It .3' 1 ( '"4 . w - i A. ' . . '.' - ' ' j . ....'" i-k. - "'r LSjail iiin I I-A i Notices.' CIJIrAQI het ocntry ooo, after aaojourn of a'mmtti84n the ty, w&ilyrecognlaodby her !rleiidttfaae'of a- coarao, ruUc,.lttBhed face; she had a soft ruby fco plaxlotv off almost marble smoothness, and instead Cweatyrthrce ahor really appeared bat eighteen. TJpo Inquiry-aa to the' cause of so great a change. slie fclalnly: told them that ane used the Cibcxbsiax Baxic, andon-: t NEW BERN, JUNE 27, 1867. aldered It an bmlaable acqnlaltlofl tdany Lady's toilet. 5 By lU jdBeiny Lady or Gentleman can improve their a; i.'.; JivyyJy. Ly personal appearance an hundred fold.- It 1b simple in iia comblnatlon.aaJTatnre herself Is simple, yet unsur-1 TJK105, IIBEBTT, AND EQU1LITI BEFORE THE LAW. yoceeu in iiB'emcacjr m crawingimpunnes from, also healing, cleanstng and beautifying the skin and com plaxiookr. By, if a direct action On the cuticle it draWs trora it all its imonritleiL kindlv Iuji1n tMTfnsrthe surface aa Nature, intended it should be 1 'Heading matter on every page.Kj$ auu or Axprees, on receipt of an order by , . V . w. L. . CLARK. & CO CJhemiste, . " . . ; . 3 WestTayetfe fit, Syracuse, N. Y. -T&8 only American Agents for the sale of the same.' May M-ir. - - - - - . . . " It now Vehoo U3 all ta "give to - the free labor system-every possible suppoii and encouragement. Under its practical operation andinueoce, tne entb-e SoitK will inevitably' advance in the pathway o developrnent and prosperity.- The? stamp. ui-iiojior mm. uijjuity. ueuig now piaceu It, stands ;-nofilyl and prdudly'erect I- - -5 :1U HEWS STJMMAEY. Snow thy destiny; SQUETHHTGr MOEE ABOUT Oim PAPI. .Tory's RiEEPtrBLiCAN is bur 25th isitfe. We now 'submit' W the friends of .our cause who have read' the paper, whether we have: not stood Mthfully by the no tie party to which we are proud' to be asso propose . and' expect' to act in the future; While we intend, to mamtamiTrelitrioug . MAbaJCii E. F. Thobstox, . the great . English Astro ogist. Clairvoyant and Peychometrician, who has as tonished, the scientific classes of the Old World, has no w located herself at Hudson, N. Y. Madame Thorn j ton possesses such wonderful powers of second sight. -: aa to enable her to Impart knowledge of the greatest importance to the single or married of either sex. While in astate of trance, she delineates the very, features the person you are to marry, and by the aid" of ah ; atrnment of intense power, .known aa the Psychomo trope," girarantecs, to produce 'a lifelike pfcture of the futura husband or wife tt Uie'appUcaftt, together with date, of marriage, position in lif e, leadingtraits of : character, &c'. This is no humbug, as thousands of . testimonials caa assert; She will send when" desired ' ; certified certificate, or written guarantee, that the pic tureis what It purports to be Bv .enclosing a small kxik otnaSr, and stating place of birth, age, disposition FOREIGN. The Czar has returned to St. Petersburgh. A Constantinople dispatch announces that -fch RnKHVttA PArt Kn fuvwlorl tn thtk nrntma!. tloU for a joint comxxnssionrto investigate the l toleration ana -. ine cause f 01 morauty, our In the Hungarian Diet the Liberals are fie- for 'the I public a paper of consistent lid j "it it. ; e ! it j I ..... manoing me removal ui civu anu pouucai oAn(i. Tlitial remtimnnt-- W Knl i ' . - .... . . disabilities from the Jews. rm. t- " f Ui- 7 nf vAter- editor, assumed a nobler title inau- -The Journal of Commeret, ot )fcster- LkuSnlnt-GccT!... Blcsa yon! has tierer ay;rnornin, is also decidedly in . error gturtmdrred ! Up to thu very rrour 01 inecaj. as'to the speeches' of CoLHeaton and;iur. cSnris - a knlTof the pt hool :0'Hara at Kinston. L, - ' ' , - ; Irxd tratBmela- Vnis.U the blackest of flagj, ?v xnui ..'?. 