7 -T. i : PUBLISHED THI-XVEEKIY : RATES OP SUBSCRIPTIOJ?1: - TernuCash in Advance, . One Tear- . ., - U firMontha ' -3 " . " a tree Month - , - i .' FUEITITIIEE & BEDDING ! . 77 -' xj PACT OP fcwla, ' Earraav taaJrt;' r; - ' trtta, . JConchef, Lounjra, i - - NY . ' WW A ' TTTRfTTO t; . m : w 1 i t n . . . i m . : i i i : c i ' - i i i i I , ij(-tFjiivih - - - - , - - ' ' .--'. . . t . 'mmmm - -1 I I I . : I I X I I XI. II II I . I I I 1 1 1 II . I i ... - .. 77-:-- -uyi : . i v 1 a-, o.- r , .-r r . . . -vruii u it n r. n i mk1 i i i . - -"vuafBuBDB v w - a m v k. . tm . - - --.m in,, , - OiJ.Li I r - Ten Hsk or cm Jch oT rJ..-. . -":. EXPOSinplT GOSSIP. COMPILED J-KOil Mattresses, mirrors- Parlor f Furniture," ; i liockerg, .-J) Sofas, - ' , Manfla, ' I Tables, W mt IWoU!, una retmi 1 1 A 1' f y UCZIG COKEES- . Of artiVT IV v- 1 uirtmontir 'urJr.e. American.de- c"us"a"j -r rencn and nth or ceptionrof tlie tausiI ?eiP Preponderance of f.1 ss over th a .... ... s , . V e as to lx Ketafl, for ; , Woollcott & .Tinker, - i 4 1 I ' j rirlin ffi V ' 4rr7 X'1: luuuu .Willi tflQ ICQUFTUr LAUD. BTJTTxn in ' I ? IwOTjrblicaxi siumliitr iter; OCCUPled -b7 the ' United "lies in thA --mio.rwv -i- . r rom the and patent medi, certainbr not apt cpS! -o! te Pndless varieties of Tfancy wares that add so much .to tlie pSd appearance of m , tions.SBatpe-:1 , - ne American Kcstaurant at the Et position. has nt loo , b .ne ted likp nil tKT 7t "penea..- it is sitaa men t: a arK, just ;m the rnnr nf A machinery dopartmT: "' ba"K,r - aUrantandvthe Iatter to a Slor rO0m( I'witcr, are all Si P C?taUes and drinkables will.aU be.on the American nlan ;.T . . V VXr . construct a railway - - w me uuv ot Jlcxico Tn forei ffhers - o vuiiuus. xeaiure.ot ain thT ,s an-m odan. rain tne onlv nnn t, -c;. i if cr?Ids,of EnApam. stop and Tegard it with ih I ke of the ATT Tx- . n. - . r mtre is a from a replied is 400 rZ'-n t T-T - er Tr nu- 1 - olfter road vet made. thd :r?uIC05- : e hlghtof W;7 Tu uicnno is 2,887 feet and the intended summit of the Momt cii 3 p-r cert t!rLrf A3 bcHseM Hlfff be 0 Waal rt - W thxJT tS : Special Kotices, UftCkitkeat, Graham ul Faml FtoVf ai; gides Call anil examine them. fc ' II Merchants1 ClubrHrase" ": -( CSAVEN STUEET - Kear the PoWOfficel NE(W BEJIN. N. ci ( bSSL8 10 Peripherj: of the ,f "uu adjacent to the former out ffraduallv .widpn J:. ; mer feet at, the latter Tn rt -UnV it 4--Miea oi, about trt lwTi.i PERSONS coming to New Bern, "will ' find tVmn neat i 1 - dtS Se'S6 place to 8top at- aSeutS Partments, rJUwarl aanii1i(a with tri Kocf A Ttr -r, ClffarV ; ' itiquors, and TABLES, '--. "Witt an the market win anpply. , Z0DGI2TGS,' nf fr.n,,.' ' --"rs w numoer S"T w2Ich, accordinrto "VI V ..imperial commis xT daces.--: Afr Ze1 helat their heads and walked away. The mice charged for- the soda i9 aftoetWS f.MaJra?c od theycan hnl arl evoa-.rea wine, - r Besides thev are not : accustom p,i ; . - t . - ilayt-l-k Unsurpassed. WM. L PALMIER,- Proprietor. lT'ZeT?. Ve presented in,.the the different branch I !