X -1 I I v 5 paoiisucui injr uuu it eeKiy.." "-' - j o HN SPELMAN , .Editor! Itatcs of Subscription : I , , . . -DAILY PAPER, $8 00 monthai 4 00 Ji'ree mouths n month... .... 2 50 .... I IHI WEEKLY PAPER, tic - year ..$2 00 .. 150 LOOALi THE MAILS. vY? Xhejnails are closed as follows :f , or Boston, New- York, Philadelphia, Balti more, Norfolk, Washington, D. ,U., ai-.a all points North and East, daily, at 4 00 P. M 1oor1 C,tv n.nd Beaufort. N.- - ' nannke Island. Tuesdays, Thurs- days and Saturdays, at..... 7 00 A. I, oldsboro', Raleifth, Wilmington; , ; I and all points West and South, . ! daily, 'atJ.'.i. ...- T 00 P. M y ftiver, every Friday, at....... 12 00 M. enton, and Pollocksvillc, every - . ; Wednesday and Saturday, at... 00 A. M vift Creek. Washington aud Ply- i mouth; . N. C, everf Monday and Thursday, at.... ilT" Office open from 8 A. M. ffsundays, from 9 to 10 A. M . r2 P. M. : ' ' " to 0 S( p. and from 1 AH letters jto: be deliveredin. the United States, including drop letters, must be prepaid, r hev will be tent to the dead, letter , office. .niess addressed to the Heads -of "Bureaus at Fashinatou, U. C. GEO. W; NASON. Jr., P. M. ' BUSINESS DIRECTORY. . We call special attention to our4 advertising olumns of fir9t-class houses, and will add as f ey are furpished : . ' Denlistt.Drs. Fogg & Bagbyf Pollok street, jliree .doors above McLean's corner Dn77i-T-Primrose' & Dillinffham. r . . , o I Commission and Forwarding Merchants. V. H. Oliver & Co., Whitford, Dill & Co , E. W. rur;;f ?WDer? Uueo- w..i;ii :Mpre- ueau viijr nurmropci summing, VVliminjr- ton ' . , I r;..in irA m 1 - 1-H 1 - " . I j. ia ay, Fleming at t-of Wholesale and Retail Groeerx. Dm Goods and .JJommissxon Merchants -r-J. & M. Patterson j Uo., liubbs & Co. ; Wry Gords $ Furnishing Store. Phair 4t Farr. Dry Goods' and Family Groceries Stanley, ' Watson &Co., JHggins & Sirmond. Agricultural and Hardware Store. Mitchell Allen & Co. .. Tinware Factory and House Furnishing Store, . Hart & Lewis. . Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Wines, Liquors, cs John J. Schulinger. Wholesale and Retail Clothing Establishment, : Devlin & Co. Books and Stationery I. Edwin West. Talchmaker Geo . F. Darden- ; ' ; POLICE REPORT, i ': r. Tuesday,-April 3, 1866. Mayor Washington presiding. A. R. Dennison, for fast driving -contin-- ,ued over. . : O. C. Wilson, for shooting within city, lim its fined $1. v . : : , ( Epbraim nuckburn, (colored), - for an as jsault on Brown, was turnedover freedmeu's bureau. to the Charity Hill', (colored), for illegally and ira- orally obtaining calico, -was a!sp turned over mo to tbe bureau Hardy Williams, (c61ored), fbr carting ith- tout a license, on . producing One, "?as dis- charged. fiw advertisements. w e tailed irom want ot time to notice m a Decommg manner he' long list of advertisements in our first ssue yesterday. It is due to. the numerous- friends who exhibit so liberal a spirit in sus- ainihz us. that we should now return to lur Juty in that behalf. ) In our transactions ithUhe people of Newbern we w!ill be foud !o act Vli be rally and fairly, and we trust onestly, . I : r , Messrs. Primrose & Dillingham Whplesale nd Retail Drtfggists, under the Commer-j bial V office, Tolidk Street, have a very exteu- ?ive and most complete stock of everything in heir line of, business, including "paints, oils, lye stuffs, garden eecds and. all the leading mtent medicines. I Devlin's stock of . clothing and gentlemen's urnishing goods is large and complete His pring, and summer stock is now ready and oh lie. and tll n ttoTitin nf l,nliila 1aaiami lit ell as purchasers by retail is respectfully in- Jted. Devlin's store is. at 33 Craven street. : Hart & XetPiV tin ware manufactorv. and .ouse furnishing storey ou Middle street, was stablished in J 853. and is one of tbe largest ptablisbments in the- State. Every article; jmbraced in tbeir line of business can be found iere. Mitchell, Allen ft Co The ' agricultaral ouse and hardware etore of these gentlemen, a Pollok street, contains & vast variety of ag- cultural implements and r hardware. . No rger can be found in this or any other State. Tiddy, Fleming ft Co., successors to Hough lo., general shipping and commission mer mts, corner South Fropt and Middle streets, 7e heavy stocks of gioceries, &c , at whole 3 They are'also general insurance agents. '. ft.M. Patleflon Co., wholesale and re dealers in dry goods and groceries, Middle 2t, also do an extensive commission busi . ; They have heavy, wll Selected stocks. hir ft Farr; 40 Pollok street, have ahand- stock of dry goods,' clothing, boots and 3, &c, which they offer wholesale and re The stock seems well-selected. - ' ' yins. ft Sirmond, dealers in staple dry i and j family groceries," South Front St., nt their stock for jnspectidn and ask the iage l of the public. Their stock will aspection. v '. bs Bro.t wholesale and retail dealers ceries, fruits, crockery, notions, liquors, liddle street, present their card and ask called upon by large and small dealers, gentlemen have; as great a variety as -er house in the Statu. ley, Watson ft Co'., two doors east of tori House, have also a great variety of ods, groceries, and notions of "all .Li JllJ fl IT -'TiP - TinTTm :Trin?in7 ,uim -nimh .tUtt .w n n tt V I I I I I I .1 I'll It 1 1 I . - 4.1... 1 1 I I 1 I I 1 I II I I I I t I I 1 1 1 I 1 I I -1 1 I J. . 1 I I I I I I p I I . I 1 I I ' I I I I f I I II II . - - - . 1 ! . ' S . . " : m WW- i :d- i .',1 1 i'-liiJ ' ' - , I . . . 1 T " .. X . 11 I .. - - . ' I I In .the shipping, receiving, forwarding aad general, commission business we have IVhitford Dill $ Co. , W. JT: Oliver Co., E? Gould $ Co . a11 cf thij 'city. Also Geo. W. 'Dill, agent of Mui ray's North Carolina steamship line, Morchead City. ' , ; j " u" - wiuiingtr, iVliddle street, offers es, at d Inger beer, 'at whole- saleandjetail. large. ... ). j His stock is snid to be quite o.io& street, nearly opposite the post office, has everything in the periodical and newspaper, line needed, with the : latest novel?, sheei music, and blank books. West is abetter prising man. '... I , 7 nn i a I . IIvTses nie offtjiedby J. E. tfesh, agent Na . Vh lti6n Express and Transncrtatinn Cn press and Transportation Company. They are le presented as -two-Nol 1 family hortes, add