i 7 O'rf t.' ' - VAC friends of , Temperance Ara3 lie! 1 at Odd Pel llitclielV Allen & Go's v"i --JiFiSn Atecture -; ? AGRICULTUnXL HOUSE Ordinance cy , tlus city, which was listened to' by a Lmre re- w- iUi' . VKV.BEBK,JUIJE 13,.186?.r.:.- spectobKand a Post Oma, Kirr Pnt postage stamp on tipper ri?ht band corner. SCSSwiU dose daijy as fodew - were appointed for the err Bk'aP Mcssrs.0. n Chadwiefc, W.G.Brin Jna uzation cf tATem- PTantcr, Farmer, leetnrp. Mr AT TT Tlrinn vrii1 . . I - ' . - J ' " -T77,t - . I ' - c - ?,w perunen I CfELL every article needed by the it j. JLtCCai-J Vv -rJtJV I temarka.:J:.Thea 5 'Comntf ttee'cohsislini? .' of I O -Mechanic, -Builder, Miller, Coach-Maker. . Saddler, i - . -j t . . -r J- . i a w Ass i n irii 'nrruiTiTiTia au a a . " " ... ..-May -an, it i i Jtucnardson. YYm. Wallace and v. fi. stonitr : York, rnuaaeipma, iiaiiimpre, xsor- i rTmo Ref- JA t"t,T A V 1 rit Washington, D. C and all point North and f yv"? : wizycn rfhMd and Beaufort, N. C. at.... .5.20 P.M. . . - el-h: Wilmington, and all ,? j ' 4- .'y..i 2JSS eetlSrsonSh,- at... : 61S0 A. f .Thb3ati rr tital succeeded a n.KiTer, every rnaaj, f-f I tK mnct rat - r 1 . 1 i VniiockBYUiei every x nesuay . - i ."irvr " w 3 1 ITEE, HABIHE AHD UTB ETSUBAITOE., Jane U-49-lt. " r v : '; A. fTMntoa and MINERAL SPEINGS (FOIOIERLY WILSON'S.) ; ' , -l I npiTESE CELimHAtED SPRINGS ARE SITUATED & iiun- I Ja In Cleareland County, North Carolina, iwar the line ; HATS I -EATS II ; doitt' leave town, or stay nt town any LONGER, WmiOUT CALUNO AT -vo. 40 pozx oir st ; FINE FUR OR STRAW HAT. !" They are retailing them . . . ' lLrS8 THAN WHOLES ALB FRICZS, . Atlantic;ani":T. C. Eiilf : Orrxr Arum: c. :u::?-,.a cjj ON tsi ".rT Trf. ILi il TrU U IWJLL',-. 1. I . ' . And caa ahow more than Tl IIU A """J t . lirss. everv Wednesday nnu naiaraay, 4.W i'. m-j j y5VvL,u. washinirtun and Plymouth, N.; . L 1 . every aionoay, euuj u x u?t . y : dred other loxuries were prof uselr abundant ?i t wumn, ciuotte Rotherford Fsiiro; k ix a x.-iiir u r iv 1! a OA 1 AD. l..V..:0Vn;'ii;Vri' ' ,t"-V-""' 'i! "-t .-i 6j miles Wet or Charlotte, and will be open by the lith -..- , r ! Oflce open f cptn 7.S0 A. M. to C03 P 1L, and from 7, A most excellent Slipper was spread last even- of June for the accommodation of visitors. 1 ' a 1 . ' L2OPMxidAtTom7toA.2LiMfzom fnWand aiw:dem The watert consist of White and Red Sulphur and A large Tanery X ( ifl 180 P. M. :. , ' . . , . w v 'V : ' ..urf .5r??r .DC1 Chalybeate, and arepronoanced by competent fudge, to : - o v . - : . ' n ifltirs to b5 flcliverea m jnc umiea oiaies, m- t Wpwp cinninor tlio AYhilaratinfv affair .o.. 1 be nnsnroassed br anr of the klrui nnnnthln Continent. I Dwti CnrJu SSiiiff drop letters, must be prepaid, ,or they will be, j r i " , S'r T J.TT7r' 2nt to the Scad letter officennies. addressed to Uead. (endered)tia. by" fairy fingers, that we'were 5 Bureau, at Washing . - ij ! -I J Having Removed to their TbilamtinfrjiifFpi-irecoriwi I be unsurpassed by an; uwuuMviiviw m,c ucco uivi iuuu ivi m number of gnesta. ( - - - .1 . ' . .. Doctor Taylor (one or the mronrietora) baa bad alartre experience in the treatment of disease. Incident to our Buttona, Trlmmlnj, Edslnga, fnaertlngm. Swiss MualinaTjaconeta, . . . - - ; ' ' Nainsooks plain and checked. r 1 s- .i-.