H H T I . .t-.4-- :- , .k ;.i .r?Anj f?:, . .- - - . . ' r : ; - r- ' . : ; ; ftp; w m w, m $m ? u) - -i - . '' "1 - - 1' ' 1 - ' . 1 ' - 1 1 1 ' ' ' " " '''('. . v . , .. . ;. ' , ' ' ' , - - ' . - - - v J 1 . 1 1 11 1 11 . " " : . publisued tpi-avxekLy. ' , ! tt?J. HENOTTGEE, PMjEditor. 1 ' ! , JAS. 0. HAEEISOIT, PaHisher & Proper.' BATES OP SUBSCRIPTION : TerihtGash in Adtance Six Mostta Tbree MontM O0MODUt j ((LOO 1 v .3.00 ; 1.50 1 -1 50 B3 i HJKNITUEE & BEDDING r isTHBSTATECQSSISTJXois PABTpy l. ftaistfftdt Bomns, CndIo Crilrt, -ConchM, beskf, Mttrc6se-i Mlrrorn. ' : -w - ; , . Bocken, Softs, i , 7 . Standi,' 4 I ' ... 1 . 4 1 , f : Fr 'aU at UhaUl.t rtMl ft i ; j; , , f. ... ... . C: A:. HBLS01T-& CO. ' CraTea Street, ITEWBElUr, H. O. . I 1 Woollcott & Tinker, MiDDta Stkeht, HkT on hand ana ror saic bi nuc ,T v4i casb, a Urge lot of , . " . : , j I . ... ; .. - : . t : 1 r :r ti : ! COUNTRY LARD, BUTTER; CHEESE; ... .,. : . . , i .... w. - j ' . ( 1 Bockwboat, Graham and Family Flour of all grade. I YoL:I.--No.27. 1. Price" 5 Cents. Mr. Iliriton Rowan Helper was a North Caroliniaii, of ; the " poor white " variety; Who, while hardly yet of age, was drawn to California by the marvels f related of her wealth in gold ; nearly twenty years ago. A brief residence in that region of activity -' and advchtare sufficed to con vince him; of tho immense superiority of free to slave labor as ; the ; basis of social prosperity and progress ; and he returned to ; the Atlantic slope J a Vehement rcon temner of slaven and slave-owners, His new .views were set forth in a volume en titled- The Impending Crisis," which, uvuhwu v. list guuuitTU urijjin Coll and examine them. WayB-l-tt. and its unsparing rhetoric, secured a very large sale, mainly at .the North, eight to ten years agol The facts it embodied, ? the sentiments it diffused; might have been far more wiselyand less offensively pre- seiueu, yei vney conxnouiea 10 can atten tion to thb uttet incompatibility of slave ry with liberty, and so subserved a tem porary purpose. ? Ti 1 7 Mr. Helper sympathized with the Ke- publicans in so far as they sought to limit or to extinguish slavery; but he was still essentially a bouthern poor white in his antipathy to negroes and mulattoes, whom he, with the blind prejudice of his caste, made somehow responsible for the degra dation off labor and the i laboring poor, He took! no pains to I conceal, in his " Crisis," ihis scornful hate of the blacks: and he has now developed and intensified that malevolence in a volume entitled as above, whereof the avowed object is the creation (or inflammation) 01 a public sentiment which will drive the blacks, and (in fact) all other races but the Cau- Aiway attppiiod with the best of wiaca, Liqnqra and casian. speedily off this continent, and ul- tMecliants, Club House" chjLYtiX ST11EET, .; I: y; .:. r; -.l ...... i. i Near' the Post Office, N E W B E R N , N . C PERSONS coming to New Bcrn,"wlll find this a neat and comfortable place to stop at. Erery attention , TABLES, j With all the market will supply. LODGINGS, . . .. Unsurpassed. WM. L. PALMER, May l-l-ll Proprietor. V M. HAHN & CO., 14 POLtOK, STREET, NEW BERN, N. C., A nnounco to our patron and -the public In general, IX that harlng fitted np our . ' j 1. BAKERY IN THE BEST MANNER, ;:. ...V- -,'!..,. '.; .. i L : i proporod to furotefc oar caslomera with l00I BREAD, rPIES AND CAKES ot all