mW; BERN, JUNE, 151 B.Oili TREa Tim From the Citizen. ' THE EHFTY SLEEVE. be heM of delegates to a convention for the "purpoie of estabii suing a consuxuuon ana civil government xor each 8 tote loyal to the Union; said convention in each PROPOSED CONSTITUTIONAL AMEND- I State, except Virginia, to consist of the same number , , : nnr - , V - I of members as the most numerous branch of the State . "y l-At' m Iegislature of such 8tote in the year lt to appor tioned among tne several districts, counuej, or parishes ! I .want no pity, ask 'nib .aims'; Uv&d- Give me some work for this one hand; ': The other, "neath the Southern palrns, - " Is rottinff in the Rhiftnicr Mnrt I left a home, a child, a wife, ; 4- si As deaT to me ns vnura tn -emi mav4 xicciy uixereu up my me, : To aid And stf, my friend, with your good leave, xiv pitjr iur.uus empty sleeve. -I cotdd not rest in idle ease, , adu reaa ornery deeds each day;, v s i Although she, weeping, clasped my knees," t And earnest plead that I might stay. ' " Dear heart," I said, 4 with steel and halt ; .'Beneath the banner of the free' -i " riltake my chance, for should it fall: What would be home to, me ' -. Without the flag whose sacred dyes - ?tv Are pictured in God's lovely skies ?" Begrimed with smoke and torn by shell, " ...But each star standing in its place, . More holy f or the "hearts that fell; : r 1 To shield it from disgrace ; S f Kl It waves in glory once again - ' . . . As in the bright old days before - ' ;7: i Its honored folds received the stain" " "" Of kindred blood at Baltimore v. Ere that old emblem sunk, believe. ' I'd wish a shroud to wrap this sleeve, i When the keen saw rasped through the bone, From my pale lips there burst a cry ; .U ' T was not the stinging pain alone :' That caused that moan of agony; : , ( . But thoughts of home smote on my brain -" Good reason had I to deploref , f ? For 'gainst two hands the wolf will gain ; . 7 Oft times a seat at Labor's door; f : How should I then their wants relieve A soldier with an empty sleeve? , -i r.l P Nay, don't despair : .take courage, lad." The busy surgeon kindly said ; " Be sure, to lose an arm is bad, But better 'tis than lose your head ; -Why, all our tongues love well to wag Of color-sergeant Richard Todd, T . Whose arm was first to plant our flag S$-i Above grim Wagner's smoking sod: I i Think of the gloryt man, don't grieve, You are doubly paid for the empty sleeve,"' But glory will not fill the hands - Of those who wait at home f or bread : Unon That fills our hearts with drea. Seeking for work day after dayV "iV And gaining nought but cold replies ; ; At night I see her turn away i To hide the tears that fill her eyes, And almost wish death' might relieve My pain, as I toy with the empty sleeve. -7 y. ji "'.-'.J'. f '..- . Daily are places filled with those i : Who cursed the cause for which I bleed, Two years agoour deadliest foes, - , Now on the public bounty fed. .' Must we who breasted rebel steel, And bore 44 Old Glory " through the land. Now ask of passers-by a meal, -Y v '1 Abject and humble, hat in hand? r ? Republic, can you thus disgrace J The hearts that held you in your place? Docs it not tell of hardships passed - Jims useless swinging sleeve of mine?. Dread marches in December's blast, . ' In pelting rain and shine; 1 ' ' Of gory fields and ghastly slain, ' ' 1 . , Whose faces make the senses reel, And maimed men shrieking in their pain, f ; Where thundering squadrons charge and "- wheel; ..;--' Whose fierce, hoof ed steeds, in the wild strife, Crushed out the little left of life. ,1? I The foQowingyig a, correct cop of j, the amendment proposed as Article XTV of the Constitntion of the United States. As this amendment forms part of the basis of reconstruction adopted by Congress, we publish it for general infQrmajtioij andjrjeference e j u ; : The amendment has np to this date (April 4) been ratified by the following States : Connecticut, Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Maine, Michigan, Minnesota, Mis souri, JMasachusctts, ey IJew Jlampfhirc, New Jersey, Jlew, York, Phio, OregPennsyivauia, Uliode Island? Tennessee? TeriuVnt, WestSTrgimiscon sin 21 in aU. ip-yill ,; ; ' r .The amendment has been rejected by the Legislatures of Delaware, Maryland and Kentucky, and by all the unreconstructed " States," to wit : Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Florida, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Caro lina, South Carolina, Texas and Virginia 13 in &1L 1 Be it resolved by the Senate and House of Representa tive of the United States of America i Congress assembled, -two-thirds of both Houses concurring,) That the following article be' proposed to the Legisla tures of the several States as an amendment to the Con stitution of the United States, which, when ratified by three-fourths of said Legislatures, shall be valid as part ox ine consuiuuon, nameiy: i " Abticxb XIY. 1 Sec L All persons born or naturalized in the United ! States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citi zens pxxne umtea states ana oi tne etato wneremxney reside: .No State shall