I 1 WILMINGTON, (N. CSi .ftrabATT'MORNWdf-AiPRIL''' 1816 1 .1 1 J r t .i ' i. r i it I P: r-AMS.,MACAi.Esri-:it. j , " " r itrj. I j Ul - lit riuiiitl.. Iv T v'7" lTftrl le than f imied until arrear re settled. J;:hi3;V'.. All Uttp g.e Editor mutt t, Bank of Cane Fr : , i.In ur,UMlce" r requijhion of . - . . charter. T l.-i n- : j iimhii. .r t. . . . rr'-M"h me aioctnoiders or ih Ut Tha.t in lutur ii'. jJ for other purotea than clcctiont t 3, That at general meeting held : the Duroosft of FJArttncp n;ninM '-Vrletop-fn motjdiy the 15th 'do N. E. Rum, . ' Uv vrmff APriw0uing at o'clock 1 case superfine Han, r"-rAlirif:.M- for'he purpose of taking the 3 toos sheethmg paper, v; rSt hal1 be ltZ 8nd binding " p . J f S Corporation unless a majority Marcb i I 01 the Stockholders h nrMn 1 n. : - yi iji) or by proxy. Freicrht t ' a. i - wnvviuig rectors election whol -w., w rgics ids siocic noidors In person or. by proxy, shall be leal ,Jd binding on this Corporation, until i - fc P""cipal Bank, no' e i V ' ' i ltts iban a Mijority of the f wcrtiio f xpintion of nioe slays from V W orst day of the meeting so held X 5fC which nine days it shall be the : ' fH5JnI the Directors-holding said e faction to adjourn it from day 'io -day . ..Valc Majority of rotes shall sooner (' v;, appear. : ; " . f ' f l 3d. That In case of the Death, re. Jv. xnoral, orinahUity of the President of j ... tie principal Bank,' the Di rectors, or a Vt XuajoWty of the same shall be autho. , xistu to electa successor who shall , ; ,Y bold bis fuce until the succeeding I ' annual electinn. 1 nmi A ..;k , aUtho powers ad. authorities and in. ' titled to the emoluoents;appertalning t( lhf nfrtc'j" '..-- - --m J mmmm- w MSVWVtWW " " IhH 4th That the directors ,f the principal Uaak be authorued t appropriate a icun' suHIcieat tothe Erccii'V-:-: occm projjcr.y t- . - JOHN LONDON rebmary ir ji NOTICEr M The subscriber has obtaH Irt. trrs of administration on .-ihVtatc .i JAMES rfiLFAIH.reaffd; all persons indebted to theVti es fate, are requested to coirklward and settle their rtspective defcwand those to whom the estate isjivbeed to present their claim accordrg to liw, otherwise they will be nrrcd the recovery of the same, f D- M. mr jitfmtfir rater. "February IB dos DANIEL FERG17J, IS now supplied with nuntt of r;ood Journeymen Taylors, tfe cen accommodale hia custoine s wjtn work well done, at the shoriij; notice ' at his shop in Market Street! March 9 tf J CAUTION. if LT. porsens are forbid to trust srr of the creu- ot thr liritiah brig CojtMTttca, as thfw,u nt fcepaid by Jmo. lisrwELt., 3latrs3- tl" -ter. WANTED. ;ntiTs fothe rXHRF.K or r bl.ick Appre: J. Bnct Layuiij businesi. appl to THUS- iLFK. Mrch 9 t - " REttOVAL.' THE subscribers have taW the j stand recently occupied by Prin ,sile and Bench, one door westot Cal rdVs corner, where they offer or sale on moderate terms, a handsome as v a s i asA .- T713aa as they may aDriint i Wtlraingtoj. N. C Ang. 31, isu. tt. AvilJ ,ut-ch:ise bvibrt exatMining th , ' rally tomakesuch other rccmfo'L H : : .premises. I th-r .-lore mvue ; persons ' ; Ttrgard. to the affairs of ihU- "NT 0 1 5 fP" tni.1 h?VC ar dwnoaiuou - tn purchase firortmentof DRY GOOD , HARD-W WARf , and Gl OCEHlE , -f ROMS SOS if MILLER. Wilmington, Jan. SO. notice is hereby given, THHAT at the last Term of the Count -V Court of CkaJ and Quarter Session of T.ew.Hmer County, Use SubsariWr qualifi ed as Executor bf the last will nl Testam'ont cf James JcswisU, dceeaSed- .ill herons in dene4 to iu Estate, are required to COllie fca 1 and make immediate pynent' in() a'.lprrr.s having claims against i0e s,.ate ar requitwd to present then sgrecible t0 aW t s olhrie Uey will be barred a retovrry. March 13,161.. . N.MSIt, Vi For ( Freight or Charter, TO ihe tVeMndic, v5tTJnSi Cuaitvrise. the Brwr ClKiOPATKAv ahout 150tons, ooraman fcd by JophtF. Tripp, iiavmAv trv rect ive car Crtt f?A. for ttrmi upply to the master on board, wio i liANSOX KELLY, k Co. WUmiagui. MatcIi 1, 181C '82.if. One - FOR BOSTON, Xyfc U The munch schoontr Ey - REGULATOR B gZ T Kwohich. Master : T ? 