1 ' r 1, ri -,tn vfl?Aa-it -R-itn undaunted soul. and. No allusion; was made to Mr. usworin Jf.q much of diampiou ni 'aUTiav f tlinsA KTwheit Thev were I finVos. Lee and Lancstrcet might but- earnest RepubUcatt addrcssear nid ?rL the entirely devoid 'of ipersohalitiea toward Mobile;man U diet, and what those whj tfre anyone. ; The Ilejiulilicad State platform ?,n trv -l like him eipettl Tt wMeh we rclnctinUjr xTVYnd ih&i wt(in not knoWi lie sull trusU. adopted at Raleigh on the7th of, March, J iri&at5jclilng and InfanUlo simplicity, Jn . 1 - rv.i TTrti. I the Democratic party of the JSorthi' " He lr- echini pod Copperheads. lie fa aflgry Gen. Blokes' Letterof Ecsignation; f The followinc ia the letter of GenJ Sickles, jn which he asks to be reliered of the command jof the Second Military District : , , , . &EADQTJABTETIS 2D MrLITABT DlSTBICT, ) CHAULESTOir, . u., J une iv. 100 1. j amount to fifty cr mere JO dd soles; and. Tifkrtl'- talcs b-uCI bo to be -l jJ-. dollara perxionth- . . . ;. x , (2.) On all bankers and ltcnp Vlon, EhippinrtcdTlns ardfenrtrr chants;., express ccsrpanics; and agents; whose receipt or caruirri aaP?4 four hundred dollars or leu; and res! k agents whose receipts cr camiofi taoS two hundred dolhrrs or less; tiro asa 17 cent on aaJd receipts: IrctCMtUxx of receipts aboTCtho taJd aaotirti "clV hundred and tiro hundred, rerpecUrOt X taxable. -. k -with aeacLongatrtet for: rcfusinff' longer to , (3.) .On all boarding houses and buv "confide.; in; Jv;JemocraUqn myth,; shadow, receipts, per month, ere fifty dollars or c ghost, or specter, lie expects to get great one half per- cent on add roodpU: K thingsJout of it yet. Messrs. BcnJ. Wood tided, that no excess of said rwcpu iv & Co.! -you see "what "is expected, of . you I fire hundred dollars in the case cf isn't it aoout ATi f mv frhmd r wo can hear Bcnlamln I ? (4.) On all audlonecri ; bar-room- sarlntr if tou want us to help you, please and lumber dealers, trbd fiw their lua.' OTcanlxlnff "another I - (5.) Cluboreatlng houses: cotton rti " cry word of this stuff j and presses j coal' and- wood yards; thousand to tea, 11 1 jrftst muis; lunrroni mcrciranw, it ho of L j In consequence of heavy rains and inter- cllum a"a oeueve mat party to, De tie in- motions Trith . Railroads. Sabatharian mail true nartv of tbe ' comitrw "Whon xro route agentsetc., we have now been without cease to act, politically, with andthfough 7- . ... . ... .1. I"-"... . . . . l.t trict and I resnectfullv demand a Court of you want our rncnusnip 10 De proaiamc, acu uj Mffi.' c; T, Xmrir lu rery . existence We have not taw their lumber: pcddlcn of all inquiry upon my oincnu acuons, uu a fj . ni4 wl tlKint th burden of nUnin-r niachincat slcam rvll. S SSteSSSf ihSpSidfnt. "Concrcsi ctn dd oUiln5lqT your. UMnl we Moww prrewrU; 1I uoirM:aiMxinciLl any Northern mail for four days. is Official. t 1 4 I Mr. Johnsonmadea short speech at Boston, v " , - - Reconsuction act;, disarms MrSewardidiiDlayed. Msmuar'Verbositvr w , i fc "VfJt. in answer to a cneer tor JNortn Carolina he LAJJuraj iiAtc made some very flattering allusions to our White man's or a Black- man s party we State. ; i; recfard as directly at war with true re- isa complexion, and enclosing fif t j cents and stamped ; According to -Tuesday night's Washington Dublicanism. The Republican party em tnrelope addressed to yourself,' yon' will' receive the dhpatehes a July session of Conffresa ia still f r-- i ji r , . , uncertain, k It ifltthonsrht in some circles that L. -1 . ... .. tte ne. twctrdrds.Republ majority r? . " is empnaticaiiy tne- Cannot be in attendance. f According to e4U- inemi.oi eqiiatTignzs oejorc wie iaxc and harincr declared these so-called State Govern ments illegal, the declaration of the -Attorney-General that military authority . has not iu nCTccded them, nrcvents the execution of the Reconstruction act, disarms me of means to ngntsoi auzens, these States with ruin. v D. E. SICrLLl, J. W. CLors, Capt. and A. A. A. G. Ttmltia fninul nf ahnslnr uml L.