Mi I Nash's word may be i reUed on. Primross -Dillingham give notice of the uueiuet.flonrs pi -tneir arug sioro jon cun- i Wm. Ueade lAddison, Baltimore,) Md., will prosecute all claims against any of the depart ments at Washington. Mr. Addison offers some of the b;ejt. references in the country. See lys advertisement elsewhere. ; George F. D den is Well known rfor his and faithiqlness in making and repairing watches. vVe recommtnd him confidently to all who need his services. His Dlace of busi. - I ness is on Middle Street Northrop $ Camming, commission merchants, Wilmington, del:re their business to be drawn . . - . .. , o the attennonUf the public. These gentle- mn are also proprietors ox the Wilmington! fif An m n a vk si Wvt J 111-.-' evtom 9n uuu :piaumg uui!)i wfra savings ins'llUUon.--Notice is given inat on the 12th mst. books of subscrip- . f tion to the "capital stock of this institution will be opened at tbe office of Wm. II. Oliver & Co., and" at the banking rooms of Messrs. Dis- oswp.y & Guiotr. . V - Richmond lype Foundry. -The: advertise ment of II. L. Pelouze & Coi, will be found in another colhmn This firln should be mt- ronized. : ' ' ' i ; The Goldsho 'o Daily News and the Wilming. ton Dispatch are brought to the attention of the public Tbey are; both? excel'nt papers, and are presided . over bv clever.! intellisent i tlemen. ' ' ! Drs. Fogg and Bagby, dental surgeons, Pol lok street, thii d door from Cuthbert's corner, offer their professional services to the people- of Newbern Jand vicinity. Thev are both graduates of the Pennsylvania College of Den tal Surgery, and consequently employ all the modern sciencje in their professioni See their card. ;;'.: '!.'"... ; T Notice to Consignees. Whitford, Dill J& Co. notify the consignees of the Echooner Anna Shepard to look to their freight. Hall's Vegetable Hair Renew er is all that is claimed for it It certainly changes gray hair to black without being a dje. We know of many casesm which it has done his. Prim. rose & Dillingham sell it. i Perry Davis? Pain Killer needs no recom mendation... It is widely and favorably known throueheut the land . . .- J Tbr Race, Oh Satukdat Last. The race ont, Saturday last, between 'the . Gpldsbord' horse ' Buckskin1 and 1he Newbern horse Dead Horse." was a veFV sorry affair. ! In the first heat Buckskin, having the outiide Irack, beat his qompetitoi over lone hundred yards. The Dead Horse brike a.the start and kept on the gallop ior may one-nan me uis auuo track. 'The second and third heaxs were no better. UucKsknuaia not Degm io uu ms uwi, and he was admirably managed Dy nis experi enced drivei! O eorge Morrow.' We think the Newbern sports cam beat this G oldsboro' horse, ,; but they will have to bring some firbt-ratej metal to do t. . ; The heats were 3.16, 3.54 and 3.20. The , owner of Buckskin has a notion that he can ! makfi a mile in a minute less than the heaU I IMS lime. - We had the pleasure, yesterday, of a gras asp ' of the hand'from the venerable Judge Ku.Fnx, who is in the; city for 4 days: a guest rff our friend W. IJ. Oliver., - We are "happy to add that the Judge seems to be in tbei enjoyment of health and carries markably well. his years re Titr Revenue uw.