..''- .. ' :t J', rft t """"""" " v r'TZZZ-j 'f00 A ) " t. ( '' A ! , i " . ' . V V.JT - . , i f -4 B, IP Aj; Frt toAiir .16f : 1310.; - , DENTON UIOTEP JAIES WiLtS' - : t AX r ' ' ' ' r 1 Ji---.",-- , , Ill ... . 4, i Hi . FOR-SALE. ' s :, . SOatiisKr'ls; coarse Lisbon 1 . r . SALT,1 A- .;J. w w - A W-0 TluiVe rWUJURfj foi-VV! 1 kcrri Ck n rir, Ip, Brrtir I - u ih incltMnl to rri.i, , Fc wrn i ma. Map ot is prtii ' ' " "M i- Wfiflf-vaw; vMrfljen t the 4 i!.riutitirttr Carntot 1, CmrtH.cn. r-- ffrtiV. I th rot . - . a k 1 I 50 Dollars Reward. lsu.n:!r Aegtetti- AStcph"cnntV Uuthr v jtdatfc Ma!iloUt 36 cartel ft bu 'mrnlhr " etit tpmnattcjtl' I ,bh.A fi 4t bmi t&b(tnt4 he U btoi teto trir, HUTU vcnt off 1 12th rfJone, lirigU M.i'atto Ctt1 Jiff ftf W Nrr?tHht 1 get 't.em n rw rive lUe bwt rrwnrd i v t"y Ir. Urn! nnnhcm! irJ h cure itUcr mi liull metre p.ar. aw, so, is9. - . -. J?i ttrfoiTio rot TBt Staa.1 . ' DthWn the Ifottat if Ccmwitm$ d Mrth tifiniHf for fin I iff h JTofter Currrn t frrtrnt. firr anr.vtr. lAfi'r. tcj tuf,' 4r;'" (CcwUnued.) v-' ''j. n Atr. lwV. mmlnn lft.tr ike ihcief Tt f h Bill whirl rrUica to the tUftk ( Cpe rWt. l)'U:V.;The p!ccituCli hatlonf ( T1t Imilirn in lh tlnmirli nf lff rmtWman Nfjem, ha t rnihlMrt hrth trj)on e like the livatf Mmt lllnt j Uut he hit 'svmtI to mfteit h Wee bV cHit " iewj m nil. He t , i lure manifotrd Vt IjRoranfe 1 doip t i ificndloconet orcibTe airxprcttiTvc.It was f rulentJy ibe,' ppintorp ol the Ireaturtr tht tbim was not the time. The eraliarra.imenti ol t! tcoun. try diU not now jurtify.an'i.ew and vnuiuaf llnnoA!tkn upon the Woole. 'The Gm nnor' if. S. . ' - ta ma wettage, ttcommerKled tue dividend I on mciiart new uy trie $ute in the lir,k, to t fjpplietl lo that turj. The G.iver nor had at it 'waa his dutr to d vexoresed aft- jpptniork amj 3q jtbat . cjiiiitt)tiRlft Oaaid, he; IKtfcctir coucurrfd,' The meuita Were wire and v would not be felt. Mr. G, then moved an amcnamew auinonxirr una ream ring tne i jTJwircr, woenevcr ute fiaancte wui. in nie rjMnion, junry w apply Uie AvitieiKla arninrfrom tlte Uureibeldbr the State in the Uaoai, to the redtinpiion of aonmclL currency, wjucninDuia orourctDjr im irea Hirer, Secretary, ami C6mrlrr h rnent, he aaidthe public .UMtNwerlightet here than In amy bute In the l7nionUe weold gl idly aeUemiftcre,edt nt only for tAc preteftti occaMon- but to prrpare in time of peace for day i of wrath. The Governor fipiaitja 4?3ted iata of 3J ncodott It ha (rtat weight, ana I bow, ,aaid be, .to tbe constituted authoritiea, except ; whea hi opiiirt ar&lenptieout, .The mctbud the Goyernnr recommends to aitikvthe currency is a tedious me bdeed it .would be Inng bc. fore it wouia ti tflected j tue Jews would be eonretted nrt.-,;7:' -r-'-:C-'-:- i.A Tbc quesuon on Air. Gaston motion was it and carried. .. 