1 T rr. - Y'a Y." IY V: t r if I il-Y r .; -TY jAMETfAniso: " rEsibwrf ok Iik.;okite0 states '- Tact mtifiiiigJfar- urivhom these Present. come Grating-i 1 j' 'IVHraEHH & Copvtnriou "3e f--"tWrvV ihcUnked St;Wt of Atheritd : V i U Britannic. W UtyV'to'frgUr vf Jitte the caihinYrce bi wct iJ tlie ?Ter ;': r'!tn"rir f the United State M. t. -1 lit? Britannic was signed Lun.Lin on the thid davci July, in the i--ar ore respectively cpjwmted for that' tar ' nosr. ' which 1 rohventlrjiS is In the ':V6TdavfoloVti'tft -wit sV.YM, mYW CONVENTIONS; ".fi Refitlal e ' iit Commerce Milken -Yj'JY. 'tht iarttottrt'fiheVnticJ$tate? 4tfVi o'ijs BrUaivuc' Matttui t j Tltc Uuitcd Sutra of 'An'erica, ?r llis.iBi itmi.ic ' Majesty bcinff de tikii:i)U byi cjnvtttion to regulate the iPumuMTi' mi1 M ii'ia jt'u.iV httween their renprctive- V)Unt'. ; I trnto -ifi Mfvrl PrV.nl." tn siiclv , manner f:fiL.I.1LJ.:i.iiL;.w.i.;-J::..All,,t,-i, 1 tathcial.'Mfei. sntisfactarv, hsmr ? res 1 ''VVVn'drlr-'a'r' and cuiicUide . such '' conrenrion,' that elvCH litem ciiiii uvniv .w v A VfteaheTPresia'iil bf the United States, bv ;and ' wHh the ndv.ee end jfoolottcf for hnr 'Prenlprttentiaries -lohri Quiiicf ?rctamr Henry Clay, . . n .i .. S !!' Jft'.n.". I.. vf .1' , una (ftX'U oaiiaim, emarira w uh Same and' on btrult' of His Majesty, - ba& narned (or hi& plenipotentiaries -.the- Right llenbueablc Fedo'n.k. ivh1? . Jiobinsn, Vice Pfestdeptof the Com- jaittce of Privy. Council, for Trade, jk . Pla6tations, Joiut, Pymastcr-of.- :.;. W ajesty'a Xurcea, an4t i..'M;iiber ol .wtlr hmii wCJPil lianif:ut, ; Henry ulburn I'M MtmWiif the Im- : penal Parliament, and'1 the Under JSetretarV of Suit. and. WUliam. Ad ' msr Doctor prCil Laws & " wthe sani Plenipotentiaries having mu ',-ualsy pioduccd and shqvra their s ild ful powejri:nd excaogcYttpivs at . the, same, l)avt agreea on ana con : clvfdcdlthiii ldUoWing-,rticiel,tde There shall be betweeo tfie territo. -riei of the United, Slates of America ' , and all the territories of .bis Bviiannlc qMhkny io EH''op'.,ecipioti.l,.lilerty el coiniuere 4 n iniwaiwiit vi ui iwo cunvin;.p..-ji " liberty eely to come with" their ships end cargoes to all 'such . i r t vu.n.k ni.A& unriL i'tna rivers,-In the territories wnes iignu to which other foreigner are permitted T.to co,ne, taenter into tue ene, ana w ..j ... j. j n. n.m nr ilia S4. ..i.Pe.mirtlvtlv: Alia to hiriH the same article when ImnorteAor c v 1 . ... ., ; and Occupy ?ene ly, the mcrcbAnts- and trader, of Sfc eaUon reptlely,Shull enjoy the .. . .... nrntrtinn .nJ Arriiritv for iheir commerce out vnJeri ai wVvnv v..--.. - - r ... Sutes ; ny articles, tne Rfowm.pro- "tluce or, manufacture- of ere Biiunnic Majes 'territoiksof Europe, and no iWcher, or other duties slmli be Impos- ed on the l.nportilon of his Bi lUunk .wip7.r.r . in. iii.ftnA fti in, iirucieA. ; .