rrs: ... Ml WBEKllMmOIl RATES OFADVERTISINQ: rt'.numiii) Tm-vntKKur. JAJCE3 a EAM1303I, PuKuW. " Tw-aaaaaroaateakaf a r' aaka.aa-a.aajM taantoa f.'. M UtaiaJ 4a-tutlao m4. k Iwy idaaillim. RATW Of ll'WItiniOli Ttnu .M III AJwc. . Owa YmT ' . -.; 0 Hi! MMHk I'., . . 1X1 l'lu. HuilM t , HO (M Month i W SkutajS HawajBljUt-W Steaa. Mfm VoLL-No.2. Fay Slraajtla au luartai Inajralartj, U aejr aajaA.' klfWtkM wawaawUtbaAtfaai. ., . All ka latlaaa akoaat ka aa-a to Ik. p-Mlakar. NEW BEEN, II 0, SATUEDATj MAY 4, 1867. Price 5 Cent FUENITURE & BEDDING , . IN TO! hTATh. mUHIimHO U tAKl or , In, MUtom, (Wn, CrUtea, '"rtur arwH.ra, where, oft. AW m'hI ' rHMl e C.A.lfELS0NC0., Oram BtiMt, Bums IEWIEM, I a My ' " WooUcotT& Tinker," Minus nan. Hitc m h.ud ud for eel. M WWmli and KrUU, lor oaah, a lava lot of ''..'-.' COUNTBT LAUD, BUTTER, CHEESE, BtrJtwbial, Qrauaai awl Family Flour of all gradee. Call end examine then. May1-tf. "Merchants' Club House," cratex amKsr, . Near Uie Post Office, - ' NEW BEKN.'N. C. pKItsONS eoralnf la New Ban. VU1 lul Uila a naal . l"" . ij MUrmH. Alwuya anpulled wttk tba beat of Wlaaa, Uqnora, and CUara. ' . . - TABLES, Wltk an Ik narkat wlH aopply. . LODGINGS, Vnaarpaaaafl, v j . WJf. L. PALMER, 'i ' Marl-l-lt Pioplator.' New York Bakery. 3L IIAILV & CO., l POLL0K RTIlEtT, XBW BURS, N. C, k mMMinw la oar patro tttA Iba pabMe la fmeraL f . iiuu aaviug niiuu u) our .. BAKEUT IN TUB BEST MNNEiC . are now nr? j to fnraMt our aulomen with GOOD BREAD; TIE AND CAKES ( H d'rlptlona. ' WelH alao fltmloh at the ahqrtcat Otloo, Ornamuuial Cakaa ol all duacuriyiluua, to . PABT1K3, WEDDISQ8, &.C. , x ...' TMiHtfrinf oar thauka to varmaionxwa, and aoltdtlnf . a coniinuaucw of tba aaaaw, wa rvuaia nauiuoUullr, , if mi i " i I i iai aia n i ai i - M. UAU.M CO. Mayl-l-tt. To the Public. J. W. VAUGHN, X)or. So utU Front and Hancock Street, JS pnj iut; the htybeat market price for all kiuda of MANIFACTCHKRS' 8T(K'K, OLD IKON, OLD BRASS, OLD l.KAD, OLD COPPEK, - RAOS, 4c. . UarM-tf. v ' ' . '' ' EVKRSOJT fc- CO., TURPENTINE DISTILLERS, Mlllor'a Wharf, Viilnn Point; Alto WHOLESALE and R1-.TA1L aitOCKRS, Foot of Miridh at., oppoalte the Market, HEW Dlitill, H. 0. Mayll!m. . Z10RT11 VABOhllTA AHHirVLTDBAL UOVSE . . . , . Hardware Store. MITCHELL, PoUoK Street, ALLEN A COi, , NEW BEEN, N. C. MechAnica' Toota. Uiillilera Mipplloe, llarneaa nod C.'ouih Halurlnia, FntuilUjl Implement, und Mn- ClllUL'fl. HOBACE L. EMERY & SON'S COTTON 6 INS AND CONDENSERS. Amerluui and En-Uah HAHDWAUE. t8END FOR A CATALOG U.ffiJ MnjJllf: TO SHINGLE GETTEBS. off or for tale a Utrc quantity of exedknt Cypress Ti m b o Lylnff at the htd of Tittle Swift Creek and Dnrliani CrtHik, tn Btmufurt county. May J-I-Jt H1TCUBLX, ALLEN at CO. WESTS BOOK STORE NEWS DEPOT. ALL (lie prinrtplil New York Dully Pjipwn; nurpt-r, Atlttnttr, lk-rtflk' f. HaIIuh1, Old'Uuttrd, Ac.r rccciv. c;d apvu publictttion monthly. . ALSO J. The Lndloa1 Favhlon Book Bach aa Otyjidj-'i, Dcmor. t's, Fvturaou'a and LulJui Ladiea Douk. "Chimney Corner," llarpot Woukly, Leslie's Illoa trated, etc, Ac, erury weak. OUR CIRCULATING LIBRARY offcra groat attraction to all lovcra of Delect U U'latore. STATIONERY, INK, PEXS, 4c, 4c, ofallklnda. DOITT