. a; 1 """ v. ' : - V , , , -s. : '7".-7.- .7 M.& l f ( " ;: ..' . 4 A which also ScttTcvtd tne water cistern.' The tirkfeh troops were commanded by General rate at' Fort RoaT, awl she waa destroyed " tjefiut Uic surrender of the p lace ; her com "manuer " had been "UrevWwily -killed by the explosion of - feoml. A sloop of war was ' Immediately dispatched hr Eiiglatid with in :' ; accxttnt ot the surrende r of the island. v ' aTIjc ijlamond frigate had arrived at St., Christophers in a wort passage irora uaauj - - it wss reported that the British and Spanish , had defeated the i rerch, anaretaien Ma '"',. dnd, but nothing certain had transpired. It was also reported that the Uocbetort aqua- i 4ron were at aeiu1 - . j j - -o '.v fjtxhn. : ; V N ' Be the arrival of the British schooner In- trepid. Captain Basey,; we hare been favour ed with Havanna paper to the 15th Instant. From the difficulty of procuring t ranslationa, " 7 our extract are necessarily limited.- - la addition to the accounts published thU evening," it is stated," that the Duke de la In. . fanudo, wkh 25,CO0 ir.en, was at Peralcs, T" Vbnut 4 leatrte fiIadrldrpS the advance 1 1 cir.g from Burgns. A report Is prevalent that the French had previously advanced toSars- gossa, where it is said they ere defeated, with the loss cf 12.CC0 men, Ve have not however, seen any thing to warrant a belief in tnis rumour, v , - . y . , Madrid was eradiated on the 23d Decem ber. The Spanish accounts say that their nwv rmd possession pi tne celebrated pass of Somesierra, the only road by which the French army could retreat, and they were 1 cry sanguine in the hope of cutting them off completely. ' It docs not appear that Buonaparte, had more than 30,000 men in Madrid. ' ( I A uJkJ if nielli n matwn I1ATAVXA, I J. .Dm Xuan, -Domecq. de Victor, , eentlcrpail well known in this city and as remarkable for his pnUr; as the public situation he hrsldsrhas received a -IrtteT from his 1ro-r ther IiJoef Victor, an inhabitant of the " city cf Xerei de tx Frontera, of the fol lowing tenw : " ..'" ". -XEacs, S9th Dec 1SCS. r . " Dear Ekmecf- : " v ? 1 have received by General GregnrV at seven o'clcck this morning," an extrawdiaary dispatch, containing ranrtii and rmportant new s from Madrid, tf which 1 had not tin 9 send you a crnr. as it is trrwei and there is he rely time to take tne for the Cap tia Gcr.en.1, to Whom lam a1xut to forward it. Tle silyur.ce tr k may be reduced to this The French nho rarriscned andsnr- ' . ' " " -v' . 1 minced Madrid, alarmed by the failure of rite mails from Cayenne, and informed M the junction r the Marqms de Romana, and oTthe Duke de la Infantado, with their ar mies, had resolTed to eeacnate Madnd, n;ch they did in tvodiTiaions, kavirg very lew cf their; people behind tarm, andtock the road to Somesierra, rn their way to fcich they must ineVit-b!y be cut ofT, and not'a would remain. - " ' r- ""'"' 7-." " ,. The accents stiite,t?iattlie military and private pmperty which "they had pluodrred, was Mifikient to lead J5C0 waggotts. Thejr al assert, - that the news fmn Arragon and V-auioKia has fined with CflnsternaUon boh J Veph 8ttonanne and his brother. This is all that my time permits rjae to comniui;icate. ( r ' n'ilH' C. '"7 'a . k from tie Cadiz Diary ofjhe 1 5-'A fsnlli&. That tl Patriot arfnv under Palafox, has gained, perhaps equal advantages hi a bloo dy and hard fnoghi