-vfBcuuuuuc Vu hsh the ltetenue Law for the information of our old subscribers,- to very many of whom we are sending the first two issues oi our pa per. Every man is interested in the taxa- State and therefore ought to know tion of the the law. jwcaIrine rsports. J. MOON'S PHASES. s ,..3 : 34 Morning. Third QnarteT, 8th, New Moon, 15th,w.... First Qnarter, 21st,. Full: Moon, 23th...... .1:55 " ...4-.5:23 Evening. i...4i!5 I I -: jAYS. MOOS SITS. H, M. 1 7 55 8 48 9 42 10 35 11 26 morn. 0 15 i 2 3 4 5 6 7 Sunday.U. itt Monday Tuesday Wednesday. Thursday..... Friday........ Saturday PORT OIH NEWBERN. -. r ARRIVED. . V - . Anril I. Steamer James Guy, WUlis, master, from Norfo?k, wUh! merchandise to J. D. Myert, Tiddy, Flem fng k Colo Lftkt, Sterns k Ounn, J. U. Ruhfeon, J's?eairEl,Cid,'lUbort, mast?r ew York mfrdhandietnd passengers to GoodBpeed.. . . - msSone? AnnaPShepa?d, "fl York, with merchandise to Whitiord,Dill 4 U). -j.- CLEARED. :: April 3.-Steamer! Jamts Guy, Wfllto, marter, for Nor folkfwiA passengers and merchandise, by Sc'hooner Mary C. Towne, yomaster, for New York, wiSoTdnance store, y Whitford, pm& Co., BUN I -!BCK" i RISES. SETS. H.i m. h. sr. 5 46 6 23 5 44 . 6 24 5 42. 6 25 5 41 6 26 5 39 6 27 5 37 6 28 5 36 I ,6 29 NEWBKRN, N; C.,,WDNESDAY, APRIL 4,; 1H66. LATEST NEWS. The Insurrection at an End. PRESIDENTS PROCLAMATION. The Election In cJnuectict. L A T E ST PRO M E XT R OP E'. The following is from th edi e evening tion of the Times : Washington, April 3 The Presi- ueuis proclamation aeclarins Mthe insur. rectioa at an end, was published to-day it asserts tbat the constitution provides for the constituent communities onlv as States, and not as territones( dependen cies, provinces or protectorates, and; that such constituent States" must therefore necessarily be made equals and placed upon a like footing as to political- rights, iuuiuuitit;ef, uiguuy ana - power witn tne several Stateswih which they are united. it aeciares standing armies, militery occu pation, martial lawmilitary tribunals and the suspension of the writ of habeas corpus in time of peace dangerous to jjuuno uucujf, luuumpaiiuie witu anaiTiu ual rights of citizens, contrary to the genius and spirit of our institutions, and exhaustive , of notional resources, and ought pot therefore be sanctioned or al lowed except in caes of actual necessity ior repelling invasions or suppressing m surrections Or rebellion, and further, that the people of j the Southern States have given satisfactory evidence that they ac quiesce in the sovereign and important resolution that . each State oucht to remain and constitute an-, integral ! part of the United States. Nothing other than the above is said about the writ of ha beds corpus , neither does the proclamation make any allusion tQ a general pardon. c. : - Connecticut I Election. " i Washington, April 3.-j Telegrams to the .press from Connecticut, indicate the election of Gen. Hawley, by a small majority. j :.".'.