r trr V - .' : . V t- trm "I , I. LEOOHSTEUOTION UEAS1 IKES TIIE iT.OPpSSTlTXmOAirAMfiSD- ' - THE .SEA.".'" - r V- v; 0 "I lcard of seemed to hear the ciudingsca Bay, pagrimV why. so late and so slow to come t Am I not fllwavs hfir. thv Riimmir rtmYit, Is not my Toico thy music, morn and eve ? Jly breath; thy healthful climate in the heatsi jjr. iiuuuu vuy auuuoie, my oay my cam z ,iT! Was ever building like my terraces ? t, Was ever cxmch magnificent aa mine ?- v a Liort the warm rock-ledges, and there learn -' A littie but suffices like ntown: : iJ J nwko your . sculptured architecture rain, md yahi beside mine. I drive my wedges home, And carve the coastwise mountain into" caves. '0 1 here is Rome, and Nineveh, and Thebes, Karnak. and Pyramid, and Giants Stairs, :; .' 5lv!Ped.or prostrate; and my newest slaba viue man au tny race.'1 - The r. "i - a :. the amendment following Is a correct copy of proposed as Article XIV of the Constitution of the United States. As this' amendment forms part of the basis of reconstruction adopted by Congress, yre publish it for general inlorniation and ref cnceT u k '. " ; The amendment lias up to this date (April 4) been ; ratified by the following States i Connecticut, Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Maine, Michigan, Minnesota, Mis- rrv ir soiaMachulBettsyeiaa2?ew tTrhfjrgr Hew Jersey. KeVJZorkOhfo, loero&feiaho24. Island, Tennessee, Vermont, West Virginia, Wiscon sin 21 in alL -fr l.yr:. ;;; ; ., ! , ; The amendment has been rejected by the Legislatures of' Delaware, -Maryland and Kentucky, and by all the unreconstructed " States," to wit : Alama, Arkansas, Georgia, Florida, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Caro lina, South Carolina, Texas and Virginia 13 in all. Be it resolved by the Senate and House of Representa tire of the United State of America in Ctmareea Mwted, two-ttaird4 'f both louses' rCpfccurring,) tares of the several States as an amendment to the Con stitution of the United States, which, when ratified by three-fourths of said Legislatures, shall be valid as part oi tne constitution, namely : Abticxe xrv. Sec. 1. All persons born or naturalized in the United b tat ey d nbjeet to tho jnrisdiM4abeorrcm zens (i me united Btates and of tne state: wneria the; resiaer-'rotitGte shall mate or entente avJawJBfuc shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States : nor shall any State deprive any per- M Mr- ,:, i ' ' a T Bun ut uie, uoeny, or property, wunom uue procesB 01 I The opaline, the plentiful and strong, Yet beautiful as is the rose in June, rr i Fresh as the trickling rainbow of July; ' EdatolLof food, the nourisher of kinds, . - burger of earth, and medicine of men ; Creating a sweet climate by my breath,- : ' - Washing, out harms and griefs from memory Andiin mr mathematical ebb and flow.'' '! : : , U' -r- " equal protection of the laws. - i- . KlChare the sea gods; Who gives gifts but 8ec. 2. Representatives shall be apportioned among ' ' "thevf " i A ' i . - - 1 me several States according to their respective numbers. Thejf grope the sea for pearls, but' more' than They pluck Force there, and give it to the For every wave isjwealth to. Bacdalus; u $ Wealth to the cunning artist who can work This, t matchless . strength. ; "Where , shall we Alpad your Atlas shoulders cannot lift . ; I 1. 1; with my hammer pounding evermore ; ! Thelrocky coast, smite Andes into dust: 1 Strewing my bed, and. in another. age, ! Rebuild a'.continent 6t better men. a l ; Then I unbar ithe doors ; my paths lead but The exodus cf nations: il disperse ; Hen to all shores that! frbnt the hoary main. ! I,!tbo, have artsanofflorceries; r " illusion aweiis forever with the wave. """ .j I know j what spells are laid.) Leave meflto r-. -I- deal, ... -- -lh- r With credulous and imaginative man; : Forj though ho scoop my water in his palm, A fe,w rods off he deems it gems and clouds. r Planting strangg fruits and sunshine on : the , . j shore, a-y makesome co'astalluring, some loh'e isle, r 10 Qistant men, wno must go there or die. R. W, Emebson. Ac counting the wholf number of Tsersoiis fcp each State, excluding Indians hot? taxed.' 'cut when the right to vote at any election for the choice of electors for Presi dent and Vice President of the United Statesv Eepre sentatives in Congress, the executive and judicial offi cers of a State, or the ' members of the Legislature thereof, is denied to any of the male inhabitants of such State, being twenty-one years of age, and citizens of the United States, ot in "any way abridged, except e participate $nl rebellion r jcttim (jrhacf, fir Tnteiff repTeseacauoa taerein mail ierefiieiAu9- tion which the number of such male citizens shall bear to the whole number of male citizens twenty-one years of age in such State. -. i Sec 3. No person shall be a Senator or Representative or hold any office, civU or military, under the United States or under any State, who having previously taken an oath as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any State Legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion - against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof. But Congress may by a