- . 1 u It $ltt ysw gem a,Ujmbtt(Mi. pfths city qf New Barn publishing all Uu Laws and Ordinance by authority. 4 ' m : ; BERN, JUNE 201867, Post Owke, Bebxb, N. C., i - May 7th, 1867. f Pot postage stamp on upper right hand corner. ' u ne maua wui cause aauy as zouowb : Tor Boston, New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Nor- ioik, wiuuBiu, a, ana au points .North and East; at. ... , . .. XKU V.VV.7i, .r. sis-. . nsn a ir caoTand Beaufort N. C.. at'.......-. Km l" t Moreh Oold8boro JKalelgh, Wilmington, and all points West and South at.....,, ..1. 30 A. 31. Bay River, 7.frtV.rt"-'-'-v---- ML" Trenton and PollockftviiK evtry Tuesday M. lVtneras, every v wiiM tKy and Saturday, at 4.00 P. Bwif$ Creek. WiiMlilnctou.awl pljuiotith. fi ' ' C-i every Moiulav. v ednc4la l tVMv . ?fr ?.f .. v .. .. . ,?fl, ,, Offlce Open from t.0 A. 3tl. to fi.oi I. M,:ai io 7.30 P. af. - Snudnys from 7.30 tM A. M., 1 All letters to be delivered in thy United Sta! 00 P. 31. and from 7 and from in- eluding drop letter, mu-t be prepaid, or they will be f eat to the dead letter office, nnlesa addressed to Heads it, F. M. of BarcauBAt Washington, P. Cir The New Bern -lepublican Association , neeta jit the Brick Building known as the tfareis store on eyerjr' Monday evening. A general invitation to be present is extended to the citizens of New Bern. , . 1 j,tr 1 ff" ' . S V 1 niV ' r MiTCitEl.ifALLE & iOoPatent Labor Saving Well and Pump, Ice itcbets'&cL'cr; txtotf s CouBT--Before Hh Honor Mayor Palmer. Wednesday, June 19th. 'Ann Sauls was arraigned before his Hpnor thistnorninir, charged with, an assault onjate the witnesses proved conclusively that Ann had knocked Kate, who was intoxicated, down with a revolver, beating her on the head with the hammer of the pistol and inflicting several ghastly wounds, vowing her determination to kill Kate, when sue was seized, and, . jigged Away by Stephen Joes, at whom she. snapped 'the pistoi tbreeiinT1? and carried insensible to her lodgings. In compliance with an order received-i from the militarv headouarters. his Honor fined the rcQioinxTHA'rvri V v - . V1 t ttv 4."vfTT at "; AVTii "nmrxfRiifTT AT. u iwiinff over the nn rif tK r-u.r - v;.-jx.j-x nuu-x a".' Commerce 1 8irAWwUi tt t Bryan, Esq.-to gctin"l5ay-BlTerf Cra- ven Hon n iif rt. v . v ' -"u.wMvuga vaem ne aaarcsscs COKKECTZD DAILTi . ; O -rV- iaik iotii. - Sanitary Notice 1 C-iriarice fox Saiitary Pnrposca. I Bank of North Carolina.......... -,.wu.,Ag iqme correctness ot tne i Bank ox cape rear i position taken hv ihh.xw t rrt i,r 1 oivnarioi.ie.v.. kji, is V. . T: I Iank of Lexington... M iicrcbv IOr those to decide whrt r.vi?fK. th mn. t Bank of Graham..... IT uf . ml. , . 7 . ' T :r"r w- I Bank of Roxboro' ' w : w met oerween truth and efror. , . N ; : I Bank of wadesboro. '' is 1 maitcj EE In Mr, Bryan's prefatory remarks he'says: And ja4x!the"fflreal Apostle U the Gen- tilejwecan boast thatwewere borni freci I tWr&ltlid Paul when lie was before Agrip pa JmeMttep I shali inswer for wyselTand rnVTranl "air. B. Etiius friecd3; that is tm Thm h di- mum -tuomasTLue. ....... ............. Bankol Wflminston....fc....... .... Bank of Commerce.... .'. Bank of Washington............ Bank of Fayetteville.... ttanK or YanccyrUle , Bank of Clarendon..... Commercial Bank of Wilmington., Miners' and Plantera, Bank Farmen'Bank, Cimnsboro . . . . . Mercnanu' Bank, New , , It U ordained hv the favor ami. fnttLPl si j tf tte' City of 2Tett Hcrnt That the occupant Ana every lot in me city (and In case unoccupied tne owner thereon are ordered to collect and deposit la bar- oiner suitaoie receptacles, all refose V Carbaf e. a&hra and filth nf myri-w if. JJ I scriptloiSvthat may accumulate on their re- & I sianas. and tnlace such bamla or nthrr r. 8 I Cet)tacift nn trip tMralV. n fmnt o . .vjim.uic jvihs. uuijuuoaar auu inimaiT is mornings of each wevk, before the hour of 8 4 a. in. i .. . - , , . a . ' " i j Atlantic ani ;1T. C. Railrcaa: 1 1 Omra ArtATTtr A TT. ?. H. Nw Unit, X C If a, r Y . s S SSS BAER &EPPIiER, ft I Stands, and UXnlarA enrh Hrr nf rt, . 7 3US inenua ; mat is true. Thpn "he di- r ,"?.wnnoro- ; animal r,...w ' "ri "17-' T V ' - '.- I jaercnanu jmck, jscw Bern. M '1- . vtouio wMtw v. wuu, nnan JULlitaa ftejeiaja of slayery t and virgini Bank Notes,, r. ; . ; . . 6 to o j or sweepings of any kind. co!fctin r iaor therjtries to begeta. spirit'of 'bAteiinaalnat "tami the stalls of any pubUcVr crlvate the he publicVr private Uof and removal each day. all rxTrsonsiN. any oriaL fab- refuse matter ot. ' of thft rtr before the war,1 theame right to life liberty r. s. s-ara, f -64 iot docks around the city, or upon the walks, and OieptursuHof fc,hlnc tlut he had. A. Jiix C-"" -; SgflfelS" ... Lar 21 orrW4 Oty.. LdBir(lrM... Arrltvat Umm aUbtoa.M Arrttf itMwrlrlUa.... UtwiiMrir iua Arrtvfattolltorw..... iiirrcExcta Leav Ooliboro. . Arrtre at ?Srw IVtm Lear New IVnc... ArrtTtaiortUiadUty. ..... aus - 7 . SA - ..ia-w ....... aa . 4 H " ai- - V23 . Having Removed to their PftawTxrrr Tn2amta vtu North Cntaa CnT 94 Trvia rU: Wctj U i w P. iU mcnTti BTt-r vHral rf hm WU&iartoa a4 WckZ Wt4 aU Croat UJ3 A. X. U NEW STORE, tHterfheenpeniiitted.t hia yPruch 'asHaie,Blackstone, Forbes, Prati&de wm t attempt to argue tue poinlv but will- present a few facts in the premises.7? Mr.TB.wM'rememberthat I haytf paid taSesforUwenty-bne years in this .u t.my. uinn; ana now to tne point as JJ??$2J f ree lack;mn bef oreiie wax and the iiberty of Mr. B. As a white man he paid taxes, and that gave him the right of way to all the paths of peace and learning in his State ; and he could go out of j it and stay one or twenty years and return, and would not have to prove-that he was free. The black man, whom he says bad equal liberty with himself, had to pay a tax like this : j . " Received of A. B. $9.81; in full for his . t i j . . . PRICE S- CURRE NT. Pi,MEBWIN & co. : L II i further ordained. That hereafter no sinks or privies shall be dug or excavated for lnwe than two fect !from the surface of the surrounding ground, ; ociJl u further ordained. That each and every tave all sinks, water-closeu or Srivica which 1 Cigar$y Tobacco, &c, South Front ; . , vmvimV. fin mtyn TTvtitA GROCERIES. X tO POLZOKSTRSKT, rod 2ia!lruMd Trala r'r fk. !"r&rer rrvaa Um aoo p. 3a. aUcrmat iy. a f Ukm : ' J-av VortW Utj (Matloa(.... cjCB A. X. Lrrr KlfMLtoa.... .. 4 0K M ArrlTtalUftk2UM uta P. X ' JtrrvirNnra. .. . Leave CalfcotV ........ ..i .7 OS A. It,' Klnt........ ,...... ............. t.O Lrar JCrw lVra ..........II S3 Arrlr at llovbrkd Clfr fMtitr.) tf V THrnra TIcUu via l ut4 triartnj turVm oa tW .NorU CarU: ta iUHrod. r . . vol n. nARvrr, Jiay 1-tf Pcprrlrtrtt! ut Tmi;fUUa. pa. w. n. TATLom. trs.eivx K. tatloe. Coffee, Rio J - 1 LAfraayra .-. : . Haracaibo St. Pomingo... f Jaya' - 4 ft 99 ft SS ft 83 S3 ft S3 . 37ft 45 1 50 ft S W ft 1 70 00 ft S K 1 00 ft 1 SO Uncol Japan...:;......:... 1 00 ft 1 75 English Breakfast:.......,..... 1 25 ft 3 25 L 15 ft 17 or, froml '. 11 60 20 00 public, county, school and parish taxes, listed1 oibbed nerring, per 'box. 7.Y.' 75 fti Jo ! Teas, Esse Flo Young Hyson.... liyson x Gunpowder and Imperial Odonar i., in the year 1850-5L Lard....... . Molasses, New Orleans ........ lnescnooiwasKepttromus; tne parish eate Rice.....:.j was shut; and if we could .not prove that we "fcoffeeA'J ' i j ' i " l rtr f wh nH ivn uipra u u a o iroa a T,n Tit, a ,a I . vuu.cc ........ . " .1 ,,- . , . r ... . . - 3 Graanlateo.-.i.-.., ." . .... not all. Ourt liberty was so Well cared for; 4ipowaered......a;;..... that if we left thft 'RfAtff and did not retnrn' -5t: i;chiT-i'r;?'-Vi ;':. defendant $25, and held her subject to the witlurrJneylayii pnQour jerarrt we ?were Appies,Dried...v.. u.v is ft requisition of the post commander, j- ; - notified talWe in t Betcorne t P.liA WnAowl and HTotti W?(Kt wom hil.i7 J ii-.l'liLr ''jj s-- ':J " I Ttnttr V J . 1 ..a;.:. : t-7-.l. 5K fcvmuiiuo i wmw o." ri 7 t. luti oneiiure, i;wjaa,p.ve nunarea aouars ;pr cheese v detained TrfHhVUUUbn1 blouse; lif default of tlamy'Oulibrty' was-sreeibiis 'that in i -r"v two dollars and a half each. i , lilSCELIiANEOUS. I K.il Wft Inst nnr vntft ;T nn tint tn aw whpfh w y- : , f . IS ft 13 80 ft 1 05 50 ft .00 10 ft.," 15 IS ft 15 16tfft 17 16Xft 00 nxft.. is 17Xft-18 17TA 18 S 75 'ft 8 00 IS is 17 40 25 85, ft The steamship ElCid sailed yesterday af- - -VS iT'a -BiaeStone;..r;....V........ . . rytTtu-Ui'' ui! iL-w tiMA I tin not, as he saysweare brothers.' r In the South- Corn by quantity..........,-'.. ,i terhoon'atSo'fclockforNewYork;, f V aWj'V 'rr'M t. " vij Flaxseed, pet bushel.... 1 - -a - -- i .--'i-. .. - - ehlighsConyention. :which assembled at Guano, Peruvian, rper ton 120 40 14 00 Fifth Ward Republican Association meets ( Baltimore .June 8tba860,a-.resolution was fcWjfiv this evening at the: usual place. No Ward in adopted calling on the Legislature to pass a ; , the city -can surpass this one in activity and law driving the free colored people out of the New DipV;; enthusiasm, and a may be expected. 7 85 , ft 11 ; ft 15 ft 10 , ft 1 13 80 - ft 0 00 00 ftOOOn 1 75 ft 00 1 00 ft 0 00 Mithnsiftam and n. vrrv intprpstiny mpp.Hncr; State. Amaioritvof the States were infavorl 9MD1P . . . o : o i . i - - i sjewroe.. Spirits Turpentine, tax paid by purch'r. 40 r ft 00 of this. - J V ! "Now. Hfr. Editor T winnot f at mv lif rnmA 5?!" ...... 4. i...... ........ ,. ...... NAVAL; 8T0BES. - ' ..........,..,.. .. IN 0 V W .-i..)...;..... 8 50 ft 0 00 S 00 ft 0 00 Rosin I. .... , uw.v'iv'i .oktw. ..v.. fuwvw'i to me conclusion tnat our nrjertv waa me rwB;..;...iw..rt . wmwAAwn .cicwuBi.ai! wwxxuxFo game. , We can , well exclaim : " V erily the bouse, corner Queen and Muddy sts. hands are the hands of 'Esau, but the voice is 8 00 ft 4 00 1 75 ft S 00 - ... .f.