-oiD.prr",u'''7 ,.Sut..t..An')Me, orall be p y-Ue Vyi td the twi MntVTlutotts of the excepho some porl.or plaoe w thf tlicfs,excejtingotiU ships belonging two -eoieiUlet respectively . ; :; United States of America, where the to the EaA.li.di Company shall I. ART SECOND. ' seine sbnll be unliulcn , i '- excluded" 4rom- till toinmunicitioti ' ''No bigbef brtlterdtnles ihstl be rUlsalq understood, that the per. whub vt pronch la that Island ' V.n..x.nn ihe iiuDof tiion Into the U. mUsion araiiied by this arlkle, is not It has thertfore liccruael imoossi- - en the like articles, being the growth, filial cargoes or part iDereoi, noin Jtroduct of oiuu:eture ot any other of the said principal .settlement irelRn coontrjf-ioor shall ny higher noiber, shll not be considered ae other duties or cbrges be, mipcKd ryingonlhe cosstingjtrsde. The Mine like articles, Mmg ni ku., s.m ... ..e V",v , . , - . . ,u liriinnfn M.KVlin iu rMirfta ot their vovsce to XDOiiatlouoi any aruciUA w mo wiiiiiu I ior reireuiiif!nv .- ,t . - - j 4j rape r speclUel y.tlwe from the British territories in J"dia,t '(Signed) U fit.1 s re pAVAbla on the tsoeUtion or uor from the aominions oi tn.(e ' r tho like articles to aoy other fofcign peruT ot China, at the tape ef Good . k- couoiry nor sh.ll rfiy .piehioiaoo be Hope, theUUndef SulSeleiwiOT suck 4 lspvedt the imprlAiioii of uny Srii- other pl'tes as rosy be In the ps- Y cits dt growth, produve or msnufac- ion qf(J. Britain, io the African or tuieofthe U.Suibh orof .hisB.itan- Indian Seas, it being well underaiood, r no Mnj.stf's tcrdioriesln Eufoi,to that in all that regard this article, the Y or from tke s-M urrit.rU of his Bn- ciTltths of the United Statts shall be " " - - tannic Mi" ' Euroi f tB or the SAld U. Ate : which shall tansl.yexiedi all other nAtin. from time to time established. t ' ; Nj blghtr or ,ihr"datki or ohar v ART.' FOUUTH.- V r Msshaijt'e i'40'11yorlh'rt, bllbe free," for each ofthe l.r ,K U. SuiAfcontf tlbvVictMn ceilrsctlng pirtW,rn'cli,rt,y10 V hoMpysbielfcUieafslpu!ttJtBl!u!i. k protectioft ,o 1 U?1 L JtAof e U:b'itfi nor h'lheponsltrdo, wreiirfrfio the dott,w W i . I Kyht.i? nl h is nrttsaiu ,iUA y ,i'uimi , i i j..y. i. ....... t Im on 'the vewotA,r the .a Ci.u... iiii.n snail ixTfi.iv .lamii. ilun snail mwk" . .. , . i f ... ,rt.oo l.ntish rsl. " . . a ii I ... :.f Th Anv i .iiii sbsii ssv issi su uis llrfrtAvloO h.te h U. Si-us of ankUi. the- &ro. dmhIuc .ri in.nuUrture Uis britannte' Majesty's ( ur.iu.rl. in tunipe,wbetl.rtuihim' rKjr'A.lon h4tl be i ve.sci ma wni Y U Ates er in W ii vT,lnd the : ,me duties ahaM be p.id o-the Impn. t t.-UileWie It0 T' J"tUrt Nmle M .jo.s.rerrite.ici in Europe, . kriL Irl lhe vruWth.prodiHe, ot lil4l-lUVl W' W . V . 