V :3JHW ;BERy, JUNE 11, 1867. .TALTEIl' ! WHO MAY.' FOLLOW wrrn t a dt- i ' -J - . ' "" .. .; : - - ; , . alter who may, follow who dare P : , ' '" 1 ' ' " Toeodoeb Tiltox, fay 8th, 18C7. T1 voice is the voice of a leader, ' " V Tvords rinS ia the air i ' ; "s All Ve who may may falter, . .' ? . Follow all ye -who dare v To-day is the xlay of d battle, ' ! The brunt is hnrrl ! Rnd lack all yd .who falter, - ' fcopmforjthem who dare I " ' ;n-flSH9 thofisttfo Freedom, '! ,Te colors ardiGod'sw-e wear; ' - i Uh coward souls w lm f nitnr .rfficrooiu for them who We I k fBy twos and by threes W are stronger powers oi me air; . " i - ? Vpcd not who falter, wiuuu on irom them who dare ! 1tb'ones and the kingdoms are rockin re auu tyrants m despair, k XrheIP to JPU who falter, - Will nee from them who dare I The voice is the voice of a leader, "All ve who may may falter. ,f . Follow all ye who dare I For the cup m the Lord's liand glowetfc . His wine is red and rare: It is death if you but falter, ;- r It4 i3Ae if yu but dare !" H. H GOOD-Br SWEET HEART. i, ! Good -btv sweet heart 1 . t ) I leave thee with the loveliest thing vThe beautyrburdened spring-time brings, j The anemone in enowy hood, P . rThe sTyeet arbutus in the wood. . - . t K Antl to the smiling skies above " '' ' J I ay, Bend brightly o'ef my love. ' 4 ! And to the perfume-breathing breeze ' a sign, Ding soitest symphonies. v u, lutc-iiKe leaves ot laden trees t Bear all your sweet refrain to him,; rrT11"116 in tbe' June-time twilights dim r-He thinks of me as I of4im. - r -. j And so goodly, ftveet heart. .Good-by, Eweet heartf l ? I leave thee with all , That when some fair-temptation sings -: Its luring song, tho' sore .beset, . . , .' i ' i.HPH'" stronger be. . Then no regret -Life-long will follow after thee. ' i-WitU touches lighter than the air . ' " 1 klSS VOUr forphPiarl lir And say, to God this lat deep prayer O guard him always, night and day, bo from Thy peace he shall not stray. Oood-by, sweet heart. We seem to part: Sfi -xet Sllll Wifhi Thou goest with me. Still my place ' (j I hold in.thme by love's dear grace: H ; i et all my life, seems going out, ' 'As slow I turn my face about, To go alone another Way, - - . ..To bo alone to life's last day,- - .- . f Unless Ihy-snfile can light my way. ; - g00?0 sweet heartr The dreaded dawn, , i hat tells our love's long tryst is gone -; . :Is purpling all the pallid sky, V ""- As tow I sigh; Sweet heart, good-by. 1 V Li or the New Bern Ifcpublican. ' Eepublican Meeting, Chatham County. Pursuantto previous notice, a large number n;1 1 'AscmDieai al iiayjvood, Chatham f'MHj,'ivu, oa me ist aay ot June, 1867, when, on motion. AV. O. Thnmna m :f!l0 Cha,r and Thomas .Taylor and , Tnorhas Gunter, (colored) - were' " appointed ,Vice Presidents, and J. K. Gibson (white) and Muyuuus xjiacivweii (colored) appointed Secre tans. - v r . A: committee of ten, five pf each color, was viz : Silas' Burns, Y. T. Gunter, James Wo' ,S ' 11vX3iount, j . xs. Masimore (whites), JDan'l BlacknelL Sanders Smith W!ll?a "R Elm JVIcKay.and Kich'd Barnes (colored.) ' ; The lneetinfr wns tlion1 ri prablolcngth by Messrs. J. R. McDonald and K FMoore,'of Chatham, and Jas. II. LTarrii and James, Jones, of Kaleigli, and W, J. Bar TQtt, of .Moora; They all avowed their warm attachment to the-Republican party. :After which the committee' reported the following ..uww .u4 iwuiuuuus, wuicn were unani mously adonted i i s t i- l WriEREAsj an ; awful 'crisis ot affairs has arriver m our country, , many of our, public" wicuuaymgiong since mrnea traitors to the government, and in addition1 to the e-eneral dcvastation'wliich they have already brought upuu u, ,mey are: determined, it seems from their 'present course, to sink i the country deeper Into ruin, destruction and despair ; and whereas, nothing short of the most powerful, prompt ancTvigorous ; exertions of the men of tho.rgreat Kational ' Republican Union party V" - . nnpeiuung storm and save us irom unutterable and irretrievable ruin: there fore, be it" v Resolved, That ft is the highest and "most solemn duty of every-patriot, ofcvery Union loving man the State over to arouse himself ana uucuie on the armor of truth and justice, anclmake one mighty, one .powerful effort to redeem his country from the very jaws of op pression, and place North Carolina once more urine gionoua old Union upon a safe, a firm and lasting foundation. - ; -Resolved. That we hail with pleasure' and accept with delight the various acts passed by Congress, the law-making power of the nation, looking to reconstruction, civil rights, univer- sal suffrage, &c. v . ' : ? - - : I Resolved, That although we endorse and arc highly pleased with' the acts of Congress to re construct the recently insurgent States,! yet we feci it to be our bounden duty as loyal men to say, from every day's experience and observa tion that," before we shall be restored on an unmistakably loyal basis, the 'present rebel fitato organization must be abolished. ! lesolved. That it is disheartening and hard ior us as Union men to be taxed and obpress cd to keep in existence a disaffected State gov ernment; through .which traitors and disloyal persons are permitted to and do rule over us, ii i . it i' obstacle and obstruction in the Vay of rccon Btruction which the ingenuity of ' the ignoble brain, can invent; r .; . , Resolced, ;That we favor and do recommend that a system of free schools l-for the benefit of all children without regard to race or color, should be guaranteed ; by; constitutional and legal ;form. ''i-jx-: '- vrl- i:- ,:;.