t t " - -A I ou y yew y c ci'ycf NmlUrn, publishing all the Laws and vrana.'c$ cy autuwtty. rw bern, JimE 15, la Tost Omcr, New Berke, N. C, .v .May 7th, XfcG7. f ' Put postage ftamp on upper rlp-ht hand corner. The mail will dose daily as follows J ";-f "'- Por Boston, New York Philadelphia Baltimore, Nor folk, Washington. ,D. C,, and, all points North and a- East, tt......w;J.t..,..iCl?.t... 6.S0 A. M. Morehead and Beaufort, N. C, at......... 5.20 P. M Roanoke Island, daily, at . .................. 6.30 A. H. Uoldaboro', lialcigh, Wilmington, and all - .. , point i West and Bontn, at......,;.,.. &80 A."JL Raj River, every Friday, at.. . ............ .12.00 1L Trenton and I'olloc a;v?!i', every Tuesday acd Friday, at........ ....... 9.00 P. M. Hatteras, every e..i;lay and Saturday at 4.00 P. 11 Bwlit Creek, Vflphirsrum and-Plymouth, N. C., every Monday, .Wednesday and 1 i Iciy, at. ........ . . 0. CO P. M. Offlce open from 7.0 A. to l.w k from 7 to 7.30 P. M. Bundaj fcfiuu 7.C0 to fc.;-,o . M. and from AU letters io dc uuiiveruu iu vue tinted States, in- dirdinz drop letter, must be prepaid. or they will je Sent to the dead letter ofiicennlesa addressed to Ileada l Bureaus at WasMn-rton, J), t -4 s '' Oeo. w. nason,-jrvp. m. JYoticc to delinquents. All persons in arrear for city license TAX are hereby notified that they must caU at the City Clerk's Offlce and pay ap all arearages innediateiy, or Xtj, ypSl Ve ioeecded gOp Mttd la direct s. fp v ':ui;iwli:L;:PALMEB,' U fc7T Persona tan have the Republican left at their houses or stores by leaving their names at the office, 89 Craven street.1 ' Vm ADTERTLSEMEXTS IN TWS ISSUE. ' 1 Mitchell, Allen & Qo, Agriculturaljm ple&iQ.CattOn gjnpd Harflwkrd: t3ooDrNo7 VATKiNSW&""Co.---I,uro nigs, Medicines, Dye Stuffs, &c., &c 1 . - - i . " Republican meeting on the 17th inst. r Matqr'8 Coubt tBcfore His Honor Mayor Wm Jj. Palmer, Friday, J une 14th. Sarah McCoy and CarbTina' Woodard : -vrere jQned $3 for keeping disorderly house at the Junctidn of Jones and German streets. J!Tfu! Avery interesting meeting of the Fifth Ward Republican Association as; Jield Thursday evening, Charles Uiboara, Jsq m tne cnair, who addressed ' the meeting in a remarkably felicitous manner. ..The members of this As soclaaery akvl.4' Ret. Fatiier NoRTniitJp, who has succeed ed Rev. Father Quigley in the pastorate of the "Toman Catholic ChulrchvVinbfficiate.to-mor-m. i , High Mass at 11 b'cldck, A. 3L; Vespers 1 7 P.M. ' 'J ' " ' Mr. Walter G. y est has received, - at his Jews Depot, on Pollok street, the Magazines; "or July. "We recommend th Fashion plates of "2moresV8 and GodeyV toour lady readers. v ;; , . :, -. . w ;;;t' , . . U. S. Marshal Robert C. Kehoe arrived in wn last evening, having in charge Leander Todd, of Yadkin county, who has been :ntenced to three years imprisonment at hard abor, for robbing the U. S, mail. ; ; -;fl. 1 MAtOTVAMEy" inatch )layed , to-day, , atSoclocfc, beetioe leteorand 3Iuffln .Bago 'Bail-Clubs of .this PnoTOGRAPnic Gallery.