'Ii ;i.i,i-urt-ti'nhll Wuiliriusose-1 rtUukr pUtti as sink pny cu ik W5itU. lefillobeeacriKed: . . . r k. ii eii The tome antics" shall be teM," and the me bounties allowed, co the ex- poftatioflof any .articles,1, the growth! produce or manufacture of his Britan nic Majesty! territories in- Europe to the vnitea states, wnetner suco expor- tation,be made in vessels ef the United I Majesty, and qe respective ratiEca StateH f in British vessels"V.aadJthe 1 tiipn .mtttuaUy leicbanged ha)t:-'be amn duties shall be naid and the said bounties wiowen, oij tne exporiaiion oi l any' WWiesj.Tino growing proauq r manufacture oi me u. oiates, to ni flfr T. -r- . be Laiiln British vehsels, or itl teasels I pf the Ui 8. ?v,-. ; 'U '?rH f . It is furtl.er agreed that In all cases 1 tthefe: drawbacks are of may be a'low ed, upon the re-exportation oi any good I the growtn, proauce or manuiacturc m i either countries teftpectiveljrj H.the-I mount of the said drawbacks shall be the same, whether the said poods shall I have been originally Imported in a Bri- . i -iii - .ii r ; i trshdr-iAm?rican .Tcssel butwhen such re-exportation shall take place from, the United Slates in a Bri tish, Tessef,-or from ' the " territories of His Britannic Majesty it Europe in an American vessel to any other tor- eigiv nation jhe two: contracting par-. ties reserve to themselves, respective ly tho'iight of regtilatiiig or dimiaUh- mi in such case tne amount oi me said drawback. ;': ". V;-4"'- Y . The Intercourse between the .ven ted Slates and His Britanio ' Majesty's possessions intheWest I,-)lie,and in the eqnttnento North, Aincrict, snail not be affected by'any of the nroylsions i ill arllCIB OUl CUC11 Y 1- ,C rights w course- '-- '"; -tp -'"t1 ART-. THIRD.! V: :!. His Bfitannie MaiMty agreet that the 'Vessels of the United .States -r America stiall be admitted, and hospi tably received at 4he brilpal setOe- menu ; of British, dominion in the J East Indies vide lictti Calcutta rasj Bombajrrsnd Prince of Wales' Inl and, and that the citizens of the Uuitad States may freely carry en trade be tween the said- priricipatyetilenicnts and the saW United States, in all arti 1 U V t V. a lmiwlillinn enrt - ..!..!. iA.nJr,m th said territories shall not be entirely prohibited i provided only, that it shall not belawfulfer them in any tune of p. ht ween the BilUsh eovernmcut and eny. State or power whatever, tej axnort from the said territories, wifhr out the special permission of the Brt-U of Joly if the present year for re tih gorernmeot any military or naval plating the Commerce; and aaviga- stoves, er rice. The tiutens ofthe w. rt. a . .V . 1 . ..t. sum aiuupay iur uwir !