- - i ' 1 '' "- From Europe New York, April 2. The steamer City of Paris has arrived with Liverpool dates of the 21st ult. Cotton declined . ! ; ! Five Twenties 71(71 The Shenandoah sold at auction at Queenstown at fifteen thousand seven hundred and fifty pounds."! j 1 Senator Wrlgbt. ! Newark, April 2. Senator; Wright left here this morning to resume his seat in the Senate, and if; in time will vote to sustain the President's veto. IVew York Marked : New York, April 2.- Cotton, to-day, has a downward tendency, with sales of five hundred and sixty bales at forty to forty and a half cents. Gold was selling to-day at 27 J. : DENTISTRY. TTvRS. FOGG & BAGBY, Surgeon Dentists I 1 1 and graduates of the 'Pennsylvania Col lege, of Dental Surgery, Tespectf oily oiler tneir oefrtT, j aoM;a : ih :ii9aJL of JNew - bern and vicinity. Teeth extracted without pain by the use of Nitrus Oxid Gas. Ether and chloroform ad ministered if desired Office on Pollok street, j three doors above McLean & Co.'s, Newbern, N. C. I. S. FOGG, D. D. S., of New Jersey. G. K. BAGBY, D. D. S. of Virginia. Anril 4. a ' ' T . lm-: WOTICE TO O 0 1ST m H Gr 3NT 353 H O CHR. ANNA SEEPARDi is discearging )Q cargo at our Wharf, font of Craven Street. Consignees; attend to your Goods without furtherrnouce. WHITFORD, April 4. ' -I -..I-; . DILL & CO. " : ' P 2-It ..! SPECIAL. IV OTIC E. IOR the convenience ; of citizens, we wilV hereafter open our Store on Sundays at the tollowing hours, viz : .1 From. 8 o'clock to .10 o'clock .j' 2 V '' to 4 i ' ; a. m. p. m. n. m. to 8 PRIMROSE & DILLINGHAM- . h-:--.'- - ;. -j 1-tf April 3. :T. J. MITCHELL. GIO. ALLEN. D. T. CARRAWAT. NORTH CAROLINA AND HARDWARESTORE, Bitchcll, Allen & Co., , S3 3Eollok Street, Newbern. SO Nortb. Water St., "Wilmington. ' ! AGENS FOR EVANS & WATSON'S : " ' ' 'I ' ' ' j " . '.- ' , Fire ane Burglar Iroof Safes, TairbarLk's Scales, ; r. hoe & co's Circular saws, Leather &c Rubber Belting, INVIIe ATTENTION TO THEIR April 3. l3m Agricultural House MARKET. Wholesale Prices Current, tbV-..i..U.. . ...$15 00 20 00 i cr1' Uedi pta. and qta. 3 25 7 00 .?:ChoPPill& dozen, 19 00 (di 21 00 45 40 00 60 48 40 20 15 34 5 00 6 00 9 00 Conntrr-- BAfJON Western Side-.... BEESWAX, 1 0i sol 0 00 8 00 Biwa i x Koclwlle, gallon, lienauit, " " Catawba, " French, in cages-..... 30 oq 50 00 00 00 25 00 R. L. AFila'. .iJ 15 Otard.1860. is i r. n. r. in - in 13 BITTERS, Drake's Hantat'n, In casei 11 50 & 12 00 i . rmss-, BI. iiomingo,4 . 12 00 ' 15 00 , . ' Komaine's, , ' " 10 00 11 00 ' - O.K ' 1 10 50 00 00 -y,: , Boker'a, 17 00 IS 00 Stoughton's, 9 00 12 00 - Wahoo and Calisaya, " 12 00 00 00 LIQUORS! u T nss' Imperial Ari-ack Punch; in casea 12 W 15 00 u csjjiooungo runcn, ; " va3 50, 00 -" I Wine, " 12 00 00 00 Messina Pnhch,. ; j 13 60 . 00 00 Slint Julep, -1 . " 12 00 00 00 London Cordial Gin. " " 13 56 (a 00 tK) - u ft . u BAILING ROPE, B), 19 . 22 BRAN, sack, ..; 2 00 2 50 COAL, ton, 12 00 ! 14 00 CRACKERS, ft. 12 16 M CHEESE English Dairy. 25 (g 25 90 25 23 50 00 00 33 00 44 3J 30 1 00 : 30 ,-24 . 60 45 1 15 85 SO1 45 i i cate,. CORN,busheW .... CANDLeS Adamantine . Tallow, B)r. .... Sperm, ' . tt. iParafine, sa ft...... PEAS Cow, bushel, ... COFFEE Laguira, g lb, . . j Rio. J Yb,......r... Is Java, fi,.M COPPERAS, 3 8)J 15 CHAMPAGNE Genuine, qts, incases, SO 00 00 uo 52 00 " pts.. " 47 00 Cider, pts.