I i "I BATES" OF ADVERT!; I a 1' L I.LISUED TRI-WXERLY. , Tea !'rf 1 1 1 rsr !tcls cf r ror.tltr! Os ir.i, t,r? t'.tllc & . .. . 1 aV 1 4 I RATES. OJ?. SUBSCRIPTION: r 2 ifvtir i u:i SVmaCiwA fc Advance , ;r-lJ Nvt-w ctkr4 T3 rt U V!tW ftS r Three aioihub 1 t!-tfT thia t;J rv v TJ hv i- .,. . . ' . . - cy ' :" 1 . : , ; - ' "i I " ' '" ' " ' 1 " i - i. . - : " " ' 1 -J . i . , . . 1,1 . '- ...'t ' ' - , . i j sit,; ,' u.il'; 'vj 1 i .- ' ,,T7 ',' ; . jWJ3ZanansT stock a' ' ;OTanxttKE. & bedding THE POSITIOIT OP THE EEPIJELICA2J A5D DEHOCSATIO PAETES. ! r CfcaJra, "L . . t-. . wt ; 4-xr Al t Wholttal mnd ret it b g .:;i!;C::A'.'iIELS01UC0;( ;i.Q-1 Witt: whora'do -'the '.disloyal white "men of the South desire, the colored men to vote? ;.::'ij-ty' 't'nx.sc f .t, i. io ." !r" rrr''.' . ;r::f:yvi away aii iiiQ negroes ngoisq ;j .a, i i . Thefollotvitig a dialogue .betweenV& :'A.: They, would,,"! si . .. x newlrenlraichised freedm'ah and abound Z&P- . fhcf pretend; .to f .be rvm ""ii' r- a . . the best menas of cplored men r r.r--? Badicallepuan. new-ma Is'seeldpg ligTit 'upon the. subject of hig ted' only for jlarqrv"or Von," inferior jpo- poiiuuiu .uuiieij iiu . uis xvatucai - inena j suipn, anu ure5;uappicr,. iiirvu.uvi j(,wuiu .Parlor5 v Fnrallare, J .Sofa, ; Klands, Special KotlccSf. aiajM-u.. ji r Woollcott: .& Tinker, on hand and for sale atvbole8ai and itetaii, tor '0 U2WRY LARD, UTTEIir CHEESE, receive proper information upon tho posi Dackwhcit, Qjanam and ramiij flour ox ail graaes. gives him plain facta, and demonstrates tioru,.j. , vi - T; -A ii . r . clearir with which party hS and all like 'i ' C- . s'" !R f .? : V , ... V ti i. VI 4, 1 eerveovm me same mamierc -j;. v ; ' him should act It would be well f or -v A; .tu U'Xt :'-ivin Jt . .Thev colored" voters generally, to seek out some call themselves a superior raeef beings. irieu xtuuiciu, xneiiu ana ouesuon. mm f iuiu. cianu ujc ure uvm jy j.v-- ,v upon all subjects about which theyihave WJU. tWJ-J,:Wt o ' " - wv" rrn, ii i i tT ? a as they would be done by r , ' . . any doubt-, The dialogue is submitted , , k. devoid of priri- with the ' hope that the facts set forth 'cpe; and destitute of 'all sense; of justice thcTpin ;wili; removp 'doubts from the where5 the colored 'inai is, concernedi, ". :f luiuus ui luuiiy wuo nave oeen uuauie.-ioi.tr h;? -v r . . , c - ' . ' I - '- ' 1 rr -.ir'UiAU -n,lA trKlt 119 1T1 thnt. W.1V V t pai ijr . n iiiuu . n uuiu vi v . . Hell, I am satisfied. You have clqar.jiiown xno ruy. duty, and: I shall lmPr-.tnp iufrmation to my people. . me say .to you further) ttiat the nemvxrratic nartv will nnll trwnt tn rrt the rolpred" people to put it in power f oai' oui you must remember what has been it, past, record, and: ceo to itliat 'r.u not lrustit in the future.,,. In or- uTf 'J?? you may work to the, best ndTan tage for the ' success of ' he party" which has been and still is your true friend, you should have tan organization, or associa tion, j here you can brintr tOcretlicr vour TVHr!r fin1 enVi u-l!n T 1 a. I ' the republican party. You wantto beso 01116 1 JUBlirailCe orgamrcu that you wHl act as one man1, j ,' " - rriMPvv lest your enemies cram the Hetorv:' Yon : i iV 1 LOJUAftl; should torganize .Union Leaguei'and Re- " ' I J Hwowmctto MUOSrf Jlere is Constitution I ' ' ' t VZT Thia U truly the -; of prorTr'- d tb AmcTicaa people are, brrcmd docM, far Srl of aZl Otbrra. ThU U dearly dctnotutrat! lj Uk' rVmtnx Testlonl vo ".,: 5 ' -r;r In .tbl branch of mannfartare, tn EZrtX KHTDO H1CH 13 C CO., cfloe CXI Broadvir. 