punt can. The, REPUBLICAN is tht official newspaper w' of 2ftw BtrtK pvbllthlng ait tM Laws and KEWBEBS JUNE 29, ;186 TnCAL DEPARTMENT. " Post Ornca, New Bkbsb, N. C I T'..' ' JU.KJ 11.11, iOUI. - ) a(a stamp on upper right hand corner. Put poXdaifas follows ; Tbemmkv pWdelphia, Baltimore, Nor- rBoBwu, - - D- points North and ifoia, " , ...i... st.;.;:. 0.3U. a. M. 15 fthnd'Bea"ufort, N. CM at.......... 5.20 P. M. Wehdirtliir at... 8.30 A. JL ?U&te'on and all; . Wcstand Sonth, at............... '6.30 A. M. po csi!2 Fridayat. .............. .12.00 M. trand Follockavllle, every Tuesday id Fa ery v 8:oo P. H. at " 'nVnlrn 7 30 A. M. to G.00 P. M., and from 7 s office open ironi .a . jrcnton anu " ' 9.00 P. M. Wednesday LSii P' ("""r1 i. irnahintion ana fijiuuuuu Saada'yB from 7.30 to 8.30 A. 1L, and from M "AMwrtA in the United States, in- AU letters u nrmalA. or thevwill he jndirigflroL'rnfflce .unless addressed to Heads nt to We uw"- -n r fe r. Iran P. jAU letters jureauo " ATI. T). C. eo. w. nason, jb., p.m: ri-Persons can have the Republican, left &eir houses orstores by leaving their names the offlcc, 39 Craven street Republican Association . tr. tv -Rnildinir known as the trria store on every Monday evening. A Jncral invitation to be present is extended te le citizens of New Bern. f-1 v?r - SEW APTHrriSEHEXTS IX THIS ISSUEfc Mitchell. Allen & Co.-Patent Labor- aving Well and Pump, Ice Pitchers, &c. Mabried. In the Methodist Church, in this tv ori the7 S7th instf, by . the "Rev. ;R.. , W. J ...... n hrm;a Mr n u. Hill to Aliss jllen xi. 1 1 ". Hilton, all of this city. ... The Second "Concert for the benefit of 2ie Episcopal Church was given on Thursday fveninff. We regret that the inclemency of h.ft weather orevcrited a large - number, of I The Fifth . Ward Republican Association met at their Hall-on Thursday evening. . . mPff1 WDliainnaii, introduced the Rev. A. A. Ellsworth,' who addressed the meeting:- ; . . " i Mr. John Randolph made a few'nertlnfint remarks, and -was followed bv Messra TTnhh andHibbard. . , :. - . . v On motion, of Mr. Geo. 'Piahcr. a vnt f thanks was given to Mr. Ellsworth. It was Besotted That the next and nil ; tW meetmgs of the Association in future be held I TnetnjtingTajoiira after; singing the foUoingTlhrilling song set to a most appro priate arid melodious air; When A SET OP UPPER TEETH, ABOUT TEN DATS ulnre. corner of New and East Front etreeta. The lnzcharErea. - Jc owner can hare the same by proving property and py. chartrea. i- : UJIC 5 24-tf. . ; ' ." . . . , Dies- Therell ; be Preedom. BY. MINNIE WATEBS., :- ; When slavery dies there'll be freedom' j Then only then, then only then : When slavery dies there'll be freeaora. men ana oniy men. -Vi ; ; , Though! Peace should be our watchword. And plenty crown our board ;.. If the jpoor; slave is left in bondage, " f. ) ; ' Chains will be worse than the sword. . CnoBus.