vote 61 tw.o-thirdsof each House remove such disability. i Sec. 4. The validity of the pubUc debt of the United States, authorized bjr law, including debts incurred for the payment of pensions and bounties for services in suppressing insurrection or rebellion, shall not be ques tioned. But neither the United States nor any State shall assume or pay any debt or obligation incurred in aid of insurrection or rebellion w against the I United States, or anv claim for the loss or emanciDation of anv slave : but all such debts, obligations and claims shall be held illegal and void- , . Sec. JU The ' Congress OJiaS TliaveCbejwr f 6 enforce, "J oppropriaie legislation, iue provisions oi ims ar tide. i - be held of delegates to a convention for the purpose' of ; estacliaxiiBg a.xonBUinuou.JBJQa-jciYU ijovenimeui lor such Stateloval to the Union: said-convention in each Btafe, except Virginia, 16 consiBt" or tbeTsame' number oi metnoers as tne most numerous dimcu oi we Diaie Legislature of such State m tne year ibho, to be appor tioned among the several districts, counties, or parishes of such State Dy tne commanding general, giving to eacn representation In the ratio of voters registered as af ore- aid as nearly as may bei The convention in v irginla shall consist of the same number of members as repre sented-the territory now constituting Virginia In the mest numerous branch of the; Legislature of said State in the year 180U, to be apportioned a aforesaid, - tton the registered votert of each State shaU rote for or agulust a convention to form a constitution therefor under, this ac. Those voting in favor of such a coBVen- uud cuaii uac wriLicu vi (iiuiicuvu tuc uitnuu uj wtucn they vote for'delegates, aa aforesaid, the words "Jor a coirveimoiv jiid tnrse voting against sucn: a conven- uon snail nave; wnueo. or mwu tu ;uca oauots ine words 11 Against a convention." The persons appointed to superintend said election, and to maxe return or the votes given thereat, as herein provided,' shall count and mate return oi tne votes given lor ana against a con venupn;r ana., the, commanding general to wnom the same soaii nave ueeureiurncu BuujijuKx.ruuii axiu aeciare tha tnf al rnf' Iti trM J i nfn9 mnA turn! nrnt m mnvnHrm ' If a maioritrof tie. votes given; on that question shall be for a convention, then each convention, shall be held; as Hereinafter provided; .cut u a majority oi saia votes shaU be ataihst a convention, then no snch convention ahall bo held tmder t hi act r JYoricUdy That such con vention shall not be held .unlesa maioritr of all math registered voters .shall have voted n tha question of holding snch convention. "T1 " V ". X ' z 8ec4,MJ be it further enacted; 'That the command inir general of each district ahoU appoint such boards of registration as .may be, necessary, consisting of three ; loyal officers or pcreons, to make and complete the regis-, i tration," Superintend -the election, and make return to ' him of. the. Votesy .liKts of votenv and of the pcreon elected as delegates . bv a T)lurali t of the- Totes cast at ; said election ; and upon receiving said returns he shall c open the same, ascertain the persons elected as delegates Sacvunu iig- wuie retarux .uie uiacers wno ronaanea sai4 election, and make proclamation thereof ; nd.i a majority ot uic votes given oi tnax queuen finau twiox VM.WMIr.WM, fc"Srf Will IIV I Ulf .UU CIA J everr county oi the fcute. t , 1, - i . . . t . Mr. Dockcry offered the following, which was adopt ed: I2eoltdZ Tbit the membcra''6f the Conveitlcrn hereby pledge themselves to use every legitimate means in their power to disseminate correct information among the people ox weir respeciiTo wuau. STATE EXECUTIVE COU21ITTEE. , ja uuinuniw v . . . . t f.mmtlmi lit 1N(4i., TTnnj A. lL. Jones, the President of the body, has appointed the followtng Expcutrve etate commiuco lor iaeAry". can party of yorth Carolina; - (WIUTESJ "W. W. IIoldzx, Ralel ? h, Wake county. n. I. TTaitrm. KaIbI rh. Wake county. Jans F. TATXOB.-IiaW'lKh, Wake county. m . ' Dr. Evqtku Gaiuox, Frankllnton. Oranrille county. " Wx A. 8wth, Boon nilL Johnston county. , Johh Poog, Coleralne, Bertie county. ' ' - ' - Livu THoxrsox, Uotel. Bertie county. ' ' ' , ; Baved M . Cart, Waahlnetoo, Beaufort county. ' David Hkatos. Newbern. Craven county. ; , l- C R, Thox as, Newbern, Craven enty . - , K. L. PxnEBTOK,- Fayettevine, Cumberland eottntyi pAxrru R Ooodlok, Wammton, Warren county. At-ruxD Dockxwtv Bockinghaia . rachmond eounty-. j. ' Tnos. Sa-rruK, Wentworth, Bocki njrham county. ' -RobT P. Dictc Oreensboro, OuJlford county. ; 17T. W. SLOAK lU, tmc' w. - ! Jos. II. Ncrr, Wilmlnrton, New Ilanorer county. ' J. n. A. Bbtax, Trap HllL Wllkce founty. L, Stewabt AsherUK Brinrornbe unjy. -1 W. G. B. Garrett.