h. ! ! - . - - , - - - : . V f . . ; k ... - . i . . .. . v . J i . , - - , I i ' . , - ' , . r t . :.! - .! - , ' I r H 11 t A REPUBLICAN i$ ths official newspaper M city of XewHern, publishing alt the Law ana ilnancet If authority. . .. . ' ;v.: ' 'C -" , ' NEWBERN; 1867. r; ; oJ i.:iflT Vv , May 7tW 'jfr ittAge etampon cpper right hand corner. i urvlwvfL Nr York, Fmladelphia, Baltimore, Nor JvwihlSoni. all points IfoTth and rehead aJid BforVC,aj P M nnke Inland, daily at... . .4.'r. . : 8.30 A. M 35iJ KSeigh: IWUmlngton, and all . - ointaWestand.Sonth, at.. ............. 6.30 A. 1L i Kiter. ercry Friday at.v;v.,;v....'.13.oa M. $ :., nto t and , PollockTill everj, tteadaj id Friday. at....-v".'--- -00 F.M. teraa. wry Wednesday and Saturday, at 4.00 PrlL: it Creek, Waahlnfftoii and PlymowttiV N. t ; f ! every Monday, Wednesday and ay'mil; i t.30 a. m., and from RAixjioAp "NoTicte. Messrs. , Oliter, ; ' Hnb- r bard, and Pearce. the rCommittee appointed' at the last meeting of the Stockholders of - the Atlantic and -Korth ' Carolina Railroad.-t verifproxies idlll)e at thd place of meeUng nair an honf before :tne .time oi assembling, Jfot the purpose of attending to the duties cxf avnn4ntnAnt " ' - "i ' '. ... Tice open irom t.au a. ju. w o.w it, M. Sundays from 7.30 to 8.30 J letters to be dellFered In 'tbc United .State, In ncrfrrwo letters. mut be prepaid, or they will be ead letter ontcemiless addressed to, Heads X Wasblneton, 1). C' ia" hs .- i,.,: ' iGEO. W. NABON, Jb., P. M. tT Persons can have the Republican left their houses or stores by leaving theft; names ,he office', 39 Craven street ?msi i New Bern Republican "Association stsat the Brick ' Building known' as the rvis store on every Monday evening. - A; leral invitation td be present is extended to ) jbltizens'of New Bern 1!: The TflKBMOMETER.-TThe highest range jresterday at the Club House, one of the cool est places I in -the cify, tvas 92 'deees Fahren-. 3Ian Killed on the Raileoao.A col ored man named John Fisher was instantly killed near South-west Creek, the scene of the Ete Raihxad disaster, while assisting to raise ires it - r. 5 i Bas Ball--Tkb TentiI Rule. Fortiie' information of base ball players we' state, tnat the President of the National Contention has notifiect the: Secretaries the'Qubs' that hereafter the tenth rule must be observed ahd actually adopted, and not as mistakenly here tofore pnnted.r Here is the rule as if is now in force:''',' ' ! Sec, 10. , If a batsman strikes a ball on whicli one ball has been called, no player can make a base on such a strike, nor can any player make a base if the batsman strikes a ball on which two balls have - been called, nor if .he strikes a ball on jwhich three balls have been called can more than one" base be made bv each player occupying bases ; in the latter I iew If he tT.l: a ball on which a baulk .IrrcnELL, Allen & Cd.- Agricultural Im. i shall apply. In either case the ball shall be imen&l Cotton Gins and Hardwire, t ' i I considered dead and not in play until settled n 1 .Mw viy,, y.,- . a. snaii lt be considered ranges; nr!Aftr- v II ! y-.vA' r , m. t 1JIW. JJ)TEItTKE3IE?rr8 IN THIS ISSUE. New, Advertisements. Sorts. ca&olina AQnicuzTpsAL 'nou&s s - : i. AHD I Hardware Store. r.