1 I -'I i . r M.ujuixmiD Tni-WEEKLY. ' r V ; BATES OI SUESCRIPTIQN nt, , XenM-fiaah in Advance1 1, -nth -t?.jtf.'nr -wr-;.";, r" v $JH5 tfontha . . ;:.'.v-. fyli'joo OneYear Kir Month Onq Month. . ;rj .n , ,f "f tfi Su! Three Months THI1T IH mi 11 '-'-' i J! THIS' JtJta EST STOCK omt TTJEE '& BEDDINGv Vr- ,f Mi5 STATE, CONSISTING IN PABT OF 5 5 MittresscB, J : rbW -1. ''t"l . i f Vv Parlor f Pandtire, -J lackers, "Xounyc,? fi ..'7.ri.v: t 1 -;"Wodllcott - & -TmVfir.1 m it: Have on hand and for sale at Wholesale and Betaflfor caab, Marge lotofl, ... , J Buckwheat, prahanrand Faixdljr Ploiirof all grades. ".Call ant exandne them.' y2-i-tf. ,1 .: KEY TREET. - i W ear, the Post Office, 'in, "c PSff8 ? New wOl 'find this a neat Bupplied with the best of Wine8; Lidjiorani , . WiHi aU the market will suwrfiv' , v . --'rK-. Unsurpassed.. - 4 ' s if..'"' . ... i ' : i i-v -. t ; .Si TttayS-l-tf, -rrypietor. H-rr ' HAHN CO I . 34 POLLOK STBEET LNEWBEBNt C.i Announce to our patron, and the lubU(l iii !cenerftl that haying flttfed np our , r- lVbi -1,'Z 7 j jiiuiusu oar cue lomers fnia f GOOb BREAD, ,PIES ATO of all descriptions. We will also furnish at the shorteRt attceprentaI,Cake8 ot ail desccrlptioiS t?i t .. PARTIES' IVEDDINQS ,r Tendering our thanks to our customers, and solicitin" continuance of th same, we remain respectfully, 0 'MayM-tf. M. HAHN A CO. To tlie Public. ; tl- Cor.'S6uth Front WidHan(cketr Xs ' fo tugnest marser pnees .for all kinds of t IIANUPACnJKESSi STOCK, . ''- ': ' K j'iS;EWJE ItS OK i- CO., TURPENTINE' DIST3XLEES, ' Alao WHOLESALE and RETAIL GROCERS, -v. , :, po. oi juiaaie St., opposite the Market,; -1 :.---'.'- v : (Successor to) :Y.t::';f;i;I;.EDNi:TOS 4 v ' ...:iT,:5 WEST'S TJOOK STORE 5 J I'- ; i r- : t . - f - Pj ! A LL the AAtla ed upon A L J3 0 ;V The Ladies Fashion Book ::; JSuch as GodeyXBemor cat's, Peterson's and Leslie' Ladles Book. 1 1 : ; V Chimnej '.Corner. Harper's Weekly, Leslie's- Blus . - irated, &c, Ac.-f every weekv .t'.:ui . i OUROmCUJlATI&ZIBBABY offers great attraction to aJ4 lovers of select literature. STATIONER INK," PEKS,' &a; &a, : r ., v.. ,., WSTs ( 6 May a-i-tt ' ao Pozxox Streets I,!'- r, i ' Wholesale and Retail Dealers in . 2 ' ? WlNESIJQUORsVsEaAllS, 5,:-.??ut,'Fro'nt "d Hancock StriflVs;.: . wm, j. -YohK'&rd r SI Ict3 1 Creairi Salbbn2S"ls5 i Q$Xt door ,to Strst. H, DEWEY'S ' IlUnierv slori WlClR11 an,doGnemei1 n to be best of DffiS PtTaTn4?DA WATER, CAKES, CAN iretPcftSf?JLS' crerythingtabefounada lidted octipnery. Patronage respectfully r 4 it . principal New York -nin p., ':. ''ttLLL- ntfe. Beadle's, Ballous', Old Gu i-rcei publication monthly. e - c, receiT- t? I .-it r -f . -U1--3 ?..v. ' . . i i : ' v v - . ,.s i ... r. u . t i . i xi i I I i i i.i I -1 I i ! v t l - . y i - i i r: "i -- - 'i- - . :: . ' ir f . ...,vl V: ) y y i 7- - 1 ' Omi of the most inteiestin -sonic ceremonies took place at - Washington on n-d:fi.p of f the district of Columbia wer'instaUei ; -ilasonio xep resenlations from all parts of th ttW; partidpatedvlm thVorfcwl the fin. maadenes of IKiiighls; inrfe charv ters and Blue Ii)dgesofrMasons assemWrvl at JUasbnic Hiall at v o?cloek, i H. j & procession Iwformed, .which "marched through the i principle t streets ' nf Uonal Capital; v4ltt'- thev evening ad ressesrlwefef'deUvered by ainumberf eminent Brethren. We have'only '. gpacb Chant me umtect States:. -L.