deecrlptiona. We will also furnish at the shortest notice urnamentai uaiccs 01 au acsccriprions, to ,Tnf(erlng our thanks to our customers, and soliciting; a continuance ox tua same, we remuia respecuaui ble "exceptions, no membeT of theKenatel' no meniberof tlie.Houso of rJeprcsenta- ai. .i-lvy ,--v-v.l r a! T . ui c, , iy . wu, iur. mc x cgru xureuu bill," or for any one of the thous'ands-and- one other black abbminationsjof the I51ack Congress, shall everaMn be elevated to anv office or honor i or i trust under 'the Goyeryment of the United States. On the contrary, let those, guilef nl and nef a- nous iramers oi DiacK statutes oe maue to see that treason in tllCInSelves,, just the same as treason in others, is-a thing to be' speemcially. detested and pumshed ; and and further, that so much greater ia the enormity of their .own . treason than the treason! of the . traitor' Jeff. Davis, that, whereas his perfidious - punx)ses were practiced only Taeainst the Circassian blooded .inhabitants of tx single common wealth, (and a few negroes, whether few or many, not worth the mention,) their Tlic L'urciorted Proceedings i of the Rcceni Sessions or tiie'Cabin v Special Notices. ThU ia truly the "ice of procrtL" M the Americas "pcopJe are, beyood dcrabt. far. ahead of all others. This la ekarly dmxmtrtrd hj the Forina Machine -hkh 1, trrtly rpmLtac, a ii rlcsnU. Tesfion. . '-"WKctf Jhe proceedings of the5' Cabinet wero 'm ven t to. the public; a f er Java since, EQme little j surprire was felt and t J .m. 1 r-tr.Tn vi .v.MWf iimi nit; uiaucr oi.ueciuinir un 1 xicmE rou. eat ma iimnr cit. , Jinc Opinions Ot the. Attorney Ueneral U.iU pre-etnlacut, Their -lorroTtd Jfannfsrtartns ;sll0tlld btY'disnnsrtfl nf iTtrltir . en littln n-i-i I Mahlpw has &o HraL It is built on found echnl- dencc of contention. Knowing that two ,2? S'T --T . . ... ". stood, atkdBCttaUo to ct oat of order. - inembea.of Uo Cabmet . were not a unit i6q0tUuiariyo.cioUaMithf. m t? Views. Of r,Gcneral Sheridan's ao- eanaotbc equalled; and as su-, reoommcod U to tion at.xsew Orleans: it av.is believed that ourrTkndaadthpobiicp:Dcrny. 1.1 11. 11 rvr 1 i rinnr m asit mr i. t I A I i and tdrmv .dnebut the nuhliKViHl oft. count f of ,'the !Cabinet deliborations in Tofmal fea that the, portion of Mr. Rtao Tbory's opinion . referring to rcstratioii was concurred in with but one dissenting voice. Many persons, however. reirdcil , i m Insurance a MayJ-l-U. M. HAHN & CO -.f To tlic Public. ..1- - V - : j' - J ft J. . W. VAUGHN, , - Opr. South Front and Hancock Street,; ' TS paying the highest market prices for all kinds of MAKUFACTURERS' 8T0CK, - i s , .:' OLD IRON, 'i ,:,!J..-' - : OLD. BRASS, : V I r OLD LEAD, t OLD COPPER,; UAU8, AC., EVER SON & CO. i Turpentine Distillers, ' Miller's Wharf, Union Point j j: - j , Also WHOLESALE and RETAIL GROCERS, i Foot of Middle st., opposite the Market j NEW BERN, N. .C; -i ' 1 May 1-1 -Cm.. -. ; . j j '( J. D. HEYWOOD'S PRO T.O G R A P H R O O PVIS , CRAVEN STREET I ' NEW BERNE, N. C., (OrrosiTB Nbw Bkbkb Rbpubi.icax Okticb.) P HOT OQ'UAPHS, AM BRO T T PE 8, J1 everything pertaining , to the art done in the ' - Instrnrtinna Han in k . - f ! " Jfor5?le .cntlre outfits furnlahod for email MaTJ-l-tX ww i WALTER O. WEST, i . . ' (Successor to) ' v ! 