-) i mi" ". r , - . I charge toan, snau oe payunie jh nf i n. i nr ma man tavoiea r.umuean nUun.,.U v0 ...... . , ! or ether duties on the fPfWM i . or exportau o, ; - I i.lrl ili. ihn ahAll be DiVvuie sal i. r .v- rA Z'rA ButUi..,ipre.Hly .greed, tUi the veasets ofthe United Stales ShaH not eairv anv arilcics fromtho suid? pritt' - icipai Kimmcuu 10 wij " r1""? i. .. ..i.-i .l. iii. to esiena w nuw im " Uv States to cprry on sny p.irt of the cousung tradsof thp sid B.idih ter ritorl?s i but .the vessels or U. States, having, in tho first nsunce,proceedctf in. nn minuiiiie um unm.iDu hukiii.xi. ::: t.T . r.-'j . .v. .... a i V rr-tifc rt..irrl ''dl ,u. cr. P, ; .te iifuvnti I car. fti .k. I. .i.ii,. it. SiMn miiv also toucblsaia istaoasiiau coaunie io oe .me . I, r.. . li tM rmnM.rri - . m- rum object, in all respects, io tue iws anu eollreitutJtion of the Mritua) govcnjnwm i.. i .,r ik h,Kki -Lrt - h.i. - v..v. r-... TJntt - lUrire.nv t6nol slU set t sucn, n 5 .fMd admitted by the; govvriutieni "i ! -i , - T, .i-I -.v;,w L. te It 1 1. tsrtinv A inwi wniLn ism a m nii r.t.M u il.. ......I r..M l.a .miHiird sny IcUed Ihst in case or illegal or impr?. tha liiw ar r(tni mcnt ol the oai try to whk.h he . .'-TO - ' tem,uch consul may slther be pen iaHed accerdinir . t law, If the 1as will reath the tane, or be sent back, the offended gvrrnimiK SsJtiug to da ether the . retinas fur the sne. It Is bsrehy declared tht oftbecotr.uiii pAiticn .y except :riM tut rcsiocnae i tomun - . . . t ..ft. AET. FIFTH. This convention, when the tame , shalf have.,been 4ly. ratified by the President of tfc .United States, by land with the alvice, and'eohsent ol their Senate, nd by ,bts ' Jritannic ibinthne and obll hie on the said Uni teq oiaiea ana f us iviaiesiy lor iour irr inimiiu, aic oi ai i,.y6"" iiorp, ana iniuncauons anaiio . I '2 Z1 , . " Done at London, this third day oi J Jy, in tb yeat t our Lord one thou sand eight hundred and &uen . oftvij JOHHQ- ADAMS. JliJ (ir':;HCLAY; ) ,idl-)fC''ki'i j 1 1. .j Ai,utKi ulijai i.--t j(t.:.i.)' jFRED'.I.'ROBINSdNi f (, 1IEN RY GOULByllN, ; fu s.) WILLIAM AUAAia iii 1 1 r therttore,- be it known, 4 That I. JAM ES M AJJ I5U -N Prrslilcnt ot' the- United States' of America, haying seen and consider tAthft (areirafa.u Convention, have by td with, ihcWvice m& consent of J .m ijensif, jBcipvcvii i m,iuu ?-h i cttitirmeu tneuame, anu every twusc i ; lame, anl every clause ; treo,Hbjcct tu the : aipid in aDwlaratiou f authority 6J:fli YBri Ai attkle thereof. cxteption contai .nsde'by the' am tannitfMfljsty.on the ' 24th day of Not ember l-Mt: copny oi w hicn Ue Camion is hereunto apneXcd,' C ' la testiniony whereof, I have cau- r led the-e;il of-Uie United Stat.es to be hereunto f f&xcd, aud, have :.,:.thi tWc'ntv-accond day - Y,D ' v fight hW'dred and feftceir Mnd 'Yet the Independence of the U- . i ' uitcU States'' die fortieth.