-J -i ;) ntvy,e ar Semble i this- e-eningvfdr ?mF;tqjMasms themselves. i , uuusuai, ttp .ail otners must appear; great peculiarity pi the Masonic institu- uyiLjiuax, msr ounaea on ceremonies ceremonies, which hi .other, societies,., are . .t .v t"? uuu xu r uie-iuasomc. - are. vital. Hisewhere they are but the cloth ing which ornaments the bodywith' us they are the body itself. I And this arises from the veryjnatur of Freemasonry, of which the best definition that has ever been giyen is -that it is a science df nior alrty Teiled in jallegory and illustrated hy symbols, v It i a science ot morality science .whose; object is to teach great moral and religious truths, and Uxese les sons, of truth are inculcated and develop ed by the ancient method of symbolism. It is this symbolic character of tlie- insti tution which;causes it to differ from every tff ittthatftttetivel forml wHc lias' al ways secured the .unwavering attachment of itssleafTand itsl own Unalterable rvxuere as no .science so ancient as hat of symbolism, and no mode of instruction hf s jeverbeenversal as was the symbolic in former times. " The first learn ing m the W0rld; says an Eminent 5 anti-! quary consisted chiefly of symbols, l ed atf the wisdom ,o nthe Chaldean, the 1 In faotv mans earliest instruction iff bv symbols.' Tlie objective character of a symbol Is best calculated to? W . orsnl by the inf ant mind,t whether the infancy of that mind be consiuered nationally or individually ; In ; the first ages of .the world; all;pr6pbsitions were expressed hi ojiuuuio. r o-xiuj uiaij lcugiuiia were emin ently ' symbolic, because, when - language was yet in its infancy visible sjinbols were jthe most lively j means of acting upon the nature the ancient f eliMoni with which the his tory; of Freemasonry is so intimately con nected. The older ( the religion the more the symbolism abounds. Modern religions may convey their dogmas m abstract pro positions ; ancient rehgions always did so m symbols. And this is a good 'test of the compaf atie antiquity of ..a religious cast'; There is more symbolism - in the (Egyptian religion than in the Jewish ; more in tne jewisn.thanm the Uhnstian ; more in the Christian than in the Moham medan. The older the religious faith the greater is its'symbolic: f ormv. y: - Te, science j of; symbolism, of . which Freemasonry is :at this day th9 phly per fect 1 exponent; pf esents itself to us, then, """"v ouiuetuing venerame ior'its vine oi all teachers insrrnpt tho7 Vhnifii tudes to whom lle gave the bread of life m parables, which, it must be remember ed, are pnly sppken symbols. ; , Such is the systen adopted tm Free masonry for the development and incul cation of the great religious and philoso? Jhical truths o whjich it was for so many years the sole conservator. laji s r Thousands of years ago this science of symbolism was adopted by the sagacious priesthood of v Egypt to convey .flie les sons of religious truth' which they con- veyed to their) sciples Their 'sence Itheir history, and ; their philosophy were (thus concealed -beneath an impenetrable veU'm thV prbfanTa who had passed ,thro ugh the severe ordeal of initiation were nut in rjossession of the tfylu'cal&i them to decipher and read those1 mysthi lessons "which we still jsee engraved upon the obelisks, the'tombs, juid the sarcophagi Which lie scattered at this, day in endless profusion along; the banks of the Nile. .. ; -r " j From the Egyptians the same C method of ' svmbolro instruction was -f diffused among all the natioiis of ancient heatheh I aom, ana .was useai m au tneir, reugiou pysteries a. the medium; of commimicat mg t6 the initiated the esoteric and secret doctrines for whose preservation 'and jjrpH inulgatiori those i singular assoblations were formed. -s L v-' -- - j looses, tooj who,' as Holy Writ infdrms. USjVwas skUled irallj the sleanringof .thej gypuans, Drougnt witn nun :irom umv cradle of the sciences a perfec knowledge' , r--T" V svwvium wiiiun uie wisaom or .mgenuity of man has detisetl and 'gives - WPSans.jffe. e ws. jthe greeks, the Ro mans, and of fall th6 ;ancieht worId: that in its'character. -f--- 'vNiSin-Vr:?; 'nsii - Uityftbut as sanctioned by the highest lauthority; for;jve know thai;thVmbst'di-: y. uiv 6wuuw w symoonsni as u was .tanght by the priest of. Tsis biri. : men investea the purer reliinon of it n r a i - - - i X-r oi ixod. WieAnw .nJ ..- r. . . iSTTi"011 associationat . : . T-7i;r,vii .buhic .iuine lessons of a -supreme C&A ri Im'oT W??. e entrusted the sacred drC ichlhavn'M if Freemaoni-. nntW 74. 1;. It is therefofp ' '1 .' : .'') .. ;. v ,Ithmk,appropmtethat l.-- 'L - before'prdceedin -owwawuu v nose organization in this r?tv kefre SW to celebrate. - K "S f1 Who have been within X .r not classes sons doctrines )raftH and another less numerous class who devot9 themselves to tigatWinto thearcana A Hl I III I. TTtrtTt OklTXlf i sonry. But separatedas these c u. zrom - eaoa other by nnes'of, demarca- uun wnicn it wouia be neither proner Jim- . pruptrnori Mgfi Of their distinct - assoniAt nn - toio jlucuiuu iiu wnicn that! tiesion i y .-ei. ; 7a "esign is ex- t, j : 1. -. r: . "v Vi -lcuh i wieasea in the search . ' ' - - . '1 J II..- - ' i !Of aUtheobiectewb? i ViJ Masonic sciencevof symboHsm rnost important the most cherished by Masons, tfV.t tn-r rrft0 lempie ot Jerusalem. ThespiritualizmVb - . 7 e ?he most traditions - r?i u .j would at once decay and 'die, or at best auu uiu system iiseit remain only as some fossilized bone, serv: mg ynerely to -show the nature of thence aricient toward ' spirituals elevation.' - As pro- soon as a nation emerged out 'of Feticism or the worship of visible objects, which is the most degraded ? form of - idolatry, its people .began to establish a priesthood Celts, the: EDtfans. an ttri Or't. the ritual and in the obiects of their nolv theistic worship, were all in the posses sion of 1 priests and of temples. The Jews, complying with this law of our re- ixAwuo i uaiuie, rstr constructeu ineu: tabernacle, or portable temple, and then. whenr time -, and opportunity permitted. tauiiaiciiu lueir monoxneisiic worsmp to that more permanent edifice which tow ered" in all its magnificence above "the pinnacle of Mount Moriah. The mosque of-the Mohammedan and the church, or the chapel of the, Christian is. but an em bodiment of , the same idea' of, temple worship in a simple form. T ' ' i ' f The adaptation therefore of the. temple of Jerusalem to a science - of . symbolism would be an easy.task to the mind of those Jews, and Trians who were engaged . in its tconstructioni and from 1 whom' the Masohio Order claims to derive its origin. Doubtless at its' original conception the idea of this termple symbolism rwas rude and unimbellished. ; It . was to be, j)er fecteot and polished only by';future ag gregations of succeedmg intellects. And yet no Biblical nor Masonic scholar will, venture to deny tnat there' was, -iri ' the' mode of building and in all thecircum stances connected with - the 'construction of King Solomon's temple, an apparent design to establish a foundation for sym bplismy i- j '.:'.'vy5 - ' ?; 1 The Freemasons have, at all events, seized: with avidity, the idea of represent ing in their symboUc language the , mterior and spiritual man by a material temple. They have embraced the doctrine of the great apostle of the .Gentiles, who ' has saioV'Ejiow, ye are the temple I '-of God, and I that the spirit of Gbd dwellcth in you." 