- better take I !t!nnor nrrformancclt.: -It' Ben's advice tJT. Y. Tibut. . Provided; Trat If a cotton rn crfj fc ';. - r- : ' m ; - ' - I grirt rain, phrsiiTU maddrrr . .cat totui nlv. 1 Brig ham Young U about to take a census of hlsfaonily.: ...... I - In order to keep a rose fresh during a lale ball at Paris, the Prince of Wales carried a phial 01 .water unuer nu vest, m wmcn me stem ot me rose was inscxtea. pictaro and desired information by return mail. All communications sacredly confidential. Address in con fidence, Midaxb B. F. Thobkton, P. O. Box undson, JT. Y. -: 1 vMayS-l-ly. ; . ; "ZX'tl NEW AND GRAND EPOCH IN MEDICINE I Db. IIagoiel is the founder of anew Medical System. The quantitarians, whose vast internal doses enfeeble the stomach and paralyze the bowels, must give precedence to the man who re tores health and appetlte; with from on$ to two of hia oxtmordinary - Pills and cures the most virluent sores y with a box or so of his wonderful and all-healing Salve. These two great specifics of the' Doctor are fast super seding all the stereotyped nostrums of the day. Extra ordinary cures by Maggiel's Pills and Salve have opened ' the eyes of the public to the. inefficiency of the (so call ed remedies of others, and upon which people have so long blindly depended. Maggiel's Pills are not of, the class that , are swallowed by the dozen, and of which Avery box full taken creates an absolute necessity fori another. One or two of Maggiel's Pills suffice to place? the bowels in perfect order, tone the stomach, create an, appetite, and render 4ho spirits -light and buoyantl! There is no griping and no reaction in the form of con , atipatlon. ; It the liver is affected, its functions are re stored ; and if the nervous system is feeble, it is invig orated, j This last quality makes the medicine very de sirable for thd wants of delicate females. ; "Clcerous and ieruptlve diseases are literally extinguished by the dis infectant pov er of Maggiel's Salve. In fact, it is here announced tbi it MAGGIEL'S BILL0US, DYSPEPTIC AND DIAIUUIOEA PILLS eure where all others fail. While for Burns, Scalds, Chilblains, Cuts and all abra sians of the skin MAGGIEL'S PILLS is infallible. Sold . by Hsnbt MoLxw, No. 28 Pollok st, New Bern, N. C, and all Druggists, at 25 cts. per box. - Couktkrtiits I CocsTSBFBiTS ! All readers of ' ' this paper are warned not " to parobAso MAGGIEL'S PILL& or. SALVE, unless the name of J. Batdocx, proprietor, In addition to the name of Dr. J. Maqgiei Is on the engraved slip surrounding each box or pot. ; V June 6 16-tf. , I i STATE ITEMS. mates, however, two votes only were wanting to make two-thirds, which we doubt not will be obtained. - : t It is reported that Archbishop Spaulding will be made a CardinaL : ; - General Sheridan on Saturday telegraphed to Oeneral Grant, declining to extend the time for regiStation, in Louisiana in compliance with the conditional instructions from the President; The grand Masonic celebration in which President Johnson took part, came off at Boston on the 24th instant. Business jwas generally suspended throughout the city. Registration s progressing in Georgia. The United States steamer Winoosjri ar rived in Hampton Roads on the 24th instant, With forty odd cases of -yellow fever. The epidemic developed itself after leaving Ma tanzas. Joseph Cooper, seaman, died unmis takably of black vomit. Most of the cases are considered out of danger. , . - Mr. Lord, at bond robbery notorietyi has received one million two hundred thousand dollars from an unknown sourceleaving Mr. Lord short ninety thousand dollars. The Surratt trial was progressing at Wash ington; nothing of special interest was elici ted yesterday. j. ; Wonderful "but True. Hon. R. C. Pubteaji. The .numerous friends and admh-era ot this irenUemen will be greatly gratifled to learn that he is recovering irom s stroke 01 panuygig, ana is in a rair 11th day of July next. The Lincoln Courier says of the rains of that region : The terrible rains that have fallen during the past week will rum tho Planting Interest on low lands throughout this section of coun try. Reports received are truly .distressing. The First New Flolti. Oliver Lnmo, Esq., of Chatham, brought the first new flour to this city yesterday. It is a beautiful article from Spring wheat; manufactored at- Mr. Lamb's