"YT" v v V -, g' . X . . I v. s ... : ."'-.1 .r. . m - 'is. S&laiSllj r v VOL. I. FAYETTEVILLE, N. C.,' SATURDAY MORNING, MARCH 4, 1865. NO. 36. oV !(T 1 .. nt-jx.i.r-3u.:L-'ir. njn . . t V II I- -III I : II I : , III I I I I ' -. j i i ailn Ccltgrap. TV. H. Bernard,' f $ s.oo. TJBRSIS: 1 cvr I month........ 1 oodtS months. $ 1S.O0. 1 " S months,. .-. r 10.00. Single oopies 50 cents. ! .Kona but cash subscriptions reclTed. r 1 BATES OF ADTERTISUTC : 1 fqukre of 10 lines, or less, each insertion, ... $8,90. discount xn&ae t9 tnoee wno aareruM dt us vaonui. TYPE WANTED. rpjIK tuVflcriber wftket to purchwe two fall cuu of Lost Pjuxu tme. In foi condition. Aar on kkTlnr sack type will pleut eomaaanle&to wltk Imtaedlatelj. W. H. BERNARD. , I YayeUtTUle, N. C. Evangelical Tract Society. "O'EV. JL fi MILLER HAyiNQ RESIQinU) HTS L.4i position is Superintendent and Corresponding ffcttretary of this Society the board of Directors take pleasure in announcing to the Christian public, that they ! h; ire secured the serricea of Rerl W. B. Wellons, to J supply his plaoe who will also edit the Army and Navy Messenger, in the plaoa of Ber. P,! Slaughter, resifned. I fie will enter upon his work with spirit and industry, ; aad brings to his. aid seTeral years of experience in simi lar labor, and a Very cordial place in the regard of his associates. ) . j This society was organised and Its constitution adopted on the 18th of July -1881, and embraces among its cficers and members different Erangellcal denominations of Christians. It has distribned gratuitously during its exiitjCHoe, about fifty millions of pages of Tracts, many tousacds.of Gospels and Hyma Books, and, semi-month-large editions of tke Army and Nvy Meitengcr, among the sold iers of the Oesiedsrate armies, and the reed has fallen open geoa ground, land brought forth an abundant harres t to the glory and honor of God. Com xauaicatiohs from Chaplains, Officers and Privates in the amy all bear wit nets to the good accomplished by the publications of th e Society, and . the numerous revivals during the past y ear La the army,1 adding thousands to the Church, were in part, the result of the religious read isg furnished the soldiers by this Society. The Oflsers ad Maaagers desire to continue its operations in full Tiger, ana, if possible, enlarge them; and respectfully solicit donations from the 'members of all religious t denominations, and those unconnected with any branch ' of the Church, who desire the spirinal welfare of the j oaos of Christ. j j The Officers and Managers are :! DArcy PauL,'ri enl O . Illlysoa, JL Lester Jid J amen Weddell-i'ict j jTreaidtnts ; JR. M. Dunlop, . Recording SecreUry ; Bev. j "Tf B. Welloxis, Superintendent, Corresponding Secretary, I and Editor! f the Army mnd Nvy Messenger ; James XL Cnthbert, 'Treasurer ; Ber. O. J. Gibeep, Kev. J. JL. Proctor, Rev. JL.O. Brown,' Bevi Thomaa Hume, Sr., Ber. John Miller, Bev. JL Archer, Dr. T. Beckwith, Daniel Dodson, Bernard Todd, Thomai Wallace, W. J. . Moody, D. B. Dugger and Bobert McCandlith, Diw tors ; Bev. J. C. Oineon, Bev. J. JL Proctor, Bev. ' Thomas Hume, Sr., , and Bev. John Miller, Yuhlihing , Committee. : j; Goatributioas should bo sent to James B. Cuthbert, 3Cm., Treasurer, and orders for Tracts and the Paper to . ' - . rt s 3 TP J '1 JXer. W. X. Yteuons, euperinaaeni iaa aanor. By order of the Board of Diiectora. , . D'ABCT PJlUL, irV. A. f. Brows, Sec. pro. tern. 1 t .Petersburg, Ta., Jan. 1, 18.5. ' . ADJ'T AND IHSP'B GK1TS OFTICB, ) i BimaMoao, ept. 11, 1S83. j SurxaxL Onus, ) Ko. 12 ! HL The iollowiag act of 6ongre8S is published for the Imformation of all concerned : Bvery person, not subject to the Bales and