& qts., - 5 50 '1 00 FISH Cod, 11 1214 , C ARBS Cotton, dozen pair,. 11 00 g 14 00 10 00 11 00 40 a . 50 . Wool, " " . COTTON Ble .ched, yardr.. UOOF1SKAUJS STUCK . - ., White Oak Barrel Staves, M., 15 6o 18 00 Red Oak ; " j " " ...... 13 00 15 00 Red Oak Hogshead ' ...... 18 00 22 00 Ash Barrel Heading, " " 12 00 13 50 DRIED FRUIT, fi ft, Apples..... 18 9 FLOUR Family.i... 10 00 14 00 Super.-.: 9 00 10 00 Fine...:.j........; 8 00 9 00 FODDER, fiewt,: Y 1 50 ELAXSEED bush FERTILIZERS Ford's, ton....... 00 00 75 00 50 00 1 bo 1 25 0 00 00 00 2 00 25 00 00 00 00 00 32 00 00 1 80 1 75 25 ,28' -00 '11 00 75 ( Allen & Needle's, GROUND PEAS, bushej. GIN Holland, in cases... ...I. ......... j : Schnapps, qts., in cases........ I Schnapps, tots., in cases........ 15 00 13 50 14 50 30 00 GUNNY BAGGING .V GUANO Peruvian, ton...... .....175 GILL TWINE, ft 1 HAY,ficwt 1 UAMS N.CIb .. I i Cauvassed, lb......... 70 50 20 25 25 00 60 HERRING Nova Scotia, bbl 91 I i SmokedJ in boxes. . HAKE..... Sim 9 HOOP IRON 3ft toa. ..160 00 175 00 HIDES Dry, f ft 10 12J i Green,ft . 4 ou LARD New York, pressed.. - 24 26 I North Carolina 25 30 LONDON PORTER, dozen...;.. 3 75 ; 5 00 MEAL, fi! bushel... ... 140 0 00 LIME. g l)bl ....i.. 3 00 4 00 MADDER! J.'..A.. 17 - 21 MOLASSES, good article.... 60 70 MACKEREL, hbl. .-, . 18 00 20 00 hair btL...:... ............ o ou an v w kitts. Nd 3! 25 (a 0-00 J W I "No -2..-.. 2 50 . 3 00 1 MULLETS; oak bbl. . 10 00 12 00 'i !' UlUW.... v. o uu UU 9 UV NAILS. keg..........5. 8 00 9 00 OATS, sack;...i. . 70 3 25 I heavy black for seedfi bushel-. 0 00 1 00 ONIONS, bbl...- Oo 2 50 OSNABURGS yd Jl 27 30 PORK City Mess fl'.bbl SfOO " 33 Oft i , Thin Mess..;............ Si, 00 32 00. Prime Mess...;........, . 29 50 31 50 PEPPER, GRAIN . ....... T 40 45 POTATOES-Irish,fihbl 5 00 7 00 I; Sweet, bushel..... 1 00 1 25 POWDER, $ keg .... 11- 00 12 00 RICE Carolina....... I , East India,., 12 10 0i .. 15 12 . 4 50 22 00 ... 14 00 18 00 2tt (a 18 RUM New England- 3 50 Jamaica,, m cases Jamaica.! Wolfe's, in cates St. Croix;" " " " 1$ 00 13 50 SUGARS Crushed j Grain and Pow'd.. 21 16 15 14 11 13 12 A. B. and C. Coffee....-. P. R.......... Muscovada. .16 16 15 16 15 15 15 45 18 Cuha ....... ...... Havana, Brown-. SODA Carbonate . STARCH Peart...... SAL.ERATUS..I....... ..........4 SOAP Brown 4 SHOES Brogans .: SPIRIT BARRELS New.....i.. - ! i Second hand.....' SALT Liverpool sack.............i 13 " 34 12 m 175 12 50 4 90 4 50 3 00 3 50 2 75 3 00 5 00 5 50 Marshall, hne....... Amencan.. 2 T5 3 00 SHEETING F. F. 4-4.... 28 32 16 . 17 SHOT ...i..... SHINGLES Per M....i J 3 50 m 5 50 1- - i n TOBACCO N. C- aiirf Va. maaufact'd, " fine j " - .' 50 - 75 , 40 VINEGAR McCanless k Smith's malt WHISKEY Rye ealUn..-..- -J2 50 5 00 : 6 00 16 00 liourbon eallon... o uu Rye k Bourbon,' cases, Bourbon, Wolfe's " old " Scotch, - 1 !.'. 12 00 . 10 00 16 00 18 00 25 00 13 00 .. 12 00 . 18 00 .. 16 K) 20 00 WINE Madeira, in cases.;...... " i W olfe's, in cases, " old k flne, cases, 10 00 Sherry, in cases 9 00 15 00 " Wolfe's, m cases.. .... Port, in cases...... Port, Wolfe's, rn cases.; Claret,! in cases............ 