make or enforce anv law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities trf eitizeijs of the United States : nor shall any State deprive any per son of life, liberty, or property, without doe process of law, nor deny to any person witLia its jurisdiction the equal protection Qf the laws. . - ' Sec. 2. Representatives shall be apportioned among the several states according to tneirrespecuve numbers, counting: the whole number of persons in each State, excluding Indians not taxed.1' . But when, the right to vote at any election for the choice of electors for Presi dent and Vice President of the United States, Repre sentatives in Congress, the executive and judicial offi cers of. a State, or the members of the Legislature thereof, is denied to any of the male inhabitants of of the United States, or in any way abridged, except for participattoffJtfT-ebellion Or other crime, the. barfs" oT representation therein snail be reduced In thepropor ttottJwIiicirthe number of sucn Tnale citizens ehail bear to the whole number of male citizens twenty-one years of asre in such State. Sec 3. No person shall be a Senator or Representative in tjongxess, or elector oi .rresiaent ana vice iTesiaent, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States or under any State, who having previously taken an oath as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any State Legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State,' to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof. But Congress may by a vote of two-thirds of each House S 1 remove juch disability. Ui - - - 8ec 4. The validity of the public debt of the United States, authorized by law, including debts incurred for the payment of pensions and bounties for services in suppressing insurrection or rebellion, shall not be ques tioned. But. neither the United States nor any State shall assume or pay any debt or obligation incurred in aid of insurrection or rebellion against the United States, or any claim for the loss or emancipation of any slave ; but all such debts, obligations and claims shall be held illegal and void. Sec. 6. .The Coogress - shall nave power to enforce. . . . . Iwtvn't nh committees la Ulstnct oe auwris w . eT7.Socl2r? VSSd the following, which was adopt- dA.- Th.t tmnrw of the Convention bereby by appropriate legislation," the -provisions ot this ar ucie. BILL FOR RECONSTRUCTION. of such State by the commanding general, giving to each Siresentation in the ratio of voters registered as afore d as nearly as may be. The convention in Virginia shall consist oi tne same numoer ox member as repre sented' the- territory now constituting Virginia in the most numerous branch of the Legislature of said State in the yearlSCa, to be apportioned as aforesaid. Sic. 3. Ana oe u furuier enaetea, 'mat at said elec tion the registered voters of each State shall vote for or against a convention to form' a constitution therefor unaer tms act. i nose voung tnxavorox such a conven tion shall have written or printed oil the ballots by which they tote for delegates, as aforesaid, the words " For a convention," and those voting against such conven tion shall have written or pnntea on -such ballots the words " Against a conventioic-The persons appointed to superintend said election, and to make return of the votes given tnereat, as nerein proviaea, snail count and make return of the votes given for and against a con vention ; and the commanding general to whom the same snail nave been retornea enaii ascertateend declare the total vote in each State for and a-ralnataxoy entlon. ii a majority oi tne votes given on tnat question shall be for a convention, then such convention shall be held as hereinafter provided r- but if a majority of said votes shall be against a convention, men no such convention shall be held under this act ; Jrovid4d That such con vention shall not be held unless a majority of all such registered voters shall have voted on the question of holding such convention. Sec 4. Ana oe ujvruier enaerea, i nat me command ing general of each uleUict shall appoint such boards of registration as may oe necessary, consisung oi tnree loyal officers or persons, to make and complete the regis tration, superintend the election,' and make return to him of the votes, lists of voters, and of the persons elected as delegates by a plurality of the votes cast at said election ; and upon receiving said returns be snail open the same, ascertain the persons elected as delegates according to the returns of the officers who conducted said election, ana maice proclamation tnercol : and u a majority of the votes given on that question snail be for a convention, tne commanding general, witmn sixty days from the date of election, shall notify the delegates to assemble in convention, at the time and place to be mentioned in the notification, and said convention, when organized, shall proceed to frame a constitution and civil government according to the provisions of this act, and the act to which it is supplementary ; and wheto the same shall have been so framed, said constitution shall be submitted