'i. f 11 toe FuTias coakcn n m yu , y,j- '-' oU , , ' . j mm VOL. I. FAYETTEVILLE, rCTEDiS " - ' - ' I ESDAY MORNING, MARCH I, 1865. ' '! t - .... NO. 33. I ' rWTrrH-igjaUW. jflLML. !! . 1P.H.IJW,) ..' I. limine l .1 n m HJI I I II ,11 mm 1 J n Mi 1 I . " ' ' ' I... r T t - w 9 W. H. Bernard, EDITOR ANJ PR OPSISTVIt. . tei wis : r 1 cop I iron tb ? 1 copy 2 montrc, ............... . . . . 4 . . 8 months, ssagie copiej oo cents. . . r ; Noiie brlt cash subscriptions rech'ie'V RATES OF ADVEnJ'ilNG : 1 rqeare of 10 lines, or Ies3,-ieh ?-onrr;'n S 15 00. SU.'OO. v' ; r .TYPE WANTED. rpiIS tubacrlt wfghe to purchase two full cuei of Loxa Fbimkb ; - type, In goo condition. J .. i', one having such type will please communicate with me (maedlately.r W. II. BERNARD. . FayetteTille, N. C. jSvaugelical riTract Society. 13 BV. A. W. MIloiEIl HAVING RESIGNED HTS JL1 position Sl3 oupnctendent an . Corresponding Secretary ol this fceciet? tae bcnTd of Direccors take p'ea?nre in anro-ancioc to the Christian public, that the hav gecurcd the serricea cf Rev. W. B. Wellonf, to unn'.v his Diace who will also edit the Armu ami JVrfi Mestcjtgeri in the place of Rev. iP. Slaughter, refignca. Ha wilt enter upon hu work with, tpirit and industry. nd brings to his ad sveral years of eiperience in ginn 'lar labor, aad a very co;dial place iu the regard of Eid veociates. A2T ACT TO JXGRFASE THE EFFICIENCY OFTHEEOKE GUAED CE0ADIZATIO2T. SnC. 1. fi it enacted by Vie General AttcmU7!, of th SCte of North Carolina, and it i lureby enacted In flu authority of the tame. Teat whenever tba Guard for home Defence stall b calted into service beyond the limits of their refpcc'lve connticf. the Governor may cause two or raoro cone navies to bo eocsolidited into one company po as to mike cot lrs,.t"'j (f;xtyfoir men, rank ana nio. to cacfi compatv: sua mp&aT -a coa sondated shall el?ct from the captains comtrandine the compatDCS fo cor . .-jiidated, a Crtsm to command eucb Second Lieuter . ' M Junior Second Lieutenants o such ccmpahifL r rof each cf eaid ranka too s iBcxUJcer3'0. cotnf.iiiie3 so consoiioateu a3 may not te iecta lor service witn eu.a consouoatea company, eball be required to perform service as non commission ed officers or piiratcj in the coilaclidatcd company, form ed of their original compia'ea and while so Eerving their commissions shall be suspended. - Sic 2 Be it further tnactid, That tbo Governor may m like mancer cau.c two or. more battalions or regiments of the home Guards when called into service beyond their rcppectiTe battalion or regimental limits, or when call rd into sei vice w thin puch limits, in connection with other portions rff such force, to bo consolidated, said ba- tahors when so ccusandatcd to b composed of not less than three companies, and said regiments when eo con solidated to be composed of not more than ten compa nies. r The : Governor miy assl:'i to the command of such consolidated battalion or reeiment. any officer or officers from tho battalion or regiment so consolidated. Sec. 3. lie it further enacted. That the Governor may in hid discret on, in ccustfiuting the consolidated com panies contemplated by the first section thereof, take tho This society was organ'z-dand its constitution adopted one-iourm, one-iuiru or one-nan ot any company as at 4n thelSih of Julv. 1831. and embraces amor, it J Present organized with a due proportion of ita oCicers, officers and member different: Evingclic-! denominations of Obri8tiann; . It dhs uitriDutcJ gratuitously during its existence, about fifty millions of paires of Tract?, many "tuoufandaof Gospels and Hymn Rooks, and, sevu-rronth-ly, largo edit'ODS .of te Anny aniNafty Meseiger rnon2 the soldiors cf the Confedeiate armies, nnd cUe seed hs fallen upoi food ground, anJ Wrought' forth an bundant harvest to the glory and honor of God. Com munications from Ctaplaius, Officers and Privates in the" army all bear witness t the god accomplished by the publications of the society, end the numerous revivals -during the papt yar in th arny, adding thousand to' Xh Church, were in part the re?u!t of the re'iious read ?inc furnished he soldiefs by this Society. The Of2eer8 and Managers desire to continue its operations in full wigor, and, if possible, en'argethem, and respectfully "aaacit donadbns from tie members of all religious denominations, and tNose unconDeced rw.'th any branch iot th Chuioa, who Je5ie thespirraal welfaxe of the caus of Christ. . - The Officeis and Managers are; D'Arcy Paul., Prc a ; 0: Elljson.Tl: F. L.ster and Jarnes Weddell, Vice Jlfre$i dents ; R. M. Duniop. IleeorIi.nrf Secretary ; R-v. out 01 wnicn to constitute eucn consolidated company. and such ox the oilicers of companies as at present or ganized, as mcj be placed with fractious of their compi nic?, to form a conroli Jated coinpanv as may not be elected to command such consolidated compauj, shall be required to eerve iu such consolidated company as non- coraiawf ioned cfliccrs of privates, and wnile so jserving tneir commissions snail be suspended.,. Tne Governor shall have power to discriminate in favor of farmers and mechanics, when be calls out a less number than the whole of a company, alio to declare vacant the office ot an officer who is declared by'a medical board permanent ly dpt bled for fie'd duty, cither in the militia or Home Guards, or of an officer who absconds to the enemy. Sic. 4, Be it farther exacted, .That" all Quartcrma5te rs and Commbsarus of regiments or battalions of - llome Guards as at present crguuized, that may not be ained to dutv b? the Governor with a consolidated battalion or wriment, shall tc requTreoT to eervc ai aon-couiiuLjioned oflicers or. privates, in seme one company of tt eir present comnacd, and whiic so serting their commisfcions fahall bo suspended. i Skc 5, Be it further enacted. That the Surpen Gen W.B. Weliors Superintendent, (orrcx ponding Secretary I eral,' by and with the advice ond consent f the Governor, wtd Editor of the Arniy a?ul ATavy Messenger ; Jmcs Ji. Cuthberc, JLieasu.' er ; Key. J. tiiosou, Itev. J. A. r"octor, Rev. A.0.- B'cwn, Rev- Tuoroa Hume, Sr., 1-Rev. John Sciller, Rev. A. D Archer, Dr. T. Beckwith, Daniel Dodaon, Bernard Todd, Thoraa? Wallace, V. J. "3. Moody, D P. Duge and Robert lcCaadPrh, Direc or; itev. J. 0. oion. Rev. J. A. f Proror, Rev. Thomas Hume, Sr., and Rev. Joi.ii iiiller, VublUhii g Oenimittee. ' OwEUibutiona saoili rent' to J.im.s 13. Cathbc-r:, ;q., Ireasurer. and od&rs for TracV. and the Papr to flSv Vi R. We'.l. uori intense'; t and Editor. , ; By orcer of tliJ'lJca-d of Diricf;cr3 D'AUCY PAUL, Prenyl. A. G. Rovr;j, tec. pro tern. j ' Petersburg. Va., Ju. 1S6.V: . A'0iy2 ANr IS'SP'fi OEX'S OFriCi:, ) . ItiviiMo.ND, Svp:. llj 185w. GniTRti. Ordses, ) j . ip. 122. f . III. The fallowing act of ongress ij pubiisVed for the iinfornation cf all cotccrned : I "Yfory person, not purjn-.i to the Fu'e3 and articles of war, who sha!i procure gr emico a sol iicr cf tb Ocn federatc Stales o de:rt, or who ?hn 1 j-urcna.ce"frcm any teldier his 3!ii)S i'i.'o.m, cltbi' ., vr avy r.rt thereof, ihll upon ItJjjal cci victiou, bo. lint d, a-' tho discretion of 'Court UkV'u;g ccpii5z-nce ot tho s.n;e, jn ny ivm Lotrx needing three huridvi Uoijarp, aiid te iirpiLontd not aicee&icg CL-e jtar.'V . . - , I By cider of tie Secretary of "War. (Signed,) S.CDOPR,- . ! , 'Adj'tandlnsp'r Gbn'l.. OScial: HEAD QTJa ft i K R3 RESERVE N. C. Raleigh, Feb. 10, 1865. tV. 23-1 1 JhO W.HINSDALE. Aes'f. Adj't. General iDQUABTFKS, RESERVE, IT. C, I . Raleigh, Feb. IS th, IS 65. v Ho. 4. f r UAJOR 0. 