-j-v j J v!TOe mbrorfal nectar'f e;GkV;T;v Southern climate, (especially those of women andchil- tJoAw ran have thft TlttPtrRTrftAy Ipft t ;v -.7 - ;t 1 area,) ana win taxe pleasure In advising invalid. In the kt their houses or Stores by leaving their names tT "EVEIh B fT ;e?t. Vehicle, will be at the depot on the arrival of the Maraamea, Gingham : Prints ;&c - Mrw 43'-Wi'0-l -4 ,ii OotntnanaingllosseY saQcd ftom ibis rtort OH ' train, to take visitor, to the Sprinp. at moderate . . -V. 7? tit the offlce. W Craven Street,, kr, lilfl U:t :kv chareea. For other particulars, addree. the Proprietor. Silk and Cloth Sacquea and Cloal NEW 'Ttib Kew Bern IlepubUcan Association f "! C.' , . ' ; ; ti L? tUV ft. th iie Soda Water jBali is a fixed institu- mcwia,- - -7,- . - - , . tion in New Bern now? JThis' innovation on. Junels-lMt at Shelby, Cleave land county. N. C. . 1 C. E. SPRATT. - - - M. B. TAYLOR, JNO. J. BLACKWOOD, r r Jarvu Bwrevu,.. f the f ormey wciatioM "of . the gay:quadrille nniM- general invitai to P apfehensible by not a few, J mC l delinquents. , the wizeiis vi 1 -- 1 - - - - ' - - . ' I ... . , . u' ITiY (M tlBMTtv nnt1fiul that tKa wtrtat mII LICENSE IsaSected may be. pleased to know that the Clerk's Office and pavnp all arearage. Immediately, or against as the law directs. -1 WM. L. PALMER. molasses and water to his list of harmless and 1 ""June 11 is-lw. .-.xr.;:. . , v Mayor. Cloaka.' Best qualities of Hoop Sklrta, latest style.. Proprietors.' I au. cr which wnx bx tout at tk LOWEST PRICES POSSIBLE, tO POLL OK STREET, . Ler Morrhead Cty.....;. Arrtre at Vw 1Vtd.... .... iear rw licrEie.... . 9 ArriTt at Eiartoa.... .: . V." Lear KJr.ton so Arrlraai Homr IU3 ....... t-M , lXATt MON(jT ILU.. lis - Arrlr. at GwUboro' ism nrrcENrNo. Leave Of ildtboro 1 53 P 1L" Lear Homlj 113 to . . Leave KlDtioa. ...,.. 4JSX m - ArriT at Jw DcrM Cia Leave ew Bcra..... era Leave Newport... . It) Arrive at li ant tad City. ............ U9 . ' Paaiurer Trsia etrtnect. wili Njrlli Camllna PV road Train poif Wet st 1M P. 2L. asd rrtcrr'rj Wvea aftrr the arrivU of the r.a'.t.fUa a&d Vftwi' lUliTOaa 1TAJB p-O'Cr fVvrUL. AMmrers Uvm Ut Weal wait Troa 1LT3 A. M. ta il t-Olp.M. ...... . . The AccotsTnodatlea Trala wT3 kav. MorteadCtr on 21 oodava, Wedoadar. aad Friday. mtrxlx every . alternate day, as foi:ov : . . . . . , . . Leave Morrkead City (bUUon C03 A. K. Leave Nrw Bcme....M . . , , Leav Klnatoa , ' 4 Arrive at Oollaboro' LW P. XL ULTtHNINQ. ' 7 Leave GoUhoro... 4 S3 AM.1 Leave KlaAtoa "-JO LeavsNrwIVrrM...-. ....U3 f ArrWe At iioTTln-Ad Cty fitatloa. . P. M., Tfcrocra Tlttrta wla be soil to principal fcU'.'