F0BOXT TBE rtACB, " I WEST'S BOOK STORE, ' No. IS Pollok Stiuit. .. MajM tf. . .. . I:.., - : J. W. VAUCiH.V, . Wholeaaks and Retail Dealfira In WINES, LIQUORS SEGARS, Cor. South Front and Hancock Streets. Ka.Mlf tpuoii or . ma uoa. -.v. .. conwi.1, OK KKW YOltK, Btfort Utt Man Minting of foe tlmu. suntV yernotl in J'eltrtOurg, Va. Mr. Thouia W. Conway, of New York, beiug called fur, made bis appear ance mill Hku im follows, in sultunoo i ... ..i.. i .. i. . i . i. i-T" lyA loya. .p,, l .x.i.U.oUi and to aou Urn uoora ol Uiu Cuurt-LoUMi am nut i-uia... I am uot' Here to J.ocate a radioul I ? 5Ur 11 l.he d 'ut war, but a radical j, ik-n will C ! r ' T ""J" fl,yU,lng Ut ut, but that ,hU loiWud to euuutyl "T iaU ,I laWI, Uaiuc-a oi Luc rcUuiouj 1 kiow twl how) it .h with Uio pu.H.r. bre, but 1 hope twlj, lrty 1" """J -"P.? P W1 h.v. better Lnt-ucua, wil lilJ1!?' r,fili!.', Tour to jn-aou uud bind our beuru. togetUcrtv l' Uiuc, witu r. BVtJ Uio action ol mu inmii.K held on tlu- 4iiuio luot uiyiit, liaiv it a wide an- adopted ana those pusscd ut the ICTcii- . "7 , i , T- """""V uo not weicome uiu Act oi liongitsa tor ro- construction; Hay biuipiy accept it iimi ,imfc KitK'J UU UUb Wl'lCUUIC II, tUJW9 lliut they uiu not ready to Im inc.tuai 1 1UUI Ulw lejlUWK uito tl.e uu ,. 1 ee o rco- Wnt,,,., ... I,,.,,., ... i ...., .... ,. v.iii.iaa iui uivii aw- rdv llZ'.TtX:. inaiiiaber I,. W Hon any one i liere wua one olieiisivc remark iu lUL" speech ot ilv. i,yoii Unit ingiil, WlllCll suows tliut, ultiiouyli tliey liuv c taken u step ui Uiu rigut uucclioii, tliey aiu not lur ciMiugli uuMUicea yet. They may be ui Uiiiiy or sixty days. He Ke oi Uio tony una WicKcaiuBs of tlio bituutiou. lou ao not cuU it ho. This is the rcuhou ol Uie absence of tliunttuiiie-is. 1 tlinik it will bring solid peace and proxjKM'ity, ni8.u uie iuc. auaeinere l a O ' ft ... u.v mui. a uo not come to aggravate tneso troubles, but to lend my voice unit my cll'ui ta to nasten Uiu pviiod wlieii it suall lorever euO. 1 eoine, ttiso, to enjoy uie rignt ol la-e Hpecch. Wlieu we were celeofutiug tiie doulti of Mr. Liucoiii, in Uicliinoim, Uie otner day, 1 heard that tliere wa-i to be a meeting ot conservative colored peo ple iu the theatre. borne of the colored i linltlir.Uis wanted tii4ul4Uiuia but4 said uo ; 1 want ire speech, it uoiiserva tivc men ai o ready to uiik to colored men, uicy nnve a ngni to uo so, and 1 w ou.u tigut to niainiMii it. W'u inuhi buve gieat iioliticul iiiii tiis, and those w ho win be most bcnciiitcu. by tlicm uiu Uie coioied men. 1 uo i.ot, iisl the term "coioreu" us one ot reproacn, Out only becuu.se it has not been yet uoue away with. 1 hope Uie prcjuuiee win sooii puss away, una that stuvciy and on that belongs to it will be bunco loievei. it all beioie me were biaoK men, 1 wou.d say 'iehovv citizens," and we are rapid y uiijii oucuiug Uial jjuiiit. it w.il nut in long bciore you wul have council Uacn ers in your schoo.H, and eijual rights, iu the courts, uiierty una equality ior a.l alike, reguroesM oi race. hen you are canea uiiou to vote, it is important inul you snoind know wlial you are about und now yuu are to vo.e. On Lue Ui'it-joocas.ou w..eu you wui b. cuiitd UjhiU to v.verci.ic .tn.s rigtn, ju stiouni careiiiiiy coiisiUer tile mailer oc lore J ou go to the banot box. " on shouia go there ' peace and without violence. Show by your oonaiict ul thai ! time that you are worttiy to vote. Some j There is plenty of land in tho South for have said that in giving you tnc right to 1 the )0or without resorting to confiscation, vote, that they were tin n.ng loose a pack i l'ui,iH will sell you land for i and, ot ravenous wolves, i-rom my actjuain-; .j an acre. When you can buy it so tancc with you, I can see no tosiiim4tpwviieed on your part to act as such. I would not j ,i the rich, 1 womd only advise ooulis- uttera svllitble to lead to violence. Act like nieir, as 1 am certain you will. Your first vote will be the greatest vote ol your life. Some say that you 'may' be bought .for a glass of whisky, but I do not believe it. Some of you may love it, butyou love franchise and all your civi. rights better. Learn that this right is j ..i.i.i.. I not a lmrchasable commodity Y'ou are to voto aa a now party iu the 'Soiah. The bill was not intended for that purpose, but to guarantee to you your rights and the enjoyment of them, and those who sustain these constitute a new party, and the prevailing class need not be alarmed nt tins. .) e nave, two parties in the North, and you had two iu the South, and the new party is ou you it clmuot be avoided it is a fixed fact. Its platform is just and broad, and all are invited to stand on it. It is particularly atlapted to tho pnor man, for it guaran tees all his T Sights. 1 am aware that there are prejudices in the South against class es. The rich look upon the poor with contempt This ought not to be the ease, for the Lord Jesus loved the poor.-?-Whcii the election comes on, let me- ad vise you to vote for those principles which give encouragement to the poor man. I' would not injure the rich, for they have rights, but I object to their having a wniole loaf, when there are others' starving for the want of a' crumb. You must remember Uiat your vote will tell until the close of your life, so far as political principles are concei ned. You are about to form a new constitution and inaugurate anew order(pf things. When ConifTva aliull hv auoo)iU.4 tint Coiioti- tuuuii, and rocivi4 vour Utproiafutay tiviK, thon clcctci under it will have the power to nidle your lawt to luit tliem Milvt', to tlicy arc lint iuoooniaUint with' the Cotuttuium ot tiie L mtjd bUto.- Who will tlicu $m int ail the minuti of the lnwi ut timt you may sot be ot- i i . ' . ... t. i piwmwu i u uu arc not oiirvim in yourj - tir,troto Wr pririlogee mar be gonej forever You uLt OiSaU . LpubM . ... . 1 I "T ' U.I , . . i . , " i i T g.l V r t fe11'1 : tL U I w-.l..,.:. Ti.r ;...,, , .t,,. 7 , f an cud. wantancwayatein educa- tion for all io ,thc State, a aj to have it you must njt ally youme.vcs with the Conservative, but with Uu Ucpublioaiig, who arc ready to defend your 'rights, and ! " wh7 "ZV . . l "d d.id n(,t tl.o pri- ZZZ? TlyS '? i not nt'oiKiw to Iiiivi' hi drvnld iv'icrA tlm ! ul,,i..,l 1 .1 .... L ...... ..!.. but will let it f;ike its .own cj.irst in tlie luture. V l.n I u.it .1 .1 I .... i... I. ..,L 1 1 : I . ' ' ... " . " V. 1 1 . w -n.llWt a ?ilt 'J , uu.i mu nut iiu uiui 1 wua d.'gia.llli uiysell' until 1 got old enough to read JtolilicM. He W.lga better scholar t iaii 1 w ax, and a better boy, tor I trot three whippings to one If anyone ..IllMl.t. 1.1 U'lllfl. Ull.l Kl.,lr aIi.I. m. , t0 thu S!lmefidu)0 you mn bxlM -j auinuicu K"'S t, for the co.ored until the ureiudice is re moved.