1. I. EDWIN WEST, VESTS BOOK STORE NEWS DEPOT. timately but of existence. That With such a purpose he should write a mean, low, liateiul, venomous book, was inevitable : but his maledic tions on! the unoffendinsr blacks are so furious and screechy as to evoke a suspi cion that he is intentionally caricaturing and satirizinsr, by monstrous exaggera tion, the! views which he seems to com mend. But Helper is not a Defoe nor Dean Swift ; he really knows no better I than to fancy that the Nineteenth Century will accept such doctrines as these: " Certain it is . that we owe it to our- selves, and we ought to be able, to, get rid of the negroes soon ; but 11 they are ta remain much longer in the "United States (which may God, in His great mercy, forbid I), we may as well build immediately, for their relief and correc tion, in alternate adaptation, a row of hospitals and prisons, all the way from the Atlantic to the Pacific, and," upon tlic same plan, a range or series of alms-houses and penitentiaries the entire distance from Lake Superior . to the Gulf of Mexico ! All the devil-begotten imps of darkness, whether black or brownwhether negroes or Indians, whether Mongols or mulat toes, should at once be dismissed, and that forever, from the care, from1 $hc sight, and even from the thoughts, of the Heaven4)orn whites. Wherever seen, or wherever existing, the black arid bi-color- ed races are the very personifications of bastardy and beggary. In America, these races are the most unwieldly becasioners of dishonor and weakness ; they are the ill-favored and unwelcome instruments of disservice ; they are the ghastly types of effeteness and retrogression. At the ear liest practicable moment, these inutile and baneful elements of our population must be either deported or fossilized. Here j is the manner in which Helper regards; and characterizes impartial suf rage: ; - "This is the incorrigible and groveling ignoramus upon whom it is proposed to confer at once the privileged! voting, the This is the oathsome and most 1 execrable wretch (rank-smelling and hideous arch-criminal that he j is) who has been mentioned as one fit to have a voice in the enactment of laws' for the government of the Ameri can people ! Shall we coof or the elective franchise on this base-horn and ill-bred blackamoor, this hideous and skunk scented idiot ? No ! Whv not? Because he does' not know, and cannot know, how to vote intelligently. It would, therefore, to say theieast, be an act of gross folly on our part, to extend to the negro the privilege 01 aoing wnat tne ommpoteni God of. Nature has obviously, and for all time, denied him the power to do. Those of our half-witted and demagogical legis lators ivho waste time in attempting to prove the equality of the negro, and in wicked designs havo'becn leveled against f tns official statement of Cabinet opera the general and peculiar wellarc of the "Whites of the whole world." We have copied quite enough of this wretched farrago; but with a purpose.: Careless, easy people say, The Republi can party -has fulfilled, itsmission." Slavery.being abolished, it may now give pjace to other organizations, uaseu on fresh and living issues." 