buttle at Srossiii erc pe rencu oivisjoji unucr iMarwiai iMoncey jya torn pk.tely. iputcd,, u , lle Spaniards are srely oppressed,' and many thousands have been murde,rd since .the tyrant has invaded thcur country j the Rn tish, auxiliaries have also, uClred. Uut the blood-hounds qf Gaul have jm'kJ full amount for their partial and occasional triumphs Eighty-four thousand French prisoners are at Cadis ! what strange Bulletin accounts Buo naparte has menus! Can the most credu laus believe the French accounts in its fullest extent I 7, Extract of a letter from a gentleman of the ;;? JBrstrepecUUl.tJ-, dated 1 manna, March 8, 150V, c . '!f- - By the British brU George, I have onir time to send you an extiw. Gaaette.' contain- t .v.. ot.! r i j'jj uk niuniiut news vi vmtru.iT, vj a ves sel in 35 daj il frim Cadi i-MC)HLA, Go vernor of Cadis has proved i traityr, Jiftd Invited the French to Madrid, which place Buonaparte left on the 23d December, to at tack Knmana's army ( since which time no thing official had been received from the ar mies, fl Tie whole ef the Stianiait forces are drawing to a pomti and hpc are- enter tained that they wul surround and take Buo naparte. -. : - ' The supreme Junta Was - at Scv&e, but rt was expected they would remove to C-dii in a few d ivs. , - -' " v' ' f At Caclix they had aghty-fsur ' thcutand f rencA firttonen. .$7 ' ? .";'-':: "; - The British hate been rmshry hand ed. One army is marching towards Ccrunaa, from prudenual motives ; and the other to wards the borders of Portugal. V . These ' rocvemcnuimlicata an exuKta .tion f the; jEeccasir jr of, emhat krrg a v thc points to sail round to another. nvrr tenUUe. 4 tke thi Mtc texeiied, ai:tiou3 h nvui v !o, -. and bcher e nhat Spain witi soon 1 cleared of the monster of EoX rope and his army. Indeed, I censidef jhe the besieged fcej confwtcnt of nlvimite sue enss, as iill ilasesjire inspired with uticn) VjaeMilecunTge, rtljTiig" hi theprofcctioii of tlod and the justice xA their cause. T""-On the 2?d Dcccmlxr,' thrday after the unsuccessful attack, Mar&hul Alonecy ad dressed the fullowingi IcJter" to the Captaii General mid Magistrates of1 Saragoasa. ' ;Sias,i., The city cf haragoss Is how , completely invested, and all communication; with the country cut cfT.l I can now employ agamst it all the means which are sanctioned by the laws of war. The 5th division of the grand army, under Marshal Mortier, and the troops under my own command, are rendy to renew the attack. The city cf Madrid tins capitu lated,) and thus preserved itself from the misfortunes which must have resulted from longer resistance. Should not Saragassa imi tate the example rf the capital, iu total des truction is inevitable ,V. : wt v- Marshk Mortser and myself indulge the hrtpe Uut ycu will prevent the tiTmm.if. blood and the destructun rf this beautiful cl tyiJarespecUble Lr its iptdttion, Ut eora merce and its wealth, by an immediate sur render; and thus entitle ymrse Ives to the veneration and benedictions cf its, inhabitants. J Be assured, gent!emen,that every thing will be done, comr:iti!Ie with mr honor and duty to the Emperor, to ensure td viu, n'ndl to the inhabitants, the undisturbed etuovment of peace and tranquility'. v I pmpme to yoa by this Eag cf trtice the appnntment of comniksiinera to meet, those vrh'n l mvr auth rtj, to treat fur tha ac- comphhment of dawr-thle purjose. , With great conidraiTn, See. - M ARSI1AL MONCnY Head-quarters, Torrero, Dec22, HOS. The Genenl in Ch ef cf the armr tl re- sev:4inwer fnxn S-tragnssa. Thi ettr caanoi think ef surrewlerinr., Mvnhsl M". measure ms strength wua mi te. I bavee. pen an. nainterrwpted owninttrfcat'r with- ail parti ot hpam. and have hMidDce cf Si a, The f Moving CtrcuLr lias trftr 1 Cu;k-ri5ri, ' ' "'M , March 1, mW 1 sent you on the thTrd in" r the noiMntercDurse act, sort erenerJiT'k tkmi which, aa first IniprtiK.H its execution.