- N . v '. .. . . " "--fx v ' Th REPUBLICAN is the official newspaper " JttJtvot New Bern, publishing allMtf Law and ErBS?N, JUNE 11, 18G7 ZA)cal JDepartmcnt. Base Rall CnALLKxnE.r.Wc learn from T J -e7, Captain of tlie "first nine" of the Meteor" Base; Ball Club, that his nine challenge any nine of New Bern to play them a game. rV.V-;'-' ." ' "' ' ' ' "' '"''""". ' -. V , AT1IEK VJUIGLEY OP TIIE CATHOLIC Cnuncii. We sincerely' regret to state that this. learned, divine and accomplished gentle man is about to leave us for a more extended field of labor: in Chica-o. ,TWV xv-w . .Nexr Advertiscmcntrj. Jv'oticc to Delinquents. ALL PERSONS IN ARREAR FOR CITY LICENSE TAX are hereby notified that they mut call at the City Clerk's Offlce and pay up all arearagea Immediate!, or they will be proceeded agairLst an the law direct. , ; . . VV JA. -U iAlM Kit, , June 11 18-lw. "' ' Major.. rnay be a prosperous and 7J4 .-- . .Post Office, New Berne, N. C, , ' ; : -. May 7th, 1SG7. J eT. ptarao on upper risrht hand corner. Emails' will cloee daily as follaws ; ' . liifT .vnoso WHO ..Hare or Son, New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Nor- listened to his ministrations and liave had the I, Sfe rt!Tr'--ir;:.nT.r;: A. liv ?WP acquaintance, will .wish him Morehead and Btaufort, N, C., at. 5.20 P. M. Godspeed to Lis new home, joined to the hone Snke IslancL daily, at.. 8.80.A.M. i. vt, - - J utu w uic Lope noW8boro Raleigh, Wilmington, and all xuture points West and South, at . 6.30 A- 21. happy, one. ." tRiver; every Friday, p.t i..... .12.00 M. . - HA Pnl1nrl:MvUli mm Tn.u . . - - Trenwu ou,. 1 - . .... I rr r'i --,, , . tnaunaay, o. .wjt..ji. ,,"wuu ucu o. x crry. uantam ChTrin " C, every Monday, AV ednesday tuid .t'riday, dock On SandaV evenini? at 4 P T ' ' " ' ' 1 "" ' ' 'HrM s y' l" '' t.4Km ed with Taluable freight tlndlns drop letter, must be prepaid, or they will oe" A .Tins -'METEOR (BASE BALL CLTmThe TSAAFF?T Snt W tM fi letteromce, nnless addreased to .Heads n t.. r Alie bold T. on . ' . ON TUESDAY, the 4th Inst, a White Handle POCK ET KNIFE, in a Black Moroteo case. The finder will be rewarded by leaving it at the . . Vunell.,lS-Xt . "liEJPUBLICAU" OFFICE. &I$&OJLUTIOJ , . . New Bnont, N. C, May let, 1867. TnE co-partnerghlp under the tparne and ftyle of DA Via & KILBURN Is this day diBolved by mu tual consent. Jane 11 8. A, DAVIS. D. N. KILBERN. ; .HATS I HATS!! DONT LEAVE TOWN, OR STAY IN TOWN ANT . 111 LONGER, WITHOUT CALLXNO AT JVrO. 40 POLLOK ST XXD ItTTCfO ' FIXE FUR OR STRAW HAT. 4 They are retaRlns them . . . . . ' -' LTSS THAN WHOLESALE PSICES " . t- ' Jk TA sVil'IM FITY DIFFERENT STYLES. i A Urs rartety of T la 4 s c ii n d u r. s Atlantic ani IT. C. ?.dlr:-i Lct Jio-"L(' ! c.:t m . Arrite i:.Vf iw-n (n Lear r:TTi. AjtStc t !.'