... r 4 1 x-.cx- -U -n.. F r I D A Yl.:AMt.Vl809, : EDENTON ; PHINTED BY JAMES WILLS. zi Vol.: IV. iXuM. 163. ti ' k '.u xx u ; -X' zxi nyi flv UTST f ROM EUROPE ft'sUr wk! 26tU December, toaiAla the 4l3th, nd bolteilnt of the grand uL Sdy rcbed uithroogh furowt Qu : Vi had them down to the I6U1, tZ dispatch hip Union, .rttfcd at Fhif ' v-nhU The bu!kOn now before us con freT mnnt.- The Ust of them is ffiudid, vthe ISth of Deer mbrr, .nd fvetait account of the surrender of Itou K.:-v k.tmc titen. U entrtlr utikier .k. naLin. that the bulletin! from the be eniiKntcnea pan t wc iuiwn, nrt tijaiiaqi, intded to fctnuitthe Ijnomnu fw known mt Rncherethit the rrench fcjj'- 'nide "three di2creotMttcktm'Mt'e t'Kl, and wfleml 1mnaene loo, Lcton it OThwr:'",Thfmd frwrpMi; lot "nacf rIcariJtinuiRy crowded with Vaj 0111 of c k nd wounded". ixi l&eir ret at n-n it was belict'ed,:t'Bpartf.Jbid wt lr than 100,000 men since he eororoen "ed kUiUs apunit Spain. So niopuIar, ras'ihe" preenl' war in Franc! snd sach ra the general -4isims iiiaX, the best in, amttl pete were seruwsJy afpreheiuite f Our informants further idJ, rthat the storj- ihwtthe destruction t.nsiij rwy V4$ a mere fabricitiotj, said u he footed lnff from R tronne. J r " j It must he extremely mortify Ing to ercrr American, and roust rouse me entuuy u ev rr min, wh has the kail prcten5cns to A Wtan Iceiings, to hear cf the crueltea brartwd DDan oor fellow citizens la France. ho chance has thnWil upejn their shores. I we learn . from i;apvi-i amaj, wn 'ame home .passenger in vie uau lan, i;anu renie Quran Dcrurejiuv uic tirwiui 1 Amtncmn t essels deutucd inNYrrice are Snpifcxied, uvl are released only ori cMdi- of their, entering m hoard Frmch ships f mu: We h-iee seen ft letter fnn a tounc reifJcman of ihta ciuv who wcut tut Chief kitte of the shin l! lUnd Trader, Ca'H. S n- l!affviesrttstihTr he wai still inpriont R:bcfort, and aUowea couij to suwst on bread and water. ! ;y.S :V"'-'. '-j t will rrcur to our rcadert that Captain SncW r. the ! com-Tindcr of the , I Inland Trader, ws also Jmprinord In T ra. ce ; rA flirt he m vJ his ccae in dguie, got !on board the shfo Bordeaux and arrived We thne since at !nuldetpb-u---h'W-4t- lesnis re0eilti that Be is now writn n LmH in ihU dt Xit hU rscar had so !- 'tenied the French, that inimrdiaUlv after it tu discovered that he ma gone ul, utow rranci rewtrd wssoncKatrjr the government wr hi spptchenuon X . l;.- V Wm from nnrthr mitrnerr. that Bo-wanarte, by a decree, dated the 6h Oc tober hut, (but which wat not, till lateir puirahcd), has declared4 Tunis a free port, sn3 duty to enter thi porti of his Imperial M-itcstr. Th Mtlan and litrlin deCtee are thus declared hot b force towards TwJs. The articles which follow, are translated. aummanly, from a fi'e of Pans papers, down V iae ' w December : - - VY-rti AfrL The 17th fiu tin. imAxtt-A Afsdr(d. De Cember 10, mentinns a i few trifllnir sklrmitii eS On the nvul Irt (intntci mnA rkpnc. between the Dukr Istria and the patrku. me apanisa Dejten at Ttwew, ana at v-a-Ulayud. and aband jn4d hv Its (lenerals, the rrtilff mr tJt it. Rli-.n ..ut nriritlt Wat -educed f600ainwiirtweirthcr-5th'nd h of . December. On the Sth at mWidjht, panuh corps protecir? the escape of the r, was closely pursued, and l&CX) prison i takm the remainder were dispersed In e mountains of Cinrnca. On Ue SSth Noi n.ber, the town of Rosas was summoned Uunendcr, but no answer returned. The I8th bulletin is dated Madrid, Dec, VThishuMetinCnmnienceswuhaditracc-' philintck aealnst the central