-- Some of those ni"r?M nifFicicutJy explicit i OnoiieimporJA a nave, irom a xurtner CwiMderntlun SZ several taction of the act, bcea induJLS alter my epinlm; and new 'qurstionaK 1 arisen tn which several of the UollrctoriD applied Lr Instructions,"" " t7"" , Tne expressions, uWd In th 4 scctiyn of t!te act, had at first impreswdS lief, that "owiliiwhoWortoy lorvf-ncrs, cuwa not IK cleared for or Fitnchrins, - But on more MnuieiS? ti'ntton ome thhteenuh section of tJZ nd of the proviso cT tlie firt sectioV3S F.m! i rro act, pnset! nLie t Dccein!r, one thousand eiht hutidredi seven, I think that cpmion to have h.i ronet us. easels owned in whale w in tZ by fartwrs, are ati I pmnitted, ta tttSi mlxy wit the saul provisn, to depart eS In tulUst, or whh the urgoes which tU had brought in, and which have not 2 landed, tat any ftirfSn Kt whcver-j they UuU dear- for a !rt with which c. mercisl Intercourse ! permitted tAnieru vessels bv the act of 6rt liut. they mint tj bust!, mCiHifmiity with the tlrtrenUn. tb of the iKl act, that they khll not pn. ree l to a for.tm poit but if they . boutnl ti a f r?l!m ixirt no UnJ ia rZ I ' ...i 3vj. m y ue rernvittea ta ciearfe iordiIy, Tu aprl:et as snh ta En,u r Frrtsth, ss to anr fcthef forel rn id lXctiurierrtw tWMnd eight hunilie4k" seven, bring still unrepealed m U its ,rH 1 1 ; , t " l every, wb?g.- ssixtr timmnd DfHve men, hanuuuty . than any wbxh has bO reach- ihom 1 am proud of the honor tncmmwd. ao pant for batt, seeking no reward but hoisW anil the deliverance of their caumry, fcrbidthe fUtcning toyuur prwTSAl. i MMaKey w.'J immoriUize h!tl( ifV by stjjct observance of the Uwsof war, edus. TRANSITION'S. t .The arrival at AJencia cf Genera! Don Joscjh Caro, with some troops," has cheered . tlie drooping spirits of that city, by the gd news he brings and which he communicated on the night of .the 22d, to the J unU govern, in there. He states, that his bmber the M,riu de la Romma, writes him from Bur gos, thaffhe h at ttw head ot i armv cf ei" ver.tr thousand men, anish, and English, . all choice trvps, and in excellent c!w-ipine ; ana that hirKetmation is to recover Madrid lie adds, that we may no w depend upnn the c&K'pe ration cf the Emperorvcf Russli, to "whom incrdtr to hiduce bra to join our cause, England has ceded Malta and Spain Mahon. . . ; ' 7 . - I . TI news is confirmed bv letters from Se ville, which mention further, that the Mar quis de la rtaroana, is about to establish his bead-quarters at ValladoTid, and that tlie su- r ...t.;.t j -. c-:n-. !.. . v - ) trusted to him the entire direction oif the mJ litary oper rtions in the present crisis ha virg ... communicated their puns to Uie iiuae at u I'Tantf oW who crmmands the central armv. and is marrhir.g with tlie same cbrct in view. It is also assicrted, tliat the Emperor cf Rtjsiia has trammitted note to tlie Empe mr cf the French, notifying to