.:. to a AtTt K'loa ArriTt et 1:&'t IIjJ.... Learv Io' !t ) C . . , Arrtr u Go. li-ro" S3 tlS Impart Coll iSnro .... IaTt 1!cnh !y UH Lear KSrtoa Arrtre at :w lwte..., Leara iVrce Lwi J'cwrrt ArrtTt u iiort Lt4 t'.ty Having Removed to their r : GEO. .W. NASON, Ju., P. M. Falcon Baseball Club of Kinston flatly refuses to play the "Meteors "of this city, without TUESDAY and TUESDAY NIGHT, 11th LNST.t sT Persons can have the Republican left assiSmng any 1 reason - for the 5 refusall ! This In the store on West side of Craven street, I doors be ti i.Mr houses or storbV Win tltrTi'Via. Meteors;7,.cpnsider. .rather a heavy! back- low Ponok street. ' ? ;j . ; . t the offlce, S9 CrtVcn street. ' p;.:;"eijvin?ionaoiKs nave been talkin and other Refreshments. Trimmings, Edgings, Insertinss, . . Swiss iloalins. Jaconets, - : Nalnsoota plain and checked. MarsaHlcs, GlEghama, rrinta, Lc Lt. Silk and Cloth Sacqoes and Cloaks. Best qnaUUes of Hoop Skirts, latest styles. HEW STORE, The New. Bern Republican Association grief by the first challenge. We have no --. o' '!! T?rfflr:' T?n?M1n! 1rt.rtTTm aa V r I lire? tntinn !n 1n1 ! r-T,? . T. 1 : e . . . . . .Tria Rtarp. on- evervvMoTidftv fivpTiiTiff u-A 4?p.tmTal, tr Tiftxtr' v.o ". - t , I ... axi. of wkxcr wtxl mx sou at to , I . . . ... i : won uiatus luiuo tree. , w an 1 1 1 a-i i i . .. . . . . general inviiauon 10 oe present is extenaea to owe. ;, me splendid play made y " -n-i j-t. j- c j l ..... . -' J , , "71 LOWEST PRTPF PfmSTRT P rt) POLL OK STREET, V inW'ADTEBTISraiESTS IN THIS ISSUL.V . Mitchell, Allen & Co. -Patent Labor Saving "Weil and Pump, Ice. Pitchers, &c. t ; IiOST.A white handle pocket knife. ; ' ' 'Dissolution of co-partnership. '. ' . - Iotice to city License Tax payers. V ' ' Ladies' Festival ! - " . l : not been equalled in any other game since-the dismemberment or the "National", Club of Raleigh. X, LOWES THAN NEW YORK RETAIL RATES. Meeting of the Board of Common CounciL Mayor Palmer in the Chair. . The regular meeting'of the Council was held yesterday afternoon at 4 o'clock, at which a Jacob Wrvy & Co. Boot and Shoe making,' full Board was present. 'George st : . '.Mayor's Court Before His Honor Mayor. "Win. L. Palmer, Monday June 10th. k "., J ' Lock Bryan was brought up f or disorderly cpnduct a trivial case and the defendant was discharged. )? , b ' w T-x ' ' : :i Christopher Sears, "James Bryan and Jacob White were charged . by Mrs. Brandy, with being r wantically inclined on South Front street, on, Saturday evening, in front of her 'residence, and making use of. improper lan guage. His Honor, considering the. palliating ; circumstances, reprimanded them and dismiss ' ed them with the admonition that should they be brought before him' again he would! fine them, or put them where they would have to 'work out. ' ' ! ' - . . The minutes of the last regular and special meetings were read and accepted. The Committee on Ordinances and Licenses reported progress. ' His Honor, the Mayor, said that he had been credibly informed by a gentleman in the Government service that the order closing up the bar rooms would be revoked this week. , Councihuan Hubbs presented an application from L H. Huddleston to keep a hotel, which was referred to' the Committee on Ordinances and. Licenses. srjw-t hU---'-:--'M -, . .' HATEST PARISIAN STYLES OF BOOTS AND -UNSHOES made at short notice. Best of material used and aatiaf action warranted. i . . . PRICES UNEXAMPLED IN THIS MARKET. Repairing neatly done at low rTgnres. r JACOB WTVY & COM Next door to SCHLACHTER'S Grocery, .,' corner Pollok and George ats. Jane 11 18-tf. - ;V . MTCHELL, AIXEN & CO.'S