- Resolced, That we heartily and cordially en dorse the platform of principles as set forth by lhe Republican Convention: which assembled, in the City of Raleigh, on the 27th of March, 18G7. !-H :rr::H't;v, Resohed. Tliat the North Carolina Standard, tlaat reliable ?and. never-flinching Republican journal, in its untiring and unceasing efforts to maintain Liberty and Law,' -Truth and Justice, ' and 'jqual Rights1 to allmeets our approval. '... -: -x . -j -f -- Resetted That the proceedings be forward ed to" the editors of. the Standard for publica tion, Requesting the Salem Obsct cer; New Bern 727wJ7irHendersbriville Pioneer, and other loyal papers to wpy: ..Alter WTillCu x. urunier ruiiuesieu oil mc Republicans to hold up - their hands, i when nearly all present did sorafter which the meeting adjourned With' the,, best of feeling. : , . J -w. C. TU03IAS, -President. TnOS. TAYLOR, j vice 3, " Gixsox, : ; secretaries j ' ii. i.i, iii-iT-"-ijy-- , ! ! iaj--virrfcw.kWiaHJJ:l-'ij.w. . y.ii I HECOSTSUOTIOIT HEASU2E3.- ins PROPOSED, CONSTITUTIONAL AMEND. The followlni is correct copy of the bAendment proposed as Article XIV of the Constitution -of thel United States. As this amendment forms part of the S basis of reconstruction adooted br Conm-i ... vu..,, ' it for general information ndjeferfiiiae. - v S The amendment has up to this date (Aprils been ratified by thefonowing States: Connecticnt Tllinntc Indiana, Kansas Maine, Michigan, Minnesota, Mis-1 rvuriasnpsjada, New IlaTnjshiro New J ersey Ner York, Ohib prison? PenLsyivani EhodS IsIand-Teiiiicen'erti-ont, TeBVteMaW ein--21 in all. The amendment has been rejected by the Legislatures of Delaware, Maryland and Kentncky, and by all the 1 uureciraBiraccea v btates," to wit r Alabama. ArkT, S .vtwrgia, fionaa, juislana,. Mississippi, North Caro- una, jontH Carolina, Texas and Virginia 13 in alL Be it resetted bv the Senif jt ru V V "u-uuiuo ul oui,uoose concurnnjr,) That the following article, b. proposed to the Legiela tnres of the several States as an mimm n H,.0n stitntion of the United States. trbih ichm omai 1 three-fourths of said Legislatures, shall be valid as part i ' , Article XIV. I Sec. 1. AH persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citi zens of raeUmtcd Statesimd of taetate-rherein they resido.jJve State hall make or enforce jus law which shairabridgethepriTtteges'or immunities tsf xithrens of the United States ; nor shall any State deprive any per son of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law, nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the lawsu i ; , . Seo. 2. Representatives shall be apportioned among the several States according to their respective numbers! counting the w hole number of persons In each State excluding Indiana.iwt 'iaxi&AjBat'fchjeif the right to vote at any election for the choice of electors for Presi dent and Vice President of th ITn-fl t?,. sentativesin Congress, the executive and judicial offi- ZZ 2 T ur we memoers or tne legislature thereof, Is denied to any of the male inhabitants of euch btote, being twenty-one years of age, and citizens of the Lmted States, or in any way abridged, except fer participation ur rebelliotit)r other criaie, Jhe, basls of presentation Ihercin haU J) reduced &eopor-powhichrthe-CTrmbtr-or ettch malcclflzeng shalr beat to the whole number of male citizens twenty-one years of age in such State. J J Sec a No person shall be a Senator or Representative In Congress, or elector of President and Vice President, or hold: any office, civU or military, under the United States or under any State, who having previously taken ho.8 f member o Congress, or as an offlcef of the United States, or as a member of any State Legislature oras an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of. the United States, shaU have engaged in insurrection -or, rebellion against the same, or given taidor imf orttd the encmiea thereof But Congress may by a vote of, two-thirds of each Uouse remove such disability. i ui . . ,u. . . rwuee Sec. 4. The validity of the public debt of the United States, authorked by law, including debts incurred for the payment of pensions and bounties for services in suppressing insurrection or rebellion, shall not be ques tioned. Bat neither the United States nor any State shall assume or pay any debt or obligation incurred in States, or any claim for the loss or emancipation of any &Vnbntiali endebta, obligations and chUms shall be held