by the convention for ratification to the persons registered under the provisions of this act at an election to be conducted by tne officers or persons ap pointed or to be appointed by the commanding general, as hereinbefore provided, and to be held after the ex piration of thirty days from the date of notice thereof, to be given by said convention ; and the returns thereof shall be made to the commanding general of the district. Sec. 5. it Twuur enact ? a, That if, according to said returns, the constitution shall be ratified by a majority of the votes of the registered electors qualified as herein .specified, cast at said election, (at least one- half of all the registered voters voung upon tne ques tion of such ratification,) the president of the conven tion shall transmit a copy of the same, duly certified, to the President of the United states, wno snail forthwith transmit the same to Congress, if then In session, and if not in session, then immediately' upon its next as sembling, and if it shall moreover appear to Congress that the election was one at which all the registered and qualified electors in the State had an opportunity to vote freely, and without restraint, fear, or the influence of fraud, and if the Congress shall be satisfied that such constitution meets the approval of a major! tv of all the qualified electors in the State, and if the said constitu tion shall be declared by Congress to be in conformity with the. provisions of tne act to which this is supple mentary, and the other provisions of said act shall have been complied with, and the said constitution shall be approved by Congress, the State bhall be declared en titled to representation, and Senators and Representa tives shall be admitted therefrom as therein provided. Sec. 6." And be U further enacted. That all elections in the States mentioned in the said "Act to provide for people oi uicu wuw STATE EXECTUTIVE COMMITTEE. lteCOliel' union wuiwjwvu ui . 4 ,v V:. v- Tv.Mt k. www has appointed the Jones, tuo iMi.uv.. - . following Executive State Committee for tt can party of North Carolina; - (WHITES.) Repubil IS OLD LCHO, CUT TO A ZZ'i7 Z . - g: 18.67. 'da t tyring arrroccha . Ants and J&aiht . -: Front Vitir lc&u com cut, i And Mice and Ual - JnrpHeofcaU, GE KM AH LA VA life InsxiraiiceGo;: wvIIoidex. Raleigh, Wake county. C L. IIabris, Raleigh. Wake county. J awes F. TATim. RaMgh. Wake cuenty. Tjr Emrx Gtjx. Fnmklinton, Granville county. - wi.-A. SKITS. Boon II 111, Johnston county.- " Johs Pool, CoWraJne Bertie county, rms Thoww. Hotel. Bertie county. BATm M. Canmu Washincton, Beaufort county. Davot Uxatox, NnrbcnijCraven county. u c Tt thosai. Newbern, CrTen county. V T wtow, FFettevi'Je. Cninberland county. DAm. R. Goodlok. Warrenton. Warren county. AMD DorK"T, IiockinChm. Richmond coonty. TScrrrU, Wentworth, Rockingham county. Rob PDicx, Oreensboro, Oullf ord county. Dr W. Stoair. Ianaa, Gaston county. Nrrr. Wllnain New Hanover county. JOTji. Bbtax, Trap IUIL Wilkes county. T r Stkwaxt. Asheville, Buncombe county. . WoTomi". Richland Valley. Haywood CO. SaVi. Yosxxt. Mt lry. Surry county. K. Wn-UiM, Burnsville. Tancey county. 0 W Loo ax! Rutherf ordton, Rutherford county. XL w" Kruox Klniton. Lenoir county. (COLORED.) Jas. H. nAnnw. Raleigh, Wake county. Alexis Loeo, RlHgh. James Joites. Raleigh. O. W. Bbooie. RAleten. 0 RSS Wilmington, New Hanover county. W. Cawthokk. Warren tonW arren county. Johx IItxak, Warrenton, Warren county. H UKTHAincs. Oreenshoro'. Oullf ord county. J W. Boot. Fsvetteville. Cumberland county. , 1 B. Abbott. Newborn. Craven county. H ErrE. Ilallfsx. Ilallfsx county. T aTsitces. Elizabeth Cltv. PamjuoUnk county. Tokt Grew, Hendenonville. Il-nderson county. R, Sxtth. Charlotte, Mecklenburg count y. J E. O II aba. OoMsboro', Wayne county. Ami Stores. Wllkesboro. WUkes county. OP KETT YORK: ! 18 years established In N.T., , 1 Only icfalllbls remedies known. , Free from Poisone. , V Not dangerous to the Human Family. Rats corns out of their boles to die. O Cos tar's" llat, Roach, d'O, Exlcrm 1 Is a pate-cea for Hats, Xlc ZoacXss, u Costar's" Bxl-Beg Exterminator i In liquid or wb used to destroy, and ; "Oostar's" Electrio Powder for Insect U tor MotX. ifoyilofs. JTUat, JlM-Bs, ! . ' ! ..... rtJT 111 BswAKBttl of all wortiiiM imiuxioea. that "dorr An's- name is on eech Box, BotUe, and Flack, before ypa bay. Address, . I t t tuAA in New Bern. N. C by Rjcwajlo Bout, end sH DruggliU and RcUilcrs every here. . ' 0 nrMT B. CtrSTltt, ' 484 Brcwdwsy. N. 1 . The bcndlu of Life Inmraaa tetxl to bo caumcraled it this tre. Every evtf and coaaldcralc xm let doci bit izlj io ij, family la bATlng Lit - , ontcr, Insured. T t Of midnight vigils it doth tell, - . In bearded foresta Theath the stear. Where through the boughs the moonlight fell Upon tne eartn In silver bars; , ' " Of hospitals where groaning rows Of stricken men draw painful breath, And prison doors that darkly close On horrors tenfold worse than death ; Think, then, will beggars alms relieve The bearing of this empty sleeve ? For what is past I yet can say, ' I. cherish not one vain regret; Do not, then, make me curse the day jiy oia Diue coat wltn blooa was .wjptji Spare me your pity, it you please, Ahd give me work for this one hand ; The other 'neath the green palm trees, Is rotting in the shifting sand; - O, grand Republic, give me leave To proudly flaunt this empty sleeve. cf WOLVERINE. The says Jthe I The following is Senator Sherman's, substitute for Stevens' bill, with Wilson's and Shellabanrer's amend ments in the House, as it was finally passed. 