AGBIOULTUBALi HOUSE May J l-t PILVIR & FARR, NO. 40 POLLOK STRES Harrison Building, GEEMANIA Art tow pteparad to sefl U their ell ctttotasrs and the public la casra2 a 1 life Insurance Co,, miosis rr2iiL, szonjs, SELL Doable-Wan Plated Ice Pitchers. Water Cooler, 5 minutes Ice Cream Freezer. Bath Tabs. Water Pots, Wire and Brittania Dish Covers Feather Dusters, KEW AND SELECT STOCK OF OF NEW YORK. Couucilman Ienninger made the following The new Patent Labor-Saving Economical Well and " ' " iirr.i ' ':x. ir - ; I PbP. supplying Water where you need it. . ,4 motionr. SThat the MavorimakeiarjDhcation I , . . ' - motion: "That the Mayor-make i apphcation to the County, Court for the County prisoners, to be employed in ;wqrking on the streets of the city." Carried, r , The Committee on Charities reported pro gress, r Several bills were presented and allowed, May 28 124t. ; " The Southern Convocation of the Epis copal Church will . hold ' its session in Christ Church in this city, on Wednesday, Thursday I and the Board adjourned. and i Friday next t i There will be Divine Ser 'Vice on the evening of each of the above davs.: - ! STATE ITEMS. ,k - , 7 . . . . . . J J ft.fr. nortT.'niicfr. ft r'lriflr' -i. TTohnrc trrill Vta t , . . . - . , I s The Raleigh Sentinel is advocating Female :a cordial invitation is given to the pubhc to attend. . . .. 1 I & roil :sme. : A complete Set of WASHINGTON IRVTNO'S Works, handsomely bound, for sale at lees than cost, at WEST'S BOOK STORE, No. 20 Pollok street. Also a lot of Mis- dryooods, o ' Gen. W. A Blount j of Beaufort county, died in Ralei ffh on the 4th. Mr. B. had been in bad Revenue? Gutter. Al Stevens,-Lieut for year? but Jias rapidlydechn iommander R from a cruise. . v . . , . . . lor lor sevenu . muuuus. ucu. x. uuic ii vuijjiiuiuiu.v; j.kvooc, milieu jrotuvinjr crcuiiiig active part in the war of 1812, and devoted most of his life afterwards to the. quiet voca- . . x tion of fanning. m "r t ci . mi.'. as- I tion of Prof essor Agassiz, that, we should have of this State, has been appointed by Governor a cold and rainy, summer in consequence of Swann one of the Medical Examiners for the immense masses of ice at the north, seems Maryland , ii. likely to prove a correct one. Others attribute r Query- Would Dr. . Warren have received the frigidity of the weather to the annexation this appointment had; he, not been a . rebel ;of the Russian Possessions tcf the United States, burgeon-wencrair "1 ' ' . ' I ATI thfi firroint,mp.nts of Registers in Bank The LadiesV; FESTrvAL "ofi the Baptist Tuptcy . for North Carolina have been made, the .building on the West side of Craven st, Albemarle Sound, and C. C. Pool, Esq of two doors below Pollok. Jce cream, lemonacle, Pasquotank, appointed for one part, and CoL . 'and other refreshments will be , proffered by E. W. Jones, of Washington, appointed for -oo' nii nil v.ot lAvtAv wnmsn iin the other part. s cellaneous Books cheapo- May 8 17-tf ! - W. O. WEST. CLOTimra, .500 Bbls. Kockland Lime, TUST receited and for eale by C.ZriTZL si.ooo.ooo.oo. v it i r - .. - HaySO-13-tf. P..MERWIN A COX, ' Pollok at. New Berne. BOOTS and SHOES, nrrrnrrira. - tJ23 P. 1L . in . fJ3 ractrrr TrIs rtili wt: Ncrti C. JHha r0 rod TTm. rol? Wt at iro P. Uaal rrsrn.:- Wrrs aTtT tts arrtral cf its V, lllrua ai4 sU R:iroa4 TnJn r'-r? fcotJx. rftvrs trua lis Wt wsit trcxa ILS3 A. 2T, Is rcn p. VL The Arcottirf,.it'.a Trala H V-rt 1Tc.t! rad Cty cm Mosdira, v,..