ike vuim SATURDAY MORHlKd, MABOH 4. CT Simple announoexaentc of MarrUgea and Deatha wU be Inserted grmtU. For anytkinr . beyond tnis, Mfckr aeVrertkiar. rate will be e birred. . ( .1 f7" ebecribere who fail to reeeire their papers ftju Wij.wiH pleaee neiify uj of the fact. 'Oar Carriers are not amtberized to reoerre sab t2ens to tire 2tUtfrfh. Wo win baro a ffpoolal jtgtaft fir tils basince, or attend to it in person. ffTTha office of tht 2fcu7y TeUgraph U in the -JfTtK OtrelUa Prttbyltrian Building. ' cnAifes of Tsxiiui. . Dm following are our present terra ef t ub- 43 00 10 00 20 09 1 Copy 1 month, 1 copy 8 months, 1 S - , TkBTLLTTO jaJ7AJJl UK BosnSO COUXTT A LaftT CS JlSTBATSB. WITH FxJJOTL EjTXCT. On Tuesday morning, about 1 o'clock, a band of deserters anil escaped Yankee priaomers, 15 in aumber, and led by a Yankee naral oSoer, attacked the house of lire. Dr. HeNair, in TLolsnn firruntw. and. ailer enendirur naarlrJ- an hoar in Ike attempt, forced aa entrance by break- lag down the front door. Mr. Wm. Stanton, of this County, was ataying at Ura. HeNair 's on the eight in question, and being called bj tkat lad j to bar assistance, eooa after tke attack torn mencad, promptly u resorted for duty." An exdting contest followed lira. HeNair and Hr. Ctaaton both being provided with Colt's repeat era and a rifle, which they used with atal effect ; one of tke attacking party being killed and another wounded in the breast. We regret to learn tkat lift. HeNair was badly burned and her face otherwise injured by fragmenta of glass and powder. Mr ; Stanton waa also alightiy wounded. lira. HeNair and Mr. Stanton having ex J , kausted their ammunition, tke Utter, at the . urgent eelieltation of Hrs. HeNair (who feared tke desperadoes would wreak Tengeanoe on kim for the death of their comrade,) retired, aud she remained alone X'j brave their fury. On ap preaching her, the Yankee officer in command was so struck with her bold and determinod znivn, tkat, instead of harming her, he con grata lated ker warmly on her heroic conduct, stating tkat she waa the first person, man or woman, who had offered any resistance to his band. They carried off nearly all the valuables they cdUt Cad, iss3fcg siSvemrare arid Jewelry, d2 thousand dollara in Confederate notes, and two breastpins, containing the pictures of Mrs. MeNaire husband and son ; the latter of whom fell in defence of hia country en one of the battle fields of Virginia. The courage and determine tlon of this-noble woman savors more of romance than reality, but the incidents given in this article 'are literally true. It carries one back to the days of the Revolution, when the fearless women of the Colonies performed so many feats of wonderful daring. The example of Mrs. MoNair is worthy, to be imitated by many , of the male sax whose knees are smiting together, like Belshaazar's, lest they be attacked by deserters and other roving desperadoes. . FBOZX THC FltOUT. TTe have notking new from tke front. We doubt if a battle of ! any moment - has been yet fought in Couth Carolina.1 Tm think Sherman's o eject now is to reach Wilmington, where he can recruit kis army, join Sehofield; and have a good water base for supplies, dec. j . ps7 In response to the advertisomsnt of 2sj. Taylor, one axe haarbeen left at our office. If he will send down a j four-horse wagon . we will have it transported to the Arsenal. Only ninety nine more are required to make up assactly one hundred. Brinw them in.' and don't eoma in squads of more than 'twenty at a time. 1 ' The Charlotte Democrat has suspended publication until the present troubles in that ceo- tion are over. TJ- We have received from Mr. J. G. Cook, our Postmaster, e very good , article of black writing ink" of hia own manufacture. C7""The Examiner says that the entire Yan kee force East of the Mississippi, on Southern soil, is not supposed to exceed one hundred and atventy-five thousand men. f Major. Gen. Edward Johnson baa been exchsstdead U xiow la Richmond. '. TblFf "oeruB sign,' tyi the GoftzrU of tke 2nd, of complication between the United Sutes tad 'Europe Becideo-the admission of Seward and Lincoln, and t$? significant allusion, in Seward's dispatch to Mr. Adams, to certain negotiations with which he had to deal confi dentially, the Hon. Reverdy Johnson, the lode rai Senator front Maryland, lately in the United States "Senate, made' the broad statement that "advices, both public and private, indicate the purpose of the Emperor to reoognixe the Con' lederaoy, u tae re Demon waa no queuea