articles vf war, who shall procure or ntioe a soldier of the Con federate States to desert, or who shall purchase from any eldier his arms, uniform, clothing, or aay part thereof. ah ill mpon legal conviction, be fined, at the discretion of ueun naTing cugmxaoiiv ui ks me, ux uj uiu uu oA eeding threo hundred dollars, and be imprisoned' not exceeding one year.' By order of the Secretary of War. (Signed,) j a COOPER, . .. - Adj't dj't and Insp'r Genl. HEADQUARTERS BESERVB N.,C. Oacial: Baleigh, Feb. 10, 1865.. f JNO W. HINSDALE, As';. Adj't. General. B, H- C, 1 rics. V 1, It 65. ) TTT; AD QUARTERS. KESEE.VE AJWDT1MI Uuiul'i Ovrics Raleigh, Feb. 13th KO.4. f TT MAJOBC. 8. 8rBINGFELLOW, -Assistant Aaju- JLm tant General O. S. P. A., will relieve Capt. JoM W. Hinsdale, Ass't. Adj't- General of Beeerrea of If. O., lad the latter officer will proceed to join the 8d Beg't k eserves of N. O., as its CoIoneL he having been duly t3ted to that office on the Sd of January, 1885. The Lieutenant General Commanding, in taking leave tt CoL Hinsdale, tenders his warm congratulations on his I omotion, and earnestly hopes that the intelligence, zeal t id gallantry, which has characterised his service . as a 6tl Officer, may be matured by experience into greater Detc!ne88 in bis' new and more extended sphere. , (Sieoed) ITH. H. HOLMCS, , . t xueut. uenerai uommasaing. ' Official: Cu. 8. fcTawariixow. Major and A. A. General. By. IV. A. Stedman & Co. : O QUIBBEL SHOT. ; ' I . ,. a5 BIRD SHOT 1 . CAR0LIHA BSLLB B2UST, It AH ACT TO HTCBEASE THE EFFICIENCY OF THE H01LE GUARD 0BGABIZATI0H. 1 Ssc. I.' it enacted by the General Assembly of th, St"U of North Carolina, and it it hereby enacted bjt th$ authority of the tame,' That whenever the Guard for homo Defence shall be called into service beyond -the limits of their respective counties, the Governor may cause two or more companies to be consolidated into one company so as to make not less than ixty-four men, rank and file, to each company ; said company so con solidated shall elect from the captains commanding the companies so consolidated, a Captain to command such consolidated company, and from the first Lieutenants, Second Lieutenants and Junior Second Lieutenants of such companies, an officer of each of said ranks to be as signed to duty with such consolidated company, such of the officers of companies 00 consolidated j tosy&ot'.h-e elected for servioe with 'such consolidated company, shall be rc qn.be d to perform service as non commission ed officers or privates in the consolidated company, form ed of their original companies and while so serving their commissions shall be suspended. Sic. 2 Be it further enacted. That the Governor may in like manner causa two or more battalions or regiments of the home Guards when called into service beyond their respective battalion or regimental limits, or when call ed into service within such limits, In connection with other portions of such force,' to bo consolidated, said ba talions when so consolidated to be composed of not Ie8 than three companies, and said regiments when so con solidated to bo composed of not more than ten compa. nies. The Governor may assign to the command of such consolidated battalion dr regiment any officer .or' officers from the battalion or regiment so consolidated. Sso. S. Be it further enacted, That the Governor may in his discretion, in constituting the consolidated com panies contemplated by he first section thereof, take the one-fourth, one-third, or one-half of any company's at present organised with a duo proportion of its officers, out of which to constitute such , consolidated company, and such of the officers of companies as at present or