-. Z 00 'ft 850 that of Jacob." .T Lorcli Brothers, DXAUtBS XX New MrtTTAnv OnnKn.. An order was is anrnl viefitfirdiiv hv Maior J. J. Van! Horn. sus-H But this is not all yet We see threats to ) .S f : I 4)ending4he licenses r Inns granted byrthe: blwmen f8 we? M. aW f he QT&ttUm. ; Jeard of gomno We stand on the defensive, and wUl stand on - PROVIO .fbYB;& the Repubhcan platform so long as we can J. ;,,:. DRY JGOODS, cpnsPd:, '"r?iv ". ' read on its banner Civil Rights to all, Ishmael- . BOOTS and SHOES, &c censed -J& :f- ites or not Wehave biiUt churches educated, - V t may be upon his property, cleaned out or dis infected by tho use of copperas, chloride of lime or other suitable disinfectant, whenever oev I ch cleaning or disinfecting may become i i i . . .i 83 i ucwaaarr, or wucnevcr notice to uiat euoct may be served upon such property owner by the Sanitary ; Committee of the Board of Counca f 6. It u further ordained. That no person shall feed, water, wash or dean any animal within fifteen fect of any of the public pumps of this City. I 1 ! 7. It i further, ordained, That all persons are prohibited from throwing anything into any of tho public pumps, wells or reservoirs of the City, or Impair their utility In any man ner. - 8. Tt is further ordained, That no person shall convey to, sell or offer for sale any dam aged or spoiled meat, fish, corn, 'wheat rye," oats, peas or other articles of food, within the jurisdiction of the City authorities! . 0. It it further ordained, That no cattle or swne shall be slaughtered within the, City limits. , . : I 10. It it further ordained, That all persons are prohibited from keeping any live hogs within the City -limits from the 1st day. of May to the 81st day of October. 11. It it further ordained. That no crave shall be dug in any of the Cemeteries in and DRY GD0DS, around the Uity, unless it dc at least nve xect deep. ' ; Aw. A . mrm j wt m I vi M'V. i . m. mm uw 1 shall be removed from the Cemeteries, In and around the City, without special permit from the Sanitary Committee of the City Council. ' 13. It it further ordained, That any person violating any of the foregoing ordinances shall, upon conviction before the Mayor, be fined a sum not excelling fifty dollars for each and every offence, and if any person shall fail to pay such fine he shall be ordered to work upon the public streets a sufficient length of time to compensate for the amount of such fine in ac cordance with the law of tho State for such cases provided. - 14. It it further ordained. That all prevloulr Ordinances passed by the City or Town Gov ernment and conflicting herewith, are hereby repealed, . I . . . JuneC- 'CT-tf. j SUaQEQU GEKXtSTS.- ' Harrison Biiifidmgf-m AD work ooe ta Uw to mancr. ax aucatlaB gaaratodcrMipayrUfd. acui Nltnma One Gaa. anl Rm Teeth Extracted i t ' t i! r r I Art mw prepared ta teQ U tbcTr old cartowrt . . aad tht pobUc ta craLa . - . ...WITJIOOTPAIX Chloroform and IXher alao adaaitli terad. DSai aa th corner of , , ' Pollok SL, (Wtwrrn Middle & IUncockJ ...... XSW BERX; Hmj -l-l. NEW AND SELECT STOCK OF t . i CLOTHINO, W. HTlloTnninei CRAVEK ST., SKAIt SO UTII FR02TT, ' Under the BZUard abon) WHOLESALE AND EXT AIL DEALER IS