-- ; . r 2Te T.qrk. Baker y7 " 3t HAHN & :CO..' mam of made it: hn. 7 """"try , --- .v.., xutuuneaoie to we- -Pref Hbed onJer of arramlt ment withm.the sereral eqmpartmentsf ine circle- next outsidft the f, "v i7iVtl4iC .-:;:. ?4 JOLLOK STKEET, NEW BERN, N. df ;J3AKERTI THE BEST MA&JtfSB, srallorif ki r " Ptu-iapns . ot ail nations books, papers,-stationpr l!' "a. , , r?10wrePare,d t0 fnrniah our customers with' meptMualinsianieWS as everywhere, France is supreme. C oneexcepuon. v In dpbtiSrvthe Arteri can3;:aret,bevond m, tation ot nature in fmm -x. " ; l"u ine trench are equally great ; in artificial byes and cars. Tlie cycci eue iup rsp r : 'rhriTf i , ..r: . UAlUSS is lost, jDut cover a shrunken ' SIm11 acr,pflonS lf" fnraish at the eKortest ntlos, Ornamental Cakes of n Ar.tTZ j" . est - .,f ,v , .. -""',""5- ;- ; 4v J ' jtt 1 tar cut " bitten V ' TeBderlnPTinrtrmTiVB ... xxvz.eu Oil. Or P.HUn -nxr-nir "r ; counce of the 8ame. we remain respectfully, : "got andi elegant substitute. .: It is said ;?"if '',:';;ri "v;,,':',;:J.;!Lrir ' that ladiiR5i:'with; loTrra o-vl A : : ' with their hair, natural, or nnoniiWl J V,ni annex these: pretty little artificial ears,' of " iu xiumisunie ear-rm s. - t Some months since the Imperial Com mission ofieredjtwoprizesne of 1 000 :::r . r- - . r Y 11 iiuus- i or iiie oest May 24-tf. HAHN & CO. 4. - . X TV. VAUGHN,- Cor. South I'ront and Hancock Street? i f T JyingthehlgheBt market prices' for all kinds of hymn n t,e manufacturers' rtoptt . I - . 1 iwsiuon.,; -au nations were invited to J l HAGS, Ac, Ac " ' 21ays-l.tr. . OLD IRON, ' -u . .1 old brass; - t - OLD LEAD, r -v -- OLD COPPER, ..t : E.VJSRSON&CO.."- 1 TPPEUTINE DISTILLERS; p ' ' i uari, union I'omt. ri h Also WHOLESALE and RETAU. GROCER ; - fLt of Middle at opposite the Market, : ' join m this poetic concourse. Th p i were to beanvmtematiohil committeeof literary and. : musical authorities. The opening of ; the poetical bids for the prizes ol the commission commencediome weeks u-u, duu was not hmshed until a few dav May i-Uim. NEW- BERN,, N, C. i i1'" ,f (Successor to) 1 . LED WIN WEST, : ; vEST's !; book store v NEWS DEPOT. A .e Principal New York Dally Papers Haroeri A,t,Bciidlc,' Boons', Old GuanV& iHft nponpubUcation monthly. J . , relfl' ; , -' . - - 'j I . j : t ALSO- ' , t ; Th Ladies" Fashion Book : .Such as Godey's, Demor- fati, Peterson's and Leslie's Ladies" Book. , 44 Chimney Corner." HarDr'a . WppIHv TaH.'ii m . u, c., a, every week. oaers great attraction lb all lovers of select literature. 1 fiTATIONERY, INK- PENS, &a, &c, ,s - of all klnds.: j' . . y voir r fobget. rne place, WEST'S BOOK' ;ST ORE, . . i . i .... ... ! . ... ". ; .;' 1 i . .. i. ' . . M7 S-l-tf. " No 20 Potof Street Wholesale and Retail Dealers in ? ; - WIWES, LIQUORS & SEGARS, Soath Front and Haacoct Street,. . W 31 . J . , v o LK'S '--- A ND-- 5 ;'! W Pollok Stbbet' v';tia 1" 1 i j - HXt door to Jlrs; DEWrs MmtoerV "storied lrVr?TiW1.e,,, -ntlemcn--can find the beet i.f - Bits