4 Helper shows the futility and peril ot such calculations shows that a great and generous party of Hiberty, based not on .Wrath and Hate but 011 Justice and Generosity, is torday indispensable that its disappear-i aiice would involve the whole land in an-, archy .and bloodsheed through a warfare of race upon race- of color against color. Whatever its errors, the Republican par ty cannot yet be spared, even if it had no higher use than to hold in check and keep j the Democratic party from commit ting itself to such insane arid brutal rav ings as those of Ilinton Rowan Helper. JV2 Y: TVibiincl tome . COMPAKV, : Nw IIatks, OoyvscnccT. RATES 0F ADVERTISQi Q : Ten linrs or ooe ims ot r;r cotauisve a 1 Oxe surc. or IcacrtSoa . J l OJ fpccUl Notice rhsrxttd O pet Ttc4 LiVet Uaoc, Iury admtUccaests. ! . ror ftdmtlovoktmu losrrtad tmtr&lcy, S pm ooaX Uchcf thaa twos! nlct mm be dLMrzvL . . . ' ' A3 bo!oe'k:rT hodi to swIIttm to th ptCiw7 GOODSPEED Weekly Steamnhip Lino; Btccn Xcc Yvrk and Xee Jjtme, . ; . AVrtA Carolina. CARK YIXO CN IT ED STATE , MAIL. fitaraihJi) The JL ?fQ. 1 Ellen S. Terry,. CHAPIN $1,540,116.60 I Nason fc Fostkk, Agts. New Berne, N. C. OFFICE A 7 'JtIG BOOT." jit A.D CMFF & CO., I Foot oi Poilok Street, A-LLthoprl AUantlc, Vof VaV TI1 Oiiviam ' TTemftr'a m w ik uniij s. caa a avasu rv f o's, Ballous,l Old Guard, &c receiv- ? 'The La lies' Fashion Book: Such as Ood.ey'a, Demor 'Chimney Corner," Harper's Weekly, Leslie's Ulus- ated, Lc, cTcry veek. O UJi CIR C ULA TING LIBRARY offers great attraction to all lovers of select literature, STATIONERY, - INK, PENS, &c j &c ' v , A of all kinds. - , ,! , : PO!TT FQRQETTHErLACEi l . WEST'S BOOK; STORE, Mayi-l'tf. No-"WPOixoKatawr. " 50D Bbls. Rockland; Lime, '8T reosived and for e&l by ?y aoiivtr. P.MERWIN & CO.; PpUokM.,' New Berne. " j ; Ilcliotypograpliy. The following article which we copy from; the Journal of Commerce, records one of the most remarkable discoveries of modern science": . -i : . V " ' Heliotypograpiiy. Here tioiLs as a very meagrei display .for. four pdays of .cogitation, and suspected that all naa not been revealed. Circumstances being favorable, your 'co-respondent has been enabled ' to obtain a glance' ' at the internal machinery of the Cabinet, and has observed someting! of that part of the transactions which have not yet been giv en to; the country. . It was understood, when trie Cabinet met yesterday a week ago, that the opinion M of the ; Attorney General on registration was to bo consid ered, but on the tbird day of the session the opinion ontho power of military com manders to renort and'annoint civil offi cers was introduced for discussion. Mr. TCiQ 1 nifl. 1TI T illTYi VlOY1 the Cabinet ou the first opinion were to be published, prepared written state ments of his' reason for voting against such points in tho second opinion as did not coincide with his views. . As the sec ond opinion wasto be considered in the same manner as the first that is, divided into sections,' and a separate vote taken on each section -and as a secretary wis present to record all the proceedings bf the Cabinet, when Mr. Stanton voted against a section ho "handed over his written argument' why jtfrc section should not be concurred in, and requested th jit his reasons for voting so should be inclu ded in the proceedings. As some hesi tation was manifested in agreeing to tins proposal, a vote was j taken to decide whether the arguments of the Secretary of - War should go into tho proccedinga, and this time all voted "No except 3lr. Stanton. The discussion of tho latter opinion is paid to have been quite warm and spirited, and it was afterwards deci ded not to publish this portion of the de cision. Before the President left the city he gave the order to have the instructions to