7:7' E D E N T O N ;G A Z E T T E, 4 ass' order to dre the ?nati much play or mo- ieat grant that thi, and every e4her sale eX rl-UEXlXJNNovilMiU 3i; 1809 Aim iurobbj j to Urge,, and particularly ; rdut attctdd U tred (f tlw Mrm, be -iTf i ", -- T-ir - ...... '--v in hnj Mpa, in rci.ti't niWMi own un . 11 tor itij ukrn nivuiou w v iwcn on 111 iK l.,in-,l : aave to Dcna over mnicwwi icoro, wcir uwa nwuu uc m fnw, , ft m - m m m. m m m mm a a mmmmmmm w -v a. naiunu pcuihvu sou um wuc m in "iyUN away fr.m the e'cner anward J.V of a ymf piui likely NcgTo rrUiiw,; named FH VNK romnwmlir known br the name of KK NK. MUTTON. lie U .bout 3 frrt for Ifrmcheahlch, thick aet, andpret tv bUrk, k Tie f hi tire-tctl heart, and J nrwH'tt trilRHeadcd," ha -ar amHtng: jnrtfufc: cnietnnceahen anokrn to, ami is a very Ldrijh-rite hi x-htrf Me , I am mfxrfi)Cvl, Mr knit mxmix ia the nrsiitpfcjnd Jtrl4.Urmtkk':jAeKiMir the oat aiul Mil, bckk sltirg theni more pUf, at the leiitli the maU multiffi Ui nltrra tlt c4 Lce t lac aiK w pmprtba to Jhefr dwtdtcf irtm ti tciiirc el moui4i. Jt lias km iTOvrtl bV rxreriercfd bhilovt. her, ItwtatfrttytdsaJUf cietxal Urxty a V u, I.rctlt U kter, W react mtnt miimi auiner t a r;5 thi priKJe my fclo b drji:nl to r tbe fecttmof a awitif ftifi eh1mnl'crjuitii4njj4tJtli ' xElts4Ma P. Dtcltumtt. lU' Cuttiittf tliroudi a escr rimitcl th iui e JU m hil that IxAh In rr4lirr ujier wokfni.v bf mi rtry jc T lUg. the teUbcc nwy Rraduftlly a the !i mu'irrp t try jurt tmeJh U 4reie a l tec Iwe frien d rncal imwfc tiinler aater from bending or touting m ,,, ti, ta1 t!ut U.c rciin ant) beiathriine 4Un It nw4 UC erlirvijr nwnpfifi f rt!j;c tiff itliich 'man tiicM iLe IwwM of the ; lr t at the Km t vad uriti, la ell caf-' jo" lite omKi and tula, that any tulatttl fur Uj triir. awl if the aVJeawrre alirratliii W iiTiog caa) arW. nU!e oa to ijm a rhre fMrt iuord if. Cj Cot in Usenet m otclucrt. thst iiicuiitr in jtU, cr tun.blt Itntcr, r it it ,: al pa tcvmlam m1 Cver when n ami calI,.ije rKl wouM Jme UkUJmI CrnllMit fc'eii' 'lie''1il"" Wak"'fth ' tw itlj tmr; aniS'iiemiirfe'iiu the tti't trim of ewl ut 141 '") In . Ur:rei'iIZIih'"df'i tue. CrwtM a wif r, tn : ovate if the -ptwl uportlwUita cuehn. m nuklri ie Ii ttfm-m-t I'v tMlln II tlluI f tllllIV IMItl o-IKMltlll 1 f MMItn kfrvtta klilk ' M m k9 v im 'l ... v.-f l,i-1iiV Liwhrunl I ho M-t-.A the iwet of hUe men to tke turn. 1 wiil ; w bigWihe ouri, ail a-Ua, that aT.y i a ermtnarlni of it ac iniftt. tt ihe e " inu nff?tgfc;fcrf m.TffpTH e.ett a me lum m at j uic makiai j-t a Veiea frame mikr Utaaa Ctttr.Cy C-ibt. MAXMiti oa. ",tT1,,1 lfTJ bttidii.j ccMkicJxttathx: tlir.aVtUt of ; ht U. nmVig. rt tw. tW hm.r t, a k raa&A mm9 fjft aAPVrf a a Aaa . - & - - a 1 J r - a x tcr hottrr eJl or itaweaUi auy t awl 'lu ta (l(J4JnMn4 to lef 4(C2:,ir tl hr, NU Ircia t kn.-UeTii sje Ui reaiiy aa ari t?-y tTUciaw tav ; ami .W!ii thtwr I o. tytJi ipnc of rhiM.c ht'r h r af teit: comrarr.i the.mare U ' OtilaTaTlcv It la env to Vrawv ton we A. Lkkxir Vnk dtLMM-(lu.xxit tt1,Toa iarwKhit th jseeratttjr nrie th-f' ahea'aay twit' W t!