--When slaverv'dies. &c. Mrs. Annie Sullivari - JES rECTFULL Y OFFESS Qu SERVICES AS DRESS-MAKEB To the Ladles of New Bern and vicinity and guarantee satisfaction to all who may patronize her. AH kinds of SEWING done at shobt voticz and on very reasonable terms. Residence on Hancock street, Bouth of the African Methodist Church, between Pollok and South. Front streets. .1 p-'. V Jane 25-24 lm, . i i Ye chiefs of the nation take warning, j . I Speak for the right, speak for the right What, care ye for slander and scorning, : : Truth will seek the light , : Our land, God win defend her, -r When purged of guilty stains j - , : v. V When brother to brother shall render, V Freedom from bondage and chains. " When slavery dies, &c. .' ' i Come listen, ye men of the nation, This is the hour, this is the hour. To help in your country's salvation, Ere God's dread wrath shall lower. Hark now 16 Sinai's thunder, And Sinai's lightning see, Go burst all the bonds asunder, Say to the slave, " be ye free P t When slavery dies, &c ' I For the Republican. 1 - Beaufort N. C, June 24th, 18C7. Mr. Editor: As vour Daner Reems tn r adies and gentlemen from hearing one of the one of the most hberal and law-abiding, as nest and most classical amateur" penorm- us auuuvutaicui praue. uquaingnis ana a tit h been, or is-l&elv. to be; offered S" ""."' tlA4"1 11 ana " "V r"'- . - . uucsia sinau space in us columns to cive o a rtew uau,uuui5uw y r,r"v puouciiy to seniimenxs, wnicn l r conceive to ome. ' be correct; and whi ch l am sure must be ad The attendance on Thursday was very good, T, W w .all and ha nOtWltllStanaing Uie oppusuwu u iuc xuui v tlmiicrl, minfnlW o tT, ; elements. .. ; - expressed by an honest and sincere man, that i The performances, like those of the previous man for his opinions ; is denounced, and by 'eveninff. reflected great credit upon the per- , v "" ims tvtiMiife, luivuivu b 1, . illiberal class belon? to that party (well it be- xorua!a,44u auwuvvy.. vw . .--.j..-mg too young to Have a name), guce it to their appreciation of , the excellent masic ren- say, they are opposed to the Republican party, 'dercd. ' ' " ' ' N"ow ought, andcan this state of things exist, r . . 1 , - and will they continue to exist? I trow not I Stockholders' Meeting. The annual J nonestiy jDelieve that this Country is to be Uttagbf the Sckholdm of -pffl7l snects the! bodies of human heino-a. hut. 'city oa Thursday. John Dr Whitford, Esq., I country free to think, free to speak, free to Ur. J.M. iiugnes, vi. v;. ViarK, Xisq., ox vruveu, 'and John C. Washington, Esq., of Lenoir, FOUND. A,T T E MTTIO DTI i Sanitary: Notice I .i ... Atlantic and N. C. EdlrcatL Omci Arume A N. C XUrukaxo Co, I Nrw Lrtxt N. C- ILu ST-h I . 1. II it crtLunrd I Ls ITjyot and Covura d uV TWit. Jfxf EiXOe K3 Tni wSl OftJiS Ciiv of JWta iLm Tlt' fK nmirMnft I wraadailw fo3awa: OrdisasM tor Eaiiitarj Fcrposofi. GO TO I R A O JOU "O L scription, that may wxumulate on their rts -Dear (Sj ii.T3T3ler S. UP?ctiTe lots, dwelling plAccs, or business I , ' I fctnr1 and in TllAffi mrh hurvlt rtv mhi m " - W WkAiVJ of oca and every lot In the dty (and ia case Luc lot is unoccupied lha owner thcroof) are hereby ordered to coTloct and deposit In bar rels, or other suitable rccrptaclca, all refuse maiicr, garDagc, asucs "ana niln oi crcrr do- Lmr VcwhcAd Ctr Arrin at Nw Ik-rm AtviKtW.. ArrlTs at Klactoa... xcav aui tJlcwHylU3 M XoMdylUU M U atCoUaboro' a W A. tl .. t-C3 ill . 