wimm a reasonable time." In addition U all this, France still delays to send a minister to replace Mr. Herder; and her diplomatic intercourse with the United States on this. aide is suspended. The meeting of the Privy Council of tke Emperor, on the 4th ultimo, discloses an anxious and vigilant observation, on the part of France,, of the Federal movement!, and although the Council abitaina from any present movement, it recommends against the indulgence of a " false security. " These complications are sure to come, and they cannot much longer be delayed. Lincoln says this is the reason his armies are pressing to bring the Confederacy to ruin. This should be'aa additional stimulant with us to keep up our strength and vigor. All around, save ln the gloom .and .despondency, which revert ta and the acta of agitators are producing, the prospects of our 'cause are encouraging. - We' have opportunities now for signal and decisive victories, which we have not heretofore had. . It will be our own fault, and folly, if we do not improve them. ' j Nsoao SoiDXsaa Tea Qumioa? Dueroixn or. The Confederate Senate, on Thursday, removed the injunction of aasrecy from tke pro ceedings on the Senate bill, introduced by Mr. Brown, of Hississippi, to provide for raising two hundred thousand negro troop. . It appears that the bQl was lost In the Senate on Tuesday, the 31 inat by a vote of eleven to tea. In official circles, this Is considered aa die .posing of the question of putting negro soldiers into our armies finally The House negro eoldier bill, which is very similar to the Senate bill, has not bees, and it Is now believed will not be, acted upon by the Senate. Exprtu.- We differ with the Erprttt in its conclusions, and; look on the ultimate .pasaag by the Senate of the Negro Bill as almost a certainty. We have entertained this opinion for weeks, and tee nothing in the recent actios of tko Donate to justify the supposition that the question is dis posed of. One thing may dsfeat It the annihi lation of Sherman's army. fince writing the above we eee that the two frfa Cc79 rets! tsr the teSrSnlta post ponemcnt of the bill ; and that they . have since been' instructed by the Virginia Legislature to vote for the employment of negro troops. This will give a majority of one in favor of the measure, unlets the Virginia Senators think proper to disobey the instruction, which is not iiksly. ti" Te have it from the best authority, that there waa no news of a discouraging char acter received here on yesterday, aa waa current ly reported. . We o&ll special attention to the appeal of Gov. Vance, to the people of North Carolina, published in this issue. 17 There will be a meeting of the. Young Ladies' Knitting Society at Mr. H. B. ColtoVe, this afternoon. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. . J. B. Southerland gives notice to partita whose teams nave besn impressed, to bring them in, or a guard will be sect after them. Capt. B. Robinson, Provost Marshal, an nounces a change of office hours. t P. P. Johnson offers $10 reward for a pair of lost spectacles. . Get. JoaasaT. The Selma fAle-V Mutinio jnant ox xate ante, says : "Ail large number oi our reaaers would like to know the where abouta of the "Wirard of the Saddle, n we suggest to them to be quiet for a few daye only, and he will bring rejoicing to every true South ern beating heart, aa he is now getting ready for the move, and when he doea move he will make the howl of hia roaring heard among the negroes and Yankees in the West. " An iron letter has been sent br mall from Pittsbonr. Pennsylvania, to EnirlancL Thm ima was rolled so thin that the shset waa only, twice the weight of a small aired sheet of ordinary note paper. It is suppocsd to be the tMnnMt iron ever rolled in the world, and waa nnufift- turca Dy us Bugo iron Vcrfca. a cp vnb'vtovLn or nonsn czotai " ' .- ' CVrtcmf. The neetrritiee ef our country, aa represented by ocr Ccnfriersta authorities, Impel me, again, to appeal to yemr generoeity: You are aware, that in consequenea of inter ruption to our railroad communications by recent movsments of the enemy, the subsistence Of Gen.' Lee's army haa bejoome gfcatTy jeopsrd laed. For at least a few 'months that army will have to rely for aubeiztenoa upon -North C&roli na and Virginia alone. I am informed by the Commissary Department, that the uaual me thods of . collecting sup plica wfil be icrufldert for the purpose. - In reference to this point, I need only cite the authority of General Lee himself, who writsa aa follows in regard to a similar appeal to the' people of Virginia : u 1 cannot permit mysslf to doubt that the people will respond to It, whea they reflect upon the alternative presented to thsm.' Taey have simply ta choose whether they.