i . j! ..iLJ L;,l.. 'iwiii'a - jB; y M m ; "im M.;;':V:""- ''-r-' - - KATES OF ADVERTISING V Ten lines or one Inch of rpace constitute a square. gNHHGEE, 1L D., Editor. One square, one Insertion ' - $L0O Each subsequent Insertion ' 't " ; it V,-.tV' .60 liberal deduction made to large adTcruairs. Special Notices charged 25 per cent, higher than 6r"" -rgoF, SUBSCRIPTION ; - dinary adTertisements. ' - v Yol. B-No. 1. .Fox adTertieements inserted Irregularly, 23 per cent, higher than mual rates will be charged. 1 ' ; AS business letters should be address to the publlfther. NEW BEEN, N. 0., THUESDAY, l Y 2, 1867.. 'Price 5 Cents. S J . - - - " 3.50 gVov ; - - -f t STOCK OF & BEDDING timNITUBE THE UASBY PAPERS. state. coxsisnNa m paet I- f))!fS . Mirrors, i a r - - I A Furiiltore, J- iir -... . rF - -J Sofif , , , U at n"holaJtd retail ty C Al NELSON & CO., .Crivatt Street, Street, HLWUtituy, fl.;Uv CfeTwifcuf Election The Eject it Pro-, 1 ; duced at tl I Corners, and UkftirLA ; ingtanA Proposition to Remote Vie College II iWASnrNQTOlJ. i Anril 7 1 9jR7 I left the lmocracr jubilatin. and cum on to ,Washingtl.K'feeIin that I must go where I cood find kin ired soles- The nite I aniTed thare wuz hfA carnival at the White House; The Preside! wuz in tall feather. Ther wuz Connecticut! visible all over him. j He had a wooden nutraeg for a bussom pin-a minatoor .bass wood ham nung trom nis watch fobt and in honor of! the okashun he was drinking WMlcott:&l Tinker,. Middle Sttieet, my ufriendsliipM U)Iyouby whipping you, they ; have established a barrier between the virtue of your wives and daughters and myself , and now, boys, can't, rou discover that they are your worst enemies while I am your 44 best friend " 7 - . '. : This is the position which ; must anneal to the freedmen to "stand by the Southern men l. A - J ... as yuux uesv jjticuus. ' .1 J. jl UCTOUS posiuon indeed.--iVr?r?M; Republican. ; , . - ' ,'"' 'V.:'. -..' .The Dead aad the Living.; , Are we. because we had war in bur attenmt to secede, and lost many ox s our bravest and most useful citizens because we lost millions of property and all of our rights-are we sul- leniy ana iorever to retuse tne only mode by which the living may .become prosperous and 8eu-goyerment may become establisned? Are the living to be appealed to on the? ground of duty to the dead, and the dead 'disturbed in tneir peaceful slumbers with ,lnYocationsrto give forth from their graves utterances of per petual vengeance and everlasting chaos?; We think not. If our dead could speak they would rebuke this Pagan spirit that would make one grand holocaust of the DeoDle and oronertv of this Commonwealth, under the idea that it is the only way to appease their manes. - They wouia ten us to submit to a necessity as resist less as death,! and restore to Virginia repose and : self -eroverment I We mav ludffe as to what would be' the feelings and admonitions of the dead could they feel and advise, ' by the feelings and admonitons of the. soldiers who survive, by- those of Lee, Johnston,' Beaure gard, Longstreet,' Hampton, Taylor, Mahone, t Some seem to have tm idea that we owe a duty to the late Southern Confederacy. On this point let General Longstreet