milL . We learn from Mr. Lamb that a considerable ouantitv of Spnne. wheat . has . . - hence;- actinff- on the ; basis of impartial suffrage as furnished in the Congressional 1 way to become entirely restored. WtMtc J ma f0D2. plan, it calls without distinction of color 47""- n'nn at :fnrv Who arp willing to esnonsA a' u -ItAiLROAD. i ne jugntceniu Annual upon all men who are wium,, to espouse Mectins of thc stockholdera of the North its principles and act With it, to come Carolina Railroad Company will be held In WltWn fhn nrmWinn. wn oi urecRsooro, on xnursuay, uio We have Teason to. know that the New Been Republiban has already ex erted a most salutary political influence. Prom white and V colored men alike, who appreciate our efforts, we receive words of consolation and cheer. : As our paper is the only Republican paper in the Eas tern-portion of the State, :wc call upon our friends to come forward and aid usi the same en irine, one-half onlfof ILeuxVer. on these subjects shall be collecUd.' (8.) On all turpentine dlitillcrieSi upoa the capacity of the still cr stills tsptoj. cd: forty oenU per barrtL . . Vvrid, That when the capacity ere, fifty barrels the excess Is not taxatle. (7.) On all arU3U. Includinff typisu Gen. Grant haw made' another speech, lie I and limners; boot and tbomaxcri; ru waa introdaccd to the eiUrensof Wheeling by nttcrs; hpuse pamters; nvcry jstame Governor Borenvta, at tho concluiion of whCwe keepcrt; lawyers; makers, cd wagon remarks it . bejrau to rain a little. The anx- and other ridm a; vehicles ; rrtslcr bulld- sously awaited rq-Oy rf the ereat man was, j era. Including nouse ana tup punaert ucnuemen, 1 nope you won t stay in. me 1 ana une mimam ; xatauu5; i-u- nnhllahcn: ViTlnrf and door makers I - I tl TAVTlnT tin and ahfsct IrOU FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL. Umrkcrir nhdertakers: watch xnikeni 0 I icwelcrs: four dollars.. ...... HEW BEST MOKET o V1SXET. 'CORRECTED o DAILY. a S4 1 It ts 18 1': i. u il . j t . r. v. i 1 ui giviug s wiue a circulation as pos-', Deen savea in nxs nciguucruuvAi, um m i uj and plantrra Bank oUJ,. A lm ' Ar!i-1n'nAM i!j 11 ' I late wheat has been injured by the WCt weath- 1 Fanpen' Bank. Greenabora : sible. After the evidence of fidelity we rtpi Rtni J Mothantv Bnt New dot w ui. -AMw. rvw I . I have already exhibited towards the cause, The Guano Company. It has been an- we feel that we are entitled to the earnest: n nercS4,?fV . .. . ... beautiful property just north of this city, support , of our political friends, while we known as 4IliltontV has been purchased by( hnnpin havp 'thp wiwt at nf 'nnr! gentlemen who propose to establish a largo hope ,to have tn respt,.at 1 of our 0,. To do this it is proposed political "enemies. ' The rigid, and bold to 'raise a joint stock company, with a capi tal stocK ot two nun area ana niiy laouaanu THE TWO SYSTEMS IEEE AND SLAVE When ! Abraham Lincoln, and next Mr. Seward, first advanced the proposi-; XfArkiXfTT" T-C.ATT-vrnrrXT .1 1 A K.- I WW VC" 1 IWCiVC YCttlO iiu iiiao lgrgtet -and 'Sonmambulistlc Clairvoyant, while a J natural antagonism Or 1 an mrrojwDt pvajK, aeuneatea me person you are to marry, ana . ment ot intense power, known guarantees to proance a perfect and uie-ute picture or nT1frv. cnrrKo A af orUA tho future hnisband or wife of the applicant, with date ry of marriage, occupation, leading traits of character, &c that timje, even many of the friends of the - I8 18 n? fcfc. a8,tesUmia!8 ith nuber newly; Organized repubKcann parS" con- . cou Hswrk &y ataiiiig piace ot vitiu, age, oisposiuon, col6r of eyes and hair, and enclosing fifty cents, and stamped .envelope addressed to yourself, you vrtll ye ccire the picture by return mail; together with desired Information. - :- XS" Address In . confidence, Madams Gehtrtjdb RaacrNGTOK, P. O. Box 297, West Troy, N. Y.J maintenance of one's own political senti- j ments V does not argue that ! we must outrage the honest convictions ; of otfr-j ers. With the very few who main-; two hundred and dollars, one-half of which