-: ; : : ' ' I . - )t , .. : f ' ' I r ; , , ; " If". ; . . ' " :' . r . s ; , - " , i . . . ! - . m . I V . : J . - 1 . Vv V I jrj i - 'il . i VOL. I. TAVETTEVILLE, N. C, TUESDAY MORNING, MARCH 7, l65. NO. 3S. J : . - ' ' MmmJ, . ,- , . , 1 ; . .pC . II I W I if ; . r I - i I k ... -A ail j I Ctltjjragj;. W. Dcraari editor jljtj jj ormimTom. T TJE1LB1S: 1 ivint I month .J.... J.. 2 S.C0. 1 copy monthf, $ If. 00. 1 " 8 montus,.... ' iSMtt. Single copies 60 cnU. . None but caah subacriptions receired. 'RATES OP ADVERTISING : 1 tqoare of 10 lines, or less, each insertion, $3.0A. A dLwotmt made to those who adrertlse by the month. I TYPE VflllTED. rpHl labtcriber wfihes to parchM two fall cum f LoS Fxatix Vype, la good conaiuon. s . i Aay n baring such tjp will pleu emianlc al rph M ' , , TayetUTUler K. 0. REV. A. W. IIILLEB: HAVING BESIGNED HTS poailion as SuperinUndent and Corresponding Secretary of this Society! the board of Directors take oleasure in announcing to tae unrisiian puouc, maiwiey hare secure a tne aery ices oi xvcy. . j. i cuuub, w supply his place who will also edit the Army and Navy Ifsxteiiqer, in the place of Rev. I. Slaughter, resigned. a., -riii oritur nnon hia work with f Dirit and industry. and brines to his a'd several years of experience In ilmi- lar labor, ana a very corai&i yivav m ma jwu wi uu asaociatae. '. J' , , - This society was organized and its constitution adopted On the letn I JUiy, lOOl, n enwracw mbuuj iuj ptficere nd members different Evangelical denominations Unristians. It has distributed gratuitously during Its existence, about fifty millions of pages of Tracts, many taoueaads.of Gospels and Hymn Books, and, semi-month ly, large editions OI tne Jirmy cna iYt y ecnyrr, " seed hs fallen upon good ground, and brought forth an abundant harvest to the glory and honor ef God. Com munications from pcaplains, Officers and Privates in the armv all bear witness w ioe gooa iwumpuucu uj wi vi:-.;-n. f thfl Society ' and the numerous re rivals during the past year in the army, adding thousands to r . Vi MliniAni Marl. the Chnrcp. were ia pr. wo iwuu wi "s- v.-i-I 1 , A floldiers bv this Society. . The Offleers and Managers desire to continue ita operaUona In full vieor. and, if possible, enlarge them, and respeclfully minations. and those unconnected with any branch i SSffiSS who desire the spiriual welfare of the 'SeOlSSd Manager. are : DMxcy jauL JW . n Fllvson B F. Lester and James Weddell, Via tj&SJZ kTbuilop, .B. wTwellons, Superintendent, Corresponding Seer$taryt Z'&diior cfth rArmy Mnd Navy Manser ; James Z. ff VK-Jt TViwwrer : Rev. O. J. Gibsen, Rev. J. A. SeV t o BrTwn Ber. Tnoas Hume, Sr., S jn Miller Rer A. D. Archer, Dr. T. Beckwith, Sdy, D. Dugger and HcCansh - M mte:-. k Mnt to James E. Cuthbert, .Treasurer and ordersfor Tracts and the Paper to Est., Treasurer. nu u t-.n nrl -Editor. , A. G. Browo, fiec pro. m. VirAare. Va,, Jan.l, 18s. ' . I . iwn TrCSPR GETS OITI0X. I Tjjf The foUowing act f Congress ia published for the i0r er,Cnor.ubfeit to the Ruled andarticles METCJUDrwmreorenuceasol Con of war, who u m V wh ghaU purcha80 in y federate Sutea to 0 thereof, .oldier his f tT1cSff, be fiXd, at the discretion of hall upon ler?f Ss ixne, in any sum not ex, JffitSSS llsrs, imprisoned not exceeding one year." tu.tarv of War. U VWV4 M AdftandlnfpVGenT. AH ACT TO mCBKASE THE EFJPIdEHCY OP THE HOXin GUAUD 