Junta and an rcs Uhel aiperme the character of aa manca, and Lerenso alvo, caiiea h had the tiile Jt Excellency and eft, yoongef brother f the noted Ger wno acted a celehrated parfunder Kd 'crre. In the reign of terror. These men aid to -rmrrm? flkttftt!litr hen on the t itlt, llVe generMl f dvl IantUe, in pursuit nf the enemy had ar 1 atrTallavera tAUriiia. whrre the ukU had remained in ttiumyli ten dayi berorr,' announclnj their Intention to tuccouf the cauittl, a frightful spectacle presented iseli tu the eyes of the r rencbi A dead bo dy dre- sed in the uniform of a Spanish, Gene ral, was suspended on a galiow s, pierced with a thousand baliv It was Gen. Don Be nho rSt.Juanj w hn" bur" slucririfi"thttf7 .i. 1! 4 I . I .!!.. . tneir cowaru.ee, naa mui uugracciuuy cnficedlliey. stopped at lalavera, only to take breath and torture their unfortunate General, who durin? a whole dav. eave tm ploynient to their attrocious barbarity. ; TAla.vera.isa beautiful town situated In a ralley on the Tajjua and in a ferule coun try. , . , - ilia Mijeity has appointed the Polish Col.' Koitopka, a cooarnandao: of the legion of ho nuur. , -, . . , ' I . ' .. taaf Thridth buUctIn Is dat' Md"rkLDeeI 13. It mrntinnf. the inrmvlrr of ItuMSOA the sih of lire, with' ?0bO tn Uoiurr. That six British ships of the hoc in the harbor had k notio i uc tuutan iroopa aisunguiMicu sncrow.Tcs durinff the-airew- -The- ita.nil trooos-XQfJ tinue to disperse in erery Quarter, and the ne w levies are daily competed to return to their homes. iie montft of yLKcemiier xeseniw: the spring. The Kmperor during :thh de lighthtl season, remsina ia the country, Icasufrom Madrid. V, At a atttlnr of the manieinal bode of a drid, the fch f . Dec the Cliorrijcedor, pre sented a mt bomhastic and fuUotne aUres to his Imjjecid ami Royal Mjeay, implor ing in the, most abject and servile manner, the protect u the conqueror Nauuleon, for the cidieni. Mdrid generally alo his Imperial pardon f.r all the iiiluUunU of the citr andejuutrtt whuhatebome annsaratast the French, v : would be prosperous and happyk if the inba- Utants adhered, with gOil with, to the con stitution, and acknowledge with siJncer.tT, uon jtepa rtapoieon sne xtrav, wnr. lawful Kine; but In the contrary te, Spain shnuU liecone a province of France. , . X . a a a a r i i icre luiows a cecree ci aa wajewy, sta ted the l&h of Dei. at the camp of Mdrid,v can4uinc; of twenty artkles--the oliject of which i nrincinallr to relieve the Poorer rtasses of society from bunhensoroe t-ucs It personal services. ' By articles 1 ana s, tne t.xe called Serfage and Gdnoate, are abo KAevI In all the states cftrnpVihg the Duchf ot Berg and Cleves;TIncWeant Serfa, as well as the other jnhabiuntsnf sakl Duthy are to enjjv civil rHhts in all their plentitude. Bf article X are aboUdied, the duty of Domeakity-Uhe duty.ofinumiMand enfrnchuement -the tnortoary duty the oevrrv minual, .tranpirt, and all otbef pers'm'il services, kc 8cc.; i i 4 ' 1 " 4 XA Decree of the Emperor Napnleon, da Udat the csmp at Madrid. 13th Dec pro-' hibtta the allenut'mn nf dilTermt branches of taxes and orders of the holders of rights and title to such impcMtiuns, to My the tame into the rwal ireasury. k -j-... --r '; ' & Another Decree of the same date, . abolishi es thrKie.hout Spain all judiciary tribunals of the Lords. . . . JlfjrrA JS. Capt, Sjeck, tvho arrived here Testerday, tnU-ms, that he passed Fort Birbnn, Mar tlnique, on 'he 50th o!t. in die night and that during the whfle of,the nlht, and the next day, he heard a eery heay Cannona ding. It is alreade known th4t the Britiah troops landed at Martinique on the 29 h Jan. and that, before the Cih of Febmry, they had possession of the Wand, except Fort Bourbon, which place it would appear, front Captain Speck's statement, held out al late as the 20th of last' month.