speak, than whom no one fought more gallantly in behalf of that Confederacy. . He said in a recent letter:- " If the last funeral rites of the Southern 'Confederacy have not been. performed, let us, witii aue soiemmty, proceea to tne dis " charge of that painful duty, and then return ; " to our allegiance under the process laid down 1 5 bv Congress." . ' his conerratulashun's. but ez thev i r "Did it ever occur to those newsnanos whfisfi jjya supplied with the best of Wipes, Liquors, and t okkepied thirty-eight pages 'Uy legal cap pa-! aim appears to be to prevent reconstruction by jVTTfir LARD, BUTTER,, CHEESE, punches maae of. Noo England rum, ; with small slices of Wethersfield onyuns in em instead ; of. 1 inions. Randall sprung toward me cz I entei 3d the room, and clasped me by one hand, ; tho President by the other, and we thestftmt ahfogetheroniike the three graces embraced. ! They hed the advantage uv me, ez they hed one odor the onyun which 1 hedent, but I stood it. Whv not. when that ! hJt& and for'wle at Wholesale' ank Retail, for .oder . wuz from the breaths of those heyin the ton. iorrftiotof 1 ' ' " ' apmtm power? I wood hev stood it hed thev ' . C - - " -' - ' - been eatin assofcetida. . . ; . " . At this junction Sekretarv Wells, cum in. " Ha P said he, " why this unwonted hilari- iy -rs. vvuyims joy wneregreei gmerally noms her court r; ) t " The Connecticut eleckshun," said ; Ban dalL :-.' i . t . There waz a nleasant iratherin. ! Cowan was thar, and Baulsburv. and Oarrp.t Davis anti Doohttle, ihd Seymour, and Brooks, and more congratulatory leturs was read than; wood fill a page of. .the Noo York Herald. John C. Breckinriasre hoDed this ausnicious' event wuz the beginnin uv good feelin,.presagin, ez he trusted it did, the evenchooel triumph uv em wmcn ne naa aluz ben proud to call his friends. Mayor Monroe, uv Noo ' Orleans, honed that. after this evidence uv retnmin reason. Presi dent J ohnson wood not. hesitate to remove 'iflSOSS Ifcomlng to New Bern, wfll find this a neat that second Butler, Geht Sheridan, who wuz (oA comfortable piacs to stop - avwj ojius iu au uv the Iresident's friends m the jtwoB"tr r , inin- i i "Vi, u . wiucu ne wuz lately flavor . wen. JJJ-- . -T , 4 " ..'I VVlSA HATlt'-Ilia nnnrrMfnlooknnii Vvii an fhaW Graham and Family Flour of all grades. . r . - i ' . I Call and examine them. Merchants' Club ; House, I CRAVEN STREETS jear the Post Office, 1 W BERN, C. Special Notices.' iiiSSi: ,,'K..-;,. i: v.' - '-,-. ! : ' . h ' ... -- ' ; I-.:.. . r : . , : i . . ;!.-. . ' - ..- . , -.- v j COLLECTOR'S OFFICE U. 8. INTERNAL REV-) JQJUE, 2d DIST. NORTH CAROUNA, V . ' ' . ; - WuJUKQTOJr, April 1H57. ) Notice Is hereby giTen to all concerned that I haTe recelTed from Jennings Pijott, Assessor for this Die-. trict, the wmnal listi taxes f or 18CT. - ; Said list embraces licenses, incomes and articles enumerated In Schedule A. .Internal Rerenne Laws. They will be due and payable on or before the 20th of May, 1867. If payment Is delayed beyond the expiration aou. JUjmen(isaeiayeaoeyonaiDeexpirauon i m a f i .mi u m of that time, a penalty of live per cent win be added, BLA3l1j3 IIjJl 1t JLliU-fcu. together With twentv cents for nntlm. anA !