; S P E CIA L-.-y 0 T-IC13S;, 257 A Young Ladt returning to her otintry tome, after ojoum of a few 'months in 'the City, was hardly recognised by her friends. In place of a coarse. rnH -n uiacuwu huh nnn ani-r mnw aam -w -c v plexloa of idmoBt marbla emoothnees, and Instead of W U urcesne really appeared but eighteen. Upon . y inanlrT as to th Mn. . . . 1 .if tv, cr; usw Lie a A- T CXIOX, LEiESTT JLXD ECUILITX EEFO HE TIEE 17.' " me cause Of so ereat a .v- viiw told them that she used the Cibcassiaji Balk, and con. idered it an invaluable acquisition to any Lady's toilet. By Rs use any Lady or Gentleman can improve their personal appearance an hundred fold. It Is simple in its cotablaatlon; as Mature herself la simple, yet unsur. passed In lu efflcacy In drawing Impurities from; also healing cfeaiisins and beautifying the skin and com Jlexion. By Its direct action on the cuticle It draws Xrom 4t all Ita lmtmritlea kimflv hp,th - - . , t O CfUUVf OliU I " eavuig tne surface as Nature Intended it should be. a-gsr r ' " vr. - - v clear, ,, smooth and beautiful. Price $1 sent br Jieama Z71 On every page, w iA yiCBBL uu rHVini or as amas i . 11 ib-hmmsbhmsbbhmsssbshsiss . , . , V4VK, aJ y. u ii CO., Chemists, I UliWH BUIILlAiJX. no. 9 west Fayette SL. Swuhm w I - .! ' in only American Agents for the sale of the same, j - AiTERlCAN. 9 t tions to come forward and (nvo txs-Jheir 1. carty, i and . aciir c j co-cpertion. AVe trust, tboso who novritake tho .paper will exhibit it to others who do not, and get them to Bubscnbe. With a 5 little time ancT effort "By those' we Inow'tb be true to our party andlta- glorious principles, the number, of pur patrons can be largely increased;u Hundreds have time and op portunity, to read a papier who are unable, at the present busy season,- to go and hear NEW BERN, JUNE 13,1867. - poUtical speeches. Let those, then, who mean to; stand by Republicanism make a . . TvTTTrTnv hiirma tf furors, and ih r.crcc.i r.ro toll. tv' injustice from.bundono to i - - - . . . , ; , . , . i Ldnbutthntcrhno cc x the whito T,r, f v ij tjo r,t J roth; tolerated; ihouldit!:o unmrsal I enc ?y of hrrn-, i- r;. :. . w2 1 TJgorous effort .to place'our; jjaper in the nanus ox every rcauiug persua in we community. We have taken Jour: posi- I tion and do not entertain the?' sliorhte&t The Burratt trial commenced at lyashinfir- l iA nf taVJnw a Rtpn backward." TU ton on the 10th Inst: - - - , ; U- . .. - - General Sherman has resolved to guard the l TTVf rwtr nrrTtr TmnrmT,. .. ' "li"" osW-tii- VPeil intended, cspicblly, for the eyo ,.'.tt'B','.Ati Pacific Bailioad. prbtectke ? eyeir one who.cLums the proud title 0 uu jrtjeaomemojn, wno lias as-1 ! i.: . . . . I ttt tr ! - tonlshed the scientific classes of the Old World, nas fr6lhti he is sanguine of clearing the Platte of Republican. ton possessessuclr wonderful powers of second sight, Mexican advices of the 2d inst "sV'that ; ' vxvi. to enable her to impart knowledge of the creates t rfflrnmnn il ctlll VU;ArAnCw m a The vital importance of thOTOUffh and tn . state of trance, she delineates the rery fSnSh? Mendez was executed by order of Escobedo, efficient preparation for the registration of the person yon are to marry, and by the aid of an in. onthe,16th ult.. Campres was shot a few Iecrarvoters cannot be over estimated bv strnmentof Intense power, known as the Psrchomo. hours after the amputation of his leer. - . ' . j:. trope, guarantee, to prodaco a life-like picture of the When Maximilian gave up his sword to l ? - " , future husband or wife of the applicant, together with Escobedo he said t I surrender-to ivon mv tic- . Let it be distinctly ' understood ter fa T" "SI 1!!a ! sword, owing to an infamous treasonV without at when election day finally arrives, no testimonials can assert. She will send when desired Wchto-morrow's sun would have found you I one will be 1 allowed to vote unless he has . scooeao ordered a court mar- previous y had his name reristeral. or enclosing . 