- : - U ' , , I . . ' MITCHELL, ALLEN &C CO.. ': Pollok Street, ' ' IvEW BEIEf, TS.C ' . . ir . "I"1 . in I . echanics' Tools. Ballders BflDnl W' TTairua ath! Coach Materiala. Fannin? ImniMnmuiiui M chines. ' . i HORACE Ll EMERY & SON'S COTTON QLN8. AND CONDENSERS. r. American and English llAEDWARE. -v fe BEN15 FOR A CATALOGUSI IWAQCN HOXTSlE, nE&VFoizxn&n on. if -J J The undersigned hating secured the abore ell-known -Hoaseat STOCoLPEnsMEETrNa; -The meeting of le Stockholders of the A & N.C.R.ir Com- iny will be held at Lowthrop Hall to-day at t O'clock. i.:' ' ' TheJJoncert and Festival last Evening, j rheCoflcert. and Festival for tthe benefit of :e Episcopal Church, last evening, was a de led success. Notwithstanding the inclem jcy of , the .weatheir a - large and fashionable wdience assembled at the Court House, , . The pper part of the building was used for a con xrt roo while the Halls of the second floor !vere occupied, wit. refreshments and sales-takes. All arrangments elicited; universal praise and appreciation. The leading feature ?f the evening was of course the Concert. ,The following was ine programme : niVt.l.l: PAET Jy Mocking Bird Chorus DueUSerenad6i?..V. Schubert; SoloV-Ltice di quest' animal. ., .Donizettl Trio.-From AtUUa..; v. .V:wi.v. .!. Yerdi. o.iehtiriSile's Trill ..- I Gan25. Quartette. -Craigielie,'. ; V. . ,;' ,'U:e::;L.. i-VAXC ;JXM4k:", Duett-rE' dolce alT anima. ; . golo.-rThree Fishers. lr..J Quartette.-r:Come uqmet jb ainer Duetie, fiofrira neu1 pianto .; . . . Solo. Five'o'clock in the '-Morn IDg. t . ,.-.. ..... . f y ? ;' Anvil Chorus. V Li. . . . It has never ; been our pleasure to hear a better amateur performance. .Where all did so well, it isVdimcult to speak' more w praise of one tnan anotner, oxn we cannoi reiraui from expressing our admiration for the excel lent rendition of Schubert's Serenade!. . i j ; 4.I1 Baccio," which was substituted for the Nightingale's Trill," elicited warm applause iud an encore. ; The.Choruses Svere executed in a manner reflecting credit on the perform ers.'. ' ' '. ;' , ; . 1 The ' Nightingale's Trill" was sung in part second, as an encore piece. a strike: and if . a bats man wilfully strikes at a.ball out j of the fair reach ot a hat, for the purpose of stnliing out, it shall not be considered as a strike, i - r v "Navioation CLOSED.rThe tide has fallen in the Western suburbs of the city,! and " the waters have subsided. The weather, for' the two days past, has been equal to the tempera ture in the torrid zone hot enough to satisfy a native of Senegambia. But the flood has gone, and left behind, high and dry, a million of croakers vulgarly called frogs.' , Their lives would not be safe for one moment were they in the vicinity of the frog-eating. Frenchmen in the camp at Chalons, or the field of Mars. We axe blessed now with fervent heat next week we shall have the " dog days." : Vive Us crapeaux et le ehaleur. Notice I a "J 0rdinaac fbx.Bamtary Pibpcks."! : of ths Wjf of Neto Mern, That the occupants of each amfevery lot In tho city- (and In case unoccupied me owner thereof) are hereby ordered to collect and deposit In bar rels, or other suitable receptacle, all refuse matter, garbage, a&hee and filth of every de BcripUon, that may accumulate on theur re spective lota, dwelling places, or business stands, and to place such barrels or other re ceptacles on the sidewalks in front of their respective lota, on i Monday, and Thursday morning of each -week, before the hour of 8 &. m, . . . 