-e Jraiw U a 4 afniv.w. : J .A , , - .!". J L v. .A-l ,f wrBKai hTe an air tvWJ il'it " l:ti Veit ai a to (m capji'e u mexkat la'rr Je: toteret rahlclv Captain Cnan re-T iMt avrM the r ukviuonjr tae in Ui e.itit.oaice of an it UaUa ni t rr Ctrntirrrinbcrtlsrtii4i4ltu;fvrrt.t ihMrvetkfi !imi 4 lie Jf a, b a meirfw ft civk r-t, when A .ette k icr-.. the fef the nt4an ikiiciajo math uoiu U-Tti ctfmrdfe nwf!sii R vwps ft Me'il ihe h!c frme.x or Uehfr te nfi4iui mimuiniYi - . . - . I eyiwwMN a tulr aaty '4 r't4 taititt tf tile t?r jtijl are.r aaar bat if-ive ng h- i mitie iit, t4 ra4 her aa4 hf tr crew htA c-ifj. '' )Mtml; v)ikli Mi lvtnrJvhefvK.tl.ntt. UtfiitMi of aactra etiw ai4. 'aithis ;; kwtliW. Miom., Crt. Cam hi ; alriMi4eet he Mlnte4Me4orrtvat tfrjMtt. riiticnt-u if ta tH rcrtt ! a acaur acre ke tt emrn tur ts am u a!I i'a;nneetetat tt w le IcoktrurtU art ruimiii 4 pTl'xm'mf rit their error ei ihe7rct, . rtKCtJ tltcre vbile r bivrttrjte r nvei i a vu'frrt in h'li Vm rr are psrti. ;V VV thit It b i tt U Ue rr rgrrJjf aaj dientty wmnrf it i th rir -atatt;,it,er.!r.iVk aifccif lheLla b it ; r pn of jrhccy m rrjtal vt.i at ;kttn th mM a4 tanls a Hyo ltrtr hi mat tn turn I the en.t: Ne alut if cf the UiaWnei pit. at f-lar Hr rsi be imae ti, ihia fmN tlMf cy. The tflkxt hch the cncv Pt r mo. , H Uh fail irrtri 1 on of hirh ttrrre cam tk ta He wwa h ri t!e r. e at , i4e .We lao;h at tke Ch.'tre- ftr 'KuMh j ' cnthcrif. a'rfco'Vitlrtlr fieia t! t;reirr th nation uh 'rrcaifl ', theirjur.la, fat , .i4ft.n2 nr rttva-fty aau tuct atr cm i a t i nn ci mure tti c av, ir a whe tie of eitrrhi.it Im hrf Vt ue f ppk j-frirM f r riiirtire toth.t im : frrtii"tht '-1e ;me. to aliett car. tHt, , abi U U wti'h mhmg m re ri?j; etuh e a nhra t to -"t.ri(te u, t ft i ah!o it erry th&g rtittfr "m t f rkler efh ft l n slf fLthcm ,nT?Ja . f !!?JJht..fhr r-lrd r tM .!M,ii!l!ft..thsi aiwl metrrt tttrtHicfi i ile weL lrxiiVrreru t W th-t it i e( ihh 1 3 h vj www or nri it ur w sm ixmttj,m wrir te icmj w mum m n t s m n Uitnu ismminn lue r e ir.e in!. lie iiJ make nk lie water, &t n5 attfatft MtfcetoW IJ. lth nv ) a carnage i ami It may f An nrfcwnph jh he cc eiteV U iiTemirt Ijy rr t4 the. iikc,m? of the urine, m imtkm trie tnme trent iiicn r ?fud call rxtramfi cirtt inTV.r-JrumK 'g rtirt wnfrtt by an .ytke 1 kue to (it. AtA ahtcta iWrhxc V)Mnla.Uii I C-lCua-a vtrwtri the Mion toheer mMv Uwt the prt of Uvif i'Miterrd bt hSe; Jrr caa' tati'.cf. l-ai in aajr to f eCf'ft'.ihttr M'"ittr a thry are V trWy M lij tHe tV; l and krr nt 4 f av. or uI5crnt ! in Ihb f 4 tHfi fflr!i he h2c er Jvit the rM?J!) 4 tlM Vyti g aul lxr(!ii f , hioiilfr Jm f.rr:is;t(flvt!c it m the.ihf?f i 1 ladfw r?rroi aaat V X'rjf tm d-sne If aot ehth.Tle wavr ,ea to tut'tora fu'..' oae half f aht they " jniLmmi la ttfoufetfr lata tckicitf tf a l!it, W aiaU.' afcgaaamBjuwai.'i, " ;.y..iM i-i -j . trancrniv t Ik Po or coxatc kicl n jrt. h kTKnm ro Hbe rretif thrjrmtnr Inii ntiatritt taa eeia whrg j am! If the vrNel on rite enMrary . H ronk Vrrf jh the rm'hSie. 4t b etidmt the tf Jimtre aectian t lef lmernJ part, imi't be prf rhI- Itreaord In ccbth, aten w.lh btr rri oce to toraanl mrttoit at.kh" dcteiKla tf the brnfl