rt -I- SPECIAL. NOTICES. W I ., W II III I . i in . II l ll-lll .11 -I,. . - , . .11 - "I .1 ' 1 5 A 1 -ib'.c A Young Lady returning to her country home, after a sojourn of a few months in the City, was hardly recognised by her friends, " la place of a coarse,, rustic, flushed face, she had a soft ruhy coin, plelion of" almost marble smoothness, and instead of twenty-three she really appeared 'but eighteen." Upon Inquiry as to tlie cause of so great a change, she plainly told them that she used the Circassian BAiai, and con aldered it an Invaluable acquisition to any Lady's toilet. By its use any Lady or Gentleman can improre their personal appearance an hundred fold. It is simple in its combination, as Nature herself is simple, yet unsur paBsed in its efScacy In drawing Impurities from, "also" healing, cleansing and beautifying the sldn and com plexion. By Its direct action on the cuticle It draws from it all its Impurities, kindly healinsr the aainfi. i (Vs? vins 8lirfac Nature intended n should pd. ZW, Heading ' matter on every vaae. Clear. BOft. nmnriTri nnA Vof,,1 ti : . I ... . t " Jr. Mafl or Express, on receipt of an order by W. L. CLARK & CO. j Chemists No. 8 West Payette St, Syracuse, N. yJ , i The only American Agents for the sale of the same., ) WlW BtKW $mWm.' Vu salor3 ieUcateail tXIOX, LIBERTY, AXD EqUAUTT BEFORE THE LAW ! NEW, BERN, JUNE 29; 1867. r. NEWS SUMMABT. ; IOOW Tin- DESTINY. amending statutes to conform to the new 5 Constitution wilV J devolve r upon the new body. ; In many respects fact in a - j evry essential matter involving the rights xuust unporxani Aegisiaiure mat ever con vened in this State.. -In the mean timev AU IU UC A CWUtlVU, ilV V VUAAOltllUtlUIl will have to be submitted for approval to Congress. If it appears that the whole plan of reconstruction has been faithfully and fairly complied -with, then the State will be readily admitted to her possition in the Union. v ThisJ we trust, will all happen oy or Detore tne 4th ot March next At first, view,' this process may 6ecnl H4 - AMERICAN - - ' : In another part of to'daVs paper will be found an interesting letter of Gen. Sheridan, somewhat difficult to execute but who The Snrratt trii t in'ncp. " ' . . , Tvitt-not toy the great and vital objects to Secretary Welles addresses a letter to Stan- accomplishedare not .wcU worthyf of torireffardinff the annlication'frbm Gen Sickles I the effort to attain them. Once back in Madajch E. P. Thobntox, the great English Astro; loglst. Clairvoyant and Peychometrician, who has as-5 tonished tho scientiflc classes of the Old World, has ,now located herself at Hudson, N. Y. i'Madame Thorn ton possesses such wonderful powers of, second sight,1 for a vessel to carry out .reconstruction, . He' the Union, our political .embarrassments !!il!nabl, hf! to. Impart of the greatest, says IheDepartment would not feel justified in draw ranidilv to 'i pIosp tmportanco to the single or married of either sex. While .lL A 1.. - . WU1 araw rapiaiiy to a Close. . Inastato of trance, she delineates the very features of J TT6 T purpusc esiues, ne I Thosewho are ' determined to find fault uu person you lire to marry . ana bv the aid of nn ii uwuw uu,uo w.uisu iw du,u a tcosci. i , i . ' . . .1 -strunLnt of intense Z lZ SthT!" At Charleston. 8. C the iurv in the Wnf vlth 1116 P1 of reconstruction must bear ,'trope, guarantees to produce a life-like picture of the Boag and others, tried for the murder of Roe mind that all the work and trouble of 1 tive Tarty." dent, but it must be rcoIiecteJ Uut l nave j tnaii nrvi;! uo iar ci tncn clDt- ier ' been: ordered, to execute a law to SvlJch the not even tLe tlorp cf 2Xr.'tt-T - In Litter anu.ronlsm. U CM a Joom? inroui iaiL ' TLe itqa 7 i ilrucucn Tthich it now roicoa -c"- , nbtify, and it Trill lc done, ; I would d it nl to most persona, wit tie cice;iba ti ' V once but the President! telegram ru condl- naalcontcnta la the White Hoc-, Ufj I tlonal, and there ia EuOcIcnt-Uiac left to Itsco raTCd lrcm luicrrupuoa izA pcrLt-- inc necessary uru a.