7 ILL Mi With all d VV batch, or freight P,rV . nnr..k,wr -i i...- r.a no, ui - 2000 burhels. North county com Drarbtw Twtcnt taTancw from 400 2w or Philadelphia. nnHF brij Orlando, tt Sr jl capt nan, two Hun dred tons burthen is now 1 -J r i--:r : iutuiiig, 4iiu .wiu idite ireignt u luiuie diate application is made to John F. Burgwin, & Co March h. J roR sale, 0! A new VESSEL of aoout six hun dred tons on the stocks at Swansbo rbuh in this State, could be compie ted in a short time and delivered afl iat, having been lately caulrtd, by all wlo have st(,n her acknowledged to be excellently well put together. Timberj tnpstiy of live oak and cedar, she. is niritty feet on - the keel, thirty fi;e (near) beam and eightcelnR and a Jdtirrfade accorarhodatintr. 5aplyHU1Duor.XT in Onflow County or t ' E. B. Dudlkt- I HEREBY forbid all persons cre ditinpsinv of the: crew of the B i- tith Brig Nimble, as I deter min crl notn'jiay any di f)ta of thrir cou tracting. J- L- DILL. Wilmington, J:in. SO, - r Wanted, To instruct in the art andrnystery of Printing, two smart active ioys, about 15 years of age. It will be in- disnensbk thnt thy read a-.a spei: well. X Gat?tte OrHce, Jan. 14. V NOTICE. DO hereby torbi'l all persons tru-ting the crew of the Uiitish I SUp Frxkcis-maht. E. GILBERT, Master. F' b. -1 0.' C)V - p NOTICE. THAT at the last county court of p.'eas Quarter Session of New Hanovcr, Letter of Administration of the estate of John Hall, deceased, weregranted to the subscriber. There fore, those indebtedto said estate, will without delay, make payment And those whohave claims, against the es tateof said deceased, are hereby noti fied to hand themjn (properly authen ticated)1 for settlement, within the time presWihed by law: otherwise this advertisement will be plead in bar freARDB. DUDLEY, Adminitrator of Jno. Hall's estate. Wilmingtton.CNov 15,1815. Teii Dollars Reward. RavaWa!y from the subscriber a negro wo" U -i piipbE she earned with .SbeW!j;SS woman. a wm iiv- , . . i ., iir .rtotlena I will prosecuiw - oi me law, any pciwi - John Beard march T2, 1816. Old Jilnk, calf Pates, & scraps oi Sheep Skins, bought at this I Office. That vaIaaWev plinutioa : . callc rably jttlaptcd or IR or Cottori'-'a- hont iTV 1'- tti- i k:u stat or ctivaiionibricc. On the plantatioo U a gootwo -story tJWei- ling Hoiweiid'th'4itbuiIdiiigK V s lor - Negroes jcYVIts situation l uhdoubtedhr 5 lie handomest the Place ore Dout twelve miicaVanl bti-'BTun5v- Mrick three. A 'AorifJbHlar dea- cripttooia unriraryi W th: - r - i i . "those in- ci:uca o purchase - Llut .course view the premises. ,TSf price will oe moaerate a the term accommo- dattner , which'; wSil r: o known w - upOQ appiiCatlQn to 1 AycntfeE'. rf boRtt. Brunswick County, ; of4tM t AL iC AMF 1 1 tt, Wilmington v - ' HI palmary 1 3th tf Notice. I WOULD vtru?;. whereon i now livWsirJ plantation td about 14 miles North of HnVcfrHtgh on South Hyco C rV; Per stV County; containing; about f.K acrefSjf Land. There ; is on. the Land a'Vlod D wel- Jic..i!.rij, aacco and Cotton. A-more particu L-r description .t present is d reined " uruiecessrtry, as it is presumed no "one and examine for themselves. X would. take Negroes or Money ui payment, and in;:ke the terms reasonable, SAMUEL P. ASHE. N. B. If desired, the purchaser could be furnished with