2. His further erdained, That all decayed animal or vegetable matter or offal, garbage or sweepings of any. kind, collecting In or around the stalls of - any public or private marKei, snail be deposited by the occupants of said st&lla in fit and proper receptacles, 'and piacea in convenient localities for removal beiore uie nour 2 o'clock p. m. of each day. Z. His further ordained. That all Twrurm are prohibited from throwing any offal, rub .bishl garbage, sweepings or refuse matter of any kind whatever, into any of the slips or docks around the city, or upon-tho walks, streets, lanes and public highways within the City limits.. i. li is further ordained. That hereafter no sinks or privies shall be dug or excavated for more than two feet from the surface "of the surrounding cround. 5. It ufurtherordaiTigd, That each and every Eroperty owner within the City limits shall ave all sinks, water-closets or privies trhich may be upon his property, cleaned out or di5- lnieciea oy me ue of copperas, chloride of lime or other suitable disinfectant, whenever sucu cleaning or disinf ecunn mav become necessary, or whenever notice to that effect may be served upon such property owner by the Sanitary Committee of the Bonrd of Council., 6. It is further ordained. That no person shall feed, water, wash or clean any. animal rribiua mitt'n lx. ox any ox uie puuuc pomps of thlsCitr. - e, ana tneir vmirvs Bu.Tt ibuwcu . uwitcu, ut kh jjuwu whenever practicable. Attentive Hervanta are engacou are proolbltea from thTOTTlng anything into canse of complaint snau oo wwu s itmwuw, j i -a '"" none shall leave - , Trnnflti further ordained, That no person ; THE MACON BO USE shall convey to, sell or offer for sale any dam- ' J aged or spoiled meat, fish, corn, 'wheat, rye, ii -i oats, pe or oiher artides of food; within .the dissatisiied, ix it is possiwe ior mo yivymwt w tno i jurisdicuon of the City authorities. ... . BCII EDULE Atlantic-and; IT. C. Eai . C, 1U tru lass, f - ,Jrvlica.Ti,; OH and aT-rf Tiij. kij ts Oa iZiZ TraU Zl LMwUobcftd Cttf ., ...,M....M"t M A, 1CT Ajrimi imvcrsi. .......Tea LaarIJrrD...; ... tJE3 i I- i BAEB 6 EPPLEE, Morehead City, N Will oven for the reception ot tineata for th 8EAS02f' r ; ..... - , t - , . t , . ON THE FIRST DAY QFJUZY. AJTtv at Slacta....M. .... LcT AviQ.l, Arrtrtatiicwrf Leer Ato ArriTt at Go.toro - . i J EXTUEXESO. Lct foriy Iiai. ....... Lht K2otoa Arrtrt at 2w ham Leave Tfvw cwrir Ilja... tzz - 1 lua.. txs- - i.toro. ........ ......i0) j 5 ' 1 1 - ... f j Having Removod to .their. v 4 BUMHER .u.;. txo r. it, . ..to - ...... 4it ...... aio T4 a.n . r-r Lht Krwyort . TO 1 Jlrrlr al UnnLM r!t lit . T - - w . j Paiwrtfrr Tnia corweta vlth TCorTh Cart2aa 7!J. ' road Trai roint; Wwt ai I w r, )C.aa4 Ttxirtrr- t J Wave afu Um arrival of LLa WC&lftftoa aa4 WaXa " 5 Iii'lr4 Train rulgr SooOl. a.mjr'SE0 rM& Wa vit froa uja te Tba AaouPiiTKatttfa Train wig kav Xorc)dCtr alternaUaar, Mlo'Jov: Lmti MortWl City (Suflci(. COS A. Ht Leava h'rw Dana tjsa iXaava Klastoa.... ..is n ' 'f Arrt v at Ooilaboro. . . CS) A JSC. BjcTUfixma. Leavm Ooldabora lmw Kiasto t- Arrive u Morhidciryfiutlci5! S.M P. W) POLL OK STREET, JHOJlEUEJlI CXTT?, The terminus of the Atlantic and North Carolina Rail road, la beautifully situated upon Beauiorxuaroor, is renowned for its invigorating breerea, its surf-bath. ing, its admirable uahing grounaa, ana jw uutiucwi healthfulnese. OUR EFFORTS TO PLEASE. .5 oa Uw Xkorth Carolina Sallroad. jS vnfT n. ruBrrr. . -a Jtayt 1-tf Bvpot&tcftdc&l cf TriagporutU?n -5 nn.cra tl tatxov. t .5 DXL W. XL TATLOK. 5URGEQK BEttTtSTS. Harrison Building,' wil I 1 i o9rr Ikatr DroleMloawJ aertlr t Jrr Bern, aud arrotnIfii cocxiica. 