- - -..w. wv( wn- i ' P. IL SnETUDAX, llaj-Gcn. U. a A. until Congrwi tgIa coutcci f or Iu rtS - ; . Luslncss.: . r i'-" ' DAHAGE TO THE OEOPS. V iFroa ib arc4 Ixj -: The heaw losses rcccntlr Eustainca by 1 tioncd and Hasten. North Carolina, on account of TTtasl'S themselves know what they wanted. They Teem tpTlinvo, a clear idea of their position.mpnc particular oniy 1. 1- they; must oppose ill men who, were, in strumental in-crusliing tho rebellion and freeing the colored people7 and all meas ures of Government which recognize tho equality of all men before the law. The most difficult thing in the world for them to do was the ? showing of their hands. . Their hands were covered with heny the heavy rains, are almost incalculable foundncs of thc&rsusic: gloves, with whicli it was expedient to The crops have suflcred severely. The I xvr0p nccnuatvfor ti hide for a while the cuticle below. ncn cotton crop lias been entirely destroyeu 1 1 equally prctiing. hands were called for they boastingly bn many planations in tliis and the pur- held up their, gloved ones, endeavoring rounding counties. . Many of our fanners id pass tHem- off upon the people as naked, ploughed their cotton fields and The. doves, however, were a ioor fit, the nlanted corn or pea. I : nakec hand pclow would sho.w througu tho Beams, pull 4and repair them as they would. lien co the call which now comes from our cotemporary for casting off of gloves and a real " showing of hands." the tusacr A JtJIY SESSXOX OF CONGRESS. j Opinions of the Press - 1 Wc make the following extracts from our exchanges on the necessity of ' a July session A short time ago, tho Dispatch was 0f Congrcs: I . strainmg every nerve -to secure colored From the ri. Y. inDunc. vptea.for its-peculiar party, ,vhlcb -for LA' want of a name, wo will call tho "Nega- make this bill soTbin that even Stanhcry may It claimed that the Lite nndcretand it, and so comprehensive PRICP;S CURHE NT. , : P. JIERWITi C0(, Yt'ultal6 Dea Irrt ii G rocrrirt crd Prvrul-- J MISCZLLATtbcS. Bwax.t.. ."...I.. 5 Cl BUCart. Sod.. lUce felon... ixn dt quuutr I la ti 1 1 tT DUUiCi ., 1 VJ Gaiao, PcnrUn, per too 1 IUr... 1 75 (L f n- Congress should assemble in July and ad-I , : ,tta KnrDIp..J I JM Old Pip tu Jcrtne ; 00 Spirit Tarpctllnc, Ux J4 bj MrcVr. O !f!n , t to Tat, m to tixc 1 Iltd - 1 03 ft 0 W (IIIQ certified certificate, or written Tguarantce, that the pic- UI" " wow u purports to be. , By enclosing a small roac of nalr, and stating place of birth, age, disposition moo. corapiexion and enclosing fifty cents and stamped enrelopo addressed to yourself, you will receive the .picture and desired information by j return mail All communications sacredly confidential. Address in con lidence, Mauaub e. P. . TnoBSTOx; P. O. Box 223. Hudson, N. Y. . .. i , ? MayS-My. . t I says: W NEW AND GRAND EPOCH IN Joint Ordnance Committee, were in session MEDICINE p- Dr. Maoqiel is ' the founder to day. The Judiciary Committee was also i: of a new Medical System. The quantitarians, whose in session until four o'clock. There are many a:-VuxuOSC8 emeeoietne, stomach and paralyze wild statements with regard to what was said The Herald has dismtchea from Ran T.nis of the United. States has naturally brought tho great friendship of tho 'Negatives. With , it all the consequences now attend-. He endeavored to show that tho "Isega- ing restoration. jLet every true patriot; tives" Trould farUiei; thin the Repub- JnTwvoMi meet, the issue with 'firmness; patience licans in securing rights and privileges, yain. It must throw away and trample upon and perseverance, and before another year tor the colored people, shall have passed North Carolina will the glove was worn it exult tion dispa Potosi, dated the 11th inst., which are .unfa vorable to Maximilian's safety. . - '. . Dennison, a member of Congress from Pennsylvahiaj is dead. J t. ... j.-, ' ":y A Washington dispatch of the 27th instant Cameron, liutier and Shenck, of the Congress must meet in July. It must meet with the resolutejwill to carry on the move ment, . now greater and more necessary than ever. 01 lmpeacuing ana removing Auurew But all this time all pitiful picas, and such miserable arguments as 11s commiiicea oiave conccrnca lacmsciTcs ' City Tax Ordinances. 