ITXK5, Uf6H3. SEOALS JLSD TOBACCO. y ttork of Wlaea, Uvora. Srrara aM Torra. wakh I keep of Uc brvt qAUtr.fxaauctea kxaA. 1 hara addod a good atock C U bart - GJIOCERIJ2S, and hava mad ajn;t uxiif fr a freak msyAs Vf 'J trerr ateemer from New Yotk. r' ?i tj ,v i? n it' B00T3 end BIIOKS, r I HATS and CJLrS, If rou dir rood stLF.iLllsrvA PLorfi r. Coffee. trr, Pwrtt, or aryfbiBr U tat baa, tlx tt ar ca, aad 1 will be pieaaod to tmTx. W. U. ROM A TNE ' ' ' Cmtftt fif. anArt rb nKlvYf N. B. 1 mak a aprdalT U bc lUirfrr liosx, as4 ak yoa to aiva U a triaL- . ; J. P. HamTjlin, eorrn feont ctxett. .j ! BROAD STREET, May 2-1-tf 'OTW BERN, N. a Bdrial op C. S. Primrose. Tho entire men to preach, but many have said " let their forFarmeronpaea Fire Department turnea out Tuesday alter- woodpejm usrana oArlrxhudrenjy v ; noon to escort the remains of their late fellow-: v Mr. B. tells"us. what,wai done for , us by the member to their place of sepulture in Cedar white menwex;'thank:'iem' forfitbut as Grove Cemetery. The .funeral was avery, eznancipation, was a military necessity we think "large bnefaid the ceremonies Were conducted .that the acjidn; of said Convention' was ; a pd-: by the tItevSEM. orbesRector)6fnCist Utical:exrency.;i-' y'r - I ' Church. The death of Mr. Primrose is severe-; Mr. B. tells us to vote for the best man. As ly felt by his relatives, and time alone can as- we do not know who thai man is, we ask for suage their grief, j . ' 1 information. He invites our attention to the HATS! HATS!! DON'T LEAVE TOWN, OR STAY IN TOWN ANT i . - . LONGER, WITHOUT CALLING AT , WHOLESALE AND RETAIL HEALTH Ct BTRA W GOODS, posk BRIDGE HOUSE, p hair & TLQtfl. May S 1-lm. CZ0CZME3 1 ! . ' COR. SOUTH FRONT AND HANCOCK 8T8., And a creat Busy article too namtroas U nraUoB, a) going towarda miVlng a coaapkte stock of NO. A POLLOK ST, AXO BCTTXO X The above House is now open for the Desperate Assault and Probablk Mtjr- man, my advice to my brethren is that they; .DEU.P.n T;uesayf j nighti M; 8 after fenoyv it as the'Disciples at one time followed 0 clock, , thepprt sprexvd; rapidly j that ft the Lordai a great distance. V I iipruxaiTiiuruer.naft oeen perpeirated;w tne up- in concluson, Mr. Editor, I am proud to be Li CCQMMO DA TIQN OF . O UESTS per part oi uie aty, .cnuuS an eijunient w a negro, and if the black man and the Anglo-; which the citizens of New Bern have been: gaxon will take a peep two thousand back strangers'for a long time. X; ; 1 and see how the Etheopians and Britons stood FINE FUR OR STRAWIAT. D P y GO OClS- . . , They are retailing them . ZESS THAN WHOLESALE PB1CES, --. . .. And can ahow more than Exchange Hotel, POLLOK STREET, : r , BAEB & ZPPLER, ... ' MARTIN' J. McXAilARA, m va !' a. . The Chief of Police, Sergeant ColUgan, wa tncn, I am of the opinion that we could move WINES -XIOUO RS & spceduy at the scenof ;the encounter, and; together. r ALEXANDER BASS. ! 't i r ; -succeeded in arresting a female named Ann . -; . ,. .- r, ' T . ; , ) ;. CONSTANTLY"' ON I 'SaulVTt ?dweui United Stated Senator Frelinghuysen is an' . ( "'''" ? m.r- mm . -m, r. - a"V . II i a. i. 