- Richland V alVT. Haywood co. a SAX'b FonxKBR, Mt. Airy. Surry county. " ' v K. WnxiAna, Burusville, aney Bnty. -' O. W. LooaKv Ratherfordtoo, Katberfonl eoonty. ? Ja. IL nARBi Raleigh, Wake county. . -' :. Auxis Lrnw Rale ;;:: ' : V. Jajtxs Joxxa, Ralciirth- f 3 M coniniueci ta 1 '. Ml. CLD C-yi "1 G.E il 1.1 L li I A vr - fry .2. W w is it I 5i I I ox YOIIIL o hi" IS years cvtaUiAbcd I a . T. C!tv. - Onjy infalliUe moiiei known.' Free from Polon." . - , y Not dangerous to the Daman Faalrr. RaU come out of their boles to die, - . O. P. ItocRKfi, Wilmington, New Hanovcf county, w riwmnu. Warrcnton. Warren county. -,toH HTJiAS,,WanOTton, Warren, county, . It UjrraaKitSi Greensboro. OaUlOrd eoonty. days from the date of election, ha)l notify the delegates tosi emwe . convention; fetne .time and place to be 1 V w v.Vptteville, Cumberland county. r m(mtione4inthenotyicationfiindBaidconvenUowhn V ffSSL F7eiS?n ttanunty 7 ! Orgamzed.'shaUroceed to frame a constitution and h ;TnllWx comrty. - 7V . v. T, " ? GEKGEAL NEWS. Alt it't Bunyan, an bid han&rMaStIrfmiiJ tonimitted suicide .Sundaidght..':k-'4'i The Pacific, Mail Steamship Company will make a coaling statibn bf the new island in the Pacific. 4 i t.'ri -1- s.j'-?rr'V?'" ';" ': (ff-jo frW fits Jdahp City destroyed T)y fire recently, is he Itigr rebuilt at the rate of, one hundred huilding "I)erweck." ' -v;:; . ;v - i -..j. mr i k; : .. j, Ija the Democratic Convention of Pennsyl .fania, ? & resolution tlianking Gen. Sheriaan wa$ tumultuously ruled ; out of order. Of cpujrscj, , ,iiJ : The Wihsied(Ct.)lflrflW saya'the latest style of bonnets have a ddwnwdfd slant that reminds one of a vicious cow with a hoard across her eyes - ktiov; : DaH & Gowan,, the; builders off the-Lake Tunnel at Chicago,1 have taken a two )ears , coutract on the lloosac Tunnel, amounting to over.one million' dollars. ' 'J- ; ; en vessels, canying over four thousand passengers, came into the port, of New York, on the 10th. They were., found to be in good sanitary condition, and allowed to pass at ,Qujirantino without detention. -IX few days before the capture of the city of Qucretaro the- Emperor wa decorated .with thoros'sorKnight Commander of ithe Mexi irjrtNIilitary Order, asa recognition of his per- l . BILL FOR RECONSTRUCTION. ' The following is Senator Sherman's, substitute for Stevens bill, with Wilson's and Shellabarger' amend ments in the House, as it was finally" passedl' wifson's amendment is the latter portion of section five, com mencing at the word " provided." The sixth section is Shellabarger's amendment : A BILL TO PKOVIDE FOR THE MOBE EFFICIENT OOVEKS- MENT OP THE REBEL JTES. ) Whereas: no leeal State governments or adequate Srotection for life or property now exists in the rebel tates , of Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Louisiana, Florida, Texas and Ar- order should be enf erced in said States untU loyal and republican State governments can be legally established : Beit enacted, ,?., That said rebel States shall be di vided into military districts, and made subject to the military authority of the United States, as hereinafter ? described ; and for that purpose Virginia shall consti ute the 1st district ; North Carolina and South Carolina the 2d district : Georgia, Alabama and Florida' the 3d district f Mississippi and Arkansas the 4th district, and Louisiana and Texas the othlflistricti f . i i Sec. 2. That it shall be the duty of the President to assign to the command of each of said districts an officer of the army not below the rank of brigadier general, and to detail a sufficient military force to enable such officer to perform his duties and enforce his authority within the district to which he is assigned. I bed. TLVi'nar is naij oe the dutyoi eacn omcer as sighed "as" aforesaid, to protect all persons in their rights of person and property, to suppress insurrection, disor der and violence, and to punish or cause to be punished all disturbers of the public peace and criminals, and to this end he may allow local civU tribunals to take juris diction of and try offenders, or when in his judgment it may be necessary for the trial of offenders, he shall have rower to organize .miJitary commissions or tribunals for toat purpose ; and aU interference under, jcolor of State ' authority with the exercise of military authority under wis act snail De nuu ana voia. snail be tried without unnecessary de-i rT nTmannl nnnlchmont nVioll Kq nflirt-? ed; and no sentence of any military commission or tribunal hereby authorized, -affecting- the life or liberty of any person, shall be executed until it is apwmved by the officer in eommaiTil.of 4he dlstrfcl? anfftke laws and rfvii government according to the provisions of this act; and the ict to whichitis supplementary J uhd when the same snail nave DeeJisoiramea, eaia oonstitutloa ahall be, .submitted by the convention for. ratiUcation to the persons registered 'under the provisions of. this act at an election to be conducted by the officers or persons sp pointed or to be. appointed by the nxinmanding general. as nereinoeiore provioea, ana to ho oeia alter, too ex piration of thirty, days from the date of .notice thereof, tobegiven by-eaid convention? and the'retuma. thereof shall be made to the commanding general of the district; rSEC 5 And to irfurther enacted,- That if, according to said returns, the, institution. shaU ,be ratified by, a minority of the votes of the registered electors Qualified as herein specified, cast afjudcu election, (at least one half of all the registered voters voting upon the. quesw tion oi suca. ratincauomi