--dr aad miirs, rrttrUcj rrwrj ' sitcraate dir, f c.:krr ; Lmti Mart ;-d oty (bUliot( 4 03 A.S, Lear rw lierM tJ LraTs EJriUo .10.25 " ArrlTssiOoUtboro im T. 25, RTTUllNINO, Leavt CK,lboro A. Ifl. Leave K la ion ........ ............. la. . Uiti Jirw Ucnm lt. ArriTt at UorrUrd c.tr (SU'JcO in P. 1C- Ttrorth TUrt wU i o4 to j-rlact;. t -"cmsi wu. n. HAimrr. May 1-tf Bcyrrtstrft&cU U Tra&iycru , PHOT O G R A P IT R O O 21 C V CArX.T BTZXZT, NEW EZRNZ, 2t. CL, , (Orrosrra Nrw Beast RrmiaaJt OrrxraJ J e PHOTOGRAPHS, AHBROT YPES. ASfrTC"6 ruitlt5 Iho art tssa UCU ' lDtrrtioi rlTra la tl arL fctock tor aio and ccUrs ttts ttrcUir4 tar KSmtSt sJTanot oo Nrw York coL Miy ll , DR. W. XL TATLOE. Da. Cta BL TATXCSi SURGEQt BEKTlSTCr i ErrrXTFt'LLTfcffcrtbclrrftffrwlctaJ crvkU' tks dlitrxi ct Jirw Bcra, sx4 trrvttti:r-j cocxik. AH work tmo to tl lt rsaracr, az4 m'w.m rearasuinl or no jy rcqulrwl. Nltrocs Ox3 Uu, sd EtU trrty adssUtaraC. and Teeth Estractei . vrmiouT vms. CUoroforra and Eihcr also ad&ixstmd. o--s cm ' ths conxt of PoDok St, (between Ule & lUacockJ ITayt-l-tf. i For Sale. t ONE BUILD IN 0 LOT sitasud oa Haaeoek stmC.' Dear BocU Kroct. Tms;. For fcrUrr rrU- r&ura, apjwy to ti udcrrtrnr4 at U4 Comes of SocL d Uasoock streets. Exchange Hotel, y , POLLOK STREET, Front an Jane 1-14 tf JOHN W. VAUGHN. next door to tu i icuuc uiu utuiuu giauy iu uub i Qraven. not be warting. ' A cordial invitation is exten- For the 4th District, Jno. T. Deweese, Esq., ded to one nnd all. . . of Wake. , - - . s. . For the 5th District, Thos. B. Keogh, Esq., , Recovery of A Dead Body. The body of of Guilford. . - v Daniel Howard who was drowned off How- :fheCth District, R. F. Broadfield, Esq., ard's mills last Friday. was recovered Sunday , For the 7th District, Clinton B. Cilley, Esq., - v.' BAER & EPPLER, - . . ,- ' , - , , . MART IK J . M c NAM ARA, Proprietor. The above Hotel Raving been renovated and refitted, is now open for the accommodation of the local and traveling public. : -TABLES : ; Furnished with the best the market can afford. . The benefits of Life? Imurance need hardly to be enumerated at thlssaire. Every careful and. considerate man, but ocrcshis duly to his ' tarnHin navmg nis . HATS and CAPS, STRAW GOODS, Life! Insured, And a great many articles too Bcmerons to even tion, al i clS towards swVljg a complrtc stock of " FREE LUNCH EVERY EVENING AT . 8 O'CLOCK. , V. ', A Bagatelle Table, free of charge, for the use of Guests. June 8 17-lm. . i . , Cannon, Esq., of Jackson, .for the western half. TIONS AND SHIP CHANDLERY. GRAND rl0YAI ARCH vHAPTER OF-XI ORTH -stotICE is hereby jriven that Sealed Propowls for CAROLiNAjX-The Convocation Of Royal Arch JM furnishing RATIONS AND SHIP CHANDLERY, Masons' just Closed has been a very interest- for' the use. of the UNITED STATES REVENUE ing one, and visitors from' many Chapters CUTTERS IN THE DISTRICT OF PAMLICO, will were in attendance. ; ' . ". . ' : ; T I be received by the undereigned, at bis offlce at the The following omcers were amy,eiected ana I custom house at new Bern, up to the 15 TH DAT OF JUNE 18C7. morning and -brought ashore to the. lumber of Caldwell, for the eastern half, and R. H. PROPOSALS FOR: SUPPLIES OF RA- yard. . - " v : ' ; ' , P. 8. Coroner Dillingham . held an inquest -on the body. Terdict; Death from accidental drowning. - .'