0BQ AHIZATIOH. I i ' . . ; Stc. 1. Be U tnaeUd bv tkt General A$$embh of th ' 8ti4 of North Carolina, and it u hereby enacted by the authority of the earne. That whenever the Guard for home Defence shall be called into service beyond the limits of their respective counties, the Governor may cause two or more companies to be consolidated into one company so as to maxe sot less t&an ixxy-ioar men, rank and file, to each company; s!d company so coo so II dated shall elect from the captains commanding the companies so consolidated, a Captain to command suca consolidated company, and from the first Lieutenants, Second Lieutenants and Junior SeeonT Lieutenants of such comrmnles. an officer of each of said ranks to be as signed to duty with bucH consolidated company, such of the officers of companies so consolidated as may not be elected fo tervice with such consolidated company, snail 'e required to perform service as non commission- ed officers or privates in the consolidated company, form ed of their original companies and while so serving thele, commissions shall be suspended. f Ssc. 2. Be it further enacted. That the Governor may. in like manner cause two or more battalions or regiments New Daily Ia per in Richmond. PROSPECTUS. IX under the title of THB 4ICHM 0KD HTlRLb. too or about tzie ism ox January next. i it wui oe enure y indepenaeat la r-iiici. bnt will bevertheleas accord to the administration a Just suprort p an iaurp waica, uz we oomion oi lis conductors may be deemed promotive of. tne good of th cause In Which we are en sr ted. A proper criticism of such acts aawui e deemed adverse to tnw object, wfll be, of foure, consutent with toe independent character under tea tne paper is t bs inDgurated. i In the matter of General News it will be found to eep pace witn tne leading wjurna's of toe dav. while it have added to it in the way of "financial Intelligence a ature such as, we venture to say, no paper In the Con- deracy can boast of. Editorials from the pen of oce If the ablest financial writers in this or any other coun ty will be presented in each number. . For reasons not now proper to be mentioned, we f or Uar to give the names of tboee who tball ' compose the rt-rular editoral staff; but we flitter ourselves that when tbsj sbs3 appear they will be found to constitute such of the home Guards when called Into service beyond theirJT 0!Vbecin,d 00 thU 0"t'g itarpeetlve batulloa or rfrmeutai ITmlS.'br when 'call ed Into service within each limits, in connection with other portions of such force, to be consolidated, said ba talions when so consolidated to b composed of not less than three companies, and said regiments when so con solidated to be composed of not more than ten compa nies. The Governor ptij assign to the command of such consolidated battalion or regiment any officer or officers from the battalion or regiment so consolidated. PI m T -i J . L - . - m..i .1 1 ' Die. o. xf i juriner micta, xuh iu ugeraor duj In his discretion, in consCltating the consolidated com panies contemplated by the first section thereof, take the one-fourth, one-third, or one-half of any company as at present organized with a due proportion of its officers, out of which to constitute such consolidated company, and such -of the officers of companies as at present or ganised, as may be placed with fractions of their compa nies, to form a consolidated