'rTork Oti. aUada re-eanlnenL Their "IjaproTtd Xfanufactfiriax iuime " Has no riral. It la tcllt on aoand toecnanl eal prrndplM-4a ttal la costr&ctio--canx mnder. tooo, and rot 1UU to rrt el of ordrr. . ; IU acVlnx qaallUepartlcclirlj on tlotli a&4 Wtbcr. cannot be eqnalksd; and as aorh, w recomnxed It to our f rienda and Lb public txomTtj. " i uuoiic: IOr a Union Rfrmhlirvm Pln V '? at tate this and caU together some of your - A sl,0U,llO,tJU. ' good?pi:i:t)s Wc:ldy Stcirmhip lino, : i ..... ... If ' yjtiA CttrxAtna, CAHRV1X0 UNITKD .STATE HAIL. ; r- . . j . 4 - i provided Md a meeting once in! each week, talk i ' Call anil examine them tion m time A. They do tiotc There are many who j these raatters over, read newf papers, and I Office a t ujjtg b o o r.n iu uicu uiuy.,Miuuiu 6iwu,i,iu up nobly f or your pghts, and documents to J those who canrfot read, and " ' 1 WUO, Will. aiU. YOU iAJ- iMV -vu uui SUI It ADCIilFF &. CO., irtE PIAL06UE. May 8-1-tf. If ? i rxi ciiAYJiJti aivcMijsj ; 'iH'' )' "fr;,. 1 1 i 5 i 't: . -!; ."Hear-the1 Post Office.,: .-.,:- Foot ol PoUok-Street, ' i vou to tne -enui, muwu, uu i uiKe sucn measures as will result in con true Republicans are suchi or . r i 5 ( j veying to everv cotorer man the'eorrect Question. With which party 'should To whatparty do the wiut6 people; view of his duties at this time IThir is 'UltiXkicJ ni 'W1 1Taii(a the colored-man voter 1 . . - . pi the&outh peiongr Ilv, ?. .- , ine constitution pthich I speak,:, t: '. :,?r - ,?e'l .l '! An.' TheTJmon Republican party. ;. iVP belong to thi : . -.! ARTICiIe : vi v ny snouia tne coiorea man vote i uemocrauo parij. - . ;-! j , . , name. . . witn that party, r. t - nvrkre ine siave-uoiucis uuu mu icau- j insuiub shall bo knownns the Union I ! ' YEW ' BER V Y" C A. Because, that party has made.him. ers the ,rebemonmcniberst;of , thaipar ifepublican' Club' of "? ' (name of t .f t. v1'1 free and given him the right' to vote. ty ? '.; V , r; " . . . , - i town,) . countv of 1 , State of Was 3Ir. Lincoln a Republican ? i They are, and would not regard you r ' . . ;..)' v-; ; ,..,v I - 4!. '.I . 1 " 1 1 ' 1 ' -' . -. - ., '- 1 J coittfortabld blaCo to stop 'at. Everyiattentlon j of miiversal ireedoiU t -- -i ;ae8ts. pludo to stop a Q. The colored men should then vote of advancing This Club is organized for the purpose of advancing tne interests "of ? the Union supplied with, the' best jrf 'TABLES, '1 '.with' all the market will eupply. h'j 'lodgings, J ' t M TTbRiirDftSBed. - , , r j i ; ' a. 1 ney are. ''r.