or rwt ah-U he U!e3ts trunwer ntm wfmu wt : l'tcrcaacu In vl-.h, ami the relle hecenie prrf-or . !4f 'frrater i bciilethis it woukl mke s it iftCe dug miJy to tic nwjier oott wmh rpera'e to mke the tce atrrf V dlrettitai ef theihr! at the head. VaWKTxCajn. Con jiiMlr appea ,ttltr. but tnry rrntcml more ht en ainrs unkrt rc h mvi mcthif t!ie ihtp moa noJorm auU te ec aWj jImI 4 thtir fmiiieiit orrrrnre a qaUy heifLh . . ' . ;.Nfr jear; jMt mke tltrm Cnulur tau. Uut orely iTedifTrTnprientf I'aai- -WhoHt ai.r rnlrcta tr the aicuoulitrtl ;iilf tte teasel, by the prci U tyutUxg ijfca br4)d op t tr fir the bitur M it, a it ift Ca&H, ctatwt be ahactarlf rvtcea-il w caojtifd It; the outrage w tlie CJ c MrT togite laiatprttijj oa frartwi ifi4t aJMNae a otw atxl arstoei tnvih htihem . aU axh4t i thia ajrr jtt cetUaJy m ciurtd ditrcly toiairgmettmentby 'a mint letter mrthU can beilevhrd, ol eerterf hottttlMrwOTircrPi;f:YMinfmTirof tamly mwie iret ami it ia etWentlr a dit- lte tMtioa tmMrd arou!4 w truth hare tamrd Kf4C to the Irgcouny r ieaiaen to be a- va to b. a mesur.er of tirce. Snit. et 1 b?e lo contrite t belter 'eaprdieM thMlh prrJy hit c been ttih m heal rniun rty barharotiaooe hcHthcy he adtril( dentd ncs oceiel be thracLnoa'eJj4 ' Sj-riin;bae been added to the Uka by thaj . ed, miat-ke, if ivot' irJuHra, of U'heu thrra awl haljarda, in acerl American, jrrtment, ,e ha MrniAiVd bimWIf, in rU ;'tVtW aod hate hcwhiiitjgreat " Utka af the iiet dictatea of. re!, led ' ty; thrrecanhenocWatbuuhatihe alirgi UartleareH prrcepta r4 dtt law i f natrrf liiaaU, at twe ioer aejt-theftraeiti irttT4Tnmiipimeiney may or inerarat mum beaianaiucneo ranriof;s cxu-r Hie Rret' wpmtnin me rrwjnrn i.ncji ana iMl We en-ct oi.l tun oniy oc lietwh- ti.enwttf to iei n to Ni wmrttirt to tfc;tH' ie xsea (toanr twr titer i-oaii- ttrjutf he aada Jmpt fictne rctkt by eoddcit g ernraeot. j uui aucit iwiwtng can DC an equ ina. Tl wind rarir hkeatiar, from the mathta that our crmmrTmrfi'irr fed wave ' . '. loieantr of k action on the aaJl f momenV deficieat in aoirii. ai.rf iht iWim b larf miu ttrihitrt tfe effect ht;?i - UmratmUatidteTtWTH'SMwelUiu wwer to1 (it Tin-' of trwebi by cut- and in the actVet of the J'p h titchh.t aiwl awerf onb aer t ' to rache a iM reent.' mjiPKi irna aiamonuu me operation i4f mcu ae Mt ui aiMtain imm nititrthig tun the Wind ch tl 4it very varUile iucreaUr.g, to. a fUrne w!.kh, we rUpie tvukine In antU ; it a the ta rU!a frmn i !?pt irtra at ll,: npAtii a tU blate fmor' or ejd of the ta aaibaod at'Uiie hahanl Uoclj would equJiie tifi tiJto other. It bindml awm ihaffeit 1 thU actket if the iml rnfrt rcctualf than , that aincf the ineapl'C able dtattwl o' Iher ' cfuulae the runnel' or Ivnvciilj'it. the rittitte. arrancrtnent entrretl W.n aiih'.Mr:' KfSlnri;' an a to rruhineer t) mam hrm- brought byl.K ha rrflyiretlf rery tffrtofTm?iilcrtionpn (J! tf.e LoAld. . All uaptej'ul.aa irtAa wiUat , artaduui w keep duwn Uic of tLtf tul y!;(ahxHpractlel N ritMrrr) entirely to; v -r'wrttk,' and there-' Se'm'-iir arnJ aaila." . i ; aiMi it uu. f a n t .: . . ...... pO'jkUO"

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