0. SrRPTGFELLO W, Assistant Adju .o tant General 0. S. P. A., will relieve Capt. Jonn ' Hinsdale, Ass't. Adj't- General of Reserves of N. 0., UMtd tha latter officer will proceed to join the Sd Reg't iivervea of NC.,-as its Color el, he having been duly . sleeted" to that office on the 3d of January, 1S5. ' The Lieutenant General Commanding; in taking leave lbf Col. Hinsdale tenders his warm congratulations on his -promotion, and earnestly hopes that the Intelligence, zeal End gal'antry, which has characterized his service, as a Btitf Officer, may be matured by experience into greater -mzfalnees'in his new and more extended sphere. , (Signed) j TH. P. HCLME3,S ! Lieut. General Comrsanding. Official: i j Giaa. 8. fiiKisarjCLLO-w-, 1 Major and A. A. General. 23 7t i - j : f Bv IV. A. jStedman .& Co. SQUIRREL SHOT ; . ! HIED SHOT t 18 tf - shall rpj-oint a Medical Coard lor each Gcrgrcasional L'isrrict in ihi3 State, whOo business it snail be to exam 'r'S all ptsons ' claiming exercption from Homo Guard duty on recount of phytical disability, that thesw cxuni natio's Bba'.l b made at such time and tmder euch rules nnd regulations as miy be establithed by tho Surgeon Geucral, ahd'tliat tlic rcembors of c-.iii Bord shall receive tHe same pay d a'luWitcea while oa duiy ti3 the Gen federate Conscript Beard-. Src. 6. Be it further enacted, That wten such compa nfcs, 'fcattahor:. or reinieta hav been consola! ved os Urun pu.-viued !or,tt.- th.ul continue lasucu orar.;zi tiens until furLLci1 provision thUi ba made in their be half: f. ?m c 7. Be it further ena'ttd, Tint the eccomf sectfoi cf "in act in n.-latiou tr the fni!i:5a frd a Guard for Uornc Defence," rttilicd the 7th djy of July, 15t, be. aid ti famewht-rtbf junnCcd, by striking out the word "itiCr-' in th nuih Iit.e cf bai l fctction, and inssrtingthc vord 'thi;" ti.at tie third taction e f an act to um.nd an act in rlition to tbe mi':ti' y d Guird tor Home Defjcc," ratified the 14:h dav cf Dec- irier, 13C3, be and.thaame herci'V, ai:o.ceJ, by mv riipg betircc:i the word3 m:Iei6 ' ai u "!;i.ck'-r:i;t:b " 1110 vora vanc; aaa inn the proviioat tho cud of said 3:1 si;t;on bo and tes-irac U hicbv icpcalod. That in addition to tho exenipiions sppfihcu in tt.e act" nfoev:aid, there shall Lexeiiip: frca llomo Guard Cuty a'l county Tiu;t:t'.3, regular and public tacnets, Latter)3 and thoertaheis skd edin thtir respective callinss, i.nd who u-rc enpIoyf d ij the sarbe prior to tte firefrday f Jam aryf A. I , lbc-3, uucl heve cotUnucd to be ea:)Ioje-d biucr tL..t time. Provided tanners ehuil ctll one-third of their leather to indigent soldiers' wives and widowd for their own use at schedule prices. " i fiovidtd, that no provision of this act tha!l be con strued as to exempt frcm military service any person mentioned hereiu, in case of actual eervile insurrection or invasion ot the county in which he resides by Federal forces, except the persons and classes mentioned in 2d section of an act in relation to the Militia and a Guard for Home Defence, ratified the 7th July, 1864. Sec 8. Be it further enacted, That this act shall be in force from and after its ratification. - Read threo times and ratified in General Assembly this 23d day of December, A. D., 1864. R S. DOXNELL, a H. C. , "'. GILES MEBANE, S. S. IVciv Daily Paper in Richmond. . - PROSPECTUS. rrtJIK rderfiffred rT0rO3e tf rub"i?b a dai'r rftrwr X ttsdar the ti'Jo of "THE RICHMOND ILDARLD." on or ftp m i5u. 0f January next. It "jil le entire y fr.derxdekt in prlitic, but wpl ncvcri .fU arcord to te administration a. just support in tF Ts.tr ?rt3. whfch, in itc opinion of its conductor may le . -ed promotive of the grod cf tho caue in whieb wo ? cn-'.red. A piopr critism of such acU a3TiiI Kj !