- -We w;ere shown esterday, by Mr. John D. Hey wood, jon Cra- eri street", his new Globe instrument, a very . aluable and costly one, with which he is now . eady to take pictures of the largest size The splendid , photographs ,Von exhibiUoaoatiis ; gallery attest , his skill as an operator. An UlilUMVAi 10 VVAaUSrU t UAA HV f AJA AAAO A IS V AAA O and judge for themselves. v" St. John's Lodge. An election of officers of thisrIx)dge was held on Wednesday evening last The following' officers were'elected : ... i J. E. Aniyett, J. W. - ' 1: JvD. Flanker, Treasurer. , J. P. Dillingium, Secretary. -! J. V. Jordan, S. D. , ' " r;'.,V:4 TGatesXD. Hats ! Hats t! Hats ! ! ! Nothing adds so mutoaarmearancefQf aman-orbof asa -lookin SSSS T gooa-lOOKlng hat, either Straw! ' felt or J fur.; rhair & Farr;Nor40 Pollok assortment nfiTTllfTod' fin k n tt : ; Aruuiia Jiignty and Wul Prevail," y. been called jo the follow- lncr. whirh T Wm 4ml- Wi 1 oi tuvu m tutj vasmng- ton (H, C.j .Indeif t-. " t .- - "meh thrn tered to th new irnnfri ' Vt xerea to .the newIumcipal, officers of New- I iiave"nornoanfl Af tCi'wVX of very low nriGea.' ThpvhnvA rrrrhinin-tho Iwellt btit Tidt riOw sincenhat doctrine has be- lin t.t'uAiAAiS a. - .,f .i i . 0111 (lead letter.'thev'are vervliustlv incur- sinks or :' iti&Z'ZT ringlthendemiiatiomof the entire "colored Lmore than E wp.uiuft ' -i. - .ii . population. And why I -Because no class of burruuuuiug mSA y& J v. tefe1 SiiSSSSa tm B O OT eV S h OE feafSSk of.heCi.x.orintrutmty-manyman. ' . ; , ; J 51 H If 1 H J .' . r; , r -""6 "u iuBLUiiwi:to(i-rtmnww Hnt Coiorea men nave some SSjwSSSStS tiaves wduucI rebel breast works, is falsehd nvithout theshidow of truth to'shstaSiP . ..1 never went with w J: JZZL .1 Kimw mV!.U 1 .... on5f and further: Uiemb tUe afWTC arll. ri i iViir- lue auove 0x14- make. Utcment3Tabourrne Ye hSMS tLe: 1 lUvr EEr.-T.Jcne 1 1PQ7 . wt Aca..i. . , J3. It. STAN I Y; vj, ub new naoer formed bv a union of 3 two orthripiS! nj?1. -r 13 EOOn to be tr,l;irrrPd nnd nnWi .t : I'uoxu. isw auo i l;hod in thf "-r-f . -r. " i " .I'.Ar.r.iED. A. V i.n. Dr. G. L".n :i. Pv, cf vi.itf ;.ri5 rkac cnjjj . B7ATH ITIZ3. ": ',"'' The Charlotte n Wnwt, i; s!n , ih,e Governor should be ? whole hog nd is curtailed of his fair pre? portions bv orrW : i t-c ft ttut he should res! ?n." , . o?ie h?avT, T f last week !caused much " o vwijo via .ujiwu iuiu i-n V , - i f?reV says that the tar. ?n- n-, planta- .:A wee!: 1 t--w. cocl vrcatlier. that "jiuy i.,: plar-teJlnstc- ::;3jLacl t plowed cp end corn general w:xicr,c.i sJJ'fro-n.' T5i;tr;- ni- quartfers,err-3ints u I- .r 1 1; re port a code of ruLd rt.: 'tlations upon ths .subject cf re. btrm. f or :consih-rat in Ait; a acUwir-of the (Jommandins. General. The board waa tn meet in Charlestonyesterday;: - Jt is composed The antMiqaor law of General Sickles is at- -"- VA ULLl.liLll Jll .11. fill I II 1 1 1 I Ill - their tases, rented houses at a very high figure, and otherwise incurred heavy expenses ' trust- '"o ijuav iiueriy .wnicu is awarciea to an iree traders to prosecute .whatever business they may choose to follow, consistent with the laws of the land. This suDnressibn of this Particu lar business may be all rrsrht and nroncr. but the-principle is a dangerous one. - Xln .