1 1 if AYOU'S OFFICE,? , . New Berx, N. C, June 2 J th, Sec L Jl is crdaincd, by the llayor il Council of the city of New Cera that axaoLti Iy llccnsc-tax, for the month'of July, A. D,' 1SC7, be, and the samo is hcroby levied 03 lis . - I tM tO WVUiUilW. Wirt 1 V VVV rw I " f f - MMt wasn t the ccan with pantry cases, nardon plunder, corrnp- varioui business occupatioss, tradct, tad pry tho fcowcls, must give precedence to the man who re- T u juu Btores health and Append with from one to twoTn and, Pr0Psc4 d0-ne- Amongnhc.best cxnaufuiuary nus, ana cures tne most virluent sores I mwc a iiuicnoiuarK. ui jjuui with a box or so of his wonderful and all-healing Salve.! I well that ; the President must he impeached Thesel two great specifics of tho Doctor are fast super- and removed. U ; . , 4 hr tne eyes ot tno nation ana tne wona ma 1 pracucmg any t ox uc occuror, w tho Dispatch now parades its "hands.7! impeach him fori tho bigh crime and mlsde- I prof cs&ions herein rpodSed trd taxed, tzi friends in While for months the "Ra(ricnls''and mcanorof ausunMiqnof wwdr; seding al the stereotyped nostrums f the day. Extra--ordinal cures by Maggiel's Pills andSalve have opened : the eye? of the public to the inefficiency of the (so call ed remedies of others', and upon which people have so ; long blindly depended. Maggiel's Pills are not of the j class that are swallowed by the dozen, and of which very box full taken creates gn absolute necessity for another. One or two of Maggiel's Pills suffice to place the bowels in perfect order tone the 'stomach, create an " appetite and render the spirits light and buoyant. Thero Imo griping and no reaction n the form of con ported that it prevailing in Sicily. . bujniuvu. tue uver is tmeraea, us mncnons are re- Scc 3. Any person who ihall commence t EE00ED YOUR NAMES this section of the Stato are - depending Republicans have been, charged with 'on ins with his Cabinet to render null and Inop-1 in lhorl un, day of the month cf Jj in. n rrroot flvtmt. imftn ftnr TWUPT t ICPPn pnHnnvflr tr. orrn.r 1t Wo1- o,;c CraUVC iaW3 mo CDCTJTCVIC UflU Jiuiicsfc ciuortw- I uiuiuru, - o . - - i ; t o I The Wilmington "Wcldon Railroad lias them correctly ' posted as neen repaired. The trams now. run regularly, events, we shall certainly try xne trains oi xne Axianuc ana JNorm uaronna ijv tllof f ikc:pnWo llailroad have also resumed regular trips. r .L. , rt ' -uiJ v. l . illatc: for tho President now lias Uic whole ocnccmcnt in which to obtain . license, tad t foueign.: : y . ;i.iimrulwavlUuHW . v u3 s u.u uuoicii pwpio i arc uiicny m gam'e m hb handsl andnccdsonly time. He pro-rata Ux Ehall be charged In tuch cj dismtrli fmm T?nmp rlatpri -Tnr.n ojuh we Ieel.it a amy to rcpcaicaiy can auen- wortliv " ot tho .clcctivo Imncluse: tyscanapT)ointtocivUomajmthctouuiornaveiior uic3 cncxpiroa rxi o una. .o appoiuicu Tvucn iiu pjcsiftca. iiuuiiuiuiuui Tlicrc is no mtiiiary con mnnt of -iirri trn T-lfAliv nrHwarv to ine to political the white, our cotemporary now. boldly prosperity of. the, people and the peace and businc. trade, or nroicaoon, iu nertia r;. tO aCCOm- tolk tiq " vr v.-rm 1,1 nel vun thn nrrroT,irn ! WCltaTC Of tllC COUntry. Un lUCSC Droaa IFSUCS 1 UW, ww W 4 ui , uiureua,v.; io accom tens us wo Aoultl aclviso the orgauiza-j . f . tmrVMrfivl nnd rrmorrd. and it within the aforesaid trm ol Julr. ihii u ect. tion of a Wiim? "Ma'Paiitv.w Tt. fplli I mnct h rtnnn ilil gnmmcr. or it -will be too I allowed fire dayi from the date of r&IJ cos- says : The Cholera has broken out here, v tion, is:that of registration Wc expect, "they lack the capacity to govern themi SSyuv re.