- "inBmili, JUNE -13 ijftftxJ. -1' SHU 0L3j STOEY. -4 1.V. I f " COf whme' Kat and te 1 ' ' .V1 wnat he was talking ua j Had quenched all the stars witli' tlieirlight y YAU ?m'efack Witli pheeks growing crimson' And eyelashes glittering th teafs, " .iBUlXoVeyour sweet mouth appears.;?' f? ;' Did he tSlIc km beauty, of iummer f' " Pse the wild rose's perfume? - w?,cak of OUrarbors 80 rosti& r.Ji,' .-w . LW??dbine and j Hetold TOU astoiyOht did he e " V. ilOW prtr miiA fl.it J , . , -, , ' .'-;-. --v,.u uatteruu. ue a DC. .A ') 4- - ,.. trrC , uc BUy. A Know ; ; Tis an old tale, yet always a sweet Ira .certain that you found it so.-, one It was "new in th'e-'fint'rlaW nf iA'! V WWderingtiirpugh Eden's f'airboir." In,57M8li'tleeaiit,was 'whispered,' ' ' ' ' While , she, blushing, played with the flow- :. t t y i y. V" You're blushing, too ; what is the matter ? V nyjwhatareypu crying about fnnp-, Your grandfather toldTour grandmother -1 he very same story, no doubt. three little words tell this sW ' " What thousands of hearts. they haye thrill- nowmariy with joy hare they gladdened ! J ' i r " it sorry w nave mica I - !.- ..- -t- v -rv ' i . .-- mJ IT- . These three littWwbrdi: I love yoiif a uu see us tne,yery eanje tale r " bmV thcr& iast night by the wood- Bcneath the. moon's silvery veiL M- s,. .- Don'f say; that I know nothing about it-l"-. You know very well it is trSej But Katy, my dear.' did you tell him The same story that he told you? v, r GEEEN THDJGS GEQWmG. Tha.fresitsweet smell of the -groin tbinm . ffrowinoff . . o Twouldlilte to lire; whither llaugn'or grieve TO. Watch .tllA. honntr n "? H S"6 .r groyinV":J;":WJL f rcen tninga Oh ! thQ fluttering and pattering of thin.rt-ft trrnxvintr. be green Rafting each to each when no man's tewing In the worulrfni TO'f .-nr" 5 liirht T V weiru moon Or theray eamyf dawn! when the cocks are CrOWing. v..; ;;t. 1 fegf ; Io ve. thc,n 80, the green thii gs grow- Ahd Itliink that they, love me without false showing; vr - t . , . .v.:.: , , : IWby:iman3r!a tender touch they4 comfort me - y much, ; .-; ." .-. .'J. . r ' With the mute, mute comfort, of green things growing,, : ; -uj- ..rr.b-,. a li,..- ", K i .'"v: y; . :.;.:t j i.Z '.7; And in the full wealth of blossom glowing Tfn,Jonf A t,akc the're on ra? beltowing AH IsJipuld like to see,i tGodsill it might. Many, many tL summer, of my green things But if I must bo gathered for the angels' sow- . Sleep out of s'iglit 'awhile-Hke the geen thincs growing j'h.v .::if - i vi -T..,f.j.: .:-. r .? xuougu eartn to earth return, I think I shall vmjr x umy cnange into green: things grow- The proper folksongs of this country should besought, we suppose, among the abbrigines, but the capacity of the Indian for miisic does V" veequai-ro nis reputed Icamcitv possesses bpth these gifts in a high degree and it is singular that noone 'tip to this time has explored forpreser ration the ! wild, beautiful and pathetic melo dies of the Southern slaves." Theif secular songs, or what purported to be stich have in time past found their way into all inouths; but their V sniritiiiila "tb 5i .w , t r m -r guuuiuu CAU1CS sion of their eminently religious nature have pnly recentlyj;laimed attentionWd are able to afanounce a cbllection,Ntbased aif thei Port Royal -hymody-and indudidthe'sonof 1 wwumiw u oiaies as are ootainable, which Will bo nnhlishrf oitfiav w , 1 ,e . ( year or, at' the beginning" of the neit. The wwua una wnenever, possible) the music wiU be carefully reproduced, and it is th aim of via vub yoiume-vGonnpiete in both resneots. nv-JtifnMiAia-KV! i S!?. YlU be TcrJ acceptable to them, 'ftWfrS P' Garris6n;Box I3' Said hard-shell . Baptist preacher that he once' addressnrl Htv ;vzrV , lovssu My dear- hearers, there are sdme reai If ""innaeioDjection to tht theory and practice of the flood-ah; The:Biplei says concerning that thing, that the Ark rTsted on the mountain of Aivitrvat, but those ofi us who is better informed know tliat