At'..':tf:r:' -. ' :? : . v.-.:--: . 3 v.- . ' . V ; 1 - ..... ?- Ti - war. t ..-iK. . i i - ,.- . - ' i. "t,': 'ft . No. 5, r, ' ' j 1 - : . j T .:fi -, 1...,. . '. . -f ' .. ! .v- . -i ' n !! P At K - S, . .7 7;;vl anvwiimm.; .vccnaw online rntH H E detaiti' oi Ur? cefcraofiy yh'i cbl iathjifl ual! r, ;bo i he .holy; tvan-: 1:vj8". r-olcace yesteirHiV. a(thvHci- ! cl himpcrof hert cbrer-:: tti ides invittocs, ;meni pamcixiar ; us:,r mrr,s??' vif ."c;-t , ?tiiks5 tbe oa'li WhtcJi he was prepared to .-; tice. H. t v i rie& aCfiiteca minutes'helortwtlve o r ? clock. Taeyssei tfmigfi ftfe nnd- Her tt!3i eftv '-t!ie -Bm t.res, lawd the J. ioc'effei, leU'the. paiice at, the, 1 uUe. citiat? w tnem, ana .tp twear to main- Several1 office .aridue Mgrechal l lowtjeiv'es ta,,neie.rvieit the mpxre, VIuTat, attetid d ott hprfela e iki, ' the d td.thef pTer'iratToii ot its terriiory Jiead, or- a numerous rci;uier he raQ Ciierabcrlaif) atjf M f tntr. miRei ol cef&norje&v WZm next f( ''icutiar- beauty the anieffeijfiic jf tend Vtp leleftabli-fh the feodal fjilm. 1 ."'v.yfH irtVnack drefldi. as is Mtiiiual cf-A and hbrfc ten., in themoH fippipie inid?, vrharis jj ft iA- in the unitoim Dt lae Mnatianai iat, -with al! your no w; B ei$;; to' iaft in marntamihVr XiBijkTT m EQVAi&jYJlt6e- firft vpnnciple? - 'of : yeymeriDer.Qt tne .(egtm mn'raiis;a hit band ami declared. 31 c2i, I swear ! The i pur cell -rs w-ere apriiea witn inc;cnucq muanrjy tuiic wiin tnci cry ; rich diadems; ht otri he lprels was; i fpfjl-pj;lityf;tktf tpolwot cinindi; . - ; . tj iongad reeateit piauoits;, ; "; J i j actlakiU0ps.tThelj cXh tnafa hiving ortluded, the-pratjcj- jentirely ircrri Tbeir mjei-ie$ ceived with Te peat oi joyy by anions bility. i . -The governor ; cd ?hc r-rppress Em per or? replied tJ thoHmohftraUpiwi-Sj Chetfcblftpl the.iLegioni prerenfedTihe mi grana omnuaneana tne erana omcers , li ? i4 - . a trjet:ei.v-.rorri the hapd5ofchi5 miitU V t ihe uvalida:jceiv i tyv )ijecprhpP3 of the order. , f he hMatej! and cqn-i t duc4 W to the llace fejpwced. for her ! . reception. . r i. . . - - Hi xcelencithe i iCaLdinal.-Lecrat ; ' been conduJd' rfth$ mQmmg. in.f one OI Itave fJy'F? Wjiwmjuw : where. he w?s to fiiciite.-. ;; ' f Tie drcex wih Was eSahiiihed ir J ,tl c church, e.fc Therriv tf . h'eir rnjefues, wzs ajol i o W c T tl Legion . ' anes wererangeccGrdingy.oTpet:rani5rV A thrcru dciyd 0 receive the Hm-s which the -kand nitaries were tlakt their places, ws 5 erpf-ted'on t-;e kte fifk, was ndthe prirces Under the a hind sfi iitai e ceremony, a v f Opp fie lafuberb cntjy cec-jSitert' with wa a ', gallery church was o and flaes tat Si .,:.v.--vf.. , -- . . . . l .-. . . 1 IT The ftut an'crd .td'ilieftcBi'ferit ; r Vp..