.;. -. ..: '' -i : t'-". 1 3 ' : ' ' ;4 County Court. This Court convened yes terday morning at 10 o'clock. .:'-! i - C. Kelley, Chairman. . . -j y John D. FLmner and Daniel Brinson, Asso ciate Justices. - ' ( At the opening of the Court, Mr. Hubbard tn a touching manner alluded to the decease of the late Hon. R. S. Donnell, and his distin guished public life, and moved that the Reso lutions adopted at the meeting of the members of the Bar be spread upon the minutes of the i Court , , -" ' V Alex. Justice, Esq.; . moved that the Court v Adjourn until to-day at 10 o'clock, and the Court adjourned. , .V. S. Circuit CouRT.Chief Justice Chase presiding ; Associate Justice, Hon. Geo. W. Brook, j . - i This - tribunal, how in session in RaleighT, "will probably adjourn this evening. ( Messrs. Jjehman and Seymour, Henry R. Bryan and C. R. Thomas, Esqs., of this city, were admit ted as practitioners at the Bar of this Court" t i The case of Joel Kirisey, indicted at the last I term of .'the. pistodctlCorirtin i l Distilling Liquors without a license,", and which was decided in favor of the defendant, and appealed to the Court above, was dis missed by the Chief Justice, on the ground "that there is no Statute of the U. S. under which A District Attorney can appeal a crim inal'case from the Court below.". J. H, Haughton, Esq., counsel for the de ' J ienaanCl.fT - ' f At a small expense a family is insured against any want which accident or adversity might otherwise bring upon them. The advantages of th Gertnattia Lit c Insurance Co. Dry jGoods. ... . - , We would ba pleased to sea yom all, and tbow job oct stock. Jott coma to Wi H. -Remains, CRAVEN ST., NEAR SOUTH FRONT,' Under tU EZZard , ' WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER LN WISES, LIQUORS, SZQAJ2S JLXJ TOZUCCX 4 MSW t rpO tny stock of Wine. Uqnor. Srars std ToSooev, X which 1 keep of the tmrt caallty. txtoltHj ca 1 fears aCdod a food (Lock of U U4 GROCERIES, and hve made arraTsrrmerts for a frab ssrIf Yt every steamer from New Tort If yon Aealrs rood 8ELF-RAI5INO FLOUR. Te Coffee, tcrar. rrk. or asytLlnc la scy Use, rrt tas a" call, and 1 Ul b pk-aaed to scrre rr. w; U. liOVAINX, Craven street, coder tb rxlard haioosv. N. B. I make a rpedalty of belX Raialng rkrtr, a&S vtroiioriTiuiuui. Xiy a1 U i , (At Dtj Indlm, en Xi&Zs Strut auvrrarrrxrm 1x9 ttux n ' Scgar, AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. AH kltvU of ii0ETN0. CHEWLNQ, and ANCTT TOBACCXX ; . . . are: t .... ITS LARGE AND STEADILY TNCREASTNO r " CAPITAL. ' ' - . " Alfred "Martin? Wilmington, M. E. G. H; P. ' ; W. J. nicks, Raleigh, E. Dep. G. H. Pc 1 - Wm; Murdockr Salisbury, E. G. K. " ' W. W. Dunn, Kinston, E. G. S. ; Thos. W. Brown, Wilmington, E. G. Treas. Thos. B. Carr, " 41 E. G. Sea Thos. M: Gardner, " . E.