8Duu uaiw assemble on thamh for his trial ; ' - ' : TUn'j;Uut 'Jj Jls- ' . turelswhat it purports to be. lock of hair, and stating place of birth, age, disposition nd comnleiloTi. anfl '-.r',. -xuimaiA, sent; - lliroUgU uf ' rr ? . 1 . . enrew sd fl the.Prussian Minir t Wfure v? iAuis is a matter " we are picture and desired information bv ntnrn mati ti I the City of Mexico, together ? with M arfarin confident our colored friends Avill , es- ! communications sacredly confidential. Address in con- Riva;PuebUto, Licentiate, Martezzi and De pecially I take intoT consideration. The AHOBKTow, r. o. box 223, ia rone, to defend him. 1 .uuaww, il. A . MayMy. P.lw.t.inn fnr mpmlipra nf Vo SomW "JSlrT?'' '"tionid convention wUl be the Ark vountrvmen: After th vninr ta I 1. r . , , NEW AND GRAND EPOCH IN ism of the- rennblican WM a'a opportunity to vote, on the part of almost MEDICINE I Dr. Maggiel is the foundpr mv scentr inYthlai tiaf everv f reedmanJ and we believe the irh- ast lrnl. tenacbus of defence, was dispensable to portant privUege will be' greatfully ap- the bowels, must give precedence to the man Wr a, 01 my and my race, and preciated. With ? all the cunning and stores Health and aonetite. with f v.i 1 "er me Diooav seifire in which thft Tmrkooi Li Ut- . extraordinary .PillaW t7Z and RftnnWi Mt ITir ?rau. aP"s De maae with a box or so oi bis wonderful and aii.heAi!nv R.iv. nfirat!o hAM; thv secure the vote of the colored man aramst party;that liberated him from ordinary cures by Maggiei'sms and bondage, we . do not belieTe he will be the eyes of the public to the inefficiency of the (so caff- feUcity of 031 and each of us, but called and misled. That the colored man should be -I wuica peppie nave so pwi-icu ujr iue emperor 01 u ranee, JNapo- a J?et)ublican and votp with thn 7?PnnK. long.bjindly depended, v JIaggiel's Pills are not of the lebn Third. Hei? to the ridicule of FrancT ?. - P?- I ' ttl0 -ePul. class that ate -wallowed by the dozen, and of which Q,w Jf ! J?! IT' Hcan party, is the most natural result in every box full taken creates an absolute necessity for """" - """"V "v"Jr ""nousiy dj , rM another. One or two of Slater. wn 1 demand of . the Umted States, after havmff f !u ; ine Doweis in perfect order, tone the stomach, create an uselessly spent forces and treasure, and shed ; xiow any sane or reasonable man can r , . . r tne BpIriU UgU buoyant the blood of her sons and your own. : . expect the f reedman to voluntarilv - and There Is no griping andno reactionin the form of iMl-inn,.'.-.-!! ..... .. i . . T J atipation. if the uver is affected, its function. W r w, my ana aeain reacnes wiUmgly vote to; sustain i faction or a stored ; and if the nervous system is feeble, it is invi- Ur0Pe lne monarchS of Charlemagnes --w that al wavi t,a rt ttlv.in rt orated. TM.W .n.itf. w- v ' J; , conntrv-will rlnmnnrt r,f tV.o "NTotW., r 4 T' . 