-.v--' . ;;. .; ;j wiin me repuuueau or juuiyui puny r, xiepuoncan pany ' m tins atato and f Wr'iauor8 nn'd ' Q- ! :l"V3iat isthedinrence: :.betiveen A; They should, "and; shun the demo- throughout.the nation. :It will fitrive to v-'. I Radicals and ,RepubUcans?.,tKA cratic party as they would the overseer's elevate labor. id acatc thor icmorant' and " . . I A;. There k nonaThe-wbi radical! lash and the auction block.1 -' ' I sustain the cause of untvcrsal justice. . . VTir. I.. PALMER ; Proprietor. j rt.'-T o'rk.-Baker y V-J ' 7 kAUK' 1 CO.,-' ' ,f ? 11 J -c ---- I ?0LL0K STREET, NEW BERN, N. r f"- -f ice to our patrons nnd Ihe pnblic in general, navlng fitted up our ' r ' 5 x :pnY.W THE BEST MANNER, ; now prepared to furnish our cuetomers with . D ' tijlE AD; PIES JAND CAlCES eiwrlDtlonsV ' Wffwin also furniBh at the?hortst PARTIES1 WEDDINGS, ' rndetlns our thnka to ourcustomersand solicitlBg utinuance ox tne Bame, we. remain reppecuuuy, - . , f.ii I' M. ilAlCff Sj CO. ' To Uic Public. j I jQt , i South Front and Hancock Street, I' laying the highest market prlcea for all kinds of VNUPACTtRERS' STOCK, t-i ; , i (fi'p'V OLD IRON, ' OLD BRABS, " l fK OLD LEAP, was applied to the repUDiican party by its lias tne repuoiican pany ever do- . ARTICLE IIL Q. T?ie .radicblsdrepublicans . are - j A. It has not. While the democratic The officers of this Club shall be a then one and the same party? party has always been opposed to their President j two , Vice Presidents, a Socre- A.; lhey are, and they, are all in favor ireedom, their education 'and their ripjht tary,a lreasurer, and. an Executive Uom- 6f freedom and universal justiceJ ! , 1 to vote. The republican party has always Iniitteo of five members. The above , :t H' v nai, is ine .meanms 01 tne worn oeen xneir inencL . i umneu ouicers suau oe ciectea at tno nrst DEALERS IX -..,,- 1 ,--; i . .-- -- " , ' -i I ; m 1 . . -l ' .1 . i , . I : ll T. T..l. I '- raaicai as appnea xo pouiicaiparues ana v; ;io wnai pany ao tne leading i coi- "iwuiijj , m j anuary ana - i uiy in eacn . . . politicians? r 15 J rv-?i ";"''.. ored men oolong?'- ?' -'A year, and they hall bold over Until their A. (.Itmeans one vho 4s' 'in 'favor , of A.' Without exception they belong' to successors are duly elected and cmalified. . , going, to." the root '6f Hhmgs;7,wbo is the republican party. i-? r- y - cr' 1,. I : AKTICLEIV. . i r. ; v 1 ', ; . slavery should be abolished, that'everv ciplcs advocated by the republican !partv? The. officers of this Club shall: perform disabilitv connected therewith shonM: be i i Arv Eoual rights ; before the law arid nt the duties required of snnilar.ofhcers by , r'7 " ' ' i . V;,u;OF -ALL KINDS, .., , WHpIXSAU: AXD RJTTA1L. j r i v I : -I -.. T ' ? ... ..,.."... i Buildixxir : aiatcrial : VI t..l t.- i.. 'i-5 . ayM-tf.v'- rl OLD; COPPER, oblitcratM, not, only from; the -'national the" ballot-box for; alt men without recrard ordinarjarliamentarV . usage.,. t Thc,Exr laws but from those of every State in( the to race or color that is,- that every man JcuU ve Committee sjiau prpnarc busuiess Uhioh.'.a ' : : 'n-d nu-i)-iitj; shall Jiavethe same rights and liberties & for -Uia meetings of thd Club -and f make Q Is Mr.Sumnerat republican? H any other man.- such arrangements. as JiaJl secure Agood -'-A''" H1s lrifa'aieaL'-isd are'Th'ad.. r .O. Does not.the militarv rfioonstrnft- attendance. "They shall also1 make sucli StfcvWis.