30 POLLOK STREET, 1 1 Hats! Hats!! Hats III' DON'T LEAVE TOWN, OB STAY IN TOWN ANY 1 I - ......... LONGER, WITHOUT CALLINQ AT ATbere you can save TW1&STY-FIVE PER : CENT, by purchasing stxeh Goods as the ... w j ' ; following, or anything in their line: PHAIB 6c FAKB'S, K0:m POLLoA ' ST.. - . AKJ Bxmso FINE FUR! OR STRAWHAT. ! They are retailing them LESS THAN WHOLESALE PRICES, DRY GOODS, SUCH AS MUSLINS, LAWNS, 1 DELAINES, POPLINS, (TlaLn and Figured.) XIERIN0S, ALPACAS, O REN ADIES, OINOHAMS, And can show more than FIFTY DIFFERENT A large variety of Dress Goods, Buttons, Trimmings, Edgings, Inserting, Swiss Muslins, Jaconets, . ' j . , . .- - - t ' ' , j 1 Nainsooks plain and checked. Mareallles, Ginghams, Prints, fcc, &c Silk and Cloth Sacqnes and Cloaks. - Beat qualities of Hoop Skirts, latest styles. AIX Of WHICH WILL BE SOLD AT TUX i . LOWEST PRICES POSSIBLE, STYLES. UNBLEACHED DOMESTICS, BED- TICKING, SEIRTINO, , STRIPES, FLANNELS, 21 U3 QUITO NETS, (allcolorO TOWELLING, DIAPERS, CALICOES, BLECHED and I - BSIKO TABLE-CLOTHS, LINEN, S1V ISS and JACONET MUSLINS, NAINSOOK, BELTING, SUA WLS and MANTILLAS, (of the latest atjleO BALMORALS, LOWER THAN NEW YORK RETAIL RATES. May 2 It PIIAIR fc FARR, ,N0, 40 POLLOK ST REE were elected Directors for the coming year. ; John D. Whitford, Esq., was re-elected President for the next year. write and free to vote. The Almighty wil most assuredly bnner about this state nf things; and I as firmly believe it, as that his hand was in the war just ended, between free dom and slavery. Who of those on the side of reason! land the Bible, and who have watched the logic of events, for the past five years, win noi aamit uie iact tnat tno Al- j - r j " i j.t , -5 I xuigut s xuiuu was noi oniy in, dui conauciea j heard as tct .of any arrangements for a, grand an2 ended the war; and if so, who could still Meteors anlaJCX end was just and right Some people (of vigorously contested, possessing as both Clubs possible, to do with us, his creatures. It is no do, so many excellent players. We believe it wonder that people of this class think them- would be " nip and tuck" between them, and create more excitement than any game since that between the Nationals and Meteors. Who wlligivethe challenge ? will be' remembered that H. N. WEIGHT & CO., v . -v j S4 and 26 People's Market, c . 2?EW BERN, N", C, GROCERIES, FORWARDING j j . ; . " AND Commission Merchants. HOOP SKIRTS, LADIES'' HOSE, (of all quail tieO ' INSERTION, : . EDOINO, FRENCH tail EMBROIDERED CORSETS, CORSET STATS, . (pf a!) kindsj ; FANS, ' LACE COLLARS, ccptacies on the sidewalks in front of their respective lots, on itondar and Thursday mornings of each week, before the hour of b a.m, ' I s 2. Iiu further ordained, That all decayed animal or vegetable matter or offal, garbage or sweepings of any! kind, collecting In or around the stalls oil any public or private market, shall be deposited by the occupants of said stalls In fit and .proper receptacles, and placed In convenient! localities for removal before the hour 2 o'clock p. m. of each day. 3. Jl u further ordained. That all persons are prohibited from throwing any offal, rub bish, garbage, sweepings or refuse matter of any kind whatever, into