1 'l'wfr'. On motKm of Mr.GUstoa the words. tvo firr rmt.r were ttrrcaea out? andUu.eneT . Ma.G.JlX)N then, for the purpose of tnmr ttr.KupxtoH of the cocuututiooality and Lytlf.yyilttiac Bill, moved to strixoxout Uie loqnr -ccIU Is a rreit man, and a ere.it oraitr least he wUhet the world to Uimfc so and he went aajling away among the hea-; veniy oociet i u an air tttlloon , Hut Mr. Speaker,, Uwosh h rose like a Rocket, he fell Bk a stklw..v v : '.iv..v.7 a.'" rf,'The ftMksnan fnmi Newbern aafs heis diaxppointcd, that he expected 1. would i lu- mmate t&e House by my informtirn Before t have Cane, I will illuminate "the ; House, ; l "will show that tht Baiiks harejictcd Jropros perly $ J will convince the, Hi-use thatihey ou&ht to be uxed, If not have their Charters revoked. I wyl show then Uut tlui bul Is Constitutional and proper, .,. '!. . The (enUesaan aff, cted s treat deal of can dor about his undeterminatKJrt how ,t rote when he bean the motion,' bat It was shear ?:iccttio04 ilie KenUenun pr Wilmington al mke himself conspicunuswtle lays ne h:?ak.aowrji.fnti,em drmeanor who sometimes shaved notes. 1 doiit know where tho cfotlcman mcaht bis (iiervtmnto apply, but perhaps h' pttwrs vtre too much emptoj-ed to. nuke, hhndrm-ihtlwr iit to be mMtedr-1 dont JtvMttlMft'a'Carncd.b 1 1 vine f i only ktw uixi ftArt! never stoop ed to such dirtjr Loine jnyw 'iEH-TZ I prumised. Mr. bpeiker, to throw vimr tyi on the evils of the lUnksr, Sr. they uve driven all the eold and silver of the State out of rtrrftWion, and jour UnkKutea re a standme snaiect of acfti and ndituse. Hive you n-Jt seen it m the Newpapcrs that they luve rid snsc'r the a immar at f luU- drtphis, 23 per cwtt. smder their nominal va !oe. If me of Air euaens were to to intr uoee in Petcvjjr ch to tnjrchte it hU r- w is towTrr a Xon2tCrolina nnte u bay mrnt," tne rocTxnnt wouu sc.u at mm. v rt he would sar. my rouds are for a-lJyitA. ontiat rste tliern a ay . fr.tr-itH Itvi :At aek)ttaetherr www sk ttuvYtor the clnfrce4 hh b.teV'4 &ys'i said Mr. G are estallikhed in eve. and be ahnoa asrumed to own hamey: w e- U r ift Die Utuon, and so far as my knew trntf h. And furwhora k it that' our citi- I te extends taxes have never. bee paid' put. ee W s!Ier th lest wrd dtwr r ce Uli v JnT t - few sprcAtJriitC tncrthant, v who ate rrowmr rkh bf the puStfic AmresNes. Siy ft his" hi deoirdnhT- the - Ji-odrW- C-- Wrr rcis more sock than the luuk. ot r,rw. hem t assert aram that it sms J rrt e.t it aa fid that the Hank Newhern h4 n!y fOO.CCO, iwHl'e the hint f Cpe.fVar lui UaXO, nd f r tbe troth of my aWrtlon I swrwal v yourj statute D kv Tlie New, httn Bk ha Intindatrd niyWHti pper ; It h'ii (nued 70 time "at., natch as it hid a rifiit so d 1 have nodfiajt. If the B-u h as lot dme sa, how m iVmn of jematnm mi'fhiv h t-en ale share, fileen " per centum- het pt hsie dene it tie their m- r.eno ty in t!iif v and byshavMe. - The rnitrmtn hasjfeliy.ttatfrnrntlt wt cor rect, 1 Icre xyFr jwew ppd n inv e vf re prrvvtal remrksto Mr.Ga.Ujn, h'rh, fur the reason we f wmeriy ivr;-we,th"uik it prv!er to omit.) Mr. Drew was Vntrrtupt edbra tfiwral cry of btder from all parts" of tfe 1 1!. ty v;,' ,?? v -v Tl. Spe.ikeArtpel t1t fent!emaa wwdN ton fine himself wore closely to the rjuewiin.s lr. Glisvm mM there appeared to he too nttich belt tit the ll u fir enndnrth hmU nest pr,pe, V m jtc to adjouraW---A treed ts--,-- ;. y4r.V'--:i ? . J)trmier 17. :4 When th'w bill was eaHci! cj Mr. Dtew tme and ld tSt - he excrcilmglf I minted that the heat whkh brHe tit the debute yrv tetdar had cccawnrd a eorine4i between timself and a fcmtleman he bsnl always bren ht the hibit ef repertoj. - Explanations were then mitde muturlly Mtlf.rctorr. . The qwiion ws then put on Mr. Jones motion and negatived. , . ' '' " ...Mt. GASTON adverted, to the Imperfect Jruils of the Bi'l which were trri?i. nd inclrriniw t4 answer. h avowed purpnoe. ft propmes to extrnjuWi the paper currrne y of the Jjtat? He cordiille, approved tf the desiif he. couW toleratethe mean. VTbe, first seiflh pnnkles It the parment tf.the ttx lata the Trrauryr nl declares the nor- , p,but 1$ perfectly silent at to tho mode in whK.?i it shall be. applletL:, Tli section also pmvl.le that the Interest on the Sticlt -klch the Stater holds In the funds of the V. States, shall alsn be applieil to extinguish the pnper currericv. lie more than doubted the propriety of this appropria tion. ,TheTraw had Informed the I tane lit tno.usu il taxes will oaly be sufneiento meet the current expenr rs of the year so that if thlmterest of the funded Stock hwhT be diverted from Its usual nmrse, it would bo, wcesMry to ar adJiUvd taxea, -The Trea utet In apeaking of the extlnpthment ef the paper money, sld, it would be necewa ry to accomnimUte It inft'jint or" t the circumsunces of the Treasury'" This t ; i''-x'j'i ; Jlfr; DfMrt mhtofc arqt from luffio ting Qlllht ihxrtt had Inn taken vfi lewc Hh that eoUeman entUe, sccrt ctiV'HI UPtrefiwalUfiftAith it. sol ffitfatt, part or the wholeof hi' bv name, shall par nrODeriV IMWI Uc icuir. hiuiwib ncieu. boKpays Whinp. ' It oold1)e pervemoti' ' ot the term i i w "i'F'J lu unscassi. or the caVe now befn-e the Ifoust It woo'd be depriving fitemen of their pnvilrges and projierty wiihtwt the sanction of the law of the land. TJu what: ithe. law of land f I mtv be told that it Is Any act of the Lccibja- - turelTlUs' tertainly isntit the fenae in which itTi emptied .in .the-zQinstituiKin. lulthe da- .4V6,vhen this Cunstituiiorax was furmed wueo the treatest jrlouetex " Wed'repectnj the ri.htsxT, person hd pro- ; - pcrty, tne peijie oi ims aune aaieu jor their security a phrase. wbichW4a comnioa 1 to tnem ; tnry iuuim nm ijgnw vuana, which had ever fcm tne ixt otiaigih-iLA men, as jlie seruri;y-of their bljerues-Tbtt Convention; ntearii toromecrate the ptiuci'. every Jurist, toeverv jierson m me least con-, vert-nt tT law hisiory; that th.s pUrise taw at the taad.xtestt h .d but the sinc'e at hifonn; meahMig of , a legal ucctuon in , . If thia article of. the of R'thU meant anr tiune.' it liiu mean this, do theu this Lrg'alature dis-eiie any individu l orliftdf corporate of his or theirprverty befitt they ' can be neara in a court oi vuucc, anu nave the Jiiw ofdlhe land measured out to them t . Certainly not, GentU-men ought then to act " ith, therrratesfr tautmn 4fteyiughl to- consider well the cnnsquctcei of an act that InvadrS private rilits and sets at defiance A tousiUutWtl prohiljition. sThe acr.edneat of a mail's ownjsvuiUted-AU security for person or property is gone, but at the m-rcy ; of ihoae whmayfilTOr pliers hereafeir; la oor country now the most free no earth wna is to rtntraiq uciko, u you mm set m example l-Vio can rccribe umr. to party fury, or muim! to .cupidity atid amlxtkiu if mi ihu cnolltf and without nassiott. break 'yiP ;:A. bi, it Is true, hai lAtcly"1bee lMfr ,ihe IxrtisUture ctew Jersey, bu the XrjMpaper week intrrra s tht li rVjvC4.