-r ent tj- I t" " " 7f 1 ,-"Tj mUe for tjavel In serving It. ' ' ' ' ' 4 ' r 1 Taxes for New Hanover County are payable to me, at my office In Wilmington. , : !V ; !; For Duplin County to J. D. Southeriand, at enans- ville. :' --' ' ; . , i ' . .'' . . - f- ' For Wayne County to H. I Grant, at Goldsboro'. ' : For Wilson County to S. P. Wright, at Wilson. " ; For Edgecombe County to K. Chapman, t Tarboro. For Pitt Cornnty to -W. ; A. Cherryvat wreeiTffle. "? '': For Lenoir County C L. Estes, whj will attend at E3nston from May 0th tr May 12th. , '' : ; ' For Craven County to C. L. Estes, at Newbern. ; y For Carteret County to John A. Hedrick, at Beaufort, ' For Greene County to D. IL Spivey, aj Snow HilL ; ! For J ones County to H. W. Benson, who will attend at Trenton from May 2d to May 12th. , For Onslow County to IL W, Benson who will attend at Jacksonville from May 13th to May 20th. '. . A.:'':- '; X-- L. G. ESTES, A , Collector Int. P . 2d Disi North Carolina. , May 2 1-tf ' " ' ". iv I j-iome insurance . : yy: : V J COMPAliY, ': ' ,' Nrw ILiTtSs, Cossixticut. ,: ' ; .assets,. .. ' . , Nason & FosTiat, Agts.KewBcrne,K. C. i OFFICE AT "JBIG BO OTP '. .ItABCJLIFF" '& -JC.Om Foot of Pollok Street, ECaving RcmoTed to theia ji; , . 4 DEALEB3 IN .4 U. S. JIARSHAL'S SALE. foy 2-1-tf.ii TABLES, With all the market will supply. ; . .LODGINGS, - . -, Unsurpassed, i : i - t WM. L. PALMEE, - , ' Propietor. HeWiTork Bakery. . Im. HAmT & GO., ' MP0LL0K STREET, NETV BERN, N. C, ithat having fitted up our . . UKERY I2T THE BEST MANtfER, ire bow prepared to furnish our customers with WD BREAD, PIES AND CAKES descriptions. We will also furnish at the shortest ce, Ornamental Cakes of all descriptions', to PAJiTIES,r WEDDINGS, &a? - i feaderingWr thanks to onr customers, and soliciting antmaauqc of the same, we remain respectfully, " per, closely written, thev wuzzent read. Mosbv makinsr the Datriotisni of 1861 to 1865 the na- DOTl C rl J - "l A. i . l - . f i T . Jl i . j t . oun a cucgwucie pipe, uiaue uv wru oiilo i mousm oi to-aay4anu . to prevent i our people which wuz earvend a svmbolicle nigger, with from going for. restoration now because.they txiv wQxueriuan eagie witn ins.ciaws mw nis i went ior secession tnen,inai ineyareno Detier, wool, with his congratulations: and Fernando 1 no truer, no more honorable than General VYooa ana jesse u. .Bright and JJan voornees longstreet? When men are not too modest ck;u lAiciaix, auu, v auauuiguuiu vvameu tu kjiuw j to pui. lorwaru pretensions to -superior virtue, whether or not the President wuz a going to couracre and devotion, they should not-be .too accept the'situation and take the Dimocratic modest to point to the services onsehich such party to nis Duzzom ? f so he had a list ot pretensions are based.-iwcATO7ia t Whtgi appomtmentt tor bouthera Ohio,' which he . -orfiAtliPT r T V,arf t. ttto mir i -TOOK JP KLLOW. 