- . i V - A ; ! , art! pnptntea tiom cucoverxrrg tne, damageipne o t'hc.wicxtiyiO,i,r Jr66ps both iQrrfliqre 'a nd in uhe ;bot behaed ie&ge,. W'it the & i bf tfeerley Was well fiexr)arg nearly ip-two; thix'J sp 'what u now is, M A D R I D, tiilv, Ti '; Although ;,ti jifrctftood tfiat the I rtuiaror rnrs .gove.rwn.ent to nitiiy tecojQvermpriih the UiucediStatci wgs" prddiiccd ;b)r the iaadmiffible I deniapdi of the laer. rfpeng -the 1' jaraimg fed ipi h? who' a c c i'np4riied her. ?.o; fe,i-:;m: ar d hiiiy preiif ed? tor this mpnitnai e was ;,cot- ftnicted r tbft comod t?on ol 'the -in- Vatid The teles' w,ere. occupied by the ofchf JeThci rate4 vritK triftr: jarld? fiorrC the ;piiemi ol trinci pal trophies.; were .11. . - s J , - .. :K v 'placrd, orte'Vpe j:he thrpitrotr V hefide the gf tfte ernpreis r .tc f -Q firft had fhV.lce, MiENGb,fttheb W iher, EgyptI ele trophjea? were com : Dofcd oi ffrof o f arms andlfipcldfei ; ' :the Caif Legate wiA'flfii .clergyf tw4e esfeff 2o alcove, at thfe 'fiH cfl i he ihior&f A ; ironi dt thc.Unrorfc' ws . ,;picertWJ". oCne;neiS, r die AiclfWftV' 0IV thefEmpireu I - here a T0 -.!lG--ahd MiiieV iof cerepric I : tiiei ViaiZdto iceive;the orders j I -. Preailfrt twelve o'clock k Bichei T v'-1 canrJ I ntiounceri the ariiial ei thf f 3ihe, cbtf jjTf; received oy uniyri reJ fcj.crTcs'pi LcnciJiie tbe Erit. ? ;lpe'ror 1 1!??. "acehed7tfl'thfePe Emerdr'wsiir'(nyAd withUhebadg by theVConttajjle, -ana altcrwards i.ber ftowediJt , unon jthe " grahd-diffnitaHetfi . f rjF ciai o.ipere4pnit was -remArK- 1 even gmairned, -.wuhr wounds, advapced . with-cox? jSdehce t6 receive he eiofi aU ij bough. 'he Ihad not been entolled as a ' member p iine legion : tp.e cmperqrj nn- -: mediate k;pe w. tfeat he iad rtpl xbc.dii-' 'ploina, 'AuVrvcttbeleft.b(locd f the badge UjJinr,"- ojifervi ng 4)141 he irad aceitifteate oF glory in ti e trace ' at his j ' At three; o'clock, the train returned to thv palace,1. iiY -ihe fitne 1 o"de r; . under, VumeroU? diiph'jT'ge . of . arwHeryV and' hetwenji dpumr files ol osiers ulliich lined the whafe'W'ay'- from he .palace i the Tuileries to the Hdjel of the- rnya- .1 tibnwhichthJf : cerenny pecationed i Frai?cc ;iul jpeded; to he jrvaull pt tbe "ehtif c, arAwavlbver tbVs itfuflft- .Qus siifcmuuisc-oj ncr uravcit.warricurs : cy5e3, "V ith Hpppurjible Wounds. I an $ 1 o iybuth eager to: run the: fam.'e.'5 career, ajtarsTandithtVcred'cere df re jigi cri e x attedffh e' i m agi pa'jon 6 epthu- ua;m : anq cave ine iureir preiaae f s of jni fuhdcrftancl . ; ; ing, betweeix: our ;Cbtit jAhd Mr, Pirickheyiare in reality th;c- prcteri- .iions fst up Ijy the A jneHcao govern tntptp Flprida,- wbich .istall . hi issifippi, i an3 rfcxtendirrg as far as ib"e ri Vvc daf::tfng,hpw e ver tbf irbm thiilland -N Oi-leni fhicli ajtacrfes 10 Iioqiiia- notion ofi'tKe ceded ter" ritory gtvcfi m the rojyal order dftrick Spaittifli court, ocrirefled to; ttte ln-: tendabt of- liotjifiana,vto delivemipl itfetprovmcc to? Gca 'Viclpr;ls4l!- the- femf eentt cedexf OTFiancefittf'- the tTrbwn of ; bpam. ; . . . .- . . - : . tjyeJV OTghtdie American go- ycrnrncDt--claim Haft-Floridi -alfo, under,: Jvccpnftru , o F, th e flioii , b&fe pt y ipuk to ; thsyeart rg ;Eace claimed all tfle. ;c6imtry te 'Missifippi apTder the appillation of Jouilpna j antl did adtfaJJ grant anexclufiye; pri -vilege to the commerce thereof; tt the famous Crpzt. -: . 