3 AH work 9M la tbtlxt mitncr. and aatUUctlua " Cnaracteed or no py rtojald. (. KltronaOxida Oaa, and Ertxr prty alxaldatarU. and j . ; kA nti Bhn h Snared to render tlw Guesta of the ouse comfortable, and their -wanta ahatt be supplied House Ara now prrpared U acH la ithdr old eutcaara Teoth Extracted WITHOUT P.UN i s I and tha p&L3c ta ge&trai CUorof arm and JTAcr alao adsl&lstered. of XEW JJERK. XtjS-I-tf. satisfaction. T-ffff TABLE. Every delicacy of the season shall be placed upon the tame. BEAUFORT HARBOR Anon. Verdl HULLAH. s ! Wonk. Bellinl ;2 ABIBEL. VsnbL GtoosE Pies. demure looking female was jogging; slong. Queen Street yesterday after noon, and while endeavoring to ford a pool at " the frog pond," slipped from the stepping stone, and let ; slide her burden of goose pies from her head, thus playing .the deuce with her tray, . ' Hungry .urchins gathered up the debris, " and munched and munched," like the; , tailor's - wife in Shakspeare, who had "chestnuts in her. lap." Materfamilias van- j ished from the scene, repining at the rainy season. I m a ; ': Whisky by the Gallon. -Whisky ;-was particularly active on Tuesday. Groups of men in various localities of the city who "wero chiefly matelots on liberty had selected shady retreats and wercj convivially disposing of their gallons. ; Soon after, we returned plong the same route and found all quiet, or as Billiwilli- wisken Skiden observed in his great work on metrical syncope : ! t. ' " A few more old topers stretched on the ground, All very drunk, sleeping very sound j Wake 'em up, shake 'cm up, give 'em fresh air. Take 'em to the Station House and shove 'em in there." ; : Mushroom. Men. Men who , are , the crea tures of circumstances, are sometimes prone to be oblivious of their 'antecedents, they should remember that "all that glitters is not And Its tributary waters are celebrated for the variety Much taste was displayed in the selection of 1 gold,' and that "fine clothes do not make fine pieces and h'e1 common -custom of selecting I men." The education of the cattle pen can- v Italian music only for the concert room, was 1 not in any case render a; man competent to i happily deviated from by the excellent rendi- fill responsible public positions or justify : tion of the Oprman mrnnnsiHrma A 1 them in attempting to place themselves on a I We hope our citizens will not fail to avail I par "with gentlemen of refinement and lea.ro- themselves, of ; the opportunity offered this i?g. The position will not screen "fraud or " evening of .hearing the able and accomplished adulate a deliberate wrong to those sufferers - amateur artistes who are engaged in this laud- whom ill-fortune may have placed for the time ana nxmllence of the Fiah. Oysters. ScoIIods. Clams. Ac., taken from them, wuich wui be served up in the nest style by experienced cooks. In addition to all the luxu ries to be found at nrst-cues uoieis in ine interior. PLEASURE SEEKERS WUI find two number one BILLIARD TABLE, a BAR ROOM with the Chocieet Winea, uquora, egore and Tobacco, and SAIL BOAT8 with experienced boatmen for Excerslons to all parts of the Harbor. BATHING- HOUSES, where all may luxuriate in neaim-given salt .Water Baths ana uauy zacuiiies zor a piunge in the Surf, if that mode ot bathing enouia De preierrea. MUSIC AND DANCING. Mnnlrfans. will at ell times, be In attendance to enli ven the hour 'with their soul-stirring strains and the votaries of the gay and lively uance, can amuse then selves. O UR TERMS. The scarcitv of money has induced the Proprietor to make the terms within the reach of all : j BOARD PER DAY. L $2 60 " " WEEK If 00 " MONTH...... ,.. 