illegal and void. , : . . Seo. 5." The -CoBCTaM shall have power. to enforce, by appropriate legislation, y the "provisions- of this ar- BILL FOR RECONSTRUCTION. The following is Senator Sherman's substitute for Stevens' bill, with Wilson's and Shellabarger's amend ments in the House, as it was nnaUypassedi tWilsonTi amendment is the latter portion of section five, com mencing at the word "provided." The sixth section is Shellabarger's amendment : : - , - ' " A BILL TO PROVIDE FOB THE MOKE EFFICIENT GOVEEX- WEST OF THE BEBEL STATES. ,v Whereas, no legal State protection for life or property now exists ift thn rph-l States of 4irgima, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Louisiana, Florida, Texas and Ar kansas ; and whereas, it is necessary that peace and eood order should be enferccd in said States until loyal and republican State governments can be legally established : Therefore, ! k uVV-; Vvv.r, biOO. - m it enacted, That said rebel States shall be di vided into t military districts, and made subject to the military authority of the United States, atf hereinafter prescribed ; and for that purpose Virginia shall consti- &toh!.15t.d8t?ct ; Nort" Carolina and South Carolina the2d district ; Georgia, Alabama and Florida the 3d district ; Mississippi and Arkansas the 4th district, and Louisiana and Texas the feth district. ' v 5'2;''iatUehaUbthe dntyof the President to assign to the command of each of said districts an officer fi004 the rank of brigadier general, d2? detai a 8nfcaent . miUtary force to enawc such to Perform his duties and enforce his authority ; within the district to which he is assigned. Sec. 3. That it shall be the duty of each officer as signed aa aforesaid, to protect all persons in their rights , of person and property, to suppress insurrection, dfsor- 1 n. Solence' and to Punish or cause to be punished aU disturbers of the public peace and criminals, and to this end he may allow local civil tribunals to take juris diction of and try offenders, or when in his judgment it may be necessary for the trial of offenders, he shall have power to organize military commissions or tribunals for that purpose; and all interference under color of State authority with the exercise of military authority under this act shall be null and void. V?' 811 persons put under military arrest by virtue of thiaact shaU be tried without unnecessary de lay, and no cruel or unusual punishment shall be inflict ed; and jio sentence of any military commission or tribunal hereby authorized, affecting the life or liberty of any person,: shall be executed unSl it is approved bv the officijrin command of ihe district j and the laws and reflations for, thegovernment of the army shaUiiot be affected by this acf, except In so far as they may conflict with its provisions. .-r ; . . ; . S?0- 5- T,bat when the people of any one of said rebel States shall have formed a constitntion of government in conformity with the Constitution of the United States in air respects, framed by a convention of delegates elected by the male aitizens of said State twenty-one years old, and upward, of whatever race, color or previ ous condition, whd have been resident in said State for one year previous to the day of such election, except such as maybe disfranchised for participation in the rebellion or for felony at common law ; and when such constitution shall provide that the elective franchise shall be enjoyed by all such persons as have the qualifi cation herein stated for election of delegates; and when 6uch constitution shall be ratified by a majority of the persons voting on the question of ratification who are qo4lified.a,eaect6r for delegates aiidwheh socli coa SUtution shall hate been submitted: to JDongress for ex amlnatioh aiid approval, ana Congress shall have ap- roved the same ; and when said State by a vote of its legislature elected under said constitution shall haye adopted the amendment to the Constitntion of the United States proposed by the Thirty-Ninth Congress and known as article fourteen, and when said article shall have become a part of the Constitution of the United States, said" State stall ,be declared entitled to representation in Congress, and Senators and Represen tatives shall be admitted therefrom on their taking the oath prescribed by law, and then and thereafter the preceding sections of this act shall be inoperative in saics State i Provided, That no person excluded from th privilege of holding office by said proposed amend nient to the Constitution of the United States shall be eligible taelectionasaTmember of. the convention to frame a constitution for any of said rebel States, nor shall any such person vote for members of said convention.. - - - Sec. 6. And be it further enacted. That until the peo ple of said rebel State Bhail b by; law admitted to rep resentation in the. pongress o.the United States, any civil governments which1 mar exist therein shall v deemed provisional only, and. in all. respects subject to uc ptuuuiuuuii ituuiuiibjr