company as may not be elected to command such consolidated com pan 3 , shall be reauired to serve in such consolidated company as non commissioned officers of privates, and while so serving their commissions shall be suspended. The Governor shall have power to discriminate In favor of farmers and mechanics, when he calls out a less number than the whole of & company, aEso to declare vacant the omce 01 an officer who is declared by a medical board permanent ly disabled for fie'd duty, either in the militia or Hoxe Guards, or of an officer who absconds to the enemy. Ssc. 4, JSeit furthfT enacted. That all Quartermasters and Commissaries ti regiments or pnttalioos of Home Guards as at present organized, that "may not be assigned to duty by the Governor with a consolidated battalion or 'regiment, shall be required to serve as non-commissioned officers at privates, in some one company of their present command, and while so serving their commissions shall be suspended, i . ' Sxo. 6, Be it further enacted, That the Surgeon Gen eral, by and with the advice and consent of the Governor, shall appoint a Medical Hoard lor each Siaae appears below, a a stenographic reporter, furniah , We presume, a guarantee that, in all that relates to tnportant political speeches and debates, whether in L'gislatiTe assemblies or out of them, the HERA.LD " Till present advantage certainly not to be excelled by my paper in the Confederacy. 1 The farming interests will be faithfully vindicated, and care taken to disseminate the earliest ictelligerce whloV 1 proper regard for the welfare ( that great element of latlohal wealth an power shall demand. t In the matter of correct commercial intelligence, equal seal shall be manifes'ed, our object being to assign to each of these departments an editor ot known experience and ability. j . Arrangements are on foot by which to secure the ear feet foreign news, r.d the piper will contain each editorial talent a will fully elucidate the beaiiug ot foreign diplo macy upon Southern interests. In short, "THE RICHMOND HERALD .will be found to combine every feature of interest which the re quirements of th ; p eseut crisis demand. The;eaterpris h rsn?ctfullv commcmied to the favor aed patronage of tha citizens of the Southern Confeder acy, j , " A1I the papers of th? Confederacy will copy till day and send bill to P. KfiAN A CO.. ian. 4, 16C.w2 ! Richmond, Va. ' - - " -; 11 11 ' 1 " - j TOE 'KEY STOE. A MASONIC MONTHLY MAGAZINE. k tns rst or JANU4RT. 1SG5. I shall ecru tic ceo the publication ot a Monthly Marazme under the above' title, to bo d. voted to the iato.v.n of ibe Ancient and Honoiable Pra.srrJty of Free ami Accepted .Vawns. 1 believe that evry rood il(a will trtt-e wtii mo In the opinion that each a pubUoation wCL ho beneficial la Congressional I nb'ghtecing our Its 3 it.lormoj brthnu, and in dispea.- O District in this State, whose business itvshall be to exam- I las; many a calm, kind word of heerfclnesd to the hearts iae all persons claiming exemptton warn Home uuard l ana somes 01 tnausmd of worthy brotbers, their widows duty on account of pbjeical dm UMy, A at theae exami- I and orDbans. It win be my earnest purpose to bring to nations shall be made at suca urn 3 and unaer euca ruies 1 oar wsatever nimoie aoiuiy 1 may poisess to mate it a and regulations as rary be estabu bed by the Surgeon I reJ table custodian ct sound