7 T t '-'V .;ivu,iw slrablo for the wants of delicate females. Ulcerous and an account of mv blood, and of thft Oprmn Keep them from even enjoying the bene- cruptive diseases are literally extinguished by the disl Belffian and French Wood hpr! i fiM fits of freedom is most inCXDlicablc If infectant power of Maggier. Salve. In fact. It is here a : - TT .1-. r . announced that MAOQIEL'3 BULLOUS, DYSPEPTIC mac cuu..,. duuu uexore me wnoie 1 w,,eisWi tuai, enirancoisemeni and diarrhoea pills cure where aij others fail, wuimiinira oe ; coyerahmtn was to be a mere cheat, that the f reedman f uu xur ijurns, ocaias, wuioiaina. Cuts and all abnU "auie iiuai-ueaa 10 ioov 10-aay ne nas al- has still riraoti rill v tn rpnmnpo nil rn Slans Of the Skin MAGGIEL'SPTT.rS 1 InfolllWa aM t romlir coon Tiio Ufa by Henbt McLix, No. 28 Pollok St., New Bern, N. C, tria. mv August brother, nravincr for mv 1? CeptlOnOf true manhood, that he is ex to the United States, and myself a prisoner of Jected, as in the days of slavery, to' be- and all Druggists, at 25 cts! per box: , wv,,Mllu AuxrjsiT8 jau reaaers or 1 t i u j -n . i ? . . . this .-paper are warned not to purchase MAGGIEL'S A lUC "ePDUCan Ovem- wme u passive 1 msirumeic, Ulieny in PILLS pr salve, unless the name of J. Hatdock. mem ana Wltl1 my w11 nd my head torn capable of thinkincr or actinir for himself KfS ! . L : on objects of. the de vD.cuwuuuuiii-cucuDox or pot I uounirymeni nere are mv last words I and serve as Wonderful but True. subjects of the deepest political im- my blood may regenerate Mexico, P010 hen e cant plea that he ought as a warning to all the ambitious vote with ' his eld master and those and mcautious; and that you will act with with Whom he 'fished and ' played in BT. f and ee with boyhood would : seem I to We some ! irvoyant state, deuneates the verj features of the yor. Jirtues the pohticalwuse of the flag you f orcd 'Upon1 the contrary, Lid masters T person yoa, are to marry, and by the aid of an instrn- sustain- ' ; rkTtrf rk''Ko:,-: V men of intense towown L th Mav ! Provident vp vnn v. , ought to bear in mind that fcnfranchise- guarantees to produce a perfect and life-like picture of worthy of m vself . - ment and emancipation are limg palpable -rnis is no imposition, as testimonials withont nnmhor I kiJi " vuri, at xuueign, ijniei j us- r poimcai ana civu point oi view stands can assert. By stating place of birth, age, disposition, tice Vhase has ordered that no distinction, of exactly in his own1 position or where he COlOr Of eyeS and hair, and enrinniiKr Hftv tnta w I rlnr oTioll Y mlAi'n; nimmi.ii..- . .- '- ir ' tamped envelope addressed to yourself, you will ye- and PpH Tnrip lormerly StOOO. Ihe colored man vvvpjdure Dy return man, together with desired n-tm- a a , It he Chooses.' VOtedirectlv in onAsition information. ' , I wuiuu isaucu au uruer on oaiuroay, . - -TJ . ff" ; 1 Aadress in confidence, Madame Gibtbudb iae enure police lorce 01 liaives- w ""w" w.uuuus auu seuumeni Rkxikotox, P. O. Box 297, West Troy, N. Y.. ; May-2 14y. - - r;. ,,,-? r.,-;: ;- Dconle. Tnoxs W V. w w O X airobberv orotitracre is heard of,lct every one, white and colored," be o"n"the alert ri 1 .Taionv- in pilll J LA k J V UIU IM1U the speedy arrest of the criminals. . Free to Everybody. A large 0 pp. Circular, giving information of the greatest importance to the young of both sexes. -' 1 It teaches how the homely may become beautiful,' the fiespisea respected, and the forsaken loved. , No young lady or genOeman should fall to send their address, and receive a copy, postpaid, by return inail. Address . P. O. DRAWER SI, -.May SlJm ? Xr: Troy.N.Y. ton, and appointing new ones, fire of whom of his old master, and yet,'noi groun werecoiorea. vhtvor orict Wl,.i.mn t,;m : I v fcAigii twt uiua UUU V1IU A ; There was a Cabinet meeting on Tuesday f?fr,;i i V ! manders was under consideration. Tfnthin ';ln short, it is plain to every one tha The New York Tr&une of the 11th instant 1 pleases and think as he nleasps. Ka is nofl the tvbonle of thp Knrth anl Iia Qt,v;U , I ) ' I M ! - i " ""j . - . k ... vuv kVL fcil-l 11 i. "Let Shftnnan nr Ritlpa -fnr !noton I If : ir I Tf i-r . .': - . a oousEiVATra:w letter. - Mr. nenry