S P K C I A L" K O T I C E SU iMWTmjfTIMMtfninftw rniniirniiiBMnrnr'-ii mimnii n i-i - ----- in irn r m mhwi"i iufi f"'""- " " ' '"' ' MIM IIMI1 W l ' 1 TT A Youno Lady returning to her wintry tome, after a sojourn of a few months la the City, Vaa hardly recognised by her friends In place of coarse, rustic, flushed face, she had a soft ruby com. tlexioa of almost zaarble emoothnesa, and Instead .of Iwenty-tbreo she really appeared hut eighteen. 1 Upon Inquiry as to the cause of so great a change, she plainly told them that she used the Circassian Balx, and con sidered it an ihYaluable acquisition to any Lady's toilet. By Its use any Lady or Gentleman can improve their personal appearance an hundred fold. It is simple in Hi combination, as Nature herself is simple, yet ansur passed in its efacacy in drawing impurities from, also healing, cleansing and beautifying the skin and com plexion. By its direct action on the cuticle it drawn from it all its impurities, kindly healing the same, and iir Sa Uw prjJwWwnn. EM Vv 1 0 t. 1 . A ' ' " - . . . - v t I n rwir niinrr. l rrr i . . . . rrr i wirnesi no-worker wiiii us itDUUUcaa ioiki i : itwti - of deceptida and Imposition , V y ,' : f TKe abort article Of tot wee, , 8tate to'the peat toooiatood In tbtWloul toTySTc& & ft .i The fact that no slaVo no w-treads tbe " damage to tlie crops,", may. have been jvy lnil(ier tlio recent cU of Oongitts. wcrenotonly el frequent occirrtrtr.it soilofoWcountry-thaicivUricutsand liable to misconstrticUoWby many.; From n rell sorcrnort In tho Scmlh hd 52itttt.t , : i . . : - L..i I ' 1.1-:' ' t, Pni;Antitr lvnmetl. vc i the honesty and moral nnnness ox onncla 7fonmirhtV TlnoSlilift-a aririw of.theopimoathatnotwithstand- Patton, a J k. i . l i ifn t MvTTi i n lniinmrn ui llls imsiuuu. lub bxiii iluk rru l: uj i.czsr i ; i Joanson would vi- ? - ;a . . T " . Irik w A W I K I - - ... nnf mnlrn it norwesflrv thPn nhnnTd ru ft I inf the CXICI1S1VC UlStruCuOu J1DU uuiat-w. i v rStA Ct.M 1 tllalnt rclaiire tO iBC LUCJCJ C3Dr,V new declaration apon tho subject of Oie resulting fromfthor unusually heavy a c ratified the Constitutional Amend- biffitrw SS unalienable tights of man. The conferring rains, the cottoil crop, ; in many places; in mcnt,:and tho Union been restored before few year, that iho irrowlrs cf ccuoa But Johnson had turned traitor to me I more proniauie uiaa ctct. - party that placed him In power and to the S best IntcrcsU of tho county-; the Lcsislaturcs most T-ii were comrwscd of men. for the most part, rood wheat coantnr, a rood deal cf i. w UXI05 LIBEKTT, LSD EQTJALITT BOX) EE THE LAW. NEW BERN, JULY 2, 1867. tearing tho surface as Nature intended it should be, Heading matter 071 euery pogajg Clear. Soft. nmnntVi n1 Kniinf!nl TJ a. '. 1 . wr, son, smootn and oeautifuL - Price $1, sent by Hall or Express, on receipt of an order by I W. L. CLARK & CO., Chemist I" j Ho. 3 West Fayette St., Syracuse, H. Y. I The only American Agents for the sale of the same. ' Hay i-lyV-f - ' : ' V . NEWS SUHMABY. AMERICAN. it Opinions " are on the increase. 1L ( KNOW THY DESTINY. JiADAHBU.y. TaonxToar. the treat Bnrflsh Astro loslst, Clairvoyant' and Psychometrician, who has as tonished tho scientific classes of the Old World, has now located herself at Hudson, N. Y. Madame Thorn-: - ton possesses such wonderful powers of second sight j aa to, enable her to impart knowledge of the greatest importance to the single ormarricdof either sex. While in a state of trance, she delineates the very features of . the person you are to marry, and by the aid of jan in strument of intense power, known as the Peychomo- irope, guarantees to produce a life-like picture of the ; tatnjro husband or wife of the applicant, together; with 1 date of marriage, position In life, . leading traits of character, &c This is no humbug, as thousands of testimonials can assert She will send when desired ! I certified certificate, or written guarantee, that the pic ture is what it purports to be. By enclosing a small lock of hair, and stating place of birth, age, disposition and complexion, and enclosing fifty cents and stamped nvelope Addressed to yourself, you will receive the .picture and desired information by. return, mail Ail communications sacredly.confldcntial. Address in con fidence, MADAMB B. , y.. .TnOBKTOK, P. O. Box 233, " Hudson, N. Y. j - . -r-j Maya-My. ; J " .I f- ; .;. j B. Fitch, U.S. District Attorney at Savannah, in answer to a letter addressed to him, has ex pressed the opinion that a pardon, granted by the President, blots out all disfranchisement I takes a calm rf tVirco rirhtfl nnnn.A rnnfl