'A J r . - ;S iY,T3y I vvvm .WWjBERff, JUKE 29, 186?. ; OTTTl TUPT.twyi - W cushioned clial'v V v Vvith white dairfwi in it J : - u rl'S??8 Yvsomochildishtune s :VV V Vrfldettdayof June, i ; ; . l;Sits our Darling! . ; ; -j Pn her cheek so pure and bright, ' 1 wunshine lingers ; but a light ,4 Mr than of summer skies - - Dwells within the tender eyes - ' ' ; 0f our Darling.- - --. s : T)n her josyjips, we know V.; Hweetest kisses sleep! and O - r Never note of singing tird, - Jraed us like the simplest word ' ,V From our Darling. , t . V, .In the temple of her heart . ;t Sweetnesa dwells,, and bids depart very harsh and haughty word . - iiVcry thought to anger stirred. : r ' , Gentle Darling. ,".., To our life of toil and care ' h J8 is beauty, rest and cheer! Bo our souls, forgetting pain, ; -v Uird them for the strife again. ' f Precious Darling 1 , ''' O, Good Shepherd, lead her how. 1 .,' Where still waters gently flow In green pastures let her rest." " ' Tin we walk among the Blest 4 ' Angel Darling ! r , . A. EL C.K., , . POEPETQ ,THE QUESTION. ! : Thev were sitting side by side ! And she sighed andlhen he sighed ; : Said he,aiy darling Idol ' !- , And he idled, and then she idled ; You re creation's belle " , - ' -And she bellowed, and he bellowed f " - a -Jl my sul. there's come a weight" And he waited and then"she waited ; . Your hand I ask, so bold I've grown And she groaned; and he groaned : . - , You shall have a private gig And she giggled, then he giggled. - ; . aid she, " My dearest Luke trn& lookedi and she looked; 1 11 bavc thee if thou wilt " And he wilted, and then she wilted. FEBSOHAL. f r Tug lh ons' of Richmond, died on ; tofcS C negr tradian! coming - "J ....... r 6au a graiui oau to ner ser- . ui.a unu tenants at lialmoraL i I AZI1? ne- Belgium bought all the orange trees in Pans, and sent them tr T.ni-or, to Illo En T- . . . i'i7viii.i;u vuuimxssioner ot ! Agncul . rencft PWians say that death is I!? X 0011 to ed the sanity of the unfortu- natc Empress Carlotta. Lord Brougiiam, who has been reported dy . Jng several times, has arrived in London from his villa at Cannes. lie is in excellent ". Rev. Dr. Thorton A. ucatiori for the Ministry in the Presbyterian wuuiv-u, jlcu ucau m me u erry-nouse at Hobo , ken on Wednesday afternoon. ; ; n Gen. Tom Thumb and family, with Com. and Mrs. Nut. num for a tour through" the country. It is saul the little .family gets $10,000 for five . M VVXIiO. "! j .L,. Gen. Butler; is engaged to defend theJIisr copk murder, ahd , u will ; makeitl&unasV' eays the Tribune, "of his terrible provocation ond the undeniable- brilliant war Record of ' Gen. Cole." ' A-.y j,-, , There is official authority for the statement that Mr. Seward enclosed in his lette to Jua rez copies of dispatches, from Victoria and Napoleon to the Presiden tasking5 the United States Government to use its influence with Juarez to preserve the life of Maximilian; v At -West Point this year their were sixty three graduates, to whom the diplomas were presented on Tuesday by General Grant. The first five are mentioned with honor in the Army Register, and are Messrs. Ruff ner;. Mal leryv Sears,: Turtle and Griffith.- jThe first twelve will probably be commissioned as en- y ginecrs. At the Naval Academy there5 were eighty-five graduates, the leader being B. P. . Tillev, of Rhode Island. - The Archduchess Matilda, a Princess, in her 19th year, by all accounts endowed with rare gifts of person, mind and hearty died in Vien- na on the. morning of June 6th. .' She inadver tently trod on a lucifer match, which was ly- -. Ing at her feet on the floor, as she leaned out at the window talking to one of her Relatives. Her summer dress was in- a" blaze before she was aware of it; and before any one could, run to her rescue she sank to the ground in agony of pain from which only, death releasea her. The lady was theafflanced bride of Prince Humbert, the heir I. of .. the throne of iltaly. Pririce Humbert wa3 enjoying the .festivities of .Fjariswhen the news ofthe accident to the Arcnaucness reacnea lum, and he immediate ly leit, $t is supposed, for.-Vienna. German Musical Festival. The preparations fora grand German musi- xal' festival in'PhlladelDhia, next month. aro progressing satisfactorily. J We learn that the L jesuvat win consiB oi a grana general con ,cert, a concert of societies for the contention ,of prizes, a gfand picnic to Washington Re treat, excursions on the Delaware, ditto to the ..suburbs, processions, f eastings, &c &c These will occupy from Saturday; the; 13th of July, until the following Wednesday, although many of the societies will remain a greater -length of time, t, - ; ' A f , ' r . j The actual number of societies present j will -,be eighty-three, conslsting of two, thousand three hundred and eleven men.' ' This immense army of singers will be directed by the baton of Professor Leopold Engelke, of