-Senator Wilfeon:1 Jiide Ivellevl I tion act secure-to us these rights?! , , i.i Ged'Butler, Speaker CoifaxChief Jus- ;:AlrYes; but you, tnay yetbo deprived wjrS in teres ting, and profitablc..( tice' Chias6?-:and all bther1 mehwhofavbr of them if your. enemies get into power. irr ',. ARTICLE. y.,.t t , 4J giving; colored men then-Tights ; ;,! What would the people think if the ; ,-4 . qualificatioss pF members. v.' Q. To which party do : thefriends of colored men . voted ..with . the democratic The '.only' qualifications necessary 'to the' colored men in Congress', belong? rn, party ?,.., ,r ,5;j .... ' . .V;t v become a member of this Club should be v A." To the republican paiy. J - - -?! A. The f "people ; of the North would a good 'moral characte-and an cxprpssdd , Q. What is a democrat ? 'r . think : that they ;didj not fully understand determination, to. suppprt the pnnciplca A. A imembeolithat;paTty which their own rights nor the duties devolving of the Union jffcpubjican parfy. ,.yt before the rebeffic'suiained on them; ; and, tho! people .of.. the. South . ".Vt ARTlCLt'VL.. ' I i lative act demanded "bir tl& "slaveholders, would proudly, say: ."We have always ' ' "'' ,,u"4;iievex;e.' '",fl ' ' ' siich as the-Fugitive Slave: I"and the told yoi's that the', negro did not wish to ' ' , The expanses of this jClub shali be do- uvwiuirmuu w xv oitttpj upvfXA t i.xip j ui.n v--" ... . . r... . . , ' i iniyea oy voiunirary coni.riUuuona irom ' What use has bee made of the among the members artel others. : motief .which the colored people of the . . -r, ?." . ; 1 1 , , Southern States have'paid as taxes? . . One bf'.tho best of the hitherto untold ; iv. lit nas Deen usea to esiaoiisn scnoois stories of the war, and now told most ef fpr 'white childrento pay the expenses of festively, is the following sketch of the ixxaiLiug mm cAwuiiuj iia.ni v mvu m mianiimi; council oi uen. jrranv ana nis 1TRJJISUED AT Short Notice.1 1 SPOKESVND STAVES r W Tnn Caah. iUrft-Hf. 4 t ' ; ' .EL"CIDg ; noBAHT. 3UfTRB;; ;,;; YILL ah Irorj Ola rort fcr Tc Ttrk. Orf, 1 rrr).y-5j?.i r, jrx it. ' 4 : alk-pt 4 o'clock P. 34. ,'. ' AH Goort dlrprtwl to my care 1H l rrcdrt u,J f umrdrd Fre of Coman!iom. 1 For f rrlc&t or pc. nai In- tmwrrt4 imrwa, dUlona, fply at WblU. U:irr X . l-rltMv to ' CP. GOODbrrXll. Ar.L itay t-14f VSTROLOGY. . : The 'Wcrir"Ani2hcd at tvb vorxocnn i. trrrtTioira MADK HY THE CHEAT ASTH0LOG15T, : M.vhme VERRIGO. ! , j : . f i U la bapplncaa U.o Wo. from dc.W wl rtrvl. ota. lo of tatmcT, Ac lncr e'.rpm.V tL M briar torrthtatbo loj irtr6. Uuminot conaixJn alict trirtiii vr itrcra, rrtort k or Srd to jk1 t rfcit MJ T.o : r. wnti vpeedr AarrVCrs ul Om ry ear a aaarnr. (irvy roa Uj nc. I'.kextMW aud Lavarr. U:tr of iLe ; ron. bc red yoar rrr ll v;kkp n4 try ner iS)ot rrrat8nJ rr rL k?k axtd tdden anmrWt of the tut ere. From Ur iar v Iot tTMofniiuu la the .tf ;isrU" nia U al roUlots of the pU4a and the td run ta tl ooKTraa m u um oc i tnn. n u fitvv ccvtlny of rain. 1 all nut to cxtd ite rnU4 trolopat on earth. It esta ron ttt a trite, in 3 jy may ttrrrr araln Vtw o firorU( ta "jiortLt:!. ConsbiUUon ir, 1ta llcura atwj J dotnJ tclona' Hon. $U I'arfW llrlu al a Cuitnoc can ortiawa U LadaiD Vy evsH t;x;l t mu t .;r-i j l tfctacJvt-, a If tn tro. A f ta fcni -t;.nrft ctsrt. vrtUrn Obt, -tih all toulrim mrmvr j4 Lkmii radood, rst y nuil a rtot.'pt trf anrt lionrd. Tlx trlrlrft rcrry n ibnUajlnul. Hi of lb kixrtt order f urcifched tko Wnt( tbnna. Write r.bJbiy the &j of l tacwtn &.