-- lAMEi MADISON. Bylh'e Prtstdentit IjZZZ 1AMES MONROE. " -Y DFJCLARATi ION. : .: Tho, aiu(r-rigiKd. His Britannic MaiestvCharec d'Alfairts in the I United States of America, is com Uanderf hy his Royal Highnrs' the fnuce iu$m, acung 4u(.uie uvu Urid on the bchalf ,p Hia .Majesty I to explain ami declare,; upon the ex change of fit rsti6cti.n"of the Con ventiort ciicluded at Lundon on tha 1 tjn(1 (.en the two countnee. tht 1 . . ' - , . . 1 i,a conseiueqte ot eves wnreii ruve I nappeneu w curopc ujsvt w hfc iiature ofthe ConvADtioo alure- i . . -t . . . i i r. . .nn'.iinrl',..,. Milikl iinn nnrmtiHcu. in .wh wii.im f im 9lil deie-f fiMeeU. h lhe Bllied svciifn., that Su Htlc- lMf lha vuct Plotted' fur . tlu r . ... . utur. eencc w eon BonatMutc: yuiitrsucn rejuu M U mW-be necessary U. pcrfectsrcOriof pfiu rson it has been resoUed U Out. purpose, that ell shliw end vessels whatever ai ". :r-. a. i. . . . . L . ile to comply witn so muca w toe mjrd ertitle of the Treaty a relates w he l.bcrty of touchiojj ; for refresh mcnt at tWe LUud of St. Helena, riiacVion oj' Uc Mid irca- ty wwoeMrxcoaage.auir. vf eP i . , , . . . ., Cit kclaratwo: ud undersUnding lbt el. o( Ue UuitedSutet flftftnt hfc;.llwed to touch at. or id i - - - - i f - I "old eny.. communication ,wnjwver - l with the said Island, so long as the rMidtUI bf the laid NjffiileOa Ui- orlnaparte ! . - , r-... A NT 11024 Y ST..JN0. BAKER. : . Wa.hiag'on, Nov, 21, J81 J. . . so o so.- . , . . f- . .... . t j For Sale at Auction, by Hobbs,Ceer&Coe 1 John Dccastro 3 vols. hd. t lo - - ! J til. skin 1 do".-- dd : h gilt 1 Lite of O Una 2 vs. , Iwo "J! 1 Burns poems 2 dow -t . 4 . t bat I Jlktir's srni"ns , f History of Auiiuila' 5 I Lady .llnuilton . 4 I Life of NelsooS Vs. I 'MjTtan vs ' ; ; ' - 1 Talc horn Slukespear 2 dc) 1 Nw RiUiBwn Cruse Y 1 Dutv vs. gilt. .. " 1 GU Bls 4To. sh. fit TUise and Process ' f 1 Surprising aj cuturea of John - jewit.',. j" j 1 Arrerjtig s Jetturee 2 Disloguri li(-lst" 6 Caaij.metlWiiL tyini.s . ' to - - II 0.r ....u un If, Un 6 DailV Gconphy . J. Jstvb's Law DkUoiar f lChitt) Plea$ngl Svs. Y-Yf' 1 Maltby on Courts' .MarttSl ; .' 1 Jones, on .Bailment ; 1 1 .Taunton's Report ; ' ' " I American Law Journal Q v " 1 Sugdens letters v :. " ' - 1 Bays' Reports 3 Vs.. . Y''; I MunforH's Reports 2 vs. v : '1 Henry Ik Murford'4 do VYi; a .svoocrxa on (rauas y -.t'. v f. a New-Yrk Cnscsin JErrot 2 Cokes Abridjt(h4r . ' i .CranchV'Reporvv 6s- ; 1 I American UiEtrt vs I Lawyers Guide;., .Coopers, Equity ..-v..: 1 Sellou'a Practice 2 tS.1 1 Ewerald Jiiea y t -American Speaker ';' ! t Emmiline Ovs. . : 1 ; Mercy and Judgment 2 Friendly' Visits - -2 Lady's Preceptor1. 6 English Keader - . 2 Authoritical Rules 4 Arabian Nights . il ManbfFetling , ! Y - uvice. on ivtiigion i i acitus l 1 acitus , k ; Ki, .'