Philadel phia, who lias spared no pains to make! the occasion a season of true German festivity .and song. The different societies havej re hearsed with their own leaders up to the pres ent time, but the final practicings . will,- of course, ' De given under the dictum -of t the general director. He is in Kew York J si tin special attention to the wants of the societies who will contend for. the award of prizes. The tWladelDhia' societiesTidonot enter the competition ring for any premium cir prize .offered in their own city, but when the festi val is given in any other city of the j Union they will fearlessly contend for the champion ship. At the last - two annual festivals j the prize has been : awarded ' to the Saengerbu nd society: of Philadelphia.:? Thepmes consist of a banner, 5ilyer goblet, and a flag streamer, j ; - . . . - . l - -- -; ' j . ! -: . . Boston on Spree. Liquor laws seems to increase tha tendency to dissipation among the Solid men of Boston. During the two years in which the liquor seizing! law has had full sweep there has - been more "drunkenness in Boston than at any prececding time. l " ' " "llllll K.iW TJlUJIIt-airn. I . , I - - - - - - EE00HSTEU0TI0H MEASUEES. THE PROPOSEnCONSTUllbNALAMENli ; i - M.ENT ' ,Tbe foUowIag lg'I correct coovof; t!iA:ft propoeed- as Article XIV of the CWtWi;.,; v United States.- "Aa this amendment. fn l?f nf tructlonadopted by Consre Avc pubUsh it for general informatioimnd reference X i a ne:amenament: Las . an to thia dnt.i iwif K ; -r" xyuu wiS oiaies ; tHinnectlcut, Ellnoli, omuows, jaauie,. Jttichlsan; Snnnesota," HI Bonrt, Massachusetts Nevada.' Kcw namWVw Jersey. New York, Ohio: Orcrron. -Pou-u t?i, Island, . Tennessee, .Vermont, West Virgiu'ia; Wiscon- The amendment has been reiected bv thAiwiStni-' of Delaware, Maryland and Kentncky, and by all the nnreconstrnctcd " States " to wit - Ai9Komr'i,v'. Georgia, Florida, Louisiana. Mississinni. , North rr llna. South CaroUna, Texas and Vifginia 13 In alL tivA FfS. b j?fate and House of Representa tives of Vie United States of America in. Concrete assemSled (twothirdsof both Housed concnrWft x nat tne following article be proposed to the Leins?a tnres of the several Stfltmj m f.mT,,. . , , . etitution ot the United StaTewMch7h7rfiedb? SfSfflA1 do vaMaspar? of the Constitution, namely : - ; - K rr DEC 1. All ter ROT! a hnm nr ntnHl, va tt.ii . j fiS, frty&'JPP juri8diction thereof, are citi. ?fSff to ited States and of the State wherein they IwntiM0-8 8W? make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizena of wmj umiea plates ; nor shall any State deprive any per, son Of life, liberty, or nrnnr-rtv .Hth JAY J vraJ-0 7vpe,rsoawirtlin U3 jarisdicUoa the equal protection of the laws. ' .. " 7 .. 2- Jiepresentatives shall be apportioned amon the several States according to their respective numbers' counting the whole number of persons .in each State! excluding Indians not taxed. liut when the rirrht to cers or a oiate, or tne mcmbqrs of the Legislature thereof, is denied to any of the maki inhabitants of such Stote, being twenty-one years of ajre; and citizens of the United States, or in any way abrikjed, except for participation in rebellion or, other crime, the basis of representation therein shaU be reduced in the nronor- . ... . 1 . " J v.. v. WA- uon wnicn tne number of such male citizens shaU bear to the whole number of male citizens twenty-one rears of age in such State. . J - x Sec 3. No person shall be a Senator or Representative In Congress, or elector of President and Vice President, or hold any office,, civil or military, under the United States or under any State,who having previously taken a? K ? member of Congress, or as an officer of the Unltea States, or as a-member of any State Lenslature or as an executive or judicial officer of . any Statev to pupport-the ConsUtution of the United States, shall have engaged in Insurrection of rebellion .against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof But Congress may by a Vote Of two-thirds of each Ilouse remove such disability. . . . . . , e! Spc-4- TheyaUdity of the public debt of the United States, authorized bylaw, including debts incurred for the payment of pensions and bounties for services in suppressing insurrection or rebellion, shall not be ques tioned,: But neither the United Statesnor any State shall assume or my any debt or . obUgationJncurrcd in aid of insurrection ' or- rebellion ; against the United States, or any claim for the loss or emancipation of any slave ; but all such debtfe, obligations and claims shall be held illegal and void. v, Sec, 5. The Congress shall have power to enforce. Dy appropriate legislation, the provisions of this ar- tide. j BILL FOR RECONSTRUCTION. I- ' The; following is Senator Sherman?s? -substitute' for Stevens' bin, with Wilson's and Shellabarger's amend ments in the Ilouse, as it was finally