers ate friied and tmprifon" ' ' cd,hut the ptifotts are broken open and the mrderm frt at Uhtny b ' drfiinr f !r. -i-And letters are crowded upon the table 1 , . ot tM moftibers 01 congrc 1 loaded I r with Mnk. fttl and dMad. , f ' Ifithtl ftateof ihirtS fo litile are tfiefe 2 snen, hi congrifl Cued for their ftatioAs, or to fleet the carton throvgh the tis vhichibe eieta'We had alrdy sflrfled wiihfe much (kill nd fo much d faction thft. - " All law U forgonrn i Nitiooat tthfs ate ovftkrktd , National (haite (l not conCdere Not is k erm pr rceived ttwt the fcan , daloeivotewHlbr cnfraeJ by theene- mirs of our gf r nnvtrf Into an argumerit vi vtakxwCa, and k vul be tvgoei, that a i faQiorteiided by fo defohahle1 a wretch aa t w; " ,'r tumciemiy powerii iui.w overturn the. wired policy of the American nat on, ; and to jake America more, eifeftuaHy the provincivof England now, than before the recognition of Amer ican independence. r ' ' "T IV bat camp bit taken plact ? "r " . , Why alfaclldn, ager for power, lea gued with Tome of them in the pay of the Britilh treafury proclaim defiance of the' law: .,','' .' v' And it is' the lioure of representatives of congrefs that fhrinks from the menace of rhis faction ! l ', Shades of Franlilfn and Wafhington, Warren, Greene, Gates, Montgomery, wa it for. fuch meafures- or . fuch wH.: your wifdom and your valorous daring were'diftlayed I ' But wi lhall be told that it -was prefer able to repeal . the embargo than let it go to a civil warv i But it may be with equil troth alledged that the traitots who menaced ciril war,7 wculd not dare proceed upon it' " ( 1 And if they had dared to draw the fword what then I " J-J. ' ; Why, it wbuld be preferable to meet St at once, and end it, than open the tempi a tion to the renewal f thofe treafonable doings which will always encourage for eign corruption and the intrigues of for. reign emif iries , - r . For the people of thik part of the union, wexao fay that never' was there fuch a fen (ation of indignation and difcontent as at that votewe do not comprehend in it the people who hired mobs lad week, for thev are in high fpirits. . ' j An appeal to arms is ever to be avoided --but the narioa that fuffVn its own laws to be refitted, by the mens which have Iven tpCmtnl to In' th ftrn A. - - . . V m.... MM not obtain refpeci -broad, ovr espedobe ; OJfnce at home. -1 he remedy for all evils are in the popular fufltai es, & the remedy is adequate. . - ( lUw do the U btates now (land to the eyes of the world ? ' A little fclion fouered by England has been permitted to fubllitute it corrupt withes for the will ot the people lhe fenate no doubt, may Jwck this b ind an j wretched efTecl f weak or de ficiert Judgments and thereby fave the tu.ion from a portion of the flume. ; Cut what mult he the eJeU even in that date of things. ( . . t jlnftead of relying opon the prudent policy tneditateJ, by the executive we (hall oo fee the executive farced into a more ardent fyflera and inftead of avoiding war, this fanic folly will -W tlvni uhai uthtftS tf ft - a more prefling danger, "and a greater certainty of abfclu e wsr. .. . ' ' Will Brltunnictni aW ittmt t None but aoideot would, believe it pof Gble, until (he is compelleo (he will not, like the iw itrtik vtttrt, rufh ralhly ioto a mfurc which menaces her eiilteuce. What will (he do then t Why, (he will be leve all that PMmng told aW-all that Al en at Bollon, Bircla; st New Tork. Dnd at Piiladelphia and Hamilton at Norfolk had written i sll that Ofn has bet o told at Boftoo by the jun'o ai4 all even that the veiiefl of wmches rorcapine, has predided, will be now held a cotfirmed- aoj thry will perfWere in outrage -and there will bean abfolate ncccliy of makwg aclive war beuafe w will now