1HB lOCai CUHOf OI lUB ; ' JULVXV -JL, AJXIjUL AAV, UlbbVA U1VIV ,1411 I "r- T11 V 0T9 i 1 i , , niociM xr:u- t; a rot? Jreori (liuj ro7crpi, wno nas.iust oeen mar out t om -i;iU m t o r ned. thus rejoices over his change of state : askedi ez pertinent to' the question, whether Nompreare we doomed to room in darkattics, vi- nrtt ttioi. nrfsiws nnaf 1 mummaieu oy we iainw ouor oi suue touacuo. nost office within four milfta nv it - J and miserable. No, sir, we are now settled for vu, ; iv uo ouiu c, . ecu tuc (Euuauic vtu i . - . , . . , man. vacantlv. " T rRmpmhpr. TTawlpv . wuz l8 are curious uvcr mepriwux uuttt,iin elected overlJover-what wuz his n&eM1! onr cftTididati ?' - ' a-piciuo wi iub uawus upuu us "That "Well r-AV.1"" 1 terestinfffamilv SrSSvr bsntnooks.who loo up to us and Mf-- y' 7A call us mad." With such a possible prospect, eekretary Kandall repiled, ae woodent noia I Tir T z A. .r 1 i. & wuz last veer P sed Seward, anrrily. Iecm "V" V.uCiLT uBCVf r perhaps it wuz. When ldid that I: rT" of six rascallv white-headed "KTOTICE : In accordance with a decree of the United V States Wstrict Court, held In New Bern, N. C, April 1B67. I will expose for sale at Fublic Auction' on Friday, May ioth, :'-v' ;:. . ' i at 11 o'clock, ' ' in the forenoon, in front of my office on Broad . Street, the following property, via : FODK BARRELS OP WHISKY. . V ? ' I ONE-FOURTH BARREL OF GIN. Terms cash in U. S. Currency. ' ' ; V .. ' : ROBERT C KEHOE, ' - t: i i; v Deputy U. S. MarBhaL ': May S-l-UOmay rL',:'v ; : L v..,-4.::: i A OAED TO IHVAIIDS. S A Clergyman, while residing in South America, as a missionary, discovered a safe and simple remedy for the Cure of Nervous Weakness, Early: Decay, Diseases of the Urinary and Seminal Organs, and the whole train of disorders brought on by . baneful and ' vicious habits. Great numbers have been cured by this noble remedy I Prompted by a desire to benefit the afflicted and unfor tunate, I will send the, recipe for preparing and using this medicine, in a sealed 'envelope, to any one who needs it. Fret of Charge. .. Address, ' ' .' :'J '' - JOSEPH T. INMAN, ? : ! . Station D, Bible House, . ' May2-l-tf.; v , , ; , New York City. - u: a': HRomaine : CRAVEN ST., ; NEAR SOUTH FRONT, ( (Under Vie BiOiard Saloon,) WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN ..' WINES, LIQUORS' SEGARa r't AND TOBACCO. T SO POLLOK STREET, Harrison iitJ II B B R OF ALL KINDS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. Building Material Building &rM-tf: JL HAHN & CO. To tlie Public. J. IV. VAUGHN, Cor. South Front and Hancock Street, r B paying the highest market prices for all kinds of LSUFACTURERS' STOCK, !. . T ' i ' oldiron j ; j t . OLD BRASS, i i ' . , 1 OLD LEAD, ' - T OLD COPPER. S1GS, tc. &c m ' 1 , lay 2-1-tf . - ' l , ? who wouldn't get married ? And then the joy Jntinrthnraniitita tlt 1, wr1ptit-fulfill Hfi OUwwwauguuwuiwww, WllUO poUtawaz Ms cheef fato and had well nigh "tUng them ouknhen ftey hpon liis "mn rVho. first mi panr wnz easv to HU""' "& Y -rv-w ....v... 1 . : . -. z . . 1. v. 1 l Rtatmcf and havinf1 them hkvwn nr hvtnv ran anserf-tne eiecfcsimn returns wooa maicaiea rri " " ; r" -"'"IV? 7t1tt 7 to anpinan uv ordinary intellek that ther wuz w-nfSSriFrS rUctiiWpQ AitiiPi- in PPtiit. nr vptv lmndv of .domestic bliss that we couldn t . resist, and FURNISHED AT Are now prepared to sell to their old customers' r ' : i A' I 1 x ! I- and the public in general, a I. 1, i - - NEW AND SELECT STOCK OF DRY GOODS, j CLOTHING, ; Short Notice. 