tire, orcsldent of the conven tion shall transmit d copy of the same, duly certified, to the President Of the United States,' who shall forthwith transmit the same ; to Congress; if then in session, and if-not in .session, then immediately T bpon -Jtq next ajf sembling, and If it shall moreover appear to Congress that the election was one at which all .the registered and qualified electors in the State had ah opportunity to vote freely, and without restraints fear, or the inflnenco 61 fraud, and if the Congress shall be, satisfied that 'such constitution meets the approval of a majority of all tbc S unused electors in the State, and if the said 1 constitU; ion shall be declared, "by Congress to be in conf ormirr wu.ii, tu -jiTUAisiwiis yi aci lq which ims rs suppic- mQniary, aria tne otner provisions oi said act shall uava been complied with,- and theisaid' constitution shall t approved by Congress, the State shall be declared en titled to. representation, and Senators end Representa tives shall be admitted therefrom as therein provided.. fixe. fi. 'And be it furtAer ennrteil- 'Ttint Tl 1iotlnn fh. the States mentioned In the said " Act to provide for the more efficient government of the rebel States,'! shall, during the operation of said act, be by ballot; and all officers making the said registration of voters and con drieting said-'efectlons shall, before entering upon the discharge . of their jdaties take ; and subscribe the 'oath prescribed by the act approved J uly 2, 18G2, entitled Aa act to prescribe an oath of office.' .. . r 'SECT. AW be it further enacted,.' That -all txpenscs incurred .byt the several commanding eenerals 'or br virtue of any order bjsued, or nppointmenU made, by them, under or by virtue of this act,. shall be paid out of any moneys Iri theTreasury not otherwise appropriated. ' Sec. 8. And be it further enacted. That the conven tion for each State shall prescribe the Joes, salary, 'an 4 comDensation to be oaid to all delegates and other offl. Cers and agents herein authorized or -necessary to carry into1 effect the purposes of this act not herein otherwise provided lax,' and shalTprovide for the levy 'and collec tion of such Vqces on tha' property in Such State as may be necessary to pay the same. . , . .... ..:r,, ' . i-Szc..'9.'Andle it further 'thdeied, That 'the -word article, in the sixth section of the act to which this is supplementary, shall be construMito'nienn section. -; T. AiSTKXS. KUeanein uiit. Toirr GuBEXIIendcrKonville. Uenderson county, R. SxrfH, Charlotte, Mecklenburg' county. t -c viiim rinMahnro Wavne county. ALrtxp stokes, yilkesboro'. Wljkee county. "I u Costar,8t, list, lloacb, ' dxtcrm a , Bloct and Red AnU, dx 4c. , CostarV? Bcd-Bcg Ejtcriniriator . ,i ' , a liquid or waih wedte destroy, and.. ;i ; r . 4 also a preventative for Bed-Buff, AC ; . , , Coktar's n ' IHectrfc 1 Powder for InsccU .rfy-itf BnrxMll! aaorttIJmiutKma, , tUn'tht -CosTA'a" name Is a eah Box, BotUe, rrrn birr. --- : Sold la Nw Bert, X'tX, fy llicaAr Lxbat, and aU prjist tad RrtaUcrs cTerywDcre. TZZi. $1,000,000.00, IT " The benefits cf Life Icraxace teed hxrdy to be'tniimcrsited at thli.je. Every cartfrj tnd coniidenit rt.-.n, ril dti hii Cu3y to Lit family la tarits his i r-: ' ' . t . t ,f!.?4'.:hl.T J vV "ift 1.4. . ... . f. '.f l . i - .?! - T.A r tr'I v.- ..i..-'--.-I'll-.: "A 5a eilt:. i - - J.tr"H il '''' 'IC!?-''' ' l-r-l U-'.tr !::t.!'.u:.NT4l.-rs ' . ' ' ....- ' -.. l - . V? t .4 tC UJy t-''tnt2-i . kt5lt' -;ir .1 "l-f '- I".l f'' j7is - I-' IjV. '!... i : t CrAEPr I , - i IT tl H T -A It w H . ) m 3, .; -Buckthorn. Salve m Hi ; - i . ..I l l, trf -, ..''( I h , 1! 11 ii ,i i rw " - I 'j ; ,Wnot.AI.,A1iRrtArL't)XALtBlW", i I T - r . 1 r. 1 if .7 - ' Lif e ! In g ur e d, 'T"- J " '' I . ..r.'.f - ..,! A -3 .'.-.'.-r ' "C O 8 T A.UB CZXtBJLTXSr , 4 ok thorn S a Tor Ccdv. Bams, Urdu,' Weda, U0, Ckscrra. Bro ken Breecte, Sore lpeiylSU'ccInar, Illind sad Painful Flics; BcrofuJoua, Putrid i and Illoondltloocd horr; Uloera,-GUnduUr Swelling. Eruption, CbUnrovs Af fection, Iiicrworm. Itch, Corn, lionian. Chi Ibis las. Ac; Chapped IUuaiUpe,jtc; Bite of rpidcr,lnecu, AnimKl. it Ac... i . ,. l (17 AXJXT, S3 CIA-, OU CIS.. IM Bl AiXCS. At a grmdl expease n faxillj li Inttrrr aJft mjoy wa.nl -wUch ixridcnt or'aircrtitjr otberrrise TkId j'cpcm thcx 1 ;; - t Te 4rmUt of tha ... ... CrrnujiHa 4 fc Insurance Co. . -, ato: . hold by y Pmrgite rvrry A nd by II KKlt R. CX)ST. where. AR. Detioi'454 JRroedwtr. and Rjc&a&d Br&BT sad Ooontxo A Watxixs, ;-:fi ly'l: !'T . ? rrs ULRcr A2vD BTrADiLt nccoLira No Bern, N. C CJirXTAX It' 1 f ' WnOLZSATB 1X9 RXtATL pKAXXn ct Shoes; , , , , , . , , . I ' X. llUHflU OUU LUb JUU1UUJ iU&UOb UJ A I hMl VTAWVP V, 4 a 1 An mnfi nn tf.ll tliwMi ivh 1 o I . . . . ... . r. ... J wuu Miitiuji. tuvi oui'oauiuVfC au ipuugu uic ;i Virtue OI IMS &Cl 8 CaiapaiglU - ;iVJa.vv '-v-. -r i j lay, and no cruel o: - ;l n? unfl tin Rente The Now York twenty drinkine fountains ure to be erected by the Society for the Pre- ' veption of Cruelty to Animals. They are of, iron, OTOamentally designed! in three depart-! inents the upper for the public, the middle: one for horses and the lower