R. Bryan, a member of the New Bern Bar, has written a letter which fills over three columns of the Ncwbern Journal of Commerce. The letter origi nates, we are infoimed, from the request of four gentlemen from Bay River, who ask Mr. Bryan's "opinion-relative to re gistering and voting nnder the present circumstances of our country." ; ' , . ; 'Mr. Bryan's opinion relative to regis tering is given to the gentlemen from Bay River and the readers of the Journal in a very few1 words. lie agrees with Mr. Stanbery, and, goes a step farther.. The Attorney-General is of opinion that near ly all rebels can vote, and is in doubt as regards the rights of others. : Mr. Stan- bery says that the oath required, to be taken explains the qualification of the voter, and refers to the liability of prose- cuuon ior perjury oi xnose wnp may taKe that bath falsely. Mr. Bryan, however, seems to have less doubt than the Attorney-General, lie says : " If you are not clearly excluded, go to the appointed places and 'register your names." Ho further tells his friends that "almost eve ry person can take the oath requicd,,, and that " all the difficulties npon that score are now put to rest."'' ' ' As to Mr. Bryan's opinion relative to of our country," t we fear his Bay River friends are no more enlightened than they were before they sought the information. They are not told who to vote for or what to vote for,' but are advised to register. in order that they may u have the privi leged voting for or against any Consti tution that may be adopted by the Con vention, and deal a telling blow for their country's cause." To this latter subject 44 their country's cause "Mr. Bryan devotes the main part of his letter. . Although the four gentlemen from Bay. River hare not so licited any light on that subject,1 Mr. Bryan feels it his patriotic duty to illu minate them. Our "country cousins are told, what no doubt they have heard upon several other occasions, that their country is anything except-tho United States. Mr." Bryan reverberates a few very nice things about state's rights, said to have been born out of Mr. Calhoun in 1832. In justice to Mr. Calhoun's memory, how ever, it is fair to state that the echo has become rather faint and indistinct i Knowing , Mr. Bryan to be a lawyer pnaa gentleman of education, wo wero fmrprised at his letter ; ' firstly, at thp bit- vcl uuu. v iiitucLivo spun aispiayea by him. may; and secondly, at the utter want . of argu- v vB4y. i . jpuuiio opinion on a politico-legal question. ; Contradicting himself by making assertions totally iri- con5isieni wun eacn other, the entire let ter is .filled with denunciations - against the Government of the united States, and the most envenomed invoetirpa nmint " ' , ' . ...... 1IKSI, says : , Let Bhendan or Sickles, for instance, really a free man. From anvthinrr we saxl XTnionists. . Not a R!nM nrmt will be inevitable. With the summer session the President's functions will "most assuredly be so limited that it will not be; in hi3 power afterwards to remove any General Command ing.' " ' 1T" Whole sale Dealers in orreiteratmg that we. are trying ' to array the colored man against his "best friends." It is afl a matter - of judgment conscience anJ White men having refused to accept re- patriotism: and W .km Trt. appointment to the City Government of Mo- z'Su: ' A , . 1 bUefrom'General Pope, neralSwa u e VIKU "nponance o on this and kindred topics, there is; no yanced in defence of the compilation of excuse tor reiteratmg the stale accusation assertions. From a crentleman : of "Mr trrOCeneS & r rOVlSlOIlS, Foreign dkected the vacancies to be fiUed with colored rtion - , UUU A7UXXlGt3blU - ' WINE AND IIQUORS, CIGARS, TOBACCO, &c." : -cl South Front. Street, OPPOSITE TEE GASTON EO USE. ' New Berne, N. C. P. Merwin. " W. 8. Walker. May 2-1-tf , ; J. Laughlin, s DEALER AVf GROCERIES AND LIQUORS, , ( , MIDDLE STREET, - , ' Niw Bms, K. Cv Mayt-l-tf ;r - t . i, INSURANCE NOTICE. foreign. 