.acjr oa the North Carolina nallroad. ' t - . wm. tl iiAjrnrr. . M.y tl4Z . ScprriBteadcxt of TraarporiAUon. ; w iiivrrrfTSEMEXTS IX THIS ISSrE. " ' " "n-' Qi 4ii '!rW proprietorhas concluded to add draughts of they will be proce MrrcRELLALLEN &0' - molasses and water to his list of harmless and Jne H-is-iw. ..r .Planters. Farmers ' Mechanics, . . and Life insurance , t. x r w u; , Challenge Accepted. Capt Dey of the N Tuesday, the 4thinst, a white Handle pock. Meeting of :the;Stholro Of informed that BT KNIFE, In a Black Morocco case. The finder B. Company.?, ; if f v Junell..l84t REPUBLICAN" OFFICE. Cleaveland 3Iineral .Springs, leaveiana and wiI1 pW.them on Saturday next at 2 'coty,.Cf , . Fifth ardAssociation. meets this evening 1 at 8 oclocfc-"' -' y LOWER THAN NEW YORK RETAIL RATES. ' PHAIR fc . FARR, M.yJ l-t NO. 40 POLLOKSTRXS DR. W. U. TAYLOJL DR. CtO, 2L TAYLOB, 8URSEQM SEttTlSTS. v TTMnAm "Dll"?! I4w-l r I TJ ESPrXTFTJLLY offer thdr prof foalon .ervieee to H fl-TTlKflTI I in iTlg I XV lie dUxrB, of Snr Dcra, a4 .trTvaat cotrUca. : U7 A3 work 10 mi la the btwt BaaxtMr, aad ntlrfnkm N and 1 1 .GEE MAUI A- W3I. MEAD, Capt Promenade Concerts at McNamara's sa- Mayors CouRT-Before' pis Hpnbryor loon on Pollok st, three evenings of each 'Wm. L. Palmer, Tuesday; June Hth.f ; week. . , '&S Warm Weather i North, "We clip the - mssojLUTJOJV. i NrwBraxx,N. C, May 1st, 1867. ITTHE co-partnership under the name and style of X DAVIS & KILBURN 1. thl. day dlssoveT by mu tual consent. , ' June 11 18-et. Are now prepared t sell to their old esttomcrs ! i ' and the public la general, a .Si2 Reinsurance Co., BOOT 5 SHOE ' i I tTuarantecd or no py rvqulird, tnd . 1 ! 1 i Teetli Extracted' . . ... -. - WITHOUT PALN. " ' s- CUorof orm and CXher alo admirlstcred. OSae oa the comer of I)Dok EL, (between Middle & ILiaoocJc,) t ; 1 For Sale. "".r' , :r " wvit! nfflAa pri: 'rne-tnermometer at toe storeof William b. ingan excitement about the pohce omce, en.u Coj, stood as foUows, yesterday, in U tirely wltnout ; preceueuv, A UtalLi n st o 1 -a- .r 1. OF BOOTS AND OF NEW YORK. k rrCQT T 1 TT3T i Til RTVT.TCfl wucwm6, vv. i.inesnaae:rxif a ju, jr. jsi., wj-:.ana ; A?Jtzzz jt"rrtrr rrrr: , who : encircled 1 at 7 ir. M.j? cH.iv' Verily, 4l genuine . summer r t -r . v-. ; ;toUstentptne u . twr. v - ss - - 1 ssA7a- r ari m - mjw -i m a.m.w.m mm. i siyjiiA 1 iaial of Idlers and novelty , seekers WflTkortals of the Court Room . :f ' Ji'i'iJi'wirum' flMMtn P.hnm andr Ward to a combat between two chanticleers, .We have for some time past believed that mhichastick wasbrandishedby the Jonrnai of Commerce Editor would turn A w.wvr,ifp hv-Brav. with an accompani- "uc Wi v 4" WkU mentof violent expletrves and vulgar and' T .iiT:: ' f i :v lJ:t party of patriotism and national safety. , The Editor has found the most solid and o PRICES UNEXAMPLED IN THIS MARKET, 'ji -- i ; Repairing neatly done at low figures. NEW AND SELECT STOCK OF - " : ; r '' DRT O00D3t ! cLOTiinro, 0 kNE BriLDINQ LOT tlttAiM on Haacit atravt. sr Prt L IPtJ Proct abd Uncock aureta. orar Fmtb Prott. Terms ay. Par f crth trti- v to tbe ander!fwd al the comer of bo.ui Jane 11 4-tf Si! jonN w. yacciix- . .T JACOB WIYY & CO., scene denunciations.,,;, , r 5 - J As no one was hurt,-and no assault made, 1 Next door to FRED. D. SHLACHTER, Grocer, corner Pollok and George sts. JuMir-JS.tt- .