passed, Wilson's amendment is the latter portion of section five, com mencing at the word "provided." The sixth section is Shellabarger's amendment r ':- , m t . ' , ;. t A ttt: to rnovrDE por the sioke ErnciEHT ' soteiw- MEXT OF TUB EEBEL STATES. tVh reas, no legale State governments. -ft , or adequate protection tor life orpropcrty now exists in the rebel DUttesioi Virginia, worth Carolina, South Carolina, Qeoreia.' Alabama. Irmisiann'TTlnrirla TnTja A w o I, - 7 1 A IU1U Kansas ; and whereas,, it is necessary that peace and good uiuer buuuiu ue euiercca in saia states until loyal ana republican State governments can be legally established : Therefore, . . - . . . Be it enacted, fec, That said rebel Stated shall be di vided Into military districts, and made subject to the military authority of the United States, as hereinafter prescribed ;, and for that purpose Virginia shall consti tute the 1st district ; North Carolina and South Carolina the 2d district Georgia, Alabama and Florida the 3d district ; ;3Iiesissippi and Arkansas the 4th district, and Louisiana and Texas the 5th district. -! ' - - i i Sec 2. That it shall belhe duty of tha President to assign to the command of each of said districts an officer of the; army not below the rank of brigadier general, andto detail a sufficient military f orco to enable such officer to perform his duties and enforce bi$ authority within the district to which he is, assigned. 'Sec. 3. That it shall; be the duty of each p'fficer as signed as aforesaid, to protect all persons in their rights of person and property, to suppress insurrection, disor der and violence, and to punislvor cause to be punished all disturbers of the public peace and criminals, and to this end he may allow local civil tribunals to take juris diction of and try offenders, or when in his judgment it may be necessary for the trial of offenders, he shall have rower to organize military commissions or tribunals for Ijat purpose; and all interference under color of State authority with the exercise of military authority undr this act shall be null and void. Sec. 4. That all masons put under military arrest by virtue of this act Ehall be tried without unnecessary de lay, and no cruel or unusual punishment shall be inflict ed; and no sentence of any military commission or tribunal hereby authorized, affecting the life or liberty ot any person, shall be executed until it is approved by the officer in command of the district ; and the laws and regulations for the government of the army shall not be affected by this act, except in so far as they may conflict with its provisions. o.Sflc- 5l T,kat whcn thc PePIe of any one of said rebel States jshall have f ornied a constitution of 'government in conformity with the Constitution of the United States in all .respects, framed by a convention of delegates elected by the male aitizens of said State twenty-one years old and upward, of whatever race, color or previ ous condition, who have been resident in said State for one year previous to the day of such election, except sncluas may be disfranchised for participation in the rcoelhon or for felony at common law ; and when Fuch constitution shall provide that thc elective franchise Bhall be enjoyed by all such persons as have the qualifi cation herein stated for election of delegates; and when such constitution shall be ratified by a majority of the persona voting on the question of ratification .who are qualified as electors.'for delegates, and when such con stitution shall have been submitted to ConTcs for ex amination and approval, and Congress shair'havc ap proved the same ; and when said State by a vote of its Legislature elected under said constitution chall have adopted the amendment to the Constitution of thc United States proposed by the Thirty-Ninth Conres and known as article fourteen, and when said article shall have become a part of the Constitution of the United States, said State shall be declared entitled to representation in Congress, and Senators and Eepresen tatives shall be admitted therefrom on their takin" the oath prescribed by law, and then and thereafter the preceding sections of this act shall be inoperative in said State : Provided, That no person excluded from the privilege of holding office by said proposed amend ment to the Constitution of , the United States shall be eligibld to election as a member of the convention to frame a constitution for any of said rebel Rtntra nor shall any such person vote for members of said convention. Sec 6. And be W further enacted. That until if tvn": pie of said rebel States shall be by law admitted to rep resentation in the Congress of the. United States, any civil governments which may exist therein shall bo deemed provisional only, and m all respects subject to the paramount authority of the United States at any time to abolish, modify, control or supercede the same: and