'Wilson's amendment is the latter portion of section five, com mencing at the word "provided." The sixth section is. bheiiabarger s amendment : A BILL TO PROVIDE FOR THE MORE EFFICIENT OOVEBK 1 MEST OF THE F.EBEI. ST ATES' s Whereas, no lesral State covermnents or" adequate protection for life or property now exists in the rebel States of Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georsria. Alabama. Louisiana. Florida. Texas and Ar kansas ; and whereas, it is necessary that peace and good order should be enf erced in said States until loyal and republican State governments can be legally established : Therefore, iVs;v WA iUy';-- . i He it enacted. &c. That said rebel States shall be di vided into military districts, and made subject to the military authority of the United States, as hereinafter prescribed : and for that numosc V irsnnia shall consti T i . , . i l . y t ,. 3 it ii n 1 " iuie me mi tusirici ; oriu aruiina sua ouuiii aruiiuo the 2d district : ueoreia, Alabama and Florida the 3d district ; Mississippi and Arkansas the 4th district, and liOuisiana ana Texas tno 5tn district. Sec 2. That it shall be the duty of the President to assign to the command of each of said districts an officer of the army not below the ranK of brigadier general. and to detail a sufficient military force to enable such officer to perform his duties and enforce his authority within the district to which he is assigned. Sec. 3. That it shall be the duty of each officer as signed as aforesaid, to protect all persons in their rights of person and property, to suppress insurrection, disor der and violence, and to pnnish or cause to be punished all disturbers of the public peace and criminals, and to this end he may allow local civil tribunals to take juris diction of and try offenders, or when in his judgment it may be necessary for the trial of offenders, he shall have power to organize military commissions or tribunals for that purpose; and all interference under color of State authority with the exercise of military authority under this act snau be null and void. Sec 4. That all persons put under military arrest by virtue of this act shall be tried without unnecessary de lay, and no cruel or unusual punishment shall be inflict ed; and no sentence of any military commission or tribunal hereby authorized, affecting the life or liberty of any person, shall be executed until it is approved by the officer in command of the district and the laws and regulations for the government of the army Bhall not be affected by this act, except in so far as they may conlct wittt its provisions, sec. 5. Tnat when the people of any one of said rebel States shall have formed a constitution of government in conformity with the Constitution of the United States in all respects, framed by a convention of delegates elected by the male aitizens of said State twenty-one years old and upward, of whatever race, -color or previ ous condition, who have been resident in said State for one year previous to the day of such election, except such as maybe disfranchised for participation in the rebellion or for felony at common law; and when such constitution shall provide that the elective frtchise shall be enjoyed by all such persons as have the qualifi cation herein stated for election of delegates ; and when such constitution shall be ratified by a majority of the persons voting otuthe question of .ratification who are qualified as electors, tor delegates ana . wnen suencon stitniion shAll hart beenbmitted,toCongress for ex amination and approval, and Congress shall have ap proved the same ; and when said State by a vote of its Legislature elected under said constitution shrJl have the more efficient government of the rebel States," shall, durin the operation of said act, be by ballot v and all officers making the snid registration of voters and con ducting said elections 6hali, before entering ; upon the diucharge of their duties, take and subscribe tbe oath prescribed by the act approved July 2, 18G2, entitled " An act to prescribe .an oath of office." sec 7. Ana oe ujunner enactea. That all expenses incurred by the several commanding generals, or by virtue of any orders issued, or appointments made, by them, under or Dy virtue ot tms act, snail be paid out of any moneys in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated. sec. o. Aiut te m j ur umr enaciea, inu me conven tion for each State shall prescribe the fees, salary, and compensation to be paid to all delegates and other offi cers and agents herein authorized or necessary to carry into eitect tne purposes ot tms act not nerein otherwise provided for, and shall provide for the levy and collec tion ot sucn taxes on me property in sucn state as may be necessary to pay the same. Sec. 9. And be it further enacted. That the word the sixth section of the act to which this is ntary, shall be construed to mean section. O S T A R'S a . jr- cxutBATrn i-c vv r IP r- n r y rt xoitta For Cuts, Barita.'Btulses, Wounds, BotL Cancrra, Bro ken Breasts, Sore Nlppb", Blcedln;. Blind and Painful Plica; Scrofulous, rot rid and Ill-conditioned Sores; Ulcers, Glandular Swelling. Eruption, Cutaneous Af fections, Ringworm, Itch, Corrs, Bunion. Chilblains, &c ; Chapped lianas up. &c; lutes or spiders, Insects, Animals. 