-: 1 ft Jnf M"! JFOn SJlLiE. C2BJLTJ1Kj Si.000.000.00. HU Honor dismissed the case, but warned the sound plank in the platform of "North Caro narties arraigned" not to appear, before Vhim Una Radicals and planted himself firmly and . .. :. -i; a vT- i - i i .i 1 j i i securelv UDon it He has written like a true T BepnWic and a patriot, ashe was wont to hmtSXSC . Wadi Kelly, apngnaclooa boy,' for capslz-' write tp to the ttoe when nliury ambition tesn InBaDaleofmUkontheheadoINoah.'Wmis, took possession of him, and the eTU spirit of - w. g. west. nf,IC!SS,Swia,flriea'S wbM m feabt led him into the haunts of. treason-.and t - employer paid, who ent Wade nome w;worK ULJLTom i . family in SOOTS and SHOES, in Her hair hung round her pidUd cheeks J; like sea weed round a clani. his evil spirit, hewiite? iahis issue of yester- JU ST received and for sale by 'The benefits of Life Insurance need hardly to be enumerated at this age. Every careful considerate man, but does his duly to his having his ... day, as follows: P. MERWIN & CO., Pollok at. New Berne. Mrs. Stevenson was P16861! m1 1 " The j3oubls aT to hKt the people of North flimDTirfl,nt, ta l 01 oe- i Carolina will do in regardto tne matter 01 re- rituruo-axio x vn. ovrx w - iti'MAntTi(f" iYi l rharp-R of a' breach m'andiad TI0K8 AND SHIP . premises where she resides on Broad street tnConTention8wn . , i . .. CHANDLERY. to mak it dove-teU tfgESJ&wcEGESfi:i Iiife Insured, iZrJ and CAPS, aSriMTT GOODS, -. -W. H. . Remains. . : CRAVEX ST., 'S EAR SOUTH FRO XT,' WnOIXSALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN WISES, LIQUORS, SEQARS AXD TOBACCO. rpO my stock of Wlnea. LlQaora, Srfsrs aa4 Tohaore, , X which 1 keep of the bnt Qcailtr. cxrueit&Jj om fcand, 1 have added a good stock U the beat GROCERIES, and have made arranrrmesu for a tmh srj Yf evrry steamer from New Ycrt. If vou detlrs rood JLXF-IIAIFINO FLOUR, Tea, Coffee, hrrar. Pork, or asythinc la my Una, gjvs me a call, and 1 will be pleased to eryoe. , W. IL RO MAINE. CVavra aUwi, odr t BlUre tlaem. . N. B. I saake a sporiAlty of btll lUlMlbg Plocr, a&X ask yoe to f1r It a trial. Msygl-tf , .. .. ' ': ' o' co.woivs siisooa; MIDDLE STREET, And accupies a room in iubnwuv i, L.', 'who could not br' the Jaw's delay, and J 1 wait for a writ of ejectment, endeavored, uu. annihilate Lucy by a broadside of verbose j 80 vengeful In her frenay .. , , "Like the Hyrcanlan tiger In an angry mood," As no one was hurt, and Jthe , disturbance occurred-wtthin the'domlcile, His Hondr de eded he had nothing to do with the 'matter, nor the rinnt to nut Lucy out on the Street, as t s - r Collector of Customs, District of PAmlico. tf CtnrosnTi ' ilosirw! Wm to do: conse- 1 . I June 1 14-td. ! ! . , . , 1 01 