-d w the fouud cait be'w.g van conttt:kI. I hare examined theXontitu thn uf New-Jersey, . and find that it wantaan article which Ke to guarantee the nghts of j personal property, which ours pokscvef. JM the immufahfe laws of justice are the Mine, wliether they are written in sv.ron4i-' tutton or eonrarrn on ths human heart, tit mut be obviout to every undent anting that, a corjtoratkwi h not liable to n UX where an' IimW v idud is exempt, i It i the rery nature "of a corporation to place those who associate unler it in the precise, self u ne situation f in individual.' v.- Thejstsdejii Georc Wb perbap not in all cases to be cited as an-examrtie. did oitce Ijy ja lax of one fourth or one half per ceatum a year on the Branch Ui.k of he U. Sutes, bat the Director, refused to pay the tax and a suit was brought in the United Siatr Court, wbkh I believe waa not iuv sniiirJ. TImb clamour over the United States acalnst this usurpation of power was great,' tr.d I believe the kleu of taxing the Bank has since been abandoned. Ve are cai:ed upon to t prrredent, but I conjure ieotlemen brre they lrtermire," to coftfidcrand wcijh wrll the conetjience., s-? I The Uh mtikw f the Bin of Rights de el ires,' thtt No free man oujtht to be ta ken. impHwied. or disieiredtfhla freehold, liberties er pfivileges or outlawed, rex. lied, or m any manner destroyed, or depriv ed of hit life, liliertv Or property, but by thr ArwofAeawrfJ This article, intended to pivHiervt the great ami -Invaluable rn-ivilrgea of freemeB s expressed in fuch full anr)er trrmt At to shew ibe solicitude of the Con veiUiim tnvre$train the authority that might bry fronrthe- ttnttue exe ttmnA their power vA to make Jt as comprehenlvo a po&iible, lmnRt the same inhibitions af.er being reci ted In the plural number, are agiu repeated In the slntndir: V . N w the first enquiry t$tat pTents Itself Is. whether the 3.11 on your tuWe is not cal cuhted to deprive certain !dtiiens of this, state of their firtvifeget and properties, con itrarr tothe"taw of the land. It may beaaid It will hot, becaustlt Is a tax. ' Bat is there any magic In! the word tar.' It so, yu may strip any man of his nrooertv under the Sise of thia apecino name $ or you may say ttono coontyahall nay n tax from which another shill be exempt. There la nornerit in the word dbguisei it aa yoo willr wW appear m this bill In no other lhape thnn at an 'r racrfaw. The -word tax, employed in Its legitimate sense, mean aw uniform anti griierat Imposition for the uhh'e govt. Can you then t iy that an c$ which, requires two corporation called by hime, to pay several thrillvmil nlt-M lr "thm Trusmin' ta In. wiiuo tne money or Individ u a it loaned 