-.-T J -v ir n 1;; j4 . lug in x vim uaroima is uesunea to oecome a frreat element of TJorjuLrr wealth. sWe find in the Fayetteville News a statement of the operations of the Beaver Creek Compa ny for, the month of May, and we think it a very encouraging exhibit. During the twenty six, working days, sixty looms turned out 45 yards of cloth to the looms, 70,800 yards of sheeting, and 9,700 pounds of yarn. f .The con sumption of cotton amounted to 81 bales. The goods of this factory are widely known and highly esteemed, and command the best prices wherever thrown on the market We have been promised a visit to Beaver. Creek'factory, to go through the establishment and examine its operations, the result of which we will lay before our readers., ; v : , , : ;-; "IT 1ST OF LETTERS UNCALLED FOR AT THE POST OFFICE in New Berne, N. C June 15, 1S67. ; Letters advertised VhW they have remained in the offlce one week, vvrV .'-r---, To obtain any of these letters the applicant mnA call for advertieed ' letters, give date . of; list, and pay1 one ceat for each advertised.s. t ..-r ' . . . . If not called for within one month, they will be sent to tneneaa ieer.omce. . .. : .. - Allen NB lf MlOdleton Mrs Eddy a'i Arnold Jame ' " " care Ellis Gluoin Banks Mrs Hannah- Jf1;' Jfoore Mornins -. Blunt. Archies " 1 Morgan Rufua :v?; i care J H Robins9n Murphy Henry i' :i X Brigjra Mrs Mary Oliver Mrs Mary eV" " s Boralden Martha Bryan Elizabeth JJurh'ti' Henry "' J " Britt Anna . . . , Bunn Richard Clinton George W Davis George Davis Maria Daniels Oliver Dixon Martin Ebon Mrs Lucinda Earnal Eliza Ann ; Franks Mrs Iennie Franks John A . , . : ; care G Parker ..... . ,payton James ! ! . . . ,- Pratt George 'iU;'-. J r" Pecam Mrs R i . care Peter Pecam t Pollard Mrs Martha ; : - Powell Austin ; , Randall Joseph. Rowe David D Roberts Alexander ; , care S Styron Roughton McAllister SatchellFellicia .,. EogAgrfe Staten Richmond - care Nathan Bryan Streets George W ' Forbes Asaac . - Spellman Miss Nancv Harris Annie " Shepherd Chas A Hall Susan Hancock William Hanks B , Waynes DA Hill Jane - ' Howard John n Jarvis Miss Betsy E Jones Miss Sallie D Jones K R . t -. Jones Anderson ' . Koonce Jarraan Lane William Smith Abraham Siesl Jacob Sutton William' Twombly Stephen R . Vale Emeline WilUams William Ward Ann Maria . r Wade Sylvester Wade Emeline , . Washington Phebe Wheaton William V . "VVtfnL-a Th LtL&isMrs'JS ? v Latle Mrs Bryan Mars Martha . Marshall Thomas J McDate J B Moore Shadrick, ; is May;Turner J4 , 4 r Mezzle Conf ort . "Jane 15 It - r xnVil?on Mrs SaraL Gi i r . Wilson James '. . . . Windley Beaj H t ? . , WoodRB , J- - Wynn Bailey f . , care: Mrs Ellia ; Whitby George ; i ' care George B3ogg - GEO. W. NASON, Jr., P. M. . . . .