2tC, Ac. Pff" Boxe. n eta-. 60 eta., and 1 tlica. . U.U V. .11 T14.,. ..... V i AndbyHKNRrH. C03TAR, Depot M Rroadwty, X. Y.. and Ricbaso Beret and Goonrxo A Watxxxs, New Bern. N. C. t At a tmall expense a famll j It lnscrtdiiiu any want which accident cr adTcrtitj tsiA owcrtrlse bring upon i&ea. The adTxaUei cf Gcrvxania Life Xnttirance Co. -, . . . are: ' ITS LARGE AD STEADILX IXCIXIKrQ CAPITAL, . c ,t , article, suppl Is erne it -I Wholesale axd Retail DxALEn ts Boots and Shoes, EEPUBLIOAN PLATTOEM. SIGN OF TILE "BIG BOOT" 35 Craven Street, New Berne, N. C.J It u managed by rxIiaUe andxctU Jbvcna Mail and known as article fourteen, and when said article shall have become a, part of the Constitution of the United States, said State shall be declared; entitled to representation In Congress-, and'Senators and Represen tatives shall be admitted therefrom on their taking the oath prescribed by law, and then and thereafter the preceding sections of this act shall lie inoiM-rative in said State '. Provided, That no person excluded from the privilege of holding office by said proposed amend ment to the Constitution of Ihe-Unfted States shall be eligible to election as a member of the convention to IrHITlg tt WUBIiUUblUU 1U1 aaj vi duaka a vkrv-a uwibPi nor shall any such person vote for members of said convention. Sec. 6. And belt further enactedThsA until the peo-; pie of said rebel State shall be by law admitted to rep- resentation in tne. congress none other, who are entitled to vote under the provis ions of the fifth section of this act ; and no person shall be eligible to any office under any such provisional gov- i ,jsa r i i j; ernmenis wno wouia oe fuqacuiueu irom aoiuiiig omce under the provisions of tne tmra article or said consti tution at ameuument e t , - Amenities op Life. Thus Bprincffleld fMassO -Republican i ; i TiTiere,' was a noteworthy; illustrative inci jflent on a railcar out of Springfield the otteer day. A. big, black but clean and well-dressed ' colored brother " entered and sat down by one of the,' at least' formerly; 4 ruling race' The white man looked venom at the black one, l0 elected under said constitution shall have nT.A utaoi tt nAwnn nnnoa t ' adopted the amendment to the Constitution of the and blSSlng OUt, ' DO you Suppose I am going TjniW States proposed by the Thirty-Ninth Congress, w bii. uy a.-. - uiacii nigger nice youiei me get out," squeezed by into the isle, and took a vacant scat in front, by the side of a small, Bale student lad from Springfield. The latter Jooked at the new-comer, and saying, "Do you suppose I can sit by yoursirr let mctpass "out,"-got up, and went back to the just vaca ted seat by the black man. The party of the rst .part grew pale, with, added feeling, and said: ""'Do you prefer to sit by a niggei" ?M "l preier io sis Dy a genueman." uo you dare to say I am not a gentleman ?" "A gen tleman never swears, or insults a man because of his color' "'You shall be taken care of, you impudent jackanapes.? When the black '.brother, stalwart and suggtiitive spoke in " I will take care of him, sir." There ensued f a splendid passago or silence," and the car went on; ahd there was no assault and battery for the Worcester police court. : The Freedmen's Union Commission. The Executive Committee of -the New York , branch of the Freedmcn's Bureau have print ' ied their annual report , The supplies distribu s ted during the year amounted in value to ' $64,787.34 .The committe say there is a grat- ifying 1 increase of expenditure for schools. . teachers, ana scnooi supplies, mere has ..also Tbeen a great improvement in the thoroughness 'and system with which the schools are taught They have learned ; to measure- their success more by.the quality than the quantity of their work, and to regard as more important than the number of schools the' high character of the instruction imparted to them.. 't The New York branch pi the American 'Freedmen's Union Commission has, since the first of October, put into tbe field 163 teachers, pf Whom 156 are now actively engaged in the service. Thev are distributed as follows: ; Delaware4 ;f Maryland, 7 District of Colum : bla, 24; .Virginia: 41 j North 'Carolina, 23 ; South Carolina, 89 ; Florida, 17, and Tennes- ; It Is said, and perhaps truly, that the cur rent literature of England is much feuperiorfo -that of Americar;tThis.