vi luc omtcu oiatcs at any time to abolish, modifv. confrnl or sutwiwHa tho ca . and in all elections to any office under such provisional governments aU persons shall bo entitled to vote, and none other, who are entitled to vote under the provis ions of the fifth section of this act : and no nerson ehnii be eligible to any office under any such provisional gov ernments who would be disqualified from holding office under the provisions of the thjrd article of said consti imion ai amcnamenc. . . - SUPPLEMENTARY RECONSTRUCTION BILL. The following is a copy of the bill ai It ;finallv nassoil both Houses ; , 1 . , f.. . An Act supplementary to attract entitled. " An act to provide tor the more efficient government of the rebel ; States,; passed arch2i 1867, and to facilitate restora- tion. ---.,r s Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Revreiumin- tiues of the United States of America in Conare At. sembled. That before the 1st day of September, 1SC7. the commanding general in each district defined br an act entitled " An act to provide for the more efficient government of the rebel States," approved March 2, 1S67, shall cause ajtegistratlon to be made of the male citizens of the United States, twenty-one vears of ae and upwards, resident In -each county or parish in tho State or States Included In his district, which registra tion shall include only those persons who are qualified to vote for delegates by the act aforesaid, and who shall have taken and subscribed the following Qh or affirma tion : I,.; j do solemnly, swear, (or affirm,) in the presence of Almighty God, that I am a citizen of the btate ot ; tnatl have resided in said State for . months next preceding this day., and now reside in the county j6f w-y or tha.bariaa Jbl , In said State, (m the case may be :) that I am twentv-one veara old ; that I have not been'disfranchised for participation j nor for felony committed against the laws of any State or of the United States t that I have never taken an oath as a member of Congress of the. United. States, or as an officer of the United States, tr as a member of any State Legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States, against the United States, orgiven aid or comfort to the enemies thereof ; that I will faithfully mpport the Con stitution and obey the laws of the United States, and wlU, to the best of my ability, encourage others so to do, so help me God which oath pr aflinnation may be ad ministered by any registering officer. . Sec. 2. And b&it further enacted. That after the com pletion of the registration hereby provided for. in any State, at such time and places thereiaas the command ing general shall appoint and directs of rhich at least recrv orwuicn at least ! thirty Gays ..p&oiic noucenau pcgivea. b'clcTof delegates to a convention for the- purpose cf establishing, a constitntion and civil, Kovernmeat for euch State Toynl to tho Union ;T gaid convention in each State, except Virelnia, to Contest-of the- same number of members as the most numerous branch of the State Leirialatnre of tch State rn the year 18C0- to .n nnr. tioned amon the several districts, counties, or parishes I ua euui ouik! ui hic tuiuitiauuiu geuerju, pTVln' tO CSCQ represenlationln the iratio of voters rceistiiml as afore said as nearly as may be. The convention in Virginia snail confit or tnc same number of member sentodihe territory rnow conttitiivinir V!nricl hth.. s it it rtiir ' mot'niunerou Jorautltof the LerfsLitoreof saidtutv ! tn the year lbCO, to be apportioned" as aforesaid. - Sec. a And be it further enacted. That at said elec-1 Hon tne resJstereawtcra t each State shall vote for or j against a convention to form a constitution therefor! under this act. Those voting in favor of snch tion shall have written: orprinted on the ballot by which ! uu.-jr oie Lur ui;icl;uijs aa aioresaui, ine Words If or 8 convention'! andlthose. Toting miiicst such & conven tion shall have written or prints I on such haUot the words Against a convention." The persons appointed to superintend said election, and to make rrturn of the votes given thereat, as herein provided, shall count and make return of the votes given for and against a con vention i and the commanding reneral to whom the same shall have been returned shall ascertain and declare i ne loiaj . .vote in eat a tiauj tor ana against a convention. oe lor a convention, thtn such convention shall be held as hereinafter proviikxl ; but If a majority of saidfrvote shall be agamft a convention-, then "no such Convention shall be held under this act ; Provided, That such con vention shall not be hrld. unless- majority of all such registered voters snail have voted on the question of holding euch convention. .. . Sec. 4. And be it further enacted. That the command ing general of each district shaU appoint such boards of registration as may be necessary, eonsipting- of three loyal officers or persons, to make and complete the regis tration, superintend the election,' and make return to him of