7 If, any)0img further cari hjegaifv ed4o rerfder the ; tjreaty ildl . more" clear aadd.e.finite!. oh; this head, tab: Jritemibni rtr - Jy;b . ;dieemed: concluiivc arid - final. vTfceJMEqrqiiis 4efCafa 'Galvo, com- s Tdis flrory, pamrwrlE nervier relioquifcuhleis for a ftir cquiva- , lent ; bdtQie does not difputethe j, e)Liye Iiouiiisnvthaut refer :.-ta!eift.the;tJnitedfSmei: j; ence orailufioa whatever tWeftit Ffarice 'hid eipccliyely o,ler4 tii$ one to deliver and thz dther-t re. ana,, iproptriy -''fo called,' ;fthouah r ranee .nas never. -f compijea with thofe concliti.ons -by the execution of which .lite: was to have acquired a . right? to;, that .Pro vincel.. " I n regard to hait and Welt' Florida, they were ,p n ginal !y : ceded by f ranee to Eng f j an dy ty4f ttfiaty , of ppace '176, vho jat the fanre time ceded to.S.aiiv the ifland tf -NewOrieans anil terrj-v we nave neia everiincewitnpuc any alteraHoffbW I ri 1 7 Sp vvecpn q yered fra m Great iffiilppv; thai yjde4 into1 Eift feft.;Flor (da hi ch 'coriuefls tive trety:dt peace'cr : i 703; it is hereko be pbrvef tht Weft Fl. fuseyer itnc;retatned tjiat; :: nth- fr ;i who naq Diceaecj . "nim. U ! the pipjt, Mi Lai eepede. L v --vl trjncj ncllorpf the; leglnj oil hil V ; )aft f Jounced adiTeb J V- i e I weitpny 3 rpHoDlg- V V :(:. : ; j ; -: i.;:&. ' : j. " s ' r j Vi: 4 - 'f- . m -;:. . : r-p . ; " ' i - t ' . T .: in !." : iir3trg ojtw'fhB of die jine,;ipurj ri ?itc anUKyo orns1 with twV mortars ifW0ii' watf and three ctjiteT advari'Sdt h n ier ' atlht Ef'ki!irid i jfie6 atftcMiii xpf V the .hore.1 'ltj wasv I V - St T-- 4.'. Viif- iv.. 'if .V N r t l Florida,' and the act of d&vxrtvar thus completed coTFormably tcr thoAk uiuruQuqns rrpn tncxwo; courts. u TheV.interpre atioTi glye-n hy the Umted States to. the-, treaty orjCei V iion is therefore, equally cxtrctvHgarjtr' . and untenable, a ;td wiil never ;be v ianclioned or (uhmi.ted-;to' byi- the Spanili court although theiannihila- , tionpFthe -monarehyi 'iliojd" becbrn'e? a posftble con(equen:ce of its rejecl: ing;io Jegr v 1 To, iny ori in ,Gre8JftaW?r ance - U6$r - Sweden i Denmafkr'Bre- ; men, Himbufg Baof ifay y Theraaurrinarni Cap jFrhcois g rate;govnriiest as wfteo; under tKe dpmmip:pfEhglind,ran ihdepen , whoiafe'i well ;; ndenthe; 1 v . t. . t 1 :.Vr. ' . v " i". :- -1 evident; "th the ' treaty '-pfl ctajoni voiuotiinananrici ay opain Xa :FraVnwiaifd iecdri d! y byFrnce " tdthe ilJriiteda- iieve torpamut.hav1ngibeen cenqqer. To 0rtort1Spain,th6dt th tawhiih tns fiotillai ani'ibeittejTei on1 namtafQpe 4tKa .Veneriffei. Gajiary v Clpe ;deJejM , yascttaciwm; yy mavyaxp, u:. TdteWr'fif b vjiiencei or ew Fbutid : .rr.- ,r.;.ryf ...v.w ffc. SsriWypSharlefrii ; irsTBihSs Mffiinas :m sale - "" ,--"v , ; '"--1,-1 '. '" f . ' - .-'".!- ; v r . i v ;. -.r . - "r . ; -. t i:vJv-,iLf.-r- f ?. .... ; V .V '1.- I-, -f t , ' -. 1. ; -,' .3' ::i r. t rl J !1 r ( vV- :;,; "'w.te

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