I J! ,1 4 'J ) "1 to I I ) 1 j J i 1 ' i r K I D A V, December 8, 1809. XDENTON VPRINTED BY JAMES WILLS. AT TWO AMD AN HALF DOLLARS FE1 ASXl'M, r AYA1LE III ADV AIICI-;r4- National lntrinrrnccr conuias no o- tVr itmriot Mr; Jactsao'a Circular to 6e Coatulsof bit aatioo U-jinU lolowa t nklf followinflrictterf ai4 to bel a jjiresscd to .the BrlmH-CpnjuUJs akea fromihc Independent Amcri can. v arc suuwrncu to say tuai jts costcDts" so far as they contra nlict die article published ia O il pa- per of the 1 3th mtintre!.uive t9 ... i ; A.. - ..... "" 'tween our government u . ir, jack We confess we ar dlsjppt" tcdln Dot ire. L arorthing k etjoiy Cad frcra tlte Natl Ed iHtctiltencer, whkh for this purpoc V be considered e, the organ of govern-' yteJLpeXaJ 5313tKp assertion made m MrrJckioa virw b ihe Attains words i.I." '"til'. lv Oae of the taUs alluded to has beta admitted by the Srcreiaryf S:ate himself in hit letter to me of "the I9ih Ocu viz. that the thrte com- dittoes forming the substance of Mr. ErskinVa original instructions were subautttcd to mm , by that gen' h n anther denied nor admitted directly, Ki iHe its' stance of -Mr Enkloe instruc ts ere ufttnitted ta cor goernmen!,' but he nt crvdeti tiut itich an Important tct ft be.g Crnicd,caf et ground to suspect ijikapartu .Mr.JUckicti a tt a tersest tt tt taf Wed. Vherevfattt arc averted jjr re other, we might .conclude that they Vsi rur opmkx (betnj on iRjn to beRet e Mr. EJJune dd Cummwtieate tiujruc- vt even tfee ubUiKe U tbeiu to our Lire ihe pubUc, Lkh it ao (Wx J1 at We lute kairea tht theoTiCial and writ nMrhaic Loded to n tl ktier of Mr. rtUu-d la tht. iifilr Ihe.CheM-. jcAt, iwl we further learn tnat it rupture jt-et a oV rcrc rtrtriiL M inat MwiUter, i-t- ULr pUce trnttl f;tr the .Afncue feikvl i Um(H tUe cttvpoiKJencf w hkh it, wt Utevc, lid ir. 0LU-y ret oitln the British rket wuh the tGtt ii f pauhe oq thb tuhject. :" 4 . It f.rtumUince hart ccranrd lurniU). t ?wre mitrtLIt lur !ictjan thaa . the fM;':t h(-p ta let tb mbject firly fc!fpriknttfdicswL; frr wrtly no Hfbt to be dUctmed ith more free ia tt uwkur, than orxr, h hkh the al :runternit of tc ml war. &re Id K.t. When we luy Knp to lee the ji hd'tendenitu diicutedt allude to rai:iKfit or auxin&wbkh the nHit rr. 7 rtibtiJi. UHuiddovn, thu In 3 ckion between our -own e;cremneftt M ahuhcT, Out rr U 1wk;:t the riHt, 4 tV e I rur chilcri, wlw houtd jdieit ta iKjitMrv rule. ar ilenixinced at 'oUieir awo, and the prtixans.of rnernmcitL At no nun wWwra to n wipettrd d btmx an enrrny tov W 'trr. !! timid art acd iitto iileoceaod 5 H'Ah eiterfed lrn jMrtii ane by tae lii-ilteilnderidnt. Noji, urufttd !y pf.ulr'censuref and vrsSf-tle painwiatrof power t will en "meewiuiry wKa aVcctcrroinat.cn to rajTi truth. " Tcf r-jr ow part we can coneetre onthir.z JHhnd dejraJngin .nncrple, arJ trrpitV M practice ttun the aenumcnt cr J e hae vniced. It nay be a very f-fn'.rrt dnctrino ff the in tfae, but fJ,?kfy. :MtA be tiete k will be rrjcctcfl ICn:Var,: "wha the trade' ?. aUuogB rulers haaeier brennd ever i-Je ru'moua r the people. It U not jit en tb prote of etery nation, therlthtof t f""! 'he metureaof thir sovernment, a r,lirioijt Hjcht whichAmerican rw im win txercie, and W oor Judge. it cannot be rxerciied upon a ulject I JmportarKe, than one on which war If It It our right and, our duty to ie ind determine whether' the nation W rto war or iKhow we ak it that 7a!.on to be rnle witltndt a free and Jlbfte$t: and perform tho duty, If M if h, M 1 krty t0xp our convicti. u " Mopj d in thcomtnencrmer.t I'W'1 hy the terrmif a'nf 'drnuncta'tU KlritL bft, '- e than t)e ttaret f wUa we cirtied into irani to f.ri tify hit ambition aaJ the a-ranement of hit (amity and fToaritei f Daei any one tup-. pnse, that if the people of France could have been permitted to lure decided oo the war which Xiapoleort b waginr asabtt Auttria and Spain, that they would hare given their assent Y . -:. X - Y. . .