rae for dogsr ! .jTho new rival telegraph line "The Atlantic; and Pacific," is being built It is being con structed in New York, westward, and the con-! .tractor, Mr. Van Vleck, promises that the line) will be extended' to CMcago itliin avfew iincmths. j . About one-half of the stock Jiaa been BUbscribed, and its prospects are encouraging. On Saturday last Mr. L. Augustus Jones, a gentleman well, known in literary circles, died of nsumpUod-inllr(Mklyn a contributor to the leading periodicals of the day,- and had wonspme reputation as-an ima-! "cinatiye writer. He was' aged about 38 years ai uie time ox uis aemise, uui leaves no xamuy rL John JL'-Trimblei the well-known theatri cal architect, dicjd at Albany on !Frldaynn the 62d year of his ?re. He built the ola Broad way Theatre, tlie Metropolitan (late "Winter 'Garden) Theatre, Laura Keenes (now1 Olym pic) Theatre, New Bowery Theatre, and many ; otner places i amusement. ' j Advices froirrYokoTiara Japan, state thatj all doubts respecting the opening of the great Southern port ox the first of January, next, arej now removed. A. higH' cugnitarr has ; arrivecB in 'Jeddo with commissions for the officers) whose presence wiu do Tcnacrea necessary irj rY(m attai&m n iniini llni n I n-F fA orate aMlbnAt ho ip v vi umuu u v& vuaiuuit piiitu uw r 0'frat'iw4 Wkr Vii a arf" ovnonf 4-n o 4ov aa then mo-eff fr-r fl t ' UUbVUU MJ UiO UAfbf A.Wlf J.U CV A(U tU tiUVj AUll J, VUUiUVV wun us provisions, i .. , : i i Sec. 5. That when the people of any one of said rebel States shall have formed a constitution of government in conformity with the Constitution of the United States in all respects, framed by a convention of delegates elected by the male aitizens of. said.StatQ .twenty.-pnej years old and ttpwatfd, of rjwhatevCT race'coloribr previ- ous condition, who have been resident in said State, fori one year previous .to the day of such 'election, "except sucu as may De tusirancmsea ior paixiapauon in im rebellion or f or felony at common law ; and when sue! constitution shall i provide that the elective franchis shall be enjoyed by all such persons as have the qualifl cation nerein stated for election of delegates : and wn such constitution shall be ratified by a majority of th persons voting o& the qnestiont-ratiUcation whoart qhane$aectofii;for tfcat(, larllFhen etch bojx eUrutioo shall hate beenfeiBBliaAto CeSaCTesforWi amination and approval, and Consress shall have a E roved the same ; and when said State by a vote of it legislature elected under said constitution shall havi adopted the amendment to the Constitution! of the! United States proposed by the Thirty-Ninth Congress J and known as article fourteen, and when said article shall have become part of the .Constitution of the; United StatesMid Ktjsharba flCCladj entitled toj representation tfltJongresS, anden6anxl Represent tatives shall be admitted therefrom on their taking thej oath prescribed ' by : law, and then and thereafter the) preceding sections of this act shall be inoperative in said state: jrrovvaea, inai no person exciuaea iromj the privilege of holding office by said proposed amen mAnt tfT tbA fmptituvirti ftho TT"Up States shall b eligible to election as a member of the convention t frame a constitution for any of said rebel! States. nor shall any such person vote for members of sal convention. "4 ? Skc fi. And be it further enacted. That until the tile of said rebel "States' shaQ be bit law admitted to re: resentation in thotfiQnjrej8Sfihe; United States, anjj Osaka by the estabUshment of foreign tradeJ aroSOTy UV L(U.BAUVU1II TTI r IT 1 " fT T VJ TTH ------- wwwvw W 1MIJ' .voo .p.BEPpmOAir-f LATFOm.-P-:? iO '&l6llikoh adopted by the 'Republicans of &hrth Caro lina, at a Convention held in Raleigh, fRth,' March, 1887: I it.-.y i. . Having assembled laths-City of Raleigh on the 37th of March, 16T, lnxjonf orolty irithBj tifciejjund patriotic van, reutxu uie Bnnmiu8 orriaerioyumcn vi me State, and believing the time is at hand when an open "ahd'f earle'&'expressfon of "sentiments, opinion, and pur-; pose is nrgentlydemanded : therefore, 1. RegQlte&s'frhaX ' In view af . our' present" political condition, our relations to the National Government and the people of all sections of the country, we do this day( with vroud satisfaction unfurl the brilliant and rlorious, ibarmerDf Thb REPcBUCAii Pabtx and jaarnastly ap-jl peal to every true and patriotic man in tne state to rauy to its support. i The splendid ana tiatfioticYecord made "by this great! political organization, In standing by the general gov- pmmpnt -with nn nflpTlhla roanlntlnn. In r- rrvl n c for. ward profound measures of statesmanship to a success-i ful issue, and the powerful aid eiven by it in flnalhri oy.erthrowing and ,prostrating the most gigantic rebcl-j Jibnrof ancient or lhodenf timee,' should command! the the admiration of every candid 35 Craven Street, Xew Berne, N. C. o r r-r r . i '.t rr TTTITn a large and well assorted B tock ot BOOTH and II SHOES from the principal Mannfact art rt North mTtA "Poo I fal vamnhd in. niTnt4ncr ta All who mav favor me with their 'Patronage, entire satisfaction. ' a; u 0 1-i it ill 1, I' vi:.i : i ... 