Irtnrr nctrnr. I tViU RiHttlon Ot the btatO IS IOO Kin CT. VeiT I nOW. . i "i ' i 1 ' JL J?i i J!?tV. i f - vi..L: Xr Yit T Tri ed, is Fimpjy a. prncuc&i eaiorcemenv or wen. uu. boj .piuuiauwua m viv - what was intended in the Declaration of mediate vicinity of New Bern, tho cotton 1776. X has a more healthy appearance than this .? On .the coming anhirersaTy; - then, let time last year. . Should the present cx-r us all rejoice over the fact that our coun- dcllcnt weather fortc grpwth of this try, as well as being independent of all product continue but a( short time longer, . . . J t . I . , , t , screw, and the loyal blacks were contammatmg influences of domcsUcl Notwithstanding tho damage actually r. thft slavery. 1. j . I done, it seems too soon: to predict a gen Pompously refused to da who hadbcen sympathisers with or parti ci pa- made, and the corn ted cotton, erpedajy V . t . L Jii- ,i t ,n. -m former. Is said to be more proaisin? . tors In' the rebellion,, and tho mfldct terms - Tho rwpleh U ever ofTcred any conquered pcopl?, were tc- a bushel for Western ccratSX? Wtrtl with acorn. And. in the lanOTaro of their crops on; and tbe rrotDcct cf i Senator Wade, another turn ijkcf if Mf rkf itrn rwww t,i f AV-i w 4 ASWAW Lrwa SwA lllil 1 n , , Will tho blacks, ctctx in the rural districts, while la the S . I - I ' V I -.I T JM I M iM The true and disinterested patriot who eral failure in cotton, and other valuable with the loyal whites, succeed this time? We "rJ PTru 1 view of our whole country crops, i The chances are good yet for a h?pe bo; but at the same, time do not hesitate of Caching Fourth of July-will very fair yield, and we jare glad to mark a to express the opinion that much wm depend an , - - , J, v-lIm? .t i.f. upon the prompt action of Congress In re- an and re-instates the individual in all his pre- j on the approachini viou rights, which he cannot be. deprived of i,ave a thousand causes for profound ex- better tone of feeling within the last few by any subsequent legislation. ! ; r ,M lfnf. i Wn i,nvo rtn j j, 4?nnwl i .v Ur?nn .farn'rahle New Orleans dispatch of the 30th June, t . . . & , . ; I l sayst ( ; ' " N An Austrian steam sloop4 of war arrived in the Southern- pass yesterday morning and landed telegraphic dispatches for the Austrian government. Her national ensign Is draped in deep mourning ; this, and the reticence 'of her officers, is eigniilcant. They, however, report that the city of Mexico was captured on the 20th inst by the Liberals., The par ly, for reioicinii over the fact that the greatest rebellion ever known in history proved to be an utter failure, and .that our government to-day is stronger and more powerful than ever, on account of signs. upon tliC, prompt acuon 01 jongrcsa straining! Johnson and his law odeers, and strengthening the hands of . tho military com manders. We do not want Johnson restrain ed and the military upheld to Increase the must be much worse. ' Jlanr cf the merrCT Atlanta and Montgomery: I 'am c-rr are not making enough to pay rent any one secuon ox u.o bouth u but a men of the whole, I doubt not but yon 1 the same condition of things with von in Old Xorth State.- And as the ozlj re Is in an early restoration cf tlx roTtrxuncrv relations of the States to the Union, why M 1 " rigor of military rule, or to perpetuate it : on JPW ui cocry a M - t 10 raw 13 lit a nUi? Hay amcrdful Ga work upon the hearts of the people cis. prompts a preference than serve la heaven. ! 4 I iFor the Bepabllcan. iiepuDlican iieenng atnowens 2 arm, wayna luo contrary, we advocate such a course that ! County. we may the sooner have the Union restored, Aponrrlinor tA rwvlr.n "nrttlr n. lrmi ntid nnrl Ki ritl of mllitATV rule fvllorrthrr. Do not the ability it has displayed in meeting the rcsneetablfl nortion of tha citizens of Wavne those dcodIc of the South who arc cxcrtinir .nXh d the trhole country that wise cotv terrible shock. He will see that our po- and Johnston counties, irrespective of cblor themselves to thwart restoration under the t pcodi 1 y res tomfto Rs f aSrcaSSr- litical and moral position in the cstima or former condition, met at ITowell's Farm on Sherman act know that military rule, long deur and prosperity. If the widows, and ticulars had not reached Vera Cruz up to . the tion of all foreign powers is more influen- weonesoay, june, icH 'lAoinceung dc- conunueo, is a oangerous ixang r is u not timelofiling. tial and commaS than at anrfomer better to submit to temporary ineonvrnience, Sf The Mexican schooner Attas, also arrived . ; T . .. ; UJ , u Boon. Hill, on moUon, Reuben Perry, Esq., and eyen