12 00 - ! 18, 00 13 00 . 20 00 12 00 15 00 5; 50. 13 00 5 00 ' - WOOD Oak, cord ............ NAVAL STORES ' Spirits Turpentine, $ gal ...... Rosin, com mom... ....... Rosin, well-strained, No. 2..... , Rosin, well-strained, No. 1..... , Crude Turpentine dip Crude jTurpentine scrape..... T r ' Rope, Ratlin............... ......... 45" 2 60i 2 00 6 00 3 75 2 00 1 50 32 29 "'60 3 50 3 25 8 00 4 00 2 25 2 00 35 32 Rope, Manilla...... iE. HUBBS. O. HUBBS. HUBBS & BR0 Wliolesale & Retail Dealers In GROCERIES, ! PROVISIONS, ! 1 ! FRUITS, I CROCKERY I ! . NOTIONS, ! I FINE LIQUORS, &c. Middle St.; 1 door from Pollok, Newbern, N. C. Orders promptly filled. ADril 3. 1 L 1-lm NEWBERN Savings Institution. "VTOTICE is hereby given that Books of Sub XI scription to the Capital Stock of the New bern Savings Institution will be opened at tbe office of Wm. H. Oliver & Co., foot of Craven Street, and at the Banking Room of Disosway , Guion & Co.; Middle Street, on Thursday; 1 2th instant.') 'j;'- " - : (- By order of the Commissioners. : j Vy. A. T. JERKINS, Chm'n. y J. D. Flastker, Sec'y. . March 31, 1866. . , ' ' l-10t ' Times copy and send bill to this office. NO. 2. Tiddy, Fleming & Co., K. N. TIDDY, j. e. nmiKd, 8.T. TrLTOBD, XTLX SELS09. SUCCESSORS TO HOUGH & CO., WHOLESALE AND Tiddp HutcWsbri ; & Co., GENERAL V Shipping & Commission Merchants, : Cor. of South Front and Middle Sts., . General Insurance Agents, for Fire, Marine, Inland, and Life Insurance Companies. , Ample storage room for Cotton and ail Pro duce consigned to onr care. April 3. ; 1 tf General Shipping and Commission Merchants, AGENTS EMPIRE LINE "i STEAMERS tt . " TO PHILADELPHIA, AND j DPacbet Line to Northern. JPorts April 3 '"' i ' I : 1-tf . FOR PHILADE1 PHIA, (EMPIRE LINE.) " Schr. LIZZIE TAYLOR, - . TAYLOR,. Master. . 1TILL be dispatched for the above port f f in a few days. J? or freight apply tq i E. W. GOULD & CO.; Agents'. To be followed by Schr." J. W. Haig. April 3. - 1-tf Tin - Ware j Manufactory AND ESTABLISHED 1853. IF ART LEWIS, JMiddle Street, DSTewbern, 1ST. C, 44 Fayetteville St., Haleisli, 1ST. O., AGENTS FOR THE SALE OF THE CELE . BRATED STEWART, QUEEN OF.. THE SOUTH AND WESTERN EMPIRE Cooking Stoves, AND DEALERS IN . ' HOLLOW AND WOODEN WARE, GrTJWS, . Pistols, Powder, Snot, Caps, Window Glass, Kerosine Lamps, r Chimneys, Wick, Oils, . &c, . &c., &c ... April 2. , ; ' ' ; 1 tf jr. D. WHITFOKD, G, W. DILL,. W. C. WHITFOBD WHITFORD, DILI. & C ! Shipping Receiving j Forwarding AND GENERAL .' L COMMISSION ; MERCHANTS, Newbern, N. C. T)ERS0NAL attention paid to the sale i,r Produce. GENEBAL VESSEL AGENTS. iApril 3 1-tf i GEO. F. DARDEN, E ? WATGH ! MAEEE, -h , KEWBERK, X. C. j 7 I TAKE THIS METHOD OF INFORllNG my, friends , and the pnblic generally, Jthat I am now prosecuting - my old business in all Us branches. 4 All work entrusted to me will be faithfully attended to and warranted. V . ' April 3.