-n:d adverse to t!is ebject, will b. of ccuT?e,-i...trnt with th independent character under whico. tj 3l?s? a t be in tgurated 'tcr cf Goneral Newa it will be found to leiding journal of the dywhilo it tt, n- IZoxcs Tor Soldiers. ALL Boxes for Soldiers or PRISONERS of WAR from North .Carolina, delivered to the following named persona will bo promptly forwarded free of charge : fcprague Brothers. Salisbury. , i Dr D F Summey, Asherllle. Dr W A Collett, Morganton. DrJ W Allison, StatcsvUle, Dr JL Neagle, Greensboro. ; Mr. A llagan, Charlotte Mr Edward -liege, Salem. r ' Capt J N McDowell, Raleigh. I, Joseph A Worth, Fayettevllle, Murray k Co., Wilmington. Mr F L Bond, Taxboro, ' Mr J A J Askew, Coleraln. Mr S L Roberts, Marfreesboro. The Boxes should be welt hooped, properly, marked, and 'de livered In time for mjr Special Messenger who leaves Raleigh on the first day of every month, s EDWARD WARREN, .1-tf Surgeon General. M ' How to ILvxx ViaxaAR. Take one pint of molasses, put it in a jug, pour one gallon tf warm water, not boil ing, let it stand for two months and you wiUliave good vinegar. We hare tried iu ' r keen ; 7-4 ' 3ill b.Jk l 't3 ycnclJiiiA05kJ inUlIigcnoo a feature euch as, wq venture to say, no paper in the Con federacy can boat of. Editorials from the pen of ore of th ablest financial writers in this or any other coun try will bo presented in each nnmber. For reasons not now proper to bo mentioned, we for bear to give tho names of tboee who thall ccinpoc the regular editoral staff : but we flatter ourselves that when they shall appear they will be found to constitute euch on army of talent as cannot bo excelled on this continent. The weU known character of the Individual whose Dame appears below, -as a etecognrphic reporter, furnish es, we presume, a guarantee that, in all tbat relates to important rolitical speeches and debates, whether in legislative asscmblier or out of then, the HERALD ' will present advantages certainly cot to be excelled by any paper in, the Ocufedracv. The farming interests will be faithfully vindicated, end care taken to d'Seirinate the earliest ictelligerce whic a'proper regard for the welfare f that great element of national wcal'h an" power phall demand. In the mittcr of correct commercial intelligence, enual zeal shaH ba raanifcs ed, cur object beirjr to asicn to each of these departments' an editor of known experience and ability. Arrangements are cn foot by which to secure the car- Iiset foreign news, and the paper wll contain such editorial talent a will lully elucid tte the bca iag ot loreign diplo macy upon Southern interests. In. short, J THE RICHMOND HERALD will be bund to combine every feature ot iutere t which tte ie quircments of tho pesent criia derxaad. Tbeenterpnse w respectfully commenced to the favor I and putronago of tbo citizens of the Southern Confederacy. All the papers of the Confederacy will copy till day and send bill to P. KEAN & CO.. jan. 4, 1665wfc Richmond, Va. the ;key stoe. A MASONIC MONTHLY MAGAZINE. On TiE,flRST ov jasuart, 1S05, I shall cOmmcnco the publication of a Monthly Magazine under the above litl , to bo devoted to the interest of the Ancient and Honorable iraternity of Free and Accepted Masons. I believe that every good Mason will ajrree with me in the