2 , u :.r i i ,f 7 ?; .i'.!J -J'-r rl r! WHOLESALE 'AKly RET Alt D t&XERS IN GROCERIES, N Tf T Tf TT"Cr 11 -v . . . . y-: v. J :.'f. V. rtr r . ;.nr:i ii managed ly reUalU end ctU hvrcr. 1 T t j:iu.i:'. B T A R3 I .f! . ft ! 1 -. f. ... 1 y '1 Tbe Irisurod need fear no qclbblirg cr rr. ion fro the pat of tHi COMPACT, is h ta mittrtd OTcr If ,000 persona fur xacre ILia KIgblccn illllioai of, Dolhrt witMa six je&n. ' -forCorna; BuonaT Warts,' k ' 1 ' - j raTlkHciLBeti.. &OciA&nl BIaIcmj . i : ! j Sold h ill iSnifnHita nhrT H N. Y.. and JUchbaaRxkbt and GoootXB A Wanrss. fl .KIT AJCTU, il. ' t. .r-t' 'li. I 1 M and fcSdl electiohTto W office undeV such provisional "discussion and free speech on afl subjecU of public governments all persons, ahall. be entitled to vote, anq 0J. :Wn,7,Xi w .i4.. Trixemburff. about which Europe liasTatelyi z "t)ecn in so jrreat a. turmoil,' has for one of thej ffavQnte7ajaus$mentsv)pf i lnhabitatsjcat ifaccsu' Each worthy-burgher takes his'catin, '- a bag two miles from town, and at a giyens 6i"Tial they all hake their bags, the cats lean out scareq to;ocaui, ana run nome as iasi a thev can eb. ' The first cat that reaches th town gates is the winner. I "On Saturday lait the United StoteslTreasu I ry held the largest amount ot money ever nei( time eince the organization of thi x Government, u wii: iw,wu,uwi oi wmca i $103,000I0001, were .gold, and $78,000,000 cur i irency.' s This ambunt was reduced $10,000,000 !bvthe maturing of the June compounds and : l.-".- -j- if.-rU. Silt.. J4fl I Interest, anuou iue ijui nui iro miuueu 4,f 000,000 more by the interest on the June 7-30'sl wag-Holstein and UlO princess Helena, iueen tion shall include only those persons who are qualified Victoria daughter,. was baptised at, Windsor I to vote for delegates by the act aforesaid, and who shaU nave uulku auu buubctiucu iuc ivuunuig vuuui aiiuiiua. tion : "I, , do solemnly swear, (or affirm,) ik the presence of Almighty God, that I am a citizen of tht State of : that I have resided in said State for month negtt preceding thls-oar, and now reside in the county of iLoT thepansh'of -, in said state, (as tne qisemty peri(xxiai;i am twenty-one yean old; that I rYeiotbfensfr!iisMforpartidp in any rebellion OEtivii war alnstitho United Stated, nor for ftlony-om3nitjed-agaiBsb laws of any State or of the United Stares"; that f have never taken an oath as a nibeXfcJfSsihXied'Btates, or as an respect and challenge man. L . j . .' i . 2. Resolved, That tha American Congress is eminently' entitled to the profound thanks of the whole country: for itypferstevehng, persistent and heroic devotion to the: Seat principles of human rights as enunciated in the eclaration of -Independence: ; .that in. the name of the Sitriotic people of this State we feel warranted in cor-j ally assenting to and accepting the reconstruction plan recmtrv"and"flna21v' adonted bv that bod v. and to the end I that iea6e and order' may be permanently edured'and every industrial- pursuit resumed and encouraged,', we oledere ourselves tanse rerv fait and legitimate means to influence public sentiment to the nearest possible ap-i proach to unanimity on this subject. ... , S. Resolved, That we rejoice that the dogmalongfro-' pagated, of the right of .peaceable secession jonder thej Constitution, has ' been forever overthrown by tho majestic uprising of the American .people, in crushing: out the late rebellion-by force farms; and that. tha doctrine that the supremacy of the general government! has beentablished, and tnat-the paramount allegiance) of the citizen has, been acknowledged aa due to thej United States. '-"' - 1 ' "" 4. Resolved That we sincerely exult intherfact"thatt as a nation wcarc now -absolutely1-a Klntoif o Fkee-I sreif and, that the sun 1a all his . course over our wide1 pTead 'country-no idnger' shines J upon" the brow of a slave. Without reservation we heartily endorse thej great measures of 'Civil Rights, and Impartial Enf ran -i chisement without anv property qualification, conferred without -distinction of color, and that, ve are. ready to unite 4h th eat iy practical attain tb en t of these inesti mable privileges. Although the mortal remains of Abraham Ltkcolk now rest silently beneath the soil of, his adopted State, yet his tolce still rings like a clarion through the. land, earnestly, summoning every Amedcanj citizen to tne support or tne great Tarty of liberty an Emancipation. 5. Resolved That as the? mst j potent and efficien means by which the South Can- speedily regain her ks prosperity, we earnestly advocate the spreading o knowledg and education Mmm; all men, and that to the attainment Of this great end, we demand and - 31 ID i) L E S T li E E 6ne boon sbtTttf iiubK stntETi A 4 Hi i. . f r I U Jt , hat .paid riiMn . a fete . yeari pver , V$20O.OOOJ)O1j WidoM and Orphans .tv. . f. it'.') E. HTBBS. 1 yftayUfj A '1 ..(1 fij'll S AVfi'. WITH c. O. HTJBBS. 4; in . 1 wn r - v .1 ... .1. .' '.!' .' :I i ' ! l p. n a i t pcrmltf a rtridetice ad trsrd era tie Con tinent oi Europe and In tho Eoulbeni fititct is far Sotilh'M the northern fcoirnary of 2ttx 1 ' , .."... ...... Carolina. 