&d icat U Ucn yon were horn, rrxi-!r; pan Jock c L'.r. ALxr, )(Diai IL A. FKKKKK1. 3Taj;-My. . , , . . , ; ": : Harvin's Patent " ALUM AND" miX PX-ASTEn,' . V -raj-Ei a xj) m un gza n pji o of S APES .' T.POWEBS 7' South Front Street," .. A"ilF MEIiXE, AT. CJ ,FQllEIGlf AKJ DOMESTIC WARRANTED tb brt In lH arurM ! Xrct rom Uie Iron. Nrrrr tJxr fj-fntT cuOra Arrltna orJy ClVad 1A AJttm.rvd frr Vmlcr. roaao kk1 or call lor an 1 nett1 Crakrc. MARVIN A OJ. Principal I Xo. 503 rVotdartr. Snr York. ' ' -Warcbocact TZl Cnottast at, ITikao ti! a. 1-tf . T) E A LT V. AUtrrv. lol- Rs' iWOTIHE , DISTILLERS, s ;:" !,':3mer,WUarf, .Union Point .'y j " AIbo, tra0LES"AX'Bk and1 RETAIL GR0C7JRS, ; f , . f ' Foot of. MiddleL, oppo'si the ilartet ; : J 1 : i : .t?. im i . j; D; - Heywood s - - -i '--.t MlOtT'OG'tCA.PU. ROOMS, 1 ', NEW. BERNE, N. C, : COpposiTjt Unw Beuxx Rbpvbucas prncB. . ; IldioGRAPHS, lilBROT VfiEB,' LJ?D everythlns pertaining to the art done In the netrnctions given In the art i ... w ; t Stockor f'llo and entire outfits furnished fot small Wance on New York. cost, MaT2Tl-tf- : V ' 1 ' ', ii.j ' ' i.it ij.. i ; ; t ivr Ir;d . - (Sncccssor to) n r, k x -rASTD' 4- J ImoJ -' .-'.. -l'" r: ' ' I ' liiL Iho tirtnWp'al l?eW ydrlt Pally Papers ; ILxrpers, V. Attantrc, Beadle's, BaUous Old Guard, &c.t retell 1 OMpabllcaUon monthly, .j 1 - "i. t.,f, ; .':; -. f.i vl L S O ' I ..-"'" t tn r., ,; '...-.'i " le-.LftaieaVFashlon Bqok: Such ma Godcy'a, Pernor. t'Petcrsoq'fl and Leelie'a Ladies: Book. ; , "Chimney - Corneri" Harper'a rWeeklyKLeslle's IHas tedr4;c., Ac, every sreek. J Wit Urii C TIL A TIJSTG XIBEAIi T crs great attraction to alllovers of select literature. ' , .(bfallkindB. t : " LVJT FORGET. TIIE TLACE. , I , INK, PEN8, . &c.,'? &c., ' ES T'S. iU p1 o k ; s,t, p;jc j 0 Bbb. , .EoaUand : Lime,-: .C4.lTed and foffcule hy '' ' 1 ' ' -"! ' p. JicnwiN & co., ' " , . . Vollok tt. ICcw Berne. vvsterti .territories. " ; ' '.. 'v- ' ' Q. What - was the ' position 'of ; the uemocrauo pany aunng tne war? 4 ,1 i A. 1 It opposed the war ; ! declared Mr. Lincoln's management of it a failure ; re sisted -every measure in Congress looking to emancipation, and denounced" the Government for arming colored M men1 as soldiers;' r lirdlTi ,;r -'. Q. What ' has that paHy done - since the surrender ot-the rebels r -'i -n t-. A.' It has sustained' Mr. Johnsott in bis eubrts to restore your old -masters to power in the country and ppposed every act for your benefit which the republican Congress has adopted 1 rQ. I; Is it khown by any other name ? . . Ai; , It is also known as i conservative, copperhead and rebel. - Under each name it is still.the same enemy of freedom arid the rights.ofinai-;;-sfjr:$?