45 00 Remember, this delightful summer resort, one of the most pleasant in the whole country, will be opened J uly 1st, 1867. . I Remember alao, that the opening wui dc given Thursday evening, July 4th. j EXCURSION TICKETS will be furnished by the Railroad Company to and from AT ONE FARE. June27-J5-tf. Proprietor. A CARD -:o:- 0. It it further ordained. That no cattle or swne shall be 'slaughtered within the City limits. i t , 10. R is further ordained, That all persons are prohibited from keeping any live bogs within the City limits from the 1st day. of 11. It is further ordained. That no grave shall be dug hi any of the Cemeteries in and around the City, unless it be at least five feet uecp. . , - ; shall be removed from the Cemeteries, in and around the City, without special permit from the Sanitary Committee of the City Council 13. It is further ordained, That any person violatin cr an v of the f oreeoin e ordinances ahalL upon conviction before the Mayor, be fined a sum not excelling fifty dollars for each and every offence, and if anv person shall fall to pay such fine he shall bo ordered to work upon the public streets a sufficient length of time to compensate for the amount of such fine in ac cordance with the law of the State for such cases provided. 14. It is further ordained x That all previous Ordinances passed by the City or Town Gov ernment ana conflicting herewith,' are hereby repealed. . June 6- 67-tf. , , r HATS I HATS!! DO NT LEAVE TOWN, OR STAY IN TOWN ANT LONGER, WITHOUT CALLING AT P II AT It & PABE'S, t NO. 40 POLLOK ST- AXD VBJVM A . FINE FUR OR STRAW HAT. They are, retailing them I' i : LESS TITAN WHOLESALE PRICES, And can show more than 'NEW AND 8 ELECT STOCK OP W. H. Ecmaine, DRY GOODS, i CRA TEN ST., NEAR HO UTft FRONTft l Under tXe BZliard Saloon WHOLESALE AND EXT AIL Pr.ll.nt Cf f WINES, LIQUORS, SEOARS AND T0RACO If rpo ray stock of Wlrtea. Ltnora. Srrara and Toaors X wkicb I kLrp ot U bt vcjCtr.roasiaxlIroa Land, j GROCERIES, CLOTHING, BOOTS and SHOES, and tare mad am&rrnecta tat a frcah ttyij t-jj every ateamrr from Nrw York. a If jv Valr pod tiELK RAISINO TUQUE. Tea i Coffee, ho&r. Pork, or af rUd&s ta say Lne, v cm f caJ, and I wla be pleafd to aarr tou. 1 T. U. TWXAINT, V Crarea sirvct, ender tb lUUlard baiooa. KR I make a aped airy A IkX-IUlaing Hour, asH aak roa to five U a trtaL ' - Xaj t-l-tl . : i i J. P. Hamtlin, HATS and CAPS, j STRAW GOODS, COUTH FRONT rTRXET. NEW BERNE, N. C.9 WH0I.CT M.lt AND EXT AIL DT.M.CT Df PORN, FLOUR, GROCERIES 4 I s l 4 If And a great many arUdaa too smmerona to mention, al golnj towards making a complete stock of . i : i Dry Goods. Kay S 1 tL AND LIQUOR 'A Excliange Hotel POLL OK STREET, '. fcext door to DAER & EPPLER, n n al)le wbrk.r? 1 1 i . I I ?-. Wt -V iji w Mayor's Court, There Js an interregnum in. the business of .the municipal tribunal again. The attention of the police being under them.