-' The rale ulation r,ttm Uritltit ifmm!i rutf r araa. thut It WOUld tnt wM-kkin eet .txMaessiotixof this strrwgest foh. 1 " ,v:"- f,-K On thejivt. Captain Speck rpnke a fri gate, and learned, tht the Brit! J had been constantly pourl'iff In shots and shells for se veral days, from five w six batteries which they had erected f.r the rrpnse anT the opinio was, thnt the French cildTwt hold it more- than two or three days l""; . ik. .-if nln whirh lrd into the fort bad been cut, thereby destroying the, weans of a suppiy w wawr. . , .-.-. t y y v , 1:, , , Captatrf Specie, who arrived here yever day, politely fat-mired iheeditors of the w, York Gazette with the Birh-idoet Mercury, of the 7th ult. containing the Wlpwing . , ninmtf it'll Wl- . Proposed hf Victor Hmroes, Cnrnmnnder In -Pfonrh Guvana A ..i li t..iM l .iirua ifft. l'Ot i tantalnln II. B, M. service rommandS: . . . t J 11 . . . . M . A u.a tl'ia tUe conimned r-nrusn anu ronu);...- of the oiiliury orders cf St. Bcnort d Aie, 4'? i.it. C6I4 in Chielf and director vi t& I corps of artillery of Para, commanding the .- advanced army cf the Portuguese. ; - Ahhough tli advanced pott bare been Carried ; and that the cnramiwJoner of the Emperor and Kine Is reduced with his gar tlsnn tothewwn, he owes tt toHhose senti menu of hoorvhich hare always diatin guished him to the valour and good conduct of the officers and soldiers under his cm mand to the atuchment of the InhabitaiiU of the colony for his Maietv the Emtxror and King-lto deviate public kly, that be sur renders leu to the force than to the destruc tive sytem of liberating all the slaves who should jt m the enemy and of burning all the plantation! and posts where there should be. any resutance, - . a .... fhe commissioner of the Emperor evm nvnding in chief; after having witneakd.tbe burning of several plantations, particularly his own, the most considerable of the colony, had attributed it at first to the casualties of war and the disorganization of the gangs, and the liberation ( tlie sUves, appeared to him a momentary 'measure i but being as- surtd, ia wruingrthat the FjaghalkandPota. tuiruese omcers acted in virtue cf the orders of his royal highness the Prince Regent, and wiping to sare the colony from total destruc-tioot-aad to- preserve his -austisr master's suSiects who had given him so many proofs of their atuchment and fide ity, the comntis slont:of.yalmperlal and JMajet surrenders the coloriy to the forces of his royal bigness the Prince Recent onthcfol- -kwm condUionat : , , - . ,'-,-., ' k Article 1. The garrison shall inarch out with their arms and baggage and all the ho nors of war; the cdkers shall retain their side arms, and tho of the staff their hor srs i the garrison shall lay down their arms, and engage not to serve against his royal highriess and his allies during one year. X .2. Vessels shall be furnished at the ex pmre of his highness the Prince Regent, , to carry the garrison, the officers civil and mi litary, and all thoe emrd-i) ed in the service, with their families and c Sects direct to France with as littie delay as possible. . J. A convenient vessel shall be fartuthed ts convev to France the commiaioner of the Emrxror commandine In thief, hi family. his ifScers. hlsx