4 - ! " - SPOKES AND, STAVES. - r ' ' '- ;- . 1 : r ' " J -' ' ' - ' - ' -. :i , " . t37" Tenna Cash. . f Mayg--l-tL r: ' ' ' ''. . . 1 . Hubba & Brotherj , ;i - l ' WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN ' r.;,:',H ,.'.ii-:';'.f.-f .rr ,-. ':;i . OROCEISr FR O VisioNrs, ; ; . ; - V 'f cb ockery, : , . - , v : ' J ' r i FINE BIQlfOBS; ''. : cfccv cfec., cc? :-' j MIDDLE STREET, v r distilleries either in Conneticut or yery handy to the State, but ther wuz no Post Offisis to spared To carry the State every wun of em had bin solemnly promised. ThePresident remarkt that hereely shoodn't think that triflih circumstances wood interfere with fdvin uv em to other men. At this pint I broke in. " I told em firmly that onless I cood hev a better post-offis than the wun I ad I woodent go. 1 cood go and cood move wat there is.uv College bildins.- It so we didn't. Chicago, in 1830, was a fur station, with only four white inhabitants ! In 1834, when the town had nearly 2,000 inhabitants, tne male population turned out. to kill a bear, and before their return had shot forty wolves.; The place was a great rendezvous for savages until 1835, when the Fottowatomies were carted on t xl -! 1 J -:Tl 3. 1 A ! oy me jjxississipui. , - xi Beemeu uimubb uuiu- TO: my ?bck of Wines, LIquotb,' Segars and Tobacco, which I keep of the best quality, constantly on hand, 1 have added a good stock of the beet 1 ? hi GROCERIES: j . '.. .... : . , . V - ! . ' and have made arrangements for a fresh supply by every steamer from New York. : v.- it you desire gooa Siu-itaasiisu iriAJVK, uea, Coffee, Sugar, Pork, or anything in my line, give me a calVand I will be pleased to serve you. Craven street, under the Billiard Saloon. N. B. I make a specialty of Self-Raising Flour, and ask you to give it a trial. . -: inay a l-rt -:. GOODSPEED'S -Weekly Steamship Line, it B00TSand SHOES, . -i ONE DOOR SOUTH OF POLLOK STREET, f E. HUBBS. MayS 1-tf O. HUBBS. HATS and CAPS, STRAWjGOODS, And a great many articles too numerous to mention, al1 going towards making a complete stock of : E VERSOS & CO;, "Alsd WHOLESALE and RETAIL GROCERS, Foot of Middle et., opposite the Market, NEW BERN, N.-C. woodent cost much tu pay freight on that cor- habitable bv white men. beinir for the greater Between New Yb ind -N't . - v.ii " lU-i La- I . - .-' . - . ' vj .-. I ner siun, ? i spose a.oeuer uu cuuiu uc gut ai part 01 the time under water, and knee-aeep SOBTE CAROLINA AGSIQULTUSAL BOUSE " u; :v - AND- i . ;- ' . Hardware Store. ym - 1HTCIIELL. ALLEN & . CO., wuok. Street, ..-v : - NEW BERN, N..C o is hallowed.- There are tender associashuns n0w. after the lanse of onl v thirtv-twc years. hangin round it. ; It wuz the corner stun uv a4 it has a population of 250,000 ; a passenger or nigger scnool house whicn we burned over the j railway train reaches or leaves the city every veto uv the Civil Rites bill. -But I wont go to fifteen rnmntes of the tmrentv-f onr honrt near- Conneticut onless my subsistence is asshoored. j 000 vessels, employing 10,000 sailors, ply There is more money thar than in Kentuck, between it and other lake ports. V It exported but I doubt wether they wood support me ez last year over 53,000,000 bushels of grain. Its well. 1 speak frankly. I km thinK why a flonr mills nroduce about 1.000 barrels of flour rnan kin be a Dimycrat in Kentuckey -hes every working day; in the season of three i North Carolina. CARBYING UNITED STATES MAIL. The A No. 1 Steamship -;' HOB ART, Master. ,L sail from this por for,' New York, dlrec , .SATURDAY, MAT 4, 1867, Hcchanlcs' 1 Tools, Builders' Supplies, Harness Coach . Materials, Farming Implements and HORACE L . EMF.