- , : "Cucullus non facit mbnachum." He tiovED not Wisely but too W ell. has been I New-J3ern has it's peculiarities, it's crispi- occupied hi gathering up female delinquents 1 sulcant diversions and climacteric sequences. :: in lurears jto 'th'e city, treasury for fines, im- j Some sections of our city are more susceptible uupeu, i ox cxcumuuiib uiau.utucrs, ouu ouuiu x iyui Steamship Ellen S. Terry sailed yester- street is not an exception. A discarded I lover. olute young lady. vYita all his tragic decla day this rapid boat is looked for in ten days. Concert and Festival fifty, different styles, . A limi fit FOR THE BENEFIT OP i Drcaa Goods. Buttons. CHRIST CHURCH, NEWBERN, Trlxiimlngs, Edgings, Insertlxigt, Bwlsa Mualina, Jaconet. WILL BE GIVEN AT THE I . .v. flituoBU-piaia isa taxi vj, MarsaiUca, Ginghams, Print, Ac, Ac Silk and Cloth Sacqnes and Cloaka. Best quail lies of Hoop Skirts, latest stylea. 1 I ! au. oy which wnx as aou AT TILS I I Wa vrc Upload to Fa3,aaiTvtra stock. Juteocnato ' ' mahtin j. mcKamara,;; rroprield'j The above Ilottl having been rcaoTxted 1 . a rcflttod, is now open for the tyccornodaij ix of the local and travtHsg public. 30 Pollok Street, ,-4 COURT ROOM, On 1 Wednesday 'and Thursday Harrison . Building. Fcrciihed with the best the market can afTclt LUNCH EVERY EVENING T Evenings, 2Gtli and 97th. Court op BANKRUprcrrlAppiications for nation he had f orgbtton the words of Byron, J) Q Qftg QEN AT 7 1-2 0 CV 0JT. the benefit of the late bankrupt act of Con- , 8 lOTe, of matfa Ufa a thing a part, -i -. - , tl . Tls woman's whole existence." p appearance on the scene of the ladys Esq., Register for this 2d Congressional Dis- favored suitor and his attending retinue hast tricatis office on. Broad street, three doors ened the denouement and the disowned amid rude clamors and denunciations withdrew vo- organized I WDiy vaciterating : ILOEST PRICES POSIBLEj B O'CLOCK. A IUraie!la TalAcL fraa of cJLarra. far tl4 M4 Ot C&l W JcaaStl-lm. BXTJCO 1 iA from Hiddle. A New Bass Ball Club was in this city on yuey evening. ADMISSION FEE 50 CENTS. June 25 24-2t. - Notice to Tax payers. LOWER THAN NEW TORE RETAIL RATES. PIIAIR fc FARR NO. 40 POLLOK 8 TREE it The Elm I False One Of the past, false One of the f U- I A LL person owning Real Estate la th City of New . - I .1 lilLL-m l m v H v. I Bern, are herebr no tilled to list the same at the City May 21 THAT THAT RXXEXRXR THAT RXXEXRER THAT RXXXXRER THAT Q: R."Th6m'CwV' A TT0RXET AND CO UNSELLOM AT tw " ui Orra Ooam Ptxxox ua Hajnaacz trt-i '4 4 4 Kayt-f 3TTW EXXN, 2L C I City Base Ball Club " is Hhe name adopted. I tufe, farewell; ye will be as -ye always have The followmg officers were elected: 1 Robert HANCOCKPresiden W. S; Styron, yice-President. . D. S. Ryan, Secretary wid Treasurer, j i it. Messrs. Styrori,' Manly and '' Stevenson were appointed Directors', and Robert Hancock was chosen Captain of the First Nine.'? . : '.J ISVVAA aaiaaaaw vvi a .w a a aja. uyvj uu luavi u.wtu - And in these lachrymose accents the hy groblepharic man wended his way down Pol lok street to obliterate his grief in thelibations of a Bacchanalian reveL i. Bern, are hereby no tilled to list the i Clerk's Office, on or before the ( 15TH DAY OF JULY, 1807. By order xt the Board of Common June25-24-td. CouncU. I. EDWIN WEST, . City Clerk. FOUND. Personal. Alex. Eppleri Esq:, of the pop ular firm of Baer & Eppler, took his depart- The Fourth op JuLY.At a meeting of I ure yesterday for New York, pri the steamship the New-Berne Steam Fire TSriglne No. 1, on Ellen S. Terry, after a brief visit, accompanied a 'set of UPPEHTZETit About.ten days i Mow-j. s. . tji l-u "t. 4.mnn ATWa hiAii "Mv '. TToTifTriTi I AiiiiM mnprnf Ne and East Front atreeta, . 