the summit which are the tip-eend of that mountain--ah are kiv rcdTwith: perpetual ice and snow aridkhino-9- ..v "v "aucra, ii me atk could have Aui iiiuuj or wo on tne summit which are topnd of Ar-atat;it wouldhaVe scooted againwjh, and -all the animals, and r . birds, and fishes, and things; would hale been emit out on the side of the mountain4h. -zX think, my friends ah, that the summif of Ar -r-at must hav been in a holler, where the leasts would fiird good paster whm they went uv-wui, vn, mow careful -we ought to be bout teaching our children about the particu- 4iua vi juount Ax-ow-at ah !" I -:; - ia . ! Mr. R. Barnwell Rhfttt ia.i Wti i' according to f the preyalent custom, for a hisT, i . OeniShelby, of Missouri, who has been enC - -bis old j-esidence, St. Louis : i . ; : i Gustavus Horton the'newMajror "of Mobile ( r, , , "v ; v . xj.onon, wno re mved his death wound in Xew Orleans in the JohrC It; Thompson;4 onceedito of " TKe r ,vi- iufwewyer, is reported a re- vu, cn iwj buu correspondent of s tharon thq 9th orSOthvof -April,;just two ' JlUndred VPfira hai. rsnccoA fmm j . . . .v - k'uwuuu. uvua tuo.uav. on WJliCh JillltOn PaVfi hia reprint fn W xt fxught the copynght of Paradise Losf h & w w : xxenaersaou,' - well Known j j as . the ''Dniinmer-Boybf the Rappahdnock," eloped V ' vujiiivcepsie yitn a, nen. merchant's ' daUThter-ori' "Pridjiv thn 1st inct t'Th nrr -n married at 2i"ewburgh. ,; The' interestinsr Twti4:Jtate, $t mch time and place therein a the comm jare "cfirce 19 rears ouv . I : . . - - ' THE tPECTOSCTr COIfSTITtmnWftT: r t W T m V i v.ui;b. wig amendment fnrm.'n.w v baI8 of reconstruction adopted by Congress, we publish it for general infornrattoir an teference - een5mcnt ha9 P tWa diitel cApriU) been ratified by tne following States; Connecticut, Illinois imuana, Kansas, Maine. Sliehi 2few island Tennessee, Vermont, West Vir'wisn: " amendment has been rejected by the Legiskturea of Delaware, Maryland and Kentncky, and by all the constrocted "States," to wit: Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Florida, Louisiana, llississfppi; North CaVo- una, ooutn Carolina, Texas And Virginia 13 in att. , i"4 united States of ' America i in Connr Jjtll Rowing article be proposed fo theXeHla iK&ffw ?S??fff-!Hta' ament to theConl HPnnS.11?4 ' which whett "tified br f UrthA! -8aid filatures, shall be valid as part of the Constitution, namely j ' . 1 !- ;-"Articxk-XIV. - " : ktf -J"01 ?r naturalized in the United ta8' andoiiectQ the. jurisdictioaahereofara.ciS. ir.ii tvlfeSa,sflfl akr enforce MyUfcKfLh ?ft ttSISP""1 or immunities of citizens S Sfir?4 ; nor 8ha11 stflt prive imy per SJS or Prty, withont fue procesfof i'f enI t0 any Preon withihits jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.- , iue Seo.2. Representatives shall bo apportioned ambn counting the whole mber,of ,pereom in ach State! excluding Indiana otfaxed.W-ivhen thfe ri-ht to dent and V ice President of the United State, Rcnre ccrs of a State, or the members of the Legislature SSiJra ?f ? ?nd citizens , , , wl eucu mate cuizens snail bear of 1 f malccItizcuS twe-ne . Ko person BhaH be a Senator or Representative Si SfiF68' IelectPT Of President and Vic? President! or holdany office, civU or military, under the UniS lTJ.ui?J?Tberxrf C088. or Ss an officer of the Lmted States, or as a member of any State Le-nelature or as an executive or judicial . officer of anVS tA support the Constitution of th? United sJate- 1'haS Sfmt6 'Jon or rebeuSn SnatthS SSfET611 muOT COTMoTt to the enemiSthereof: q'Ji!16 public debt of the United States, authorized by law, including debts incurred for Baym-entof 1)60610118 and bounties for servkJs in Ef8SginectioLn or rebelUon, shall not be quei iwftoBut Deitner the u"ted States noranv State H e OT W anr debt or obligation incunSto aid t)f insurrection or -rebellion aainst the Uiailed elX? Claimi fe5 tht Joss or emancipation o? any ' Sec. 5. The dcaigi-ess alinwv:oowerAo'iforce tfcll.PPrPri Ie8lation the provisions of thiTaS BILL FOR RECONSTRUCTION. The following is Senator Sherman's Knhfitifntfrt, Stevens' bill, with Vllson's and Shellabargeramciai, ments in the House, as it was finally passed. ' Wilson--5 1 ttuieuoment is tne flatter portion of section five, com: mencing at the word " provided." . The sixth section ia Shellabarger's amendment : - r - A BILL TO PROVIDE ron THE MOKE EFFICIENT G0VEKX- ,: . ;r vKEST .OF THE REBEL STATES. . toioSS VHVegal State rnment8 or" adequate -ront a i-.i." " vojuuua, oouin Carolina. and AS TpVBhniri vT , ' "i8."