1 QSniE ITTIST BE PTTNI2HED. r. ov. t..!- j -r ' I- . i nressof Austria were crowned Kinff and Oueen . T r.r14?" w w vuw ocl ... , . ' , . . I a : n 11 ? of Hungary with medieval pomp and splendor. r.wHu,au weuoisposea persons l The usual oath of office, which is broken al- our community in relation to the promri most simultaneously with the obligation, was and rigid punishment of the -flagra: taken by Frances Joseph. Napoleon will visit the King of Prussia in September next. !! Bryan's reputed education we had ex peeled something better, in an attempt to take a public part in politics, than a rehash of; all the worn-out epithets of sectional hatred which the heat of war or the ma lignancy of the libeller and' slanderer could invent . Self contradictions in Mr. B's letter stare us in the face in nearly every other sentence, lie tells 'us DO HATE" DONE WELL, BUT, MUST BETTER. - , We feel gratified at the; marked suc cess already attending the Republicait. At the timet we ventured our bark upon the political billows we thought we could early dscern the urgent necessity for a omen. Kkw Tom boabd of Undmwkotbs, i thorough and sound Republican journal AtLDTojSfSI in our midst, and we have not miscalcn: r?.lu piaixm ou i ae iteose i uilcu. luai our , paper , is now oerused. JtkuWtKill WALTER, ' 1 . , . , . - secretary Board of Underwriter. f ' I withvidity by sl lartre number of South ern people who do not acknowledge them selves as bemg'conneete'wlt OmCX OF TBS ASENCT OF THB NEW T0Bk ) t 't;:,;-;.'",''.-; BOABP OF UmmWMTBBlt V -rr v.; ' New Bern ' Jinnarr IRth. isRfi. t vj - examimngana appraising Vessels and Cargoea insured that WO are constantly f urnishmff matter ty them arriving at ttxls port damaged by sea perils, and J . uMouiug "w1- also for authenticating proof of Iobb. . sufiiciently instructive and interesting to . In order, therefore, that da fault nr Mam mv aftaV - v ww iuwvouua w to him, he reBpectfuUy notifies parties in charge of attract attentionl ' 'Before the "camDainn property insured in New York, Baltixaoae and Boston, . -. o ana upon waica aums ior lost may De made, of his 13 euueu, we nope IO COTTeCt many OI readines to perform the duties required of him by rri . ; r 1 .... the PoUciea issued by the Companies he represents, so them. 1 hat OUT ' true and reliable ! Re thatfin case of any imperfection in proofs, or irregu. ... , , . , ' -t , lority of proceeding the Underwriters may be exonerw publican readers are hlffhly pleased With ' . coasiuencet.ttiereof. - v ' -u J-vt':i:: . J. A. LELAND. - Of Lelaxd. Bigloit & Co.; . , - New Bent N. C 4 V i - most abundent evidence. What we now desire, is the extension of our r circulation. We have 1 a" wide ' '- . - ;-; - '. ' New Bess, 2Iarch. 5. 1SG7. Tt authority eped In me, I hereby appoint 1L J. w ' N TJ I I i r a T. a r-r t :r.u iters, to act ia my jiacc during idt abnce froa field f or this in Eastern North Carolina, xxiy i-tf -, r' ; ;. T. t , caa wecall upon our-friends m all direc- Six years ago with bright hopes and full ii- ucierminauon to succeed In the great work that was besrun. the men of Vnrth Crimes poy and then perpetrated in thil aronnaat tne caiior the Convention buckled , ; . -f I on me sworu ana went xorth, to make rood and adjommg counties (We trust flierd th5 cMinancc that declared us a separate rind will be no further! occasiorl for criminal dIstinct PP,e riv2 aose north of Saon and " . . , ' , 1 Dixon's line.