be believed that our coanfais are loo licUe and wavering to f upport a year's am; to affitrt our right. The fot'owing ADOaas to the Ptrfi1ent of U ine Unueo htaiea, has beta adopted by tne krjrtiuurt of Virgasia In the Ilevfeof trtvt, Arts If S -Hoc The Senate wu nearly tunl - snooa. . -. ." , . THE General affemh'y of your tii'ivt fi;Caaoot clef het ItOion, wuhout Wknowlecfging your ferrfces in; the otlice which yo 0 juftjbout to lay down, and biddw you a- refpeafut ind affecTionafe Urewett We have to thank you for the podel of anadminiftration, conducted on PWeft-trmciDlesiof rebubneanifm x for pOmp and ftate jaid afide t patronage - i internal taxes labouOied i t hoft of fuperfluous fficers'ilifbanded ithe monarchic maxim ' hat a national debt is Mauonaj bleffing .renounced ; and more than thirty three trillions of our debt dif charged i the native tight to nearly one hundred millions of acre! of our national domain extinguifhea If nd, without the guu or calamities cf cot queil, tvaft and ferule region added to our country, far moreextenfivV than her original poflef.' ."" """K1"! ong witn it, the M fliffip ptand the port of Orleans. - the trade of the welt to the Pacific ocean, and in the mtnmic value of the land itfelf, a fource ot ptrainenta nd aJmoft inexhauttaWe re. venue ,; rhefe are points in your adminift nauonjaliklCilkuL,, ieize, to expand and teach pcftrrtry to dwell updn with rfelight. Nor will he forget our peace with the civilized world, preferred hrough a feafon of uncommon difficulty aid trial the good will cultiva. ted with the unfortunate aborigines of our; coubtry, an! theW'iliza:ion humanely ex tended atntng them. the leflbn taught the inhabitan,tsof the coaft of Barbary, that we hate the mean of chaftening their piratical iircroachments. and twinv them into julticei and that the thrme on which above all ohors. the hiftotic eeniua will hang with rapture, the liberty of fpeech & w. iu pcicrrcu mnoiaie, wimouc woica genius and luenceare given to ma ny in vain, - jjjy.rs - ;...,.; '- la ihe principles on which you haVe idmlnm 1 .f nnirnm..i Ml the continuation and maturity of the fame .imiAj J . U!l Lk! L ! -1 J "" u auunic wuicn orewupon you in your you h, the refentment of Dun. m re- From the firft : brilliant and n-ppy moment of your reGlhnce to for; ehm tyranny, until the nreTaar' A mark with pleafure and with gri itude, the iu uuuiMm, suuuneot cnaraciery tne fame warm and devoted attachment to II berty and the republic, the fame Roman rove ot your country, her rights, her peace, ty abroad and puttinoutfelvea into a (lata ' of defecce fhould .perfevekance on their 'Po parts Jotc WktQ Slaaphegt vr U duties of ahftfirlt, obligation i -lSoo"k.w courfewasleft us, but to reduce our navU gation, .wkhin the 11i&)inp?J-: not to; hold. eirenihat"'fuhjeci to fuch ref. " vi';'--' triaions as their interett or 'will fiiouldi .5 i prefer ibe. To this, no frienii to the iii f dependence of his country could fubmit. j, J ? t '.' ; You refolution to aU in k.:-: , juftice all yiolators of the law: or their S ?V " - i-aia iOm - mmJ' aI-iJ " v ' W ..' vvH....7, uu particularly ot tne embargd . . . , laws, and to be ready at all times to affile.. r "" in carrying them into effecl, is worthy of - . , the natriotifm which rf?tfnn.,:ril- and county of Philadelphia. ;This yolunif' tary fupport ot laws, formed by perfbns of bur own choice, diftinguilhes peculiar ; the .minds capable . of fetf -governtnentv; Thecontraty fpiritU anarchy,, which of -neceffiiy, produces defpotifm.