him, that He must jmmrdnteiv tliinlof withdrawing hia troops from the Spanish territory;, aa other. . wie the treit'es and conventieis between tliem could net he carried into effect. ; , LATEST FKOM SPAIN. The ttlixnr rt tle FrVraI Gazette has re ceived from his New.Vork correitpondetitJi, rry I.Jte newt frm .Spam, bv the arrival atT y c w.York of the British brig George from Oar . cfirretpnndcr.t s enclose an extr ct of a letter from liavaona, and the Ifavunna Aaron t cxtra rf the rlqh'h e ' Marth tlieir enryrfits are rrlnw. It appears frorn these !.. - -v 1 1 i i i 'i i Tr ii f r rr rrr i i il . j,,u;l iiui,uaiair;er y intre m nj rrr hard Vow fie Ifavanna Jltayra tf Mart t, rr- settel .. -7, ' . . SEViUtt Jan. r7. On the 3h Decem ber, died in this city, need SI tears and2 rnorttns, MS uccnency linn JosepnMonntisn, Count of Florida Blanca, ':: PresdeBt cf the supreme Junta of tle kmgdem, tec. ate. he. v -:Alr FKOtf uiagossa; s On the 2 1st, in the mornir.gj the eo?omns cf the enemr aDnearcd on the hetrhu which Command Alount Torrern att the butterv ww noon vim a ; at tne same time two strung orps cf mfanlry and cavalry advanced tuthe attack tJiroush the c'efi,ef on eor left j wh.l on our right I hey attackml with imeturity the Ca?a iL'4nca'and carried i-TLr bwtte rr of Bona vista, thns becotrC MiKetl and a fj9.D.ade.of-ihe enemy stUirg Hre to a maga twe of powder, it blew op f vm which the irtiHery retired to take anoiIrr pevtira and set fire to the bridge cf America, his accs dent compellrd our troops to retire within the redmibt of the Pelar siruated t the he-al of Ibe bridge de la SLerba, which they ef. iected in Rood order. Ab -ut mkl-djy seven columns of the enemy's infantry with -proportion of cavalry and a trr trcintf ar- tilry she wed themselves eemi found the Arunri, oatne.op;osite side -of, the riier. Our Captatn-Generatdetarhed the Brigadier. . Captain uf the royal guards to take sinn of this point, which he so we?l managrd that he was able to nniq the hottest fire of the enemy for five hr. Dm Manuel Vr laaco, Colonel of artillery, polntrd his funs so well and kept upso well 'directed a fire from the three batteries attacked by the French, thai such wa tljehavork thus rnade. that this diviskin cf the enemy retreated in the 'greatest- disorder ; a corps of reserve then Coming up, renewed the attack whh great impeturmity, in which a partial but temporary advantage was gained over a por tion of our troops. Our General accompa nied liv UeuL Gen. Don Juan OTfeilly and Field Marshal Don Philip Santmarc, placed bim-elf at the head cl our broken line, and, eword in hand, rallied his troops, led them again to the attack r when, encouraged b the presence, and undaunted valour of their chief, tntr trnnps rushed forward with an ir resistable ardour, and rained a eomulete vic tory $ in which tlK French were crropfetelr he can-oUain a victory hich no suppose., 'My g'ory will rut be I (-. f.zhin it-is Alined considerable adrantaees Md.kt, Ucv" walls more thin 4000 dead, and asminy, more taken prisoners," among; whona were, the grenadier who fought' so' de-peratrly. Tlie field of bait! afTirded our troopt im mense booty, besides the tn"t ho-iorahle tri m;h of war the humiliation of those who came from tlie north. ' , : This triumpft, so honofahle fthji vajvant, clliv lt4S leixkri-d it imjitvgnabV": It'-tan onfx lr taken when it- wants arms to defend