-Jt is'e- very soon, to know who-the - appointees selves," and finally advises its white friends troL Commanders cam cannot remove State ofH- and tho next thins wo tliall hear will' be --a ' stored i and if tho nervous system is feeble, it is invig-: orated. This last quality makes thej medicine very de elrable for the wants of delicate females. ! Ulcerous and eruptive diseases are literally extinguished by the dis infectant power of Maggiel's Salve.! In fact, it is here : annonnced that MAGGIEL'S BILLQUS, DYSPEPTIC j AND DIARRHOEA PILLS cure where aU others fail. While for Burns, Scalds, Chilblains Cuts and all abra- lans of the skin MAGGIEL'S PILLS is infallible. Sold by Uekxit McLik, No. 28 Pollok st. New Bern, N. C, nd aU Druggists, at 25 cts. per box. ' Cotjkterfeits I Coxtntebfeits ! All readers of .this paper are warned not to purchase MAGGIEL'S PILLS or SALVE, unless the name of J. Hatdock, proprietor, in addition to the name of Dr. J. Maggiei, -1 Is on the engraved Blip surrounding each box or pot. -': June 6 15-tf. '-' , . : ' ' J ; WOIVD E K FUL BV T IB VE 1 ov fni. orfnrmi'nrr thiq riirrhlv msnntiM. tn 'nrrmniTA o.wl tl.A Pinvnntlnn CCTSt and UlO nCXtlHinS WO,EUOU near Will DC 'twenty thousand Priests, and four hundred A TTT . ; . 1 T ,f V ' ..T" tliat tho Slatcofflccrs are dchaUngthc power SSSI: cs foi this and adjoining Counties As a Republican arc glad tA3 vents.' The celebration occurs on Saturday. will publish them, for the information oiiDispatch show its hanJs. Desiring tho . . rpm VJ, PhUadclnhla Tress. f : ine counpn 01 ine r-ngusn iteiorni league ail concernea. xne iact mat no man .can success ot tno ucpuoucan party ana its Tuc people noW without excitement be- vote unless his name is recristered. should Dnncinles. wo hone tho nrcss of tlio cause conscious oianeirown strcnen ana ae- r ' 1 -1 , . it XT - TT M .1 . . , I tcillllllitUUU. LOU UW WUbUV our inenas in every aireciion 10 i egattve i akty i mrougnoiu uie i o country, exoeptinff only insulated Dem ocratic journals, which long ebicc have for- publican should consider himself a com- j the 'Dispatch, and "show their hands." mana July session of Congress. Even the mittee of one to act fully and efficiently A large portion of tho, people of North N. Y. Herald joins- In the cry, and Intimates . T . 1 i 1 m v ". 1 ' u V- " ii" limpcacnment as one 01 lis consequences.; e IS SUDiccu lei our coioreu irienosp vuruima nuc never worn giuc vuq drt not donbt that next month will rcg our lc-r- have issued un address to the Euroiean work ing men, denouncing wars and ; the mamte nance of large armies.- - - . " c i Victor Hugo has addressed a letter to Jua rez appealing for Maximilian.' 1 "A THE EOAD BA0KDTT0 THE UHI0N. .c As it is a matter of doubt . with . many. as to the character and number of a elec- liccnfe, however, ihall be issued, except ts the payment of at least twtnty-flre cectt.. . . 8cc .Vny person wlio thall cor.tinse cr commence a oulnciR, irac, or profcEiioa. u herein FpccifieCt and thall neglect ta ohulx liccnf c for the Eame, as herein crdiincd, tLC pay a doulU tax for said neglect. ,(L) On each and every merchant; mcroa tile firm; Ehop-keeper; book-seller and ttt tion cr, and confectioner, whoe 2jos per montV, amount to two thousand dcHsn or lc&s, one-half per centum on Raid ula: Prvridsd. that when fAid talcs thall iaclaie a fractional part ot onchundrt-ddollJLnlcaillLS fifty, said lracuonal part thall not be Uxoi; Ann thati trhrn Raff! frfir-tirmiJ rart V oh this subj every where, thoroughly understand that hands of thirty thousand white Unionists, islators in Washington. Vigilance Is part of j dollarspcr month. they cannot enjoy, the great privilege, of I and those of all colored citizens, liave and that, wncn said IracUotLal part amount to fifty or more, it thall be cotrie! and taxed as an additional ono hundred do2i.n to said sales :" and, prcrCJsd: fl: rtVrr. tLU C3 sales saall be reckoned to be less,lhfc . their duty. wmm - mr a m f & . tions it will be necessary to hold in order voting without first registering, and we been plainly visible for the last two years. Wo that no Republican, member of MADAME REMINGTON, the world-renowned Astro i logist and SomnamhuUstic Clairvoyant, while ' In a 'clairvoyant state, delineates the very features of the person you are to marry, and by tho aid of an instru- to carry vth'ereeonstniotibii plafi of Con- re gress fully injto effect, it seems pertinent morG to say something on the subject. We take it for granted," after reading costs nothing Konnmn mnrn nrtA I TllOV flrn flttTIOllS tn mnrt t.linVr nnrvfnrntja I ConCTeSS will fail 'tO be at his DOSt In Wash- JJJM.M.. .AW . V I4UVI I 7 -J WW .