-hC(W6vtr fls oniyTrue ; as far as magazines are concerned, for if one or two weekly reviews were added to our Est, ; the newspapers and literary journals of this 'country would compare favorably with those of any country irr the world. . f. At : 'Cambridge, 1 Mass., an establishment mn-htcred C0,000hogs, cured 100,000 hams, tad manufactured 5,000 barrels m Jard; last Tliey employ about one mmaxed"liana3.( Resolutions adopted by the Republicans of North Caro lina, at a Convention held in Icaleigh, 27ZA March, 18C7: ' Having assembled in the City of Raleigh on the 27th of March, 1867, in conformity with a timely and patriotic call, reflecting the sentiments of the loyal men of the State, and believing the time is at hand when an open and fearless expression of sentiments, opinion, and pur pose is urgently demanded :' therefore, 1. Resolved, That in view of our present political condition, our relations to the National Government and the people of all sections of the country, we do this day with proud satisfaction nnturl the brilliant and glorious banner of The .Republic ax Pabtt, and earnestly ap peal to every true and patriotic man in the State to rally to its supports . ! :' ....... The splendid and patriotic record made by this great political organization, in standing by the general gov ernment with an inflexible resolution. In carrying for ward profound measures of statesmanship to a success ful issue, and the powerful aid given by it in finallv overthrowing and prostrating the most gigantic rebel lion of ancient or modern times, should command the respect and challenge the admiration of every candid man. ; entitled to the profound thanks of the whole country for its persevering, persistent and heroic devotion to the great principles oi numan rights as enunciated in -tne Declaration of Independence : that In the name of the Satriotlc people of this State we feel warranted In cor ially assenting to and accepting the reconstruction plan recently and finally adopted by that body, and to tbe end that peace and order may be permanently secured and every industrial pursuit resumed and encouraged, we pledge ourselves to use eveYy fair and legitimate means to innuence public sentiment to tbe nearest possible ap proach to unanimity on this subject. i a. uesoitea. That we rejoice that tbe dogma long pro pagated, of the right of peaceable secession under the Constitution, has been forever overthrown by the majestic uprising of the American people, in crushing out tne late rebellion by iorce ot arms ; and tnat tne doctrine that the supremacy of the general government has been established, and that the paramount allegiance ot the citiTri h!9 been acknowledged as due to tne United States. I v ' 4. Resolved, That we sincerely exult In the fact that as a nation we are now absolutely a Nation or Free men, and that the sun in all his course over our wide spread country! no longer shines upon the brow of a slave. Without reservation we heartilv endorse the great measures of Civil Rights and Impartial Enfran chisement witbout any property qualification, conierrea without distinction of color, and that we are ready to unite in the early practical attainment of these inesti mable privileges. Although ; the mortal remains of Abraham Lincoln now rest silently beneath the soil of his adopted State, yet his voice still rings like a clarion through the land, earnestly summoning every American citizen to the support of the great Party of Liberty and Emancipation, t 5. ttesoivea. That as the most potent and emcieni WTTTI a large and well assorted Stock of BOOTS and SUOES from the principal Manufacturers North and East, I feel warranted In guarantying to all wno idxt favor me with their patronage, entire Mtl&factlon. May 2-1-1 m. , tt Hubbs & Brother, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IX GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, j CROCKERY, NOTIONS, FINE LIQUORS, MIDDLE STREET, ONE DOOIt SOUTH OF POLLOK STREET, NEW BERN, X. C. COR! O STAR'S rrrvxajAX. The Insured ncd f cat ro qxrfbbErgport tlon on the part of thi COMPANY, at it b inrarcd over 12,000 person.! for oore lUi Eighteen MlUlom of Dollars witlla tlx yect i For Com. Bunions. Wart. rT Boxe 23 cUl. M eta., and $1 how by all PmrrUts everywhere SOLTEST, lslxea. i And by IIENUY IL COSTAIL Drr 4U Rraadvsv. N. Y.. andJUcwSAD Bhut and Goonua A Watxjxa, New Bern, 24 CU .v ! i It hat paid vitKln, a fete yean car $200,000.00 to WidoKM and OrpJtOM. E. nUBBS. May S 1-tf HUBBS. A. MoLACKLIN It permitt a residence and travel oa He 0 tlncnt of Europe and la the Southern Sulci u far South as the northern Itmndary cf 2o?l Carolina.- - ; '; WITH J. & M. Patterson & Co., MIDDLE STREET, Between Fohok sad Eoath Trost, SEW BERX, 5. C. TIIROUCII the solidUtlon of numerous friends and old customers, he will cut garments for gentlemen and boys in the very latest styles, having thoroughly posted himself in regard to the fas! ions. Customers can have then cwa material, or they can bs supplied with the best article, he is prepared to for nish a choice assortment of Spring and Summer Canal meres. Drillings, &c May S x-tt? .COSTAR'B" ' nXTABATIOX or Bitter-Sweet &'0range Blossonis FOR BEAUTIFYING THE COMTIXXXOX. Used to Soften and Bcantlfy tbe Shin, rexnov Frsck lcs, rimplcs, KrspUona. Ac Ladle are now uaing It la preference to all others. fir Bottle. SI. Sold by DrtfgrTrts everywhere. And by HKNKY B. COSTAR, Depot 4&4 Broadway, N. Y.. and Rktcaxo Bust and Qooonta A Watxxxs. Hew Bern, Cm nroo wrsEXDocx, President nrrD. scirwryrUl . . E ternary. . . . . . i . ' n. Geo. S. Campbell i mMTia hv irhirh thf Snnth ran uneAiW rMaln her lost I oi xne viiea atates, , any l -k " TiTlt.