Fit i d A.y, ;Aiiii2r, i8io. EDENTON; PRINTED X'Y JAMES WILLS. -V Vol. V.- Nuw2iy. 1 ,-,c3r tUBLlSMED EV E R Y T H 1 DA Y M 6 RN I NO AT TWO AND AN HALF DOLLAR! t anjcv; payable in advance, all letters address f. d trt the editor' AltflT H AVE Tfl if rOSTA CE A ID. Wli'T ,1 liirtii ii -II i mi i.niMi i iffii-S State cf AXrlh-l'trtMno. ' JPtbtuary Tgrmt litc$lwntjLXur1, S JS11L' The Adu.'rcf Noah .Iaarell, lUlffAWlK N .. rr Ju4mtt lAWSOit. . atfocA- jAMtt LaiUl, i. ibe Same. 1 .rn . W. I'aiuIi v( ibe Scm!. J, mum- co iii ruth cate tevtrd w the lJZud$ tj ike Drfimlnntt. , TT belnr; road rTp J die MtUctki cf a. Uit Cunt, tn&t tu C!n Art tn Uir three Urt WtU re Wet betrnd the limtti ,of thtt fAWtJliU Ordered fh-t thtce month- bo - ike t gitea turn la the EdruUxt Gmttr, : ttut Wcm he jier at the neat term cit s4 C'4irf, ud 4c-d arr cr demur, n tul h!fncjt w Ui be rr,!rrr d up ijeii.t him. . Tef, iKHMO&UMNUt, cCtl I - 25 Dollars Havard ' VJIllVV tfratarjrj tvu f. r it ill i!e i V tit ff to trap i Sux-Crtl niy m I J 'groESMJC if iVrt tn th ute If vOrrf it, 31 LK,;i,ri ttil! cn to Ihe rrt 1 m itit!eitttrh?ra. lie it j.tut 4J te.r rf i. u. c .er fy a jrc-f ituB, for htci lie h.i Lu! I brAtx!c4 SiH f the letter H co Li rit,ttUi ,1. ll it caprctrd he mWl stlrmrt t Ret l the liXih4nL Mu!J ty Civn i a ewl II it h;m (4i trwt 4 to trter Vw it f this ewr kuvdrrJ dJjr$ wijj brf ten Ituiya ht tu;x JOUK DHKW. ::: r hi tin mTMmiiiiiiii i r:Tirf-rTlii,,',r' " Cwtinvtfig in finejira tern ef turn y mr$i.thptt9htitUJ. on oe$ t9 tnctrfrtrittithe sufstfilerg to the v jjuil sj the United Stles,$ tn the t teriri und (snJitnnt therein PicntU Re tt enacted ly the $n&tecnJ1hti$e tfMefreirntathettfthe U. SteteHj America in Cwfret aanlteJt Tlui ihf act to incorporate die subscribe ri 19 the bank of the UU?4 States, as srJ the tcmr filth dty of Fetruar, o in tle year M our Lctd, seventeen hundrcdjjrd3rac one, lul jtct l!ie f rotuloni .rwI cmons in iht t ttiyo be made, bc antl the same is hercW c oniinurd in forcr, for tnd dur4 ; irg thVfunher term of 3 vcan from nd aftcrihc fourth dv of lrch nm: JHzidedl hat the lestdcntanddi tutors of ilicaid bank of the United Sutci thalLV on or before the thirty first day ol ' December next pay iato the Treaiurs' of the United States one miUion tti o huniltdsand Cfiy thou sand dollars as the price .And equiva lent for trncwal tind cbtinuatice of their charter as aforesaid i and the bet trrt ton of thr said bank to pay the said Zsuxdofnbney ihe said rresi JcVt U directors of the bak of UicUniiejl States, shall be arid they arc hen by author iird to add to the rapiu! stock of aald bank iwo thousand fire hun clrtdihirci, and to sell and dunote of the same at sued time u m such man per. h at ucli prfc as they may, think roper,,arid for, the inott advantage or thl ioteresi bfahc said companyi, PrsvtdedahQ ;That the laid IVesiJcnt and director s of the said bank shall at all tiroes, from and after the passage of t)iracTra-trtn nee of the same, be hound and oUicj- td to make a loan or loans to the U. States, if, required and authorised by htr,' of any sym or sums of money pot exceeding in the whole at ahyon time :"fire pillions of dollars,, and at I ate o t x t nt err t tui t exeeu ng. six ner eW per vcar i Ptwid&lri t - i; shall be the tliit)-of the Secrctaryof the Treasury of the United States to make his application in writing, to the -Prcideta,antldireciQrs ofJsaidtek, ifarztuch !oaa Aor los&st. least ; thre calendar months previous to the time trncn suxn toanor loans snau oe re quired ; and that the said President and directory of the said bank shall not be required to make a loan of more UhaalJMQO.qOO dollars. : darina: the present year, nor more than the last mentioned sum during any other year : 'Mdedahoi That the Pres tdent and directors of the said bank shall, from and after ihe' fourth day of March, eighreen hundred and eleven, pay to the United States an interest at the rate of three per centum per year on all sums of money above the sum of three ' millions