any of the slips or docks. around tho city, or upon the walks, streets, lanes and public highways within the city limits. I 4. It U further ordained. That hereafter no sinks or privies shall be do? or excavated for more than two feet from the surface of the surrounding ground, j 5. It u further ordamedy That each and every Eroperty owner within the City limits shall ave all sinks, water-closets or privies which may be upon his property, cleaned out or dis infected by the use of copperas, chloride of lime or other suitable disinfectant, whenever such cleaning or dUlnf ectlng may become necessary, or whenever notice to that effect may be served upon such property owner by tho Sanitary Cornxaittce oi the Board of Council. i 0. it u further omainea, Tnat no person shall feed, water, wash or clean any animal within fifteen feet of any of the public pumps of this Citr. 7. It it further ordained. That all persons are prohibited from! throwing anything Into any of the public pumps, wells or reservoirs of the City, or Impair their utility in any man ner. J 8.71 ii further ordained. That no person shall convey to, sell or offer for sale any dam aged or spoiled meat, fish, corn, wheat, rye, oats, peas or other articles of food. within the jurisdiction of the City anthortiks. 9. It it further ordained, That no cattle or swne shall bo slaughtered within the City limits. 10. It it further ordained. That all persons aro prohibited from keeping any live hogs within the City limits from the 1st day of ilay to the 31st day of October. . 11. It it further, ordained. That no grave shall be dug in any of the Cemeteries la and around the City, unless it be at least fire feet deep. i 12. It it further, ordained. That no corpse shall be removed from the Cemeteries, In and around the City, without special permit from the Sanitary Committee of the City Council. 13. It it further ordained. That any person violating any of the foregoing ordinances shall. Klito. Arrlrt at Mwrli ArrtTOi - - RETURNING. ' Lmtc OoldborV Scar. X." Leave MokIj LLaUM a3 Lear KletoB 4JM Arrtre at irw Berne... .. .. ai3 Lean New Bctm Leare Newport t.3 ; ArrtT at Morthead dty Baa Paner Train rmmceti wit Nona CaroUsa XLiU fd Tri rotes Wea at 1M P. Jt and rrt cm In learM aftr U arrival of U Wttmiloa aad Wftttoa RaUroad Trala roiac Sota. . i!??,c nw U Waal Walt txota ILS3 A. U. U aco p. UL T Accoomodatlo Traia n lcr ifrrtSfS Ct m UcnAarm, Wttiaredays cad mdATt, Tricmlar rterj a!teraat day. aa loOow : ... LcaT Morthead City (SiaUo( C0 A.X. ljcm rw ucn XJ83 LeT Klrtoa Its ArrlTt at Uvldaboro' IXO P. X. nrruENKsa Lcart Goldtboro...' 4 S3 A. M. " ljrar Klwrton tJO Lear Jicw Dcne 1L.S3 Arrtr at If orrbead CSty CtalloaJ L33 P. JC Throerti Tlckrta hm sold to reiadpX MsttexJ on lb North Carolina IfiDroad WTC. IL HABYjrr, May S 1 tf &sperlatemdr&l cf Iraafporuxiva. DR. w. rr, TATLOB. xs. ora n. TATX02L Surgeon Dentists. i t RESriXTFCLLY ffrr their priedottti aenlooa la lha dUxrei of 5ew Bcra,m&d turrocbdlztc covxUea. AU work loo la Ux boat master, and aaUafacttoa Ciura&ieod or no pay required' Kltrocs Oudn Oaa, ad Xher Spray aslxlataroi. and TEETH EXTRACTED 7 OSoa a S WITHOUT UAIK. Chloruforra and JCtbcr also ada.!tlatrrd. is corner of . PoUok St, (between Middle & ITsncock,) ! XEWMERX.' Maya-lf. '' W. H. Eomaine, CIUVZX.ST., XEJJl SOUTH FRONT; Under tU DZLiard Saloon,), WHOLES ALE AND RETAIL DFilXR IX WINESl LIQUORS, SEGAL'S AND TCBACCOl rpo tcy itock of W1m. Lienor. 