abandon what some may deem mCnt, wc should think the politicians cosk in the mouth of the Mississippi yesterday f . JvyvjA1,o , tMo"? was called to the chair,; and Dr. Jas. Hay, sacred principles ana inalienable rights, tnaa 1 stana wnaicvcr or dcmlatioa a prorrpi x. wrhite,) and Heywood Atkinson, (colored,) 1 risk perpetual despotism? That plan of res to-1 crpcc oiujc reconttrcclion LIIIj inroirc C3rT NEW AND GRAND EPOCH IN MEDICINE 1 Dr. Maoqiel is the founder of a new Medical System. The quantitarians, whose vast internal doses enfeeble the stomach and paralyze the bowels, must give precedence to the man who re stores health and appetite, witn from one to twos of bis extraordinary Pills, and cures the most virluent sores with a box or so of his wonderful and all-healing Salve. Thcse-two great specifics of the Doctor are fast super ceding all the stereotyped nostrums of the day. j Extra ordinary cures by Maggiel's Pills and Salve have opened ne eyes 01 tno public to tho inefficiency of the (so call-. . d remedies of others, and upon which people jiave so long blindly depended. Maggiel's Pills arc no of the ; class that" are" swallowed by the dozen, and of which ; every boar full taken creates an absolute necessity for another..: One or two of Maggiel's Pills suffice to place the bowels In perfect order, tone the stomach, create an , sppctite, and render the spirits light and buoyant There is no griping and no reaction in the form of con Klpatlon. I If the liver is affected, Its function are re- stored ; and if the nervous system is feeble, it is invig- ; orated. This last quality tnakes the medicine very de sirable for the wants of delicate females. Ulcerous and eruptive diseases are literally extinguished by the dis- lnfectant power of Maggiel's Salve. In fact, it is here announced that MAGGIEL'S BILLOTJS,' DYSPEPTIC AND DIARKHOEA PILLS euro where all others fail. While for:Burns, Scalds, ChUblains, Cuts and all abra- : alans of the skin MAGGIEL'S PILLS Is infallible. Sold by HrsTBT McLnc, No. 28 Pollok sL, New Bern, N. C, and all Druggists, at 85 eta. per bdx. CocxTEBTBiTS 1 Cotjhteiutbits ! All readers off y this paper arc warned not to purchase MAGGIEL'S PtLLS or SALVE, unless the name of J. Hatdock, - proprietor, In addition to the name of Dr. J. Magoixl, Is on tho engraved slip surrounding each box or pot. Juno 6 16-tf. I t WONDERFUL BUT-TltUEi BfADAME REMINGTON, tho world-renown Jd Astro ksist and Somnambulistic Clairvoyant,' while in a ' clairvoyant state, delineates the very features; of the person you are to marry, and by the aid of ail instru ment of intense power, known as the Psychomotrope, guarantees to produce a perfect and life-like picture of the future husband or wife of the applicant, with date of marriage, occupation, leading traits of character, &c This is no imposition, as testimonials without I number J can assert By stating place of birth:, age, disposition, color of eyes and hair, and enclosing fifty cents, and stamped envelope addressed to yourself, you ydU re ceive the picture by return mail, together with! desired Information. ' 1 Address in confidence, Madamb Gkbtbudb morning, having on board twenty-tour exuea Imperialist Mexicans, who have been peremp torily banished. Among them are several I words of Drake:- military officers. They- report that Santa Anna was transferred to the American steam er Virginia, at Vera Cruz, and conveyed to Sisal. On arriving the Mexican gunboat de manded the person of Santa Anna," which was refused, when the Mexicans threatened to fire upon the Virginia. The Captain told them that they could take him by force as he was not armed They then spread the American ensign on the gangway. The Mexicans trod on thetlagand seized Santa Anna, thrust him into their boat,-took him to Campeachy and confined him as a prisoner of war. The Liberals are shootinf , hanging and ex pelling Imperial sympathizers. The Judiciary Committee of Congress had a brief session on Saturday. . They have sum moned ex-Attorney General Speed. Ex-Mini9ter Campbell was at the White House on Saturday. ' It is thought at Washington that the Aus trian vessel at New Orloans is draped in mourning on account of the death of the Archduchess Alice, who died recently. The Austrian Minister is at -the Springs. impossible to get the text It seems to be doubted that shot on the 19th. ' Several sporadic cases of cholera are re ported at Memphis. Gen. Sickles lias communicated to the City people to determine Council of Charleston his reasons for decliu- We repeat what we have heretofore " Plag of the Sea ! on Ocean's wavo : Thy stars shall