Maaouc L-s and Tenet, General, and that the member ot s-.Id Board 6 ball receive 1 ever aancring ciosht to tne Ancient Liar.air-aica ef the the same pay and allowances woue ou cuiy as us federate OonscriDt Boards. Qiui a ' Us :t tt .ruLL Thnt w i en .such eomna. o a ince, a saaii enrage upon tr.e IxIT-Stoxe such nies, pauanons, or legimvuis ut u ji u wutwmuwu herein provided for,ity shall continu i in such organiza' at AM m M.n 4iiK nmTuiAni sihsili K mt GA in thstf M. ;,,7 r I our labor, it may pas an improved hif paction and bi ac vcpwkut mi uia un mii'm j iuo ucari ui every goou A&ter at wnose noiuc cr bands it may be re:vcd. TERMS: One subscriber six months, 00 Twelve " 1. " iuo 00- Single Copies, 1 a 00 m..b - j a. - 1 iik A 4 n.An-KAv tact ami ihm mttmm I ... . ' -. ' . . 1 . ' rauuea vuo w uj yt - - i ruj pieaae send la tusir 6ub&crlpuona at ctce. is hereby .amended, by inserting betvnn thsfworda xdditsa i millersn and ,blackFmitb8, the word ,aV'd;n and that 1 Wm. n ninrrr v!, (Signedj Bee 7. Me it further enacted, That t'l. second section ef "an act in relation te tbe militia an ' a uuard for Home Defence ratified the 7 th day of July, 163, be, and the same is hereby amended, by striking out 1 1 word "these" In the ninth line ef said section, and insetting the word Mthe:w that the third section of 'aa act U amtnd an act in relation to the militia aud uoara zor uome xeienoe," thm nroviso at the end of said 3d sectioa b and the same is hereby repealed. That iu addition to Hu exemptions ipecjfied ia the act aforesaid, there shall I e exempt from Home Guard duty all cocuty trustees, renl ir and publie tanners, hatters and ehcArcker8 skilled la th it respective callings, and who were employed iathf si- n prior to the first day sf January. A. D , 1853, and hav cttinued to be employed since that tim. J Provided tanners snail fcei: one-tnira oi ix t learner to Wm. B. SMITH, Proprietor, Raieigb, X. 0. HDQ'RS ARaflES OF THE C STATES, . 11th Eebruary, 1865. f GssiealOxdsis, ) No. SL J In entering upou the cam pa?ga about ti cpen. the General-in-Chief feels assured that tbe eold'ers woo have HEADQUARTERS RESERVE N. C. ) Raleigh, Feb. 10, 1165. J L f JTKifl W TTTNSDAlJL V Kaieign. xcu. .AoXSAXiOKOXk, ) I n ft qrRIKGFELLO Assistant Adju- I MAJOR -rp rUl reUeve Capt. John W. Hinadale, Abs c auj . i Easervea of N. -t 4 . 7 January, 185. jieced to that & taking leave The IVta!SSS nlratulaUoiSonhis f CoL Hinsdale, tenders he intelligence, zeal tn wwSa crctSied bis service ass and gallantry, wnica u . eipcrienc into greater Btaff Officer, .0 extended sphers. , . jssefulness in his new and mor. H GLUES, - ; (Signed) Tjeat General Commanding. '' ' . ' Official: Qua. S. fcTSlSO'WXOW, . 1 . Major and A A. General. . By A. Stedman & Co. SQUIRREL SHOT ; J5 jAROLINA BELLE SOTIT, l tf I ' ' : ''' indiwnt 801416 wife, and widows for tieii own use at w long and so nobly bori.e the hardahlpa and dangers of l-wSr,i JCJlZr . the war, require no exhortation to respond to the calls hedule d rices. . Provided, that no provision ci this ac sn sii ds cou itrued as to exempt from miliuny service 17 person m.ntinnoA rirln. in cae of actual servile i iiurrectlon or invasion ot the county iu which he reside 1 y Federal mxint tha rjeraons aud classes meailci cd la 8d section of an act in relation to the Militia an 1 a Guard Sec 8. Be it further enacted. That this act 1 1 