-. i; ; COMXiraiCATED.J ... i . A Hit at Barhcrs. j No trade or profession in the South is car riftd on mnre fibrin si vpIv bv rnlrkivrl rnen than " J wamu that of the barbers; and no class of colored men havea nfiflter share of inflnenro -with and confidence of the colored people than they, At least this has been so in the past, but it seems now to be undergoing a very decided change. In olden times, for a colored man to become very popular; a great favorite with everybody; to be everything; do everything; know. everything ; say everything, and to be a lacky for the gentlemen, he had only to be- come a barber. I Barbara-generally are right clever fellows, thoughj-and some of them are .worthy of- the confidejice.reposed in them, but rVTliUfiUlUXVJOne: :p&l'0. uuuuruuio ciueuuuo, theyialhTaSitisdems; by mutual arrange- .menliinerstandmgeeping up'atfcrUin trZTtJttZFX T.X&d&.u t so great a distinction on account of color as these barbers, -with one or two exceptions, do i j . .i. . .-. mane, auu uiui astuuai. iiicn uwu raw. , - , . . ' & . - , where colored men cannot go and be served 1 "tlVl,.- v : I Wua lue stuue uttciiiiwi nun wuiiusj iixi, ia eiven to-other? meni except these same barber shops. Somewhite men :who haveno scruples f about serving a coiorea man tor his money, , Lttt JL .ctorA tA irte i na pertoAiiey.isuii" " sense andprlde-and they wilhnot. SUSS - Xhh'andoh'the col4miin toKS-?frSf rf Uftthb entrance of a-white-man.- he was lett wim one in this odd condition. "."r.. ,...Plf a colored man. who. he thinks is as decent in his person ana quamted barber f the city, H nositivelv refn?ed a shave in the shop oi a . ' I X J -. . - . A color of himselt But a certain man. whq everybody knows to be literally .cqvered with . - . WI XAaAIA AIaVS kVCJLL o V vvU CvAIVa DUaiVU. -w-. ' a barber keeps a aeceriV shop for decent yeo i pie, -why not admit all the decent and exclude 1 -w wvo uy iuuu-u.iw.-,. j . them die.bv it too. and bo taken out on two - c;,o- .iz-.. it'i---vvwi,fT.iw uuneu uy tnosa miyf- tuwiuuiui;. ijl-orhnra, too, aro generally politicians, and some of them are ambitious and npiring.' . It was uiougat once that the cityVof: iew Ucrn Tcv.ld be honored with a" Mayor fcf that pro le:: :on, hut that did- not t-omc to prs in thc?e days, though it may. in the fulness "of time, it having been laid on or under the shelf rnrn , 1. . . - I u imc wunues oi adsod- lacnmond end more than on ol tneir lontgomery. The wheat; 5 t "maturing, was should blame them for any. Coh WvB. Roral. Presidenti H: H nnpr . '. of SahsbiiryN;s a; " Jefferson Fisheiv bf 1VtfW! ihU3u y-i; xicuiwci ijuuzeroi-juexington. i:' ' ' 1 I in that contest. Our hero, in case or not re- cciviEg the regular nomination, lntencn .to oCer hlmstlf eu independent candidate for a s-cat in the Reconstruction : Convention, and frt tl;5a .n.iAfa 1 unit c1iriri't1fVnnTtV lint in my opinion, when the Colored vote is count- rJL ed, itnlte tourjdtlmtLe has stumped hU toes harder than he sluaiped the. county. -Since barbers deal so extensively in or on .. faces, It is ; expected ;that they;shoald have amount of chefk not shave. ! wdo tney wm WHISKERS.. WHAT' DEVEST UOETEEEU 1WJ OUGHT ' . ' . . . TO KlTOV.i ITOIAT with ft free use of the ''OnnEEX DliE- 1 KU0EA atr:CIXE,M. he and hia family , can Te- main throngh the Snnuner, . enjoying all the FruiU and e, in perfect health. Full dl- c)ttie.