- ti : Q.' s: Would the democrats make slaves of the colored people again if they could ? A. It is fair to presume they would, tor theyrhave opposed their freedom by -every , means in their power, and have al ways labored to extend slavery. . -? ;Q. x Would democrats allow colored men' to vote? ;t A. No !; They have always opposed it in Congress and in the' various State Leg- islatures: SSl '-.t : ,Q.l,f .Who abohshea slavery m4the Dis trict of Coluinbia?ori"'t' - ' . i A. A republican Congress and Abra ham Lincoln, a republican president ' 1 n - Q. .Who freed the slaves in the South ? V- -A-Abraham Lincoln, the republican PrpsidenX by proclamation. : ; Q.: Wtio -passed the Freedman's; Bu- Teau Bill? f A. r A repkblican, kConffress by more man aiwo-uiircs . vuw uyci t Andrew JonnsoE' mo leauerui uie ucuiv- crtixicf of Conservative party. i 11 f WiiOj gav u...-. vi? . vivu xviguw " Al5 'The;samereul.Icancongrcssl, ; What party , gavcns the . right t to VOte?; t fr'-ix . ti (f A; :I "l ... -I i r A. - Tlie republican' partyvT " 1 1 r; 5 ; j ' ' Qr What has tbe democratic,1 conservaf tive?pr copperhead party ever d6nek for the colored people ? . ? . A J' i i i A. i-It has tried to keep them inslavery; and opposed giving t.em";the benefit of the Freedmen's Bureau and Civil Rights IJills, arid the right to vote.' l f . ,' 5 !,Q. rWhy cannot colored; , men support" me aemocrauo party r t . A, : Becansa that party yQuhl " disfran chise them, and, if possibleV return thehl to slavery and certainly keep them in an mienor position oeiore the wx colored men have hadno voice, and in en- corps commanders, after the close of J the deavoring to have the Supreme Court set first day's fighting in Ijthc wilderness: asiae me iaw wnicn gives you me ngni xhe result ot the herce conflict had been to vote. ;';ui w" i '. adverse, to the armv of ItherUnited States. ' f 14 ;-. JiavJ e uie -ueuiocrais u&iujUijr vien.. .ixje luui , nung pne wing oi nis army MA..; They have always done 'so, and will supplies, which would require1 another bat- lij i! Tr ; ! j ri V 11 continue to while they remain in power. tlo . tbr regain- them. ' Each division and -1 l?resent U S6 QUO, StOCK AlCSa 1 f .QCan this be right? . corps commander knew this sad condition f " "5,f': : xi cannon; dui w is wnai you uavu of aflairs. Atiey were; me saaaesv; sieps . Thu ale u Brewed cxprwiy tor Sonthem iarketa, WINES, -.. : - - a ; LIQUOSR i ' !' and CIGARS, f t f , t i... - THE CHOICXST BRANDS KV STORE. f ..' o! vti til j- r AcenU for KJfmTS CdcbnXoi always received, and such treatment as ever taken by that band ot devoted hearts. tarrated to keep n cximate. . you wiU continue to ::receive from the Fifteen thousand brave soldiers, dead of "-'BJnexdalTciyenTnied !nth abori bnainrvM, I democratic party.";: ';, ; . :-" 1 dying o wounded, were lying p. n the field offcr 8PECIAL r5PUCEMErs to Q. Some people' say that if we ' vote hard One after pother entered, and la toy RneT T. rOWERS. against the white people of the'South it I after jnapng a noiseless salute sileatly took I r rnT 'rr:J A ' wm maKe mem our enemies ana we win tneir.seats. uens-ocnoneiu, jicauc,iurni rj. jf . . i be destroyed.: Is it