- v -r - - ' . , After landing this 'attempt to absolve men who sought hi j ad vie Ilci!ect my friends, scrloiuly upon thcjc thlns that I have written unto yotuM Which is good advice and has eenp- tural ring to it that is ireshing. lct them reflect, and satisfy tbcmsclvca whether they will spend the balance' of their days k JLecth-gnashing and bmcnta tions over the lost cause, or be an integral and live partjof a peaceable, Happy and prosperous nation. , ' h rOTOTH OP JULY. The 4 th of; July, with all ita hallowed and patriotic recollections, will s oon be here. , Wo learn of no arrangement up to this time,' for- any general celebration. We hope, however, that the day, in New Bern, will not be suuerea to pass unocr aided and unnoticed. 'Let it be rcmem berciL on that" occasion, tliat ninety-one years I will have passed since the great truth was formerly proclaimed, that ran men are created equal, and endowed with certain Inalienable rights, among; which are life, liberty, and the pursuit of hap- piness. - ' ! If no definite or rcmilar arrangements arc made fort celebrating, wo trust that all business houses will be closed for the day; that the jtroops at tho garrison, conv manaeu oy Jinjor van xiorn, may dc al lowed to parade through our streets, and that everv one who has an American fiac: will unfnrl it to the breeze, , , f . ! - . . i . Oun Crrr OovERxicxxT.- We see by short announcement ia, the Republican, that 21a jor Palmer has been appointed Mayor of this City,- This completes the new Board, under the provisional military system of tho reconstruction bill. A fine Board, certainly, for a Southern City ! Bui a tincU Southern man, from the; town Berccant down to tho Mayor! Polloq City Clerk, City Physician, Sanitary Inspector, Councilman and Mavor all, au Ilacilcala of the purest water lht May or beta? chairman of the Radical Association. or Union League of this CItj. Koi ens cf W9 nanng any morm tuttc1 n IM it it fart vr prvtjtrrup vj m uwjr vj caorrn man any otiitr migratory class. Was eter svth mon- tt revs outrages tnjlielcd cn any ptopU I The above paragraph is from our neigh bor ot the Journal of Commerce The last sentence (in italics of our own) is a wv euutu yi iiia irony in wnung, ana is very refreshing to us now, since the editor's reccntl commission to radicalism. uut a inoU Southern man, from the town Sergeant dottn to the Mayor" aid that man a ( North Carolina radical." " A fine Boardj certainly, for a Southern City r Wiyhot? "Police, City Clerk. CityrhysicianJ Sanitary Inspector, Coun cilman and Mayor all, all radicals of the purest water -the Mayor being chairman of tho Radical Association. " or Union League of this; City ln AH true excent the chairmanship of tho not our neighbor apply perhaps, about League. 'Will tion or recrimination as to whether the desperadoes who commit these monstrous outrages are white or colored;, let a uni versal sentiment prevail'among all classes, discriminate of race, that murder, high way robbery, and theft must.be punished and put down at all hazards.' ' i When the officers of the law, civil and military, are earnestly seconded and sus tained with a feeling of, this kind in the community, we believe that crime will rapidly . declmev Ve deeply deprecate the disposition that seems to have existed to some extent to spring the quesUon, as soon as a murder or robbery was heard of, whether the author or authors of tho crime were white or black. . Eyeiy such feeling as this should be reprobated and denounced. ; Justice never can be done and crime properly jjunished while men stop to chafTer and dispute - about, the complexion of those who no- and then startle; -the. community 't by