-RY ife Rfl"Wfl:-v VITQN a GINS - AND CONDENSERS. -r American and English HARD WARE. j . f m SEND TOR A CATALOQDE.B aaya-i-ir. ' ; TO SHINGLE GETTERS p offer for sale a large quantity of excellent Cy p r ess Timb er, interested.- in niggers, i I km appreciate the months it has. converted S04.649 hotrs into "nimrMrrinv nv Snthern Tnieanv: ' Illinois and I ' i -M - a n a . !,i trn miu nri 11m v n. w , nin u j..uui aii - - - - -m w vw - - - . and Ohio, coz they come from that region, and the. cattle each working day. and sold last year . All Qpcsjdremy c win be received ana 1. 1 . - ; a. a t -. a wi - r TnTnmriiHii n run Kia lajuiuuddiuu - . : ma- seKona generasnen ami goi 10 oe voters, a 614.000. 000 feet of lumher Meantime, the citv "WiZZZi w, ,t, mno wmime- i -1 a .T Ai ta? it : i I . ' ' . -- - ' : 1 x ui v i''" -o-j. . : r . Kin unuersianu tut? jjununsy 1x1 jjj.urrisey a has been lilted DOdilv out of the ouagrmre. ana 1 dations. anplv at wm. n. ouver c w.-s jjtick otore, and Firnandv Wood's deestricks. but pardon thaIa as TiAnsnmA na it -aflnvtr(h1nD v. The to t C. P. GOODSPEED, Agent. mo. I want trt jtppt vprv rlpnr nf I ;rvrmet!fnt I v. xn. r. 1 ' may l-Q : -a. - , , Aiik.o uoo uccu iiuxiuciicu iui piuo waboi., ouu Dimycrats. . the river is to be tunnelled for railways. Im- My remarks wuz interrupted by Salsbury, provements of all kinds are projected on the who naa om surepuaousiy umuun puncu wiiu 1 grandest scale, and the city promises to De ine iaaie, ; anu me uuer uv mc uiiiuus uver-1 come one of the handsomest in the wona. Lorcli? Brothers, EZAIXB3 EI comin him he rolled under the table, and very shortly thereafter the m 4n broke up. I leave home to morrer, or ez soon ez I kin draw my mileage. - " i Petroleum V. ! Nasitbt, P. M. - taBeSnS?6 SwmCreek 4 (Wich is Postmaster,) and likewise Professor m!21. vcaiuori county. r. f. -n..i-i-iT-ij:v annnm mn JS-1-It. ITCHELL, ALLEN & ("r WEST'S BOOK STOKE mWS DBPOT. AJpSP! New York Daily Papers! Harper's, edJpo7 Beadle's, Ballous', Old Guard, Ac, receiv- . wvu lUOIllQiy. ' . , ' uv Biblikle Politicks in the Southern Clas- sikle and Military Institood. . r .' ALSO, tadia' Wnwk . uu uook; 1 such as uoaeys, Demor "Chfiun 814 Leslie's ladies' Book. : C7. Cornern Harper's Weekly, Leslie's mus Ao, every week.' , I ' . TTT A m-rn-r -- t- -r- -r-r- wn to aiviovers of selectli teratnre. UTIOKERT, ISK, pEN8 &(,) &ti nf oil U , " -f STOiRE, . ; uwhjwub ana itetau Dealers In 'I f - LIQUORS &SECJARS, - UJIU .AiancocKtreew. The Conservative's Appeal i to Colored Men. Text Stand by the southern men as your best friends." JTw?i Journal. V Tom, 'don't you remember the time I tied yon up arid whipped you until the blood run down yotir heels, for not accomplishing your