vtRI?111 60A, WATER, CAKES, CAN &tSFXJSVNHTS and erytbftgtofoundln liM!84 Coitctionery. ratrona-e rcnectf nil : imi. ..','. . j ,. .... - - . , t., - , - Mace, ine jon i being no small one, from the fact that; no less; than 986 pieces had J)een; sent in. ;.fTJiq comnetitbrs tnmorl out to be exclusively French. Of the of ferings all' bi t 200 were excluded from the concourse !b3 the committee; -Xokr v 400 of the rejected ones' , were not admis- saDie ou account of ungrammatical errors arid the rest for not being confined to the presented subject. ; Amoui? : the: 200: ad mitted tO the COneOlirSP ' tha' r-nrnrnUf o found only one ai. all worthy: of consid eration, a All the rest weretmiserablfl at tempts at rhyming of worse than - medu ocre poetasters. 1 The author of thA production iudcred worth v toimd to be a youth hardly sixteen years ot age, who had essavod his of. the 3Iuse. The successful piece wiU be rend at the . distribution the Emperor on the 1st of July. . ' One strikirisr feature -is noiWahlA m'tiw American, exhibition. Jt is the uneaual representation of the several parts of the United States, and of the several. branch es of their - industry. ' Of the Eastern States, New, York and Pennsylvania have contributed proportionately far more than the rest. But even these two great States have made , but a small display of their agricultural and ' industrial : - products. ; 1 he contributions of the New England States . appear, utterly insignificant0 con sidering the vastness of . their manugictu ring interests. Ior once, Yankee enter prise has failed to take the lead. Of the Western States, Illinois alone makes any thing like a worthy show; thousrh even she could have done a srreat deal better. The other members of the great agricul? tural Empire of the Northwest are repre sented,but not as fully as they ought to be. 1 In .the Southern States hardly any efforts seem, to have been in ado to the great variety; of l their products. ; To- jeuier iney nave not contributed one purtb as much as Jllihoisi : As to the representation of th varidus bmnnh p nf maustry, .none,' with the exception oft '"wuiui-s, ana piano manutactur- rng, make; a large and varied", disnlav- I of 'labor-savinor ' machinprv which our inventors could haW nstoriish- ed the Euronean ! nnblin tW -W -.vumtw 14 J I.I1H. ;iTrlMnu practice of stand-up drinkin?, hat prefer rely: -'1'm"1 16 thcir P.otations7ei" ; The Exhibition -'hniuin' ? f"KU UD. in linneoa aF mnnw iJ--- .. tvrX t:ii' f i v oluries so tnat two millions of tjgooIa v- ndandW a half T; ' inerel ronly a mile and o ?i avenues yhich converge there are broad as the Licking riv A . fare from any point of the city is onlv mirty cents for two persons. tour ; omnibus iare is three cents on the top of the coach and six cents within. A steam railway goes quite around Paris descnbing a circle with many curving to thelieart' of the nit v n a "8' Von in hnW- U i . 4,,li0 "vtivers Jff-v?- hourlr tins. . Altogether, the facilities are about as numoro?, . J OO rvno. j. .