- nadi!r of I OI y. exiiL vuereiu snau oe r rr; " 'V ;vr' 1 r. .v I nr U 1 . . . . . , . .1..H civil governments .which - ma deemed provisional onlv. and in all respects subject the paramount authority toff the ; United States at any lime io aDOUsn, mouuy, conirwi or cupcivcue iue cairn; - i 1 j . ,, , . . vH. i- and in all elecUohs to any office under such provisional discussion and free speech on all subjects of public in- attainment of this PxeAt end. re demand and shall per- time to abolish, modify, control or supercede the same; "sientiv ana nrmiy insis .upon tne anaoiuwn i i SUPPLEMENTARY RECONSTRUCTION BILL. ' The following is a' copy of the bill as it finally passed An Act supplementaiTr to arf act entitled "An act to provide for the more efficient covernmentof the rebel : States," passed March 2, lt07,addto facilitate restora tion. 'A s-- . Rett enacted by the Senate and House of Revresenta- tiuesofthe United States of America in Congress As sembled, That before the 1st day of September, 1867, the commanding ceneral in each district denned bv an act entitled An act to provide for the more efficient government or tne rebel states' approved Aiarcn 2, 1867, shall cause s registration to be made of the male citizens of the United; States, twenty-one years of ase and upwards, resiSaUt fci each' county or parish in the State or bcatea included in Ma district, which-registration shall include onlv those persons who are Qualified to vote for delegates by the act aforesaid, and wno shall have taken and subscribed the following oath or affirma tion : 44 1, do solemnly swear, (or affirm,) in the presence of Almighty God, that I am a citizen of the State of ; that I have resided in said State for months next preceding this day, and now reside In tha conntv of i i or the parish of w in said State, (as the caemay be ;) that I am twenty-one years old ; that I have not been disfranchised f orparticipation in anv rebellion or civil war gainst the United States, nor for felony committed against the laws of any State or of the United States ; that' 1 have never taken an oath as a member of Cpngfew oT,thclVtlitea states, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any State Legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States. and afterwards engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the United States, or given aid or comfort to the VrAt-. f . 7 will 4ttiVin11w BliTmAl4 ,Viz Pa. stltution and obeVthe laws of the United States, and will, to the best of lay ability, encourage others so to do, se help me uoa yf wojcn-oatn or anirmation may oe ad ministered bv anv refrielerinsr officer. . 1- , j: . Sec, And be it utvur enacted. That after the com pletion of the regUtrationl hereby pl-otided for in anv State, at such time and CUces therein a the commana insr general shall appoint find: direct, or which at least thirty days' public notice shall be given, an election Ehall , tii Hejtnlved. That wft ioln in n earnest wish for the rnaititainance untarnished and undimmed of the public credit and plighted faith of the nation. . -1. liesoicea. That Izx ttc rialntaihancc or tne posiwuu taken and the principles this day avowed, we earnestly invite the influence and co-oneration of men of all po litical persuasions, who regard and cordially support the recent action of Congress as a solution of our present political difficulties : that we deprecate partizan violence and desire peace and eood will toward all men : ana u in an open and fearless effort, which we propose to make on every suitable occasion, to persuade and convince the people, that our highest dutv and truest interest is to do suueervea Dy maintaining the principles ot tne iie- DUblican Partv. an earnest interest shonld he awakened. it will be from no other cause than a rigid dfcerance to what we regard as a sacred right and a solemn public Tne following resolution was offered by Air. J. E. O'Hara. of Wavne. and adopted : 4lfVn.U A Untj 11U0.VVU1U1MV4 W--f4ft U1VU DUiWtV thanks to Jas. 1L Harris for the zealous and efficient manner in which he has labored at the North for the cause of all loyal men In North Carolina and for her speeay return to tne union, lir. W. F. Henderson, of Davidson, offered the fol lowing, whicb was adooted : : Resolved, That the thanks of this Convention are due and are herebv tendered to the Spartan band of Repub licans in the fate Legislature of this State, for their bold and ieat:e88 defence of Concress and the Union. Mr. Settle ohered the following, which were unani mously adopted : in . . . ? - . ' Resolved, That we esteem ourselves fortunate; in that so experienced and accomplished a