a J be in tores from ana aiter iu ramicanou. Read three times and rallied in uenerawive amy una iSd day of December, A. D., 1864. J R. S D0NNELL, S H. a GILES MEBANE, S. S. Boxes for Soldiers. ALL Boxm f.r Soldier or FiusuBKa 01 Carolina: delivered U the follow Inc aaaed pervoat will projapUj fonrarded tree of charge . j arprazue crouien, sauswj. Dr D F Sammey, AibeTllle. DrWA OoUew, Morgan Von. DrJ W AiUtoo, StAtcvUle. Dr J L Neaf le Greemboro. Mr. A ilag&ii, Charlotte Mr Edward Hete, Salem. CPt J N McDowell, Raleigh. JoMph A Worth, F.yeUeTllle. . M Marrsy a Co., WUaloctes. Mr 7 h Bnd, Tarboro. Mr J J Aikev, Coleraln. Tke Boxes should be well hooped, properly marked, od &- m..mJ 1 tin far mT 9dm1i1 Htueuitr ho leave RalelfrO Oh the flrrt day of every month. EDWARD WARREN, l4f s - I Surgeon General. How to Maeb Via soul Take one pint of molasses, tt it in a In-. rxur one gallon of warm water, not boil- g. let it stand for two months and you will have good of honor and duty, j Wlta the liberty transmitted by their forefather?, thev hare Inherited tbe spirit to defend it. 1 Tbe choice between war and abject submission is be fore them. I To such a proposal, brave mea with arms .la tbeir hands can have bat one answer. Toey can tot barter manhood for peace, nor the right of alf-government for life or property. But luetic to tbem requires a sterner admoni!on to those who have abandoned their comrades in the hour of peril. I A laev opportunity is onerea tnem to wipe out the dis grace and escape the punishment of their crimes. lij aatnonty 01 tue rreeioent 01 tne uonledeta(e States, a pardon is announced to such deserters and men impropei ly absent as shall return to the coaumands to wnich they belong withia he shortest possible time, not exceeding twenty days Horn tbs publication of thisotder. at the headquarters of the department In which they may be. . f Those who may be prevented by interruption ofcom . - ? M. ? - 1. - t ft mU"icauona, . may repors wuciu me wrae scccmea to the nearts; eurolhsg officer or other odcer on duty, to b forwarded as soia as practicable, and upon pre ntine a cert ficate from such officer skewing compli ace with this requiiemei-t, ill receive the pardon here- hv offered. Tnose who have deserted to the farvicc of the enemy, or who hsve deserted alter having been 01.ee pardoned for the same offence, and those who ehall desert, or ab sent themselvts without authority afur tha publication f this order, ate excluded from i's benefits. Sor does the cflir ot ardoa exteud to other effecces than deer tion and ab ence without permission. By the same authoritj, it is also declared that no gen oral amnestv will &gain be granted, .and those who i . j . rercse to tccps the -pardon row offered or who atAll hcreaii d-ert or absent the cast Ives with t fc&ve, sKall nSTxt sjich puniibment as tte Ccarts ratr imfoee, n ?Plictioa ff elem-2cv will be enteruiced- Taklnjr new rtsolnUons from the tats wbhh csr cntrcicj Iatnd for U3, let every nxtn devote all his cLorries to the,oommo-a dafenoe.: I Oar resouroes, wisely and vioroaa!y employed, are tmple, and with a brave armv, sustained by a dete mined fcad unite! people success with God's assistance, cannot be dowbtfcL " f ? The advanUges of the enemy will haTe.butlittVvalae if we do not pernit them'to Impilr our relatioa. Let us, then, oppose consUney to adrrrsitv, Xbrtitufe to sa2tr log, and courage to danger, witN the firm stcraoo9 that He who gave freedom to ear fithera will U.s tbe effarts Ot their children to preserve it. . 