- It is front 1 'the 111 inrtrrr. nF....l.. ' ' . , - ,rr . " government only . Jul f iiinirtiinFif . ' honor. ner honor, her prolpeitty. ' How bleflVd will be the re:irement Imd which you are about to go I How deferi vedly biefled will it be I For you carry with you the richeft of all rewards,' the recollection of a life well fint in th Or j vice of your ct-tt vry h proofs the moft urviur ui me nve, tne gratuutie, the yen eration ef your countrymen. That rour retirement may M II hiprjy as1 your hie has been vittuout And ofefot thit our roath niatT In th V,d(i rlf. of your days an additional Inducement to lorm wemieivei tn your model, H the Je vout and earned prayer of yoar fellow citUcos, who compofe the General Af femoly ef Virginia. . ; The following i the anfwrr of the Pre. Cdrat of the United S-a et to the hfolu lion and addrtfs paOed unanimoudy oo he SS i u. by TEN THOUSAND, and on the lfit, by EIGHTEEN THOU S ND otixeos of the city and county of Philadehia . , T$ tU titntni iht jty ami p. t UlpUt, m rtM mntvg mJ. . . . Ja ike rrfolofiooi m4 addrefa which you have bntf let W to pre fent to me, I recogniTe, yhh great fatisfaclioo, the fen timmt of (ithfal atiiena, devoted to the maintenaect of the rights of their coun try, to the tared band which unices thefe ftes togvth;r, and rrllylpg round the if, govttnrnenrln feppon of ia laws. After the intotmUe a.Tali on oar mat it me rights, by iW dVcUruioa of the btUigi em porri that we would rurigateihe tKfin oo'y linyy (hould pevmit, the re. call of oui Urntn, recover; of nt proper. rwnrfTiV HI tjUliUI?l I learn, with irr.o f,t;.fA:i- . approbation of the general meafures pur lued the government, enumerated in ' your addrefs. .-For the idvailtagef flowing horn them, yod are indebted principally td - 1 i wile and patriotic Iegiflature, and to the"-1 y able and meltimAblecoadjutbn with whont ' ' : . it has been my good fortune to be aflbcia.4' ted in the direction of your affairs. That ' thefe meafuret may be productive of thd- V . ends intend, d, mult be the wilh of e very' ' ' friend to his country and the belief that , every thing has been done to prelerve our1 - J peace, fecure the rights of bur fellow cit'u 'V - aens, and to promote their ' belt interellr f ' will bl a confolation under elcry Ctutioa, .J to which the g eat difpofcif of eveots may . deft ine us. -,'"; .. . y, Your ahiirnhafuMi nt r - retirement from Tnettarton icrioog conn- mw m wuuiiiuiivu vi innr cor . reclneft. In uo oulce can ro a io i be irord expedient and none lefa admits the tu dulgendes of age. I am peculiarly feufibld ' i your kioa wunes tor. napptnels in mo . tranquility of retirement. Nothing wUlii contribute more to it than the hope of car " tying riih me. ihe approbation "of mr : fellow titizens, of the endeavors which I .' " have faithfully - exerted to be atfeful w them, t'o the ail protecling favor of Heaven I commit yourfel res and our coma moa country. , r. r '.'' V THi JEFFERSON. - Februarys, 1803. , ' ; spsiisjs Bjssjsisa T " VaMablc Land for Sale. . THE Subfcriber oftcrs for fale that vaa '. luaWe Plantation, formerly owned br.V James Clark, lying od Golhen, in Doplm " county. It contains about Unarrest C0D(IdefaWe bait of whkh il cleated and enier good fence. An excelient Da-i' f ling Houfe, out houfes. an dot her neceffW '; improvement!, are on the premifeaY and ' tlie .fituaUoa is at iea equal to any la tU county.' '- The terms of faV will be made known on application to Mr. Samuel Dunn, may l! lheptemiCes. " ' - " f '" WM.DUNNV '. Newbern, Feb 10. ' ' Jm , : wtivhiuriiiiRi ..... . IVFOaMStheLUbiranriof Vintnft ton tnd ft Vieinlty, iful he hat Ukrn ih : new Batci-ltoo.l .in Kecod4wttt, little north of ihe marktt and oppofito Mr. Gilbert Gem, where hi tut 6pcocd i ALL thofe, who will lveur htm with iheT company, fha I bs arcommAdiicd wuk ikm belt that th WalmingToo mltket affd rtU doe ttlpa paid fo hia Crtomee . Fsbruary 10. t . ... jtt "J A VAHIEIT OF BUhHCS, : . Tut T. i n.r. V, I.. I