in all elections to any office under such provisional governments all persons shall be entitled to vote, and none other, who are entitled to vote under the provis ions of the fifth section of thia act J and no person shall be eligible to any office under any such provisional gov ernments who would be disqualified from holding office under the provisions of the third article of said consti tutional amendment. -"- -'At ;f - ; -?! : SUPPLEMENTARY RECONSTRUCTION BILL. ; The following is a copy of the bill as It finally passed both Houses : - , 4 -; , An Act supplementary to an act entitled " An act to ! provide for the more efficient government of the rebel States," passed March 2, 1S67, and to facilitate restora 1 tlon. j . ' . - - (Be tt enacted by the Senate and House of Representa tlues of the United States of America in Congress As sembled. That before the 1st day of September, 1867, the commanding general in each district defined by an act entitled " An act to provide for the more efficient government of the rebel States," approved March 2, 1887,; shall cause a. registration to be made of the male citizen of the United States, twenty-one years of age and npwards, resident Jn each county, or parish in the State or States included in his district, which registra tion shall include only those persons who are qualified to vote for delegates by the act aforesaid, and who shall have taken and subscribed the following oath or affirma tion t f I, , do solemnly swear, (or affirm.) in the presence of Almighty God, that I am a citizen of the Statq of - ' ; that I have resided in said State for r- months next preceding this day, and now reside In the county of- or the parish of in said State, (as the case may be :) that I am twenty-one years old ; that I have not been disfranchised for participation in any rebellion or civil war against the United States, nor for felony committed against the laws of any State r of thc United States ; that I have never taken an oath as a member of Congress of the United States, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any State Legislature, or aa an executive or judicial officer c any State, to support the Constitution of the United States and afterwards engaged in insurrection or-rebellion against the United States, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof ; that I will faithfully support the Con stitution and obey the laws of the United States, and will, to the best of my ability, encourage others so to do, so help me God ;" which oath or affirmation may be ad ministered by any registering officer. ; i Sec. 2; And be it farther enacted, .That after Ihe com-" fiction pi the registration hereby provided for in an tate, 8t; such time and places therein as the fomnuaic Ing general shall appoint and direct, of which nt lrast thirty days' public notice shall begiren, an election shall kj l-o o,l nuv election lor me cnoice or electors for Pjcsi dent and Vice-President of the .United States, Repre sentativea in Congress, the executive and inHtHi delegates to a convention for the purine of establishing a constitution nnrl .-i 5S3!.8iS? Tvi UadohT Rald conTemloa Ftach t0-H of; the eame dumber J o julh-l numerous Drench of tha Ktntn Legislature of such State in the year lS to be nmS tJoned among the several district, countf cVJj 52S of -such State by the commanding general, eiVin!taach . representation Inoho ratio of ot. rcdSnSS snic as nearly a may be. The convention in .shall consist of the same number of members aVwi mted the territory now constituting vSSnif Kh most numcrons. branch of thc LcgirtSnre of Mid"tat f rS? yuar ? "PJMowM aforesaii V - fSEc .S. And belt furturenacttd, That at said lec- -t.-.. . w,ulumuu iu i u i in a constitution thoTvtnr tlon sh have written or prrnted on the ballots bv which" theyjtote fortlelegatesisaforcsaW, tso word ffi CDm-tioie'nd then - t rr . k0T words Against a conveution." The mt. Jr5Lrf5 1 tb superintend said election, and to makn-tuff th .u.uW we oico K'ea ior ana against a con. ventlon; and-tbe commanding general toXmhd same shall have been returned shJlaBcerteinand hSecfi! the; total vote In each Suteforanda-ainacoVvcnOon! If a maioritvf th vntM ,rivem C-rI-r.,TCDU.OT!: be for a convention, then such convention shall be held as hereinafter Drwlda ht it . r1, . niria -shall be against I cenUoiTthTo4 J?J shall be held under this act : Provided, That such con vention shall not be held unless a major! tyof a? ZSX registered voters shall.have voted on the question of noldinjr such convention.... .. ;uwuoii w Sec 4. And be it further enacted. That thc :omnumd. Ing general of each district shall appoint och IboSSof registration as may be necessary, consisting of throe loyal officers pr persons, to make and complete the rcis tration, superintend thetlccUon, and make rttornto hl tb Toti;?' "ft of voters; and 'of theSSoS elected as ; delegates by a