has alrerdy been subscribed by citizens of Baltimore,- on condiH tion that a like amount shall be subscribed in' North and South Carolina. When,fif ty thou- Sana aonars, nowever, auau uavo uwu buw scribed in these States, the. company will be tain a oww um wy 1 nnder the ceneral Incorporation government, we may bo able to exercisej Gf North Carolina, without individual v -i i-xl .w et Hahilitv. The Guano nroDosed to be DrcDared out uiue muueuoe. v v.uiuiiuu i8 gimitar to that so well and favorably known like abandoning .them as almost beyond as the Patapsco Guano. It is the intention of the UomDany to ect reaay to prepare uuano liXl XOTBI. BanW of North Csrollna Bank of fpo Fr... BnU of CnarloUe , ; . BcuK Of Lrzlngtou H&nU of Graham , Itenli of Itoxboro IUak of Wdeboro' Baskof I'homasTlIle... - 38 Bank ol Wilmington IS cf Commerce IS Bank of Washington 6 Bank of Fay etterflle - 8 Harikof YaueeyrUle.... & Bask of Clarendon 3 Commercial Bask of -Wilmington IS ureenDoro aiutaii -. 23 4S Vtnrtnl Bask NoU 5 to 73 Bouth -Carolina Bask Notea 5 to 60 Georgia Bank Hote..,. 6 to 75 Alabama Bank Notes......... : 10 to TS Louisiana Bank Notes 25 to 110 Tennessee Bank Notea : 10 to - 73 Gold 130 Bilvcr IJO Old Coupons 40 Old, Sixes 00 NewBixes.... . 43 U. 8.708 104 u. 8. s-strs, of ; im u. 8. s-rv of e4 icn V. B. 2CTa, Ot'65......... XOS txcaangts eelilng at x per cent. 0 PRICES CURRENT. P. KXrCBTZO MX ME It W IN &. the pale of political redemption, but .till J tV vXS?S eSliS: coUict"' exfifed between thetems of dsUveWr,.Wgeporaono!tlft fnd ?Ucb ' mg.spossAle, bring them . The (Wl of Ettemess. iu icjuuuwu wiu. , . Of all the rebel commanaers, as our rcaacrs CO., Wholttale Dealers in Groceries and Provision. I IT. . T . . .... TT7-- T . ; foreign a tm xsomcsiv; n vtvcm. jjqwmt Jtgari, leoaeto, etc, txruix rronl 1 street, opposite Oat ton Uovse. fl On mil Trnrra. barbers, ana bUCJC smiths who keep shop; boat builders and repairers, who mar keep rallwayi other than steam;' billiard .room, for each table used; bowling alleys; cabinet makers; carpenters, - coopers ; copper- . tun, clothes cleaners and dyers, gun- smiths and mantua makers, who keep a ' ahon: harness makers ; oyster houses or - restaurants; paper hangers; pleatura . boats, kept for hire ; sign painters, who . keep a shop; public two-horse wagxms,' drays, or other two-bor&e rchlcles ; aad wheel wrigbts : two dollars. . : . f ! I Provided, If paper hanging be Joined : house painting, and. mantua maVtng ria millinery, then only one-half of the lax lr. on paper hanging and mantua maVlrj L be collected ; and provided, further, thu r. on and riding vehicle makers, and maciir.a may; keep a blacksmith -shop.- and tx nouao Duuaers a carpenter aaop, &s u ac to their respective trades ; and -wtfgoa tzii ing vehicle makers act aa whcclwngUi, ri out being taxed xorine tame. - (9.) On all market stalls where butch ers' meats only' are sold:' two dollsn and fifty cents.. . . ti I (10.) Un all market nana, wnere deal or live poultry only Is. told : on all L& stands, to De kept near the nrcr; andoa all public one-horse carta.-drara. or o'J- CTorre-borae vthitlea on itr. V On all market stall, where rrr . tables only are sold; on all eating standi or shanties, where a table li ' rpfcsl tar the itccommodaUon of transient passes by; on all street hucksters of bread, cakes. rIea and fruils. reretablcs. tOi and o raters: flftv cents 5 L ZDYTIS WEST. June 5 " - OtyGct MayS-My. Free to Everybody. element.1 South and North, was roused into new life at the very intimation of. the doctrine. As the sentiment however, became more fully understood, obj ections to it grew weaker and weaker, until at A large 6 pp. Circular, giving Information of the "? V 1U vclJr icwguueu greatest Importance to the yonng ot both sexes. aa a philosophical, politicals and moral It teaches how the homely may become beantifnl, the, I A, y I rrt " iT 3 LT t ' ? ' ' despised respected, and the forsaken loved. j i ) "peiwuwjr tuw vyue- No young lady or gentleman ehould fail to send their 1 mies 01 the proposition assailed it, the deeper did the impression become fixecHn the public mind that the two systems could imt t always exist - and, prosper in this country. Had there been no territory out of which new States had from time to time to be formed, the doctrine would pro- alrcadv know, not one fought more valiantly, " . . 