opinion that such a publication will be beneficial in enlightening our less informed brethren, and in dispen'- mg mny a cairn, aina wora or cncerruines3 to tne pcarts and bones of thousands of worthy brothers, their widows and orphans. It will b my earnest purpose to bring to bear" jhatcvpr bumble ability I may possess to make it a reliable custodian of sound LlaFot icLaws and Tenets, ever adhering closIy to the Ancient Landmarks. of tho Craft in all their pristine 'strength and sjmmitrical beauty. Trembling, lest I err, is clothirg myself fcr ho rcpor. s'blc ffti cfiii?, I fhtll erigrge upon tho Kky-Ftokb uch tkillod cdUoriai tel nt as bh til ktn-p the Hh well inmm cd r.n.l brtqhi'y burtii'g, with th hit cere hope, that rs our victk go.s fort;; cac'.i mor!', trc:n tbo if:Tii j of our L.bor, it icay pas an improved inpsc'ion aud be nc cepUblototLo lcad'auj to the b.-art of every good Ha at tr uf uLjc hoa.o or iiandi it lUAy bo received. T 12 II AI S : Oa fubictlbcr fix tnoatlif, $'0 00 TwiHe : 4 ii..ith Sir.glo Cop'os, ' 2 C'l iMcn3, Led?es, Chapters, Counci's and Encampments will pi ?eai in tLeir tub.-crii tioas at onco. AddlCJJ -Wm. B. SMITH, ivoprlctnr, Raivi'h, K. C. Mr. Editor. Eutaw, Ai.a. Juno 29, 18C2. The fol lowing U a hcaily drink, but it u invigora'in and re freshing, and iu the reach cf every ecldicr; Ouc table tpoouful of finely sifted corn meat; 1 tea ppooLful o viucg.ii; 1- tt a tpoouful rf suoar or molasses stirred iito a tumbler cf water, and drank hef.K it settles. ; C. i. To rixsravx Fcos for oxjc Yiar. One pint quick lime, oua pint salt, to three gallons water; no care is Eecded ia puttirg in tbo rggs, as they will b' right end up, and vill te tile just below the surface, if proportioned "ebt- .. , . . ' Caodaoi Salad. Chop enough cabbage fine to fill a vegetable dLb. Heat a coffee cup of strong vinegar, with a lum? of bu'.ter in it tbo size ol a small egg. Pep per and sax. TVhen hot, beat an egg very light and stir in; then pear all on to the chopped cabbage. Rcciift for MAirNQ Tomato Wisx. Take ripe to matoes, press 'and strain them, the a to on quart of the juice add one half pint of sugar, bottle and let it stand un til it ferments, then it is ready for use. Gaimville (Flo. Cotton Stale, August 9. To Privxst Flixs from TitKO Hoasts Take two or three small handfuls of walnut leaves, upon which , ppnr two or three quarts of soft cold watet ; let it infuso, one night, and pour the whole next morning, into a ket tle, and let it boUTor a quarter of an hour. When cold it will be fit for cse. ; No more Is required than to .wet a epocge, at.d before the horse goes out of the stable let thoie parts which if c the most irritated be smeared over with the liquor; between and upon the cars, the xeck, the flank, etc Not-only the lady or gentleman who rides cut for pleasure will derive a benefit from the leaves thus prepared, but the coachman, the wagoner, .and all thers who use horses during the hot months. How to Marx Match xs. VDr. L. T. Roberta sendj the La Grange Reporter the following reeipe for making matches: i Take stripes of wood and dip, them into melted sul phur, and let tbera dry, which will be done ia a minute after dipping them. Then the points of these Bulphered matches must be dipped in a composition, made ia the fallowing manner, via. Dissolve ia hot water, gum ara ble, 4 pirts; chlorate of poiassa, 1 port; phosphorus, 1 part. Tfccse are all to be added to the pot separately, and ia the ord;r herein prescribed, and as soon as the 1st ingredient 'is devolved, then add tho 2d,.