?? ary tnat peace andgood nwlQw enferced m 8aid States until loyai and TereforT, ' 3 M1? established : x&it$Ctei, c' J11 Mid rebel States shall be di- 'JSfSJ?;hUll-5a,yStriBi and made roioct to the military authority of the United States, as hereinafter Pntfthfe anLfo at larPee Virginia shaU conVu-5MhS-15-dJBt2ct ; ort Carolina and South Carolina the 2d district ; Georgia, Alabama and Florida the 3d district ; Misassippi and Arkansas the 4th district, and Louisiana and Texas the 5th district u U11,ir'u' nQ Sec. 2. That it shall be the duty of the Pre'sidPTif 'tn ffS?rJr5S?W,d .each oaiddistrictean offict? andS, officer to h''lSS- wuum tne district ta which he is assimed SEa- That it shallbo the duty of each officer as signed as aforesaid,! protect all perLTn their rights feen- a.nd PrPerty to suppress insurrection, dfso? al distnrhp;eACvtnd to Punish or cause to be ptmished hiSSt l0f P?bfic, PH and 'criminal, and to i , j vvuuur, ui nueu in an inrinTTipTit 1 f taav be nenRmrvfnr toi j " , ' , .. L.ut 11 , . vi vmeuiiers, ne snail nave : "t.ii.cicin;e iiDQer color ot State authonty-with the' TCTria t u "S this act ihall be nuU and void' J "my nnuer , iE0 4i Xhat all persons put under military arrest bv virtue of this act shall h -AJr- P lav n-nA -nr. .1 "'uluu uuuectfssary ue- lay, ana no crnp.l op nnnenai x.n . . . ed; and no mmtTSnjS tribunal hereby authorized, acting th M Tot UtertJ of any person, shall be executed unUlJt is approSS hi the officer fcommaffd of tMdatrict rand thl laWand resmlationft-fAiukho ItV "u inP i.awf ana affected hVthi9 '"'tT""11 fW airiK bo with its nrovrfiio CUiaruti lQey may conflict S aid rebel -in conformity with the Constitution of the ulitedStetes in all respects, framed by a convention V ll! ,eiectea by the. male aitizens of said State twentv-one years old and niSrivV Af !,rVIftJn.ef bus condition, fffl wlL " WJ I one year previous to the daf of such uS.SSmSS rsuch as mav hp. t;afTnMaJi " . . ' VfP1 rebellion ,pr 'for .mSSI shall bo enio-fvl Yv lotion herein teZ8Zfi&g& SJK I Sflch COnstltntinti ahnll anA i ' -" u . 1 . 11 persons voting o antTu' X"1'?1. tne qualrfted-5leetnw iior d ZZ. approval, and Congress shall have an- f j , . : - v rai outm ot a vote Of If a ----"- caiu wusurauon snail have adni?t amendmenrtouthe Constitution of ill United States proposed by the Thirty-Ninth ConTess! rii K":A stxijsi, i ynetitwn of the caiu. onq niiiui neciaTCtCJeraitled to i f. , , . f- vvvoo, ouu ouuaiors ana iTenresen- tativea shall be admini thpfm k.- liriIrr.n oath prescribed by law. d S " ! said State : lrortderJ. That no person excluded from the privilege of holding office by said proposed amend ment to th rnsf UnHnn V-1..A1 v i . " ;yba cuciuie to election s .1 momM , ... ... . .ixicu ouites snail oa - " ui tut .yn I II Ll()!i TO - "",,. lur any i saia rebel States, nor snail anr snoh twnnn t-z -,. .1 convention. -. 