1 .1 . T A w niiiPPni? I'TJ "PPniTT not one more acxieruusiy. loan ucn. wamra Ihe great issues now at - stake should given the Confederacy the benefit of his blood, tT,tW .nmrPRt. tn nnr nolStieil friends .ne w.ould 3 opinions of the present sompwhat nrpmatnrp Tlio rirrwslavprv J 00 . ' . i situation enuuea to some respect, no iranauy somewnat premature, liie pro-slavery he h q h old maxim u in UTlioil tl It u 0UT duty to abandon ideas that are obsolete, ana coniorm to tue requirements of the law." He speaks thc mind of thousands fly.; Qanizi iepnbUipa,r- sidered the announcement of this idea as onocxniES. CaScc, TUo j ; Lacoajra ....... Maracaibo i SUDomlnro Java.. 777 Tcaa, Yonnjr Uytoa njfon..... tinnpowder and Imperial OcJonjf Uncol Japan-. Enrllah Breakfast T.ttfri ITour, from, a S3 4S believe that our opponents utterly of the most sensible of those lately In rebel- chbcd Hcni."wbox7. !'... address, and receive a Address : ' I MayS l-6m - - copy. postpaid, by return mail. P. O. dhawersi,! ; , , . Troy, N. Y. P. MERWIN & CO., Wholesale Dealers IN VISIOUS I FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC 1 V X TTT T XT 1? CJ r A XT T T TAnAUO CIGARS, TOBACCO, &c. SOUTH FRONT STREET, OPPOSITE THE GASTON HOUSE. - i New- Bebxe, N". C. f there is strength." There is every reason to t a Hon, but he is not permitted to peacefully ex-1 Lard .dispair,rof success, and that their only s,hU 5 No laaKew Orkana... 4i, t?m,m;o T"K?o wii yeiuns ana snapping ensues in tne ooumern the Republican organization. This to den the Mobile 2Vi6urw leading tho do not believe can be effected. What- passionate and vicious go-rounder. Clearly, ,rU ,r Vn i;po ; " ccnfi'mJi the General is not entitled to views, and takes ever may ba the differences m sentiment a fibcrty whcn lcl3 QUt an opmIoa-, The amonff: our friendsrbh minor points, they pen is mightier than the sword, and Ink pots :7tTo. o : o caIMoi iwitr are more dreadful than bombs. What is this are certamcto act in a consolidated body ,vuo merelv etches five hundred miles. upon the leading Questions of tho day. to the other, who dashes off as great a length 1 get Corned........ :i, I of editorial articles full, of destructive nouns. I r,.-' xiauoc UUuuui x.j irreslsUble adjectives,-unmerciful verbs, with most of the NorthernStates is full of the grape of adverbs, and the canister of pre- admonition to k If not progt JSS?SW1 by thesplendid example there setj, our nity, :we take the idc of the steel pens! oWir ?o nf tirnrtTixr rf- Vo?nf oVtrnRtHl AUU abichic3 nave urcn mucn piuea oecause party IB not worthy of bemg ebtrusted J rascaiij Egyptians compelled them to mate ura-s wuaoui straw; uut tno ooutnern iex S 75 IS 14 oaoiy never nave assumeu, ui uur uy uuu . , -. . w therefore kV J JJ : J- rm,. " T ' " ' geuerauuu,auuFiCFuuuelttu. xUO to our friends, that whHe it is essential occupancy and settlement of the vast ter- iantly to trie numbers of our site that-a spirit of union and harmony a slave had never; been! seen, had an ine- P. MERWIN. 1 W. S.WALKEBt May 2-1-tf - stable tendency to bring the two systems shou,d vail. , i . r xi. u i u By this sign we conquer." for tbe supremacy, there was really no . - 9 , The "con- COURAGE! TJNIOIT HEN! irrepressible," might ; T J. EAUOIIEIN 'Dealerin Groceries rnd Liqor MIDDLE STREET, fcEB cause for a bloody collision. h flict,M although "irrepressil To the true and outspoken Union men Ml have beW finally adjudicated and brought of the South we send words jof hope and fZfii to a close1 without a resort to arms, encouracrementl encouragement. Ave know the ordeal Could1 the strperior merits 'and claims of 1 through which vou have passed and arc r. ttf i. 3 iree over siave laoor nave -oeen ior xne