'The great body of the Masonic craft, looking only to this" first . temple erected by the wisdom of King Solomon, maker it the symbol of ' life ; and as the great object of Masonry; is . the search after truth, they are directed; to build up this s temple as a fitting receptacle ior iruuivwueu iouuu, yiavc wuen? may dwell, justaV the ancient Jews built :np their great temple as' a dwelling'-place for Him who is the author of all truth; :i ' ' x: of rwhich the uninitiated W7 rr"7uail W a- tfchAii- :jiL-;iTr--rsrr-4w;?H wllose Perpetuity thPir k ojj. uuier eitnpr irrrnft" riii i luiervine truth, and each pursues .that wl JrX. TV " E'.r 0 .m,! K TO-1jHsdictiou,th uromment, ana the most nerval in ll i,: ..r WW4J r ""mria-uiusoury omce lie those lessons of-wisdom which dependence on the Temple leave out none but those who have fe Tvhhk i th6 ofits Titual all reference to that sacred sicred veil enn v .rfS!1:. ecuuee and to the lesrends and -Id-'ru'Ttr.... ' ' - 'won 1ST trnli' luc: 'for'lil-i t;r' ," tiidoi oi Human I , . ---M "'- j vn iuis to a hvinr . Hril - I luted b ',7 "T.W received thn . r o i Julr ,.e TO.ctire punishment of the Emoulclenn'? I - .a ' i lt tiwvvon. I W7ctl"ii W,.- 7' ; '.cciunu.iH.nYify, n,i w.r .VY: "v" reusues 1 r.rP U;becdmcra' fit symbol of humini rSE? SST?..?? "Jiuwi OI numnn liFo ftivimA,M it: ( search after divine truth whU :ifl where to be found - v!ch " no yieuianr, now .Vigorous With KenlUi'Arwl fc, I tititfn 1, ' J "uuiwia, con- UJi:? C" of the fraternity. . imon, tind in Scriptural historvanothW -r tW?&7a - i ova- . v J Mil; ill nL 1 .symbol of mortage, limited andVcrish- of the first.nK T!"u?,aaW n.a it t Vi v - wnere . the lost trutli fihnllrA frt1 r,, . - -. 1-- .v.,-MVw , uun new- altar, and nen. m V Iry spirit of sym.' wuuaui no exclaimed, TinCf ,:, r o . -7 -- wua.iuu pie, and .in three davs 1 tHIi riic,, ? r A,i t.. . . S . . M1. iajiLi lit j w II i inrrnAtt aK.. x: w r i. . -r,76u YV" oi iJiasons: ao hadlohcr cnltivn! eleraeEta "'.of their, ab- i . V v . ALT I u eir estabHshnierit tlLir"npronr wstaliinto S p?nS 1om " previously -elected as their-ran? - ThAVn ratbnis to be consocmfrvl KvnrvfliiWr t . - . n'v .v; pwuuiuir ui. a mvsienous character, is to the cultivator Mnvnni TUind redolent of nrofound lAQta-f . truth and wisdom." .Th'h 'v'ao A the officer s bear reference, not to what offices of similar rank and . title are . sup: iaw w represent in the prolans world, but to those events and principles which uave consecrated that second temple of Jerusalem in the Royal Arch science as the symbol of eternal life. Hflrri a th Priest, the King, the Scribe. ; The Priest aJove the King, because in tliat second temple of future life things spiritual shall T' " TlZZl . """."uu e I who came, after - years of cantivitv. their old and dilapidated home,' there to rebuild the house of the Lord, there again L, rvu.vD.vu n.,iwu w uurn anew I the long-neglected sacrifir " - L L'inHiA ttio cqArnH fiM ..1U 1 ' ' I . jand on- this solemn occasion w;e find the tolerance of