plurality of the voSat ,etlon ; 611(1 upon ing said returns beshall open the same, ascertain the persons elected as delegates according to the returns of. the office wh"cSndSrted said election, and make proclamation thereof - and if a majority of the votes given on that question shall be for a convention, the commanding general, within idxtv days from the date of elecUoifthiU notify the dSeSi embJc in convention, at the Ume MdSSto 5 mentioned in the notification, and said conTeiitlon. wkra SAS?ifuBe to ?hc VroMfiarxB of this act, and the act to which it Is supplementary ; and when the thJlT 80 Bald wnritutTon S SrSSSflJ110 c,onIua for-ratification tolhe persons registered under the provisions of this act at an election to be conducted by tLe officers or ncreons r VOntx or to be appointed by the commandfng general as hereinbefore provided, and to be held after the ex piration of thirty days from the date of notice thereof MgJ'WS convention J and the returns thereof shall be made to the commanding general of the district. Sec 5. And be it furtier enacted. That If, secordin to said returns, the constitution shall be ratified bra majority of the votes of the registered electors qualified as herein specified, cast at said election, (at leist one half of all the registered voters voting upon the oucs-Snnnnhratili-?ti0D') Uw .President of the conven- Attr arCr0I?y 5f the samc' dniJ certified, to the President of the United States, who shall forthwith transmit the same to Congress, if then in session, and if not in session then Immediately upon its next as- fwbtini?,,and-,f IK31 moreover appear to Congm-s that the election Was one at which all the registered aad qualified electors in the State had an opportunity to vote 1?'ailh0trc6traint' 'ear,: or the influence of fraud, and if the Congress shall be satisfied that such ?ttl?nJQcctJs "1 "PProval of a majority of till the fiI1vdiieIS?2r8,IntKstate' 111,4 tho said constira Uon shall be declared by Congress to be in conformity withthe provisions of the act to which this is snpule raentary, and the other provisions of said act shall have been complied with, and the said constitution shall be approved by Congress, the State shall be declared en titled to representation, and Senators and Representa tives shall be admitted therefrom as therein provided. 5C,S: ?nd 6e UJurttUT enacted. That all elections in the States mentioned in the said " Act to provide for teJmor1? efiidcnt government of the rebel States," shall, during the operation of said act, be by ballot; and all officers making the said registration of voters and con ducting said elections shall, before entering upon the discharge of their duties, take and subscribe the oath prescribed by the act approved July 2, 1862, entitled "An act to prescribe an oath of office." -1S?C- 7a ruii6e H father enacted,: That all expenses Incurred by the : several commanding generals, or hv virtue of auy orders issued, or appointments made, by them, under or by virtue of this act, shall be paid out of sp r V h " 1 otnerwise appropriated. cers and agents herein authorized or- necessary to carry into effect the pnrppses of this act riot herein otherwise provided for. and shall nrnvirfo fnr u .i " til. tlon of such taxes on the property in suchtatc as may j rMj ..m duiuv, S-9! nd Jt further enacted. That the word article, in the sixth section of the act to which this is supplementary, shall be construed to mean section J!i EEPUBLIOAN . PLATTOEM. Resolutions adopted by the Republicans of North Caro-Use?'-0 Vonventioa heM m Raleigh, 27fA March, f Having assembled in thc City of Ralcieh on the 27th of March, 18C7, in conformity with a timely and patriotic call, reflecting the'scntimenta of thd loyal men of the State, and believing the lime Is at hand when an open and fearless expression of sentiments, opinion, and pur pose is urgently demanded : therefore, i it- Jtetoived, mat In view of our present political condition, ,onr relations to thaNatioual Government and the people of all sections of tbo country, we do thitt dr.y with proud satisfaction unfurl thc brilliant and jrlorcus ""7" iwii L'liiiicAN i aktt, ana earnestly ap peal to every true and patriotic man in thc State to rally to its support. ilia splendid and patriotic record made by this rreat 1 political organization, in etandinjr by the pencral pov- i ernmcnt with an inflexible resolution, in carrying for ward profound measures of statesmanship to a success ful issue, and the powerful aid given bv it in finally I overthrowing and prostrating the most gigantic rebel lion of ancient or modern times, should command the respect and challenge the admiration of every candid man. ' 2. Resolved, That tha American Congress Is eminently entitled to the profound thanks of the whole country for its persevering, persistent and heroic devotion to the great principles of human rights as enunciated in the Declaration of Independence ; that in thc name of the patriotic people of this State we feel warranted Jn cor-' diaily assenting to and accepting the reconstruction plan recently and finally adopted by that body, and to the end tliat peace and order may be permanently secured and every industrial pursuit resumed and encouraged, we pledge ourselves to use every fair and legitimate means to influence public sentiment to the nearest possible ap proach to unanimity on this subject. 