ganized, as may be placed with fractions of their compa nies, to form a consolidated company as may cot be elected to command such consolidated companj, shall be required to serve in such consolidated cdrapany as non commissioned officers of privates, and while so serving their commissions shall be suspended. The Governor shall have power to discriminate in favor of farmers and mechanics, when he calls out a lers number than the whole of a company, also to declare vacant the office of an officer who is declared by a medicalaboard permanent ly .disabled for field duty, either in the militia, or Home Guards, or of an officer who absconds to the enemy. Sio.4, B it further enaeUd, That all Quartermasters and Commiflsaries of regiments or battalions of Homo Guards as at present organized, that may not be assigned to duty by the Governor with a consolidated battalion or regiment, shall be required to servo as nonom missioned officers or privates, in some one company of their present command, and while so serving their commissions shall bo suspended. Sac. 5. Be it further enacted. That the Surgeon Gen eral, by and with the advice sod consent of the Governor, - - - . a shall appoint a aiQaicai isoara ior eaca uongreesioaai District in this state, whote Doziness ivsnaupe to exam ine all persons claiming exemption rrom Atoms uuard duty on account or pnysicai cusaointy, mat tncao exami nations shall be made at sucb time and under rach rules and regulations as may be established by the Surgeon General, and that the members or said noi.ni anau receive the same pay and allowances while on duty as the Con federate Conscript Boards. : Sec. 6. Be it further enacted, That when such compa nies, battalions; or regiments have been consolidated as herein provided for, they shall continue in such organiza tions until further provisions shall bo made in their be half, t -, Sec 7. JT it further enacted. That the second section of "an act in relation to the militia and a Guard for Home Defence," ratified the 7th day of July, lt63, be, and the same is hereby amended, by striking out the word "these" in the ninth lino of said section, and inserting the word the;n that the third section of "an act to amend an act in relation to the militia and Guard for Home Defence," ratified the 14th day of December, 18SS, bo and the same is hereby amended, by inserting between the words "millers" and "blacksmiths" the word "and;" and that the proviso at the end of said 3d section be and the same is hereby repealed. That in addition to the exemptions pecifled in tho act aforesaid, there shall be exempt from Home Guard duty all county trustees, regular and publio tanners, hatters and shoemakers skilled in their res pec tiro cafiinErs. and who were employed in the same prior to the first day el January, a. v., iocs, ana nave cocunuea to be employed since that time. Provided tanners shall sell one-third of their leather to indigent soldiers wives and widows ior their own use at schedule prices. Provided, that no provision of this act shall be con strued as to exempt from military servioe any . person mentioned herein, in case of actual servile insurrection on invasion of the county in which ho resides by Federal iorcee, except the persons and classes mentioned in 2d section of an act in relation to tho Militia and a Guard for Home Defence, ratified the 7th July, 1864. . Sec. 8. Be it furtlur enacted. That this act shall be in force from and after its ratification. . Bead three times and ratified in General Assembly this 13d day of December, A. D., 1864. B.8. D0NNELL, 8, IL C. , . GILES MEBANB, & 8. Boxes for Soldiers. ALL Boxes fr Soldier or PKI30SS23 of WAR frn lUrth Carolina, deUvercd to Ui follow Lac a&me4 pariaaa will pronpUj forwarded free of cbargt : 3prgut Brother, Sansbory. Dr D f Suxamey, AiaertUo. 