our institution beauti fully developing itself in the attendance of those .various branches' of the order which, cultivating other fields of Masonic science arid subscribing to other dogmas of Masonic ? faith, are vet United in - the desire to do honor to their brethren, f ; Iero come the Master Masons, bring ing.with them all ; their veneration for the firsi temple'of Solomon as their own puliar symbol, and yet joining in the welcome given to those who have aban doned that symbol as no longer .worthy of their cultivation, . and . who have re placed it by another temple of which' the Master Mason is wholly ignorant 1 : And here, too, come the Templars, the successors of those poor fellow-soldiers t ii . i . . jww "v. p.luuy oeeit io nnd tne sym bolism by which they', are to bo en lightened with the light of truth in the sepulchre of their Lord, to protect which from the pollution of unholy, hands was the labor of their ancestors, who imbued the land of Palestine with their martyr blood, v ' ' : . And 'these brethren are all here to do honor and to give welcome to that other and distinct class of the. fraternity, for getf ul.of any differences of opinion," un mindful of their 'diversity of labor,' rtv memberirig only that although their altars are different, and their theories in Tnany respects, opposed, yet they are all of ohe heart and one accord in obedience to that greatlesson of their common fraternity, that they shall learn to know Him whom they recognize,1 whatever be the I temple,' Master. ;Builder, from whom wo have . nv ceiyed all light, and who has taught1 us how .to act ; that maiddridwben . resting ' for a niomcnt frOm their contests tfor lratcrnalVcatlicrinW;- t" " o' i - i - r- Behold one another.! American pcoole are. Wiui ji-w. . . . This u tkJfr oefL" . , . , . . . ' la branch of manufv'ou. mt wwinTU.'U m suax4e in , Mood, aadnotiubutarf f .. IU awrto M-.ft.l .... . ' . . f ' f ' - w rotceani ft to -r,. - ' - n A Tm.Trt; Tint itttt " '.YwiTuiTtr 1 LLD3 , - - 0 A Oersymia, whn nOto ia Soath JUa., . "H - ionarr, discorcrod 7L Cml the rrinarr fiTZL. Vt?? uorocrs oroog OB bncfl aad rkiou UUu. ooiaoers MMtoca cared by Oi tU rtOMdr rromptci bya.4eIre tobencit a afildisd .if tunat I win Mad the' redpe for fcrrrmrtBir ad wwvuri r , - , . r ti , . . ;.. A--, ...' TT ,... K4.fl 11ft'A :iAlPMO-OP Nasox tfc F oster, AgtANcwIo,K,c. OFFICE "AT UBIQ BOOT? ; i ' ';.Lorch. Brotliers.: T''' " '" . ... ... J.vv,-f t xsaxas n groceries; ;pRovisfoxs, lt ., ";f7::7r; . - DRY.Goopk ! . . - -m w 1 Card; j XTlrich's,;, ocyn erf vis uiu .HTJiAtt cn x4l; 'MipDIJ3';8T&EETf' ! ; ..', ' Ikscause'thcj'ain buy " ' j i jr JU JC, : JS Ju JU JC . by the lw or amaHer quantity cheaper thaa at asr othrt p rc in tEe dty. If too doai bclleVe It w andiJrl May7-.la .vj. ,Laughiin;;;;;;vr: ,r; Wi - iri T . " . - J j . .? .-.'. -n "r i ; : CODDLE btuect.' .' ? " 4 : Mtytl-U 1 r 1 T II" Patterson, ;' -! MIDDLE STREET, ' Wholesale Axfy rVU0LESAE Hetail D'ealqcs-'cc GJZOCEKIES, 1 BOOTS AND JSITOES, . ? MATS AND CAPS . ' ' " .C71 Trra t' . l U V,S, and- in. Tnr-WAJtE. , i ' jtsvery Tanety of . s;cnoo,x BOOKS, C01ilIIS3IDir AHD : QEHERAL HLTTIEO dace shinned through thenar their PaatH !tMU Liberal adrancea tm n rtL4M nf rvn t- KJiuaon,ortbCollna.., .. t. . v J, t. powers; i.i' V .... &uth -Front Street; ', I 1 ' ... 1 .i . j 1 ' J j . r .... ,t ,:. , NEW-DEXNE; N. -C ? -' :." ' -? 4 vw.i it'..-... ..1 i : i FOREIGN AND DOITESTIC ' ' 4 z i i WINES, m . . . . ".'f JJQUORS v.. ;. 