6erars and Toaocn, X hUh I ktrpof Uie tcq ual.tr. oo&alauJTUaLabfl, 1 tar added s good rtock of the bct GROCERIES; tyt a freah txrrfr Vf selves better than other people, and that those who differ; With them are wrong. And it is no wonder that when one class of oeonle think themselves better than another class, that they should be uncharitable, and haye limited views of. their Maker. , and less of his ovm-nili- providence.! When they resolve not to think from and after Mondav nex. the 1st of Julv. more highly of themselves than thev ousrht.is ;tho doS lawEoes.lnto yratlon; . , pt? I . , , uncharitableness, and a disposition to raise up Hot-headed Men, as well as those whose the bowed r down and an effort to eradicate brains are always cool, hauld repair to Phair J these old prejudices ; and then will the Al- Th Fast Bailing 8ohooaers PATRON, - - Capt JEPTHA ROSE, Doo Law. It LEOLA, it JOSEPH ROSE, RIBBONS, RU FLINGS, HAIR NETS, WATERFALLS, DRESS TRIMMINGS, (in endless Varieties,) SILK una IVOR STEP BRAIDS, STAR BRAID, J ALPACA BRAID, j SERPENTINE BRAID, , WHITE txta BLACK LINEN aa COTTON , TAPES, TAPE j 4 JiAMMiiM UO, I buttons; of all kinds. And a great many other articles too numerous too mention. and aar mad arraarttM-ts eTcrr stoamrr from New York. If yoa dealre food tfELP-KAtsnCO FLOUR, To.. upon conviction before the Mayor, be fined a I cil a&d i wii b uod u crV rim. ' Crarra ttrwi, asdrr tb ftlUlard aaloom. N. B, I mak rpedaliy U bcIX-R-Ui&f tlosr, and aak yon to rive It a trad. iUy tl-iX J. F. Hamblin, J socni rcoxr btreet. NEW BERXE, X. C.9 i l i weather of late has been'ar from beingair 'dictator, but I do say that it seems to me that yet Messrs. Phair & Farr are entirely fair and J the South is most in need, and should without & Farr's; on Pollok street, and select a suitable nngnty give us peace, prosperity and happiness lau nA A and we'U be a happier and better people. I nivri mi' i ii i.i in i.iLMiiiiii . iliiii fLiuiiiiii' ii 1,11 i . V l " Tfrv:T r-- ioonot pretena to assume tne position a reasonable in their prices, and cannot be out done by any in New Bern. There you will find all descriptions of goods, and of hats no end, from the boy's chapeau to the Mexican sombrero. Try them on I : , , ,.M r Disappearance of Fisn Stalls. The Artoy Nathan Baker Miss M C Batcheler Miss Ella D Battle Albert Bryant Mary1 Becton Mrs Eliza Brooks Mrs Martha Ann Brown Mrs Rosana Blnnt Patience Burden Cato -Bryant Thomas B Chapman Miss Ileddv care Richard Chapman Chapman Mrs Hat tie Cox Mies Caroline Davis. Ma thew Dardeye Miss Mary Dawson Isaac Dill Capt SL unsightly fish stands, which have so long of fended the public eye at the Middle street market have-been removed, in compliance with a, jciolutioR pf '.theCCi& Pouncill ' A commodious stand has been prepared for, the n&h venders in the rear of Messrs. Woolcptt & Tinker's store, "where our, citizens can procure any species of the finny