a. tx. iiryan, wnicn appeareu in una woiu- quentiy tne case was -uiscu . . . . g Journal of commerce. The whole com- Andnow:- Farewell, along farewell to brother Pell, To Graham, Worth and Davis ; Henceforth, I serve, and ne'er again rebel, , ; With Holden, Dick and Harris. " j MMAMMMMafeSWMHHMHMIMIW 1 - ' ' COMMUNICATED. "PoHtical Albinos." ; Mr. Editor: Allow me to say a word or in the " aabie letter w for the nse of the UNITED STATES REVENUE CUTTERS IN THE DISTRICT OF PAMLICO, will be received by the undersigned,1 at his offlce at the CUSTOM HOUSE AT NEW BERN, up to the ,KTnl)AYOF f&mlly insurcd tgainsl Contracts to be for one year, ending the 30th of J une, gy vrant which accident or adversity might A list of artldei -to be furnished can be seen at the Custom House. I . . i ' RICHARD W. KINO, 1 E. G. ilcALPIK,. . Late Proprietor of Uic MClnb Ilonsc," d a treat many article, too nrmerous to tarn tl on, al TTAS aModatad hlralf la Kaiaae wiA Mr. Joa Lovers of Good IMnka. go to Jou u)otaari per. . McA Va wm wait apoo area. Marls-aim. Dry Goods- fendant warned not to make her reappearance in that audience hall again; or she would be fined.;;: Thereupon she sailed out Of the1 Court Room, like a clipper ship close hauled upon a wind,' giving vent, to her unrestrained disgust and malevolence againstaU liggerprotectors,w and berating the Mayor in unmeasured terms, but at a' saf e distance, , beyond ! His Honor's hearing. ,): Viv Z ::'HlM Cotjn, Pp ! cowt is still in ses-! sion adjudicating civil cases only. ; munication is a.mere rehash of the old story the glorification of treason and the claiming 01 conquered traitors-which has been drummed I. lerlzed "and: -'x?tdfeli6?T&M'fon. at our hands: , " Even the only pomt we wish to notice is riot nri jrinal with him. iWeeks ago, ; when the defunct Commercial flune its uut at us radicals, we rightly did not deign' to, reply; 1 believing that it was. digging;, 4ts owni grave.. 15ut when-"one or our most suostanuaiea ana worthy 1 citizens a! kentleman-of "fine mind; exieusive aiiauimeuis 1a jaw auu uwtamiD, of very, conservative principles, moderate in everything," picks up, the dirt and gives it another ning at us, we may, perhaps, examine it, and see whence it comes, and -whether our u whited sepulchres" are soiled by it - t v The gentleman" makes use of the phrase I Tpohtical albinos" as an opprobrious epithet when abnlied to us, in other words, this boast- ' . . , . 1 - J Al 1 J 2 .1 . ed Desi inena 01 uie negru woum uiaiufc u H. N. Wriglit &; Co., 'A '.V.'. V-A" ' 54 and 26 Peopled Market, v FEW ;B ERF, K. C, ( otherwise bring upon them. ' r The advantages of tht . . : '"'.' Gcrtnahia Life Insurance Co. 4 , t - are: . . . . ITS LARGE AND 8TEADILY XNCEXASINa 'l CAPITAL. . We would be pleased U see yem aO, sad shew ywa stock. Jctt corns to ! J. P. Hamllin, ... . SOUTH FRONT FTEIXT, XEW RERXE, y. C9 . WHOLESALE AND tXTAIL DtALttt IS PORK,' ' . '';'.". FLOUR, GROCERIES 30 Msy 1 t4i AXD LlQUCRt. PoHok Street, GROCERIES FORWARDING Hi -AXD Comrassioii Mercliaiits, ..... .". . : - t . lb. Put BaUiag Bchootteri j . f 1 Steamsrip Ellen S. Terry, captain Cha pin, aailed from this port yesterday, at 4 P. M., with a full ; freight and a fair compliment of passengers, bound for the empire ciyNew - yort. v'.Ji t rHi. ;ui .t. Half Starved DoosA.rand raid was attempted last evening on a legion of half j by calling us negroes.". Ol consis- rtarwd. dOhopeni.BOWO maUalblnS f i We answer, the white street market These, uoes certainly had been .... . . ,k .imnlir a fnll blooded f asting-p-dof. no doubt, who Jnad seen better nesro with a white skin instead of a black one. xttilL leave marke wharf every Saturday for wasn days, btt bv freaks of fortune had- lost me to whom men coua we ctju muiuua juj v v mgwn, v. wj. W a X 'f? ii' I bopprobriouslyappnedze think onW :'v ' . : ; . Prestige of their former glory. I tTPXw of irJSents whohas negro bfood 1 i f - : -' " :'I VJwuk disx i tj managed by reliabU andtcdl knatn Harrison Buildings LEOLA,- - I 'A--AV., ; JOSEPH ROSE, The Insured need fear no quibbUng or eva sion on the part of this COMPANY, as It ha insured over 13,000 persons for more than Eighteen Millions of Dollars within six years. m,..4nM 4m faithful . thev are Kina Hi :X!in . . . L' : i-.. -k-V,I. miiil .uwuiieavwwuwi uvw v r . . , . j - - 1 in nia -YCinfcuwua-iuu. amw9 v v. .j; fJs. , t i . ;. .. . -Their tails suca oui dculuu Beef cannot drive them away. ' They have no meat to eat,r And are lazy on their feet. win be delivered with dispatch. Wair nnrsft of his infancv. -r -:!,iy -f ;. .i.'l I will leave 10 mose awiutumwi whu-ww vua- l y 1 Al JLJi i , a " tima of southern society .10 aecmcu . , , , , . . . 1 I'll hand and for sale And each has had his day. . . ' t . w . - I Thft at least does not stick to me SXirta Fvery descrlntlon ' of - LUMBER - kept ' W""'' " when the City Council passes tne oruinauco i Qf a - - ; f Anj taxing dogs, the immense revenue which wiUf June 12, 18G7; ; he derived from this class 01. camnes wm vATwijwy KOSTHEEH HAH 0TTGHT benefit the city cofEers, ;.f not the -dogs them vHAl , i vw-x xwlx 6dve3,6ielsemerabblewmbave gb TO JLHUW : , to sing out, "OW what a slaughter r' r . ,V: mnAT with a freeuse of SPSSSFdSr. i niinn a wsi a w ns mi ha iiib aimiiiu , j has. paid within a few years over $200,000.00 to Wxdaiet and Orphans. i; ; ; CHEAP FOB CASH. 7 lj"WU,lUttUWI ' M v. i- : !r- ami travel on the Con- . ii--K I' e i ; .'v.:.; ' . t a aiw.m. 7 , . . .. . 1 - -1 . .vi it itiww Hefhactoby llABrNEB8.The Police ; had I main through the Summer, enjoying ail (At fa " Ria Indian on JHddU r&rt$,) . rf Europe and in the Southern Slates as theif.hands full on Tuesday night, restoring uw WAroicrtmrB a a-i ' far Southas thonorthern Lcunaary 01 Xiorm ... T ? " 1 i'aAAfiAtll AMViTTtTillTiT raLU Alltlaavat ' . ... ' 7 I EXMEMBEH THAT BXMEMBEH THAT TrnMyvTtrn THAT yraCCMBER THAT BXMEMBES THAT BAER .