passing. .Let no threats or acts ot in- Njrir PbbkInc. I past quarter of a century fully and fairly timidation drive you from your noble INSURANCE pTICE. ; OmcB Naw York Boabd bi XftirBw&itBRS, January 5tn, 1866. i ( brought before the people of the South, purpose. A better day will yet dawn. we are of th opinion i they themselves Stand byyouanclent political faith, and TirAnll rna 'tfTI t.llO? TTIASt. fTl PrCTPf.1 f tl'n AAnnfnr nnll etnnd TiritTl vAn onrl Yecr editor who boldly stayed at home, flung met aphorical flags to tlie breeze, charged m the abstract,Yanqulshed theoretically, wrote with out Drams, prmiea wnnom las or paper, puo lished without advertisers or subscribers, and stood . magnanimopsly . in tho gap when . the very devils had deserted this Is the man for the laurels and complimentary liquor wlule living, -and for a stately monument when dead! This is the man who spared not con ceded not, paused not; who slashed the : Yan kees, captured. then armies, killed their gen erals, and repulsed their assaults . In the most satisfactory manner, although sometimes upon the brownest possible wrapping-paper. Noble soul 1 . "We see' him scribbling, and sweating, and supplying , manuscript munition, sinking from the dignity of a dady to the folorn hope Sahara, Yellow..... uorree a. Coffee B Granulated Powdered... .... . . .. . Croaned.. salt ApDlca. Dried Bftcon In demand Fprtc........... U to 83 CttecM IS MISCELLANEOUS. n4ffwax 83 mCartx. tioda i,. 11 llloe Stone.. 13 Oonby quantity......... 0 S3 Flaxseed, per bosbcl 1 SO Guano, PcraTtaa,' per ton .....ISO 00 Hay 1 73 Oau... 100 j ' KATiL STORES. rw Dip ." S to Old Dip.. tM Scrape S 00 Solrtta TnrDenllne. tax oald br wirch'r. 40 jcui. s Tar. u to aire Iltca - too ts d s ca Ibo ca t S3 W (Jit) W CSS 1 00 . ( 1 w X 00 ft 1 U 1 IT atooo Ct30 00 e l oo 18 1 OS O 00 8TOCIUIOLDEnSf PIEETnC ! Orrtn A. ft N. C TL JL M raw Saaxa.K.CU JuKb,l!C i 1 S3 13 11 CO IS 00 75 IS HO to 10 IS 13 13 IT 00 IS IS is rrrnt akxual mrcEQ or Tns vzoccz. ATLANTIC &. KOimi CAR0LIK1 1 -I"- R. COMPANY, TTT3 talephct in2rEWBZILSEi THTL I DA TO 27rt inL l I ; , jjLa. w. cixxrx Jem iatt4m. SejA" C 800 ft W ft 11 ft7M ft IT goodhtc, - WATsnrs & ft o 43 to ft ft 40 14. 00 ft 0 00 ft 0 GO COO On ft too O 000 ft 000 , ft 000 ft eoo S oo ft 4 00 ft S 00 ; waoLxtau sxo gataaPiiTTasn Pure Drugs, Hedicine: ' DTE STUFFS, PZHFUXmY. ' j . -.. , 1 Ocrrer cf PcUck tsd Qstei tee, . . . HEVBEBIT, H..0. City Tax Ordinances! Jszm X3-334f. hatetkeh; the' most energetic Uie country will stand with you and by Tho Board of New York Underwriters naye appointed measures ior securing ine one nuu eraui- you. ine ncnt OI iree speecn ana iree Jtir. tl. A. ijiVLiAir. oi me unu oi isiauu. jjikiuw oo i t ,,flrm p . I ' ... .... .4 ' ., thci Agent for New Bern, and places on the Neuse caung xne otner-1 ne saci iact, nowever, discussion, wuicn win - De permanently I i w.Fivj": socretaryBoardUner. tnat tie slave labor system could j not established throughout our whole land, . ,-r fr. j-x' ; --;c- J 1 stand the shock of free and intelligent w,ingctime, bring a healthy change OmcB or tub Agekct op the New Yokk 1 1 ) . .?! .. , , , ' , A .A - . . Jf . ,. i . . r . boabd of ukdekwritebs, i examination and debate, kept it for many m public sentiment. Prejudice, the great ie7nnderiiCTed cespeAfuD7' gives notice that he ia I longyears in state of seclusion in the. Land vital error tbat has so long, held the be authorized; Agent of UnderwnterainNew York for XAClr: r-viJ i f li'1!"!' . i tlnll -' Hs L lyruai., is rapiuiy vanisning assumptions and arrogant pre- to nim, he respectfuuy notinea parties in charge of the sjave-States nnd . assert its right to tensions cannot stand before the Sweeping property inanred in. New York Baltimqae and. Boston, U. rsillr -2 ct . JA :a ' r and upon which claims fort oss may be made, of ma eiisu ui ce icuiwij, xi uctw w1" voatnPRn trt rwrfnrm th dntiea reanired of him bv I (...... , -: d i thieottcieV ialued .by thd Companieaiie -rcpreaenta, so maintain itseii even ina moral ana: pea- . . . 