so? ; side, Sipklcs, ' lldivafd and others! be- JfZ ' ' . . J; & 21 'Patterson;- dn. iiitft, and Mlkem Xt f CThi'ifUT- Oho K!ln. ) Uoa rtrr?nd to rri th "w-i t nvH trai;fc and HtWxjfi 1 rl?M. or bT,uwlTfirt. l!a Ikv cod t tulJuBatiii of rarta and Loodon, 1tn tb tw4 rrat 1 frtfs irtiii. Poca uo krgcrjr to Lt Lair. . Prior fcr mail. Kiled arid tortjia'd. !. Dt--r v ) r c cSftxr millri frr Arr BLHuFR, hLtTTTt A VO CnemUu. No.ssa IUrrr rrct,Troy, X. Y. Me afu for the United Male. My l-ly TTT1I1KI-Tt ind-VVU- f If TAtllCS lorwd to crow coon Is a4zuMXb-t iat la trtm 'tt.roe to t V Tti ly u'.ir Pr. rwri;?-. j v (tea M.waurMLr l!rr, tnn cxwt rondrrfij , s. dlmrorrrr lamodrm drtvc V - ocU.ii? T2poa tb Iinard kM V ITarlnanalmwtauirartilauaraaniyT. It Wo bm co4 Yj tbe cl.Lt of r&ria and Lcmdon vita IH not tuirrt- Ninn cf tU rord.aT iH t rr-r'.trr-a. . and If eatir MtlafartWa w not rlrc-n rn rrrry mtanr; the Bkoncr Mill be cWrfcUr ffand4. lYiac lrtaaUL araled and postpaid, (L laicTltfr HrruUra M timoolalaroailrd Irw. AddrcM tclUiOt, MUTTS A CO.. Chrml.t. No. TXi IUrrr ttrwt- Troy. J. T. AgtnUlor Iht Lxllcd fcii.rg.. , .....-AUy Vl-ty- r Ob? LcwW4Cllfclry! fJr. With aurry ryr, rrjd radixnt tair. - Wbuia coriln 14 adrtla fl. e&tvt&od. Enchained tn vrry brart and mind. ,V CRL5?KR COMA, i 9 Tcr Chrlizg tie Eiir cf cither Sex islo Vsry 31TODLE STREET, By naJnz tbl artUV Lalr M (KtVwri can WU f y thrtr.atT a V.wmA f J 1 It U Ike cu't artkia la fi vni4 Ih.t 1J nrl tfraL.Lt Lair. td1 IMMM 1 .vriF 27rxjr.!x c. i A. This will - pot be the case, because Heve, were there.' Not a word was spoiceri. they will try i to -befriend :you to secure A full half hour thus (passed by. ' Tlieir your vote? .1; ' - ': I pmotions .were too iileenrfor utterance. , Q. J5ut they isay that Wp shall be dis- Hopes o millions were iung on . the do charged from work if we dare vote the rislons of that counciL.. Gen. Grant at repubUcan ticket, i Will thev do that ? lenirth asked each one tn succession if they A V. A...11 . V .1 4. 1 n I. ' ? ' "A." ;.-wifrV. ll Vnnll Ann H. .uu nuouia rcmemoer uiuir oui - naa anv auvicv to yiuuti. i.u vuc emp t 6 gard these threats andtVote with-the re- tircTAThTs was rct 'until aUrwas . 'V GROCERIES, 1 AFFLICTijDI publican partv?t, : I - ! rmne. and the General; was left alone. One! t - ; nnnw jvn 'rim v. srrrxR xo iioux! i:.-Ai Most certainly I would. . Ilad. you 0f tjie staff of adiv'isibn coniinander, who , , rfAVz A im t per I ttthen H thi'WtJf pr. xoivrtuni mxta not rather suffer, or even starve to death, wm sick, was melosfto rctirtv ami ho is sr ' AP ?PJb Wda u mi r-rnuay. at . trs T . -4 ' . O I . . " -" T1 i : 1 - It'lrlil. H t: if i tuiui u ,sm a party to . re-cnsiave you i authority ior me aoovc. -m e iLjno-1 I TA.V VV .... . W 1 7 ' ... T . 9W49 W u worm jusx asmucn to me man wuu swered vitnnsaarnonosjiiaoic,Au xhu n uuluau. libtatu .ii.us Loys you as his money is to you. ; - commander then "trrote a few lines and ' , ' . , ; j ' lVT1 xrrMil A rl n r no fVinn f :lirv I Wn tA'rn ir flt "Mtfuln. and h rrv DRY GOODS. "' " ttmc1ttabemtt:fHt. ry ;; r t-cc. Tna r-r fmi nrrf r.r.'r -crti t LiJr. Lit Urtr. braaUSM and cjua It; U k'ctly and ' r-t ticrf omM. and 1 tn taot cov.;.'