som' house hold ati kittn n Furniture, Near Cochrane's.'Store. N. C ar oil ii a, Jan. 181(. Notice. J. iS E S ibacribera take this m th I to inform their friends and tht pulic. th:u thsy have, commcnccr! busmesrt in their line in the house iatt-ly 'occupied by C. J. Jenkins, five doors south of ih Courthfiusr-, and they flatter themselves from their exertions and attt-ntion to their bus-, siness thnt they will be' able to givt saast.iCtion t those th:it will fa vol them with their custom. Pain Bazodie. February 1816. tf NOTICE.. I herebv forbid all persons trusting, anv of the Crkw of the British briK ' - a . - tA i nr,ium,, as x win pay .no debts of their contracting. DANIEL COLLIER. Wilmington, (w. c) Feb. 10 , NOTICE . i Aii NY persons in Wilmington or its vicinity, naving claims a- Minstrhe Quarter Masters, or En gineers Departments, will please to present tliem forthwith for liquida- tion. Jamhs Ward, February 24.. A. GcneraL tf 1 ELLEN DUFFY, m r pq thi method of inferminff 1 he Ladies of Wilmington and its vicinitv that she continued To make uv .MILLENARY, and hopes by i -t, nttrntion to meet with T Tf r fitt,V . f 'f .- ' . . MJ-1CWJL , - ia(l tpC , rcstaencc ot to render it iiserai and mterestin C". TUcKcnlie -EiA deceased. ' Ic A9 u po'l Journal, it will containV- AAA .Ji f f u-ti, each aide, for a calm disciu ' " i i fc- t 1neaure$ -rejectinr, as impropiTery un is. OncQjrtd;DCtwj:Dt3r of whlcrT necessary indulgWKe of personalis. A de Of rti c iux: .3frarap-x?vri,iTiar9n,3ia"ii- woi ae proceeumirs debates of uongre J3 beautiruuy druaaitr I Id "Wlth',t jlive to' P ' C Its distance fromWibgton.a- I inf. 1-4 &f m . r . - , . I Mt iA . . a and hrilthy situation "axcUcntXTir rs:irn. s-.it f ?s? i rf-hmW -n i rrf T i T ... ...... ,IU..'TI'. i. . I 'JCX . O 1 their encouragejnrntanl patronage. The Jtrictes attention' will be paid to srders from the town or country. Miss DufTv has private Rooms at 2rl r s. Sexton's, Maiict-st. February 15. 1- y.T& . - . - a. 't s . nTn rsw fW;Pu6&M6ii"rnal'oi the U : To be trotted at the Cltu f Wartintrtrm. T. . " J J ' ' J HE fcubtcribcr praposek to commence , - witliin a few vreeka, a daily and thrioe--weck Newspaper, under th? foregoing tilie, be published at the seat of the general gov. eminent- It I will be natiomU in it character & libera! in its political complexions-attempting- with moderate firmnetH, to do justice to the aemimthta and opiuiorr of those, wbo have fiot regarded with approbation the system f policy pursued, for several years, by pvrjMib. lie couneils, j- s , a Newspaper, no paios will be stred be held onn sion of psiblic roPlev posaile, will be pVen is will u documeats which from their imports mporlahce, may be dtcraed worthy of beiatr placed before the public , ; v ' la other respects, it -wiU, of course, le the Interest and object of the editor, tovgratifv, by various and careful selections, the taste & wishes of his readers, , , v 8 tar as regards the manner of execution, " the attention to advertising patrons, with re gular itv of publication, and care in transmis sion to subscribers, the editor hopes to be a ble to jpve general satisfaction. . v The Tenns; proposed, are, v 1. - The Public Journal of 'the, Vnited State priuted on a super-royal sheet of ttie usual size, "will ! be ruminhd daily at isn dollars prr annum times a week at five. '' 2. Si subschpiioii to be received without payment, in advance, for the term specified. 