- G. & H. Rev. Hugh McAlpin, Clinton, G, Chaplain. R W. York, Raleigh, E. G. P. S. v C. T. Alexander, Charlotte, G. R1C. - J. L. Scott, Graham, G. M. 3d V. J. W. Gulick, Goldsboro, G. M. 2d V. , J. H. Separk, Raleigh, G. M. 1st V. ; : -v E. Turlington, Wilmington, G.Tyler. ; ;v Sir Christopher Wren's Mallet. At late general meeting of the ' London and 1 it a 1 V 1 ri x. Al 1 AUaoiesex Axcnseoiogicai oociety me original mkllet with which it is1 said King Charles IL laicKthe first stone of St Paurs, was exhibited. 1 Jfitnclavm, Briar Wood end EulTrr Piri 30 Pollok street, end rrL1' 'u Contracts to be lor one year, ending tne win 01 one, 1 , - 1868. . . - A Mat of articles to be furnished can be seen at tha Jt managed by rtlfobte and Vtll JcnOXCn Harrison Building. I a Orders rrnctciTy attended to. . Jbms ;wl wirrro, iccvr.-t;io rr mi Tm Tm Rorjr. oa VJO Psa Csttt Faorrr era CiMntiiajcit. Wi emarwtf Ihm sWre aalary r ctraHUi to artirt ts dsatnoca arecu at UteU enrn Ve, vs tttroc ace 1 anltis of lalryaUt mfUiy la rtery horx ...!, Ft " Narrow Escape from a Conflagration. -On Sunday afternoon j the servant girl em ployed in the house of Mr. J. P. Hamblin, on Pollok street, between George and Muddy streets, attempted to raise . a, fire by pouring -licrosenebil upOn the embers and immediately became enveloped in flamei ;Mr. Hamblih uuu otner gentlempti rpc? ! -n '!nihA Ttnn'itTt'w being present, the fire was speedily quenched, nad the famrly.been absent, as they were an hour previous, - an ;extensive: conflagration T.ou i have : been inevitable with the high 1 ;TCvaihng at that time. ' . : . - . - 7:.2.pr was very severely injured. -:, f mi. Y head. AAA J V OVUUV VA. IT ISUS mJm 7 v inscription- is on a silver plate let into the . It is as follows : 44 By order of the M. W. theGrand Master, his Royal Highness the Duke ofX Sussex, &a, and .W". Master of the Lodge of Antiquity, and with the concurrence of the brethren of the Lodge, this plate has been engraV and aflixed to this mallet, A. L. 5831.' A.- IX 1827. To commemorate that this beinff thu same mallet with which -J his Majesty King CSjarles IL levelled the founda tion stone or ot iraurs uamearai, a. lu oo, A. D. 1G73, was presented the old Lodge of bt faurs, now tne jjoage 01 Anuquiiy, act ing by memorial constitution. "By Bro. Sir Christopher Wren, R W. P. G. IL Worship ful Master of the Lodgeand Architect of that edifice." Custom House. v" : '.i ... : j " RICHARD W. KINO, A Collector of Customs, District of Pamlico. Junel H-td. f ; ! ". '" ' . FZg BBLS. FINE PORTO RICO MOLASSES ln '-f. .Store, and for sale cheap rorcasn, oy . ; ; ROBBLNS,' STYRON & June 4 15-3t , , ; : ' . 61 and 63 Broad st H. IT, Wright & Co., ' . " . 4 24 and 26 People's Msrket, ; . - . i - ....-' - KE TT1 B ER iV, iV. C , . ..vvv -;rr r : GROCERIES, FORWARDLKG - : f . - -, V' '. -: l . AJTD . ... .