task, and - showing a little independence ? , Then you run away! and I paid a "nigger catcher " for hunting jrou down - with blood hounds ! Torn, it was i who did r these little friendiy acts; and you must see that I am your " best friend." . - . : . . ' Joe, don't you remember how I sold your old mother to pay a little debt I contracted ? Tou was young, then;' J oe j your old mother took it mighty hard, but! had to do it, you know, to prove that I am your ."best friend" Dick, don't you remember .how I sold your wife and children to go South f Don't you remember how the poor woman cried and screamed'wheh she parted with you, and how you wept and moaned as you looked your last on your .wife and; children Well, Dick, you know ydu was a slave then)and I treated you and yours just as though you were so many horses, all of which goes to prove that I am your best friend" Now, boys, don't you see .1 have always been yenr" best friend " ? - Just "k ; the Yankees made you free ; They lost three hundred thousand lives, spent billions of money made soldiers of you, gave you your civil rights, established the freedmen's bureau to take care of and educate you and your chil aren, and now, they have made citizens of you and given you the elective franchise. They have returned you your wives and children that I sold from you, they won't let me show T. POWERS:: South Front Street, NEW BERNE, N. 'C, Impprtef ... and Dealer - in !.'- i i- .-t i - Dry Goods P. 3LERWIN & CO., , . Wholesale Dealebs is' -; and Domestic -l WINES AND LIQUORS, CIGARS, ' y,:f, H TOBACCO, ' - 1 W - South ; Front ; Street, - V OPPOSITE THE GASTON HOUSE- "TTTpOLESALE and Retail Dealer In Guns, Eevolvera, , .1 V - Pistols, Ammunition of all kinds. Musical Inrtru- ' mentSf Sheet Music latest publication. Watches, Jew- eiry, nau, caps, sxl, very jow ior ca&n. - ' . SED J?RQNTXO.;1& POLLOK ST.' - We would be pleased to see you an, and show yon pur I STARCH GLOSS. stock. Jest come to ,- i V aOiPbllok Street FOREIGN AND D OMESTIC WINES, " ; -.-V- ' . i LIQUORS J . K - r ' i ,, V and CIGARS, . . - -.. " i ; ' ,. ;-. ' ...'. .-" . - . r' j THE CHOICEST BRANDS IN STORE. , , ; - ' - - , i'; - S . ' i r . Agents for SMITH'S Celebrated Present Use and Stock Ales. GROCERIES, ; :,-'lA-A' PROVISIONS, ; r ? DRY GOODS, . . BOOTS and SHOES, &c ftonntrv Produce always on hand. Accommodation for Farmers on the premises. ,. -...j u BROAD STREET, , . May2 l-lm -V' ,' , ; -NEW BERN, TSi c." ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, - . r ' ' " I ' . OrrvsK Cobjoeb Pollok asd Hakcock Sts., NEW BERN, N. C v ' 1 May 2 1-tf 1- i Geo. S. Campbell ' - rtiAKES pleasure In showing or selling his large stock X of , . - FINE TABLE CUTLERY, ' - TEA TEA Y8, CASTORS, LAMPS, OIL, tc. RED FRONT 1 8 POLLOK ST. MayS-'-tf " y , J. P. ; Eamblin, , CVaren NEW BERNE, N. C i WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN i(?jr, FLOUR, GROCERIES 'AND LIQUORS. May 2-1-tf This ALE is Brewed exfiressiy tor DOu - ... j T-.