---vV;.ir?J;'ir- Vegetables to be found here, recUons accompany each bottle. Sold by all Uruggists. Price. 73 cents. ;.j . i f h Advertisements; Republican JUcetin H " , r. IL J. MENINOER,' , ' Chairman. Jane 15 S0-1L 1rtTTTn TIT i TIM ' I VT3 F I'l 1 . , WHOtESALE A3TD RKTAH. DZALSBS IX 1 PURE DRUGS: MEDICINES. - . , . ..... t PAINTSy OILS, ...-tr. . -.jr . 1 r Corner 'of Pollok and Craven Streets, Jane 15 20-tf. r v NORTH CAROLINA AORICVLTUSAtnOUSB :& Hard wiaxe S tore . MITCIIELL, ALLEX & CO.l Pollok Street, ,. - ? NEW BERN, XC. Mechanics' Tools. Bnilders Supplies,; Harness" and Coach Materials, Fanning Implementt land Ma chines. ' , - ' - ? r HORACE ; L.? EMERT-& SON'S - COTTON,: GINS v AND CONDENSERS. SEND FOR A CATALOGUE. June 15-20-lm. v , ; . . i 1 :t M I N-E E:A I S P B I N G S , iM w UiHERLYwiLSON'S.): ? HESE CELEBRATED SPRINGS ARE SITUATED in Cleaveland County, North Carolina, near the line of the- Wilmington, Charlotte & Rutherford Railroad, 55 miles West Of Charlotte, and will be open by the 15th of J une for the accommodation of visitors. The waters consist of White and Red Sulphnr and tl.l.hnAi. i n .1 . . J 1 . A. . . Chalybeate, and are pronounced by competent judges to be unsurpassed by any of the kina upon this Continent. Ample accommodations have ,been provided for a large number of guests.; . ; rT." ..; !; Doctor Taylor (one of the proprietors) has had alarge experience in the treatment of diseases incident to our Southern- climate; (especially those of, women, and chU dren,) and will take pleasure in advising invalids in the use of the waters. . Vehicles will be ; at the depot on the arrival of the trains to take visitors to the Sprimrs at moderate charges, For other particulars, address the Proprietors at Shelby, Cleaveland county, N. C. - v M. B. TAYLOR, JNO. J. BLACKWOOD, r f Proprietors. , t June 13 19-2t. Sanitary Notice I v Ordmance for Sanitary Purposes. . ' - " ' " "' '' J - i " ' ' ' " - . -1 1. It is ordained by tiie Haybr and Council of the City of New Bern That ' the occupants of each and every lot in the city (and in case the lot is unoccupied the owner thereof) are hereby ordered to collect and deposit in bar-i reis, or other suitable receptacles, all refuse matter, garbage, ashes and filth of every de scrlption,vrthat may- accumulate on their re- specuve iota, aweiiing piaces, or Dusiness a! 1 a - 1 , , oionda ot1 ui,uui UUU S.V ACBa DUlll - UtAxA A VA VA, ViUVi AW ceptacles on the sidewalks in front of their respective- lots, i on 3Iondav iand Thursday mornings of each w eek,' before the hour of 8 a. m. ; ' y ....... .. .. . ... 2.' It is further ordained. That all decayed animal or vegetable matter or offal, garbage r sweepings of any kind, collecting in or around tne stalls oi any pubhc or ''private market, shall be deposited by the occupants of said - stalls in fit and proper receptacles, and placed in ..convenient localities for removal before the hour 2 o'clock' p.' m. of each day. 3- 11 M further ordained, That all persons "t " vY f J . ' Disn'garDage, -sweepings or refuse matter oi any Iklnd-whatever,. into any.of.the slipsor dofka nronnd the Htv or iinon the walks. . w ..... - - pnvies shall be dug or excavatea ior twQ f eet from, the surface ot, me Uitr ordained. That cach and every ppertl ner withih; thd City lrmitsjhai all sinks water-closets or pnvies - w hich mav he nnon his nronertv. cleanea. OUtOr ulS i ; -j j ..