. u nk of t1 mill he ami to aay a44rr, cak and pottjaid ft It Addrta all ttrAtT to W. U CLARK A CO, CnrmWta. i Xo. S Vlw4 Fr-U m, braAcx. 3C T. Miy -lly. - Remember your 'former- condition and rant of each' other's order." They felt as- avoid a return - to chains and slavery, sured that retrcathad been directed. Any "Give me liberty or givermo death." ; other alternative would have been bvlieved ; t Q. The white people South say that the j0 ,be madness, j . Had jthey known that the republicans of, the North do not care for order bad been 'given to advance, instant tho colored , men. nnl v cr . far. as thev can I inr! miiversal 'mutmir tiroultl have been them-to continue in political power, J yydsedv That eloquent silence for which r STOVES, and ' 1 TIXirARE' use them-to continn in nolitical power. . . . X-.7TT- . is tnaTi true ; y :.:nt v , 3 . . ,r, . l. AItisnot.. ; ."i?, ..-V: r.Q.;Wbatisthe i reason that- several ,of the Northern -States do not give us th? right to yote??:. ir.'rM 1 ; A, Chiefiyabecauso they have' in; tho past been ficwtrolled by s the, : dcmocratio party In, the Western. States where what are called the V black la W ovist. ;xvhich forbid colored ieonla to IWa thnro. there nre : large: bodies of whites . who moved pnginaiiy irpm: the slave. States, and car ried the hatred andr)rpiriri;w f in'vw with them, ; ., , t . ..... 5 i:wat has the republican party dan6 xnhose States about such. lawl?. fZ'--abolish them js fast as it obtained ppwef.Xt ' publicly advocates their repeal. . 19 he has ever been noted was the key to h sdecess there. The inert morning f each corps njoved, and Gviu Leo, the iuatint he sawdti witli .vehemence exclaimed, " Our enemy havo a leader at last,aiid our causc is lost 1" llbhad bid. his tracers' the night before, to let their soldiers sloop long Bat now ho saw tho 'army whom hb thought ntierlr defeated, moving round between him and tho base of supplies. . Ho has tened to begin retracing his course, ana r iicc rl try fin ' artillery' officer : of the Cdufcdcfatc army that tne uoom wiWtrt'TT-nc iTod i ? i ' .. . ' - A Poihh 'i-hrfni jt has discovered a com llldifS o which causes intent Ktheimo,t agrMe-na- mm-m wakaar , - ture. 1 ' . TTery rirlrfy of SCHOOL BOOKS. ' : j - ' ' ALSO, " - - - ' ' MERCHANTS, ;J4 V Lrbml adrsaoea tnada oa a3 artkkaof Crmrtry l dooo LIpwl tnrousn tscsaox iccir iUyS-l-U . i : r : '.'Ldich -BrotlLsrs, j:, ' --.'Jr. i : "...rt ir... , . x,.Aixf.9 -or . h ; . GROCERIES, ' - ' ? rROSlONS.- - 'cintry rroc?nr !rr on Liri for Fanner on t- I f -" - , ArrcrasStloa BROAD STREET. .a Uch astcawH. Ua lo- TaJtaLlc rxxJUlac for n.rieal and 7 cna Prtty ax4 ltrUcn. J yTil IcSarUon. rmirra It l!- mo rale pro- S2S?oa. .r 2Tw l,yfoial-trtoaM7 u. tJi U .Sic4.t to crta cmra ta a o, PR. JoviLLFrrxinc i rrthrml i,Vi latroaaoa of tha Kidney-od laddf. J "TL -rjtrarta aVaVTt. ,.-. i4lXti -rrr rur 1. JfjyJ-l-ly- m. I' IT . t t i; cr" - . r: .,-.- at w:.i l- ro 1 ct' 1 f t i Vi- a H . . f i ? t! ii r f ft ' ft ' v. 4 1 T a 'a n i ! ff f 1 1 : A v ' f ; 3 I 1 .1 V rl t t f1 -

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