- 1 do not think tiiero is onythiug wrong in tluit. I want evt-ry oiti&n to'eiijoy his righto in the courts und among others to sit on juries.' We. do not want a jury of one ciass, to try individuals of anoUivr, but tuir miiidud inert reganlless of color. ' I know I am now treading on oonia, but Uie rights of man guarantee this or ,nothing. nAVV.JlA lint ni.ant.t.1 tjftr ;i'ii,)'.'mi, servat;ve who does nut come with a clean Ceconl. The fights about caste should end forever. Il our oiutionu is riirlit and I J list, all good men w.il stand on it. c want you to have uijother right, thj right to purchase land, and- peaeeably to enjoy it. If y ou have money mid wont io imy land, and the holder rei uses to sell i it to you because you ar j a negro, that man is not reconstructed. I hear that some landlords act in this manner, that is one reason why the couatry is desolate, and tiiu South not admitted into Ue Union. i here is another regret which you have, thnt y ou will protect by adhering to the Republic. n party, and that is to peaceably vole w.tiiout being gagged, knocked down, or having your throat cut Laws should be parsed to prevent any man from nteifer.ug with a voter on election day. N'e want laws in the principles of the re , uiiiican party that guarantee all these liits, and wul give strength to the peo- ! ,..-, .mn iijiin uji me avenues oi ousmess, o .ha poverty and wiikjdness will. fly away. There is no saivution but in the n.lontioh of the BcDublican nlutfonn. cation it the men who precipitated these iroHoits remain oostmate m relusmg the jirovisious oi the He-construction act. I would then enforce the Confiscation act, ami bring them to their senses. But I neither hope for, Dor expect anything like that. I am encouraged bv all that I see. and especially by the acceptance of it by 4k ! .1.:.. . I..: .. i . . i. n Ihe meeting in this place last night. They iiroiuised to accept the situation at the ciose of the war, and yet they have not done anything like it The legislatures have passed laws, such as the vagraut law of Virginia, which prove that they do not. . , You say you accept the situation. Well, do accept it, and do. all that you can to bring this condition of things .to. an "end, and come ou the republican platform. In the Kichmond meeting, a man named'.! Damek, a judge, but not bo sensible a man' as the-one who went iu the den of lious, advised the black men to fight the 'Yan kees back who might come to Virginia. Th is 'language is contemptible The Con. stitution of the United States guarantees the same rights to a citizen of New Eng land iu Virginia as he has at home. I invite you to come to New York, and I assure . yoa . I will not fight you. Some peoplo say we Northern men come here to get your money. lie who says this, is a co.vurd. We must mix. up; wo art one I COD e. aud OU rht to ho nrmirl tn mn..t iach