0 ' . Dr W A Collett, klorgaaloa. Dr J W AlUoon, gtateorUle. Dr J L Nesgle, Oreeasboro. Mr. A Haf an. Charlotte Mr Edward Heft, Sales. Oapt J a McDowell, Baltic a. Jooep A Worti, VtyttUnU. M Murray Co WUalnpoa.j Mr V L Bond. Tarfcoro Mr J A J Aaktw, OoWraln. Mr S L Bootrto, Mmrfroossore. Tie lozeo tnoald e well hoopd, prootrl narked, sad de livered La tint for ay Special Meet eager who Uavos Balelgtt on the erst day or every month. . I ID WARD WAJt&XN, 1-tf Borg eon General , How to Max Yutmab. Take oae pint cf molaeees, put it in a Jig, pour one gallon. of warm water, net boil ing, let it stand for two months and yea will have good I vincjar. Wo nave tried it. IVew ;BaiIy:Paper ifi Richmond. . j f riiOSPECTUS. rPHB undereirneJ rroDoae to Dublsh a dailr rmtr. "A txnder the title of THE BIOHIIOND HEARLD." on or About tho 15th of -January next. . 11 win do enure'.y Independent in politics, but will nevertheless accord to the administration a just suprort In all measures which. In tho opinion of its conductor may be deemed promotive of the good oath's cause in which we are engaged. A proper criticism of euch acts as will bo detmed adverse to this obiect. will be. of tourwe, consistent with the Independent character under wmcn tne paper is ft bo taugurated. ,Ii .the matter of General News it will be found to kfe? pace with the leadioe journa's of the dav. while It wiS have added to If la the way of financial intelligence a fi.4ra tacb.afl we -rertor to eay, no pepr in tho -Coa- zederacy can boa?t of. Editorials from the pen of one of the ablest financial writers in this or any other coun try will bo presented in each number. For reasons cot now proper to be mentioned, wo for bear to give the canes of those who shall compose the regulir editors! staff; but wo Hitter ourselves that when they shall appar they will be found to constitute such an army of talent as cannot bo excelled on this continent. The weil known character of the Individual whose name appears below, as a stenographic reporter, furnish es, we presume, a guarantee tnat, m all that relates to important political speeches and debates, whether in legislative assemblies or out of them, the "HERA.LD" will present advantages certainly not to bo excelled by any paper in tne uoaledracy. ' Tho farming Interests will be faithfully vindicated, and care taken to disseminate the earliest Intelligence whic a proper regard lor the welfare cf that great element of national weiUn an power shall demand.. In the matter of correct commercial intelllcecoe. eaual ss&l shall be manifee'ed. our obiect beine . each of these departments an editor of t -and ability. i Arrangements are oa foot b" . . lieet foreign news, and so paper wi ;" ' talent as will fully eluc.date the beaw ' rnaey upon Southern interests. In short, "THE RICHMOND HXRaLx -i found to combine every feature of In te re it whk 'L quirements of tho present crisis demand. Tbe'enterprlse is respectfully commended to thv fat acd patronage of tho citizens of tho Southern Conteder All tho papers of the Confederacy will cony till dar and send bill to P. KEAN is CO.. Jan. 4, l&66wa ' . Bkhmond, Va. o t THE KEY STOxE. A HAS0HIC MONTHLY MAQAZIHE. 1 . w thi nasT ot jAHCAir. 1865. I shall commence the publication of a Monthly Magazine under the aSove title, to be devoted to the interest of the Ancient and Conoiable Tiaternlty or Free and Accepted Masons. 