3. "Resolved, That we rejoice that the dogma long pro pagated, of the-right of. peaceable secession Under the Constitution, has been forever overthrown bv the majestic uprising of thc American people, in crushing out the late rebellion by force of arms ; and that the doctrine that the supremacy of the general government has been established, and that thc paramount allegiance of thej citizen has been acknowledged as due to thc United States. 4. Resolved, That we sincerely exult in the fact that as a nation we are now absolutely a NatIos of Fbee 3tex, and that the sun In all his course over our widj spread i country no longer shines upon the brow of a slave, i Without reservation we heartily endorse the great measures of Civil Rights and Impartial Enfran chisement withont any property qualification, conferred without distinction ot color, and that we are ready to unite in thc early practical attainment of these 'inesti mable privileges'. Although the 'mortal remains of Abbaham Lincoln now rest silently beneath the soil of his adopted State, yet his voice still rings like a clarion through the land, earnestly summoning everr American citizen to the support of the great Party of Liberty and Emancipation. 5. Resolved, That as thc most potent and efficient means by which the South can speedily regain her lostS uroppcniy, we earnestly advocate the spreading of knowledge and education among all men, and that to the attainment of this great end, we demand and shall per sistently and firmly insist upon the absolute rightof tree discussion and free speech on all subjects of public In terest. ! t C. Resolved That we. join in an earnest wish for the maintainacce untarnished and undimmed of the public credit and plighted faith of the nation. - c : 7. Resolved, That in the maintainance of. the position taken and thc principles this day avowed, we earnestly Invite the. influence and co-operation of men of all po litical persuasions, who regard and cordially support the recent actum of Congress as a solution of our present political difficulties: that we deprecate partisan violence and desire peace and good will toward all men; and If in an open and fearless effort, which we propose to make on every suitable occasion, to persuade and convince the people, that our highest duty and truest interest is to be subserved by maintaining tbo principles of the Re publican Party, an earnest interest should be awakened, it will be from no other can so than a rigid adhcrance to what we regard aa a sacred. right and a solemn public duty, i ' ? . r The following resolution was offered by Mr J R O'llara, of Wayne, and adopted : . . Resolved, That this Convention tender their sincere ; thanks to Jas. H. Harris for the zealous and efficient manner in which he. has labored ht the. North! for th cause-, of an -loyal men in North Carolina and for her speedy return to the Union. s Mr. W. F. Henderson; of Davidson, offered thc fol lowing, which was adopted : , i Resolved, That the thanks of this Convention are due and are hereby tendered to the Spartan - band of Repub licans in the late. Legislature of this State, for their bold and fearless defence of Conress and thc Union. .. . i Mr. Settle offered the following, which were unani mously adopted : - : ? Resolved, That we esteem onrselves fortunate. In that so experienced and accomplished a statesman and sol dier as Major General Daniel. E. Sickles has been ap pointed to the command of this military district. We tender to him our hearty co-operation as loyal citizens in the performraice of the important duties that have been devolved vpon him. I Resolved, That we are gratified toleirnthat GesuJohn C. Robinson has been assigned to the command of thia State, under Gen. Sickles. His former administration Of military affairs in this State has been such as to give us a most .favorable opinion of his peculiar fitness for the position thus assigned him," - - "f r- ; A : - Mr Carter introdnced the following, which waa also VT..J . T 1 Republican Phrtv oT! North Carolini and tht th rr.l I dent members of raid commtttre in each Consrcssion jf .."" " etiucteu, i nui tne conven tion for each State shall prescribe the fees, sidary. and compensation to be Daid to all dnlmmfoQ LJ, ! Resolved, That the President of this CnnvnM yl point an Executive Committee of forty members to District be authctlted Ito appoint ssik eomEiIUecj la every county oi the state. - - . . . ir. uoexcry offered lh fouowing, w aiopi od i ' Y . ( . VftnlreA. That the mrmfcrm of the Convention hereby pledge tbvnvlres to oe every keltluuit tncsns In their power 19 aiwknmnivte' correct iniormauon kjobh iu iwople of their iwpoalyo counties.