the fatercourfe . be! cea thrrTfifn It's with extreme faCsfadtWn Tannouiica cf 'i i tf -i . Uv'V beaxs ia the .-couprotuiiceil ofihe public countries; i jutt Wtforiz?i to declare that that I tO TOV fe!idWui7.fn h VriVri'n.i WtU-.v ''"''- nK J M ?SetV fYoat;nay takhigKtftou,ml, and dcuYlpwes U w the.occafwn, fc t hiinfe!, fasMajettj orders an council pff January, procefa .iMhefc of Olmftead.-fwhkh has AvX ? Jpeakoa this lUiioiit wit ' coit fdetcCl" Pui'fc? AdvJ. w, iet ic 0 naeraoocrtnat unseyiaffly is a'!reCult incideut to altue of thing grow i fa'o.ui'of diftindt, cooGderattona, -. -WX nu !v.Mtoyirwj thet eby 7en , ' C '1 t Vc j omwii icii)cui. mo, u(u,ci owes oa Kierins it uaaeeUaVv fo the r;rn - j the-lQili day pf June next,-. roonea dt me. -jo attend the: po wer of Tl' ; 4 f- :.! I I - - v V - .S 1 ' ,1 i i y I Iwve h honor to be. ' ,vv( n-r- j i frank, I aWauthortfed to inform you that Infli ,i and if (errices ire tiaJr iftiiv'Ja ihs rcl;tlpa if the ..TJ. States, With ihe tWp beliigereiit powerr, the Pred. WPOHIANISNfcWS l,f , -.tome with the engagement contained there- Hon. Robert Smith: i'&V&H Jf .",KM. f$ fr. XhW$ UJ5n th' mtal (MrvQaetrtyTasV ed.vljdt Vhateat in;epre charpe fom England,, bringing mfuaim'tQM 7H :.1ngtonlf RUmithiSeortatof State-and e Piefident M Aitef.tbat hnehe rjot rtmnteferin admlriT commanding on thei Weft Jndu W"X 5; beenA-itiiid'vety,44f erzaged 1 oMAdmg oiheer; he w t'ti in difcwffioo; tn relat ioff, to two povnts. of t We H the juttite ahc -1 pUtie hasij been' authorife,(i(toaf rang ia I :BrAa uHReif unifhmetii j fSialaving, laid before; the ; not me lets fen j pur note pf this daft cqntainioc Utility oifuqhAtt ex i nce, ;that hu Britannic Mielit vampie, nor ine teis periuaaea tnatit wpUJ i tnc,tenn day dUune neact t?e v Kofi- . i,:fV ..,K,. 5: J.: i.:; I v: r.J :i,r:...:i Lr t (9, admiral, commanding onv thel Weft Jndu t.'.r; PrrMen ftatiori,VtO'moIeltfAmericaftVveflels ht:'Phk ' rir5iit;vrBe- iB CrUarinicmajity o own honor. ivember; 1807, foe W ed.,froi hii:coyern;i'Wtyahaye'the Jtonor 6 MakvJ States;;! he.the .hortorof mfofintite you GoYemmento "WlnAirti w iwllMi J ri . tplu8orderfc;-rh Ka5 Puuanw tbeeleenth;feawnphei by wM Ml ? P!l:fey'?0 f-m day be renewed, that lliiiTwaideneWi W. brokea off 1; I- virtue pf powers Veceiv rrieiff Bv the' British Hoop ys -ipnc aC Hatnp'.pQ, lubjegL tat:ie ciicu iiansi a - .'Mi 'v'tbal I Ihavo ;re;eled Ms ;Wa)orfjV!xi)m,' $ yyHKnSF,7y ' :'itl hate the honor,c? &c&c. p;:;";; watidj, to Vepreient tp the. gove'" of ,;v?'f(Sigiied)'ivi'RM - :. p matedby the molt fiucere delire , (of '.hV' ViU'VjAt-. -fyj VMptQjwtvfHlpi $TfT$f f r:iadwtoneat of the diflerenck. which have i jSt, I have' he,' bpriorrorinformipk I; TinnanDHr f:ionir orevaUed betwten the Ifoo;" $hrt hifWajeftyr having been perfuaii' H , ded that theliortorable ; reparatatton which I ; W 'J two countries, the recapitulation bf which H ERF as it ia prorided by the; 1 1 th fect all communication with the Ttrrksl The Gdcete jcpritaina the following artu : -1 ' cleunderthe heade..Turlci-; '.Pntth. 