1 believe that every good Mason will agree with me in the opinion that such a publication will be beneficial In enlightening our lees informed brethren, and in dipent ing many a calm, kind word of cheerfulness to the hearts and bomee of thousiinds of worthy brothers, their widows and orphans. It will be my earnest purpose to bring to bear whatever humble ability I may poaaeas to make it a reliable custodian of sound MaoUo Laws and Tenets, ever adhering clo?ly to the Ancient Landmarks of the Craft in all their pristine strength and symmetrical beauty. Trembling, lest I err, in clothing myself for so respon sible an office, I shall engage upon the Kxt-Stokb such skilled editorial talent as shall keep the lights well trimm ed and brightly burning, with th sincere hope that our work goes forth each month, from the " quarries of our labor, it may pass an improved inspection and be ac ceptable to the bead and to tho heart of every good Master at whose home or hands it may bo received. I TERMS: One subscriber six months, $10 00 Twelve " 44 " 100 00 Single Copies, : , 3 00 , Masons, Lodge, Chapters, Councils and Encampments will please send in their subscriptions at occo. Addiesa . Wm. B. SMITH, Proprietor, Baieigb, N. C. refuse to accept the pardon now offered or who shall heretfte' dert or absent themselves without leave, vaJl eafiTer such punishment as the Courts may Impoe, end no application for clemency will be entertained. - Taking new resolutions from the fate which our oneiric inUid for us, let every man devote all his energies 13 thecommon defeace. Our rusourort, , wisely and vigorously employed, are ample, and wi h a brave army, Tuu!cel,by a determined and united people success with God's assistasoo, camct be doubtfuL 1 The advanUges of the enemy wiUhave;butlitCevi2-aH we do cot permit them to inpIroaTrclav!oa. Letta, then, oppose constancy to adversity, fortitude to su2r .ng, and courage to danger, with tho firm aaroraurs ti.tt He who gave freedom to our fi there will aleaa the iZix'ji oi their children to preserve iu v . " . . (Saod w , lL.-gr't,?g.-a?jga)l' t.- - HDQ'E3 ARMIES OP THE C. STATE3, T llthFebnary, ltll. -C ... Gxxzaal Oaoias, ) No. 3. s f ' The discipline and ellclsncy of tho army have been greaUy impaired by men leaving their proper coo mandt to join others, In which they find service- more sgreeaVe. f .. ... This practice, almost as Irjurio us In its conjequenoes ss the crime of deeertion, by the Articles of War ex poses the cJTecder to a similar puabhment, and sahjtats the 'officer receiving him to dismissal from the army. It is therefore declared that tho provisions of General Order, No. 2, of this date, from army headquarters, spply to such men as have lef; their proper commands and Joined others without being' regularly tranafsro4. They will receive the pardon promised in that order, rnon complying with its conditions, or suffer tho conse quences, attached to neglecting it. The cames of such absentees will be forthwith re ported to tbese headquarters by the officers with whoa .bey are servisg, and immediate measures taken- to re nin them to their proper commands. As soon as practicaole, an inspection win bo made, and aargeswillbe preferred against those who neglect to nfovce this ordsr. B, E. LEE, General. Maiih I O . j . Enrolhng Ofloert will make every effort to give "rah licity to this important order, and win mrge all good cit izens ot their respective counties to aid them la readsr ing Its design su'vosafuL It will be obterved that this Is tho last offer of pardoa for tho iofanous crlne of deaertion that will bo taaU. Enrolling Officers are made responsible, wndsr a penalty of trial by Court Martial, that every possible elort Is msde to apprehend all such as do not report themielves. Eorolling Offioers will allow roch as voluntarily report within the specified time to go direct to their ooxmsoaadi furnMiing thetn transportation and the necessary otrtkff cate. j A duplicate cf every certilcaU thus given wEl ba for mrdo4 W bla eUoc. 7 . By. or da of the Cosscandant : v Uf a 1 VK. J. HAEDIif, Adjmtani. the HDQ'RS ARM IIS OF THR C. STATES, ) 11th February. 