-:' , BTATB EXEUTIVB COMMITTEB. In Tiiii simnoe-of the-rIntoti sdontcd by the reccct Iieconsrructlon Convpnllon iivlulclehv thcllon K IL Jones, tho rresldcnt; ofs th tody, has arpolttcd tbo following Executive State Commit. tec for UwRepubll Cun pan j oi x una varonna s :- - J tWHITES.) t- 4 . Wx. W. IIoldkx. rWelch, Wake county. C. L. llAiuta. lWcigh, Wske county. . C? ( y . Jaxes FTaixok, RHfaw Wake conBtf. - - - $ Pr. Ere exe Gbissox. Prankllnton, Granville county. I W. A. Sxrni, Boon IIUL Johnston county. , . . Jotnc I'oot, Colcr&Ine, Bertie county. -j Lewis Tuowpsos, Hotel. Iicrtle county. Ay Dattd M. CABTrn, Washington, Beaufort county. I Dxrtn IIeaok. Newbera. Craren county. C. JL Thoxas, Newbern, Craven coonty. - - ' 1 K. L. Pembbbto; rsiycttevllle, Cumberland county, j Daxtei. R.OoorjLOK.I Warrcnton, Warren cotmty. Atnxs Docxert, ISocki ugh am. Riximood county. ; ! Tnoa. 8rm WcntirorthRocklngham county. , lob t r. iwes. urecnsoorovGuIirorti county. Dr. W. SiOA!r, Danas, Gaston county.' Jo. IL Xztt, Wilmlogton, New Ilanovrr county. J. Q, A. Bbtas, Trap IlilL WUkes county. L. H Stzwabt. AshevUlo. Buncombe county. . . W,a B. Gakbett. Richjand Valley. Ilsywood CO. . 8ax'i. Fobkxtb, ML Airr. Surrr countr. R Wn-UAXS, Burnsvllle. Yancry county. CJ. W. IiOOAX. Rutherford ton, Rutherford county. ' R. W. Krxc, Klnstonj Lenoir county. i (COLORED.) . . . J j Jas. II. ITariu. Raleigh, Wake county, j Alexis Loxa, Raleigh. i Jaxrs Joxxs, Raleleh. OJW. THtoDra, Raleljrtu : - iJoincMAxrrn, Itnlrish.- - - 0. P. Rocrke, Wilmington, New Ilanover county. ( W. Cawtbobk. Warrenton. Warren county. i Johx IItxak, Warrcnton. Wanw county. -IL Ixtoaxks. Grecnshoro. Guilford county. , J. W. Hood, Fayettcville, CumbcrLmd county. 1. B. Abbott, Jewhmt. Craven county. . II. Efpes. Halifax. Halifax county. T', A. Stkes. Klizabeth City, paquotank county. Tovr Gnrr, HendeTonviIle, lIendcrson county." R. SMrrn, Charlotte. Mecklenburg county. J. E. O'Haba, Goldsboro', Wayne county. AtrsxD Stokes, Wilkesboro, Wilkes county. WHOLESALE AKD RETAIL DliUn I Boots and Shoes, SIGN OF TIIE "BIG BOOT." 35 Craven Strebtj NcwBerncv N. C. WITn a large and well assorted Stock of BOOTS and SHOES from thc principal Manufacturers North and i East, I iod warranted in guaranteeing to all who may favor too with their patronage, entire eatiff action. May 2-1-tf. ' ! ' . Hubbs & Brother, ' WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN GROCERIES, PR 0 VISIONS, CROCKERY, NOTIOXS, FIXE LIQ UORS, ' ' cC, CC, etc. 1 middtie; street, ONE DOOR SOUTH OF TOLLOIv STREET. NEW BEn.W X. C. E. numis., j MAyz 1-tf O. HUBBS. A. McL LACKLIN MIDDLB STREET, 4 EeU-ecn Tollor and South Fnmt llLRX. . C. THROUGH the felicitation f nnmrrous friends and old enstomers, he will cut tmrmcnts for gentlemen and boys in thc very latest styku, having thorourhlv noatcd himself In regard to the fashions. te WH4"7 poawa Customers can have thelrtwa material, or theycan bo supplied with the best article, as he is prepared to fur ninh a choice assortment ot Spriuj? and Snmmet Cassl meres, Drillings, fcq .. . May 3-rt-tf. Geo. S. Campbell, ! TAKES pleasure In EhowD3forfcllIns his large' stock of , " FINE TABJE CUTLERY, . . GLA 8S n'A RE, CHINA , CR OCKElt Y, ? TEA TRA YS, CAS TORS, LAMPS, OIL, Ac. RED FRONT1! 8 POLLOIv.ST. - Maya-l-tf - I EXCELSIOR ! jEXCELSIOR ! f - Chastellar's Hair Enninator! Fdr Removing Svperfluou Hair rino the ladies eTecIallyj this Invaluable depilatory -M- recommends Itifelf as being an almost Indispensable article to female beauty. Is easily applied, does not bars or injurs the skin, but acts directly on tho roots. .It la warranted to remove superfluous hair from low fore heads, or from any part of the body, completely, totally and radically extirpating the same, leaving the skin soft, smooth and natural. 'This. Is the only article used by the French, and is the only real, effectual depilatory in existence. Price 73 cents ir package, sent postpaid, to any address, on receipt of an order by ,', BEUQElt, SUtiTTS "Jfc CO., Chcmlrti, Ma j 2-1-ly ' - SS5 River St., Troy, N. T. REP.VRATOR CAPILLI. i. Throw away your false frizzes, your switches, your wlir Destructive of comfort, and not worth a fig Come aged, come youthful, coma rgly and fair And rejoice ia your own luxuriant hair. -i i REPARATOR CAPILLI. L pOR restoring hair upon bald heads (from whatever L i S1 " have fallen out) and fords- tS v " i 1 w-, wia.u., ii win lorco the beard to grow upon Us smoothest face ia from fire to eight weeks, or hair upon bald heads In from two to three months. A few ignorant practitioners hava aa. serted that there is nothfrg that forcwha7tSS crowth of the hair or beard. I Their assertions axefalse! asthousands of living witncMes (from their ownex. perience) em bear witness. But many will say. how are we to dieUnguish the genuine from the srmHoBS t It eertainly is difflcnlt, as nine-tenths of the different Pre parations advertised for the hair and board are entirely worthless, and yon may have already thrown away laree amounts In their purchase. To. such we would say. trr the Rcparator Capllli ; It will coft yon nothing unkss It fully comes op to our representations.