-lm GEORGE F. DARDEN. : , .8. HOETfiSfiP. TCK. H. HOETHaOP. ' Northrop & Camming, V - C 0 MM I S S I OH ME RCHANT;S , And proprietors of the i J WILMINGTON STEAM SAW AND PLANING MILLS. STRICT personal attention paid to the sale of Cotton, Nayal Stores, Corn &c. . Or ders for Lumber eolicited. . April 3. . im ADTERTI8IUG RATE ' ' On Sqpare..'.,........., Each Subsequent Insertion!..;...; (tKNX.IXE9'6aLX8S UAKS SQTTA&xi) Liberal deductions made to extensire adrertiserg, those who adTertise tor a conriderabl length of time ' All bills for adTertising are due on presenUtlon. ; f Adrertisements ordrred nill forbid4 will be charge -monthly rates and bills will e presented accordingly - ' J ob w o r'ic ; : either Plain or Fancy, executed with promptness, an ' a style nnsurpassed in tbe Southern country. , -, PUAIR & FARF lo. 40 Pollok St., ST NEWBEEN, -'IST." C Wholesale and Retail Dealers in DRY GOODS, M TRIMMINGS, ! jcivi3BitoiDii:iiTja:s. . CLOTHING, ; " ' i ' H ATS CAPS, ' , ... .- .-. -i..'' , .. ... ;-';( . . BOOTS &; SHOX r GLOVES, ' . IlOSU31Xi. LADIESCFURNISHHJG GOODS, sC.; d JgsF' Call and examine them. ""J " April 3. s J. & M, Patterson & C WHOLESADE k RETAIL DEALERS IN . Dry Goods ariivGrocerit CROCKERY, BOOTS Sc SHOES, t ' HATS & CAPS. . J , I JFTJRNITTJIIIS, HARDWARE, . j STOVES, ,1 TINWARE, i 1" . . ALSO COMMISSION MERCHANT ESS Liberal advances made on Cotton, val Stores, and any articles of Produce. MIDDLE STREET, BETWEEN SOUTH FRONT AND POLI April 3. 1 i M. MEADE ADDISO! (Late U S. District Attorney for MaryU f 13ALTI10li.Ii:, ML)., . WILL prosecute with promptness claims against any of the departn of the Government at Washington. : Claims for indemnity to persons whose erty has been seized as abandoned will re especial attention. . . i 'k . No charge will bo made la the claiman cept in. case of success.. - 7 i i " . Ref erences! Hon. Wm. F. Giles, Judge U. S. District Court for Maryland,: Hon. Reverdy Johnson, U. S. Senator . ' : ' j- 1 Baltim- Hon. Hiram Barney, late collector of pc New York, New.Yprkv j r i - r For further information! refer to Hen Bryan, Esq., Newbern, N.IC. April 2. , ; , .' , 1 Wm. H. Oliver & C GENERAL COMMISSION ' i Newbern, W. March 31, 1866' . . Murray's North Carol STEAMSHIP LINi SAILING EVERt SATURD"' FOEi TOE, A' THEjNEW FAST SAILING SCREW STEAMS ZODfAC,;.....;.. .....i;...i...:CAPT. CH'l GUSSIE TELFAIR, i CAPT. DE. THIS LINE , OFFERS INDUCE MI over any ether line in the State fo patch and cheapness. . 1 ' , No charge is made for receiving, forwar dray agei wharfage or commissions, and ' fore saves to the shipper from twenty to .; per cent over other lines. , 4 1 For information; freight, or passage, b good accomodations, apply to GEO, W. DILLrAgens ; : Morehead City, N. C, o- MURRAY, FERRIS & CO 60 & 62 South Street, New Yt April 3. j, 'u vfi, y. :,.:.:9Ky- STANLEY, WATSON & C DEALERS IN k' ' :, ! Two doors east of the. ; GX8TON HO U SB; of Soutn i ront street, between Middle a; yen streets, Newbern, N. d y, m April 3. i r. joniv j. SCHILL.IIVGEIJ. Wliolesale' giud Ee' . : V:C: ' : DEALERS I2.- Wines, ILiiqnors, JVJes, Lacei j. ('Fi; ; "'ir'. !'.: pecars,: . of b8t quality at the itery lowest rate :J MIDDLE STREET, FOURTH POOR ABOVE POJ ? . tS? Orders promptly-attended to.. ? J Apra-s. -"l.-". i ! t - - f. ? V' 4 -.- ,4 1 ' .1- 1.