other; aud when we come to this I Ooiiit. we wi be hannv und nniti.. TrETJKai r,- "J""r une, gi,a ma a ioi grass nas aonj a nooiework all. the way through. Soma assert that Congress did not intend to free von. True, this was UVk nMiJcAtlllAdl att lllA laMi.i.tnffj Wilt I wm by-uhd-by betuar late Lbau never. Many of u Lad been prayins for yoa for j cms, auiu wiaH eiarerj anouia oome io an end and God grve iu freedom a our re ward. CongrtM ia to-day ijilardiaa of freedom, and ia loved in the bearta of all loyal and true citizen. I enjoy thii meet ing to-niL'ht.. I eee before nvt white men, war, but tbey ail eoraa to be In aa good i . . i r ii ji .a - 1 niniivr f aiu, ii war uiuur io pou tice. but that will not cause oa to qivarreL I aujor it for another reaton. It it the aeooud sty in Virginia in whicn I bave apokea. J f tlikll go to rest feeling that I have doii a good thing to-night. I should like t ave stayed In iijohmond and taught tjie editor a leaaoo. Tbey said ther vera triad that I was cone. Vircinta formerly prided herself oo her horpiulity, but shtj i not as mnoh so as she was be fore the wary The old fires still bum. with agIden lore for the negro. ' I sup pose ebna -here lave also- Ther would like to tJl theirr bow much they love the negro. In Richmond the poor men said Unit as Mr. Macfarloud had taken bold of him, thai they could. 4 see Some here who are bold enough to eay f I am a Uetmblican." Wheal wt hoiue l will tell New York that there m Lojoof Pitereburgn that she had ojiened bier Court House door and invited a Matioaal Ucpeblican to apeak to ber 1 ..jf "'"u ."7 I thank you for, on, kind'., rou forjvour kind attention and bid you n atlectiouate good night. . . . Special Notices. collector s orncK v. a. imtkknal kv- i t.NLK, nil D18T., NOltTll CAltOLlNA, Wiuiimto-i, AucU aW 1ST. i Notlot b liarab- gti-aa to all wcumad that 1 War I ""- "" a-M-a-ua yiiiuu, Aeaa.aor lor UUa Pla. ' . .i . , ... . . I . ". aaa-a aaa iua J SaM Uaankraeai HoaWM, linaa m4 artidaaj uinmerauat la netted ate A, Laurual Ha Ms a. Utn. ThefwIU hi dua aad iiayabl. oa or bofon Ueaxhof ' lm- iu pj" UdeiArcd t.;oBd to. uplraUoa JtJl I . nut lur mval in aonrlng IL Tuaax Mew UaaoTor CoontJ an pajaala to na, at nj oooa la WUadattoa. , - -. - . : For Duplin Coantjr to i. D. aoaUiertBd,..t Kanaaa for Wajla Conntr to R. L. Grant, at OoU.kote'. 1 Kor Wilava Coutjr to H. t. Wrat, at WUava, for kdgatuuilw Couutj to B. tnapaian, at Tarboro. 'For PiU'Miitf to W. A. tiutmj, at UrwurUkt, . . fur Loiiair Couuljr tii . L, JMoa, who will Mtaad at Klnatoa lis llajr Hk to Mat Utk. ' : ,' ' . , for Crafc Coiuit; to C. L. katea, at Rmkara.' Vvr OrtoM Owutr Io duka A. Uadrtck. at Bwnitort, rurilavuM Otiuut, to D. A. Spta7,t Hut UIU. . - vor oii ffwntjr to u. w. Btmeoa, who arlU attend kl i l ill in n i lllajnniai I I . roroiulowcViuutf to 11. W. Benaoa who will atlasd I at dKSMarlUe trom Ma lath to Majr Ma. . i . . l.u. santa, :' tUoctor int IIt. KdDtat. florUj Carolina. MaS-rl-u -; i S.,3UBSHAL'S SALE. aJOTlOS: la aooordaBoe vuUi a ttecroa of the CnlUd ulMMia AlaUiU Cvull, IMrfl IU .NvW Horn, XI. C, ..ytU lo. Kill IM.UUM MIT IMatl M 4'uOiio Auction on May 10th, ' j at 11 o'clock, In the forenoon. In front of my office oa Broad Slaaat, ua. aouuaiu taMJ, via; - aVola akUUMLtS Oa WUISKT. , o..