-temrtr- -j , infpotpd iWfi,rf'co rf mnwraii chloride OI bme or other suitable disinfectant, jbeneyer Rnrh rlp.ihinp' . or rlisinfectincr1 tnaV become i .rrtro - ffrt nweBsary, .w wueueta r" iX. IW - SI.. "BS S "1U wauiwuj v -r-, irT-,-T Counc& . -.-. , - ', r Axr itu furuur .oraamea :inai no. pepuii o r ,wxJ That no nrrson . j y? ""'"-irr., j 'risdictidn of the City authorities. i i ' 9 i further ordained, That no. cattle ;or j d,,, within the City VI AHA AAA VU AaJ A.AJLAAA U AiVUi May to the 31st day of October. -;. R is further ordainedl, 1 RV,? . tlt,i.f ;Wo it , nt five feet . . Itis farther ordaited,1: That no corpse ,. . r .i. . , ;n nr I . 1 1. LI 1 UC lEUiUItU 1 1 1 Jill IIIK lyCIllClCl i . t . n - i i ii r . j 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i u.. aii i tih .11 v . . 1 itk.i 13 It is furtiter oratnea, idi any j'i11 Tiolating any of the foregoing ordinances shl urxin conviction before the Mayor, be fined a sum not excelling fifty dollars lor eacu ana every offence, and if any person skIl fail tP pay such fine he'&haUbe ordered to work upon the pubhc streets a sufiident length of time to v.to Ai. thr nmount of such fine La ac- corcLVnce with the Uw of the State lor suh rther ordained. Thrall previous rZti noccAd hvthcCitvor.Town Gov- eminent and conllicting herewith, arc hereby repealed. ;' :" - : - ; June 'C7-tf. omr Ir.r- rrr.7- I SUail COnYev lO. Sdl Of OUU 1U1 cwno "i n AI i- i-AJu3lA.l OA Vi troomtto'be' a or spoiled meat, fish, corn; wheat, :ryo; suoCSiMdo at short notice. . .: hiardffsf a oats, peas or other articles of food -.within the I . , . ( ; - Llacjihpiacrtf Meeting. -S3 ' Orricp A. & X C R. R. Co.. ... . ..'w rmr, :i. c Jaw t;hr-. Cf 7 AL G OF Tin: STOdH0L- - . . .... .. is ' NOTtTIT P ATriT r:v t ,. v CAlOA 1. . It C03IPA2rS'f ; talkn(n2niWJDi:imKr'TirUJ2S' ,; :;;, DAYiU2?ih inn JAS. W. CAE2ITR, Boc'y A Treaaurex. Ilrw Bkxx, JC. CL, Stay Ut, 1SG7. , pB nnTh1p order tle uim Jf wiwiwf-.:,:,. ,.-!. n. thJ trl of dissolved by ma- 1IA vin, KJLBERN.'4: rjOIE detlrabla property, Iraown aa the IIARVET BRICK WAREHOUSE AKD WHARF; !- (:v4';Xostr;-t. ' r ' I ' ' ' : .. , .., ..-. . . . Of-H1111' nan WALLCT contalnln about ofT7 '5??rdd b' with the Editor Janei 15-tf. . . . - hZtil!?l0J WSniOTON IRTINQ'S Work., BOOlT niJv fetJM lh WEST'S ViViL.RITl "ok treet. Also a lot f Mia- - W. O. WEST. ; 500 Bbls. .Eocklana Limo, I tar received and for aala bv w 1 'VV.'' ' ' ,May5Wh-:f; P. MERWTN A CO., ToUok U ?4nr Berne. HATS! HATS II; BOXT LEAVE TOWN, OR STAT Hf TOWN A ITT ; .; LONGER, WITHOUT GALLING AT - i -v iva'-io pollok -ST.: . , - .. -i J .1 .. i V J !, .-,1 . AKX BCTTKO A FINE FUR OR STRAW HAT: ; SV; They art retailing them'..' '-;..' ' ' LESS THAN WHOLESALE PRICES . . Jo lit: . .:..' . . . And can thow more than '. FIFTY; DIFFJERENT STYLES. 