desperate deed&: v--'--1 :: ' V. . ' ' 3 The utmost caro Ehouldundcnbtcdly be observed, ca'all occcsiont. prevent hemselves -from all. allegiance to the nited btatcs; Mr. Bryan cooly says : .', "Finding that all was lost, we accented thn Stuation and claimed the rights which we rere entitled to as American citizens. w We italicise the word rights in order b give its use in this connection promt - mcc. After four years of war, the berwho has drenched the land with re, madewidows and orphans, caused urning and want all over a once happy uijr u k n iu3 nyus as a citizen 01 nation he has disgraced and sought to Again in parallel to the chivalrio ,an- ncemcnt that the men of North Caro- ' " buckled" on the sword' and' went 6,w we will place the followinc: which within three or four sentences of other.;-A:.; ; :r"':;i.l,ir-: '.V':. , !ctin upon this notion of tho lndissolu bu r oi the Union, North Carolina, In Con- tjion assemDica, struci Irom her funda janallawall that was supposed to be ob jec 'onable to the pcopla of the North." ? , .,, white ; Unionists arc disposed of faispaoe'dhj -cal'lb j thcq ciaoj or for admission ihto the League, and learn, in thei r goodly J company of near a thou sand, loyal memberships, that loyal men will rule, as in our city they do now rule ? An association with tho League wilL ? we assure him-.they tell ns-trengthen ana connrm ono in every good radical ; word and workj i Now, some rebel sorehead complainant ;who yet thinks the flag of the Union should not wave over tho layer's office, ;may . 'possibly think our, neighbor either not ironipdor pot consistent Not so. None bi(jw better than he that all those jwho have the charge of our City Govern ment are not a migratory class. Alt are here animo manendi. All .have been here longer thari our neighbor, aid most jof them have more interest in the welfare and prosperity of the city than ome oth er people who could not hoid or obtain the city offices. Our neighbor t consistent Somo time Binco ho expressed a very decided prefer ence (he could J not prefer' rebels) for Northern radical men over North Caro lina radical men. A majority ot the former control the City Board to the editor's liking. , , . Major W. L. Palmer, our Mayor, is r one ot our most substantiated and worthy citizens a genikman of. intcIUcnce f of very loyal principles, moderato in everything, and who will discharge the duues.of ilayor with' an impartiality whichj neither race nor, color will chat Jcnge ,.. .... j.; r,.. -;v: ! ThcCouncilmen, as a wholaaro fir more loyal, and at least as TJ honest and capable as the late J& TBO.OW. June 1, XSCTttSli" oI'debL leas cash in the treasury; la tZJilS (I13 m. being a redaction of WkS of tfky- Fire millions of dollars IiiS amount of reduction of th old debt of the United States achieved by the DcmomUc ad! iainlslrationi of former, time in a whole rrSr the adciinistrationa of whose wonderful financial exploits tre are hearing to ranch now. Jive millions a month, In spiia of llr. McCuI loch gloomy letter. Is not so desperate a ratio of hquidatin- debU after alL We present it x.P1 8 Rtitcnirat of the Treasortr of the Ur ri0?-23 tcs to lhc country as the initaWnt oi Kadical ruin for the month of 2Tay At this rate tre shall dear off tixtj tniuSzj I Tear. trhtrS it .v instead of ali'j-Ir.- Corrvn te r- would honestly turn tbr cm to 4 W enure dclt in fire years. riliv - l; c : T-i.X cf Torth Crc..:.r. J-ax,fe-c-f Or I rtr. ,,.