-. " - OoLuniission Merchants, Jfenf The Insured need fear no quibbling or eva sion on the part of this COMPANY, as it ha insured over 12,000 persona for more than Eighteen .Millions of Dollars within tlx years. REMEMBER THAT REMEMBER THAT TfKrrMWR THAT REMEMBER THAT REMEMBER THAT faH rrUrtlr rH cm. or . w.Jiiaxj.i m. II nod sl, T.utaaf, May IS S-es-. i ATTORSrr JXD COCXSZLLCM AT LAV Orrrj Casxtm Psixax sx XLiKncs tra, NEW BEEN, N. C Msyl I-tX j F B BEST. Ths Fast Sailing Schooaeri Miss Adelaide Wood, ofNew Orleans, is spoken of by the Southern papers as a new V41.tCl Vi giUUI; UiiCilfc iuiuiu; have as yet taken only the f orni of contribu tions, to magazines, but from wtiom we may soon expect something more ambitious. " l ; Po'Kuiii.w PATRON, ' . ' . .' " LEOLA, Capt JEPTHA ROSE, "- ' ' " ' : ' : V ' " c JOSEPH ROSE, R has paid tcithin a fevs year over 200.000.00 to Widcnct and Orphans. f i.l;: - '-: ' " - ' ..r. : iti; . .,.'! It permits a residence and travel on the Con tinent of Europe and in the Southern States as far South as the northern boundary of Itorth Carolina. , :'. ' ,'. ; . ' BAEll fc EPPLER BER & EPPLER BAEH & EPPLER BAER.& EPPLER BAER fc EPPLER . y 1 HAVE REMOVED TO HAVE REMOVED TO HAVE REMOVED TO HAVE REMOVED TO HAVE REMOVED TO t i TTTILL leave marke wharf every Saturday for Wash- ; 1 1 ington, J. M. ana nyae ouniy. ultimo. & ft'" WHAT EVEBx" 4N0ETHEEH HAH OUGHT TO KITOW i THAT with a free ttse of the SOUTHERN DIAR RHOEA MEDICINE," he and his family can re main through the Summer, enjoying all the Fruits and Vegetables to.be found here, in perfect health, Fulldi- rections accompany each bottle. . 1 Sold by all DrufcgistB. Price, 73 cents. ; , , ' t1 , 1 May 18-e-lm. Ctoods sent to our care win be delivered with diepatch. v';" AGISTSroB ,.-r"-. P OR T MAR T SA W-2TILL. Fvery description of LUMBER kept constantly on a ; 3 ' hand and fot sale , . "' r -CHEAP FOR CASIL ... - 5 - . ... .t - May M'f. ! HUGO WESENDONCK, Pritidetd.- . FRED. ECnWENDLER, Stcrtt&rf. JL J.'MENNLNGER, Agent, at New Bern. May 4 2-tt , ' rpHE deciratl property, known as ths HAH VET : BIUCK WAREHOUSE A2U WHARF. irr notitb rr year. . n 'llrj i-ll-l CO POLLOK STREET, CO POLLOK STREET, CO POLLOK STREET, CO POLLOK STREET, CO POLLOK STREET, i . TJAERISON EUTLDING. TLIRRISON LTTLDrNO. HAREISON EUILDHCa .eariiison rnLDiNa. iLir.rjL'ON rriLrrNCJ. Om DwsHIsx Ess and Evert ZvtM si tasted aa Hancock Street, aesx th Railroad Depot. Far fartlC InformatSoa apply at tils OZca May f-4-lci ; ' f STARCH GLOSS. flUlE sett oconomlcal article tLat exa bs aosd. eevtitr X only stosl m crtU to do Um waaiO&c of aa orCAars lxed tamiJy. Cilrr a tne. Irory-Ck poHa t T.fcea tsxtTn. Effectcal ftrreaU Um troa aad daas froxa aW?rf to the doth. Makes old llnra Wk ITks sew. Goods dons sp wit a it keep tWi saack tutgrr, Ctar. by aTtze lint sad Uhor ta waaala. n arraaiAa no to ir)rc ine uvunt. 3 ccsts per cake. Liberal dlaoocsts U 0 trado. . IMPERLVL BLUE. BUST IS THE WORLD. lUiUt la hard aa well aa aoft water. Warranted ftot to streak tb ciotbea. nT.U per bor. Liberal dieos st to tie trada. t'7 ArmtM srmzsted ererrwbere. to r3 tLo abev ITlicW, to wboa w c'rt extrordJnrr t&iarettes:. baiBpics sect rt rail vm tw't ef aixne prtrea. NEW YOIJ BTAIXH Gl (u No. CI raiusn f U c Tcsk. May S-l-a. EXCELSIOR t EXCELSIOR!! Ohostelhi j Hair Extcnniiritcrt Vr Emerin g S -j-rrf- t.'s 27j. rpO a U! eeeUTe. Ilia lrci.M .,m fr brEtT. U eo..r t-: eA. coea -- " i n AirrrTT. r. ra ry t-i a. sy a' ' sl a a or U;rs tre k:a. t t--j; ; "IT ttrta ar J . t - Kl , ll rJ f . - u- - ! a exu: ir.- n r-- :. r- r ' I - ''- '"''ji.ui., l'-r.- Hi;-1 : 4'