1TAY0R8 OFFICE, ) New Been, N. June SUh,' 1867. J Bcc . It is ordained, br the Mavor ana uncll of the city oITxcrw Bern that a month. of a send-weekly, and. when common soldiers My license-tax, for the month of July, A. D.. yielded to the stress of war, still holding out, r i867f the time Is hereby levied on the onn ouini rmw TiTirwinrmnrnn ann nnrwiiu 1 iirra . 7 - - . comfortarjiy, in: tne last oitcn, but oounoini wB3 w cw ixto, as lot hhnbly into hi3 old; accustomed chair,-seizing I lows: " " - - once more His pen or anarpness, and sqejong Sec 2. All dtkens or htrsan in UP w mf very mo m tne bodies ot auvrao practicing any of the bpatiocs or are cravenly willing to be reconstructed. This Lrf. vVrn JY .T7. tT. Is the way in which Hector or Achillea would 1 8TZaM EXGIxr RaW-HILl PS Cx . .. .'. . if--- . 3 (13 tachj CTOCXTLAB fiaWS, .. . ..... . ....... . . . 1 TWO HS1TED XTOOT.' l AKsrr WAGcr. 4 BetXjOO-TirCCXaL frn:t?i5?W free labor. lajity of proceeding the Underwrite may be exoner- atea from tne consequences wereoi. . tx . ; ; - J, A. LELAN Uf IjKLAKD) uiglow & ELAND, 11 1 3 n?PPAet S0.1 Bei S:c. amination ihejola jsontrovei 13 ut we into an ex- progress of emancipated thought.; . f " Truths crushed to earth, will rise again.' topir TC'decree has become irrevoca Li.wjsTxmpr at Disoom Controversy, onsl ? eashington ijufec attributes too much to us m intimating that we assume anthoritf-Vested hi me, i hereby appoint H. j.'i ble by theresiuts of .the war, that slave to " 6cnd out missionanes lor any pur- . drwrtterB7io actln roy placa dorinff my absence from laDOr nas pensnea ana jree laoor nione pu, May 4-2-tf Speakers go when and where hey please, without consulting p5f have editel? newspapers if the ravishment of Helen had been simply discussed in leading articles. : What, do you ask, was James Long- Bireei aoing an tnis tune 7 liotning, sir: ao- Boiuiciyxrouung i ate -was only .meandering Tee parUcalata, caalra oi ... .. yrwbrrn, 3t. Jena IS 21-tf. .--J professions herein tpecined and taxed, -and uu may purpoee u conunue m tne- same, ahftll mil on thA rHtw rWV vta mw. in tneim xay or tne month ot July 1 TT3 TTtTTt TCT ATT Hi Aforesaid, and obtain license for the same. I'Jj r,r I J VXJlIi X1U U cc u. Any person wno aaau commence & Hstlesslv about iff thA Wm "In "lL"2i :iU4.uu' " f". Pca ... - " i rVfc s wcu, aiitr vu urw uay oi juiy. aton inthc most clumsy marine to get himself I within the aforesaid term of July. aforesaid, and ii Tl jTrLrrrrJ rtt w. ."an our I anoweaM days irom Uxc date of aald ccm- ... lui,IUS orauaaat, marcn- men cement In which to obtain license, and a Wuuuwig, cnarging, sjuimi&ning, pro-rata tax shall be charged ' In k such cases, advancing. retrcating-tha?s all! , Doing his tor the uncrDlred rrt of ZSnfZ sTsSEZTX pt on " vf. 7 - . - uwj I Liic pajmeni ox at least nrcnxy-nve cents. . worksir.'sjidnovyournne intcnexlal exer- r;Scc.4.-Any Dcraon who shall eonUnna or awiis, juur wlufl8 .ijaragrapaa, -yoor re-1 commence a Daiincss, trane, or profession, as Bisucss appeals, your aarcasms, air, and your I herein rpccifl cd . and shall nrlbct to' obum cos. sorrn rzsoT AyDExycocxr i. UrVt sneers, your beautiful billingstrate, your rbct orical bombardments, your- irony, ridicule. invective, and stinging defiance! Longstrm was well enbuch as & minor warrior, but tho man who would really have set the Confeder acy upon ' permanent pins, if the Immortal license for tho samc'as herein crdalnedL anall bay a doubUtix tor said crglccf . -- ; , (h) On each and every xxrerchant: mercan- mo firm: shoivicccTxr: booarscllar and -aia. lioncr, and confectioner, whose gross' fiH per fJwatA, amount-to two thousand. dollar gods naa not proyea traitors, was tne inky-1 bricat-One-hilx rxr centum ra taM rdr fliigered mdiyidnal who, In writing hirrudf ' Provided,, thit when 'ald talca ihiH locjudi a TU abort ZIocm li 9w ACCOMMODATION OF GUI'' ! . A eor;leU anortsert ti wn&s, z jo uons'a esgi C0K5TAKTLT ON HXCT im w. TitV. . Wf y? ca 15-C-tf. ;1 !

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