'fi .i .( ;'i . - - '. ' . r ' : ". A large raricty of . Drew Goods, Buttons, ' ; ' ) " ' . . ' Trinuninga, Igingti Inaertinct, ? . . . ;,. .; ', Swiss 3Inhn, Jaconets, .','.' Nainsooks plain and checked. MarsaUlea, Ginghams, Prints, Jtcc : ;.-'.". Silk and Cloth Sacqucs and Cloaks. .Best qualities of Hoop Skirts, latest stylet. -?r -F?"!? w.BB.jspx at ;xn v . i I r i L'OTTEST PRICES POSSIBLE, i - BXIXO LOWER THAN NEW. YORK RETAIL RATES. - PIIAIR ' & FARR, : NO. 40 TOLL OK 3 TEE U IMayfi-M .t' .5 'Hi ii. Wright a Co., v j 24 and 28 People's Market, 4 ' 'V, A. GROCERIES; FORWARDING" .1 i '.I ' A1C0' ;:.Opmpiisaon'vMer : . . . i ; ' . . . ; . : Tit TuX EiCIzg Eclooasre . rf . o a rpTJAXr ! r.v tfDfTT A TtnQT" ;,.:.H i . h. , t a, - , v v . j.. r - ' f ' . a. leqla; 4( . JOSEPH ROSE, 7 ... , ... -' TTTTLL ltavo inarke wharf every Saturday for Wash ft IngtoA, N. C. and Hyde County. . ' ; S'Ooodf f eit tQOV Cue irDI he dcllTcrodnttb dlpAtclL V. Aanrrs ros PORT MARY ' SA W-2IILL. Fvery description t LU3IBRR kept constantly oa hand and for salt CHEAP FOR CASn, V BOOTS. AND Bcstljbf. Ualcrlai ; Used . and Satisfaction Warranted. . : ; - - PRICES ! UN EX AifP LED IN' THIS 1LARXET. Repairing neatly done at loir figure. - i Next door to FRED.' D. EULACRTER. O rocer, !' i ' 1 ! V corner Pollok and George st." JunellTU4f. . ...'. . ;, 1 "I. Fcrdtaaad! Utrlcb; ' (41 t lRh JndPin cn HiddU Street --'' xArTArrrmt ajtp TXii.ra cr ..-"' - twm m u n f AT WHOLE SALE AND RETAIL, ATtVIsdVfif "S310ZINO, C5TITTOv5,,n4 6NCT7 TOBACCO,- r . . , , . . v . . .. .'. Ai&o '-.'".. '"..'. ; llecrschnun, Briar Wood and E iller Ptpf arid Sesar H,llcr,. Clay Pi;.e$ and ' f3T" Ordi rs punctually attended tt. . , - Juncl&U. I ' . 1 ' . i W j7: ! li; ., Lmt. ArrlTt Ltv Lear Arrirt Arri road i - Having Removed to their asr AIHTI NEW, STOUE, LaTt aT Lmt AttIt tO POLL OK STREET, CO, JUSBsi Harrison Building, Iei . 4 : ' .' '" i Art bow prepared to ad! to their ld caatcxaers V J ."' ' ' A&d the pttbac U central, a , " t' i i. ' " ' ' ' .NEW AND SELECT STOCK- OF cxlara, a DRY Q00D3, CLOTBINO, BOOTS and SHOES, ILLTS and CAPS, STRAW GOODS, And a great many articles too Ksaertci to mestloa, al i . j ' going towsris maHeg compteu stock ef Dry Goods v Wt would be pleased to st yosi all, and ahw yo nx stock. Jaaicimtto f 30 PoUoli Street, - r RISIE2irZ2 THAT 1 REMEMCrR THAT REXEItCri: THAT tuziuitzn THAT, RX3rX2XCR THAT - BAER Zs EPPLER BAER & EPPLER BAER &. EPPLEP BxVER & EPPLER ' BAER EITLER; - f HAVE REMOVED TO HAVE ET3X0VXD TO HAVE nmovTD TO HAVE EI2I0VXD TO have rrvovnD to POLLOK STTUIET, CO POLLOK STREET, S3 rOLLOK STrXET, ' TO PQLL0K STREET, CO POLLOK STREET, xxaeexsox euild a. HAErjroN rruxiNa. n.ir.::::o:T rrrLurra. nAr.ru.-o:; t-arnra. 4.. . .... , - W . V W ... ycwjjfr,:: t-i tf. Athntio-a 17. C.': Hiilr r- . crncx .m tto -rr r ni;u : : ' " --r lu 1 Cty . . . .. .. "3 A. X u 1- . . f ........... , j LutL:t;;a... .. - . . . . . . . . . . . .tii m ....... ViJ' i : J ... . w .,1 . - .. i .3 T- hi. i -r -r- . " r i- 4 W.WA-'OL f.