glitter o'er the brave ; When death careering on the gale, Sweeps darkly round the bellied sail, . And frighted sails rush wildly back ' Before the broadside's reeling rack, -"Each dying wanderer of the sea Shall look at once to Heaven and thee, And smile to sec thy splendors fly In triumph o'er his closing eye I Flag of the free, heart's hope and home, By angel hands to valor given, , Thy stars have lit the welkin dome, And all thy hues were born in heaven I Forever' float that standard sheet ' Where breathes the foe that falls before us, IT ALU D OUXl UCUOtlU UUi mi) And Freedom's banner streaming o'er us i We call the attention of out readers to another able letter from our distin guished correspondent in Alabama. In Your rancr an announremmt of t v mi. energetic manner, then stated the object of Patton, Gen. Longstrwt, and many others who I death of Cicao B. Primroac, Hx. I ciraa the mcctincr. and introduced Jas. E. OHara. arc as much entitled to the rcppect and conn- say that I was very mumate wiux LLff r 'I. - . . 1 1 - I NAAMr1 of Goldsboro', who entertained the audience oence 01 uw wuia, ana uw ww wuauj, f n rt - L.i7r Ta as the malcontcnU who are doing all la their for over an hour, plainly setting forth the power to iBcrcasc our troubles, true principles of the Republican" party. Wm. Speaking of Longstrcet reminds me that I Smith, Esq., was then called for, who re- may as will say to you that all the "true BDOnded with tin nbln tlirvHirs irrr Southern or 4 Confederate n papers and poU- tA 7" T" T V T . . . tlciansof this ceased, but a casual acquaintance cl tei-i what Intimate, juslifles me In tiring this those who knew him best, tored him raa He was open, frank and agreeable, and rr rous to a fault Cut down in the prime d life, leaving an interesung xamijy ani t i i- . . . .. , , 4 t . " .i V uciansoi uas region are jjcmng uicoju nar wi, . l.. blows to the secessionists of his county, and v with'thrir Rm.ill mini Komo of them rous reUUvcs and friends who will never bsi inviting his friends and associates to enlist, I have even gone so far as to charge that he has I upon the light of his countenance again. As He Had done, under the banner of the Re publican party. 'The following resolutions were then offered and unanimously adopted. Resetted, That we tender our sincere thanks to the Radical members of Congress for the noble manner In which they have labored to abandoned his "manhood" (the sneaks prate a good deal ubout manhood, degradation, &c for the promise of a seat in the United States Senate. We arc not of those who Insist that ! all offices shall be filled bv those who liavc alxrayi been loyal to the Union, for we know that thcie are but few whites in the publican party as the truest late rebel States. 1 IUiditeu, That we heartily endorse the ac tion of tho Convention held in Raleigh on the 21st of March last, and upon its platform will we face the foe and battle for truth, lustlco Tho question as to whether the pres-1 and the preservation of our national honor. f c;rt io nt fVcfl xewvea, inat we nail witn loy the bold n is v. wB coo u and patriotic action of W. W. Holden, in the close the wounds of our bleeding country, and South, of this class, and do not hesitate to as a portion of the loyal citizens of the rebel I venture the belief that many of the native d talcs, we regard llie present reconstruction Southerners who have talc en the "iron-clad" measures as uie oesi pian- unacr wiucn tnese oatn nave pcrjurca inemseivcs ; ana uence wc ,Ie nuU bcJ hfi nation airirmM of . States may be restored to their former posi- shall be glad to see representative men like 0?' ic j& (AVli IV f aAK7Vr AVWUiatW death is a most sad, and to dc, uncxrionci event. . 11a j the God of tlie widow an! ti fatherless so temper the mde winds thu tiry mar fall gently on those who looked cp u and leaned upon him. . p. Reconstruction General Slcklei and tltc Administration. General Sickles forces tho Mghtlsg ia U letter asking to do rciicrca oi his corsai National Re- friends of. the "WILL IT BE A FINALITY? Gen. Longstrcet, who may heartily accept the inexorable logic ot events, and evince an honest determination to abide by the issues of the war, elected to high positions in the councils of the nation, wc think that Con grcss ougLt, and have no doubt but it will, remove all jdisabilily tO TOtc and hokl office from all such at the earliest possiuiC moment Such gentlemen as Lonrstrcct and Patio n know, and have the moral courage to proclaim of his dispatches, prove to bo a finality an end of the position which he has taken In the Republican it, that all fights under