-ww 1 CF - 1 ii sure tney win interested i in the performance of They Conjrcss be not present Sir. Johnson may not this duty; !ie simple act of registering wear neither masks nor gloves they hopo I unreasonably think that there Is nothing In Tliprr ij nn fnvntiftn un- to conmier throumi naked truths. Thnv I A .1 . 1 .t .i.t. ...w. w - ..w v - 1 x n j 1 m linn ' L1LM.L nil" iir iiik tii.Lti nuiui 1 . - ... mentof intense power, known as the Psychomotftpe, - . : H " V Vfa . :i Til f ' rru. I nrn w nAm11orl fi ttln n Mvl "han rWractericd tl o lriaiatirC denartment of Uld two hunOrcd, rcfpccUVtJj, U l 3 t L- J 1-- . I Krt lf Awvno4-.r,lti-kn Kill mith thn Sn-nrv n I IJOffClA . XL 13 illl. XI wtT. J.UwVLUWiO Cl 17 lUUl" I i, v l'Vv.l w-vuvi.w - V. i -. o 1 . I l.r.kl. ' " ' ' guarantees 10 pruuucu a periuct auu mo-uite picture ux icwiiou uvuuu uiu. h lw iuu wujpc x V . . . r - - . -.. . . ... r , , tllC QOVCmment for tWO VCaTS liaS WOm it5Clf (2.) On! all bankers and broken: sion, shipping, receiving and forwarding m chants; express companies; and Insurta agents, whose receipt or earnings amoust to four hundred dollars or less; and real e&uc agents whose receipts or earnings amount to two hundred dollars or less : two and half per cent on said receipts: .Prruk(f,thatno crrea ox receipts above lue said amounts or lasr taxable. the future husband or wife of the applicant, with date mentarv Act, that but two General State ted to do this work are paid tor their ioe, nencc, m tne interests 01 tne KEPun- 0uCand that tho Republican framersof the ? un 011 n!j.c a,n(?,o! dc'WiAy iaakoM services and it will bo their solemn duty, ucxx Party wo Vepent: Gentlemen of KSt-" K couiasort. By rttUng place of birth, ge, apposition, to brin" about a full restoration o the under the law,to register the names of tho " Covered Negative Party," we en- nway bya DcmocraUe Attorney General. JiS0, C,?CCE, of, ""iPj p1- SSrS Stateio her nroner position in theUh- who arc entitled to have it done as treat you throw off your gloves-" snow The cect . otjgdj: . dcrcUcUoa of datya KSffidoto to' I I" . , I ceivo the picture by return man, together with desired Jnformation. ' : ' ;, ::. ; ; 1; pSAddrcBS In confidence, Madame Gebtbude - Rkiinotok, P. O. Box 297, West Troy, N. Y. May 2 My. " : , ion. ' The first election will be for members of the Constitutional Convention of which, the county of Craven vn be enti well as to refuse to record the names of youk hands. thosft .who ri.ro ovidnnt.lv not entitled. I f 1 1 L J 1 1 1 "XT TrrrtlTTMTnTTrTT j-auuj. vr uxixXxux uij I We do not doubt but that they will per fomi their duty faithfully and fearlessly. TREE T O EVEKYBO I Y tied - -The amount of knowledge displayed by the Newbern Journal of Commerce A large 8 pp. Circular, giving Information of . the greatest importance to the young of both sexes. - It teaches how the homely may become beautiful, the despised respected, and the forsaken loved. : : Y ; ' P No young lady or gentleman should fail to send their .address, and receivo a copy, Address ; t I mv ' ;ii i i L j j ii ' 1 xt, x. A mi Z ? 1 1 . i " i I IV Will MR Mlllintl III 11(1 TI11M w lwu- -xuis; nrsi. eiecuon.may . - ""7": . relalion to thc orffanizatinn of tho T?o. 