-.l-l- and WARRANTED TO KEEP IN ANT CLDLATE. , j r ' : , iiaUgnim, ' Being exclusively engaged in the above businesss, I YDEALE 'S GROCERIES AND LIQUORS, - prep to Dffe, SPECIAL II" . . , gXTt parties purchasing In my ne. ... .; T. rOWERS. New Bekt, N. C. May2 1-tf. May 2 1 tf Harrison mm rrtHB most economical article thai can be used, costing "J. only about onicent to do the washing of an ordinary5' sized family. . -, - - Gives a line. Ivory-like polish to linen or muslin. ' ' Effectually prevents the Lron and dust from adherins - - Makes old linen look like new. . Goods done up with it keep dean much longer, there by saving time and labor in washing. - , ; ., , Warranted not to injure the clothes. '-J . ' ' J 1 so cents per caxe. Laoerai aiscounu to the trace, j - V r, IMPERIAL BLUE. - ;. . . ' . UEST IN THE WORLD. ' 8oluble in hard as well as soft water. ' - ' Warranted not to streak the clothes. 10 cents per box. Liberal discount to the trade. t37 Afrents wanted everywhere, to sell the above articles, to whom we offer extraordinary inducements. " camples sent postpaid on receipt of above prices. t liiiW xOilK 8TARCU GLOSS CO. May2-I4y;: No. 218 Pulton SL, New Tork. REMEMBER THAT T"pmfTiniTKKit THAT REMEMBER THAT REMEMBER. THAT REMEMBER' THAT ; WbMers and Mustaches ! , FORCED to grow upon the smoothest face In from , three to Ave weeks by using Dr. Sevigne's Restaa rite or Capillaire. the most wonderful difcoverv in , modern edeoce, mcXXuz npon the Beard and Hair In an " almost miraculous manner. ' It has bsea used by the - elite of ' Paris and London with the most Haltering - success. Xtames of an pnrcnasers wlu be registered. . BAER & EPPLER BAER; & EPPLER BAER ' &' EPPLER r v BAER & EPPLER . BAER: & EPPLER; ..Jy..- ''Ay---mm:Y . HAVE REMOVED TO - i . f A - - HAVE REMOVED TO . , 1 . ; i - . ' HAVE REMOVED TO , . w i : " HAVE REMOVED TO ' ; ' ; , j HAVE REMOVED TO 1 - V A' " M SO POLLOK r BTREET t o nrtT T rXr OTUffW 50 POLLOK STREET, J 80 POLLOK STREET,: -i A' HARRISON BUILDING. HARRISON BUILDING. HARRISON BUILDING. HARRISON BUILDING. HARRISON BUILDING. -f 'V New Bi-rn, May 2 1-tf. and if entire satisfaction is not given in every instance. the money will be cheerfully refunded. Price by mail, sealed ana postpaid, $1. Descriptive circulars and tes timonials mailed free. Address BERG EH, MIUTTS & COM Chemists, No. 2S5 River street, Troy, N. Y. Sole agents for the United States. t Mays My .,; ALTJli ! 'AND DRY PLASTER,'' .:-. FIRE AND BURGZAB PROOF WARRANTED the best in the world 1 Never eorrode the Iron. Never lose their fire-proof qualities. Are the only Safes filled with Alum and Dry Plaster, fiease sena or cau zor an xuastrstea uauaosue. - MARVIN & CO. - if V ' " Principal 1 No. 2G3 Broadwsy, New York. - -' Warehouses fNa 721 Chestnut st Philadelphia, ' 2Iay2 l-tft. .; ; . '- ?; ; .':, -1 5; Beauty l.r,:-": Attburn, Golden, I Flaxen and Silken A ';y ..Curls,.-; PRODUCED hy the use cf Prof. De Ereux rriser la,' Cheveux. One' application irarranted to curl thoi most straight and stubborn hair of either sex into waw rino-lcta, or heavy, massive curls. Has been used by the f asLicnables of Paris and London, with the mot mil- - fylr results. Does ru injury to the hair. Price by -mail, eeded and postpaid, i. Deerriptive circulars ' mailed free. Address LOIGER, illUTTS & CO., -Chemi?ts, No. 2S5 Elver street, Trov, N. Y. Sole snts for the UnibM Mates, . May 8 My . 1. it 31 if . f