tribe the market may afford: . - - - '' - ' I ' ' -lll V r fr . ' - The "Heat. At 12 M. yesterday ; the mer cury, in .the Club House, rose lo 33 degress. V, ' A Srark Story. Mr. SYilson,who is the nocturnal guardian of the; property deposited )on Foster's wharf, reports seeing a large shark Wednesday morning, in the river at that point Mr. W. is a weather-beaten mariner himself. and has plouffhed manv n furrow on the briny deep. He thinks the man-eater would have gJSSSl measured from 12 to 15 feet " J , v Swimmers be cautious how you plunge into th?Purff stream.; Interesting , Colloqut. Two meagre in;. I nLi Jacob a ui.miiU8, piraucai-iooiung cruxi, cio j jj ing around the auction stores last evening, and I iiow?Eezzirah - : - - - - " ' - . - I TTl If A. nnally came to anchor on a' contiguous tench. It seems that they had entered into a mutual pledge, on the 3d of "Junei" not to drink any. beverage or decoction other than aqueous fluid, nnta 'the ,4th of July, the time of .the contact be jng limited to one month. . They congratu Wed eclvbther that, their day of deliverance was at hand, and repined over tho Beyere pri vation, they were enduring. Said the leanest oije; . On tho Fourth of Juiy I'll be dog on'd if j I dont go it -stone blind to pay tip for all Mils." . . I -o-r;s delay, accept and embrace the principles of that party, the most important and prominent of which are equal rights and justice to all men, and the education of the poor. This is a divine1 lawj1 and let it be a human law. 1 i :,n,-: Ti NOSNAM. ! m& JJew Advertisements. 1 X .1ST OP LETTERS UNCALLED FOR AT THE A POST OFFICE in New Berne, N. C, Jane 29, 18G7. j Letters- advertised when tuey have remained in the office" one week, j To obtain any of these letters' the applicant most call for. advertised letters," give date of list and pay one cent for each advertised., ,v, -., . ; , . . If not' called for within one month, they will bo sent to the dead letter office. WILL leave marko wharf every Saturday for Wash lngton, N, C. and Hyde County. . - . i i , 1 ' j i Goods sent to oar care will bo delivered with dispatch. Agbxts roa ... ; i PORT MART -8 A W-MILL. Fvory description of LUMBER kept constantly on 1 hand and for sale Olotlung of all Qualitiesl business Burrs, DRESS SUITS, SACKS, 8ACKTEES, LINEN SUITS, Whito and Brown; also FINE FRENCH sum not excelling fifty dollars for each and every offence, and if any person shall fail to pay such fine he shall be ordered to work upon the public streets a sufficient length of time to compensate for the amount of such fine In ac cordance with tho law of the State for such cases provided, j 14. if it further ordained. That all previous Ordinances passed by the City or Town Gov ernment and conflicting herewith, aro hereby repeal eo.- June 6 '67-tfJ t MAOOIST HOUSE, ' i - 1 J BE1 XJFOJIT IK JIB Olt. I 1 Th undersigned having secured th abor wcU-knowa i Houae at Morelioad City, N. 0. WHOLES ALE AND RETAIL DEALER Df P0 FLOUR, OR00ERIES, Kay S-l tf. AND LIQUORS.- WUlopea forth reception of OaeiU, for tb SUXUER SEASON, CHEAP FOR CASn. May 2-Ltf. CLOTHS and CAS3IMERES, SATINETS, JEANS. LINEN D and AMERICAN lcliaiige Hotel, I POLLOK STREET, ftcxl door to OX TJIE FIRST DA In OF JUL Yl I MAUTIK J. McKAMARA, . Proprietor.'