--. nrkit Cl : Itk cf I-ri.. .ca lUrk t f Ixbc-o "V.V.V. , - u - a -.kof-r-.rT.: V... 4 I'- c : ' ' " 3 .nyy: - k J'ink of V. t; .r ;Ta. nx.k cf rrt:i S V. s ill om' r ! J'Ur trt' ruk ' lZ rarro cti 1. .k. (J rrr ' " VlrHrl J'.rr.k N "" '---i. ..' ...... A1!j-: - 1..: V Loc -.a J' .r. Gold m Cik " -- tt ....11 ta tj rurrr.... ...., r:.:: - NewHru ....... r.8.t-Kra,cfa:.i:.:::r ::::i::i;:"---voi puicks cunnNt 4 P. MEUWIK & Cd., TFXal Dealer! in 'Groerriet arid PrvrUl. Fora'Sn and Domtiiit Hints. JJrtert Cigart, Ttia SutUX iVWl ' ttrcct, cppotUt Gotten Uaxse. cnocznrrn. 1 1 WOUCT, iUO. fj icMrrt. ........... li 5 Ft. Domingo . 2 Jara.. ............ " PvR r, i oia J fWJ SO ' ilwuut ia Sia riaurv:;::;:::;::-:::::::::: S " ' J-t IMS... ......... ... Lard KoUMea, New orkM...i;;j;;;;; Cu !........ ... Itloe ..?.....?.. Sahara, Yellows. ....... , .1 Coffc A . CoffovB ......""" . OrantUW .... .."!. Toirdensd.... Cm bed tuit . AnIaK Dried , IUcoi 4a drmsad .......I lWv, Corned issuer. 3 1 1 00 ft IS a. l ca 03 to S3 11 Jo a Qmcm ..: ct. 15 CI 1 03 Ct , IS tt 11 ft is is IT OS If IS IS MtSCXI.LJOTOri. IWfwir. .......... ...i.... . m 4rh. (xtda ..."" j? Kae Mom " li Vtjro I'T jBaUtr.... 110 rUxxwrf. prr biuii ) to uao, 1'rmTUa, prr ....053 co Jr .. . .. i i " " " l to , XAVAX. rrosriw . . en..-.. .:....-.......'! W PpWuTarrxstlwi, taxrldtoj jrc5r. 49 orl teo Tir, as to le 1 a ntca 03 Ct 14 Ct OT Ct 1 It Ct CO (I S (P ft Ct 0 Ct 09 t 01 ft S 09 I UI W Jit lanitary Toticel - t r - ' ...... Qrcl2X226 1st Ziziluj Psrpoccs. 1: It i crdairui hy lTayor and Cevurd cLks Citfcf JTcve Jirm, That the ocexnaxts of each and every lot1 in tu dry (and la case the lot is nnocctjpicd the ovrrrr lhere0 are hmby ordered to collect and depart la b&t ttl. or other suitable rcct-pL&clca, all rrfese 4 nutter, jjarboe, ashes and filth of crery d scripUon, that may acccrnulate on their r pcctJre lou, dwelling iLocs, or business slxnoa. and to place rccli tiarrt Is or enher rt ceptad-s on the sldnralks In front cf thdr mpectire Iota, on Monday and Thursday moraines cf each week, befrrre tbe hour cf 8 a.m. 2. E m furihsr ordained. That all 2xsvoi Animal or vegtuble matter or cfTal, carUre X or tweepinss of any kind, collecticr In or ttAlls of anr public cr piinU market, shall be depmltcj by the occcraU of , LV14 Iq Cl inJ proper rrcrp Lade, and placed In convenient Jocalltici for rcmovii i0rV-eJQ,r 2 ,cl0 IX cl of each day. .3 vrVriVCr o That all per3r. jrc prohibited from throwing any ciZzL mb brrbapti, twecpint or refcae maKer cf any kind .trhatercr, into any cf the slips cr uau we.city, or rpcx th valts- miiv JL' Tbit' hereafter n ,v "' d'or excaraied for lW fcct. the surface of tha urroundin rround. rJ:JLilfuiTCT:Tl Th-! cich and rrcrr F"7 ?ntT wltll-a City l!Ju shall slnlMj "Tcbis cr rriTie vtlch may be npon his property, cleaned out or dis Inf cctod by tho ne of cperaa.' titetiZ cf I hme or other tuitAbledUirctaat, whenertr iUiin fr infect!.-- rrXr beccme neccary, or whenever notice to tlt tZcct may beftcnred cnoa such property owner by SundL c XkSrd 3 Nvflc2? watrT cWa ary iSsisl of twS foct of cf uc r- v tt " wr rrLrind That tvj pcraoa snail conTey to, sIl cr clTtr fr sole aay daa aocd cr rpoUcd tzi, ZX corn, wheat, rrc oata, peas or other aniclct of food wi'Ja lha w. is junker cr&iiMd. TLitM r-.?! twno shall bcslaagLVrred wl-hin the Cry rc prohltitAi from kr!r- trr ;re to-t wlthlo the City XIalu f.c t:.; L? lUytotheSIstdjyof Or. Vr. ..7 i .h.Iti IrCur ertLs;.:J. fii t,0 ahali be dn In any of the Ccriricrlr. li around the City, unlott It be tt kxt Cre f-l cern. i.T fn3ra lL- Ccnif tcrics, la ski wound he City, wiaout fperid pcrri: firm tne Baniury Committee cf t.- Vll j Ccdl jPon ooarictloa before t.e lUycr Y fi-li a py ur.h Cnehaa JrK"l7-f the public strctta a tu-cicr-t It , r ;: ".V cases proTidaL " 3 HlrJSS" V! C.ty cr -Town' Gov. emmest and concur. - Lcrtiriih, tre L ' r rcpcali. . V Jc5C, 'C7-tf. . r ' Wars 4-:: ' ' 4 w , .