1865. I GzxziALOaDias, ) 1 . So. 2. Ji In entering upon the campaign about ts cpen, General-in-Chief feels assured that the soldiers who have so long and so nobly borse the hardships and dangers of the war. require no exhortation to respond to the calls of honor and duty. With the liberty transmitted by hcir forefathers, they htve inherited the spirit to defend it. The choice between war and aVJect submission is be fore them. . . . f To such a proposal, brave men with arms ,in their hands can have but one answer. They cannot barter manhood for peace, cor the right of e-if-government for life or prcperty. But justice to them requires a sterner admonition to those who have abandoned their comrades in the hour of peril, j A last opportunity is offered them to wipe out the dis grace and escape the punishment of their cringes. By authority of the President of the Confederate States, a pardon is announced to such deserters and mn improperly absent ss shall return to the commicd) to wh'ch they beIongwitijin ihe shortest possible time, not exceeding twerty days from the publication ofthisoider, at the headquarters of the deparuntntln which they may be. j j ' . Those who may be prevented by interruption of com mur.icatiens, may report within the time specified to the nearest enrolling officer or other officer on duty, to b fot warded as soon as practicable, and upon pre rsnting a certificate from such officer showing compli ance with this requirement, will receive the pardon here by offered. Thocs who have deserted to the etrvice of the en my, or who htve deserted after having been once pardoned for the same offence, and those who shall desert, or ab lest themselves without authority after the publication of this order, are ex eluded from if a benefits. Nor does the effor of pardon extend to other offeccee than deeer tion and abeonce without permission. By the same authority, it is also declared that no gen eral amnes;y win. again . do granted, and uose wno ISG.7. CountinsSouge "CALENDAR. 1 $pz. c o o a a. c ua a. L H CC jr a. i; . C - Oi TJ c cl a. ex JANUARY. 3 c - cc 1 a c -t I JULY. 1 2 3 4 51 C 7 6 9 10 11 12)13 U 15 16 17 16 19 20 21 22 23'21!25 2G 272S 29 30j31 j j j TEH UARY.. - 12 3 4 5 G 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 10 17 IS 19j20j21 22:23 24 25 . 1 2 J 4 6 6 7 3 10 11 12 IS 14 15 1C 17 IS 19,20 21 23 &3 24 25 26 27 23 29 30 31 AUGUST. MARCH. . j L lj2 3 5 Cp 6 9 10 12 1314 ISjlC 17 19:20121 22123 24 20127129 2930 31 A 1111 L. 1 -4 ill si 251 i 5 1 2 3 4 5 3 C 7 8 9 10 11 12 SlS 14 15 16 17 16 19 f 20121 22)23 24 25 25 gl72S 29;3o31 stPTMnER. flO pit i 2 5 0 7 S 9 12 13 14 15 16 4 11 18,19.20:21 25,2527 26 22;23 293 2 3 4 OllO 11 10 17 16 23 24 25 30 3 5 C 7 8 12 13 14 1551 19 2021 22! 2G!27i2d 29rj 111 MAY. fi ! II 21 3 4! 51 d 7 S 9 10 11 12 KM 15lGnl819!20j 22i23,24.25;2;i27; 29 30131 I 1 'H OCTOBER, "rj s: l 2 3 4 .5 (5 7 i 8 9 10 11 12 IS 14 15 10 17 18 19 20 21 !22j23 2425!26 27j28 9j30 31 I 21 26 yi9j20jl21 122:23,24:25 li2C 27 28 29 bt JU.IE. 4 11 16 25 5 12 6 13 4 14 19,20! 2027 1 S 15 21122 2829 r 9 16 101 171 3,243 30 S 2tO VENDER. 5 )12 12 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 13 14 15 1G 17 13 DECEMBER.' 3 10 U17 24 fc31 1 t 4 5 6 7 3 V 11 12 13 14 15 10 18 19 20 21 22 25,20 27 28 29 3 DEEM8 SOUTHERN HEPATIC PILLS. Southern Hepatic Pills S0UTHBEH HEPATIC PILLS 1 1 ! "vuiuum xxisrATIC P1LU x Tor sale br Hiyl8w6 ytUevile, K. Q I :