'for profit ' pn y rtothlnjf f - You, might w llh t he Ijaamt rprietiaj that one man calling jiiat down Uie bamcr tlia wou!d restrain them. Jf you carimkr An exarrlncr frrjm Corprrato -.hixile,' you caafrom 'iindiyyiaalv ihmj h to prevent but a eo-e c f rig;ht in thosw ho piity bapjun tab orpWicr, Are yiit wiliin'to coaiuiit yourehr, )rr posff riijtf aod thftd.ctuJe,of jonr c'niry to swjtt a preearigu wurit.? T.reryrrcord ofhisU ry iat warhingajpiin'-t it. Even that pHQrc Sc, gallant nati-tn, the French, When wiu.jut tho restrain? f Conatitiicfmul rule,' rave them ielv'e up twrrrry rxoev CUna'ion be cime Jt he onlrr f the d.iy a ndAs!c capitation the arousr mint of natural! v huip;ine pwplf. In Rome we see the prt'tcian. a 1 en in iw er,Jdepoilinn the plehiani.-'of their inheri tance and they in their turn exercisinr the same loiusnce tcwaros tne pa-nrjan. - Are rLtuadesnoiler f ,Thi -B41 impir the ru o wjnch tJi'Hi'i. secure to us our pm i'eges, andl -1 puts the first hand to the viuLttion of private 7 rehts. - ;s . ,v. r, Lettit enquire into the particulars of the 1 rontr.ict 'tfiftered into between the State rd Hie Binks , vwhirh took pUce in 1807 The jrrshywhichheState.wastQb!ain an inter- est in the Banks havinc. bren mutu iily agreed to by the- partie5, and lhea State bysubscri- biiig havhig accepted f the- terms, whkh gve Htvalitagr and. profits enjovrd by no. Indivivluil storkliolders, the Stite can liae on -right to alter the contract and to exact; (what ws never stipulated to be paid. , ;. : No if vent 'u-rnen . will attend to the pnrti- , Culir of the 5hart; tin they wj!l perceive in the advantages granted to the state llut A trrrtalntaxrasTetafilidied and whh which thetatepledgrl itself the satiiieV f, ' The itate waVritied kiWii"Bak S 50.000 ftork,' of which onlv one third of the par , chae monetfcwas piid-he remainder be '-etme' doe. in two annual instalments which. inc cme nii;uionrnw ih-ih !- iuuui an interest 4 Imir per cent and the Ranks Were titmfirtltd to make the loan. Though otdr , mx third of-the stork. uScriVd. for wa paid.1 vet the St i rrrcired Its devidends for. Hilt . II. . -f ... . .. .. . m . (only lur per rent; was annually rrreivirg 10 Jprr cent, awl probably more. And these ad vintaReou ki m'tht be renewed (for such 'trrrptinn for thf stock was pnid i-ft by divi " defils, with xit a alnf'e fairthlhg being advun ceil hv the state. . ( Mr. G , brrr went into Ovulations ahew'mc; how rcuch mre pn fi t'ilethe sJmre we re hrU by the suta than bf imli vich4l stockholders.! - s - - - i i Alter In vi m idr thee so?f mn contracts aner kJipiiutimis m titf Wi.irf up.m term from which the State derive so-murh, mm the State now he so ur .jut as to say we will demand ne jwr rent, more f v , - : Ms such conduct th;,t if H 'happened In private liV H would, stamp ditmc on the prrpefrator ; andean you m;ke 'that. honr oWe, bring done by yoiu selves which If d vt by an lmlivWud. would be disgraceful f No. i- . ... . tht charaaer of xthe , trantactiun trouU 1 1 WML' T i ; - -.. ; :l:- il v v ::,x - - A v- l ' y- i 'ii ' -A ' ' ' ... v . t , v , v ' . . .; ... 7