- . I " ua- io commit sufirp nn,i. . "' v iULeresiinc, .mirmne nrvi picturesque: , Tlie P!ri-Wf sTSZ ,r iir; - V . is ut a IOV- fu pa oi .x-ans, upon a plain, which was long a parade ground:. has been fMuaiyimefj into a series of knoll ciu streams and lakes bv nrtlfinSol - ul:""? and the whole ground is overlooked by1 the hills that faA it. . J , liim rivpr .atha Ihe Seme is only four hundredfeet wide yery clear and, fresh of current, and.is of a -gracious, ornamentsuch a river notmthstandin?? ita nfiprnr' At ' :SS?? i1!01? .be buried by its :;n:r" , -circular DW . m BnaPe like a huge cheese, with eight unequal rings passing within its circumference. - Each of these rings is a Kotici jr ixevoiea to some one general branch of manufactures. thA course being filled with machinery. '-The out-side circle ist A . - - - "lauu up ot res taurants, and.it fronts upon the garden andj)arks. - If you take your cheese and mark these eight rings around it, put lit tle flags aroimd the ton - Ad through its centre about forty straight lines, vou will ' wt, a foir nibition. y Hie cross lines separate the nations so that, as. vou nref er, von mn. walk crosswise, see all that one people have to show, or around, and see all the mani festations of one art. Frsfcce. oons lowest Bretton, a .sericultari-t, .iSSSl tte us iourth fzenemtion of i M ' he obtaind 4,000 co ot this snfvio w-mt, i . Tr. 300,0.00 egA fhg Z ?iVl.UW4n7 ment, thrcehrgesUk-producincstoblS. ? ?" oravia and Slavonia, . TIiim" far the Cninesc eUk-irorms have enjoved the best of health in Austria. The sQk hitherto obtained is of the best qual tr specimens of it Paris Eosition. . . " J e nuriA P00 w-'Kngland, where' sul S'8 manufactured' from Jrcn PTites- the remnant was always thrown -useless. -:; Lately science S grated the .value of this refuse, andinow it is chemically treated so as to tttZ ix? THif u tralT thn m. . ' - - ctherm. TM. ,7 7, Co r aheJ of a3 TcBtlon.--. ... " ' M wcm la this LrnrS rvf m . "d ot UaU. to Oct of orderT r," """" partJctOarty on cloth and kalaer puwie cnxrany. . . A GAED TO IHVALIDa A aerxyxoan, while rctrldln in , m!..i j,t, , " --t na Ma , -cm, a aaia and atol. rtm37 f or ih H!" V tl erf tonaus. I will aead th ljrlZ thl mdidn. Ib .14 , iT vumow m . K . r- ' mmj vg WfiO GOODSPKHD'S Weekly Steansiip.Liiis . CARRTING UNITED STATU XUL, ... ' - Ellen S. Terry, CITAPIN-Ma itcb Wr t. irfl. ,or PX tadtdaf at fcCf pat 4 c tlor P v - It, Prt4 Qf Chary. Hiyl-l tf.' Bution D. Dltl lJoc, i7 1 tf Home Insurance . coMPAirr, j , ABSCTS, i - muriate ot copper and mnrint. 'rVrf ill Man 11 A COnnor 711 in no I j . he manufacture of arsenic and other v'al" MlJe sabstanc, the enormous X Tof . V wumuerca uic gromid bo- i"g now found - of considArhlnw ihe time is coming when the w Lorch Brothers,- Groceries & Provisions, Foreign and Domestic . WINES AND LIQUOIIS, CIGARS, : TOBACCO, . f .rrnV TVnf C.x, - zaviixas n value. aste of GROCERIES, SOrEHTIFIO ITEMS HNitro-ghcerine is cutting thA PifiV railroad; tunnel' through the summit