it : every house is a cistle ; each heart a strong fortress, and each battery a testimony of art;' of talents and of valour. , 7 1 Here follows a fist of the ntTicerssnd corps w,lartiwIavjuJslie i Some skirmishinx continued several divs after the" battle" aliove. in' the course of wiiich manr were taken and killed ion both preserved this city, by the valour cf our 4 djers, cppoNl to -a sywe-w of dfspi&Ve ep- pression, onk-iown to the anctent Marslulsuf France. I living suuued a sktre of 61 dav s, the commander, win fears not tkath nor pri vates, wilJ n isw, when his army by re inforcemrrHs eqiulln nunbrr their besie gers, shr.nirom the gi.rk-us task, impcacd foe Wood of gincrcus EparJardt so plen- tcously shed it as Eiru to the ettneof Spain s it is evluctve of the .r.a&M and cnielry ef those who wmlM rpU e them. AIar:U M. u assjrtJ tWt f r ll.too.CCO f people ta be fiee it it sulliiictit to Wi.l U. Ineir entWastn and Vwattf'on'te tuV' dutd. J would 4 willirgly a,icn&c U brave men whom I c-vwisui ; but there is not one of them who wouU not joj fwlly S.VJ hit bp d in defvnee of the Uit iuca cf hit U- liivrd country, i,.------. Yesterday must have convinced jraur kt cellrncv Out, I mi?ht wl'Ji enaal nrcnrirtv of&r terms to your army, whs will all perivh urder t?e waKs tf Soiragoisa, ere tt surreo The Commander in O.kf cirnrt credit the ace.it of the surrender cf Madrid, un less in Iced he were infrmeIof th treache rr which akxie could have proved the rWs- t met ion of the brave, united and leyal Lia- if . r .-. . -.it .. . mum oi itias cip.in. - - f ' With respect, j am - V-YoarXxxenency &c ' El GENEHAb PAL.rt)E . Head-Q nrtcrs, SaramsA, ' 2Zd jJccemier, iloj. ' , . ; , .a Mcacta, Janusrr 12. The comnsisslmer of the Supreme C ut cll, near the armies of the enemy, has this day commuoioted the following intelligence This morning ;Was published in this army by order of the general, the - newt nf the French haying beert. ccmpleiel rented be tween SegovU and the plains of Sin Antonta, by ,th? Mrquis dc la Romana, leaving on the field of battle, in killed, wounded and pris mers, 21,000 Frenchmen, with all their artillery and baggage .1 and thatUierest of lie, armr. with a srre.it nersonare. said la mm - m MB - w and tbe act itself Ijcing repealed In part ojr m fr as relates ta ves-els owucd be ciihl ti the United Jk V.c f ; esst'U o Wned m ws tr in part by f rvt.rera are stiJ fgrUddea take oi 6a.rJ ary new eargts. Afaerkaa eU are pcrrai ej to gi only toilie para nit f"rS UiW by tlie aa cf thelai&w. may rsmr t!,cre every spec cf netcira. diie. Yoni?i vessels may drpirt to any fe. rt 'rn part wUwever. but cannc uk less m having lrd tct tf ptrt any itKKhamiiseeilherii. one here will dispersed, leaving on the field and under the ! be Npolcon) is sarrouivkxl by uur tronns in tne rauiir ue bigovla J know not whether this pleasing, information has reached your Excellency, but if imc I: communicate k to fulfil my duty. ,. ry. ' '' 7v i- 7"'"M7. ".c ' Persons who have cone front Madrid as sert thnt the French are disappearing frwn .this city without knowing for- yhat reason, nur whither they r,n, nnd that the few whs retntln d not exhibit flie same haughty ap pearance as formerly. , i We expect t be jiined by the riew troops of Uclei and C(ienca,when tlie army will ad vance ioi pursuit of the enemy. - T ' regr or domestIc etlter thui was onbrariX wnen tv.;1?ea et the Ensliirro. or U w-ils, ai relates to all forrtgn tntM tn the United S-ites, wher than the cart whicli they mty have hrooglit io, and whh IMVe t UCI UtKktl. v Oi i, .e su'ji-c: of pons fir which drama. c m iy be granted, or mtist be refused tt American r .