1 mW OI saia fSEC. 6. ds : further enacted, That until the neo- " . ' " ium.ueujr jaw aamiitea to rep resentation in tho rjitimacinf !,. n:.j S2?iSIe?ntV,idt aylpxist. therein shall bi deemed DroviFiorml nnlv mv) i rn -w.., - A . - i . . k. T v am uii lcpycvw BUUlLTt lei JI18 authority rof thd TIniteUstates T at any time to abolish, moaiftr jvni i J ,, ,, , : t j , v w me same: SSl e J,0118 to ahy office nnder such provnsionai " r"1""" euaii oe enuixea to vote, and AZnSufmh 8ection of this act ; and no person shall le"5jle ? SC? nnder.any such provisional eov- , uu F?11 awqnahfied from holding dia tution al amende J . . :SOTPLENYrRECONRTOTiaN BILL, bbthno,ri; . : J uoimmu7 passed ttf SPPl.?;' e ?An act to 2 kMl Mif taceni eoveramoBtof the rpbl States." Daased MarrJiR7 iTit45"Dcl t; tion. ' ' nruouuie resiora- .. ttenact&l by the Senate and House of fiem-esenf. ffmiled. That before the ist day of SepiSgim the commanding general .In each digtrictefined i by n act entitled AnJket to provide for theorefficient n-o.vr.rn-m on f vf tluoi -c ""V: ciuwcdi lhl ns a7ra and UDwarda. Tesirhwf W.i,' . ,4 State or Rta ttJKZZZ -.SliL 1 Va"sa coti ii7, V. " ui.i4ju, iv;iicn registra r i2c ade.0111 those persons who are qualified to vote for nVlirmtpa hr K . i , muouueu have tek TalStirfJaSS th." . 'IT7 TTT? u" ""l1 7 swear, (or affirm,) in if .1 .uv UM ina i am a citizen of the ZT" luat nave resided in said State for in the county of J- , or the-pdristfWtalaid S!- r kC thAt 1 810 nty-one rears fittMm Te Btbaiancled f o pirtirfrition In any rebellionxa- civil i war agaihstJthe ltedStateZ nor for felony committed against the laws of tSS or of the United SHtti- tt I W.iSJ?7&tt? faa a member of Cpgresa pi the United States, or Tn t?5 f tQe teFstai& oTas a memSo?ar.J state u. s i c-wuuvc or juaiciai omcer of an State. to aunnort th Oonetltntln- k tt.5, : . J nd afterwArda pnnoM) In lnn--:-- ? iagains t the VniUAStSS r-il- ' ,4 i i"nu.uy support the Con lirfn1V.oWh0.te tbe L-"tTstatea, and , , "v- , win w nirjiLio may be ad ministered by any registering officer, ; r , Yvuvi iueregiriicintnereDy.praTlcil for In an. . nappovlia?a. .rt. or which fetL chiS ution , has-been Wrer overthrown by the r I be held of delegates to a ronTpnticmf or tfceTmrraKe of vciouuouius- tuli..lly uu ciTLk ovenunent lor such State Toyat to ilia lU.au said coavctiua in each State, except Virginia, to consist of the same -number of members as themost numeroua branch of theXat Legislatore of -such- State in the year 1S0O, td be appor tioned among the several district, counties, or parishea of such State- by the comraandinr general, grVirr to each representation in the ratio of voters registered as afore- vraui.ouiiiK TiiufL..uvn aUU I IU LU V(; T11(TI I Trtf euaii ponsis jdz iae same, uamDer.or members a rcnre-J- sented-the terrftorv now constitntin- Vir-rinfT r-'rH-'lT v . :"- -v-.nwi. m t ir-'iuia most numrrona hr;infh nf the I aHj mi-o , . :.i most "niimpTiina lminr K nf tlio T..riloi . .-,.t.i in the year 1SC0, to be apportioned as aforesaid. .Sec. a AndbeU furthtr'tmeUa That atsaid elec tion the registered' voters ot each State shah vote for or airainst a convnnfion to form 4 ntmHrnHnn .1 I . . . ww-. .uv.v MlCJuvl - i - auder this act. Those vpting in favor of such a conven- -t ion saaii nave written or printed on the balloU by which .'WAhty vote for delegates, as aforesaid, the worda For a wu soau pare written: or pnntca on fiuccr ballota the words " Against a convention." The persona appointed to superintend said Election; and to make return of the votes given thereat, aa herein provided, shall count and make return of the votes given for and avainst a con vention ; 'and the commaudiDg general to" whom tho same shall have been returned shall ascertain and declare the total vote in each State for and against a convention. If a maiorltv Of the rntca iHvpti nn that- -n Wa . ' - ' -e- ijuciuii runu De IOr & Convention, f hen mirh mnvmiilA- -h.n v. v. u as hCTfcitei provide 4 ; but if a aajortt t hi said votasl shall be held under this act ; -?rtc--'fif,,That aoch con. vention shall not be heM anlesa a --majority of all such registered voters shall have voted on the question of holding sucli convention. - -.iaj vv0 - : Sec. 4. And be UfurVier enaeUd That the command ing general of each, district ball appoint tncb. boards of registration as may be necessary, consisting of threw loyal officers or persona tornAkcajcil complete the registration,- superintend the