1 na i Bvwung.H.waa reaoireu ;to ya- ujr io xjr . own iiVVthe aamebj provtaf property and pay- rade on tne' approaching Fourth in full uni-TBaef and;Lbuis HeilbTonner, the active mana J in charges. form. ger of their auction store. Mr. Eppler returns. to New York to conduct the business; of the - June 25 S4-tf. -T7 - meeiaAinfi..v arajoom 4in,the building on 0f coods for the establishment here. I . . --a- s . "t.Wi-.. . rouofc street, two doors above Fleet street wish them a sneedv and pleasant trip. . m . . . ! - 1 - l " . . . - xneroom nas peen piacea m complete order, . :r-c . and ample accommodations made to seat all Tho .Wadesboxo', rjrua thus we jnembers. t)f t the Association ! and who may attend. i of the iMrs. Annie Sxillivan E ESPECTFULLY OFFERS HER SERVICES AS dress-: H. N. Wright & Co., Si and IS People's Xarket, ' NEW BERN, N. C, GROCERIES, FORWARDING! AXD ; Conunission Merchants,' Tha Taat BaHia Bcaeeaars -PATRON, - - Capt. JEPTIIA ROSE, BAER & EPPLER BAER & EPPLER BAER t EPPLER :BAER, & .EPPLER BAER . & EPPLER HAVE rrtOTlD TO HAVE EDCOVXP TO BAVX KEM0VXP.TO hate Tuaiovo TO . HATX RZXOVXD TO BOOT & I HI a im: 1 n gr HOIS t I . m ATTST Tl EISIAN Xsuucs mada at abort notice. ITTLtS CTTJOOTS )0 4 XJesl of .TIateriat, Used ojd J Satisfaction IVarraiitri rRICXS rtrnvtua IN THIS XAXLj f., .. . : " " " . ' TA IpalrlaWldoMalafcrca. U, JACOB wivr co ,i " Next door to FRXD. JA AlILACnTXS, Cronr - TtMk aa or - .. U IS-tf. t others Vy.'raiMtot t ; jtj' Sl'-" ' . , On Sunby last this ir I vkited ,bv another heaw and destructive rain w kuu au. , Aoors open at a o'clock. i '.'.a k n. . wv A a(m i U1USO U1U1UUUCU UJf , IU nwrfvy n ,bY i tw c:tv -tt . :.r or uiree nours. iromo ii a, m., wit? u uuui ; ivaru fltepUDllCan ARMiif mn l.n :. i;,: J. 11 ffmiT.-nnf WUI meet tO-morrOW (Fndavl ev(niof Of I nt'onrl nm or rrttnn n-nrl vnuh liiTiflft- mM m v i riiii mt u aA & i vlih aA.aaB auau u hi n i w v - - - - - - Fhihp'a sdieoTlibuse, corner of iMnri .AYe hear of "creat destruction on; all sides of Queen' streets, at 8 o'clock. An1 tA'--A 119 consequence of thq creeks iand bfan'chca t t fwrmiinMift; i . Tt? WCCU011 01 1 bein? nnnsn&llv swelled, and of, larcre OUanti- v W-M, and other ties of heat In thehock. left : & thelow . r ""rvB wui come mv 1 aw x t - v i - - memeeung.i satisfaction to all who may patronUa her.- ALSO. f: " AH kindi of'spWINQ dona' at raoaT kow Teirreaaonablatenna.,. :rj; . J;: ' m Methodist amrch, betwten . PoJK 80001 1tlt streets, .-...i.- m. June 23 24 lm. . LEOLA, - - JOSEPH ROSE, 5-. iva: teuton, N. C andHyde County. ... .... . . . . : . .- 4 iBoodaaetooccarawiabadclrTerMid ! TTTTLL leave marka wharf erery Saturday foe wash 0( tngton,N.C. andHyde County. SO POLLOK STREET. :0 POLLOK STREET, CO POLLOK STREET, . SO POLLOK STREET, " Si POLLOK STREET, (At a "B IS&,. ! ; Arf arrrxxa AT come uj before I grounds, floated off, and fences sweptaway. ' - " a - r , - ; " w MVa VV 41 r , PA ia occasion. Lat thetts : be a full ance. - ' 1 w ' "r William Cnlleri Brvant and the Hon. Henrv 1 TKN the Slat fnst.. a SpeaK T t -arAn.vM ..rflMKnvn ir. I V KVENTY-FIVJ attendr the same house, in Curiimington,- Massachu- y .rTf??9i toJ- ram f T 0 12 T 'if Yl SA W-1CIL L. Fwrr deacrtpUoa of LU3CBER kept cooatatztly cn ja -r man w a i-i-t. j"TrrifJr ri Tw- S rX)LLAS3-- J"..ftS tawrtmr tha aan Itb tea Editor .4 -It . kasd and for salt CHEAP FOR CJLBR. liayaitf. v .1 l TZAEEISO! BCTLDEfa. HAETISON BUTLDHia. jiarj3son xnnLHiyo. JA3 kiaA. f exoxua fxrweta. TOBACCO. ..,.- if r-9 UxjswitC Jaaaa-J I ' a tta. 4 . " - Jnna 4i&4f. 4

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