'Sauls at a ( the junction of Broad, who was c .Kjn mfnH- -l V Sabbath school ; kill, on the person of anotherf emaje pamed ttrvw. au-xij ? A complete assortment of SEGARSj LY ON HAND. FIFTY DIFFERENT STYLES. ...... - -V: I . I . A large variety of barged with fcnWSf1 vaorca,; Jane le'isLsi- IK" t .'JSO. W.'VAUOHN, Proprielor. SfSi" NeiASlTet-tisements. ivic m uicicuuivs tun jaajvLa yviuii. - - M GOODnTG;-WATEIirS & CO., .TApccfrr i , .WaosAiiw : effected We (reporter Visited tho 'I her in anexbtnielj precariou&.cqnditiQn, her, bead and face Jjgii conglomerate mass of fcoagulated blood and mangled flesh, exhibit ting a deep penetratinsr wound-under the left -sxa rt ttt x.i . v a lc - ir-LiJsi. .r.' vtr J I d ELL Double-Wall Plated Ice Pitchers. Water Cooler. . -zj . nuc ViWU ,W oiw n ivy, uuc , O 5 minutes Ice Cream Freezer. Bath Tuba. Water AGBIOULTTTBAL HOUSE nAiinujBizjK si o tie. i BxTxn. Dsalxbs pt Dxeaa Goods, Buttons, Trimmings, Edglnga, Inaertlnga, ' Sirlaa Muallha, Jaconets, . ' . ; , Nainsooks plain and checked, , Print, tc, c ... i : Silk and Cloth Sacquea and Cloaks. . . Best qualities of Hoop Sktrta, latest ctylea. We would be pleaaad to aa yoa all, aad ahw yoa oar stock. Jut come to . .. '" ' ' ... . I V !. ' t . - ":" 30 sPollok Street, MarsaHlea, Ginghams, ... The above Hotel having been renovated and refitted, is now open for the accomsacxlaiica of the locaUind traveling pubjie. . TAB X JDS , Fumkhrd with itbe best thexaarket "can afford. 'A 1 Harrison Building. FREE IUXC1I EYIir: EYE5IS0 AT AUL Or WHICH WUI. BK SOLD AT TBI 1 - LOWEST PRICES POSSIBLE, DYE STUFFS, PERFUMERY, axato LOWER THAN NEW TORS RETAIL RATES. conlinons stream, the bed being drenched in the I Poto Wire and Brittania Dish Covers Feather Dusters, J 'ffWjynrS OULS d'C Col ALSO,! to the poor sufcerer by order of Sergeant ligan; (by Jtheybung colored (women who ad- ministered to her wants) and the city Physi cla&r liirhmdhed.-. -But" ' Cttlehbpes are :ehter tainedof the urtuna wonoan's recovery,1 ...... :.. - " .- . i 1 The new Patent Labor-Saving Economical Well and Pump, supplying Water where you need it.. . 1 June xv 32-11. 'rtia dKV6 and Oravea Streets,; piiair & frr; I. 6 a CLOCK. A BacateSa TabK tree of ciktrga, for U n of Oaat - 'j.; 0;Ra Tbomw, v iTrojeirrr. xarD covssellqx at la ay W for Boston. 0. . 7 LrrrSt "H F8t SaillE Schoohe t a called meeting of the Atlantic Fire i&yNo:iTn 4k . ItJ -7w tm-m-i(www(aT ;3,n' v ,ycr au vaubiawaaMW 1 5 N - tions, apply to CapL CALL on board, or at the Ice nouse, New Berne, N. C : June liStl -3t i 1 At 'tiompanV blowing preamble andcesolutions wereunani I for Boston, "by "the"way 'of Providence, rJl ' i AVhkbea.' By a sudden Aiispciisaion. of Di- I I P880 1?T,?Td sccomoda- vine rroviaence an tsieemeu uiuuuci i, Mr ' lantic Fire Comny NcM 1 CicerojS; ttpfi vbose rlliuiv-eic.' tbat ).t)diirne pom . - - ' .- : , v - .. .... .br tPnAr wwlWilrtna nf nflt fripnsliin' trt . " AU JM Jaff. x. ..!;.... r....r. . j. 'u ,.. r- -. .. H " SCHOONER, (Capacity 250 barrela.) -;tliercforefcs?aat vt&tzil ,t: wj? til 1.1"--" V.,.?r -: - '.ieeniai tbe tpjpiexpectilei 1 j steam engine & saw-iuxl, (35 none Fatrerj i7lMrrv Rjk Primrose.- w deenlT share ub, the I i: tL - ;. ' frf ofind 'sbrrdw3 withwhich-the sad event ( inch,) CIRCULAR SAWS. . has bjcnreceivedby lila large circle of smccre ! . RetolvediTlyiti& tbe deceased werecognized 1 two seated buggt. many kind, manly and generous traits of char- 1AB2ST wagon.? 