5 (3igned) i j . R. E. LEE, OenerxL . HDQ'RS ARMEE3.0P TUB- 0. STATED, 1 , ! . llthrcbrvsry:lfC5.v GXSIBAL O&PZU. 1 .No. S. ' f r -. "v ' ' The dlftciplino and efficiency of ths army hsta been greatly imairtd by men Ir st'- tv-?r frr?r c-; ,paubdAteJofn rt-r, !" " ,,,7, . agreeable.- " ' t r ;.' This practice, almost as trjor;; -3 la lis consequecces ss the crime of desertion, by the Articles cf War ex poses the offitder to a similar j unUhmaat, and subftats the officer receiving him to dismissal from tU ' army. It is tbe re for declared that thm Crder, Jo. 3, of this date, from army headquarters, apply to such mta ss havs kfi their proper comtaaads and loaned othora wttntst Kl Mr. , , They win receive tha pardon proraiied in tht order. wijuij, wita im csauiiions, or sactc tts ccsse qcepces attached to negbctfng it. The nantM of snnh ihrt. .nt t...v?.l ported to these headquarters by tae oSLssr .wjth whora they are serving, and immediate measures ukea ta re- -turn them to tbeir proper commands. As scoa ss practicable, an inuwtinn ;ti k. ,. 4 mw & charges will be preferred against thoee who ne elect to March l-6t. EaroUmcTlffiaers will Keity to this imf ortant ord;r, and will arce all R?od cit izens ot their respective countiea to aid them in reader leg its design succe.faL it wui be observed that th-t U the last offer of pardon for the iofamoua ctime of diarfinn that v;!i k ,n. 2. . Enrolling OfSccrs are made resronsfolc, uader a petals i uiaj tj jouti asnui, ti.at evey po-s.ble efisrt i uauc iu pjir-nna ait suen as do not report tbeaifelTas. ""'viuiij; utu Jtrrs wui ai.ow f ac:i a- vo'uatarzlr rerojt itbm the siKHJed time to furnhingtUm trauspottatlon and the nectary certui- A dap!iciU of every certificate thus given win bj to ceded to this office. By order of the Ovrcm"-c.;.t ; L E. J. HARDIS, AJJuiait. - Uarchl-St. I8C.7. Coiintinsr- llfiu.ee C ALE fJ DAR, 1 & G5, CO c S3 c o o -3 a a. -3! IT1 1 3 CC, 1 1 JANUARY. 1 ll c it 5. "3 rx C r ' C . . - a a JULY. 1 2 3j4 .5iU- 71 8 0 10 II !2l3 14 j 15 C 17jl8 It' 20 '21;: 2L3Q3i Hi i n 0 I ( 1 a i. r 1 1 TEtt UAltY. ! "4i! Ill 21 -1 5 (h 7J;H i'l'17!Ibli(2Ji2i:22 ;j24iUj272SLl i?0: I I J 1 5 G 7 12 IS 14 19;20;21 26 27125 1 S 15 9 If, 22123 3! 10 17 242. AUGUST. 1 12 MARCH, I ) J 1 2 4L 5 i C 7 8 l 10 UjlC ,.13 1415 10 17 120 21122 23 24!25'2G ilj7 2Sl2it;3(i3ll j t 14 C 13 19120 21 20 27 28 1 b 25 22 29 Id 0 10 17 2Ti24j25j 80 31 n 111 1H :! SEFTKMllEIt. APIIIL. 5 16 23 30 3 10 n 24 4 11 18 25 5 12 6 13 1920 2627 14 21 1! b 15 29 4 5 11 12 13 14 1 8 9 15 1G lSil9(2uj21i2;23 1 1 :0 9 IP 17 4 11 if. 5: t 7 I21S14 I!) 2f, ill 23j24t25'2e;27;2S 3C31 j MAY. I 11 2 3 41 5 rA,; 7 bl 9 10 11 12 13'i 14 15 1G 17 18) 1912011 21 22 23 24.25 26 27! 28 29 301311 j , jj !12 G 13 1 14 JUKE. 1 12 3,1 4 5 6 7 6 9 UH 11 12 13 14 15 16 17.; 18 19 20!2l 22J '3 24 25 26 27 2S 29j3U l H1920,21 15627 28 li 11 2 8 15 9 16 3i 4 iC 11 17 22j23j24 293; j 18 25 1 a - r ;io ,17 4 11 5 ( 7! l i, 12 13 !4H5 IS4.'.20i21.v2 . af1 t 1,W ; I iM I I I DEEMS1 SOUTHERH HEPATIC PILLS. auUicrn Hepatic Pill ! : . BOUTHERir HEPATIC PILLS ! ! SOUTHERN HEPATIC VlLL I Tor sale by X. A. STEDMAN & V0 Hajl8wS EayeUsviZo, If. U X. r Tiaejar. ve snea ia

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