3 Subscriptions will be presumed -as continued, unless ot herwise ordered ; and the editor will, at his option, have a right to dis regard such order of discontinuance, unless all arreaes are at the time paid off. 4. Wlicre accounts have been, forwarded f and no payment has been made witliin a rea. sonabl time, the names of deiiuqusntsmay b? erased from the subscription list. On the foregoing p!an and ' terms, a share of public " encouragement, is respectfully Oicod. A ... L , A LUCAS. Whington qity, Fb-14, 1816. " 57-3t: Tiibse :-gentlemen in Korth and South -Carolina, wtib may be hind, enough to take charge of subscripuon papers, will also jbave the goodness Co receive the advance paytaeuts; and forward theih, with( the nam; for the present, to the suberihef at Raleigh NOTICE: ILL be sold on the 16th;4l fcfc t rubliC Auction in IV" Tii ojr uivicea mu convtrHtimc iota and undoubted lilies will be made. Term, of the sale, six and twelve months credirthe purrluue. giving- notes negociable at either 13 ink. w'un Approved indorsers, and a mortgage on the prupcriy. At the same time will be sold thai irart or parcel of Land situated in Brunswick County, on Mallory creek U 'Cape Fear River, including' a saw mill and a Rfist miil, butting and bounding to the eastward on s.idiKivcr, lu the westward by lands of Henj. Siinlii, t the northward by lands claimed by Kichard Balt, and to tle southward by .Tas. Smith benevitty plantation contahliiig- SJ0 crs inore or less, .lis, Tseveral tract 6 ad joining Hgrceably to thegrants thereof, contain ing 11 JO vCres, more or less-. Win. B. Jtfears. March 16, 1816. 5w. T HE subscriberscextensive Wharf, Ware house and Sheds fur naval stores, are ready for the reception of Produce; goods or vessels at the established rates- On the North and South side of the Wharf, there are conve nient Dock and other facilities, for landiag naval stores, lumber and other kinds of pro duce ; and for the discharge and unloading of the Fayette boats, &c. The uppar Southern and upper No them Bom, as well as the Gat ret of his brick Wrel'iOtisef are at present uuijccupied, as aiso two Sheds under lock & key, capable of containingseveral thousand barrels.! He has also a Flat U hire by the day. Ucation to be made at the subscri ber's ofloe, or to mr. Meilan J.K-London Wilmuiggn, 16 march 1816. Twenty Dollars Reward. DESKRTED from this post, on the night of the 22nd inst. Coporl Uriah day don and I 1 -J Will three years, five feet tight aged ab-ut twenty three years h!?hL .l ion. blue.eyesv farmer. Bigs DiriCsW Upli ft U utviu-iiuit a ajed twenty six years, five teet len 1-2 inches . J i ' . , ..... . & . high; dark, complexion, ptue ees, oiacK uair, and bv Profession a mariner. It is believed and bv profe -they took little if any of their public eiothiog withuhem. The above reward will be given for both or ten dollars tor each, and all reasonable ex pence paid on their delivery to this post, or to any ofEcer of the army of the Uniuxi States. William Wilson, Cap fin Qaimnanding. ' ron onnson, m-j Feb 39th, IS 16. FIFTY DOLLARS REWARD. RUNAWAY from the subscriber . afeW davsago a negro fellow by , ro v t i the name of Sparrow, and agirlna- tried Deli a, late the property of Jno " - M, Gabie, deceased. They are Wth wen Known m-tnis piace ana are no doubt1 lurking about the Town or in its neighborhood. The above reward :i k - r i v nA w i ii i sr iriirn mr mr- zam mi cr i ic ii.'s iiJii nitia iT..-? - -.si'ir.v- t c rfc n awavs, or Twenty-five Dollars tor either of them, ' - ' ' James S. Green. iWiliaingtou, r'5i ua y FOk EKBCT1NG A MASONIC HALL V THE C1TV, f BALTIMOat. 8 Cff BJf E. 1 Prize of5-, iv , 'i-v g40,000 1 5 - 20,000 - JOOOO - 5,000 - J.0OO 5 2a 100 1000 lSi drawn Ticket will bo entitled to g5000 -" ; doJ Wthe 2d day ')' '..c.ao(-' tio. 4th. -:. 5th; . - 6thr . rth, 9th, . 10th, V nth. ; 13th, 14tb, 15th, - l&b, 17tb, - 18th, - ,19th, . '20th, i - 21st, -2Jd,, 23d, V do do vd6! d do; do do" do 1 do i do' rdcr do do - do : do : do i do i 400 ... 