4 i .10 IT 'ar 'M. Tatteraiii . & Co., , MIDDLE-STREET, - - -- XEW BER5, X. C. -rsxr aAatioji ot r .vi Bitt6i-Sweet & Orane lossonis : m UEACTXTTIKQ THE COlaTtXXlO .1 UTOO wiaEyrjoscr, ;' ... 'TrttUtnL ' ti Secretary. '.frtYr Ait . i.-nf-.V numerous friends and none other, who are entitled to vote under the provie ions of the fifth section of this act : and no person sha be eligible to any office under any such provisional gov4 ernments who weaM,bffdUsauahfledroirrholain? office under the pro vi sions tf " thetbird article of said const! i! STJPPLEEiERECX)NSraUniON BILL. The f oUowinlsH Copy Of the Mil "as ir finally ootn iiousea r . rT'i r?, r,i t ;i - i An Act supplementary to n attehtrtled "An acttd provide f ot thd raefe efficient gdyernraf nt of the rebel States," passed JlaSrcn 2, 1S67, and to facilitate restora tion. ' , I - I B if enacted by the Senate and Souse of Representor Hues of the United States of America in Congress Asi sembled, That before the 1st day of September, 1S67, the commanding general in-each district defined by an act entitled " An .act .tdirbtide fottthe more efficient government of the rebel States,',j approved March 2; 1867, shall cause at qfcgistratlon tD.'bd imade of the male citizens of the. IJnUed States, twenty-one years of age 'and upwards, TesWej&trm;each. VojmtJ or parish In the state or states lnciufled' in nisuetmt. shall pen sistently and firmly insist upon the absolute right of free "1 Castle on. the aist.oi iay. The ceremony was pcriormeu yrna. great pomp in; tue pre senceLOf iavery, distinguished, company, the maintainance untarnished and undimmed of the publld credit and plighted faith of the nation. ) 7, jtesoivea mat in tne maintainance of tne position taken and the principles this day avowed, we earnestly Invite the influence and co-operation of men of all pc-l litical persuasions, who regard tad cordiallT support the recent action of Congress as a solution or our present political difficulties ; that we deprecate partisan violence and desire peace and good will toward all men ; and if in an ppen and fences effort, which we propose to make on every suitable occasion; to persuade and convince the people, that our highest duty and truest Interest is to be subserved by maintaining the principles of the Re pnblican Partv. an earnest intert hnnll iwiVpiim' it will be from no other cause than a rigid adherance to whatweresarfafcfidprtght.aM-A aotoa public The f oHowing resolution was offered by Mr. u tiara, oi ay nc. and adopted : t Resolved, That this Convention tender their sincere thanks to Jan. 1L Harris for the zealous and efficient manner in which hoc. naalabbredTIati the North for the cause of all loyal men in North Carolina and for her speedy return to the Union. Jtf rw W If. i Henderson, of. Davidson, offered the fol- lvMnr' which VWadopted r - i Resolved, That the thanks of this Convention are due and are hereby tendered to the Spartan band of Repub THROUGH the sollciUtion of old customers, he will cut garments for gentlemen and boys in the very latest stvles. having thoroughly posted . rV, .tnkiiM n&i4 thfif.Wn mAtATlAl. nrJllV rtn Th supplied with the best articles, as be U prepared to fur nieha choice assortment of Spring and Summer Camsi meresJ)riUlnga. &Vt -tt .-.,,T-- . 1-tf. , i. , . j. i v T . - 4 t i Geo. S. Campbell nUEES pleasore lnBhowinrpr soUlns his larre stck FiNE TABIE CUTLERY, -GLASSWARE, CHINA, CROCKERY, 4 rjl TEATRAY1i,CJJ3TO&IjAJU30lU&cl RED FRONT 18 POLLOK ST. Mayx-l-tf ' rr7r EXCELSIOR ! EXQEiCSlORl ! ChllasJ Tor 2kmbttng'SupwJlti6WKRdTiI j TO the )sdrs:especialyr this Invaluable dpnaiory recommends itself as being aa alnost lndlspenable article to female beauty, Is eaDy applied, does not burn or injure the skin, bn ct'.dwUy the root., . J As warranted to remove superfluoua hair from low fore heads, or from any part of the body, completely, totally And radically extirpating the same, leaving the akin salt, Bmootn Bd natural. 'l air u inenjyaniec asoa ny the French, and is the onlyxeal, effectual depilatory la existence. Price T5 cent per packace, sent postpaid, to Used to Soften and Beautifr the Skin. remoV. WkJ r7.f - " CW 1. incurs are now uu?f uiapreterencB loaAdaera. ! tsfZ BortleB, 1; .t-i.. . . . . Sold by DrarsnU ererT-rb. . . . And bv HENRY R. CO STAR. Dcoot 4m Wronlw.. ' . M . . . . ..- k V-V - . . . . y ' ' new iiern, a. u. j i 1' -A- . LE3AL2 tnd HrtA3 Iker ta OrrXrvfiKmL f 1 ftrtote; AusmsiUoB of eil kfnOB, V datl l m- tx Juie latest TV caiipu, Vv Aici.c, rw viry, aam, vp bc, wry tow tor ... r , r , t 1 .V-1..T ' i a l T t.ls.; ir . ' ; r , . .. ! j 4 I' ,--.. if i . 1 ?3 'I TIIE; NEWs-BEICT RETUBLICAir. .7TJ ' 1 "costah'S" txciexav. COUGH BEBIEDY anv address, on receipt of an order by E. I UVT BERQEBiAHUTTS A COn Cheml"t.. i kay Vi-f-ly r2S5 River st, Troy, lf.T. rep:r:vtor aixij7 jw awayyoar false friz res, your twitches, your wjr-. jnctlveof mmf nrt. and not worth, a fig : And rejoice In yoax owb luxmdast tvuisJk. 1 For. Coocbb, CoUa, CtrvirseiWBB. Eozb TLiot, CrotK noopinff lourn. InSoenza, CDovBavptkm, RrochlAf AfTeriiotiA. Aad aII IMmm td is rm.t .4 fS ''V-' Ir" "tr -t. '--'-'I Til IiJ2r j j t i7"IkttW,ctAMelAaM JlAlae. t who uy ui lmirpm rrrrnrbere. . . , . ! I r And by IIEXRr R.