'mm . i .in - . . i. -lnnrltt- ni II oil hmrn tA.tnlrn -rtTrtrrt nn. I O v w. come on Dy tnemiacue oi oepiemoerj out ' .";- in all probability not before the first of terinS upon the discharge of the great October next. . The law allows until the work before them- ' flrof Lf sinter W tu mnWim, nf Tlie business of rcffisrratiou being the lmnU TnleMiTrtnW ri U rcnlt In 01 HOtClS. IS laXatjlC. Uveringovcr tho Government for five impor- (r? ? ftV ftonrs; l-roomi; tant months to the t mercy of Mr. Stanbcry's lber tlealcrs, who w their lun- plausibiUUes and Mr. Johnson's will , r CZ?1' V."" ! ' 4 i t (5.) Club or eating houses; cotton glni I tFrom the Detroit Post. 1 . and presses: coal and wood yardi; , , ' Against this threatening disaster there Is but gri&t mills; itinerant .merchant, bo one . certain, remedy the prompt meeting of 1 sol hy sample; lumber dealers, uho da 1 Congress in July, and thc amendment of thc I not saw their lumber: pcdalen or iu! f. - . . ' . i w """ I rcconsf ruction law in Knrlinmnnnrrjva to strin I classes: pLvili: mAChlnes: sicora raU ?' TiiiT1' registration. .It may ormaynot occupy first stePi let a11 fhe mttm of a politi- Hay 2 1-Cm Troy, N. Y. t until . P. MERWIN & CO., WnoLESALB Dealers in' Groceries & Provisions FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC WINES AND LIQUORS, CIGxUlS, TOBACCO, &c. " SOUTH FRONT STREET, OPPOSITE THE GASTON HO USE. i . , New Berne. N. C. i P. Merwin. ' 4 W. S. "Walker. like . the wopaerful astrolomst. IMadam thn PrpVidrnt of nil lhr iwrr to rt xrith wavs: musical cntcrUInmrsti. for pmSt - i j r - i r : : . . w . . ,, , , ., , ' . I it m Will. MtllitrlW J - .- HnTT..TTTl I 'I" I "'"J with its execution and thc addition of a clause bitions or TKTfcaTnancci f-3 ua expressly conferring certain powers upon the Protvhd, That if jt cotton gtn and prcfi, generals, subject to no review save that of prist mill, planing macblne, or FtcaarfJ Congress Itself. If, before the meeting of connected with a saw mill andwcrkelt J Congresss tho President shall interfere and the same engine, one-half onlrof thet&xlcrra. loroe a conclusion resulting in me reinstate- I uu uujvu tui (Jlaphtrap, "reveals secrets no mortal ever' knew," and "unveils tho dark and hidden mysteries of the future." . . . ! ' that date to fully complete this cai cnaracter oc ; regaraeu, ior ino pres- duty; Whenever completed, however, ent, as msignincatm m comparison witn thirty days notice of the date for holding ' ' 1 theelectlOn for Members Ofcthe Uonven- i AIW'I:"1V "au1 VA tt4V- RMmMo; rftklvrarwir W cfni I ncachmcnt will bodescrred and nntrhvtnW. tion niust be given. If it Is decided at ?d, then thero will bo time giycn to .pre- . j ;by p J a lrcci ; . , . ; i - the election. All strite and con- , ntIpman; th' nnnnF : ' I ' tFrom the Rochester Democrat. : "THE WEEKLY EEPUBLIOAI1." Tlio above is the title of a very cofc- mtntof the deposed oQcials, of a removal of tho generals, or any of them, srimmary im- May a-l-tf J. EAUGIIEI1V, Dealer in Groceries and Liquors, , . 3IXDDLE STREET, ; tay -l-tf ; , INSURANCE NOTICE. "OmcB New Youk Board or Underwriters, 1 Jannarr 6th. 1SG6. ( Tlie Board of New York Underwriters have appointed Mr J J. A. LELAND, of the firm of Leland, Biglow & Col, their Agent for New Bern, and places on the Neuee and ramiico luvers. jujWuvij w avx jxs, r . Secretary Board of Underwriters. GrxicB of ihb AoiKCT or thb New. York j ) , Board or Underwriters, V New Bern. Jannary 18th. 1866. The nndersicrned reroectfollY crives notice that he is tho aathorized Agent of Underwriters in New York for examining ana appraising vessels ana cargoes insurea by tnem arriving at tnu port aamagea dj sea peruu, ana also for authenticating proofs of loss. - -n - In order. , therefore, that no fault or blame may attach to him, he .respectfully notifies parties m charge of property insurea in iew xorn, jjaiumoae auu jouoluu, Anr) nnnn whirh claims fort OSS mar be made, of his readiness to perform the duties required of him by - thA PnliHa laaiiAil hv the Comnanies he represents, so that, in case of any imperfection in proofs, or irregu larity or proceeding8 tne unaerwnieru iuoj- uw vmuct- a lea from tne consequences wereoi. :4, : r-.. ; J, A. LjaXSU, Of LSLXKD, BlOLOW CO.,. New Bern, N. C. " ' New Bern. March 5. 1S67. ti nVinr!t v4 t rl in me. I hereby anDOint 1L J. 1LENNINGEK as Deputy Agent for the Board ot Un- 'rterwriters, to act in my piace uunug iuy fv75TuVv"i the city. that election a Convention shall be held, pareior then It wUlpropably occupy Wcnty days tention, .ereforo; about ,.