suite, and trTects t the chief or the administration of the finances, thr commander of the trdops, the inpecinr and the comnundaht of aruilerj , with their milies.X .:v ..v-- " A. A convenient delay shall be frantM to the eRcerswha Iwve projKlty In the cUuoy to settle ihar sruirs. -- - -r 5. The arsenals, batter lea, - and ' eTerv thing belongmgNto the artiilefjr, the small arms and powder tnaga.irtes, and tlie provi "sioo stores shall be given up by Inventorv, k in the state In which they now are, and the same shall be pointed out. "'" 6. The slaves on bothN sklea shall be dis armed, tod sent to their respective planta tiahi. r -r-- -r-$-r?r- -T-- ' The French crgies whonxhe comman ders by sea and land of his royal highness the Prince Regent have engaged for the ser Vice during the war, and to . whom virtue of their orders thee have given their trreduro,' shall be sent out of the colony as they canon ly remain there In future ah object of trouble fnd diiStntif.il. rV- v..i ? - - -The commanders engage, as they have pmmiatd tostjicit from his rov al highness the -Prince Regent the replacing of those slaves ai an Indemnity ia favor of theinba bltanti to whom ther bekaig. , T. The papers, plans and other articles belonging to the engloetr departirieut, shall be equally e,Iren tip. -: .v " -.:; ' " ; 8. The sick and Wounded ho are obliged In remain, in the colony may leave H, with U that belongs to them, as toon as they are lit situation to do so; In the mem time the shall be treated, as they-have been hi therto. Jt..--:T- r , : 9. Private prrpftty," of whatever nature tir c'esiTlptlon, shall be respected,1 and the inhabiunts may dispose of it as here .tofore. it ' , v v 10 The inhabitants of the colony shall preserve their properties and may reside there, conforming to the orders and forms Mtaiitithed - be the sovereim under w which L ther remans $ tliey snail be at liberty to sell ;thHrprnpertiernd retirewhenever it oiay suit them, without any obstacle. ' Hi The civil laws known in France un der the title of the: Napolean Code, and in forreln the colony shall be observed and executed until the peace between the two nations i -the maelstrutes shall only decide on the' Interests of Individuals,' and diffcrenf res connected wittf them in virtue of the said laws.'",, :r--. Y-r' -: rtTjoj hy bMridq als durlfiif or previoui 'to the time fixed bytbe preceding article, shall be enacted agreeable to the bttii dttcf tnfaied by tho same article, "v "v- - r r, . papers concerning the controui : and matriculation ot the uoops suaii be car ried away by the quarter roaster,. :t : . li.) Desirouf of preserving the apice plan tation called La Gabnelle in all its splendour, and agriculture, it is stipulated, that neither it nor any of the plauta lion tne s-or plants, shall .be destroed, but that it shall be pre served in the ktate in whiclt it is given up to the commanders 1 ; hi Royal Uih&eu the Prince Regcqt.;v;A Vv : 15. All the papers of the stores of Intpcc tion of the .customs, or of anr responsih.lity whatever, shall be deposited In the Sccreta ry's ofSce, or in any other placi that may be agreed on, to be referred to when there is occasion the whole shall be under the seal of the two governments, and at the disposal of his Imperial and Royal Malcsty. , Tbe preseht capitulation shall be writ ten in tne tnree languages, and signed by the three officers stipulating. At the advanced posts of Bourde. January J3, J8C9. ;. ; AJuxicLJlIatgue. '-V ..