3ih of January, peaci; cPn'f eluded between Euglarid otnd. thf Sublime V" Porter bv the Britiii; Miniaer Mr. AdaJy"- ' . . t and liaki, &Kidi, in tonleLaence of 'which.'' aw uie ports m tie iurkilh- Empire mT?,M ded that Uhebnorable ; reparatation which I P, H prevent aaamic thprifed attack upon vthe Amencanxfrrgate , interdia, the commercial hitercpurfe be Intelligence was;immediafely tranfimwd r'- W m'h h having been rrefenied to hia Chefapejte would bev accepted by the go- ' tweenthe United States tnd Great BritaW kothe principal ct0ioerc?iar'towM.' 'in ' II i'jeftys government; the'Carigrrpf Uuitd States .fa the (ade. artd-Frattce aod'thtir dependencies, and fope,Afiaund Africa,'and a great cha'nee "Vi . U, V:; the United, States; in theif proceedings1 fpint.of CoryiatMW,VttJi which it was pro; for itb purpofes"--that in cafe, ithpr nw.jbexpeaedia -favMhW 'xrXI V ' ".-iz the opening of the? laftfeffipnr had evinced pafrd has inftrncledmeto expret hisfa- 'France of' Qreat Britain! &aJlUo-revoke. Levant, apd the priceof. molt ccuarodicies. t y: A " -JTT t ' an intention of oafCntr certain lawiVwhich tUfaftipU, fliould fuch a happy termination . W mqdify her edicts s that they.fliall ceafe ' ,,;' - a , ; Y 't vwouW place therelatiohsbf Grear Britaiii 1 of that "affair takeplacenot only as ha'v. j fa' Violate the neutral, commerce pf the U. witH tne unite t ctaits luno an , equU . ?n5 ', novca paimui muic o mbv-kcrw, fobtiogv in all refpeat, wi.h the other bel. ' but as. atfordtng a tr profpect mar n f pnrniai nnmtr rann nr ;n tne. two cououics change in the reUtioirs r veHeh in the ports and harbours ol the U the tbquirer tits, We ha"re received '.twi,-- ligeretu powers, I have;aCcofding'y receiv-. ed his Mjtlly's. commands, in tire eve,nt I eiuouuiea, perwei ; ' of fuch laws t.kinz place, to t ffer. on thel VThe, fivorable . .1 ,r kt KU .MiUV iakAAA!Mnu. Of htS IT jlieftt. Wit ' aavii ivi sine suuiciuu wvuMtiucu ut i .1 . oiaits, . tn i jeuaent l uinornea to pe jot tne Jjev-Utfttflt MS linyal HigbneTst , ,-- V of a com, I cUte the tameby proidamatiort, after hich j tbDaV.Tork;- to-Mrs.. Qlarke.-- 'AVfe :V;y?r1 V r.'.: .h 'layfajr' an Zmburgp on ktl Oups'and, h'rft letter breakaxwt in the folloic ekni V".' .'i'r. ..If 'I ' 'i '. tr- affcTefU' ' viil .oilicer, irr. the' attack .on' (he Unitci States' ft'gve Chefapftk'e.- ' : ,V Confidering the aa,Vd by the Coft ! f ; fTt?f f tn United States on- the ist of ".C'Murchufii3llv termed the iton iwetcourfe ; " . j act) as hiyiiig produced a" (tuttti equa'iiy, ,'. " .- fa the relauonsof the' two bel'iceient 7ow : ?. r:ert, with refpea w the United 9titti I '. iV, have. to' fabmit, conformably rto (n(truO; :r .' "."tmit fof'the confidetnion of the-.'Ame-' '.' rican government fuch ferm) of UtUfadwn . and reparation.'': as' his is induced ' 'to believe will be accepted, in tht fame fpl. ' rit of conciliation, t with' which tbej'are - propofed. ' -f ?; J'j , ,.."Ja additiots to-th ppt difavdwal .'