of the Sierra Nevada atthe rate of -50 feet perweekjand by midsummer 50 miles of road will be added to the 94 - nl ri':idv in operation aY the Oaliforma end. ; Charles Lyell, iu a-new edition of his Pi-mciples of Geology" notices the dis covery oi hsh in some of the Artesian i Va11o CMnl' lr J rm I . . uuuo, iu me ueserxoi oanara. iney were brought from the depth of 175 feet, and were not blind like , those of VdeLs biirg, but had perfect eyes. . . . . .A n jilr. Nordenskiold, the distinguislied Swedish geologist, announces a discovery of (bituminous gneiss, a real organic sub stance formed of the-remains of plants or animals, imbedded in layers ' of. gneiss and mica schist, r He considered infiltra tion impossible in the case, and the in ference is-that organic life existed on the earth far back in what has hitherto been considered the azoic ao-e. Eroriautical Society recently met in London, 'with the Duke of Argyle at ueuu. . experiments are constantly 6ur western mines. lac ori.T1 " .PROVISIONS'. ter houses will all be utUized instead of ' DRtJ?PODS, OPPOSITE THE GASTOX.JIOVSr W. S. WAL. r. IIehwxx Mayt-lJtt being left as at nrespnt ; tn a;b. . utiaii'rur neaitn. re the AGEIOIJLTUEAL., xor Fanocrt oa the piwalica. BOOTS and SHOES, Ac Accommodation BROsU) STREET. If making, and cling to the belief that trav ellinsr through the o vuiwuiju t-uc an , win Lrvcume us common as on the sea. Some of the. best men in. England support the experiments and entertain the belief. ; The Duke, of Sutherland has offered a reward of one hundred pounds to any one who, by me chanical means, will fly to tho top of Stafford House. ;; " , enough on the:, ground to show the great vwjuujuo ui xxuiertcun mecnanicai mffe- Wit j., yolk.: ; uityin .the mosttfavorable light. ' Some Paris surgeons lately tried a curious experiment witk the head of a man who, had been guillotined. : They in jected into its arteriesfresh arterial blood taken from a dog, and shortly afterwards the head gave unmistakable sighs of life. TI16 color returned to the cheeks and lips, the eyes Opened brightly and grazed upon those around, the lips moved as if atterapt mg vainly to speak, and the entire " face bore tne semblance to active life. So soon as the Operator ceased to inject the life blood of the dog, the appearance of death Jrapidly succeeded. It .was held that during the operation the brain was in natural action, and that the lips tried to-titter the last thought which found resting place-in the mind of the con-' x de.mnecL- r':?i - - . 5 '? s GOD EFFECTS OF LIME. 1 any one has.nnv li ' god effect of lime on7olcT tor cxixjnment half an acre, lime it welT and we think that in four or five yeara he will extend tho nnni;:. 