district commanders prepared, and tjie Secretary of War is now engaged in com- from VtU xxt for New Yark OF ALL -.KINDS, - . WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. f ' Building: Material is a new word added to the vocabulary by the "ne cessities of this advancing age and the , 9 discoveries of modern science. Ever since the discovery of the Haguerre pro cess, it has been an object of earnest pur sun 10 nna a meinoa 01 nsmg tne photo graphic art for the production of Metahc type by which to, pnut in the ordiuary letterrpress style the pictures made by the sun. j Scores ot inventions have been made; without final success. We are at length able to say that the desideratum has been accomplished, and the Ileliotype Company, whose place of business is at No. 90 iUllton Street, are prepairillg to nWinrr-thrmr lint it is not nmontod that work with the aid of the sum as rapidly they will be Issued until the return of tho as publishers can desire in the production President Wasiinfton despatch to tc FURNISHED AT ! 1 Ihort Notice. SPOKES AND STAVES. k wrDXxsiti r. jclt. ugt, - T at h:f rt 4 o'cloik p. 31. AU Ow5 4Jrrt4 to y cor IH be rocdrtd StA Xonrmrded Free o( CovaftlMlcm. . . . Vot freight or tvlcr c.bo&m) vxcwjoaL dulosa, ajirfy si Win. IL ont Jt Ca.'s Brtrk Kiare, 3tay -l tl . - : . , t . 'ASTROLOGY: ' . - - . Tho ; World Astonished at Tii irormrRrrt. ZTrrvxTtan MADE BY THE GREAT ASTR0LOG 1ST, Madame IL A. PERRIGO. - SLe rrrcal ktcU uo morul rtct knew. &h iwAartm to hipiiM to rtfQ, frota 6 oWal crrrt. estms trvpte, croMes la tor. C rrUtkme sosd ifrtrsxt lo of tnoery, Icttie become tlwmn&rtiU tUt brltyr tnrrtcr lhc Vanj rrsVrd. UJ vrmstkia conotTUlii; abest Irtrndi or lorera, rrtorrs lot r ttolm pni-rtj, telle yoa the budws yoa slts boK CV fed to pcrse um! la tat yoa IU be mot onoMi&l, csrc pmly rasTrtaert aiiJ UH tea ttw rcry liy yva will marry, slrre yoa the nste. llkrM s-bd rimrwrur Utlrsof ih pom, bbe rr rvmr vrry tbovrfala. abd by hrr ahnol rspcnuUenJ rowxr kbiUs Um Cut. and r.lddrn nrrtrHrs of the f attire. From the ur r vpottS fitrd sure la tbe see la tbe ftrmmen tbe toairse atare tbst or rrrdan.lo&t In tbe eoofijcartia Irom tbe ba pemtion c hravcra st tbe destlor ot man. Pall not to roevnJt tbe rroklnn Aa trok.nt on enb. It cots yoa bet a txifi sod roa rnty ncr-r sctln. bire o taruntte a oyoortioity. CbuselUtlci fe. 1tb tkrw u4 tul Cfiri-i tcf orm. I km. $i. PenWinin; at Iitsnre cxa wna tbe Madsme by mall ilh equal SAfttr sod AllrfarUc to tbrtnulvc. If In pemm. A full and extlirlt cbsrt. trrltlm out, ha Itnclrice anrwrrrd srd LtrtMs ty Terms Caah. T. PO WERS, . - i South Front Street,1 endowed. mt by xnaU oo receipt of trice abort tloncd. Tbe itrlctrt crry HU he malsulstad. nd all correrrKHkU-coe rrtcjwd or J-troyt-d. lUicTraare of tbe bJxbet order f srclb(d tboae dralrln tben. Write plainly tbe day ot tbe raonlb &od yrar la ertlck yon cre burn, rnclualc; a rta.aH lock of Lair. Adrcs Hinaai IL A. I ZHUUiO. T. O. Psawtra W3, Ecrraxo, 2f. T. VsyS-My. Marvin's Patent ALUM AND DRY rLASTEU. FIRE A XU B UR OLA R PROOF SJLFES, WARILKTXP Ibe bAt la tbe xrl3 ! Xrrr cvrro&j tbe Iron. Ne-r-r am tb4r tre-rroof oiCUct Artltbr only aXc filled with Alam and pry FUater.