500 500 , 5D00 .'5o0 500 V 100O 1000 - iooo . 50O . z 500 ... 500 500 , ,1000 ' - 5000 - -. . iooo : . 5oo .; 5 - 1000 " ;- 30QQ - ' ... 500 . - - ' 50t t 10.000 "V43J00 " 10 000 . 1CHX) 10J0QQ 100 , 10,000 100O i 10,000 ;40,000 for the lstu do do do do do do do do de do do do do do tlo do 2hf -25th, 26th, 2nh, . 28tb, 3.0tk, lt, 32d, 33d. 34h sith 36th f 4 9 40th'' . The pretaiums of gJOOO 10th, 21st, 2)d, iand.25th days,: are each pay. able m part py 4UU Tickets, value at SX , ThS reserved TickeU are, 33,009 ; the first 400 for; the 1st, and so, regularly. CCy At leatl 600 Ticket vdil etraien m each ' day Prize Tiekett, subject to a deduction of IS per cent, will be paid sixty days after thej mm& mm, t tn of the drawtjarj . t K- . iTdvcsife7'1rjfhe lv of drswi :j, W v.'dv . ; - be vi& Ideatvanu'se in early advinturtrr. ? - - - ' " -(rj . V r it n "m n ' . 'A w mm A-m m- .T- Wat kins, Abraham Lash, Samuel Moale, Edwark J- Coale, George Winchester, Willtam G reetham, James Bar roll, t Georspe Keysar,1 Wtlllam Camp, ., Joseph K. Stapleton E. J- Woodyear, Thomas Sweeting-. Charlos Wicgman, Edward Palmer, Peter Little. f William Stewart, Jacob Small, Tiekats to be had of Mr. E. Ff TZoinsLa Wilmington N. C. March 9, 1 Kg ' tf ' - j ' V JMLTIMORE, Feb. 15 1810. The Managers of the Masonic Hall Lottery, beg- leave to call your attention to the annaxeol proceedings of the Grand Lodge. The Managers confidently hope, thft thai measure ecomroended by the Grand Lodge,, will me4t with that attention which their nature and im portance require- .ny eommuntcatton on the sebject will be attended to by the Under-signed.- ' ( ( . ' Signed ii Behalf of the dfana fere. ' GEOKGE KElSEK, Secretary; -t GRAND LODGE TOF MAK LAND , v' . Jtt a Semi-annual Grand Communication of the Grand Lodge of Maryland, held in the city of Baltimore on Monday the 6th of November and continued by adjournment un til Tuesda the 7th of November a. p. 1816, anong other proceeding-sithe following preaai .ble and resolutions were adopted. WKEafcAn.it has heen represented to the Grand Lodge of Maryland, that the Masonic Hill "Lottery, intended to raise funds for the erec-' ion of the Masonic Hall in this eity, is now drawing, but that the sale of tickets m - said Lottery has not been so rapid and successful - . . . , . . frtctor who f rt tincilly Masons arc likely J, , " . r Mna vnereaM, u is inc uty oi ail Masons to 'T' "! . . - v -v",r,f, w a anu litllt in th i i anneal or calir :.L-... : j rHtlll K OK BM W MM r n mi m II klA A - M V iT" "r , . w V'VV dou,bte PurP of aceelera- nj c cuutcuon oi sucn monies, as are now due er may hereafijtr be rtquisitefor comple tion of said Masocie HaJL J And whereat, the; example of the Grand ' Wge of MaryUnd may be iroporUnt m O cmgthe subordinate lo dges and Brethren . ! generally to exert theit utmost endeavors, in ' J forwarding the sale of Tickets, for which the faith of all Brethren was pledged. ? I'herethreReiolxfed, .. That the G. Treaaurey be aothorbed to purchase twenty tlckeu in the Masonis Hall Lottery for the use of the G.'Lodre. JRetolfed Further. That it be and is now earnestly recocunen- dedby the G,Ldge to the subordinate Lodge ff?- proeee3 withaut delay -to adopt such measures mrw tn ' srJ.r,:i' r" 77 for aiding- the afaressid contractors in the ' - w W MUaL . IinWBI.IAMS e of Tkeu not yet disposed of. ' True Copy, XUA'JJMTSr C ItOWARn Grand Sec'ry Jb or Sale. 1 ne House iantf Lot where tha k - . v cfDr rio resides, a libera (credit wilt . ;n fftP th ..m . r t c' w - w. uc puree av jx.cy. G.HOLME5AWV December 22 1815. V 0 I? '1 Vs 7. 5' m .' - i v 4 m - ! ! : - ' ' a! .4'.. ; A ..' v f . . , :-y i f ' ' '