the votes, lists of voters, and of the persons elected as delegates by a plurality of the votes cast at said election : and UDon receiving Raid rctnm. h.tSnii open the eameascertaiu the persons elected as delegates w reiurus ot ,ine omccrs M ho conducted said election, and make proclamation thereof i and if majority of the votes given on that question shall be for invention, the commanding - general; within eixty days from the date of election, shall notify the delegates to assemble In convention, at the time and place to be mentioned m the notification, and said convention, when organized, shall proceed to frame. a constitution And 4rU government according to iaa provisions of this act, and tne act to which it is supplementary ; and when the same t-hall have been bo framed, said constitution shall be submitted by the convention for ratification to the persons registered under the provisions of this act at an election to be conducted by -the officers or persons ap pointed or to be appointed by the commanding general, as hereinbefore. provided, and to be held after the ex piration of .thirty days from tho date of notice thereof, to be given by said convention ; and the returns thereof shall be made to the commanding general of the district. Seo. be it further enacted, That If, according to said returns, the constitution shall be ratified by a majority of the rotes of the registered electors qualified as herein specified, cast at saia election, at least one half of all the registered voter voting -upon the ques tion of such ratification,) the president of the conven tion shall transmit a copy of the same, duly certified, to the President of the United States, w ho shall forthwith transmit the same to Congress, if then in session, and if not in session, then Immediately upon its next as sembling, and if it shall moreover appear to Congress that the election was one at which all the registered and qualified electors in the State had an opportunity Co vote freely, ind without restraint fear, -or the Influence of fraud, and if lh Cpfiigress ahall but satisfied. that, audi Constitution meets the approval of a majority of all the qualified electors in the State, and if the said constitu tion shall be declared by Congress to be in conformity with the provisions of the act to which this is supple mentary, and the other provisions of said act shall have been complied with, and the said conFtitution shall be approved by Congre&s, the State shall be declared en titled to representation, and Senators and Representa tives shall be admitted therefrom asi therein provided. Sec. 6. And be it further titacUxl, -That all elections In the States mentioned in the Baid "Act to provide for the more efficient governmen t of the rebel States," shalL during the operation of said act, be by ballot : and all officers making the said registration of voters and con ducting said elections shall, before entering upon the discharge of their duties, take and subscribe the oath prescribed by the act approved July 2, entitled "An act to prescribe an oath of office.''' Sec. 7. And be it f urtUr enacted. That all expenses incurred by the several commanding generals, or by virtue 0 any orders issued, or appointments made, bv them, under or by virtue of this act, shall be paid out of any moneys m the Treasury not otherwise appropriated. Sec. 8. And be tt further enacted, Tht the conven tion for each State shall, prescribe thefece, salary, and compensation to be paid to all delegates and othvr offi cers and agents herein authorized or necessary to carry into effect the purposes of this act not herein otherwise provided for, and .shall provide for the lew and collec tion of such taxes on the property in such "state as mar be necessary to pay the same. ' k j Sec. 9. And he it further - enacl&J, That the word article, in the sixth section of the act to which this Is supplementary," shall be construed to mean section. -4--e i EEPUBLIOAN PLATTOEM. Mesoluiions adopted by the ItepHblicans of North 'caro l: 18CT-? ?r f"?6"!1- d -Xabigh, 27A; March, ? I Having nsecmbled in' the City of Raleigh on the 27th of March, 18C7, in conformity with a timely and patrlbtfc call, reflecting the sentiments of the loyal men of tho State, and believing the time is at hand when ah open and fearless expression of sentiments, opinion, and pur Pse j nrgently demanded : therefore, 1. Itesotcid, That in view of our present political condition, our relations to the National Government and the people of all sections of the countryve do this daT with proud satisfaction-unfurl the brilliant and. glorious banuertfTnff.RE1.r8IJcXpu:TTt and. earneitly ap peal to every true and patriotic man in the State to rally to its support. J ' r ePlcU(ild. and Patriotic record made by this crcat political organization, in standing by the general gov ernment with an Inflexible resolution, in carrying for ward profound measures of statesmanship to a succew iJHsne' and the Pwerful aid given bv It In finally overthrowing and prostrating the most gigantic rcbel ?JSMM!ieni modt?? times,. should command the reepect-and challenge'.the admiration of every candid man. . H . . ; ; s - - ".ft,. 