election, and make return to himof ;the,ytes, li?ta.ofotervand of the persona elected as delegates by plurality of the vote cast at said election ; and npoa. reoejYingaid-retnrnai be thall open the same, ascertain the peruone elected aa delegate according to the rtttnms -of ;:thc. officers wh condnctcd said election, and make proclamation thereof; and if a majority of Ihe votes Rivci n that queatiop thall be for a "convention, the commanding general.' Mithin sixty days from the date of election, shall notify the del"atea to assemble In convention, at -tho time and plaoe to be mentionti inthnnoflfimtlnn tTiHDtM.......i i organized hajlprooeed Ur frame a qpnftltattn Slid J j w oiiu,uius v provisiona oi tnia act, and the act to which it is supplementary ; and when the same shall have been so framed, aid constitution shall be? submitted by the convention tor ratification to the persona registered under the previsions of thia act tn . T "vw.ni y uuiwn or persons ap pointed or to be appointed by the commandinir ceneraL ... inv.wm, uiu jo niu aiter tne ex piration of thirty days from the date of notice thereof to be given by said convention ; and the returns thereof shall be made-to thOTanding general of the district. Sec. 5. Ahdbe it further enacted. That if, according to said returns, the. constitution shall be ratified by majority of the ots theregiateTed eltctonroualified llHnJM fa tlecUon,,(at1eest one half of all the Fegisleredvotera voting upon the aues tion of such ratification,) the president of the conven tion shall transmit a copy of the same, duly certified, to the President of the United States, who shall forthwith transmit the same to Congress, if ihen in session, and If not in session, then Immediately upon its next as ShUt'i8" U ehaU moreov appear to Congress that the election was one at which all the registered and Qualified elartnrs In th Ktitn V,,l - e Z ;7T , , niw approval or a majority of all the t??n1if1?Srs,int?euSta4e'andIf th0 aia constitu tion shall be declared by Congress to be in conformity with the provisions of the act to which this is supple mentary, and the other provisiona of said act shall have beenrompliedwith, and the taid Constitution shall be approved by Congress, the State shall be declared SSS-to.ri?re5!n!f V11 aators and Reprcseuta tives sl be admitted trrorir wrjtheToin provided! .e. And be it further enacted, That all elections thor9 mentloned n the said "Act to provide for the more efficient government of the rebel States." shall during tbe operation of said act, be by ballot ; and all officers making the said registration of voters and con dactrng said ejections shall, before entering upon the SSSSn2iKf eir datIe8' aDd nbacrfto Tthe oath p5Hllbcd b?vthe 601 aPProved July 2, 1862, entitled "An act tb prescribe an oath of office " - Sec. 7. And be UfuHfiff enacted, That all expenses incurred by. the several commanding gt-neraJs, or by e 0fany order8,i8scd, or appointmente made, by tZvtdcr,bJ ylrtue of this ai shall be paid out ot "8J?fl ta ihf "y not otherwise appropriated. Sec. 8. And be it further enacted. That the ronvenl tion for each State shall prescribe the fees, VataS and comuensarion to riA .n ji Jl. 1 . rJ t?.a , . ox uciciiaLcu ana otner offl. into effect the parposes jf thi a act not herJiX tSeri2 provided for and shall provide for the leandoHeS tion of such taxes on the property in such State aa may be necessary to pay the same. M J SEc.g. And be it further enacted. That the word article, in the sixth section of the act to which thTs supplementary, shall be trteWmean sectiorT ; EEPUBLI0A1J' PLATTOEM. lSt- " v9Metaum, eld iBamg rnK 'March, Having,assembled in the City of Raleigh on th 27th t)f March, 1867, in conformity wittf a timely and patriotic call, reflecting the sentiments of the loyal men of the State, and believing the, time la at hand when an open and fearless expression of sentiments, oninlom and nnr. pose is nreently demanded : therefore. romiftioT a