.,;-VY-."- - L Life cf Washington'. , ; r y Spiritual fiymns -JY YYY'Yf i'Rippon '-tlo.; :'''. 'l :-YY''' I Kitualls I ravels vv: (" 1 Henry VTravf Is Y r H Y ' Y -tHrtwV"Oi'"thili 2 Ta.-f '7i 1 Flint's Sovtyinff Y'.Y''-vY 1 Drew on the .Rcsuvcctloti f il;-.' 1 Graham! Speeches rf 1 Lady of the Lake 1 Latin 'ttistor'sT;. 1 Life of TricutyY 1 h2 Elle Ellen the Teacher 2-HBlarr's Lectarw rVf- I Jcikks OjrotioniT!T:: i otumess itcuittioos -'f 2 Coopers America 2 Arts and Sciences. Y 1 Khvmes on Arts'' L 1 Marshall on Gardenin g Y - 1 Mrthodist Hvmns' r 1 Laly Montagues U'orkt $ 1 Essay oo Anger 1 Interesting Anecdotes ? ! ' 2 Murray's Kry ; wuiucsiic iticuicine ; ; I Conquest pf Mexico 1 Life of Etwee . : I s 1 Workman's' Ensays YY ' 1 Feasts of the Porta ' 1 Blind Child ;'. ?,-.: 1 Paul end VJrgioU. '. Y 1 vol. Playe1 -' Y - r 1 Essay on St. Paul'' ' $ 1 Abrnlgment of the CibW . " J . .juiur uii I .vrr ( Ruwe's Exercii ' I Dt ath' vf Abdoluh 1 Art of Preserving ' ' f I Vicar of Wakefield ' - 4 T 1 Flow, rs of. Wit 2 vols just puVp I L Fayette Y 1 Martyis by Chotemihrend 3 vis 1 Pkiercf New-VoikS. jUap. ; 1 Lileof J'rph j 1 ,. , 1 lJLcleThs2TOts. -v;; .1 Youngs Works ", . f I Life of Nelson Y Y" "Y" "J Bi ides of ScoUaoci . . ' 1 GUnc.irn . . i Han ioi's travels lr fjanade " 6 Acrwunt ol St Hckna with na rith ir cthooiiparte .end map of the tlaud. 2 Miirer of ilie jtace n'ob. eWlott J rute ... . l Urauu ' ; 1 Suppliment tojoriastoti Dict'ry. 1 History ol New S, iin 2 vrJ. . 2 The cdcbraied uial ef Arthur Hodge y -i 2 Dominicnn 2 voU-- ' - 1 " , ', Workman's Esayi "J, '; 2 ConquUt of Mexico ' 5 l.Damiukan 2 tola. . . . Y t CLrk's Ti U In EuToprVfcu 1 Do. R jsaia TarUrjr 1 History of Animal t' ' I Empoiiumof Arts sod Scienevaiaod Mock Trmax, Flnirer and E 2 vols. J(l nlatci w Am JO pli i lie's Lri Si-rcvtlie a LraicoA Hiitory of the E.gliA Stiftl ar m Amtjunc Camrc's Poeins ; Barton on Commrrc -JuoiuA Letw-r "J . h Burn' Pwm . , Kailes ol Siberia i v . I Duty ol Woman 1 HU.r's PbilOtfiphy.r i.M'.V . '. 1 Wallace on the GluWmdAl ; tflUlnmt . - t : ( IL .,: ', ! K&'No"'-; 1 SiTiith'iIrtoryof N. Yoik .- 1 Trotters Life vf Fox r 1 Indian Ward ' ' ' 1 Ptu.lAna.id 2 Drvil io L''V ' r ... T I Drmocraty Unvcilc! ""Y . 1 Btduip& atniry' Sermi( 2vf. 1 S'ieof RiHh.ll . ' I Kith-lot Norway, 3 vU, t' . 1 , l'iil Sf tiUts ol V'iiyir ' 1 Life (4 E'hi t - .t , . 1 Machwrik Art of W.r; ', , ( 1 Lay o LA .MauU Y IS, yon . Historkid S Lty ' 2. Garland of Flowers . Y. ' f 2 Webster SpeEing Zoc' -; 12 Pencils for Carper.t'r ' -1 Warerly 2 vol. by W. Scott- . . 