the Constitution were it Maximilian was frrrit oontrovcrsv unon tho anbiprt at , j ' I lost to thej South in the rebellion, and that great controversy upon toe subject ot jusolted, That a copy of these resolutions, those who now Insist on such rights only do ouiio rewnciuaiiun wiui vno general r mui me pruuceuinga oi uiis meeung, dc sent ( so to prevent a restoration oi tne union and government, is a matter for tho Southern ISIJffi. &JWan, to perpetuate strife. If Longstrect will help c ' . i raucigu owjMwrn, uu oiucr ncpuoncan pa-1 ivcpuuucamzo iouisiana jie ought to ro to I A. -J A . ' . I a. A. - m m-ftm, Am. m. m M m m . AT. . " . pcrs dc requested to copy. PERRY. Chairman. vjouncii oi vnariesion ms reasons ior aeciiu-j v repuai wuai wu aavu uurcwiore Dr. Jxa Hat ) . ing to modify his Order restricting bar-room uttered on this point, that if the plan sub- Heywood Atkinson, Sccrctarics. XtraOTOTO, P. O. Box 897, Weet Troy, N. Y. j j MayS-l-ly. ' , ' ; ' ; . : j ! PQI2E TO EVERYBODY. :.-..'- .- " v...--;:. i ri v; , A large Q p. Circular, giving lnformatio4 of the greatest Importance to the yonng of both Bexeej It tcachce how the homely may become beautiful, the despised respected, and the forsaken loved. ( ' ; No young lady or gentleman should fall to send their address, and receive a copy, postpaid, by return-man. Address" : P. O. DRAWER 21, Kay J l-Cm " . . TroyN. Y. licenses. FoUEiax ; The religious ceremonies at Home, in cele brating the 1800th anniversary1 of St. Peter's Martyrdom, and the canonization of the mar tyrs in Japan, was one of the most gorgeous that has been witnessed in the world since the days of King Solomon; The observances commenced with a general illumination of the city. St. Peter's glowed like a great church on fire. At 7 a. m. a grand procession of Pre lates, Priests, Monks and soldiers marched from the batteau to St Peter's. The Pope was carried on his throne.) St. Peter's was magnificently decorated with cloths of gold and silver tapestries and paintings and two hundred thousand yards of crimson silk. ; The mitted .by Congress is met fairly and fully, without reservation or an attempt to stipulate for conditions, admission, cor dial, prompt and generous will certainly follow.! All hope or expectation of getting back into the Union by only a partial compliance with the specific terms of the plan prescribed, ought, in our judgment, to be abandoned as visionary and delu sive. : That Congress meant tho present plan should be a finality if the Southern States accepted it in the spirit and on the terms named, there can no longer be the Senate,-and we hope will But Gen. Lee and -Mr. Davis would be denounced in the same way by those sticklers for Constitutional rights3 their treason has forfeited, were they to proclaim publicly their desire for a resto ration of the Union on the only terms attain able. ; I mentioned in my first letter to the Re publican the organization of a Republican party in Alabama. I send you a copy of the wax candles. P. MERWIN & CO., . Wn olbsalb Deals b'b x r j Groceries & Provisions 1 FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC "j i WINES AND LIQUORS, CIGARS, TOBACCO, &c. ! SOVT1I FRONT STBEET OPPOSITE THE GASTON HOUSE. .. Kbw Berne, N. C. j J P. Mbbwik. W. 8. Walker. mj : " ' : : : l ' ' ! : - J. L.AUGIIIiIIV, building was lighted with many millions of 1 room for doubt in the mind- of any fair minded person. And what Congress means upon this subject, a vast majority of the . people of the United States, also, mean. The pub lic judgment is made up, conclusively and irrevocably, mere are tno most over whelming indications to this effect from all quarters of the country. The senti ment that has been forming and which is The Republican Party. Republicans are spoken of by some as Con iservatives, as Moderates, and as Radicals. It is sufficient that one be a Jtevubliean. These side or outside names arc devices of the platform adopted, which is as follows: We profess to belong to the great Republi can party of the United States the party that suppressed the rebellion and saved the Union. This party was represented by Abraham Lin coln. Andrew Johnson represented it for a while, but he has departed the faith and iifln rebel hands. The Congress now represents this great party. We are with the Congress. We are in favor of the Sherman act, and we want to see it carried out in good faith. We hold mat tno rcoei otatcs should be restored on no other than a loyal basis. If this can not be done, let them remain oat of the Union under military government We believe in the greatest good to- the greatest