73 ? done and it will Iasf ' Wh Jr saw the spot wherA the "t" x ZT nnnn 1 . , " vi a iiouse gra.s at- alL sesons. -nf ,t o v what produces this' o ir hhtRll gathers around the residence of them.; It must be the lime that falls i ntn tliA evktl from. the bricks and plastering.' Lime iu. more posiuveiyon some soils than on oiacrs, Dut did you ever know of limn- stone land that was not fertile? that did not give a larger yield of grass ? It seems to act as manure or food for nknt fn. n t .1 au wno are conversant with chemical analysis know that there is a -small por- iwiiuHiiiioor aitaiine mattAr fmmH' all.plants, grasses and trees. Lime sup plies this hence tho vigorous growth wherever found it is much more advan tageous to double the produce of one acre nan to work two acres for tho same re- urns. Lret us try the article ; if we see no marked effects thA f?rt. v nnA little the second, doubt not : for it rconirM time to get this material under V- Tint when it does act its operations are steady and durable, and annuallv return f hnrtct of the application. Do not fear a little cost, iori it is an pld and trite sayin" "nouimg risk-,, nothing have,'7 Most iarms are Jacking in lime, and till that 1 is given cn2s must be small. ?. . m A J. L. HERSEY. QUANTITY OF SEED TER AC1!K i Grain red Wheat, 1 to 2 bush- oV I V' fl oats, 2 to 3; barley, 2 to J ; barley and oats, 1 bushel of oats iu t uusnws or parley; peas, 2 to 3 bush els; buckwheat, tO X of .I l.nel.nl u. in hills, C to 8 quarts ; in drills, for fod- .ucr, 10 iusneij; broom com in drills i to 3-4 of a bushel Leans, 1 to U bush els; sorghum, to 3-4 of a bushel." I grosses. Timothy,- 8 to 1 2 quarts ; orchard grass, 1 3-4 to 2 bushels; red-top, 12 to 16 quarts ; Kentucky blue grass, 2 bushels; white clover, 4 to 6 quarts; red. clover,, 6 to 8 quarts; millet, to 3-4 ' lucerne, 8 to 10 pounds. ' Vegetables and Seeds. Beets, 4 to 5 pounds per acre; carrots, 2 pounds; ruta baga, 3-4 to 1 pound; tobacco, 2 ounces; cotton, 2 to 5 bushels; turnips, 1- to 2 pounds ; onions, 3 to 4 pounds. The Ohio State Agricultural Fair will beheld at Dayton,-in September. All entrance fees are abolished and compcti- itoii is open to vue world. . KEEPEVfJ FOWLS. ! Mr. Albert CL'-Vbsc, near Manville, pursues what seems to us a reasonable and profitable course in keeping . fowl?. He has enclosed an acre and a quarter of land with fence ; in this enclosure he keens about one huiidred and fifty Jicmi. lie L ?r it ... . r lniorms us inai aurmg nine montus ot the year these fowls give a profit of two dol lars per day, or say five hundred dollars per year. Is not this keeping fowls to some purpose ? In Mr. Vose's enclosure is a running stream and fruit trees. The trees afford shade, while their fruit bear ing is improved by the fowls. lYbon- sockct Patriot. , - 1 . a , '- 'A New York paper has tpetcmeritv to tint that some of the funds devoted to the printing of tracts might properly be applied to saving people from death by starvation,.:' . -; : May 1-tf kew irurs, sc. c. WHY DO PEOPZE GO TO Fk Ulricas, en sgn cr a, ma rvnTA ... MIDDLE STREET? 50Q Bbls. Rockland Lime, jwoi reociTca and for xh by ..May 30-13-U P. MEEWTX A CO., 1'ollok aL, New Bcroe. LtQUOBS, J. Laughlin, DEALER IX GROCERIES AND ' MIDDLE STREET, May,-,. yD,y.C ! J. & II. Patterson, 3IIDDLE STREET, : ! . ' , i " -vzrir 2?r2?.v. x. c. ; Wholesale axd Retail Dealees Hubbs.