- reaao coa or coa M an i uetrtra (taiocnc jcautri tv. - -rrindpal No. tf3 Proadrsr. Nr Tar ' ' ' Wsrcbooaca i No. tri Cbcttsct t rblladr ibla. May 3l-t iv. r. mraUl In a short, but . pithy and able speech, delivered' at the Ledger banquet in Pliil- of sun-types. It is not claimed for this process as yet that it Will do everything that is desired. But it is the beginning of great things, and we confidently look for the day when adelphia, General Meade paid the follow il win ue su penecicu max, me scenes ot lng iust tribute to his brethren in arms a 'A.. i:r v I ., . . lic meetings, processions, and similar events j may be photographed and the type used in the editions of illustrated newspajers without the intervention of an engraver or woodcutter. . X. At present the inventors wisely propose . XEW. BERXE, X. C, Importer aud Dealer In FOREIGX.AXD DOMESTIC faah BF-IUTT. .aborn. Ool--n. llaxra. and K.an CCItLS ptwSoocd by umi cf ITof. Pc Itrenx1 Frt le tlu-vrux. One 9mUr- Uoa warranted to curl tbe mo( rtral'Lt and atabbora balrof ritberxz lLtoay rr X1 now carrying out measures passed by . the reconstruction Congress over the WINES, rlarlcta. or beary, tna4re rari. liaa been nd br tie ionaur ox fans ana Looaon. iu tbe no i fylDj rcolt. Pvi-a to Icjarr u tbe hair. Irice by mas u ana torrwia. it. ir;Ttir tirrtlarf mallrd fm. Ad-frrw PKROnit. Mil TT 4: CO (or the Cnlled SUU-a. . My 1-Wj President s veto : I It shows that the army represented the sentiments of the people, and the readi ness with which the army always lias done and is willing to do duty for the tcdo more for the public than they are cause is simply because the army is the aDie io ao periectiy. ,iis to wnaL ineir exponent or tne win oi tne pcopie; ana ability ; is, we may state the results of our -he thought that he couUl point tcith pride own-examination. A copper-plate map and gratitude to the army, entrusted y:th of France, for example, was handed to the most delicate ' d(ity ! ever committed to inem, irom wmcn tney were loprouucea any army me reunumj anurcKmmy type orj. plate suited for letter press work, of the sections of the . country to the Within twelve- hours they delived the judgment and moderation with ichich type, a solid plate, from which we could tuU duty teas performed. We know easilv print a hundred thousand copies there is no danger of. any Prajtorwuband LiarjoRs & 0IGABS. on the bress of the Journal of Commerce. I usurping the liberties of our countryJor l he copy printed irom this type was iuuy any danger tnreatening inc prcservaiiori equal in every respect to the original, and of the Government, because the army; is in exact fac simile of it; tlic people of the United States, and the the drafting of absurd laws for his recog- mtion in good faith as a citizen of the United States, might, with equal propri ety, busy themselves', in the ridiculous Irrationality of v framing codes for allow- mg uie gorma ana me . emmpanzee to attendi common schools, and for. the baboon and the orang-outang to - testify in courts of equity! Let the blundering and baneful -two-thirds maioritv of the Black Congress both blush and beware." ; .Mr.! Helper leaves no reader in "doubt as to his utter detestation of the Repub lican party and all his works and ways. His denunciations of the great majority m Uongress for . their, efforts to secure jusyce.ana lair. play, to the I5lacks are scarcely less sweepmg and furious 'than those he burls t at the Blacks themselves ; though he (somewhat ' inconsistently) seems; willing to let the members of Con gress live, but only in obscurity and utter . " Let there be a full and