--!bc - 1L kiBwti ... Z.4J . . . i: ft m " . .. " ... . ... V12 tt ;w Brrr, at iTuretol C.ty. Xrvj rsi4T V.Vm ai I r-i r. 11 , asj n;-n"rr. A- -'oal Tra:a r- tfiX , rroLT twa Ua V, t ri.t ialU3 A. XL U it. cr .. f t: r . Lear Men lead City (:Ullt(...... 4 ffl A,1C Uv:.rwBcra. t.u , Kimtom ia At U4il."60 . .... X. T. lTt Oclbcro'.J nir.' iatoa........ m irw bra " ' ? at Alorrhtad C:T (5.utl-rJ. ' Xi3 P. IT. ona Canli.a lU.ki. . , nt n lunvrr. J -U Scxwrtttc&dr&t cf iTaiuronaucaL , W. IT, T ATX) XL DILCtO, IL TATLCXt SUaQEQtt OEdTtSTO. Bern, aid rtrroc iH r ? et? 1 1 . A3 work la tbeWtt Teeth Estracted , '-. wmipUT pain. . , '"uv"" vaa, men i-u.er r-;rty t'-'rv Tfw 1 Ut corner of ..... , , wm - PoHok St, (between Middle & ira-tot)" ' For Sale. , . , : ONE IXILEINO LOT a!ts!4 ta TTar-rlt atfwf, bear &ocl YrsiX. Tmsi hit. yr fsrtl trU. I ro u ai.i llincock rtm u, - JOHN f . VAECEN. . CRA VEX ST., NEAR SO UTU FRONT; .(Under le BZlard :Ir,) ; WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER Cr ' WINES, LlQCOiS, SKOALS AND TCSACCCk rpOrry ttork of Wlaea, LfQOort, fzr saI Ti,' A wuca i atrp of Uk t CUAl3ty.cwBiUSrc t -- groceries, .. . . . and luvt made arrrjr cr.la for a mil '-t Vt evry steAnvrfrenn hew Tort. . : It yot drain- rod fcELK-UAIINO rTXrn. Tea; ' OoSae, t'efir . Pork, or aaytUcc la cy tne, f.rr . caU, axd I nj b jicati io ktt- rn. k ,7 - . 1 Crwt) trri. W I :i .-Hard -xioc.- - H. Ii. I naka a spCly of fecIM Ulrj ller, axl tJk yctt to rive It a irUL ... , ' Atay-J tf ' ' ' 1 J.:?.'..H2acha, ROUTTI PRONT T1;E1T, ''' ' i 4 - - WHOLESALE AND KETAI1 H HUZ:2 IN 1 FL0VE. CJIOCEEJEM . t . . AND LtqtcES, Hay 11 4a. m t - . -.- POLLOK STREET, BAER Ii XFrLER, MARTIN J. 3IcNA7:AR A, ' .! . . . - . ' ' ; ' v - - , " ' , .... " 0 ' ...... . f ' f . - ' ' .. ... , . . i ."' ',' .The chore notd hair4 lrv r. :.:t:: : I end iTfitied, It tow epen for H; t -...'; .'.;:3' cf the local txi triuUrj ; ui:: .... ' . . - La P , Fcrriiicd wiih the ben tire rr.i;Lct ci2 rJTcrl FREE LVNch EVERT EVENING ' AT ' V- ' . 8 qcLochi V : X Et2 TaHc, frtt cf c1j..x, f tta t n c f r -: it. . . . .; - . ' ,- ATTOENEr AND CO VNSELL CZAT LAW Orrcx Ccxxnt roxAxa IUixxkx Irt CL. l!iy t-l-tf , PROPOSALS FOR SUPPLIES CT RA TIONS A2CD siot, ciiA:rDLr::v' r nCTT?T: if 1 w fra t' t ' T ' r f.r.Lis2itA-iio;;s a:.;i -..... . l: .r. for t.t ta of .t CSTTED . statu i::;vr.: cm:.-: in Tr.z d:stt::ct cr rArtrcx), a fc rtc!rJ ty tL tr.Vn';v!, tt t' t .' - tl 1 CTiTcix norr- at rrr.vr : ; rjc t; u i: . - . . . . . Cciiracta to t-e iar cr.e Terr. ciilrr Oc C'.i cf ' .' . ...... A Ut cf "anics to tt t srx:ll a U t3 tt Ut Csctca IWsm. , - ! ! - EICTIAED TT. Ei: 2. ' . Cc!xSor cf Cwts&A. f It-" rx Jreel 14-U. . J EXCELSIOR i- EXCELSIOR I ! 01n:tclbr,G Hiir Ezt::::.i -4.;:I . Fvt Eszicxinf ,jerf. i JUL r-)r il; . f . l- - f . . art'- -1 3 r " - n - f rr tr.. -rt tie i t ..". i . . trrxr 1 ta rr:.:.zre t .; .-'.f.- . .i . - ' i -,.-' . it ti- . : ' , ' . :-i . - . - r AS J t I': a-1 !1 1 I i " - r t 5'. 4 ! .t.i 4 - y v. t I 1 tr '4 a 4 t 1 1 "5

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