1 'ruA?' "THt tntAmertcan Congress is eminently iSJl.. countrj L."; r ""6i Fv-iBioicui auu neroic aevouon to the TtFJ?.Iiclnle8.ot,huma.n rign na enunciated in the ,TrETlr 1 "fPenaence; that in the name of the patriotic people of this State we feel warranted In cor- ZZJE i ,1 "i accepting tne reconstruction plan recently and finally nrtnntrTKir t, k., .1 ... that peace and order may be permanently secured and eery industrial pursuit resumed and encouraged, we ?Xl7W use every lair and legitimate means . i ""enument to the nearest posfcible cp proach to unammitr on thi tin.r . r,et1 'LnaIt we. rejoice that the dogma long pro ?S1'thevrlghtof Peaceable secession under tho constitution, nas been forfivnr nnrt)iPAtri k k SJ?Sw5rl8tef UV? Aerican people, in crushing XX V- vvuivu uy iorce 01 arms ; and that the een established and that the paramount allegiance tt ,1 v,!;,u uua acKnowledged as due to the tinned States. . 4. Ettolred, That we sincerely exult in the fact that w a nation we are now absolutely a Natiox of Fbee- iuai me sun inau Ms course over our wide spread country no longer shines upon the brow of a eiac 1 nuuuui reservation we heartily endorse the great measures of Civil liicrht and Tmr.oi.i chisement without any property qualification, conferred without distinction of color,', and that we ar ready to unite in the early practical attainment of these Inesti mable privileges. Although the mortal remains of Abraham LrxcoLS cow rest silently beneath the soil of v r1 Vuu,c' Jcl ms TOIce still rings like a clarion tin uugu, vne lano, earnestly summoning every American citizen to the support of the great Party of Liberty and Emancipation. J . 5. esotved, That as the most potent and efficient means by which the South can speedily regain her lost prosperity,; we earnestly advocate the spreading of Auuwituge ! ana eaucauon among all men, and that to the attainment of this great end, we demand and shall per sistently and firmly inKfatTmnr. th o)ninin n f,-. discussion and. free speech on all subjects of public In terests I i r.i. i-;.' ' i , , . ttr,ttd That we join In an earnest wish for the malntalnance nntaniished and undimmcd of the public cret and plighted faith of the nation. .!. . K . 7. Besotted, That in the maintenance of the position to Iron rkrs9 r xHMs 1 m X zX? v: uH""upie mis aay avowed, we earnesuy invite the influence anri ..-oht. t .11 .... , - r " ab.wu u uicu VM. cut litical persuasions, who regard and cordially support the j , " , t y"jiico as h Boiuiiou ui our present politicaVdifficulties ; that we deprecate partizan violence auU uesire peace and good will toward all men ; and if i on upeu na ieariess effort, which we propose to make on every suitable occasion, to persuade and convince the Popple, that ,our highest duty and truest Interest is to De suoaerved bv maintaining ha nrinni.. k t "'i;, ut earncsc interest should be awakened, it will be from no other cause than a rigid adherance to dutr i 118 sacred riSbt and a solemn public The following resolution was offered by Mr. J. EL OHara, of Wayne, and adopted; - . . Miwrf, That this Convention tender their sincere thanks to Jas, IL Harris for the zealous and efficient manner in which he has labored at the North for the cause of .all loyal men in North Carolina and for her speedy return to the Union, . v .j ... Mr. .W. F. lTrriHt-rBnn -nf Timrltlenrt rffnrA i ; lowing, which was adopted; - ; - ' ' cwr' nat the thantes or this convention are due and are hereby tendered to the Spartan band of Repub licans in the fate Legislature of this State, forthcir bold and fearless defence of Congress and the Union. Mr. Settle offered the following, which were unani mously adopted : ! Jteeolred, That we esteem ourselves fortnnnti experienced and accomplished a state? man and sol- ucr s -uajor. uenerai Daniel tZ Mcfcles has been an pointed to the command of this military district. We tender to him our hearty co-operation a loyal citizen m the performance of the important, duties that hr beenderolredrponhim. .. t 6 ' ualwe are gratified to learn that Gen. John c;iio,bionM t wsignd to the command of thi SUteamder Oenv Sickles. . IDs former winiia&trarW of military affair In this State has been swhastolr 3m favorable opinion of his peculiar fltnesif Z theosftlon thus assigned him. "" to adoIprted?terfilltCed -foflo& WMtlso UJor?That the President of this Convention an. point aa- Executive Committee of forty numW. , promote the oiranizailoB (nd in.J w- x-TLH llpublican Partr-of Vorthi rim' in. V-Zt V.1VvU(rau DLfc"trictbc au.thcrtzd'to appoint such couiciittcca la every county cf the State. , , . .Mr DocLery oaed ltd lo-oww, which was adop AetoIreJ, That the members of the Convention hereby pledge theuiclvc to use every lecUimate tacans in their power to disseminate correct information Alon the people of tfcd respective Counties. , w.i STATE KXECUT1VE OTMMITTEE. N .. - . - In pursuance of the rnolntlon adopted tiT tne recrn'; Reconstruction Convention In Kaleljrh, tne lion. iu Jones, 'the President of the body, ha, appointed the following Exfcntlve State Committee for th EcpabU can party of Ivortn Carolina ; - (WniTES.) 