& EPPLER BAER & EPPLER BAER & EPPLER , BAER & EPPLER BAER & EPPLER. HAVE EXMOVXD TO HATE EEMOYXD TO HAVE REM 0 VXD TO HATE REMOVED TO HATE EXMOVED TO Exchange Hotel,, i s - POLLOK STREET, ftrxtdoor u . BAER & EFFLEIt, MART IK J. McKAHARA, ; ' ; . : The above llotcl fcxTir g boa renovated a--I refitted, is now cpea for the acoortaodalica of the lexad and traveling public Fiirniibed with th bet t the market caa aJTsnL 1 1 FREE LUXCII EVERY ETEXISQ AT 8 a CLOCK. ' A TUztltZ TaUa, tnm f cl-irra, for Os f Coena. Jaae t ll-lss. . , STIRCII GLOSS. ; rrnir DOt emamleal art kl Oat ra Ve t s4. 1 cysUilodthewa4a;!Caacff-nary lAfd faxa'y. - t,tv a Cue, I very XV r" TJtitw-rr YTectaAriy prwwta tbe troa ad dsj from acaixr M Akf cli line. loek tTks ftrw. . fS. Goodi im (9 vtis U k7 dna mac loafer, Ur , ty Mtltr tlias aad Uie la aurx. Warranted not to ir r n rio"- . . O erets per caa. LiirJ Claooexta te Xe trawC LMPERLL BLUK. IUJrMm la Vard as Wa3 ss aaCX wairr. Warrarud vo to wtrwX W- mul hnttle. stn-hng,tars .to the TJf a vessels in the har iT Price, 75 cents. ; ' uur. 4UC5B buusr utf mc sea, nuu Aiau. 1 ; May 18 p-ll"- Jl leceived.meii'mbhthlyB aTv . ggg!v ty oir tbrefut;owtj the bpunds of ; e7 AQTegUDuici. moderation and were nabbed by the limbs of ' ' . 4 ., . . " , t- a... a'T WHOtltSALE AND BETAIL. -. AH kinds of SMOKING, CHEWIKQ and RTTTf tobacco. Carolina,- V A . - the law. idchholders9 JUeeting rtrvice A. & N. C. R. New Bbksav N. C June 9th, 1867. ir.Jniim Hriar Wood ana X"v' - i . 4 j ;if.v ;-rooorco PoueJus. . I.' ' ; A "Wife in Pebil. ,Afvery: narrow escape xrom serious injury, U not oeam, was exper STOCSnOL- rST Ot paactiullj attended ta.y enced by a lady wno was: riding yesterday jt - June 6-16-tf. - f with her husband in the outskirts of thecity. j;.'..',. ' f 1tC': a tKt tw.v tV" - -n R ,rr-- The horse was frightened by the fluttering of a ATLANTIC ; & NORTII, t CAROLINA. R, ; ?0.$Q. i LC.-- rea dress on a clothes line, andrran : at full I Afi1 rIL tCOilrJUi -.f ,M : r i - ..i;-B'if LAW a tree, anrl nvMnmiui tvia voiilo I t f; . , - -- -1 AIJ TEED. SCH WEND LEU, ' Sccrdsry. ' i -I 1 i i- CO POLLOK STREET, SO POLLOK STREET, CO POLLOK STREET, CO POLLOK STREET. CO POLLOK STREET, 1 aVTsVi-W4 S ewp 7" . - A Va a - I f awwr Tss. la Laf lA! ' JT to s.3 alv I 7 A.CSi.a ...-j fcAss seat r-t r 'VZA;, May stCaa. EXCELSIOR! KXXELSIOR!! AAl J TTo?v PYTnTTTLlLUtCri tj. J! HENNLNGER, Agent, at New Bern, tliayw-3-tf, r tpecd into a tree, and ovrrtnm ti.A vIa.. tT.r. ,;,a -A '-A Ar,- rj . . T- . - - : h--3 the lady upon the ground.. eh3 Cora rcrcK a Hascocs t,. I-I r rparenfly: etistained but at'lnjuryi' DAYaettlin&i: f.,, ... . . - .. A il.r.rrd-tcainwthebu-gycndconveyed MMi&i A TTKZZ ectlralls prcrcrty, known as tie nAETET ElUCuTfAlUiliUUfcl- r HAEE2$ON rCTLDINC. IIAET-ON EClLDlG. tlwjzzzozi zviLz:rz. Ch-tclhfs Hair Exteniu-- rir -al i1!' c. l ' - ' ' ' . , .t . , .r ex. 1 1 - j 1 "4 A" JW" l by tie month or year, ApvUte iiy-i 1 1-11. J. AMYXTT. Vr rm,iryt-i 1. jf.s- Jy '4 J i - 1' j. I? 2 z hi erf. 1 1 P. is .-3 1: s - ? n f 1 ri e U 1 t t-J : At "r s I : ii ? - I 4 . n ?4 t - i I; t t