-- It it ab-wrd to tuppof tha we are always in the rtht in oar dncQstions with foreign na tiont mod It ia both lutolcnt and wicked to bread as enemies of their country, tho ho hve the iudeicndenc to tay that we are not ao. The ioconabtency of thoae who wUh to kiSefitir enquiry, and aikoce indrpeadent divcuttion, wJi be expotd by what we are Koine to state. Great-DriUin is engaged at this time in a War, upon the unuccesalid u aueof which the has not to apprehend the ka of some remme cokmy j stc U. corttend ing with an enemy , whose power and means, re grr At cr t'a n any hamin being ere; pn-tt-ficd an entiny who avows ttwt not)uig alkort of her destructiun ihall siMie hit re rente. In such a contcrt roe waum) think that everr heartland hand in the -tuAicwt wrWML' btt w44ed1kiit it not ';iWmr f:1rmmi the wtntmgs m what irt rtTe Jnhei pid-r on papers, .la whkh Ue metures if the go vernment are expord whh bitter teery, as well at rtgardt the etu e$ of the w ar, and at to the mode of coudtKting It, and thit cp poaitkat It carried to tuCh a betght that it sometimes wtmtd seem at tf it rejoiced hi the ditattcrs of the onunrry. These writings t-f the oppotiUoo papers tn Engbnd, are c4d tohh avidity but the dcuwcrAtic jwpert. U this country, and in prrpunk atthey rctik thetr gotemment, and czpoae its BtwirTv i he o ire they are admired and conimeiMkd for thetr itHkprndeoce, and etin Cthktt comrs; in fbf bis share f applause, when heexputet the measure nf his own govemraent 'e, wt!d now ak how the same men can admire thit independence and frerdont ti enquiry m; notler coontryindBider- circumstances Mich as we haie atated, and such as are no tnriput to all the world, and )et denooncc h inrwira-wnfl . . We hare submitted these remarks, at ex. preire of the determmatiwt .hh we hate (brined, and nf the ctmduct we mean to portue.. CcaMckait thit we are directed by a regard fr the - m'teteac and honcr Of or ctjontry, we stiail rxamtf the sUct with frretn, and eaprest rr contkuon, with ort ngrdmgemaeqoericet a they may af Irct et irruru!ly, fjf white w are desiroot tf the putjte ippnirttwXH w win not rndca tor to Ujtalo it at the price of cur own, 'rrumus. - Fnm the ton Jan IndrficnJtnt tV&ff. x.. You IV. -UvHpWyl m as- www w v jftas . ' mi ea .. f N..W... . y- - .... hntt tht Dcst a Veil. rnne into aettul retirement, I should m have the cruelty to dWturb ym I wou'd respecV the shelter whkh mufohune resenes Lr the' lowest rf her tktimt, and kave teatn that nrivace whkh is equally suited' to the mode rat inn of vour takmta an J yeor virtues. that I am not t le eatir impresed by coin. man optnkej, hen I wiil adm that your ei. Utenci has nt been ahngcther ueless to the coontryT.To estubfiA ay valuable truth, one example ts better than a thnuund lec tures i we har natural suspicion of theo ry, and we mljiht have llngeted tbmuith get nf sceptkitio before we could bate found se strong an example as that supplied -by your Rofa Highness that no degradatioq culrd'qUAlify a man for the service of his country that the tnott eu'gr vice can giie a lesson i4 nmratitv, and the meanest thirst of power a triumph to the constitution. ;I know that, to your delicacy of feeling, nothing, la likely to be more unexpected, .or pertupa, more painfut,' than a public charge of thetard'nsl virtues.' ' ',.'- ;;il .donh.aeensitiof of ptety and patrl riiiim is, it mutt be owned, rather repressive for the biuahing humility of a mart who has hitherto succeeded in concealing his virtues from the surpklan of even his moat intimate friends. But, Sir, if I am not "mistaken, yuu were horn for a public example ! Other men may rest their claims on the gratitude, you deserve youf-reward from the juiUce of the-ounthrv, Stfiultam Urtutem guri' mua and it it a duty which I dart not de cline, to draw your butted merits up to light, and demand for them the honor which is their due. - rt 7 r rlc ian old man's imagination sinks be fore the tatkef following youtnrougn your Hire of Jjlory i" and, in an age when eve. thine Kemtrull or alteratKm, it u noaugnt gratiicatton tn have uitrnvercu so striking an example of a total dciUace of change, a mind tttadily pcrruing its origbul impulse turning aeitherto the right or to the left neither to.be nwed by the chilling formality of reason, nor ashamed by the sotcriog ia oerttnence of ridicule. . Bet to have enemies b the natural (ate of merit lour enemies mar endeavorto re present your coarse as easy and scarcely re- of thoae restrictions ebichVnltrsr minds mar h'4d sacred J-'ci!ii dettnuu wrvmt. se: I defy their bitterest malice te tire an other iniance of a man who has detcted such epiortuiutiea and such Industry to bis pur pcie, or whose progress has been at once so regular and so precipitate ao rapid and so etudes iating.t .