'WkI V. TIotnEW. Ttilclh, Wake county. : O. L. IIa?.ris, Kalcii-'h, Wake county. - . . Jaxes F. Tatuvr, RaMgh.Wnko county. Tr. EroENE Gnroii. Kmnklinton. Granville county. WstrA. rrrn. Boon Ili'.l, Jotirmton county. . Joms Pool, Co'.craiuc. Bertie cunntr. , , Lewis Tnojrrsos, Hotel. Bertie connty. : Dittd M. Ca btfr, Washington, Beaufort county. Patu IIeatox. Newborn. Craven county. , C. R. TnoXA. Newborn. Craven county. " . . K. L. Ptwbketox. Favi-ttorillc, Ctrmbcrland county. Dism. R. Goodloe. Wsrrenton. Warren eoonrr. Ait&eh DocKbbt, Rockingham, Richmond county. . -T11 0. Settub, Wntwortbtf Rockingham eonnty. TJob't P. Dick, nrornsbom. Gnilford county. , ' ' Pr. W. StOAN. l).ilT.is, Gaston county. . Jos. IL Neff, Wilminrton, New Hanover county. J. Q. A. Brtax, Trap inn, Wilkes county. .. L. L. SnrwAnx, A.bcviUe. Buncombe county. " W.- O. B. Gabuett. Richland Valley, Haywood CO. Sasi"l FoRKTrrK. ML Airy. Surry conntr. E. Wn-UAMs, Bnrnvill. Yanry county. . i. W. Ioak. Rntherfordton, Ratherford county. , R. W. Krno. Kinston. Inolr county. . . ... (COLORED.) " ' Jas. IL IlAnni. Raleigh, Wake county. . . . . Alexis Lono, Raleigh. i Javks Jojces. RalHh. O, W. BuontB Raleiirh. . ,f . . f , ! . V Johk Mahcei, Itslelsli. . - 0. p. ItomKE, Wilmington, New Hanover county. . W. Cawtiioic. Warren ton. Warren county. Joirx Utxax, Warrenton, Wrrcn connty. ; IL Fkthajtk. Greenshoro, Guilford county. J. W. Hood, Faretterine. Cumberland county. ' 1. B. ABBorrrNewhnm Craven county. - - - - r.TT:ETTE3,nalifiT, Ualiftt conutf.i - f tT. A. stkj:. Knrartcta wry, riMnouni cpumy. lToxrGnEtx,Hcnderonrllle. Henderson county. It Sinn. Charlotte. iecKinDurg connty. J. E. O'Hara, OoWboTo Wayne county. Alfbjco ST0EX4, W likes boro', Wilkes county. . .;!.; WnoLxsAUs axd Retail Dealeb a , Boots j and Slides, r SIGOF TUEBIG BOOTT- -35 Craven Street, Xew Berne, X. C. ' . o WITH a lanre and well assorted Stock of BOOTS and SHOES from the principal Manufacturers North and EasL I feel warranted in guaranteeing to all who may iavor me wiu tncir patronage, entire satisfaction. May 2-1 -lm. J. . P. .Hamblin, t v. . r: W'TUFR0XT street. NEW BEKXE 7 jy.. c.9 ' WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN POJ2K, FLOUR, GROCERIES AXD LIQUORS. May 21-1 m. u Hubbs &Bfother, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN GROCERIES, s t. PRO VISIONS, r M . , . . . , CIS 0 CKER Y 1 : , . NOTIONS. t.. J-IXEZIQXTORa, .t 1 It MIDDLE STREET, ONE DOOR SOUTH OF POLLOK STREET, 2TEIT DERX, .V. C. E. nUBBS. ' MayS 1-tf O. HUBBS. A.McLACKLIK WITH J. M., Patterson' & Oo,: " " ' - MIDDLE STREET, j. 5 Between Pollok and South Front, - ; E IT BERN S. C. THROUGn the solidUtion of numerou, friends w old customers, be will cut rarments fntlmen !nd boys in the very Utest stvlcs, haviu- thoruuehJ?S,ted himself in regard to the fasMons. J x,la Custoniers can have their own material, or thev on K. UPhP.nth thC ftrtlcJ-' - h?is7r?pirSfu? Seret MuLT $S Gttol' B. Campbell Tof3 ple8ure n BhowIn? or selling hi large ttock FINE TAB IE CUTLERY GLASS WARE, CJU2.C CROCKERY ) -TEATRAlCASTORLAXP&IL, RED FRONT-18 POLLOK ST. May 8-l4ft. - . . ; , :J(;EvS.i:Younff: Co.. menu, Shea Muslc-btnti iB-tm- elry, lUts, CapV rtrV Jew. . - , ..... r . . . . ' - - j swiuuu. 1 RED FRONT-NO. IS POLLOK ST. ,r Nrr BtM, N. C. Mayft-i-tf-: ! .. . - . ; . ,. , ?' CONOR'S S.1Z.OO.Y, KIDDLE STREET. . ' pricVor'tho'aub House," 5211 Mr. John bi old friem,;' r'cd to tee, at any time. Lovers of Good Tv."1:. . . ITcAlnin wfli w -oaa u'ujcnor'. where g ' "fT:r5rT,' 1 .! ' - 'I Jlm,mr- , 12 OLD 0r Gf CUT TO A H-TT 1G3?. As tjtring c;proacJus Ants and Reaches From their Tides come cvt. And Mks and Rats I In rpitt cf cats, ' GaZy slip about t 1 1 L ',' IS rears etaJ. 11 hcd I u.N. T. City." . nly Infallible rcmMics known. ' '. - Kree from Poif on.' -. Not dxnjTOus to the Haman rml!y. Rata come out of thdr LoJc to die.' Costrtr's" . lUt, Roach, Extcrm'fl pst rmed for RaU, MU, Roaches, . IUacka4E4AL,Ac4c.' . . u Costar,8",Bel-Bcr Extcrrnirutor 1 Is a liquid or wmh--M to Attrvr and also a prcvenutlve for JJdIg9 dtC u Costar'sj Electric Powder for Insects " - Is for It at hi. 2loqyllc, Fleas, Jted-Rwyt JnsU on Plants, JTqkU, Animals, dc fTfl! BrwAnall! of all worthW lmiUXlon. -bee that "(VmTAa'a name la on eaca Box, Bottle, and Plak. bef or yoa buy. Addrraa, 5 , RFXHT K. CXWTAR. i 5 4 Broalwa)-, N. Y. Sold in New Bern. N. C by RicitAma Bieut, tz4 12 Dracj1U and ItetaUcrs everrwherc i r 1 ; 16 O S T A R8' ; -I J.. .. CSUESATZO , , , Buckthorn Salvo. For Cot. BBrf.a, Brula, Wounds, RofL Caacera. Iim- Tw. ""f ippcm, iMccoinr. lairm and rueful "vMiuuu, igina mxKi iij-conamooca borta: Ulcera, GUndalar Swelling. ErupUon, CuUnoua Af f. Wn?onn, Itch, Coma, Dunlon, ChilbUlna. CbPP Hands