2. History of Hugh Ttun ChapW -Y.' Oliver Cr,omwc!l . , i Peath of jAbdollah " ? iwi 8,Mctliodi6tHytai 3 Collection f tht X2;iken.;. for thUdren, t"f0,If?"f o-, '1 ' iiEditicnhyS. Vyott vMCl ,1 Depor. History of theSpa;.;- i Amput ium oi Arts ana n.ictn. . j i 2 vols with i$ jltes Y'iYY 'YT Y . a "r A l'O.f.i... 2 Drew on, Reeurection Y Y ; YY-- r 2 Supplem't .to Johnsons ,Picti6(; 6 Wyatts Sacrei'Music;:5;.t),r 80 Cakes Dalmonic detei cent Y- ;Y 41;Boxe Pill ami bitters Y 'YY Y Y -. f;Y,:iY:Y-t,YYYv.' ' 'i npWO Trunks'two Cases, and one X" bale contfuaing SUFliKFLNE C 1,0 ATM I NG; conYisa g of Coj ts,.: Pantaloon, Waistcoats and Slarts. Balijs ot Cojtrce Cloaihiug for Sew , meo, viz. Jackets,: Tro8iJ, -Cotton. and Red Shiru Small collection of . i T )ng Books act! Drawing . UtensAls t Gift etlg'd Rule Paper t rwoekga - i Family JSihles, handsomely bouud. . vun erprayinfrs v Ucacuii. v stapes andiuadn.'"il i PcukriS'jf1 lour, sets of China Tea Services , ALSO. '. " ' . r , ,10,0001. Coffee wBYgy, 4,000 bushels Liv.SaIu T; - ; r SO Kegs Gun Powder "...'Z'J Bales Co-Ciothj-d . - jNO. J. BURGULV Co., , Witmincrtnn. Ton. IX. . JoticeV. ..r. JOHN M'MILLAN h rttoaff , menced his former trad and oc- Cupattoa aa Taylor and Fashioner, la. all its duties s may be required, and soliciu the patronage, of, kit friend UU .in. uiriw 1.1 IVIII - i v v - N IL The highest wages given fox good workmen, and none lse need applyat my shop above VathankV I ettrreT lf.r' rnsl tj jantmry 13th 1 SI 5. ?J -rVnh-i James. Uthc'r lj? faicpmfcJSrtAu.'it. uuu;i uic nrm ei ;.v . oform the ftuLlie, that they ruV opened e Store at Rockfiih Croi -Roads, in Dsplin County, where ' they have, cw hand a quantity of Gri eerie and Dry Goods, ylnev have.. Sugtr, Coffei, Iron, Rum, Hards., ware, Woolro and Cotton ' Goods qT, good qualities,' and well : assorted W'bkUthevwili aell et'.WilmJogtoo : price. They will take in payment all kind of couoiry produce. -4 . A'. B Tliere- i usual terw handsome - assortment kept as the Lore M Washington. 'Jtmiary 13, 1816. TIIIL Satnirriber ofTar iof i Lodi Is Gentlemen's Fre h . , GOLD WATCHES, caj'ci 'd jf wel'd, and pliin English Siljr, Do t Gold Cbaiqv Ssala and Kei. -Pearl,-Jet and Patent Diamond L- rings, BresMPios, Finger RingtfCl''--Bracetetts t real Gnrnet. Cornelia' i - - a nogs Waist Clasp i S'.lre? So; Ladle Table and Tea Spoona, e' many other artiHe io hi line. .- e i JOSEPH BISHOtS; N. B. All kind of Gold Silv Work ttunaiJctcrtd la tha neatrft manner a Clock and Wattbcja. r paired ae moal. f Old Gold & Silvcfi -"Wilmlrtoe, Jn, I3;i8tfinr5tt " BOOK SALEa ' ' ' .' ". - TUE Ltrge BOOK SALE 4 JL ( vetiiied. for this evening,4 wil posuivtly take place o Saturday ev mug at 6 o'clAck,-if tlio wsathcr ft fair, . " ''-.," . HOBBS, CEER & Ccal .Twrt7 10. IW16. . . ;, . in. . . - JJUUAo, j 1 Oil SU'at this OiUce jiW 3r4 , ,4ui,s of Booki-Htftotwj 1 'jAntiAry I?. -'4 ' il it I f Y ' I

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