2 and CIGARS, ; it-.', ;. ' .',:.'. '4- ." tt TUB CHOICEST BRAXDS IN TBTOREL j . . ! ..... 4i J . . I I . . .... ".I : Present TTBo'arid Stocb AtosJ This ALE UBmred ezpreat!y for'&oathcn Karfai u4 WAlULlkrXI TO KEEP Ct AXT CLDlATli j Being: exriosiTely cragid in lha eixyrm bWaci a, I am'prpaei tb'ofPet BPfXlirnrPTCXkETrs'to parties purchuini in y Uat - " -"r- j T.'POWETA iniporier w Tea rocs or d&c Itch of fr coetitUA a"r;sxj. 0e oa lnorOi3 - - 4 . EarSl clMcqBr&t !terrUo . V . . ; 4 F.,.iJ7:ci:of,;cUrr-i a j,-r Wt rw i, d.riiry aJvrrUiHcr.l. - - ' . - -iT" . For 'adrtrtlrarta" ifeVrl.Xs. hSf Ur ia r.cu ntc wia be f " . GOODSPEHLVS I. 4.. : Weekly, Steamship ? cilUiyiNO . UNITKD 8TATC . 4 ' b - . T ,..vel CID, lui.HOBinx,;,,;;;, !. x. t .s .UlUwJ. IirxtM to tar car lit C-,LjLi rr' U- OH n.- J-Artr KtT iTiy t-l-if "Wholesale Duleu is u INES. AKD LIQUORS, CIGARS,. Souti Front Strati 'OPPOSITE TIW QASTOX HO VEIZ. 1 P. ilxnwrx- XayS-lf . ; Hubb3' 5rBrother,' . ...-----,. WnOLESALE A?a tETAIL DEAIXES Hi GiiocEniESi ..,,,CWQCffiEBr,, , NOTIONS, trJVXEZIQUOItS, a. MIDDLE. STREET- 'oe rxon BOCTnop'roLixk sTErrr,- E. XIUBBS:r.' - - "' " Ilarvin's. Patent FIRE AND BURGLAR, PROOF WAnnAXTEDbWttattewwMr SiiTwi!L. ArdUM cblrSafM tlJ mUh Xitun and Dry Knr Pea ac&d or caU for aa n:trUid CT" rJLr1. 1 C-Hr'wr. Srw Tort .' . t r. . MAKVIN to.- - 11 WUCTSBOa i J. iJ Tfl CLettett Vftiladt.hU, Trrnisanw ad jena. lltTACllK!! torend . to . p poa t& amooUvt la from thru to tr is Ijj tiala? Lr. Isrrt--w ' ItntairrLrcr Cbr.L tbjieUt of Paris Md Ixm4m tS too ta'.xmii Mkulaa rottpald. 1 1. IVcrt;- 1 r r! frtlar r! IM MMM.4!I . A1 1- . . . - ajmu for the T. cited eutea. Xr ltr r. T. d Xty f-lfj '.CKISPEa;vCOSIA : v ' ..'.'.- -i , ' . , r.. - -..4,1 -iV',-" " OS ! h wj tacl1ftj ar1 f t!r, " ' i - " ' UTT7 T"t, and rd!st fctfr, '-''' ' : Eathxiacd tu Ttry heart aid jnind. I CRISPERC01LV -4t Per Oarlir &Xt& Bcxlsta Wtr tsa Uioesyrgu cr. EcaTj. rr laeaMurea a ttuim aata r. t t. .wt. Uth worl4 Ltrl wia rrl aiolcht Qr.iTdTwma; ffTtt ifal. rWy rrfrar. CVf??f t only cxrU i&e U!r. bat fnrlftjrmtra, t1 : ia.WjtJr aTTi.dtlittxr pmamod, jid la It taol ooorr4nt artkei at lis kla4 :A'P:PLICTSD! WircT the or dil jorrmxrs tuna. Tb at11ifnr ram rfrV u-.m vi- . vaHU toWw for I-fcrrtcal and rrrtns WuhM, - i-iniy aaa iTwimjprv. - Lom cf KcKtiar Enrrry. lmpetcnrr, or art cf rrmnr-iu-nr m yoctXial tMlirrrtkm, YrtkVr U ifer most niai t partuoa errr CcoTrd.- - . ..... . . n win rrraoTt aa txrrvtt rTcrttotst, dcw!Q. tz cltefBeBt. tncspdty to 'trody. or I4imm. k f xKry. torrfiiltm, tboetu of wet! 4maion, frara of taaacUy. . It d'J rrtort U rt:te. rr-rw health of tbome bo hart dortrrrtO U ry vrsnal rzceaa or rrU crartlcM. ' tor and IpvTnxt practiOoorra, tt TJxtrt . uy lor tb EJrlr, and b at oore rrrtmrO to bna ad aptnr. A Vrrirct Cvt ! OeirotM ta nr ta Unct. ! Prlee IT. it tour botn to cm adirrt. ft Od bo t tie U ruKrtrrt to tZeci u ecra la aj orCJiary also, PR. jonrvTLLrrs sprxmC rtuX tor Vrrthrml I Ipcifrrr On rvi, r trirftm cod 3 aT tsiooa' ol Ihtt KLlxtey izU SitA&mrs 4wfn4 Iwtrom omm tofivUra Tbry ar trrad from xzrni rrmrtM. atoaoach r iorpTrrBrb bmxh. fiw rmsp-m 'Cum Uw art twraV o ta ya anar eary wtilo otr:; tben. nordoratWlr articaia prr box.- - - tlcj artk hi 3 ta-' orrM. oa rr- r jPin;:o for alc- A ITKST-CL.S; EVrX OCTA VX J1A?rO rc-TTK 3j SI V :i ri rr f t i f. !f i?1 n M M x- n r .' S at i f'l hi r, r 11 :i 1 1 51 -1 t t A -: Xay-l-tt . j k