A, .1 1,1 tow of our present political tSl' Y l&tio to the National Government and the people ofall sections of the cOBfctry, werdo thi-av SSnSSSSi1 ril tld KriSS t.p?i t?f T . ItTPrtLifrx"PXTiTT, and-barn!WlrP-?o its swt and Patriotic man In the State to rally .The splendid and patriotic record made by this irreat politiorranizatlon, in standinbythe Sneralv eminent with n-n 4Tflit,i t-Ti-j? . . ty- ..,,, " ; "uiwwuuon, in carryine for ward profound measures of statesmanship to a success ful issue, and the powerful aid given Wit in 1 finally rowlllgand ProtratinS tho most gigantic rebel! . v v ,v-' ,:,. euoua, coninuuKl tha -mtit.i Wl .if ' n" ino American Conirresa la eminently entitled to the profound thanVnf 1 uVr-2'l foritsnerspvprlno- rei0;r.,7.:'V: -y . . . . , , Bicwicumuu ueroic uevotlon to th SE&PPfcWn rights aa enunciated in the rT."Vi5,fnf?? thflt,.n the name of the 5t" Vi ... oiatewe I1 varranted In cor. diallv assenting ttt tn .t.-"vi 1U vyr- ev !a.?J7 -cnrW6 and tofeS&l proa6irt:oinin;inTM"'e.'ne ! o. TMt WP rsin m Ko J . . . . . -j--v. .uoii mc uuiriua loner nrn. HrTwrJ'. Wrce oi arms; and that the Uni?ed States. 9 " acknSi aa due to the '4. Kesolttd, That we sincerely exult in the fact that as a nation we are now absolutely a Nation o?Fbke hex, and that the sun in all his course Jv2? Sir wfde" IFaveaa WIit1hoyntn?J01,Phlne8 Pn tnebrowa wunout niatinctlonotcolorj and that' we nro nnA toft! j?is5.ai?SM LIk ta' yet his volcc tm rings like a clarion through the land. pnmotw t . " o. Jtesoitea, That aa.the.most potent and efficient means by which the Smith ; 1 ' ir r m.nt Tto!rT among au men. ana that to the y j e?tijpuuiuoaoso4atBnfrnt biirua 0. -Ritnlrvfl ITrt l . . . . ..." ..-.. jv4u aa an earnest "wln tor tha Cr1a,Bsh?it?.0 thenation. taken Sa i&if J W?5f position invite the lnflu'SS Sffitt cordial,; support the on evcrV RnttawJ7"i wnren we propose to make v wiyaoiuii. m nrtirarla anM aam.! ' publican Partr n rT, . c P"napur flf . tha Ro Ft iSl fr noSecal2 thS a'S' what we regard UtSJtPffK Cnty. i --0-. v. rurcuia pUDUC" The follou-iTUT n.i.fnt. ... " Vr. of TVayne. and adopted: uy jit. w. thanks to irir iTarrrTr:ion ten,aer ttellncere . Mr .W. T i j . . . " Jtfr ltt! . . wnnj! ana me union. tnolylSed the og. which were nnanl- 1xrtScSatnde.efm1r!flrcs 'ornate. that h "ra.Cea nd accomplished a etAtn.A.!v statcfiman in) aiY ftA rur bcendoi; .lmPant duties .that, hay , ClftObSnibSn State. iSr,?1 otmintaryafs afe-erino. mtrT6s fn, . """ "i n Amcncan npnnip in at l,flBt f r;r"2"r on na lntcrrsrfi.rrf,..." lection shall ftT V w. a Carolina. anWw -.v. l'" I . striefbe anthcrircd to'ari1 iach I .itm Mnnrr (If IHO Mill.' ' ' I I fir. uocaerj iuerta ui iguunui - - as - Jiesolced Thal.the mcmVra of the Convention hereby pledge themrehreatdtiservery leritlmat means m iaeir power to dUscmlnate correct information amon ico people of their respective counties. 1 - .a .. i f STATE, EXECUTIVE COinirTTi-u - - , , j . . K t1, Tm In pawnancc of the resolution adopted br the rcems r Kn v?Arr.nfctrnrtinn fmvTitinn In T?iV5"-h ' the Hon, A. II. Jom.' the Pre can party of North Carolina; -v f.i . VTw. Wf. iioi-iJEw. nairr?n. - a&e county. C. L. llAnnia, Raleieh, Wake county. . f T-t v r T J axes F Tatlob, Ralich, Waka connty, - I pr Erer!rsLOin,ir. Frankllnton, GranrCle county. Wjl A. Sxrrn.4Dt)0h Hill, 'Johnston county." ' Joint roou loieraine. lieme counrr. , . ' lens THflnrpptfxITof et TJertle rountyrf rj 7 f T ( " rirm?.. CiTEBLVaabixrtoiiiIkfirtAnlyJ- - j j it in.' " : w - . 1 I T rt A T.-nwiK TrT Will M mnnll . v ? .V.,I'U T t r n Ti ?ir-r-. Rirhlmrxi YiilW. Ilarwond CO. Pal FouKXrK, Ml. Airy. Sorry county.' -r- i K. WrixiAX, RnrniTille. Yancey eouTtyv r' i G W, Looax. Iiathcrfordton. Rntherford county. ' R.W. Kjxo, Kinatoa. Lenoir county, .',., ",-... j (COLOREXXX:- ; V. . Jia. IL IlABJtr. R-ileigh, Wake coaaty.i v.- Alextb Loxn, Raleigh. '. :.! ;j Jaw its Joxca. Raleigb, ,;f r ,:r i ct CSv.W. naontBv HtWstt,, .,ii.'