- li your Dro-Hst does not keep It, send as one dollar and -ats will forward U, postpaid, together with.a receipt for. the meW which will be returned vou on anrlldtinn. nrui,. entire satisfaction Is not riven. , Address t . . w- - w- ua-M NY . 1. CLARK A CO . HimLu i i. xt ?VL et FTetlf fclrcct Syracnse, N. V. i A. H. FOSTER, Iff PT'cfi Jf ; J V ? I pc cLD tcra, T to'i riy xczz. ' - 'A tprinj arproacc$ - - r- j ' - Antt cud HoachtM y "'. ' From their IcUm eotr4 LAndJfie ond JiaU " i:U .. in rpiticfcats, f Gaily $ktp oZxrvL - '"1 years crtabHibed tnV.Yl Clty. " Only InfjLlIIbJ rcoodios knovro' M Free from IHj-obx" - . t Not danrerous to the TJamaa Family . ' Bats come out of their boles to (He. ?Costar,s,? Rat, Roach itc Extcnai Is f paste eJ for Hats, Viet, ZbacXt, Black. ad JZed AnU, rfe dc a Cost3i,8w Bol-Bcs Extcnhlnator Is a liquid or wa b uM to destror, and also a prcrcntiUve for Bed-Jivft, kc " Cos tar's " Electric Powder for Insects j Is for XoUu, Jfo?vUoeM, Flu, JUd. 77 vyt, j IiAett cm J'iaikU, I'ottU, AnimxiU, f C ,(T3f"!!! BrwAMfft of ill worthless fmJutlona. See that Cost aji's name Is on each Box, DotUc. and Flask, before you boy. Address, RFTET It. CxJTin. Sow In New Bern. N. CL. by Rjchaks I! cut. aad all Briglts and Retailers evrrTwhcru. CXUCBATXa Buckthorn Salve, I Tot S0 Bnrn. Bruises, Wounds, BofT. Cancers, Bro- ken Breasts. Sore Nipples. BWdluc. Blind and Palcfol i itca; rvromioua. 1'ucnu aod IU-coodiUoaod Sores; Ulocrs, Gbindular Swelling, Eruptlooa, Cutsneoes AX- iSTv025 COcta and $1 six. , Mold by all Drrrglots everywhere. And hy IKS It V IL COS TAR, Depot 4M Broadway. N. and iucnaxs Urur tad Gooooro A Watxxxs! New Bern. N. CL . "1 ; : o s t a nis rXtTKBSAl. CORN SOJLVJENT, For Corn. Bunlona, Warts. Ac. STf! M eta and $1 sixes, bold by all Imrrits tTtrrhcTt Av'5AESM Hi COSTAR. Depot SI Broad wty. Ne Bern, S c. ,uu wodub a ATxsxt, COST AH'B" . mxr AJu.Tiojt of.,.-. -. . Bitter-Sweet & Orange Blossoms tuu UtAUTIFYINQ THE COMPLEXION. " w hlng It tn preference to all others, i SJ7 Bottles, 81, Kold by Brurruts everywhere. Abd by HENRY IL C03TAR, Depot 4M Broadway, N. ..and Richard Bzkbt and Goooora A Warxxxa! New Bern, N. C COST AK'8" raCTOIlAL ' : ,CO UGH REMEDY, tSf" Bottles. 2S rta M m -Ajdby UENRYIL COatARTDepot 434 Broad-. r ,: "CO 8 t A B BmZ ' CZLZmtATXD BISHOP PIZZ8,. A CTiTi3tiALDirrrniTT T Sold by all Dmrrita rrprrwhere. And by IIENRY B. COSTEbTdoI 431 TWj 7 . Life jLnsuraii'cQ'C o. i Or.TCKTT TORE. o ! cju?iTaZs s i.ooo.ooo.c Tho bcacfiu of Life I&ra&sc aecd U 1 to bo enumerated at Hal jc. Ercrj nd CJoaiWcTuto ntia, 1st don Hi - t f ami) In having hit 4 i liife Insured 1 At a caaH expense & fisiUj b fririrtJ tfV tay tranthich aeddcat or tArtrHlj zJ othenrtse "bring tapon then. i Tho iuiTaaligti of lU t r. " - - - . Oermania JLtfcInsxtranciCx ! xraiJLRaB andstxadixticixii ' catxtal. li U managed by rdialU and:d kx Men ' Tho Inrarod need f car no 'ctlLLGri o? rv tloa on the part of ihli COHPA2TT. u h b. insured over 12,000 pcrtoni for tax tlu Eighteen MlUioai of DoIIirt iLUa six net Jl j hat jkuJ xtithin a as yeart err $200,000.00 to IMchtct and Orphax " eT It pcrnilu m rctldcact tzxiX trartl oalhiCcs1 tlncnt of Europe aad la tho Southern Eitia i far South at tho northern icsndary cf Zct Carolina, . . - I ;E. S. Young & Co.. eiry, Usta, Cape, Ac very ktm tot cash, . 7tsD rsoyrxo. u rou.ox sr, Xw Bra. K. C. THE NEW BERN REPUBUCAX ' E JHEHKETQEB, Hiltci JAHE3 a HAE2IE0H, rVtfftV, rtTJLI5iniD, TRI-W1IEXLT YUL CZLtTPI -; btecst. xrw insx rnuz tJrPUEUCAU U lamed as LNDETENDENT ASD rCOCUCSSIYi: joCTCUi liL.T-. thi cntlscxU end e-dla of ta2o4U total pcrlxiioB of l attora 3ona Cv CWUTM wxxrnrTyxaIii-: crpofiilcn to O dortrtB f2i05l".by .,v advoracyof the turvd JjAdpkt of Union, Liberty aad v j ixLx X JZfP 5 be deoCM to V cotaaiii h-- J.f?1 toward turns sac rta by all araUable (neaxs of ths jw,;, . tMZcv wnoErt, iod Utrmnre, wi3 rrlrs sees lzuvA VlSStl1 besssarks m r, m 2 011 43 Interest wS ! IEZZ??!?U V- appeertMyet aesO adrcrtUics xaedlca are tmut. ..... . ' RATT3 or srasexuruos ; XXaXTTAKEw OtidYear. : ! Fix Kowtha Three 11 onth One ft lUTES OF IDVUmOTO t TeaBneeoroM w U rpace to cenretste Onewsquare one tcsertiem . . , aabrjTsret Inacrticn . LUxrai CeCTrx'.z-B cv te rsrre 3Tfitiwr h. j. I'TKNiKtira u. vJ s: Wf3 JURiisoi, ry..v.0T a rr?-,-; ' JtJ -tx. - -. . . -. . . .1 ' i ! A'-. P 4?