Lip, Ac; iiltot of SnUcru, Icacc fT lioifia eta., 60 ci and f 1 aUea, Wnl si ka all -- - - - v New Bern. N. C. .. j 4 COBTAR'fl" cntrrxcsAL COR IV, SOLVT11VT ' T Corn. Bunlona. WarU. Ac, Sold by all Prnirrl.u cvrrrwberf. And by IIKNRY JL COSTAR. Depot 4M Rrolway. "C08TAR8" I -wajiatk or EEACTIFYINO THE COMPLEXION 1xS!mu1dZ 11 U Ircrcrcac 2 othcra. bold by DmircTts t vcrywben. VA br. HENRY It. COSTAR. Depot 4 Uroadwar T f c O 8 T A RVS" COUGH ;BJEMED Y Throat, Croup, tha ThxoAi jwt i if j I aC08TAR'B- i ' t - ' CELEBRATZD PILLS, . t . A rsrrri), . : 1 For Nerroua d "wdTi ' ,1 111 " 1 r y f i Andbr 1 1 '" iv t, f 1wti' cw Iicm, N. c, rnjST Gwvaa & Warxxsa, . Hlft-l.! (,:.::at : : tr ' -nd Llaniitcttirr -.i 'AiJj, ' E.0A.D m AT. TT'i- 1 ifim 11 t''r ' 1C3 h 1C3 r Of Ror o.xl T.r. ; 1 ;:tr.t J' ft. c : Lta, n ; I--. '" . cxtcT!Jon I ' !-r, h and k I": s I .c Vii3t-a si 0 1 M 1 000,000. 1 JEWELRY ASSOCIATIav C :yor :trr:'.on (j t'. 1 of 11.,.' Itf. Ti. t.CiDf i a. ax4 btxtT '-" f.L Mi In the Idctc3j 1 r trad ! a if rrsr i-r.".jT7t ?c an rcp owir. to IV U! tirrira ar anliL, rvra t ixnv-il Jn I -t Ls cr'cM rTT at a Urr" la 'aria, v f.!r4.n' lira to tuir rw. 7 : ni Ccr, In acne le-itLta c&r tL-rt! ; , ""cr- - ' ' ' . "" aV " uiu- 'nc; ibt j.ai yrar tar for.w(T" rusatT cf ttws rao.t tilsiUe frirt to aU ,7, cosoiry. i sao no r;niiliy ta 13 rvrJ v! raJaeof iVlr money, to an3 oa oht Li ilfi!:8 !rA thanti loaar. rrUIl. aci tL. re at. a! iT rrtBrna, and u rtl Crm B u W IrAolvT J to any ddrr by rHcra taail or rx?rw. 1 Tha Io.icrlR."tn;ra tsv rr-rr;T rrlrx from tba Me-r-J.stA at,4 if ai.t-rJl?. sa-'l Aorit Jen, aM hav A.lr:?r t trfi!, . VUn-toa, D. C I-taj.. -rxla, lU- vL'f . fhUK-. TAln. Q; ilrx. Vary J. lHx'rr Lo. " KuiT. Pa-fcUTllrMiur Uw V ", MUiAm PrytUT, Hilr.stic, Ui W JVrl V " daco, CU. UoU Vte'T- iii T;),. " T raJar: Horatio G Prt, n 1 .t1 ,fr PaltUxx- vaJw. tro: Mr Cbwitr i H- i..4 IhAa, K i&xaa. CLI cl rrire Ur4 iii&o. t t - , " . ic.icltyx raiae, MU7 namra couid be rtne4 ca tl Cf. lo4 . tv E.hj po jrtt boel i-rttitaa. ocr ttruiu rifat alrod to aend U. S. camtcy ira ooanxltxt. Pardal Liit cf Aricles to U Ec!d f- DOLLAR EACH, 1ihoct rrcan! tora-'ocaad t;l ol pii3 fer t- " . wrwLu yoaaretortoui: J 10 OJckrrlnr Grand , Planoa. wwth (vo ta tTns 15 nvmnt lltiotetm. lUwtood cam i n tt n n.rtin... J U S.0 I-3 lO" Mri I-rn rlr.ru, Lxrrd - . a tl ItTvlrlar ralrat CArtAt'iirr I " r-Uvcr Prua a4 Ck9 lUkruZl ' n S sro brt.t f Tra And TAil. :na I iOO fc.lrrr f at a 2.Q t5 and Cameyj : -t of Btad-. Va.t aud Ni cl tU! and cfcand I Gold L-nr. ioU 1TN1.1lSS; J."tf tyle belt Haaw. OU1 Prt at. IVil. T " Ilojdr. and a Urru a-wiatxt cf r . I- :, rr 12 and Jr lrj of every dcaolptian, cf tic Ut jlaU ua lAt4t ttOoA. ON DOLLAR, 1 purthA4nj a KaJcd f w s for J Thirty Xr ; JHr,4lve for $ : J f oV ilSS3 AGENTS WANTED EVERYTTIIEHE. t'nUAlM lndanmMxla effcml to Ixiir ai4 Otta irtonilcat? V" CVrtlfinatca na.-nJn- cch Ejtki z4 tta raJoe aryTu UaaTMl M3 I nrkaK aaw. . mall to asr AdmaA. v, . .v ClQcxxU iwt-.ix, carrrcryt UV wth from 00 to ire fctndrrd - '.lar Jr Icttrra AT tntcwriry. Hx t tb kin&iA a JACKSON, CORNISH & CO., 133 aad 131 L0ArV,T r 1 vrk. REPARATOR CVI'ILLI. rJiT." rf cr A' frtt' Twsr rvrlirf a. j r Aad rrjwlca Is yrw emu lsarUi.t hgJr. . ' IXTAILITOH CAf lLLL of hair ton tha fam. ti La rr t - -T. frii K W. m from tVa ta rrttS that ihrr.l.Vv'?lCJf? I-rArtitioiKT. Ltr croh oc ,h. hiVV7bTA:.;-';?J MI003MOCI ci I,i;a, Vnrn.r n t. . J , " r-ucna advrniAi ArV" J 1 '7-' U li pATAtor C tT-t 1 ' L7 . iTirrmsuiJoat. It fort ' . r i wukji m.) ba rttamrd ro on ar. scaiUmi. Ore aatUXAOioa 1, not r1r fcSr l ' - May S-iViy. "l f cU Fyracuaa. r. TILE NEW BERN REPUBLICAN. . H. J; HL3UKGE2, Liitcr. " ' JA1LE3 a HAK?,F0J, Pdc. IXELiniED, Tm-WTEELT a CEAVEf. STimrr, new eeen. i , JUB nnTHUCAN ItUaaaa , INDEPENDENT AND rZQGRLSSlTZ JOCTXaL, i " . rCi1L,Ji.:i,r?artt tbe UmrtU and epirJcma of tU Vff U poFoUilcro cf Ura orU Cro- 2lKt!i0,l;V;1' a4orarrof tW rUffl JjwJrica cf Ltki, Liberty aad luAixy bcJyrt Urf Tba rrrnttlroji Mi!! be drrotx to ta comrKra lr?w IkI- . It 1 '.cij for rri uIrAXoe unoii' c w .m fri l''trTrtt arj lu cW.t; tba r'.- Zirz avaUaJ c rcs- cf i! r-t i; terocoAnran flyrnUon r-1 tLc -.t;carst Uocr tcw W bile the J:(f,lan yj be rvKtziacUZT r-rr-r-, tLa drjrtm.u cf ( ihexttt Ar-"9 Art. Aod UUTtttrc. Mill mrJrc x a:'-; by LrjKjni, LVwaja, Jvirai asi suaArf f:x PtJ rrporta on aU rsAticra of Local Ittrm . a rrotn! tx-tt frinrr, Aod Aatbrrr ipwanwjWW'' ancocdiUonAl l aloa rpT la 1-au ra Nona ('" a' tba AklvAx.Ur tki ti. .V7t60xta aiUof er M aa advcnlAirj cedi2ai areapparcxL iutcs or ttxscnmoN; rE&xa CAa nr arrrjjacc OneTtsar Ma Kcctba ' Tbw Mostba ' Osa Jhlaalb EATXS OF AEVTimSINQ : r t.'tMA or one !fi of rre cofirfli tsta a a-" ov Miui or tnrUoa . of thc lUxkrr; t Hot!, u a" rxtrrmJr !L 1 that wtcia ACord ta 't,! an ay Hur CdaVV, better clAtot-a to draw tt- cut VAimU sr' v A1XI IS TO PLKAbUAi- ive tiu!??? U potrorjicr, a e are ti Jl cf jfvlrr ttmaL5 IL J. JIKNNlNoLii 2!. I- : HtyJ-l-U. f