-.x N i Other candidates fur fashionahle fame have exeroaed their faculties opon naru of the system yeur Royal U'.ghneas may- have a &wufrWaat thegamiwg tahle,t the Four h hand Club, the race oortej or the stew her, for the range of the onlverssl science, yr are wiihoot a competitor J You ssrpasi them as" far aa the rariiire of inttinct out. each ai4 alLf Crons the peoalng cf a love let ter to the ca puliation cf an army, yon are iipeqetUed, onim.tated, inimitable. I ean essttr cowrive that rtrvxiim tike yrTa wtM feel st4nee hat restless In retire ment j a cmsckaitoevs of superior abflit'ies natertty , orjes to ttieir exertion. IihTre' pteted that yo4 cmvdrscend still to direct the mnjjerfit f the commander in chleTs (nra:e I and, as if H were ycer de yrrminatmn to dastle us with a bUte of m'njkd virtues, and a spVndid e!fx!enrl tn a prtncelr ptri. oim, cttentiftg jrurself with the pay ai tnrronage of the ctNnnund,and Jeavrug to anther Ue endtvided honor of the respuasl hili'v. ,.t- - , ,. '-t.--- - Hut It bbwrd t o Canute TtTQ by the ron. erttioni ef common men. rtl harr, rr hah, ne. secret inttincxt some. dark, and pnjihetk cmKiousnesa that yoa hive not yet fatfi'ted the end of your hrtng, and paid ytwrtkbc to yewrr coontry. Some wtitati. ant an ymr past lervkes to the empire may hire cunt inert 1 yoa that you hare bem mar ked out for a memorable duty that hke the favorite slave of the anckt.t tyrants your as. iHtance H ieeeaary W tt lart houf iat her renown j and that no other hand can sort frctually sltortca the pais of her hnal strug- jhyjw, ;;n,:,.. -v Urpnrt hat even gone ao fares to aay that the appointment of Lord Chatham to the command of the expeditioa is nothing more than a kgenious contrirance (cr your Rov'al Jlighs'a immediate and public resumptioo of authnrity'.K.As a friend to the feelings of an injured pat not, I would not advise you to trait too much to this Intriguing expedient. You Mill hare tn feel the prejudice to whkh merit like jour's mutt always be exposed ! You have already escaped its violence i a se cond plunge1 might not be equ tllr101" The tde of public rpinlon avtafl runs strong gslattyna. ' Your rnbes of rrice may hatev hitherto irpt you on the surface but they have been too much drenched not to have lost their bunyancyTher would be too hea vy fce jnnor frefolrnew. You would be swept away at nnr e by an irresistitiie torrent, and your country wnuld have to lament the ob srure waate if a lliis whose last moments should htve been glen to her Intrrcts, con secrated hy the sotemnltiet of naubhal jus tice, and devoted to the ends of national ex ample.. t " Beware I warn jma.vbewtre of tsktng on you the command nf the army Fit will be your ruin. But youkmut eairn.your fate by sehumbte let jutke take Us course j but the soiled and trsmpted laurels of our army must not be the wreath that hinds the victim.; ", Stsy, Sir, If you would not haveevefypa-x rent in the land raKln; curses on your head. 5iuy in your retirement i It is fittest for you. You may there best exhibit and Indulge all those qualities which natures like your'i fell as the first prrvUeges of rank and opu lenw. .Yu rasy be a Tiberieus at Caprea, or a Domidan at hit villa, and ahernautv en joy the pure festivities of the one, and the phUosophk solitude of the other. Bewsre of Intruding yourself Into com mand the last army of the empire must not he again truvted with you before anenVmyi VJread tn lock upon the coasequence. You hive made me feel more than I thought so many years had left to me I -Yoi have roused an old man from the borders of the grave 1 1 have not meddled with public affairs for ma ny years. v I thought that in turning the puh c eye. on the Oraftons afd W.ajiejdsof my day, I had done my measure of. service to my country j but lean servelier veC J hare, been the test friend of your Royal HighncsaV family, and am personally your's when I Warn you against oaring to take any share of the public authority. You can be tar I only Ihcre you are osacuaa f The titer, bbia cage, may be suCered to live an object of j fearlrsi abhorrence and cheap Curiosity j but, r once kt hsce, it becomes th'edutyot every jr man to arm himself againa: the violence of Ohe royal savage.". fvn- If you are not this moment the virtual Commander In Chief why is the luflueoce of Itir resentments ao fatally prrdominent f , Vhy Is your enmity a simple ground of ex- -: clusiun f Must e trace the serpent b eve- " ry dark