- o BRIDGE HOUSE, ck. SPANISH LINEN. &c, Ac, Ac A complcto Stock of COR. SOUTH FRONT AND HANCOCK 8TS-, B 0 O T S A X D Faucette & Brother 2 French Mrs John t i Foster Mrs Mary D , Green Henry ' " Gaston Hannah? ' ; ? - r care John Battle Hunter Marrret Humphrey W II June 29-6-lt. Jones Susan Jones Rachel Johnson Simon II Lovennier Miss Sally McCarty Miss Ellen Mezzell B B Mead Corgdon G Morgan Rufns G Morris W A Mounden Davis Mollcn Henry i Nelson James F Nickerson Flavins Paxton & Daniels Patrick Albert Phelps John ' -I Pearcock Jacob RevesBB Respess Emma Roberts Capt Charles Swan Robert W Steele G Westey ! ' Smith Margret - .r s Simmons Louis ', Styron Sarah A 1 Turner Samuel ' ,! care Mrs Jane Green William Robert "Walker Isaac , - Watson A B rv":? " ' - Walker Joseph ; : Wiggins Jordan 3 i . Wilson J amcs - " GEO. W. NASON. JaT. M. The above House Is now open for tho ACCOMMODATION OF 0 UESTSj Pegged and Sewed, from the Cheapest to tb Fioott sn oes, A STOCK A complete assortment of - WIXES, LIQUORS & SEGARS, CONSTANTLY ON HAND. JNO. W. VAUGHN, Proprietor. OF JVLOIZJEflJEiaD CITY, The terminus of tb Atlantic and North Carolina IUH- road. La beautifully situated upon Beaof ort Harbor. ad la rcnownea lor lis invigorating oreexc. iu sen-oata-lng. lu admiribla Cibtng grounds, and lit ansurped bcalthfttln . OUR EFFORTS TO PLEASE. No pains shall b spared to reader tb Oaesta of tb Hons comfortable, and their wants ahaU b supplied whenever prarueabU. ' Attesttv scrrast aro ecfaced to wait upon tbem. and cortey and pollune aaH mark the drportment of all tb employee. Errrrjurt cause of complaint shall bo avoided or remedied, and Don shall leave The above Hotel hating been renovated as Jf refitted, is now open for the acccmmodaxloer of the local and traveling public, . l T1BZJ2S Furnished with the best the market can afford. FREE LUNCH EVERY EYESISQ A? t 8 OCLOCK. A BagatoOe TabU, fm of cbarje, tor the as of Oaatu. Jim 8 XT-Im. Furnittliing Goods, That cannot be beat uch a THE MACON ROUSE dlMatisfled. If It la possible for the proprietor to girt aauaiacuon. C. R TH0HAS, June 18-Sl-tf . MITCHELL, ALLEN fe CO.'S AGIUOULTUllAL HOUSE n.iiu) niii- sioize, GOODING, WATEINS & CO., WBOLaSAU astd Rbtao. Dbaxbes CI Pure Drugs, Medicines, DYE STUFFS, PERFUMERY, White Shirts Brown Linen Shirts,' Fancy Shirts, Silli and Merino Under-Shirta and Drawers, THE TABLE. i Every delicacy of the season shall b placed upon tb uue. ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW Ornca Coma Potxoa xn TTiwrirs: fira. Kay 1-141 NEW BERN, S. C 1 Collars, Tics, Ilander- chiefs, Gloves, Straw, ! Wool and Fur Hats, of every grade, BE A UF0RT HARBOR And its tributary water are celebrated for tho variety and excellence of the run, uynera, Bcouop. uanu, At. taken from than, which wtu be erred btd In tb best style by experienced cooks, tn addition to all tbo Luxu ries to Do xoonaax nrst-asss uoxeia u u interior. And in fact, everything belonging to a Corner 4 ; f- QELL Double-Wall Plated Ice Pitchers. Water Cooler, t6 minutes Ice Cream Freezer, Bath Tubs, Water Pots, Wire and Brittania Dish Covers Feather