- will contribute such commlssarv and qaartermaster atorea ' aa they can possibly spare to support an. army which haa already borne and done so much ia thsir bohalf, or retaining their etoree, maintain the army of the enemy engaged In their suhjugas tion. I. am aware, that a general obligation of this nature, rests lightly on .most man each being disposed to leave, hia- discharge to hie neighbor but I am confident that our - citizens will appreciate their responsibility in the ease, and will not permit an army, which by God's blessing and their patriotlo support haa hitherto resisted tke efforts of the enemy, to tufsr now through their neglect. p - It seeme, therefore, that our all depends upon the voluntary action of the people of North Carolina and Virginia ; ' and trusting tkat .what ever you have to spare, will be -promptly and patriotically brought forward for the use of your country, In its hour of trial the -follow, ing plan is submitted, which 1s being acted upon in the State of Virginia with the best, results. It Is understood also, .tht provisions will -be reeelved either as sales, loans or donations. 1st. Let every citizen who can, pledge "him self to furnish the rations of one eoldier for alt months, without designating any particular sol dler aa the recipient of the contribution.' ' 3. Let those thus pledging themselves furnish, say 80 pounds of baoon and 180 pounds of flour . or their equivalent In beef or meal, to b$ jeliv ered to the nearest commirsarr ajenL 8. Let the donor bind Mmiilfto deliver one half of the amount above stated; via: AO pounda of baoon and tO pounfi of flour (orlts cquiva lenO Immediately, and tke remainder at tke end of three months, unless he prefer to adopt the better plan of advancing the whole amouat pledg ed, at ones: Let the pledge of each Individual, subecrib ing and furnithiag.the rations of one. soldier for eix months, be made the basis of larger subecrip. tlons. 1 Thoeewheeepaeroeity and whose Qtns wui enable tnem to do so, may obligate them, eelves to provide the rations of, 10, 0, or any number of soldiers for eix months; while even the poor, who could not afford to supply the ra tions of one man, may, combining, authorise one of their number to make the designated subeerip tion of, at least, one ration for one man for aiz months. To effect this, I earnestly recommend that oounty; and neighborhood meetings be imme diately held In every' portion of the State, at which subscriptions may be taken Up; and, that a committee of responsible and reliable gentle men be appointed by such meetings, to wait on those who do not attend, and ascertain what can be raised at the earliest possible moment. ' And rest assured, tkat ao patriot can better aerve his country, than In ao dolag. By this means every possible ounce of provisions which can be spared for the support of our army, may be made available. Should you not, Fellow Citizens, respond to this call, you may calculate, not only upon see ing your own sons in the army suffer and be de feated in the field, for want of these supplies, but you will have .the mortlfiation to behold them eelied and appropriated to the support of the enemy who comes to destroy us. Adrandng as he does, through the interior of the land, without either water or railroad communications in his rear, he is now eubeisting by the plunder and the ruin of the people of South Carolina, and must neoassarily do no, whan he eaters our Stato. Do assured, therefore, that every pound of bacon or beef, and every bushel of meal which you with hold from your own army, is a oertain contribu tion to the maintain anoe of that of the enemy. Yeu have therefore, to choose whether you wiH feed your sons, who are blooding in our defence, er our ruthless enemy who arms our slaves and laya waste our country. To show you, fellow dtiaons, the earnest im pression I have of the necessity of this action, and that I will call upon you to mike no ticriflos which I will not share with you, I have tendered to the Commlssarv Department one half of my. entire year's supply, and expect to put my own family upon the limited .ratio as allowed to our soldiers, regretting, that I hare so little to offer. That which la left me to subsist upon will be doubly sweet, because it Will ba ths bread cf honor and independence, ' ' ' - Confidently