settled deter ruination on.: the part bf- the American people, on the part of the people of: each tat, respectly, that, with a tew honora- Itcglstcrlng Syate?ii for ! Letters. ; All Postmasters were instructed to put he new system of registration of letters Government of emncnt. the nation is their Gov- . W. S. Q. Baker has been confirmed jis Register in Bankruptcy for the Fifth into operation on the first day of June, Congressional District of Louisiana; j at which time it went into effect all over m r -j . , the United States. A new style of can- vf" ""Va ,'"1 S"A""VV. ,,t! vas envelope, o laro size and of an ap- bee apro tt. Bmlnn . ' . 1 . 1 iiir iriio iiiiii a aiii' i i'vmuiiaU to attract tne j v , V- ot routn (oaronna. TUB CU0ICKT BRANDS US 8TOIUL AgraU lot S2iITira Celebrated Present Use and Stock Ale. I t i . 1 i Thin ALE Is Bretred expreesly for Southern Marl eta. - and WARR.KXTED TO KEEP IN A2CT CLIMATE. : Delix czdnslrcly cojcod In tho above boatncSM, I am prepared to offer SPECIAL INDUCOlETiTS to partlca pnrchaf !dj In ciy line. j T. POWKES. Lorch Brothers, Diiiiii a Tjrrrj!Kris ar-i nl ff TAC11 torn to GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, i , DRY GOODS, bdoo tin roxsoiarvt lace In Irons llirrxs to Cr . I? Ij by tuint; lr. tx-rl i ne'e . iU-atanratecr ra;.ll" J lalrejtbe toott o&"crtiJ s anitsr cnuo thf iWrd and . V Hair In an alavwt mTracnUma tn&nnrr. It bubtt nr4 ir the rUte of I "art asd London wltb tb snort Crr1rf wt. Harare of mil tonbars U1 b rrrlrtcrod. and If entire atlrlartlon U not rU m la evrrr Inatanrv. tbe monry w1U be rhorrfcMY r t ondtxL IMn It malL onaled and pottaid. it. IVwaintir cimAsr nt& tr- UnoblaU mU(l ttv. Addreao LUlC. Lit. MIL TTS M CO- Cbcmi.t. So. later stmt. Troy. N. T. bJe ssmia tot tbe l&ltrd MaU-a. JJt V-l Jt CRISPER" C05IA. - . j ' . ' , t , Oh t be as taetlf d aM falr " " With aurrt eyra. tl ralaxt kafr. Wbtrf corJnj Uavlrlla aott. nttnd, EnrhaJnrt tbo cry heart and mind. CUISPERCOHA,;'; ; Tor Curlir tbe Htir cf either Ecx hlo Witj pd Gbirj Eisleii cr EciTy - : By staice thl artlelK LaSa and Cer.Smr cam Vaatl f y tbcotarlrra a I hooawd (M. It la lb1 wt artU3a in tne rM (aal W.U caul atralrbi bale. eu4 at Uc i Ubm ttre rt a bractiftJ. jIot sTri3rw.' Tbe per Coma ot vu:y cxrU tie tair. bet tetirnraw' bmnUBcaand cUassca It: IU&Jy and AX.i.lTJ perfamrd. and la tbe toot euctte artirte ot tW bind mvvw for Fanners on tbe premiaee. I MayS-l-U pearance sumcientiy novei u un,r;u;w attention oi aistn outing cierK muuvui- ately, has been introduced , with , uns The friends of Hon. Schuyler Colfax in change. The printed directions on tnese gt jOSeph coimty, Ind., recently held a envelopes will give the reader a good mccfmg and formally nominated him for idea of the new system. It reads: Post- presidency. i : masters, route 'agents, railway postofficc. . R v n . . clerks and receiving clerks, handling this . The atchcz Qfiss.) Courier, in dlnd resterod package envelope wh Te in ing to a radical specch'rocent ly dehtcred registerca .package . CJWI" . 