--i..L. LU V T , rTtCrCLAMATIOC 1 -,0JluQTtafiartc t9 ihe Sjidntih.Xtiiotu . SrAMtAtDS, , . You have been blinded by perfidious men; They have seduced you to take up arms, and drawn you in'.o a foolish and senseless war fare. Is there one among sou, who iu re flecting for a moment upon what lias passed, will not iooq be convinced that you Have been tiie tools of the eternal enemy of the conti nent, and who rejoice to see shed the blood of the byiuuh sixl the blotaj of the French t What will be the result of a protracted cam paign 1 An onfinished var in the kingdom and a ling anxiety as to tbie Li of your prcn perty and your lives., , " . In less than a month you have been deli vered p to all the angti'udt of a ixular.fac tinn, Tht defeat of your armie has been an affair of some marches only, I tjave enter ed into Madrid. The rights of war will au thorise tne to give a terrible example, and to wash in your blood the outrages against me and my tuition. 1 have a1y CsteneJ to for'-, givenesa, ;; . 7 Thnae roea only4 that are Inventors cf an our evils shall be punhbed. if wiUsoonlcliassv front the Peninsula, the EnglUh armr who have beer sent to Sp-iin. hot hr j our ski, but to influence you with a false omfidence, and to mislead you. I have told you in my pro clamation of, the 21 Juoe, that I .would be your rrgenerater.4 . - . r . . ,i - To the rights which have been ceded tome by the Princes of the last dvnaty, you have added to me the right of coiKpiest,. No. thing will . change rny-diAftkmrr l uUl : approve of what have been your generous ciTrts. ' ". ('.''ir,'.. '.v f:: " ' i would tell you thsf y our enemies ha ve not consulted )-tajr interest tliey have ilusU-nUar ted to you the true state of tliioga, - - . " Spaniards your destiny Ir in your own handw-Tbrow wsy the poisrn the English have scattered a rdong you, that your King may be certain of your love and coiidence, end you shall be greater and hippicr than you . evef have been I AU those wlio oppose yourv prosperity and your grandeur, I have des tros ed, and have brokoo the shacklei which weighed down the people. I have given you a liberal ontitutioo, in the room of an b' solute nVwiarcliy. , I give you one temperate and suitable Iok your habits.' It .'depends e you to say whether that constithtton sliall be. your law. . x Jx. , .:'" , ' V. X But if:ell my efforts are fneffenud and if I find you tinworthy of my confidence, I will treat you! only, at prisoners' coieKpiercd. itnd place ray brother on another throne. I wilt put the crown of S)ain ori irty-owirlad and I will be respected even by ther wdrst lortioo QMgttennitne power and the dispotioiiTKcessaryo-auTmout-xll obsta eies; - : -;v' v.., - , : , In our Imperial Camp, at Madridj 7th. December, If 08. . . , . - ' f NAPOLE'4)N. X V -.;'.. . i "r-r's ' t :.' J .CaaiLltstox.NflflrrA 20. .CAPTURE OF MARTINIQUE. XCaptain Moss, arrived last evening in It days from St. Bartholomews, informs os ihaf shortly before he left tliat plate Wnailf lnfel Iigence had oeen received or the surrender of the' island of Martinique to the British " r arms. It it itateil, that eirk in the month of " February the Britinh carricii, In- storm, the r v Important post of Windmill-IMI, which In "7'.''. some measure comtnaiida Fort Bourbon the - ;i - . .." old batteries at this phce Jtre strengthened . and new ones thrown up--on the ltfili of Te- bruary these batterief wrrv iipeiiiil upon the V X ""' v rWtrid wtViOavh capitulated.'; It is alo-atatedrihat thw. sur - v render of the fort was accelerated by thei.c- 3 - V i k:'f3?iW

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