-!, I will observe, .that tf the ..leral'tf or inerattycf the vovir e c. i d mi jtful c v, be detcrwsincd tny rf tar cnirsi i tne u. . tnit Q iestKas can never tp9 tflvtl eis'irr bygr-snthig Or rrfusew b-en trans n'tted tf the cnptroUer, are is cuvgrrru'.y with the. expression umki i tbe act and it u4t be clcriy understood tut as, on the ooe hsr.d, the condition of the tm mvy tv, on trial, be dcernl fririu4 m everv' liuunc where a vessel shaQ hart nroctrWd ta port I irhkV cfcirsnci h i been rrfed ; so, r the other kaad, errors, my be comm'tted in eranunc clrw- ances for prrts which the. courts may aluv niueiy .j5;e to have Nen jtwbidira by l iw, and it b trt intended that the mere act of hus eranUnr a clearance shall rr lease the party from the penalty which may be meat red by puwutn; an illegal voyage, - J am still f epinkin tliat no clearance ess lie granted fr an p-art of. the island of S D'mln, pr cf the kingdom of Iuly. iTfet hile,ienlmce of Sn lJivunn has not bera acknw!edjei by any, act cf government t "an-J if not U Irpcn lent," h is a WpeWney ot France The kintd'Mn t4 Italy wlilch no inclu l?s Venice aiki Leghorn, though not s nc xri in France, is gveme4 in the name ef t"ie French E iperor,end is not only m fart, but in name, one of hi dependencies. There are port In Jsain and portussl, which mvf hereifter lie exduwHrly bV the rwrtcsswo tt Great-Ilrit ilo- of France, "and ftir hkh clearances should according tocircomstancri he refw-il. It W urwlerstwl that at prewr.t they are; all omler tire nominal government of a Spmhh sovereii;n, or of the Pthice Ur gent of Portugvl, anl thst thctef re dearaa ccs may be tranted , for alt The rule most he jat lilice rkU in Uie nsme f tht rri;n of the country, tlwujh garrisoned oy untisii or t rencit trneps, arc net to i con sidered as for!4dln jort. Hut if conowrtd by either, at in the ce rf LMywi beiire r evacuation by the French, thev are exclu sively in the 'possession cf the cor ineriore inriMdiien.. . r ' There is nothing In the law wVch forM the svle rf;.AmdrtCAns,seUid)riKJA J'ti1ni , vCt'l?., h miL.Trvnrr&M'A, ihirtrenih Wciiont th it- they shl hot pro ceed to anr Hritisli or French prt. THe C'jruht'wy-i of this Wnd will be comldcr ed by this deprtmr r.t as fjrfdted and the bond pJ In suit, If prior to their return to the United AXaeacoify Januiry 8j thejrilrtll" priced ":'torucb ''p6rtt";wlsethcf ther nive btn sold or , remain the priwrv ef the svme owners The pfovUitrfiS lths section which relate to the production w 4MJW ff ; copqucrcrs aad. r The presenr notice ha vine the character of yer?cityr the Supreme. Junta ordered it to be proclaimed with firinr of cannon and rinr- iiigofbel.lt.' . ' ' certificate of the lndit. rf the enrenoiilf' respect brit do nne aiiccl that part oi frwd bv whtcji:iTif vfwfit ins aib?gcthsr ii from S vrae.ossnf It ap-1 . Yrle, Duke jJe .McdinasldcuU- Dy or-J re pears ITiat while the enemy has not altogether lilcf f his Excclieney. - j h- re,avetsh:d his designs co that brave cay, " " ' 7Jntiu hi iJdea tu proceed to tea,. t sa, ,','v- f :;-r.'.,v 1 ' Sfsjt.bo".- ffl.:!,),(..w.wmlwwjiv-f : , - - --:-.. 4- I - t