. made by his Mjje(ly,-oa twinx' apprized .f - the- onauthorifed ad" cdmmUred iby hu Daval officer whofr rvci'I, as a mak of the t King's difpleafure, frUm an. highly impor ; . tint and honorablo command, tnmedhtely ' eofaed.his Mijtffty is willing to reHore -'the men forcibly .tikwioufolhe Oiefa- feake, and if acceptably to the rtmenon govern innt, t'O inAe a fuitihle proviGoa i it the unfortunate fuflVrfts on that occ ' . Ik.- ?;v' yyrr ; t: I have th honoMoberwiih fthnmeflrs hrthe Uiid Suteii cradnced bv tfie- aft iifu " 1 rj 7 . , . " . v ally termed the,. nort intercourse pis Iscd to the la ft fetfioa pi Cpngrefs, .wis al j fo .anticipated by . hi Maielly, and has en- cparaged a furTher hcpe that a'reconfic'.cr fler PlenipotentKry, t'nn of this eiifUng dilutrncet might lead' I in the. name of his $ fa doing An! whereas' the HonoraWe DaVid Montague Erskine, hit Britannic Majcfly's Envoy Extraordinuy and MU4-k IT , . . . t -.1. 1 1 na-oy lae oracr ana overt-ten." declared to to 'their tatisfiftory rrljuftmcnt.'. -;;- ;;, this government that. the bitifl"ordcrs in vOn thefe grounds and eipcctations, I council of January -and, November 1807,' cant Itrains t How.can I eisrefs fafficuhtw Siat'es' and tfiefeveral afts fupplementary :ly fweeuft, my, darling lzfe tbe'rie i iuciciu, ntj icw wmi me nitvu i giu .wnicii pel eajuug, ; tier pretty letter: I ij mencan covernmerir, his Maiellv a deter. mLiaiion' of lending tothe UuitedtStatel, atj EnvVy Extrad.-diuary invelledwuh full powers to conclude a'trcaty on the'poinU , o the relation between the two 'countries.' In ihe men Jime, wlji a ticw to con-1 tribute', to. the attainment ,f fa'- dcCfable an object jiis Mijelty would; be. willing to'wttlidriw'his Orders m Council of Jin, narand,'" November' 18D7, fa fiir'ai ret' peels the United buut .in the pcTfuahjoa that the Preftdent. wm!d iiTue a procUdW lion fat the'tfnewaTof the imercpurfe with Great Britain; and that whatever ditlVfeacr of opinion ihwuld arife tn the interptetation of Ihe terms of ftfch aft agvetmctit will be removed tn ihevptopofed negoc'atian. . -; ' I have the honor to be wi-Ji fcnfurtebti of the hgheft confldcration and tfUt at, " Jiir, youf mou obedient . :;A humbW lfevaot,'i, 1) M. E.SIilNE;' iH i Ujiifed States on',the,'lO:h diyftfjjune i nxt, ,; Now iheietore James Madifun,. President of the United States, do hereby rtociiiin thai the ciders Jt council afoe, hid. will have been withdrawn on the laid -tcnih davjof June nest af tW whLh day tne wia oi tne. vica oiates who V'Pat Critain, asTufpended by the at of CpnreU above mentioned and an act laying an Em. pargo on al( (hips and .ilels ji the; ports and harboursof the. United States, and jllie fcvtral acts fupflemtutaty thereto, - may ' Gi'rnjUndcr Aiyhand and the feal of tha United States,, at. Wafhirigtoq,' the i u