relying upon the xnerosity and patriotism of a people to whom 'I have often ap pealed and never appealed in vain, I as, fellow citizens, - Your obedieat servant, X. D VAuCE. I Faon Pi txsn v Ko. The enemy has est jtt developed pUn ?f epilation cn our right. Tfca' heav'trd conthjufd rsina if ths laat two cr three dajHsnd nighty have, uo doubt, materially inUrforVd his movements, sxd will proba bly check hia advance for oersral days. An engsgemect is, however, imminent, being only def errsd inr consequence of the terrible condition of the roads and the immediate inability to axe artillery. The enemy's cavalry, and the main body of bis infantry -have been moved towards Hstchere Run, and at present but a feeble force confronts ouT'lines' rpst cf the city. Intelligent deserters report thai the entire Tanke lmes between the Wcldon Road, and the Appomattox river, are now defended by. one corps alone the Ninth. We are InUlred to believe this statement, as intelligence threnrgh other sourcee convinets us that every "man that can be spared from thus lines have beca moved" to our right. We bat await the clearing up of the weather, and some improTcment In the condition of the roads, -to hear that the enemy has commenced a heavy moTement against our extreme right. Ki. 27 tC We believe that the evacuatlon.of Charleston and of all oar seaboard cities would long ago have added to the strength" of the Confederacy. It u mortifying to give up a city which is the peculiar object of Federal vengeance, and which kasboen so- long and ao heroically defended. ButalUr a four years rejlstance to the utmost power of the United States, it loses no honor by the evaeuaJ&Mv which military necessity has compelled, The Yankees may hold Chaxleitoa for a time, as the British did in the Revolution, but the end of the war will restore it to the Con federate flag, and It will eater a new career of prosperity and Importance. . Whatever the eveatof the etruggia, Charleston has covered itself with renown, and will long live ia history. r-ZKjjxsfcA. ; Rairar or oca PaisoxaaS. The tottoa lately sent North to be sold and with the pro cseds supply the wants of or prisoners, resized tS5O,C0O. There wt 830 bales sold at 75 to 93 cents by the oalt OtO Hcxrard. T 60T On TUj Btreet. betveea the TeTittttKe EaUX XJ and the Uarkst Hosse, a pair ef E1LYI2 TACIX3. Tbo tnUt wiH reoelTt the abore nvirc j learisf them at nyEtort, cr at tae efloo of tit Dun TauMaam. ; P. P. JOHKCOH. Jt It PEOVCOT MAESHALU Q7JIC2, 1 TATrmrfiuJL, March 41ht 2ta. ATTZR tMa dato, thie a 2c vIII bo pa frota 7 o'clock, JL IC, to 8 o'clock, JU If.; frca 9 eVotx, iL zfn to 1 o'clock, P. and from S o'aloak T. lf.t to o'elook, r. U. . SSKJ. BOBIXSOX, Cyt. 14 It ana Froroet tf artaal. a OWtrw copy 1 time. NOTICE. T HE&SBY tiro fair varalar to thi X toanu bars boaa isproeod, tiiat if their Warns aro prrtoas vkaM 100 not sent ia promptly, a goard wO bo sent for thtn. w. B. BOUTHEtLJlKD, PorthaaixiK and liaprtcalxtr JLfX, It It , 4th Cca. DkL Wanted Immediately IXTXTTSTILLB 1ZSSSAL AND XBUOST, ) ILincx lit. 1115. f JLXXS To bo kaed Ia fortifjinrtaoArMttl&ao' the town of raTuriEo. I win ptirobAao O axes, at market prioos, if they cannot bo foaaed. Perraaa easdlsr thoa la viH oblige zae by nirkfng; their unn en each axe. to aroid onafmtoo when tbey aro re tarn ed. By order of tho Oonmaodlsr Ocloer. MJLTTiiBTr P. TJkTLOS, Majer and K. O. Eatulien. 15 U . , KJ Jlae Oosabe ; Dixie Lacy 8anff; Carolina BUaBni7; Pkkwick "Smoking Tobaooa. Pias ; KeedJea. For sale by . W. R. BULRTKC2IL 16 Stpd I PA TETTZYILL2, K. CL, I Pehrcary lith, XH5. f Peer Oannxs, ) iro.ia. y IOaet. 8. TT. Seblnton Is kereby a?pobte PrcrUs llarikal of PaTetieTille and vicinity. U. All oSeere-asc eoldlers oow In this city, or wko aaay WrefUr arrire, xfl tmmtiltuij rt gmtx tktlr names, rank, rtgiaefit, end prtscnl reeldecoo, at tke eflco of the ProTOft MirahaL 10 7t 7. L. GUILDS, Lt. CoL Oom'ex. PATXTOTILUE ABS2NAL AKD AdOHT, ) JnaacaST S3, 1164. J ALL Contractors and employees cf Oostractcrs Ut tkls Arsenal and Armory will report forthwith w tale poet for daty. AH who eaa. proearo 'boroae waU betas; tbesa with ihem for sxovatod eerrioo. ! T. L. CHILD3, Lt. CcLOoarr. ll-4t PniYflTE fiqe mzt :: BZL05CIN0 to onloers and men who harf rooaaUy arrirod, will be repaired at half raua by WALTXS TTATSOIT," la tf Oca and Platot Ifaker. AUOTIQUEEB & COMUIGQIOIi OEEC!lilliTr . . VTTiT.H, U. 0, VI ILL ATTZKD TO ALL 5AIX3 IDtTSUTra II to aim.

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