number, and that government, in all its departments, should' do equal and exact justice to nil classes, colors and . conditions of men. This is what wc call Republicanism. We are neither a Con-! scrvative, nor a Radical, nor a Moderate. We are simply a RcpublicanJ The name is an old ana an honoraoie one, and it is good enough; for anybody. ' t ; We believe also hi the platform of the State Convention, of North Carolina, adopted the ziux juarca, icoi ; ana wc ociieve in tbe men THE COMHTG T0UBTH. As the 4th of July is near at hand, now an appropriate time to refresh the memory with the important , incidents and events connected with our revolu tionary struggle. - t -1 Ninety-one years will have elapsed on the coming anniversary, since our nation was proclaimed free from j British rule. rrVirt JmTYHol roflTftrflt. nn; nf TnrlrTMn. . .. . 1 rood feeling at all times and on all occasion. ail l I vprv tartrmn it. Hnt.rol or mfllico nas tr ,v.u ;a ut i- . j dence, so boldly and nobly enunciated at nothinr todo with it It is the verdict submit to nothing that U wrong." Wc shall PhiLadelnhia should be carefully re-read a. 1 1-' j i-t i j make no concessions to rebels or malcontents, rmiaaeipma snouia ue careiuny re-reau G a g,. pcople, deliberately formed but, standing on principle, If they are disposl and pondered over byj every patriotic after a fun calm survey of the wholo cd to renounce theu-errors and attach them- AmATiwm. The trreat subiect of human ' ' openly and boldly to the Republican C" 7 T- , - T1 i A 1 ueia pi controversy. party, wc shall be of those who will give them a hearty welcome. ; But we shall not be dazzled bv biff names in tho nut nr nmint BUSHTESS FB0SPEUTS OP HEW BERN. I nor shall we depart a halr's-breadth from prin- f j n J ciple, or from our Republican friends, to pro- V e question whether there is any city piuatc any man or 6et oi men wno arc - . . i , t-J : u heartily and cheerfully with the Congress of similar size and population in tho en- for lnJ Shcrman actf ia our, . ALABAMA REPUBLICAN PLATFORM. Whereas, The loyal men of Alabama de sire the earliest practicable settlement of the disturbed condition of the country: I , Whereas, We believe the establishment of justice is essential to enduring peace; that patriotism should be exalted to a virtue; and that it is the duty of the State to cherish all its pcople ; and Whereas, those who assert these principles arc throughout the Union called Republicans. 1. Rcioleed, That the Republican Union party of Alabama declares itself a part of, and in alliance with the National Republican party of the Union, and Is the unconditional friend of the! Union of these States. 2. Revolted, That wc endorse the action of Congress on 'the question of reconstruction, and will heartily endeavor to carry out the same to its legitimate conclusion. 3. Rstolecd, That we will endeavor to secure by amendments to the constitutional laws of th point at Usuc-r-thc point that the pcople rata sec ana unaersiana ocicro tney can ts.iLiic torily determine who is right the poirt ii relation to which the President woull cotJi popular vision that he would cover tp sai overlay with all the fine phrvscs of kpTpu vcr. It Is lit. Johnson's desire and rrrw to manccuTTCto'adrasM and mreii-ta watcn iuZ popular humor and his era oca sion to keep thii objeci Secret froa tic peo ple, and all the lime practically defesi u v by delay, and thus, Lctirezn worry ttd ts gust, weary the nation out of its now pouTi will. lie counts upon solid obstinacy ia rt- fusinff tO Obcv the law " And trnnn intfjfr?-' himself before the pcop!c.by crying la tadoa of season that he refused obedience la the hv tcrcstof freedom that the law was tjrrw cal, and demolished by the one crirp sccicsa In whicli Sickles says the Attorney GcneaTi declaration prevent the execution cf Ca Reconstruction acts, disarms me of mc&u u protect life, prepcrty or the rights of.cilcea, and menaces all intern ts In these States trii ruin. Here is testimony as to whit C President is doing for reconstruction. U who testifies b a soldier and a lawyer ara nobly known for his good record In the we ft man of acute Intellect and a high cn d his honorable, responsibility, lie has htt practical experience of the operation cl iieconstrucuoa act during two month!, safl nc lesuncs mat on tho loundauon laid la liu statute the social fabric of the Southern Etsis was going up well that the abrogation clCx law menaces all Interests in those Siaa with ruin, and that tho President's It tation abrogates and nulifies it. In ti words full hghtls thrown on the PrwoW course, and the Issuo between