5n that citv. savs it was'so black that a transit, are requirea to seep u , " , u irn ;ti tft its nmWr, postmark (with date); ad- lt' - l Tlth he dress, date of its reccrpt, and the descrip- hghts put out. . , j r ,: t lv tion made of dt by them on blanks and j ;W. P. Caldwell is the Copperhead bnoks friTTilshed for that purpose r:Iloute nominee for. Congress in tho Seventh agents and railway postomce cierts win Tennesse District, lately represcniea oy u R y. qqt)g also take a receipt of it (to be cafefnlly Hon. Issac R. Hawkins, Republican. Xf-ffc t,Xyiv presen'ea,) wncn it leaves ujuji uauu, i1iri xiawMns uas uwn hviihuuito auu nu ana when sucn receipts.cannoi. ue uuum- do rc-eieciea. : r ? ed at tHedme, there 1 "-.The Atlnnta Daily Opinion praises Gen; Longstreet'a letter, and justly says: signeci, uy uie;uuu:i rrj: Wc mar: by our blindness andiolly, de- T7VT2 ..1 CTIAI'C I fwt oSirwd to tba AsiMrlcaa t&l!Vc TtCVlnC saa . a & iu ill iiiit.fi 7. avi a i . . 1 . . j " l wm I ecxt to asr adrr. ra)d and txttmia i( t i Coentrr Prudaee alvay oa hand AccocaaudaUon BROAD STREET, Addrt aU ordrra to W. U CLA UK JL CO. CbrtaU. ' X. 1 Weal farm 5 trcrt. MB-tcia. X T. Miyl-1 ly. . . JEW BEttS, C J. & M. PATTERSON, AFrLICTCD! . . surras s oxoxi ; . . TTTIirN by thm a, of PK. JOIXVILUT EUXIB YV ya ran be cared pmaaarcUy. anl at a trt:t IlDDUi CTREET, wmcn ine poucu nn,, f , rcconstlc, io bu. tho conscqncnces P-V",?'??":'.-: U-iUrest upon'us,'Dbt npon'those who control the G6venment.,, -T ) 4 ' A club' of loyal men," recently orgnniz- tnrn it fdireeted toT the-route agent or Tailway postofiice clerk) by next mail.'' ' ' - - r " ' a ' m:tjrW- " n v Orr Patton and Sharkey. J lidges ed at Hilton Head, S. C. ttia uirtvr Rotmtnr AVnrn. nnrt VM Lincoln ' Club. . and -nor numbers one a. auuv a. va a. a wn w Wholesale 'asd Retail Djiltiw in 4 s GROCERIES, ; K BOOTS AXD SflOES, r ij. i HATS AXD CAPS, CROCKERY, , ; : ja n a 1 j i rj&a aia j I -, Tb aaAadL!9 anwa wUtfe baa BflrtxV tt la la- ralaaUe nrllrtBw for Ibylcal aud 2fooa w"WBT!l Cncni PcUUiy and lYwatraikm. Umm U Xfiat Enrrjry. ImpoU-try, wr any rf IVc ttw" yeia(al IndarrYfUauradrrn k tbe oo laiaaWc rro. pralio ce diaoared. , It win maore an nrrroes affcctJcc. drprrwiaet -ci trace t, tnraj'Jty to t4y vt Ui. kf taraorr, exTi:Bli.Tx. tnoernu or acj ecwan-. of inaaultr. c It vO n-tore rw;i. -m beaUb of tboa who tare icatrcToa U bj aau ew- e eni jrarxlor. . . rw. Torma Ken. w Xtrarrcrrt rsre :rZA. tors" and Lmorant prad kionrra, bt send Uy for tbe Etitr. an4 k a a bapptaeaw. A lrrtt Car U Oaww T r 1 stance. ITtoe Uor f or ooum OncbotUeU aaJStdrxl la eiora a c m w in ' ind maamt .1 . Erery variety of of toe Va7 ana ril-tAt to ere Cars. 1 tJ a P- a: barauree to w - . tL. . . t ISCHOOL BOOKS. ALSO, ooioiesioii ahd qeteeal , GHirriEQ nn.fnni;Mn Af -'AinVnmaj MiftsisainnL I huiGrcd and -fifty members. tjeorgia ana aoutn uarouna to have undertaken the new party, which is to act independently J Republi ot democrats ami Kadicals. - '"-v'. crauc. At a late jlina, are reported election held on Hilton , Head Island for ' : . . organizationfof a Justice of the Peace, there were 4X0 Uberai adjancea act independently Republican vote.vcaaj against 70 Demo MERCHANTS. 'nade on a3 u licit of Cosj roagh tbrmer ttiHr Pramb Khnafett. JTortb Carolina, -r a . . atoanach or Uu: rcnta tba brrotb. rffl!t.-itaaa. nor larrtrre nU twla-a raii. rrrrx ..w- liloea' artier oS be artt t , si, ine Ijttt ttrwt. Twr. - ty -l-iy. riano for Sale. ta, " . crncz. Coantry Pro- j ' ictiji'1 f rTET OCTA VT ri A .b Hae la A 'V ,a-r' r 1 . IS . H J t :i .! J 1 tS. ' JJ VI is I '.i 1 i h a i) w i'! 'A ' v ' T a . ?- - V . - f ; a 9" li. ! ? , ; t . It ! : .1- i T-l - Fj 1 r ! a. 1 ; - si Jly-lU t ' - i

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