vear tight .fcf n. j gave rne I or how much iTeei ail the kind' things flie. fays to me 1 1 cationly T y miU- ( hops and. millions of thanks to my Ucirefl; , 'angel r iccy. JiC; vV?vy.. f i ; And yet tW rt tn? Commander in Chief ) of the armies ot Great Briuiu J Trtis I No' wonder, that her "military glories thouid be "eclipfed behind fech an cpaaiy trb. r,i,V V PORP OF' WlLhO' 6htpPeri(rnce,-Bowman;iNeiv.Vorkr Sch'r. PdTlr, ''' ' Jirvis," Swanlborbilghi , r: V Uebecc-V',r:Sniich; Bditon. A i 7-? i Com,- V: JeAinti'Cf-Ne.YoA.-.' M C'V-V Refo1icA t Beats,' inpo. Sch'r.P, 0 Eperimt:nt,reiifons,Chir ef. ' . " '"' i Amanda-' Swam, Amelia I3ind, i; 'RRker.. of the b;rheft .Tefpf it; snd confideritiftn, , , ; ' Sir. toar moll obedient humble fmt, : I J-r ; -' --' v - j !. . a:.;J.M.EIU!"JNE. I Hon-Rodi aTSirtnt, ftc. &c i . r 7r ' JWrft Smtii,M ; i s" ' ? - --- " ,;',.;' :-i,.'Sl t haveliid teforeMhe Piefident : ' ' yntir tote'fa whktr voa lave, fa the name f ' ' ' j t m,L f I,-. P.rJi.nn'ir Milrflv I bem? I T Vf. ttlaRdthahitCuUnitUMajtRy iiflVti adiuftment Pf tDe-dtfftrentei ifahfppily I ' - imi of hulint an honoh,e rv Virion (vr I oillioc5 between Owat . Bntaia and tU ' " -tht sggrcdion cemmittedt a Britiih navaf United But, hn suihorired me toaflare i - tr.-.r in ih, stuck h Hfatrt 1 Tou.ilut ha will rarvt with dwution . Ma, Swtrii to Mai ElKt.': r flfartm s Sitt; April 18A, "Stui'Tlie note;' whkh 4rh'd the'honot of teceifinjj from' yok this dav , I loll no time in laying befote the Peudent, uho 6ncrTt;v dciirooi c! 4 fatisfaClot y i', i'r VV V " ' Revepge,""- Barton,''. Bardoei - - ; , ,v drtd and nine. of the tndepca- t Sally & Cetfy.Hjws, tttMlcsC'. X i Ur'',' -H V0-1 : 'ilree aiRert, durklfa 'r. ' Tr it iTrKRMr.iry .' ' IT hiving teen if pre fentf 3 that Tcth . . 'Mars mjj proinb't nil Irotn the Hate pf . the Kos'Hi anAFirnct,! M to tetv'lcrmore t (if IUHWl III jl VI Jll w.f venal thi ate ckCllun, as fit as heard. ftpm, ' . : '. v. ' .-. 7t', ' ; ; : ' vv V..: -tjUviUucofa;,; .4,ictfj;w , .. Mr. Gore.,- '.-i.,; 7,lri. . r ; "-Tiefe compiife .nearly all the, refuras,' ' r,.vThe rletl ions fa'.Virgmis clofrd a;fe4' jdays ago.' We.lesra that M'flts N'rwton, lrtt,Smtlw Randolph aodQop;on,'ari; Th,ttwWfarfLt-,T r lh Allirr !illtiii Ati not hfrit I .. ... - time ntcrluty'fcT arrival st'fomi cf t'Ha CoumSct j)n I 'S ttet alWri fa the 1)1 ' ifiOti PJc t frX VHh March' t he lo). lowing tJrctjtiuci' h4 btn lojtfd, pf , . which the proper bitcets wuluVt and "ire t f v 7 .l--M..r 1 .4. I il- I ritTi!iArttiinff witn ' Jtl . Iiia nilluinu- I .1)! his prompt difiro eal pi tee ati; hia Majtf Majefty tW.dctttmfastfanof his Ma.; tcardfronO ; ' ; ; r,l- bcmoVweiiKtl lit' V ' 'l ' :s ty,aiarr.itkofhisf,rpleafuridVn; W-". to she Unit Stt;fne,! . , .Ott'tht tfyy ol th Slst fatlanr, t moA HH"0. ; U J , dutty rrfall ihe offf nding offitet fiomV isl Enoy. fav'efted .wish; UK , ppwrf . to -Horrid and dUhttatt.Murde? was tftnioiit. f - Onslow im f r'0t tlie' H' ' I ' ' hifH'yimM"a!r3fnm conclude a .ttsatyoa all the points of the t,d t RilcUh, on tj- body ll.Patrkt , vrit Cmamimdltii OtTictUPf Crunfe ' M that he Is WillfairTtc rHIort th wen . sti ketweeiihe twacoantUrt.i s Cua way, inert hant of that place,! lie had wkV NcV.i;ncr ritt, Utioir Girtne, V ' - :t-ofciWytaVrlouofiheChe-apeAf,andf ; -in fwUi t,M to i8vre.joa fpent :tbt evemn: wrh a fe o4 hUfrisn!a W,nwa w.tne, wiU have their Rs, ' ; 'ifaccfptsblewlhe Amrrio-n government,- V.t fa Cifa Jy4(uaun Mitctty Ihouh! jt a houfa wifa 4lott dtftance of. ks mi'to teadfarfi to U itiU!4 fa the 1 lo make i faitaWe flrwififa for ibi aufc-U in Ut ineiv . tint i hdrawhia 6rim in pwtt and at II o'ekxk- fcrutaed to his - tt 't 4 u-L V f 'The 'government of the Unwed Sratfl" UT Utjf rcfpe the U.S. the PrtOdeol 1 time slterwarls-.stt alirn was givto by I fCnjj LXiJRD: o'.C. f - hiviii!?. at a!l titir C'rhtertainrd t firWeVe.l R not lad to, IM. ProcUmatfan y I tap rwftms paGinff by Uif ttof, that Cm J i!efir f V an aljdftra4?nt of Ue dUfrrcacc,. whch have fa lon artl un bn'tapptly lu . filled between the w .countries ilie P'e . iidetJ csnnot but trctivt wjth pleafaft tai aiTarsiKes; that fa's Dlttac ' iMajffly 1 sni nated by tin fane dif pofttioo,' and. that ht is rdy. fa confDrmty w thii dtipoft- tfa ro malt aoneai'ciit far the fafalt an J f?rfTn coTiTitttfi by one t)f his nav citjcift 11 th a'licV on tle Um;cd Sttvl iVjre the CiefipriVe. V ' ' A U s'j'peiri, t the fitne time thw, fa faikwn tfaiof?r hUBnrinn'cinajHlyd. , nrrl i motif t frjni tba I w inoe ot ill iMtSotiis bnd fo tht terpd. Ccs fpetiSed in the tlevvmh (Qn of ib farte,!cojt)inpnly cal!cd.the Noa.idUr. " v , .' . 1 lute ihe hoftps fa b, Ac. ha ...',.'. ;. l --- - '- -'- '' , "!.-it: r- - TIr. EtuiMB to Ma. Smith. - ' ' . iWifa Apt4y,l&. rl( ta cWeqet oc t tae acceptance by the" I'iffi4!nr, st lls'ed in yoar later daiel the llth inl, A the ptpoL!i miit a My ror on ib pn m (in puif uy, ia my j tfltcr of tht lax day, far the tcacwsl el Jront door was ortror ind thsf Mr. Cm, wsr Was Iwlfd (o (rptn, kl if fa muthdi trclt. . He aw acd'hUng y fund wtluf.. log fa blood InUud hi xotiit'ef , :4 hU brad and face Uxckine1f ilUfiiuttd snth wounds, A young msa of the natue ot 0ta was fiifpicioued the r)St T.tcrninl. and taken into iua-vly 4f;et n turault tioaol farveral wttnfCrl, be wts oa'ori to ju, to be. uivd faM Um nu 1 all bu rnlr Court at nWvh, , . . . 7 . Mr. uoaway was a rut v tt irt uad.ani Ivadl if C Jed fa RaW-fS sbovt two tf ifi, rntcli Wptiit a by tie i ! twu-t. T. '"Ll'WlS I'CRttKr, , 4., j : wsvcrt-uixttit, ,i 1 INFORMS (he fahaUtiati d UTmltif on, ihilh fa'tn-iscsnying Oil the fajCmfi ol yri Millie, Uc. U bs Mr, te hfe lrly ottupird by Mr.'Cmi Ti"oe CrWemrn wfjj rtiiy ptdjr to enciuT-.f e l.rn u the boe liir..iTt mty rely'tin h3s iWr "fk drti t tht b1 w inert, nJ od rrxdfate"ii- i .u. : ' I

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