the FrcudsJ and Congress Is put before the people. This aame outypoken soldier once bdn held a hbrh command la a dsnrcrtraa bou when the hot Julr sun was blaxio? dowa tho little town of GcUysburg and the cpa countrr near. Then the annr had a co mander appointed to hla high ihvoe only thrs days before, and this ' cxmmandcr had jsfi hastily concentrated several corrs ta the pres ence of an enemy flushed with the recent cv C LUllOi ouuvsuiuui iuu OUIC, IUO cqou l cm nil IIa rnnlrl lv n m mr !vtl righta of all'mcn, and thc full enjoyment of commonly bold man if the thouzht cf c the right ot citizenship without disUctlon on ccuvrlng somewhat la the presence cf tu account of color. . . enemy had not crept Into hU raind. Yd 4. RetoitexL That we arc the friends and ad-1 word munrmrrpmtrvi ti,fi y . who adopted that platform. We shall stand it: If trouble should arise in the Republican roca.tS of tP9cch P? a,nd c ened the heart of the army and paralrzcd has grown into a fixed, steady purpose, is party in this Stale, wc shall not be responsible most liberal proTsion by Uie State for tho conntry. Lcc bad gone ronnd orijttif not founded in Tindietive considerations. Sfc. We shall uVge barmony and iSculcato I'gSZg't? M '1 taS, U irood fpclinc at r11 timps nnrl on nil ormclnm flcuuiurwwu uiirc u w W no lUSUncuon I had BWrnt bttom ifarTlsrif! nvi- Into Per.5- sylvania, and talked of lUrrUtmrg and Fl-H rights, upon . which it mainly treats, is even far more interesting now than at the hour these rights were so eloquontly proclaimed. J; The sentiment that " all made. 5. Resolved, That wc discountenance all" at tempts to stir up strife and contention among the people, believing iuch a course to be la every way Injurious to the country, i o. jutoicea: 1 nat tnoso men who have stood firm by the Constitution of the Union are en titled to that confidence which Is -the reward of patriotism and fidelity In everv land. 7. Revolted, That wc pledge our endeavors to effect the removal of the tax on cotton, and the State poll tax, and to establish as a rule In vne oiaic, mat tno tax paid oy every man men are cre- valuablcs ready for the h'ew York train. 3 the annr of the Potomac was coming oo s-rf lag lu John Ilrown chorus all the wsy. so on the Htof July It was so hard on the of Lee that he had to turn and face It. IthsS caught hun In the broad Pennsylvania teiii hi JlafranU ddicto, and had hua out cf ts swamps and woods, on solid Xorthcra grcca lace to lace. What would maacruvre x'j tvm t rin mn nrmrr 9 t o -rlli t nrn or lcSI C possible retreat what but shame and difrsa.' not T.r1" shall be exactly In nronoAion fn.hr, nf ImJ?V2 "ZZm Dealer 111 (irOCerieS and JLaqUOrS. ''wtw A Ub Uirnru A. that is stemmbff tho current Weex . . . forward, stand no fl rhL Thaarayand " a " " , , , - . stances and against all comers.- o. lyottea, l nat we recommend to the pco- country Vaw this, ret the crnlDOUJ word ; middle street. , j certain . unalienable rights; that among of "dull times"; with better success than We repeaCthU talk in North Carolina alutpkoIH 8fc 'T manifest to the 1 crurre was enl y wUrpcrcd lah! 1 these are life, liberty and the pvrsuit of New Bern.- In trom what wo.learn, ?-U SST Sf f. !S2?i!? L : MJErf v . v - - - Mmmm mm mmj m ww m saw w a wm Mm. mis mii i w rm i uii - a . 1 i m mm m z m 1-1 ..11 mr there are many, places- in tne populous Republicans aealnst creaUne or allowing omc lb0!. men who can comply, in air re- lbo discussion, rrhsns. Hut hile the i Nbtt Ban, N. C. Vrj S-l-tt INSURANCE NOTICE. Omci Naw Yobk Bo am) of TJicdekwbitbbs, 1 hatminess? now penetrates the mind and witK'nftw fnrv nnd nrosneroiis North, bo as tin cr of even a I such distinctions in the 'party. rrn : L t TaI j. 1 I nnniilAtinn thnf rln nrvT rnl rnr I . , . . . 1 lie vulgar epiuieuj auu Kiaug puruses i ijreuvct jwuiawoumuw w are cut ThaBoardofNYbrkUndK ignorant own city in business activity and enter- Jlr. J. A. LELAND, of the firm of Leland, JJiglow Co., their Agent for Hew Bern, ana places sod Pamlico Riven. ELWCfoD WALTER, Secretary Board of Underwriters. on tSeNeuse demagogues, about " negro i equality" or prise. Persons I k OTTKTE OF THB AOSXCTOF THB NW YOBX ! 