of dollars, which shall accumulate to the credit of the Tries- surer of the United Sutes, in the said, bank br in any af the branchrs of said bank, and vrhich shall remain thrre for one vhe year : Provided, That tthallltKe-duW of the Treasury ol the Uuited Sutes, from time to time, to give notice in Wiling to the President and directors oFtlie IaldtiinV?mtleast-siyby foTe'Ueaernlp, at which said tnterrstf to ba paid as aforejaidrthall, be considered to comrnence indbee;in to accrue! Iwhkh noticelawrittns; shall specify the preclsclamountcifihe; deosite so to remain for .one whole year as aforesaid ! PrevtdedaUi That the United Sutes shall be authorised at any time during the continuance of this act, to increase the capital stock of said bank in such manner as may hereafter be prrtcrited by !aw end for which the United Sutei shall be come the snhscribcr and owner to an amount bot exceeding in the whole ahirei,. andnotcicecd in any one year-rV-hares v Pro tided, That the4 shares thus to be ad ded and 'subicribed for on behalf of the United States, shall not be sold fcy the United States at a price less than far each share: And pro aided ol9 That oothing in this act contained, nor in the act intended to he continued in force by this act, hall he construed to restrict or prevent the United Sutes from incorporatim- any baok-r banksiia the dismctoflCo lumhia i Prexlied Thatanr hank to be incorporated by the United States, in the district ol Columbia, shall be restricted from Extending any branch thereof beyond and without Utt limiu .of the-taid territory.., -7-:- y'r7 Sec 2. And bcW ftirlSer enaeted bu the eviiarUyaJsrYssjJThzi it thall be the duty of the President and dirors of. the aaid bank, on or be 'fcrctlte";; ;J day of ' mxt, to slrjnify to the President of the Igni ted Slates, Uveir acceptance on behalf of the hank of the U S. of the term and condltfons in this act contained and if they shall fail to da so, on or lcfore the dav,above mentioned, that then icuhairceasc id be a force , - x - " ' C0KGUUSS10AL DOCUMmU, GENERAL POST OFFICE, , . 1 JUurchZO:, 1810. S1B - ' ' " - I do myself the honor to transmit two reports, inadc in obedience to the resolutions passed in thellouse of Re presentatives on the 14tjt and 20th of the present month, nave the honor to oe, c vt i u c j n j v w -1 f Jlon.SpeaUri It?ute tf it The post master general, in ohedienee io a resolution of thed louse of Kc prcschta:ivcs, paised oh the 14di sinsiiTcspcciiuMyiifi: Tlie whole amount of expenditures In t ranspoi tl ng what i s Commonl tr cal icincOrleaiii i'maitrlwc'ieirthifxl ty, Athens in G corg ta, and New-Or- Jcarifi from its contmencerhent pn A prlT05thrl si of JanuaraiO, mm 74,221 dollars "and 5 . cent's'i Jp -'this1 Increased expedittoa will be very that sum, 21,600 c!::I-r3 end 9 cents ' in :onsideraUc . was baidforcarrvic-rd.rrr.iilbewecn 'The mail which is now eirhtani this city U CoweU, f l. T. lror.i T.Iay ri LJA flays.m goinj; irora mis puce lOrhi lCOl.o Aftril 1st " averarrini? to Cc'iicibia: the scat of covernment it the rate of, 1 1,025 dollars ayear in South Carolinarmay be sent '-there "nesrrlv 'TTx the exnente of 1rr'intha in five davs bv feursuinsr the Orleana mail between CowtU and N Orleara fortlie'lametimeiraa'OySridollara' and 73 ccnu, averaging nearly 4,053 dollars a year. The expence of car rying the mail between this city and Coweta from April 1st, ISO 7, to Jam 1 1 1 8 10,xamounu ttl 23,310 dollars ft C cents, averaging at the rate of C,CG0 uollars nearly, a year. road to the south of Salisbury, North i Carolina, and n6inf from thence to ' Columbia at a probable increased ea- ; pence of 800 cfollars er annu in w , It The mail is no w cam ed to M illedge k ; Ville the icat of government Irt Geor gia, on the main po-t road in J 5 days, i and ta fl and a half days by the Orleans roaa t ad it may be sent to lilulede- No accounts have been kent t?hich Villa tn sever! and a half days, with a will shew the value in pdsures of the probable increased expence of 00 