-candidates for Uticay 1 from thc ,nJy!t,5ntli?J 3 V' i 4. , . i office should be held in abevanco until .f , -' . -z -I 1,UUi Congress to reassemDle at Y ashiDrton on the to determine who arc the persons elected omce snoma pe, neia m aoejanco unui ;honorca Utlo of Uetublican, which, flics nrstAVedncsday In July, punraant to adjourn. nnd ftntJtled to scats m saict tJonvention. v. r.v, . , , wnl,oow;i..M. i mcni, anu no lvepu , , . , . J . I 4 Xb BUIXX'.SS. I (0.) On all turpentine dlstiUctios, tipca the capacity o the ttill oritills employ od: forty cents per harrcL...4. y Provided, That trhen the cspadty cxoocJ flftr barrels thc cicces Is not taxable. (7.) On all artist. Indndine typiiU and limners; boot and ahoc-maken; ca fitters: hou&c paintcri: hvcry bilh . keepers; lawyers; makers of fragor4 for it deserves it. The law savs ; the Commanding General Pared- miIc k 18 wel1 enough . . .. ji . ' e i. ; iL . within sixtv davs from the date of dec- meetings iorjue purpose or naviug tion shall notify the delegated to assem- doctrines, of ; thej Republican party ex- By telegraph to the N, y. Tribune, l. oncan mcmoer oi uiauDouy r . ; . ? . TTT from his post at that time c"; indodjn bonsc and rfp bclUcTS himself to serious censure. anJ bnck mason. rnachimsU ; xniLl- can remain absent Tlie satety oi the Government demands thc 1 puyticiaas: cicnu&is ; pnaOT , interposition of thclcgislativc power to crush pnlm&hcrs; aasli, blind and door makeri; tuc amwuon and prevent tho cncroachmcnU "s ; xaiiors ; uu bu tuun. wiuiuuii uiru iJiVJlLl IUU IJ.M11U1V.11 va 1 i 7 . . ble in Convention, fcc ; -TFAm'the Con-. pounucu, iue uiu w aaiuu ui,w. cncriu B jrrocesi Against a iioopenlag of the Executive. An unprincipled President Jtoikot; nnaenaxcxi; watca xaara; , 1 n nJ-cw nnA tmoA soon be at-hand. Letr the word HEttis-' of theTEeffistry Lists A Eharn' Artmrnmt and a subservent Cabinet cannot be permitted J1 rt?f t"- v.-r 1 venUon shall have assembled and formed uu , .! .... . 1 . y rgnment to construe away tho laws of thc land and rcn- (a) On idl bakers, Inrbm, and black-- anew Constitution, Airfy more wUl ter, pass along the whole line. , , , Against the Attorney-General s Opinion. dcr them InopcraUvc and Impotent without smiths who keep Ehop; boatbilicri , tis : . . . , . . ... I I . --"-.w UUVI I dan sent General Grant the following to-day : IlEADQn s Fifth MiLrrAnr Distoict. ) New Orleans, Juno 23, 1807. be taken in which to submit said Constitu- - - . . . i niiour i n rn ii i ri i v tt a -ii vrv tion to a vote of the people. Tliis wiU be : UWAau jf .Mfl. the se'eond general election held and may Wilmington Dispatch, in a recent or may not take place before the middle issue, says: "The time approaches when Gen. U. S. Grast, Washington, . o! December or firet day January next, the people of , Noth CaroUna will be rolSl. At this second election, all the elective called upon to show their hands. . It Gen. Townsend, Adjutant-General United Affl nrndrl for in fhn now Honstitn. then orocceds to show its own. I Army,airecting me to extend the rcgisr r . f - r- . 4tT .' v" i -- i - . , itrauon m tnis .aty ana btatc until August 1, tion will have to oe nueat sucn positions ; vur uimuiigwu uuMjinpomry ucioDgs unics i nave some gooa reasons to tne contra- . r i c. . - . .1- il' .i j cJ i, : -i . I rv. and ordcrinsr me to renort succtm and Uiatottne vernorsnipe ox ux cuucauu ju.ua aiw. reasons f6 his Iriforfnatlon, and also eomcersof the new legislature has, since the .close .