1 5 ;1 v i r , Board of Underwiutkrs, ' Nw Bebk. January 18tn. ltm l T 'The anderslened reepectfolly pives notice that he Is tbe authorized Agent of Underwriters in New York for examining and appraising Vessels and Cargoes insured , br them arriving at this port damaged by sea perils,- and also xor aumenucaiuig uvuio ut iubb. In order, therefore, that : who visit other towns " social equality," should not for a mo- and then come here, almost mvanably re-, ment prevent the most ! unlettered mind mark: upon' the highly favorable contrast from comprehending what our ancestors It needs but a. little pains in the colleo- . Tor the 27ew Bern Republican. ; .:' J 8HADOWEE3T Nbar tub CnATT ahooche Ala. June 24, 1867, (67. J specta, with the requirements of the acts of the Congress of the United States, and to sun- port for office only such men as are truo to the United States to any other that could be formed. 1 J - . 0. RctUtedl That all men have cordial wel- iuiuv mj puuuuu cquauiy upon tnese paffnt. Upon this platform the Republican party of viawuaa propose 10 go uc i ore the people, and cosskin was coins: on. raddcnlv the rttff. d ' : I ! . . . "-.. ' . I . . -mm M . .!. -T TJ I I meant m mcorporaungtne languageaDove uon oi iacus w prvvu urn . reistratioa been confined to the. lanre nauccu to register, ana rote, they ftnMA in ihti (&rattm Tliv hul no Utill irrthe line of a "healthy procrrcss." tr rftfi.V ftr.WrfM .wiMr f I?1 vwu will most likely carry tho - .:-4--"v -j " . V r .1 r-r--. t: There is a good deal of lingcrin reference .to any distinct race of men. Various improvements in the -way of those enrolled as voters, are blacks. Here in here against the blacks, but it la Within the nd imon which claims ton rAAdiness to ocrform tho duties re the Policies issued by the Companies ae represents, so that. In case of any imperfection in proots, or lrregu larlty of proceeding, tho Underwriters may be exoner ated from the consequences thereof. r J- t i - . - J, A. LELAaD, ; . ; iv v . Of Lklaxd, Biolow & Co., ; , . -v. s , New Bert,' N. C. ! """"-. ; New Beiik' March's.' 1867. : n iithnl vtAd in -me. I herebv aoDOint II. J. MvVTKlKGEkas Deiitttv Acent for the Board of Un- AsTwnteTi ms m a --M.A. V iforo, tuatnoiaurtor wame may siwcu m. . A uJ i e;il rrnr a- i-1 . s m KAMM'niiM iAtiAji naitiafl in rna-rrr nr i m iir. w ntiii w m a uja s aui s-As s oiil.iiaia i uuiiiAiiiti w v ' property insurea new xorumoae ana n xon , , evatpd, vie The I truths thev nast three months, a ' larfTO OUt-lay faSS ir H--J. - us ma juouo, F . .t : I .T ; T . i ' ! finri TiTonrrlv minnref .fnr (Mrmnr 'nltnr lUltt OI; DUB ij iTnM SMoKf:,; f fn1. ' u n,fl n h a rwwrrt nil tmHtnrr tn - 1 i I 7, . wc i " rv" i r "r-1 wvu vv. .0., o I accepting tho situation; in. good faith, u co mental character. They meant and did lend attraction to the place.- It is safe to jTjperating'with the military authorities; with 7 I J ! .4 -T.in V r iton mnu cmrif. n f rnfv. I oil ViXm tAw4- -frr-m w tlw a t V O 4 Editor Republican : The work of registration In this military department has begun, and thus far, as the I If tho blacks can be properly . Instructed and With the State. g prejudice last i rnrinf Alabama I apprehend the 4 registration and way and the outrages upon them are not near I bm then bw uvutm w prcTiousij. in ZOCX it 1 IS -i " - . . A. battle was heard on the left. 1Vhst Izi mean t The commander did not know. It was soon explained. One of our ccrpi In motion; its general raw the cnernj ca j front ; thought the enemy was ccriicg a and so went at the enemy. The -fT, manrruvring and rrtrrallrg was nctuc-3--j; country was saved by a great TicAery. JfJ Leo driven to the Potomac. The rJJX went at tho enemy was Sickles, and Of u; uu iim grauiuuc . V j it not l.s cczm ' the same sort of action now : far an fs- v - be as danrcrous as it a rare thing to hear of a negro bdng murdered unt.iass year uus time, it was a common thing in all sections of the State, l , V ery recently a worthv mlnmt. rrtn inn t. t , w rarer.' '. had been appointed one of the rcgUtrrs for I the rower circa bv the law he csanot Pj,' m - f m nguung turn, ana a the same sort course would 1 Let the nation control t Gen. SicUcVr?- era fj . 1. fa 1 Ircfeldcnt and his Attorney General n lonr find is f r. " "j" 1 r clearer.' ' Lesveofcolor, WereV dence and enterjiriso saU.Prevulins, .that thcljnion. - Got. raUoa, tt ffl b, rcmcm- SMtlSuSr me 4aw. ; iney aia not Byiuthorit vtwtsd In me, I hereby appoint U. J. Ciate - any- WC?af coae., IXVKIKGElt as Deputy Agent for the Board of Un- i r( rnt:rpv frP f jrwritm, to ct hi ray plaoe. Caring mr ab ere from Were leit entirely jree . t 'AfiRLitf-' ; - j.Xlelanp. VetTf,.and thost who: presume to enun- tne comms iaii ana wuutr. wm vimi w s . . . . u . a f j 77--- - , , . n-v"6 js miaw. iuujiuwm- wciai raauCTS our cy an m, ul .,4., : o the Howard or. ConititatfonM Amradm(mt F'S oUegulatetbe attempt . to con-! .mieat dan. : - pntreipaHy of disloyal rrtci,-h U now sn'lmrught to justice. - ' th irerumev.! It tsdearori W cf- . : i