statesman and sol dier as Major General, Daniel . Sickles has been ap- Kinted to the command of this military district. We ider to him our hearty eo-ope ration as loyal dtlaens in the performance of the Important 'duties, that have been devolved vponbun," - - - - - Resolved, That we are gratified to learn that Gen. John C. .Robinson has been assigned to the command rf this State, under Gen.. Sickles. His former administration of military affairs in this State has been such ss to give ns a most favorable opinion of his peculiar fitness for the position thus assigned him. . " J T -Mr. Carter introduced the following, which was also adopted: ' -" ' . Resolved, That the President oz this convention ap point an Executive Committee of forty members to promote the organization and interests of tbe National Repnt lican Party of North Carolina, and that the rest dent members of said committee in each Conjrrenional mAKES pleasure in showing or selling his large stock 1 . .i E TABIE CUTLERY. GLASSWARE. CHINA. CROCKERY. TEA TRA YS, CASTORS, LAMPS, OIL, &C RED FRONT 18 POLLOK ST. May a-l-tf , ' i j o'cojyjyoivs sjtsOOj3 ' MIDDLE STREET, " : E. G; McALPIN, Late Propnetor of the 44 Club House," HAS associated himself in Dullness with Mr. John O'Connor, and will be pleased to see, at any time, his old friends of Newbern. Lovers of Good lmnts, go to wonn u Connors where McAlpin will wait upon them. Ma? 14 e-lm. REPARATOR CAPHXL Throw away your false frizzes, your switches, jour wig- Destructive ot comxon. ana not wona a ng : Come aged, come you&f cL come ng!y and fair. And rejoice in your own luxuriant hair. , ' REPARATOR CAPILLL FOB restoring hair upon bald beads (from whatever cause It may have fallen out) and forcing a growth of hair upon tbe face, it has no equal. It will force the beard to crow upon the smoothest face In fiom five to elcht weeKs. or nair noon nam neaos in irom two to three montns. A lew ignorant practitioners nave as serted thai luere Is nothing that will force or hasten the growth of the hair or beard. Their assertions are false. as tnousanos oi living witnesses (iroin ineir own ex perience) can bear witness. Bat many will say. how are we to aieunruisu me cenuine irom me soanousr 11 certainly Is difficult, as nine-tenths ot the different Pre- j parations advertised for the hair and beard are entirely worthless, and yon may have already thrown away large amounts in their putoase. To such we would say, try the Reparator Capilli ; it wQ cost yon nothing unkss it fully comes op to our representations. If voor Drnrrist does not keep It, send ns one dollar and we u ill forward it, postpaid, together with a receipt for the moner. which will be returned you on appucfction, providing enure sauaiacuon is not riven, a quits, ; W. L. CLARK & CO., Chemist, ' No. 3 Wert Fayette Stioct, Syracuse, N. T. ilij3-l-!y. . .... . .. : ' ...J T l j - . ! ' ; t' - I ' : , i - - t i '-'....! ' " - ' . j V - i . J. KENNING ER. ArtaL at New Bcra. lLsy-i-S-tl. . 1 i-i E. S. Young & Co., r' : TTJTJ0LE3ALE and Retan DWr tm Crn. trtArm. 1 1 intc4a, Ammualtion Of aH klmAn, Vcl Xatr nenta. fihert Muio 'irrt pnUlxallcm, V ichs, rw- ciry, UAXa, Caps, Ac, tcry Urwiorces RED rZ0N7-X0. IS POLLOK ST. Srr Brax, N. C MayS-X-tf . ... - THE KEW BERK REPUBUoXk. ... f rucLisiirD, Txa-wxnxT moito ciuyx5 COST AR'S" rrcToxAX. j For COUGH REMEDYi IL1. t . BroncIdaTi Lonrn. i Bold by all Imrr1U rrrrrmhrre. And by HENRY R. COSTA It, Depot 4S4 Broedway. New Bern, N. C COUirtL. InllDMU. A al Virna rVmmonflK Affection, and all Dicasesof the Throtaad Boit and Goo on a A Warxcms, BTREET. NEW BXEX. ' ' , - . REPUBLICAN I Im i i ii . ! INDEPENDENT AND rBOCEESirVE whirh h!l rci tb sestiments trA r'.'rr-i f tW Una, by a seoiTWominf rptHiUou te tUe drt.-tw a. w3 vf a iranese sc voracy c tie of taws, AAaeny em i-; luCry beforsts Of prtaclpice The ZLrrUlemn will b drvotrd to tbe ccsbki tetrr cats oi or people, with -taAcs toward uus as4 xxA ? T U ied tQT tiAlctr-sce trrkMsM the uotial Govcmacct ax4 lis ere' t ; the rcn by 4 avLbl Betn of tbe twr m th rracntatt U lmaoirratkm aad the Crttle;zzrr.i vt osr trici Ur ,Bnrl and nomxaerHU rtoerrs. , ' - " mie tne JLepLxt wia U t-miart'Jy a P;r, tLe ir.r.rats- cf t,s r--. ArrtrxJttw ""'Art, aad UtrrstePe, wlU ri reck py import, Esaaja, Rrrirwt and tts&insi ae a?. 13 !TBlt. .. . .. PtJ morts oa a3 emir, rrt T-i t- ?1rt 1 S presainmt trminnt. n4 t v,- ...... . w e p-: anoondlUonji L'tlon r- r i. t ... JU- xr-V the advacucce wk be LZUca srUtf, "COSTA nsw CELEBRATED " .I adrcnlAlcx tacdlsa ar s-rt'i. - 4 v , ATE3 CP EULCCZ3TI03: TTTTI-QtJi CS AJ-VAXCX. ' A UXITEBAAL DlNNEXl PILL, ' Tor Nervona and Sick Headache, Coctlvenrse, Ind!re tlon, Drvpepsla, Billiounes, Coiwupatlon, DlArrbea, CoUca. Chill. Fevers, and gener! dcra&mcsi of the Dlrwtiv Omn. boMby all DrorrliU rverywhere. 5 And by 1IUNR i IL COStEL Depot 424 Troaiwiy, One Tear IxMociLs Tt rr Honths vneAiczoh . 1 -5 f its T rates op ADvnm12 5 htf r: i't occ:-:-:.-- Tca Kzct or czs i- neeqcire one lr r . -i LIU:.. . cV i . i!. j. . . JAITTS C. ILSJJO, : s a . .

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