-ooki a baiouj. or rum. -It UkartoliUtu UAlaitM, Or Ul.f. . Torsu ouh iu t. a. Luriutuy. - - 1 ' , ' ' i. kobert e uuok, ' Ma, S-l-tlOW. . 'U"UL A 0AD TO IBTAIJD8. A Clergyman, while rcaldiug la Sooth America a. a nilaaionai) , ilwouvorud a auiu and attuplo roniottj lor tn. ciuuyt Jauivuua unkutaa, jutfiy ihriaiy, Dleuaaua ftf tue cimeijr aud ooiuuiai uruane, aud tua wuvla Uaia w uuunlwta urvUfcilU uu 0 luouul aud viclwua naolu, Uruat ajuuboia nave buua curod itj ibl aoblu mawdjr. Piouiutea! bjrkduairetohoaeiii uie aUUelod and unfur tunutai, I wiil .cud tho rooiue lur preparUu aud aatUK thla nudlelu. In a aealod envclono, w an one who Honda it, Frt Vluwfr. -...jj . . , Jt Addreae, . ' , f . ' : 40SEPH T. IMMA5, .' ' atation D. Bible Ilonat, Majrai-tf. ' New tork CltrT GOODSPEED'S- Weekly Steamsnip Line," Between New York and New Bern, North Carolina. CARRYING UNITED STATES MAIL. Tha i No. 1 gteanukl. EL CID, ' HOB ART, Mastbb. -yryiLL aall from toll port for Mew York, direct, 8ATUSDA r," MA 7 .4, 1867, .., at half-naat 4 o'clock P. M. aii ooocia aimctua to m; earn will be reoeired aad forwarded Free of Coinmlaaion. ' " I For frehjlit or pawaKe, baring nnanrpaaaed aecommo- w..iuu, apyij a, nmn. uuver uo. a isrtck sum. MayS-l tf uuvuarajiu, Agi. - , W. H. Romaine,; - CRAVEN ST., NEAR SOUTH FRONT, (Under Ihi Billiard Saloon,) WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER Ilf WIRES, Uq.U0X8y8K0All3 AND TOBACCO, T "V "' ?"? um' N and Tobaeoo, X which 1 kaepof ihe beataualltr.conatanUToahand. 1 have added a good atock of the beat j - - OR OCERIES,- and hare made arrangement, for a fraak enimrr be rery ateamer from New York. . If Ton deaire rood MRI.V.nafRrwri Wiln. au re ron. w n wovaraw . CniTejn .treat. Wider the Billiard Saloon. W. B. J make a apedaltj ofvfleU Ralatng Fknr, aak yon to gi It a trial. , " , ' .Mays-i-tf . ft fit fl TP T? Ol I - l Jj jjj U ll U Ml a I A fl jht. KPPTW H. 1 I r Having Remored to their M TOLL OX STREET, Harrison Building. Art Boar priaar i d I. aaQ U llMir old ej.aleaa.ara aod Uw p. bile la geaertJ, a NEW AND SELECT STOCK OF DXr GOODS, CLornnra, - " JaV." BOOTS a4 SHOES, 'V , , BATS mU CAPS, "- STRAW GOOD 8, Aad a gmt many artlclaa too aaaiaroaa to bmbUoo, all going toward! making a oonpleta itoek of Dry Goods Wa would be plcaaed to tot jroa all and ahow yon onr aTnateooMto 30 Pollok Street Harrison Building. BEMIMBIB THAT RBMKMBER THAT KBMBMBBB THAT REMBMBER THAT KEMSMBBB THAT BAER BAER BAER BAER BAER EPPLER EPPLER EPPLER EPPLER EPPLER HAVE REMOVED TO . BAVK REMOVED TO HAVE REMOVED TO 'HAVE REMOVED TO ' HA VI REMOVED TO BO POLLOK STREET, 80 POLLOK STREET, 80 POLLOK STREET, 80 POLLOK STREET, -- 80 POLLOK STREET, HARRISON BUILDING. -HARRISON BUILDING. HARRISON BUILDING. HARBISON BUILDING.. HARRISON BULLDOfQ. NwBetw.ltayt-t.ki BADCUI F A: CO,, Foot of Pollok Street, aYW RJTt JV. C, : ' DKALXSl v., LUMBER OF ALL KINDS, - mmnf MAf An min Ball ding material i itiuosaoA Short Notice. SPOKES AND STAVES. KrTre-Caah.