Emails, conveyed by this route. Two dollars per annum, mails were sent upon it: during tha ! The sum cf cle leven thousand f uf first year, of tta esublt.hmeat, but V which was apprcpri lines thattJiaett has been the route ot atcdibr ccsic nearly an c ual portion ol tr.e corrcs- Orleans post road, between - Georgia and New-Orleans, has been princi- r r afmOwJfSSl Zlh J605- ovAS have, been expended last au April 1st, lg05,vto January 1, 18109 value of postages of wttcrs from N. ventionof the ladlizuJ TAIL which If f einictfaUyxuhnitt V . GIDEON (HtANQEIl,- - -u-xzzp9tf master; renercZ uruans may oe supposea equai, ana this route should have credit for car rying letters whose postages would" a nount to the last mentioned sura : taking into view the produce of Fort StoJJert and several other sm ill o3; ccs which it accommodates, i By the arraatbtnts of 'this oSce, the mail should be conveyed from this city b, Athens to New-Orleans ia "'If days, and from th:nce by way of Nashvilie, in Tennessee, in t and a half days j and the actual nerformaaces do not rosteriallr differ front the same pro .J ence to the resolution of the House of portion hence the time uken to trans- Representatives, of the 31st ult. to mil inteiuntnce is i ana A LETTER VtT n'the Sccreury of the Treasury "t: -nsmitting a sutement of the aa " nual amouit of expenditure, in re lation to the miliary aid mral e s- tahiishments, from the fourth cf March, ir89, totheendof the year. 103; in obedience to the resalauV ca cf the thirty Erst ultimo. , TaiAstrar DtARTJi cjt, x - -.T";..'-ln3i-18iav S ra-T r have-the.boaor,in,obedi- half days less bv the Athens than by the Nash ville route. rf:"" v: rr - r v . All which Is respectfully tubmitted c GIDEON GU ANGER, . .r2.,:;''pgst master generU The postmaster general, in obedience iriijto a resolution of the House of He- prescnutives, passed on the tO.h ! last, rtspectfullyrcports : 'V ; Tlie raid may be carried with sorae increased expedition from this place to Raleigh, .the seat of government of North-Carolina; by pursuing the Orleans post road to we south of the river Roanoke and going from thence to Raleigh, at a probable increased expence of seven hnndrcd dollars per annum; but the benefit arising from transmit asutement oi tne annual a mount of expenditure In relation to tha rr.IIiu: and naval esublishmecu, from the fourth of starch, 1 7S9,9 to the end of the year ICO?. ; ; . The sums paid for military pensions and for the Indian department, are not' ; IncluJcd ia the statement but it em braces elPother expcncesV indudinr; k those for fortiScatlon; arms and mili f aad building ot vessels , I hare the honor to bef With great resp:: v -. Sir, Vour obedirr.t servant ALBERT GALLATIN. To the Zfn. the Spealtr J : ef the Iliuse cf Re v - ' , , pretentathes, . -:! :' A batement exhibiting the gross ennuaiam'nnt ef expenditure in rehtisn fa themUlfary emd naval ettahrisht:enti from the 4th ef JJjrcA 1725, 13 tht jnd ef the tesr itQ0,- L - - - ' v. Years,',' Military estiblishmrnt Naval cstablirhmcnt. Total From; 4th. March, ? ..f - December, 1 701 1 For the year 1792, .1793, C32,804 Ol 1,103,043 47 l,U2,4t3 01 1794, 2,5Wr59 179 J, 2,452,333 81 17CV- I40,37 C2 1797. 1,002,293 04 1793rl,039,C02 30 1799, 2,403,CCD 17 JCOO, .2,317,407 S9 ieoif i;coou os 1802, 1,179,143 23 C22,035,3 873,02 03 712,781 23 .. Cl,403 07 410,3C2 03 , 74,7Ck 0V 3 82,633 63 1,381,347 7 2,838,031 81 ,443,716 03 2,111,42 t 013,811 87 X 1803, HOt, 1803, 1895, in7, -f 3,224,333 l3,fi$ Ot 2,900 854 40 3,34572:i7 50,94 tWj 47 1,246,317 t l,273,S0 25 t,307,3OO i,G49,C4i 44 'I,72'2,054 4T . l.C3l,Q07 8 1 4TtTt;j730-'tX4 C32,COi 03 1,103,033 47 1,132,13 )t C30,0 3 2,2:2,C47 l,321,lUCi 1,384,930 01 3,321,040 15 S233,73l,Qt 3,029,125 CI 3,712, HC3 C J 2,C94,0:0 12 m IT 23" C3 filU,,t k fl t 3,0tO,73O ca :,:si,cq3 2a 07 x,,. -.. . : , vO,W7 23,C t3,9raiCXl zfTJT TntAur.Y Dupa rtjilt,- Recistc&s Orrxcx. 3d April, lia r x-, r.-.-l.: X. . .; , : '. ' X ' 7 v ' .A'

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