- OOSTAR. Depot & ItroedBy, 7f. Y,, and Kkthabo Bebbt and Goodibq it Watxixa. 1 1 - I '.. i rincclv bahy receitedTthfenalnicsol Christian Legislature of Oils State, for their bold j TORresfortns hair Bpoh bald heads (from whatever icesof Congress and the Unions '. f rl i ma nmm fnn mt mn fn4ir . ..4v. - V4 UOU B BT AMUj -WWW tkM, wj W i K. A V A Victor Albert Laidwig Ernest Anton. There is to country-at present a perfect carnival of crimes. throughout the AUiu-Aiw"6 " tr,fiu.,',4J " I offlcerof tne united states, or as a memoer ot any state rrevail with unprecedented variety and atroci- I Legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any laws' been '6o flkgrantljrlDrokenks regards the re- hleldrthy fhrowbtihd lif e. loThecause is probably the yery lax manner in which' pun jsnment is inflicteaV sirhc greater the crime the more the eympatny ana less niceiy tne penalty. Onlv; av stern inflictibn "qf punishment ( wul a perfect torrpntanthee?t and Border fniJ, and afterwards engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the United States, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof ; that I will faithfully support the Con stitution and obey the laws of the United States, and will, to the btcrycfimeBCOT!rf3e otners so to no, a Voir, mo fXrJK f Ti-hii nafh rr offirmaHnn tnitv Vu nL. ministered by kiiyegieterrii mcerV ; j . Sec. 2. AnAMtt.tiitt8i etiamdLfXhat after the com pletion of therttntiony ??nrvided for in any suciLtimftaa places taweiaas me commano ral shaU Eppoint and 'direct, of which at least licans in the late and fear&ss dencef Congress and the Union. t tMrSettleered'the foUowlpg,' which were 'tmani lnonsly adopted : ; . i Resolved, That we esteem ourselves fortunate. In that so experienced and accomplished a statesman anjlaoV dler a: Major1 Genffral Xfaariel -E. Sickle has" been ap pointed to the command Jof ihie military district. We tender to him our hearty co-operation as loyal citizens in the performance of the important duties that hare been devolved vpoh him. Mitt . ,.-.; -o o : j i j. rr Resolved, That we are gratified to learn that Gen. John C. Robinson has been assigned to the command of this State, under Gen. Sickles. His former admiuistratioa of military affairs in this State has been such aa ta give n most -favorable- opinion -of -his peculiar fitness for the position thus assigned him. i 3 llrf Carter iBtrodcthejfonowinwn adopted: - , - . t - Resolved, That the President oftthis Convention apl point an Executive Committee of forty members to promote the orraniraiion and IntercEts of the National Republican Parfy ofi KbrtXCarolIuaiand that the rest cent members oi said committee in lath ConzrmtonaL REPARATOR CAPTTJ.T, 4V aJL i r ... t . ... . :wtkhr tlia rrfirct Che BctSacrtB tU !r tec cf ti smwiisfata i?raJ popVaUo of rrt;a enb oo- X MtMuoa, ma trr a imxima atmw v . ..., rjDripk, -ct Unlcn, Liberty rrX:jW : The rrWUa wH be trretrd totvs kc j t. "u or jwple, with -ttAZre unrArd tor fi., for bJ f U wU 4Bd for BMlisAac lavksi tne TtAtkraAi Cxumncgt ib.4 ! ? . t-. .. by aa avmliAUe tacana cf tit ;c ; tLs Voirl - zw Cf tersLrlCB .'and tLei drrr-ireracEt rt rzrijr'xt ' tLe the .vvJUica yj v inxzlocz."f yP,thB,4rrrtmciiU-cf rvr-r-x. ..""i M i-iurxitre. win rt-lri ii -J Aiencws and t . ia rryoriM ca aa tutlrrs of LoctJ Ir s-js- a:u of hhlr upon the face, it has uo equal, i Ik wul'forceJJae Deant to grow epon tne amooinesi. lace in rroar nvw to eight-weeks, or hair upon bald beads la from two to three tnontha.- A-few isnoraBt practitioner- have serted that there is BetBtB that will force or hasten the growth of the hair 6r beard. Their assertions are fAle, as thousands of living witnesses (from their own ex. perienoe) eaK bear witness. Bat many wCI Bay. how are we to distinguish the genuine from the spuriousti.lt ccttainlris did coif, as nlat-tcnihs of the diffenail Fn. parations advertised for the hair and beard are entirely; wwuuwi,mw too may nave AircAuy vnrown sway.iarge irawmi in uicir purcuaee. i o sucn we wouia Bay; try the- ReneratoTCBoilli it-win Mtt vtn MtkhivmMi Ct fully comes wp-tovtrr irpresecratlens; If your Druxlst does not keep- it, Vend ta bne doUaf and we will forward ft. rvnt-rviM twthv w4th mmI fmm w which'wiU be- rvtm-uod you oh" a pplicailoa,-; providing entire Etnsraction Is not rtvpn.- JAcrett,' -- -j . i I j -- AVLCLARS Ca,!Cl;tinntv:i f .. No. 3 West reycUeEtectt, 8yraci3t, I . T5 -M-y. . . , . j 0 8TARoB7; CKLEBSARD ' ! . ; r B DTCnilrti fr-T inc. AAd tJlV. r f t i r r ! n2idiUoA Ucl e?t 1 r-Vra. Cert -s. 1 I t - I" J j r-.t ,B t S H 0) p. .pet L0,. ! For Perron end Side naxtJmt, Iod1 tion, Drn-Twla, BUllouTOesa, CoTtpatlonTDiArrbeBl CoUcs, Chilla, levera, and gencrsi rzX ot the Dltrtive Organs. J -. , . - ; ta7Boxe, a et. W ctai and 11 altea. told by all Drr1ts errrvw here. I i ich up nurr BBS Ooe iLtaVi t-r- r 1UJ Otse Tesr -. , - , FIX llor.Lhs 'i- ' . OaaxloxUi.: . "! . i "-, ' ' ' - v . '"' .Ten toes cr crs I sch rf r- t One STaare vz.'s l--rrli-.a '." ' Ubcru ccccqj cnui t ' JAm3 flV" ; r i'Vr-5 public nouce snau pegrvxs, an eiecuon snail ' ; . ' ' - ",t tr V . . v . X 2,iT . 4

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