.-;j ( ,?. T Sown Mixnu RAlHjrh. ,,-,' " -I O. P. -Rocrkk, Wilmington, New Hanover county. W. Cawthorx.' Wsrrenton. Warren county. j Jorr Utxajt,. Warren ton. Warren county. j ' !L UsTHixxa. Greenboro Onllf ord county: l i J. W. Hoon, Favetteville. Cumberland county. - f I. H. Abbott. Newborn. CraTen cotnaty... i 1 H. ErpEs. HaHfa. Halifax comity. ' ' 1 iVl h T. A. Stkeb, EllJtaboth CltT Pasquotank county. , Tost Ore; Ilendrrwonville, Henderson county. J. TL 8xrrw. Charlotte. Mecklenburg county. 'A ' J. Ki t)H ara. Goldhoro, Warn- county. f ' Alfred Stokes, WiDccsboro, WUkca eoony., - ' . ... ' a . n'ji'i'-iM t r " V j: Ji.j ".. WpOLEAALE ASD RETAIL pEAXin IX Boota imd. Shoes; : SIGN. OFOTE.BIJB, BOOT" ' 35 Craven Street,-ICct Berne, K.:C. ? 1 .... .. .. . A .!!. . -i . .... -.-v "A7"IJ'rI'?T?5 411(1 wel1 assorted Stock of BOOTS and i-i- . . - . " tuo iim:ijia uanuiacturera ronn and East, I reel, warranted in guarantee I nc. to all who ma? UZPTV th th!ir patronAc, entlra aatiafactioa. .:' ;j:'. P. - Hamblin, .1 . r . 1 4 ;SOUTn FROXT STREET, . I'.i lMlY.JAi i 'j.'Iir. ' VJ57 7r BERNE N. I ' A , WJIOLES ALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN . i . t'lf i r ? - ..I - I 4 FLOUR, t GROCERIES ) v. v v wi.Vi? LIQUORS. May 2 1-lnu Hubb3M& -Brother, ) c WHOLES.VLE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN GROCERIES CROCKERY, etc., cfcc, t;?. MIDDLE STREET, ONE DOOR SOUTH OF 'POLLOK STREET, LH HUBBS. v VA" MayS-l-ti .. ""las. ' A.'McLACItfilN TITH- Jrfe'1 M.1 Tattersbn '06.T A1 MIDDLE STREET, , A r Between Pollok . and- Soutli Front, t. ( i NEW BLBs, 5. C. r THRorGn th .rfwt.M i' 3 1 ' ."-'nr .era,"h Viil cnVgaentVTo? Customers an hit. thii ! - .. snppUed with the beaYarVfrh ZT " l07 U - v v j r . . m .-j i n Tft ri nil . . rjTAKES pleasure In alwwlnsor.aclliBsld, lar.t VINE TAB IE, CUTLERY : TEATRAnTT'nVtwyxr, '-- w v ttw. MA . W . M I M -w m M mm jn mm 'mm a a. . AwMfMl-8 4 UIXOTT KT Mayji.tnrj ESAT-P. t PXWr W-M S. pBTi .w jx '"'" Mips, .c- Ter L'.w "r?.'." MCHCB. J. RED - FR OV T" V 1. l. 'f New Brs.VK.-C. L' V.n W-Ctf V VOAVOlS VTr" irmnv " -W J. ' MIDDXE RTTT7yn .. tcop V xxu counor, and nVl 1? with 1r jv " f T)i Mdcut of the bodv. hat arpoirt.d tl. Stitrt rnmml'tlM.fDr thtt lU'PUDii i l;. it. 1 HOm, 'fc vricuwiiyi v I I v v. Pkvbkbtok. Favetteviue, (Nimberland county.-1 Djixtti. R. OouR. " arrentoii. Warren rrwuty.-1 j M . I Thos. Sittle, Wentworth, liftckinhaxn county: j ro"T P. Dtk, Greensboro', Galiford county. 1 I -v- Tt 4?MAtf TimH HaatAH nnf v i ll Joa. IL Nrrr Wilminrton- New Hanover ceantr -: I air i .a m aaua- aj iiii.. . t f . a - . t:,2 -.-Ji" ,- 1 0 i4 :n c k: 1 ,t ' , .V'.f7tt -.... .C-J .r. "! faring arprvaclsi , Ants and Jlxrrt($ j , . , ' , . From lrir Aot witf u,. Y inr? Jiwrc and Jl.!s. . " 9 ' " l 1 1 J, K if ' - 1 - - .Ws- A L 'j M3TWlflAbIIboN, r "Only lufaKlble rrmJcs ki known. ' . ot dangemns to tb TTamaii Farnjlr. 1UU coroe out tjf thir boica to dle.A r V 13 Ha paste ised for ?ofa, Jinf, 22mcJu$ .i . ; 'J JWac eiKf i?d AaXa, ttr rfc. . . . . .. r.. J ,. Illqold wwaab-4uKdtddtlror.Wl ? ' . ; alao preventative for Eed-llu'i, dC - ' , . - u Ctir's'Elcctnc Powtlcr 'for Inscxti I for UoUa, 2fortiltt,r'uas, Ilfd-llmnt, ' , InecUon I'lants, rnci Animal dc. . , i tXT 141 i Bewarx 1 1 1 vof all. worth W ImiuOona. r - i " " a, ivtur, aou r jjob Bay. I I inr?mT n. costib, - 8o3d !n New IVrxC X-C. by Ricsajuj Bnaraad 43 1 l.i .'I I.' if t .1 VlU Mi' For rata; Baraa.1 WiWrouiidl'Tfen cWrW .ili. ! V T0-, Corn. Banlona. Chi iUaJnL AninS;P?,dl iBJtcaofMcra, 1 And bTl'EMtrit. CX)3-f AJi, Ip 4Zt Vnttnr w .1 V, till.'. r .1.1 V) . . 1 ?J.. V- or. ! 1. fit- it i. m n :t-i i .: 41 c o S T A Ifc8.v- - 44 , rxmajAL ,C O-B IV :SOLT -E3V-T ;: For Corni, Bunion.' Warta, JtcL ' f 'EvMw?".fMMtl7lwia, " bold try all ffr i... .t r v.. And by 1IENRV 1L CXWtAJt. IVooi 4i rt. . Ja!SK.wWwI!S5 j , 't 4' ' 'J i-' ,7 t . t "!-' " $ :viv ... .