and sinnnua windins of hit retreat, ' by the infection of hit trail t hy, vrhensuch a man as Chatham is out of service r Is it because he took the atngte resolution of doing his duty with equal heroism io the Senate and in the fa Id I Oris it that you think it but fair to acquaint us whh the principles on which a higlter rank : may empower y ou to act, and take this op- . pcrtunhy of declaring thaf no rnait can be -' permitted to aerve his country t'dl lie has turn ed traitor to his conscience, and that the du ties of the army are contrary and hostile to the Hxhts of.he'people f f:1rmtytt these charges. - I bae ttul acane hopea of. your amendment, vl w)Ji coniesa tlut, on this point, the gejieral opinion is oppoaite to . , mine. Your frtendt atrribute, your pat con- duct to a persevering Wly your enemies to an obstinate vire. Both agree Uut, as your errors were the work of mature, it is absurd for their reformation ; that, as yu rudaed inta crime without reflection, so you 'will eont wtue hi it without remorse. Bur, ia my tttterrrurve wrth you, I nxve observed A Certain pmxlple which has been termed the' beginninefcf widn. The mwt dcrradins stain on other characters It pMbably the po This of vjrtee ia youtV If your feclitits are nn, to oe toucneu or the wrungt of the pro- ples, let vctr fesrs be romed by their resent- v rth of BriUsta men it slow, mett--The but JtJblpigmsire- tthe jeft-exofJieary-. injury, embittered by cmtinual inult ; eoc ' eaaityrnuwd, but, rnre naaaed, nut ts be la id wtvit attUktaatMl , juHwe it wul tv be satufkd with cutting off the contemptible mluir n that cling round and prey upon yru it wiU be nekherin )-xir hrtediury rank nor in waar remembered servkes to protect t on The COnfieratloo ,hkh has hitherto slum bered, or only throw a out its casual blase, shafl awake;-4t shttlnot be coi.tcMwith feeding on the dry and worth es weedt'ttot lie at your feet, it shall rise to the Mighty tne r orest, ana, m uietr parcnea ami butt ed verdure, kave only the more strikirg m ponaenrsot utunparTguewition. Public forbearance haa been exhantted . the people cannot aubmit to further itmi't ' uiey wia not comprehend thehooest policy of redeeming your character at the eipence of your country i f nd, by the appointment oc socn men as Utstham and Dandu. pro . - v - ving to the nation that your's are not the on tfhandibf Whichlf mayfje'rlumed. Is my Lord Chatham a man fit to, be put at the head of a Brithh Expedition f What are his exploits of successful intrepidity, or practised skill f It it for his political or his martial prowess f I5i that your Wve ff jtn tke has been enraptured b the good natured impirtiaUty thkh has made him the pHant instrument of so many administration! I Or is it that )ou reason from his civil or military" accomplikhmeats, not unjuatty inferring that the man lm has pent his who'ejife in the barter of office, will he peculiarly dexterotit at a con rm lion, and, In spite of li'mhconte and the Hrlder, obliterate even yourown re nown in the art of capitulating with the ic lA'ou are not totaByrulned. -4 dare not bid - the vUct criminal despair. " Your duty Is . 7 ptin ; dismiss those nierabV substitutes of yi-ur's aend old Duudat to Chclea and hie pention end Chntham to his cheap indul gence, his reversions, sndhishalf pay j tell him that ' the people wQl not suffer jiim to serve them j that they are beginning to know and todetpi such men that their service ia not the private sinecure it used to bend thar if they have punched, the tripping 1k nor of ai iVihceV that they wUI oot be more kf.lent to the stately perfidy pf ajxrer ! ; V Then, " sir," inttantly mtre, niisfurtune hat but yet do., half her wot k the ha brought ynu to tkame, let her now bring vou to repentance ! It would be utetess to di gutte from you that the period mutt he long, and the remorse sincere, before the empire can consider you as he son of its sovereign . But I mice more warn you to bewsre iu? retrieving your character bynv sudden est, periment on pojHitar applau ! If it be true,, thistfrmnJChatKa you tnmk to,, hi aurrert nu iroin mat, to your assuming the command with some compnntive rcar, no language can The T strhg enotinh for your reprobation, Init the plan has too niuf h oC laboured treacliery for your Indoknce. Thin would not be the spirit of the soldier struf gling fairly in the great cause which would - -r. - r- -. t :0