-.ot the war, becnj stating that in his inclement this extension Is as Tmfdativi and tlie ie'-ir?H$. ng a great deal of politic, and talk, SAffi.' Then will be the time, also, and, not mg it on the negative side only. They other district commanders will not get through untU ften. to vote for cdidates for the were not Whigsthcy were not Dem-nf" "525X52 rKfKS United States House of . Representatives, ocrats they . professed; they were: not I the city two and a ; half - months, and there ovcrborno tand JullScd a it.; 12;: c,:Ant ocmnJctonVwil mtr" inrmf TrrTn I were no more to register.! I have given thclet h - mtm Tho ItcTJublican ronmnr, nti. rt I other than itcara; tLLUard rooms. Tr-e' n uv tiiH.T i .... . ., r . present himself at the Capital on the day fixed Wbic.usca; Dowung aiicyi ; caianc in the resolution of adjournment, if it Is possi- noakcrs,' carpenters, cooperi; coppcr blc for him to bo present, will be recreant to Kniths, clothes cleaner and dyers, gu every principle of dutr. and I smiths and mantna makers, who keep the unqualified condemnation of his comlita- tli0P ; harness makers ; oyster housci or ency. . J. , i restauranU; paper. hangcri j. plcsxara . r From the Chicago Tribunal ' boat?, kt-pt for liirc; pain Un, "who ; a t .i j . , J aj . keep a shop ; pabUc two-hore wss. t i 0 r ty 9? onFCS3 10 moct on the Crd dmjs, or other two horyc vehicles; and i? J Lct4th? bo no failure to have a whcclwrihU: two dollars.....;...... p ?C quorum Present. In any event it Is Important Trotted, If paper hanging be joked that tho power of the mihLiry commanders to house painting, and mantna nuking remove dri! offlceri should be embodied in a millinery, then only one-half of the ux 1 law so emphatic and unmistakable thit r- ssime shouidbe tss as sga rLmrt other district commanders will not tret through ?iir,n V. 0V 0 PT0 o po w- on and riding vtLfcle makers, and rzrt u" u mic Present law; butof may keep a bUckfmith hop, asa o what avaU will thc fact be when, br thc hl-h- houso bnildrr n nvM Sn4 u aa aJ? est lixecuuve rower b the land, the law U I to Uicir rc?pectirc trades ; and wagoa aai f" t Conrrcsa can' Konn I Int? vtlilrJ nnirrt wrAv-lwrirli!.'3 if- mdVAnnvana Iitt I orrnnCT Trio It OTn rlirlr nfirrv witn fill 1TQ I iln. Kir HfunTumr'a intmmilti 1. ilinM. I : but we sincerely measures for reconstruction.- 1 "?rVZJt at which-tlmc. r WW l . .1 III I X I I 1 1 r 1 1 1 1 1 Illl I VT II V ( r I f 1 w u . I rn m nHM . A. T . . B A ' . proved, then the new State government and, above all else, they were not Kepub- in at the eleventh hour.' Tho registration will 11 ' Ux;Artii f, Tli Kono .Thoi vlln twUI nation w be completed in Louisana at the time specified, wiu :ij.f:..wr""r7 1 ..v..... unjes3 j am ordered to carry out thc law un- first Legislature under thd first of February next hope before that date. .-Duties of -the i "While i these journais.have told us Aion. Idonotscewhy my registration should bo very avest 'rfesponsibility wffl devblve great deal of What they did not. Vantt rw upon this new' Legislature; - In-; addition they havjs failed to inform .any one of the registration ol Louisiana than4hey pro to theduty of ratifjing the Constitution- what . .they did want, -This ' al Amendment and 'the election - of two 1 owing to the fact that matters right, and If It docss not wc wake np to see all its work of on the basis Of freedom .nrl overthrown bvthe traitor lnthnn,tt House; i " - , - - From the Boston Adrertiscr.l j When Congress oijoumcd In Jrarch, it was cronc-horsc Vtliiclcs: one (1L) On all market t'jJX here vrrr ..... . . -t Ki i LuutL3 un i v htt wlt m nr ! i ni l ii" 552 .f "-JKn PPI or shanticlVh Ta tlue U 1 "5 micauon which thc accommodation of tri P1 cr.kc-, l ies ftr d fruit, vegetables,' .w oat bcinsr taied fnr t!m nm - " (9.) On tUl market Etallstrhcrcbcteh-. , crs's meats only are told: two 53r,-ri and fifty cents ; v . (la) K)n all marka i tails where dead or live poultry only Is sold ; oa 3 c stands, to be krx-t ne thc river; and oa all public one-bcrsc carta, dravs, or Ota-- rsc Vcluclcs: cno dollar f . I 1 fll.t On fiTl r-'rVrf x'-.T'? quorum present, there tables onlv are sold? on 11 ticgftsi or shanties, tvhero a table Is rprcs-i dcrs tret throurrh. I have triven mom tim fnr w f., rCL V"" " inc accommodation of trarect Pv . . .. ... r won musi do neia, epiwitns landing tbs incon- is probably "UJse r ,c 7" .ur f coa vemence oi tne timei and the discomforts of - 1 r . menccd six weeks nerore thev aid. I rerret thr they did nof ' that I should have to differ with the PresU ! the reconstruction act must be adopted iiich acdoyitcrs; fiftv arrAs : -;t ' i. r.mvird V