Dusters, f -. -'j:- .. axso, ; r : : The IieW Patent TjVnr-str?nr TVAnmnfMl Wall tn4 e len tne locality, musing over uie paipa-1 4rnmp, supplying water wnere you need it. "jy ury ume, ana .sameu xoriu w uiu uuuuexb room, to drirdc; rincfhe Exhilarating melody flowing in. undulating cadences from- fairy lips. ' " . ' of Pciok and Oravea Streets, First-ClaSS Dry Goods House. PLEASURE SEEKERS Will find two number on BILLIARD TABLE, a BAR ROOM with the Cbodest Wine, Ltqnora, Began and Tobacco, and SAIL BOATS with experienced bwumri for Excersloua to all parts of tho Harbor. BA Till NO imTTgEa. when an mar luxurlat tn hoalth-clrea Blt Water Bath aad dally faculties for a ptac ta tbo Surf, If that mod of bathing anoaJd M piezcrrou. BOOT & SHOE 31 a l i n s f ATTST PARISIAN BTTLE3 07 BOOTS A -A-JsliOES load at abort ncCce. i I jjcsi or Liaicncu fcu rracrs uneiaxpled in this jiaexttJ 4 ' ' BrpaMngaoatlydoM at low tgurea. N EWBEEH, H. 0. JACOB VI v r- cb4 Jane 1520-tf. r Uo! for A Good Time.- Go to the corner of Craven antt:llokr8fat3,'ran$:yott will Bee a notice on the Northwest corner, sum moning the members of the Phiscosnoscospoc raphy Society to meet this evening; to Jmakl arrangements tto celebrate the Fourth. Every- body ia Invited to Join the society, t Notice to Tax Payers. ALL persons owning Real Estate in the City of New Bern, are hereby notified to list the same al the City Clerk's Office, on lor before the ; r i ;s rr ? 15THDA Y OF JUL Y, 1867; ' 1 By order of tie Board of Common CocnciL r ! I. EDWIN WIST, . CiryCleik. June S5vSA.td. 16CHOONEB, (Capacity 150 barrels.) 1 STEAM ENGINE & SAW-MILL, (85 Horae Power.) S (48 InchJ CIRCULAR SAWS. , 1 TWO SEATCD BUGCT v; i 1 ARMT WAGON. 1 : : . i 4 Set LOGTRUCKS. ; '.. . i ' V 7, : For particular, enquire of . . .. , . . W. it CUTKBKDALL, ' 1 ! .V v East rrOnt'fU Newbern, JT. C Jun 18-r21 U. We would also Invite special attention from tho trade. a our facilities for JOBBING being now complete, one of the firm being continually In New York buying for this market. AH we aak la a trial, our motto belag - MUSIC AND DANCINO. i Muaktanewwinataa time, b ta atteadaactto aB- , tb boar wtta weir wiwuruf wiw am rotartesof thagay aaanvery iMnce,caai elvea. . . .- f Next door to TEED. D. KILACXrTXB. Cnw I eonwlV)SokaadT3aotrtta Jane 11 lS-tf. f OUR TERMS. (At (ha i 1 QUICK SALES and SMALL PROFITS. Remember that we hare removed to our new baildiag. SO PoDok street, where we will be pleased to see yoa. r - BAER & EPPLEB, Thc acardtyof money has lndaed tb Proprietor lo naks tb term within tb reach of aS : &"v:":;::.::::::r.:::" S . m . JtfONTII Remember, this deOrbtfal rrperV m of tb Viott r4Maaat ta tb who eoaatry. wta b epeaod aiy IrUlbd. . .. ,..itf ikirftM Keoeiobrr alao, max to ppnunj HirB& wi2 b fwraUbed Jbf U- c.a jotmv tn and from AT OV E fARB. WUV-,v.,, . r , Fortiinanrf " Big In&in? cn XZZ4 MAjVTtCTVUMM AW nitri ra Aft. Jum 26-U, Jaaaf? ss-rf. trtrntr R1LI AND SIT, 1 An V?M. of WfOXXNa CUTWINO. aad SKCT TOBACCOL JUVercLta, Briar Wod end Rulber Piptt1, i end &:xr RAlert, Claj Pipit end ' t . TtA ocs " Ffv&et . .... rOrd-rs rUA! twfwfC . . ' Jsae tx. . w

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