- ; -T Btart-l-tt ; . . Home Insurance C0.HPAJIT, ' ...r Yrm Hatwk. CoiryocTiotrt. ' ASSBTS, i;540,U8.60 Nabox A FosTEK.Agta. New Berne, N.C. OFFICE AT "BIO BOOT." Hubbs & Brother, WB0U8AU AND BITAJL DXAUBB RC GROCERIES,' PROVISIONS, CROCKERY, NOTIONS, ' " ' FINE ZfQUORS, , MIDpLE STKEET,; ' , on doom aotrrn or pollok tbjut. , xMWBXjur.ir, e E HTJBBS. PMEKWIN A CO- - ' WnoLBSALC Dlittll IK Groceries & Provisions, Foreign and Domestic WINES AND LIQUORS, CIGARS, ' TOBACCO, Ac, , . South Front Street, v OPPOSITE THE GASTON BOUSE. , MaS-l-tf - E. S. Young Co., WnoLKSALK and RUU Dealer ta Onna, tterolnra, f f Platola, Ammunition of all kind a, Moaloal lnatru- mum, oumm, .hhc-wmw poouoauon, watekoa.4mr. air, HaU, Capa, eta, Trj low for eaak. MSD FSONTN0. IS tOUOK T. -Nrw Bsax, V. C. May-llm - . . :. ?: STARCH OLOsa."--'.:-... THE moat eoonomicai article that can b naod. coating only about on. cttU to do tho waahlnu of as rdiuarr ailed lamlly. uiaoa a nne, iTory-une poitan to linen or mnaiin. Eltectuallr oreronta the iron and dnat from ariluwtiiv to the cloth. . Make, old linen look like new. ' (aooda dona up with It lump clean Buck lonmr, Ifeom. by aaviug time and labor Iu waahliig. Warranted not to injure the dothaa. at ceuta par cake. Liberal dieouunla to the trad,1- IMPERIAL BLUE. BB3T IN Tilt WORLD. ' Soluble In hard aa well aa toft water. Warranted not to atreak the elothaa. ' 10 ocnu per boa. Liberal diacounl to the trad. tw Agenta wanted ererywbere, to aell tba ahor. imuea, u wnoa we oner extraordinary UMuoenaantfl. Dampusa aani poat paja on receipt of anove prio KkW VOUK STAliCU ULO0S CO. o. 18 Fulton St, Mew York. May a-l-ly. Whiskers and Mustaches ! 0RCKL to crow own the amoblheii faoa In fir rot to ne weeka by oalug Dr. HcTlo't iiaaUii- CaplllHtro, the most wondarful dltoovary ia n sciunoe, actiug upon tht Baard and Hair In aa rateur modarai almoat mlraculoua wanner. It bat bocn uaod by tha alita of Paris and Londun with Um moat flattering auocaaa. Namea of all purchaaera will be rerfaterud. ana u enura aauaiacuun ia not given in every met i not giv tba money will be chtjurf ully refunded. Price by hull. twilod id, $1. aUeacrlptlve drcoiara and taa roo. Addroaa BhHOHH. bULTTH A Umottlale malleo trou. ' CO., Cbuml.ta, No. t& Klvr etreet, Troy, N. V. Sola ogeute for the United Htatoa. , M S 1-ly Marvin's Patent ALUM AND DRY -PLASTER, FIRE AND E URGLAR PROOF ' 8AFUS, ; WARRANTED the beat lntheworldt Nerer corrode the Iron. ' Nerer loan their are-proof qnalitlee. Are tb. only Safe, nlled with Alum and Dry Plaaur. noM. wua or cau tor an uiuairauxi cauuogiu. MAttWH CO. " Principal I No. MB Broadway, New York. Wareboueee ( No. Tul Cbeatnut at, Philadelphia. May S-l-tf . Beauty ! tiiMrn, Gotten, Flaxen, and SUketif , Curit, PRODUCED by tb. ne. of Prof. D Bretix Frtaer to Cberenz. One application warrantad to carl tb. moat atraigbt and atuhborn hair of either era into wary rtngleta, or heary, maMtr. enria. Baa ben need by ther taanlonabloe of Pari, and London, with tin moat grati fying reralta. Don no injury to tb. hair. Prlc. by -malk aealed and po.tp.ld, SI. ' Deacrintfro drcolara mailed free. Addraa. BEROER, 8HLTT8 CO., Cbemlata, No. IM Rirer atroct, Troy, N, Y. Soleannta for the Fail! States, . . , - '. - Maj ff-T-tr , . r. -r- J P. t r:r ' - m mr a . 1 if i it ' ! ... f 11 '?'- ' " - . - a. Buaaa. . ' ' .'-- . ... J 0 Ik