& Brother, WUOIXSALE AKD EXT AIL DEALEEJ ET GROCERIES, PRorisro.vs, , i CROCKERY, . . . t xotioxs, ':r- ' PTXE ZTQUORS, cfX, dLt d'C MIDDLE STREET, o.e Doon south op roxxoK steeet. Itajt-Mf ALUH AND DRY PLASTXIL l. . EIRE AXD IWRGLAR PROOF safes; ' rcae "rod or caul lor aa irotrt rn.oj-Bo, f TAUU.S ford to --vs, oa la Irwa tlrn.to tr ( ?y s:nc ir. h-ti- ii?r GOODS, GROCERIES, - OOTS AXD SHOES, HATS AXD CAPS. CROCKERY, STOVES, and j". ' . TIX WARE Etctj Tarlcfy of ; school books: : ALSO, ' : . ooihhssiob' ahd gesxral EHrppnro ' . 3IERCH ANTS. Li&ralad dam ihtrH t kU. ."".Vr"" voHmTy I TO- , tT.- l . - " ilr Cnr m 9W i-.., i i rr7 JT, TT11 . ' tnoL m 7 auO CRISlJER C033A. fi t v lirvctlfnl aM f'r Wlth-atarrr rrra. and nAlmMi htlr. CHISPERCOMA, Tcr 0srti Tfz!r cf eder S-x hto TTtTy May tixt HT,tLU! rtItS' L' a&4 Grctk caa beast! In rb norfd in . . T. POTTERS, : South Front Street, ireir derxe, x. a, CTrf. rc'U bet larlrriK. iij ct r'.r-'. Uran ia. KTt. May J-l-lf. 1 '.Importer, and Dealer in . ; , ' ' . ; J FOREI GX AXD D OMESTIC . WINES, - UQUORS and CIGARS, the choicest beaxds ix stoee. ' AccEtl tot SMmrS CclrbratAl . i Present Use and Stock Ales. . . .. . i .i TWa ALE U Bmre4 1 xpmaJy for 5mi2r Marftrta, and WAEEA2TTED TO EXEP LTf AXT CLIMATZL Eciaa cxdtudTcly eocv'd ' lwrt biwU, I ara prepared to offer SfECIAL rCDCCEXEXT f prtlc jmrrtialnj tn any lioe.. , i . ! : .' . t. rowiiis. AFFLICTED! J st'FTrjst ro Mora: t . TTTHEX y tb b- u pK. JorxtrLurs run Tb atm!li(t; tarrrM wfctr Ka BitnwiM l. . i Cctml iWh-Jitr aa4 PrortrMU. Um U Xx tJterzj. Itnpocrary. Of acy 4 UMCoHMrtnyts c yvcUfid lodiimiaa. rratVr It Ite aaoi ra-tiu mloti rrrr dineotrwL . It U maoit U bmuoa af iloaa. -pr:-.a. rx. dUBCXkt, lfcrariljr to rfy cr ttura. of WmotJ. orjifaUrtv. IKoxt.U of iiX-iti-ici.ai. frr e IfiMB'.tr, Ac It U rvLurt tW rrprUL. mx-w tw bck oC tke lure AntrejeA U ty PvxmM kbh Of -ra tr"tlcra. Tpb? Men. W acmbarr4 morr t-y Q-ri rw. tor aud irnorxr4. prrt.uoT. twt mii ioct C Uj for t!c Xlixir. bM ( mt tntrm rwlorxd u a.ia artaw. A frrtcrt Cr U (iaratwd t ewrr U- a Wane. lYfc $ 1, or luct UxtW to cor tAlnwv ix Our U4ile ta vcSkicsU to rt a cxrt la aJ orCaary caa. I also, dil lonrviLLirs prmnc rnx. for tLa p,'r at4 jwrninftl rrf Ooomi-. tlrt. L rr'.i.ril Pirti?jrt. ;rrri, MrlrtBr. -; ;rUon Of tk Kl t7 jrdArr. (Vrw rforJ'-d ! trenm tram to rt drt- ' TVy an prryrtf trxm rrj-K ri tr j tHat arr UrmH nth rwrm. d fr rr t u M(nel or tirr frvir twi hr k. f "" c f d-t la bru7 oLU m.lns tfcm. aw ll--r -'-a ta aar ataaorr itrrfrr:a iao pa't. iTinc, '"iuhr of the .srrtlao artlrW t3 U xt to U; hUith. omjr4, wi4. biJ or ex. fc3 larxr aJTi. Trcr. . T. X'lano for z:rJe. AnnsT-cu"-5rvEX octave riAKarcrr Mat ?-t. , -EU LLUCA3 CITICt RATES OF ADVERTISHiG T V5 . r if ! Alt. ;! - '7 ; i if ? u . : f ' f . . ?V,- K , !;? t . h'..- lb. I ; J a- - ' M . I v :d , -i U : r . !). ;v !: '. ri It? M il a f .- A

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