&c, until aH are dLolred.. This ranat all be done ia a water bath . (like glee Is prepared) and the mixture must be ktpt la the waer bath while the process of dipping is going oa. The matches must be thoroughly dried before they are used. Dry la theiade for 24 hours. Corcr the mix- I publish the above for tho benefit of those who aak. what are we to do? At the rates at which matches ar , now selling, a maa can take a pocket knife, aai. taako a living by selling matches. SUBSCRIPTIONS TO TILE SOLDIERS' CHILDREN AID, SOCIETY. P. Taylor, 1. C.hwcU, K. McDanltl, John It. Hilt, A. A. UcKeibaa, CoU W. Alderroxs, I. HolllDf cworth, James Harrlss. Capt. Hurt, " c. w. Skinner, K.O. Dllcr. J. It. ltardwtck, M. K. Dews, Mr. I)uf.ie, Iaac Dodd, Dr. W. Hooper, W. Tomllnson. I. B. Is1, CapU Tallcy, C. A. Cameron, Dr. IL M. rallcrson, J. II Baker, D. Jones. Kev. J. MeDanfel. Ker. J. McLemore, fOO Mr. Tajrlor.aoJiler, aoo Cash, George Bell, f0 Orren Burtrs. Tod A.lcDons.d, fx0 Dr. J. II. Freeman. 2.V) Q. W. IgMman, i0 John Vscghan, 100 Jsmes Marsh, lOu Ch, U. Rose. !. J. U. Johnson, 100 Cash, luO Do., . liwj. Watson,- : 1"0 K. McKeth.n, JiHJ James Taylor, lfX Mr. lofrlilcr, It'i Mrs. GUchrUt. IXft Cxth, joo Mrs. 11 Matthews, W IV. A.ltllt, , M JchnMcDsnleL f-rt J. W. lcsxce. . to to ia loo " l o ra a r-u T3" RS . CjO. w . 3 , 6 4 - 15 100 . to 100 Total, msst I have estsbllshel two good schools for the soldiers hlMrn In FayetteTille about eighty have entered another school Is needed. Shall It be established 1 There are at least one hanir4 and fluy of these children who seed assistance. Shall ahy te ptssed at school; furcUhed with books. Ink sad paper? IU cliixeni of Fayettevlll will subscribe Tweniy-flT Thorn. nd Dut lars for this purpose ; w will not only plsce every soldier's child at school but. If they desire H, we wUl I upplement the salaries ef the teachers cl the Common Schools, and keep them epea Carter tho scholastic year. The above lUt Oon what has been (Wd. 1 Let .11 who arc willing to aid In this Important and patriotic wcrk. leave their eubscrtp Hons win Mr. P. Taylor, or Mr. Csek. at the Tost USice, 1 Agents 1 CARD NOTICE. J EKE Is now another lot of Cotton and TTool Cards, freadv ffr us)for dUtrlbulicn to olvlicr'a famlUes. at 10 rer falr nts will please caU for them. . ' - .V ' IL A. DOWD, A. Q.M.,N.d. lUleitN.a 18Qs7. Count jus:-Ioiisc CALENDAR. 18 Co. a -i cc; ? o " f t H S. t 7 i 5 JANUARY. ; 8 ir, 10 17 2ioOU51 1 it 3 cx ve a. t JULY. I'KIJ ll l.1M.I i 2 3 A S G IP 11 20 21 j j i.lOU 12 13 25 20 27 2- Jjic 17 IS lt20 j 1 23 24 25 2G 4l UAKY. I I . 4 !4 1 H 15 1 i.v 2SpJ 1 2 3 4t f C. 7 8 i 10 II! 12 13 M 15 K, 17 18 . tlVOA Ol OO .TJ'O ..r I 2rl272 j I j 31 AKCII. : . 5 0 7 8 11 10 11 12 13 14 15 10 17 18- li:20;21 22!23 24 25' 20i27l2S20j30 31r AP1X1L. t lf 2 3 4 5 0 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 lf 16 17 18 10 20 21 22 33 24 25 20 27 2S 20 M I Li MAY. II 2 3 4 5 0 7 b1 0 10 11 12 13 14 15 1C. 17 18 10 K) 21 22 2'J 24425 2CI27; 26 200 311 ' 1 Auc;uvr. i 1 2 4 ft 7 8 V 10 11 12 14 15 10 17 18 ll ,21122 23 24125 2G J SK11EJI11EH. JUivE. II 12 3 4 5 0 7 8 0 10- iii2isi4 is ig n; 18 10i20f21 22 V3 24, 25 20 27 2S 29 30 , 1 2 3 4 8 9 10 11 15 10 17 18 '22:23134 125 20;303l o 10 n 24 4 11 IS 25 5 12 ISH-iil 10,20,21 2027 28 2 y it3 2:2.1 29 30 OCTOBEJU 5 i 7 12 13 14 19 20 21 20 272S I NOVEHBEK. S 12 3 4 ! 5 6 7 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 10 17 18 !19;20121 22 23 24.25 20l27l2S29iao j DECJmBEn. 3 10 !i7 '24 :31 12 4 5 0 7 8 U U 12 13 14 15 IV 18 10 20-21 223 25 20 27 28 29 i DEEMS' SOUTHER!! HEPAT(0 PILLS. Southern Hepatic Pills ! I G0UTHEBH HEPATIC PILLS ! 1 1 . , HOUTUEHN I1EPAT1C VIL1M I . N. JL 8TZDKXN & CO, JyeUTC, K. 0 Tot tale by w May 18w5 -