7 1 T June lV-20-tf. ; : . i .... -Sidclchol&ers 'JtlectlngS1 r-nf : OmciA.4 N. C R.RC0UI j ' J ' t?Trir Bxjar, N. C June ain, loot. 1 rwTHE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE STOCEHQI" t of the ATtANTlC ; & -NOBTIX CABOUN A is. WiUtaJte efrFEirBERNE,on TKURS- -V . . '. n A V" fh 9f7A iiuL .. . JVa 40 POLLOK 8 TREE H. N. Wright & Co., SI and M People's Market, t NEW BERN N (7M GROCERIES, FORWARDING C(raiinission MerchaiitSa THAT . THAT REMEMBER THAT BEMEMREB THAT - REMEMBER THAT BAER & EPPLER BAER & EPPLER 1 Orrxx Ccaxra Poluic arn HinorK ira i May ftl-tf NEW BEEN, N. C BAER BAER & EPPLER & EPPLER & EPPLER BOOT & SHOE 1 . ! HI alincr . . . 1 ATEST PARISIAN 8TT1X3 CT )ES atatect Bet of .Uatcrial Vtcd and June 13-1 -tm. - JAS. W. C A EVER, Seey & Treasurer. Tba raxt EaCia '1 . 1 Nr Bncrx, N. O.May lt,18CX rrrrrp. MknrHimiin nder the name ana wijta o 1 njivnTl if it RtrRN uthiadavdlaeolvedbT.ma- I taal rntaitmt . -8.A. DAVIS, - Jane 11 lS-tt -.;- i . ,r-. PATBON, - !-- Capt. JEPTIIA ROSE,. HATE REMOVED TO HATE REMOVED TO HAVE REMOVED TO HATE REMOVED TO HATE REMOVED TO Satisfaction TSTrrranltd nf THIS MAEEET. PRXC33 .ENXXAMTLED LEOLA, fV; JOSEPH! ROSE, e o '5 - that we deeply sympathize with his afflicted 4 Set log-TRUCESlxa'? a i viiinw fnrt rhilrlrfift in their irreDarable loss. -.1 -o .'1 r". ; in! W. B. CUTKENDALI nwidow.ad chndreft in their inrabl ForrirUculiJ eSuire oO O H I tne usuax. waug jm. - r - -: - ' r. cu YEKNJ u2 Retolwl: That we wear (mourning for-the next thirty days, c Kesolved, That 1 1 M ! r ! of 7 wr eon1 A rv"TW OT resolutions' td J tHe family W4he deceased! . East Front at.. rjOXB oaliahle .property, know aa the ILARVST. - BRICK - WAREHOUSE AND WUAIUT bVthe month or year.' Apply to t -J. EAimrrr. and furnish a , copy of , these proceeding to tthe Newbjern 'Journal pt i Commerct- a4at.th9 T. T, T "f.t - 7- ? ' ' P ' liOSta i7. 'V v.-, -MV.-l) ' xil i I - xiew jaera ivKfusijicAj witn. a; request jdt i - v,;., .r. ..t TnWir3.triTf'''?3 '!5.r:.r.i, j- 6c.tX'i;L.42;..;:j i f I rfVN tho Rlet instV. a small WALLET eontaUitns f' IlbWARb'lTf.'bTlTnnF. i 1 M; t SEVEN! lf-FIVJB DOLLARS. The finder will be 1 XT ILL leave mark warf rrery Saturday foe-Waal W bton, N.Q. and IOot t V K , , V V" I- ' r I i 1 ' Gooda aent U our eara win ha dallvesed with dimtcX !.- ' " " " "s : ".' ! . Irerj deripUon of LUMBER kept cozaUallem . lAeamplete Set of WASmNGTOJ? IRVIXG'S Worke, AleoalototMU . -. . V. Q. WX2T. iWI I VwtHarm1v honnd. f or sale at len than coat, at WESo BOOK STORE, NO. SO 1XU.0X street AJo a 10a 01 hand and for aa : "CHEAP FOR CASH."- 50 POLLOK STREET, SO POLLOK STREET, SO POLLOK STREET, SO POLLOK STREET, SO POLLOK STREET, - HABEISON EUILXJINO:. HARRISON BUILD INC.. ( ' HAEEISON BUILDING. CAEEIJON EUILDINa ' Pu-pairlng eaUy doa at tow tgmrta. . j ' - .' . . JACOB WTTT A CO, Nerf i!dor to FEED.' p. EULACHTXE. 07 ' ' corvta- rtaOfik aa4 CF " Jaaall IS-tf. - a oi "'z:i imLkr '-pisses &r0 I xaxrr cTcaaT 1 1-.. . AxlwHOLESALEcD'rrF - ASkfaAa c EMOESO.'ciir . TOBAJCCO..; 1 .. . r I iw I t t ' V S- It .4 i1 . ;-j ! M 1 f 1 .' - . . A it ' it Jaaii-11'- Miy8-17tf. Uaaeous Books CWi t ' ".ri: ? ;

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