-VIA 4 " t. i :rt r l v 4 t .,f. r t c d s t a; h s: olt;' u la u aa a uu uv ii r .i if v . Br b-bob a w . New Bern, N. C. iT . 43X1 Ooonta A Warxxsa, ' .Jr. 7;,: V.I -f,v.!.-iM;u.;:r..'i '. n f I if, -.' ;.! :.ii t 1 t ' f ( Ii. :.' ' U i'A-J.i Unnr i. i-j'v' tt' 8-- ? ' .OltflTrT-T-'Kir.'-rft rW -' I'-i . . I I II ft ."ft. mm - i- J 1 ' ' . -'JtiJLllLi tr. Turuotti .Bit. . ... ....... -Ma! ' tterB. N. c. . T - U ATXIXA, TT? '"'"'TIP Br- .ftiiiL.UC A."4"ftl A i ?t ...'! t A J J. . 1-1 -.a I i.v i - '' A ft . ) ' ' ' ; - ' CI.JUTI ; r-:.' A T"X rVT 9 I T .--- m. wmm m . or a . . i - r Iir LLlUa, fevers, mod C-cxvl iU.:-;riicrt cf ta cO. a It k'A rrr ita fTrrrw hrry. lAnrl h. irrvf.v t roTrr rv-rw-'.'. i r.- -Vrr ftTPTINQ THE COMPEEX10N, r- ::a7 I r; .'? . . -: .r - -- in b 2:5 r AT, 1. 1 . T Of Ilo-wc-'-1 IIaix ! J i- rsct ticwT.frr; ccs:... ... ,.,' Lata, and Lai. tK, :,. , 1 1 u,a , ,r t - x ' vJ I 1111 n ' - . . . , . .... iTo.fs-;o.,VJ? nor. .:-. ... it, ltfia'.;:-,' Lzrvv. eml; to Ik-b,f j lirnr-ti- Ar.i1 ' ' BJ.tn.tf Cuancul rr.. , J crt. .1 -1 f 1 u- MBst ct jtV, :j5'r; tl' J Lh2twcaa i!ord n ;tW tiT r r-7 aim is to FLiLi s i-. z: zr tronajre, a we ar cxmCirtt of 1 1 rt w. v KfM-Uott. IOTlD? t !l tt til ft t ftaabrc4 lb BJ taiiJr- nrju all TMu-tA . . ftvuuujr. . u-c UJ 1., irr.t I : 'e the f t2 waria iZaska. . t U any addm by ixtcra mail or ex triacB from Aoclatlo Frlcritk i, ar4 h.vr Ai?T rc.;;7rt7 . . . . . ... Fr.t; W.rrrir TraX & tV C $73; Uv, n. Xavraprt. La 1? . KyAU W.tb, rator. JtLjil WlLlanTVcyitcr. HU a.. Wll itl-1, " Sewicr Machine, ralne. $:a- i j Ti7 W ' cUco, CaL, Gold u!:A:A Trt ia?- tt' KnC- Si'?iSl? toc, iiorsno ( i roL. t r t . -"r. -.ft.. ftT Mm. . . iuaji. fvaoEaA. iioIc Box vale X m . ukut tiauiiri mi!n pba . I Ma. 1 J a. - - " air to V cwL-- . , r.ilkrt!sl lilt cf IrticIta iolEili fbr'' t , : t 'OXE DOLLAR EACH; .-.'I M Klrt (la tw... ii i . .zsi' ' l , is 4J 1M Fine HtJ Uvrl' tZ' 4 W SJvcr Frail and Caka J'..v. to JM Gold linn tnf. w.T.'kT J to 103 Diamond Rl r.a, u'aUr kr' j ' - u .7 x r1 f Alm l 3 .lvr Watra7.::,..t-' Gold and CcJal cTSSoS F I f ' tf and Caitco; Seta ttfila tV- c- tyla IteJt Backlea. olUd Pen. a liS.1 k! Vr . UolJfvra a . . i fairer i-tLrr;ra aw V WhPuri rr v a. i SJSs? r1 g,u -7 ct oTarpilSiiSar" iUm wtri wj U - envrlopra cortA?r'- f-n , f1 K.roB arc tic, ju i;.;iJ V fr: .rj ir f wrla?0,?rl0Ir f . tnaat ia Jill rriw Mttn wTtxorra Rut plait? wrtStf: -Tw ty an! , MCKSOX. CORNISH & CO. . " X jx2 i ITLJOApWAT. If - i -1JL ; . ... :RAit:;cAPiLi.i.: . ;: CwiearrrirnA.V"'r.A':. - . a w ij-i,T r;.j -. i wtxki, or Lair tpoa ball 1a1a i-TflT H. - f anriViirL 111 roa r,oatnx crJ., k 1l ri?4.8' f? o;kr and 4 CJ foVi -ri.i; ftm.1?!" r-rt !rt fur tLc BKmry. CUrt5 atlalaccji U rt rtrm. . 1 . V ATA A - TIIE" "NEW" BEHK' KEPLTBL1 CAK. : t Ji'JAIUS a-ILlIftllCair.-pd! PYBfisimrTO.TxtxiaT FR03C -BCEAVEf . bTiiErT, Njrar Eriisl 1 " . . L IMPENDENT AND PlILr.h-E JOUIZXlL. ' tWBilca, r-d t-y mVtrznem t-i ti rary ,-. t v. trrs. '-B u f f oar rvj.f- Uh - r- W- Aid pu-a a . : f lorall t tt rtll hJ ft; Dm w. i ' r. ri-R, ..r- tbe NaUonaJ ail ava.ia-.:e tr-rara cf t-.c ;-; '. : Ur t3yirijri.t IrurJ iioB aad Uw AcBky-.mw..t cf otr aT-n-- ' V r. W M y 2 Al H-WJ1 f ; nO'yt Art 4 f ri . . . . ..... 1 G-i r !-j.ta on Alt r-.ft'f T-1 T. rL f." Ta a ptsttiLtl (iar, aJ aa tSrr arc-. a. w i- B . .. . F . ftvuiwioiu . rvno r f r--r n Jj! tb ;.'aa arc- , ; t adrasu..- a v LVk 11. 1 . . - . aa la a.Trru;rs t4cc; a-U rrv-artct- . j - EATE OF fm-TTIONr r.Aa ix Ar rxA- r. "1 - . .?. .r"e T'r 1'trr Ucf.U Ur. i.ftcu Tta U- a cr t-J 5. of i4 ex. 9 . ! A S. ' 1 . 1 fn !:0- cz rr" liar S -- t j r. . U A J lK X ASSOC! irinxr ' r! rr Stents ,9 , , "Vlii0 " Ia tbe met caadld an.J l- :.V - t cf cwr r.trt-na f-.i mn hr t ? : W. than U Do.lir. rrU. .ri IW. "1' iniuu. iua ittff uurM rm r-i ft.. 1 L. W W - - . . .1 I it. I Ann I'jcnitD 1 rur ail tiorirtt-a Mt V. mm - . . . ' J Slav it a., ewum,;,i cw Acrr7, i, v., Zf 7 - ,, mt A ... . C. Xa.. 4 .... w Xav-i u. L, i