t i I i power." ;v "S hat Is this V. Interpretation " but veto And defiance contempt of the legislative ; power of the people ? Some- time ago the Washington organ of the administration urged that an interpretation of the law should So nt Jvfnm th several commanders' in quiet, such shape that no military officer.wouM dare , to treat it withtsmtcmpt prindiffcrence'f.Ii l ' t i ' T.1n w Alston' 13H0 W IOr UO ngTCSS m 113 l uij' ecsaiuu .u yufc the national will before the President in just that war bo that he will not dare to disobey It to defy it, to treat it with contempt and tram trie upon It, as he has done on the one already rnade. It Is difficult to see how a law can be 3iade stronger than the military bill.:: The problem of the hour is not how to make- the !aw stronger, but how to force its cfhforce-i ment upon a dogged and hostile Executive.! tm U the Doint for the deliberations I of the July session.. iiermu,. y,: r.v ;, . . ; -.-- it rr : j. - . : She tw jm? l C3T Tft REPUBLICAN is the tJXrtol neustpaptr fth e'df of New .Bern, itblithiti'j ail the Lavs end Ordinance b)ftLuUiorUy. . j G NEW UEItK, JULY 2, 180 LOCAL. DEPAETHEN1 k- . i - i i ' ... Post OmcB, 2?w Beexb, HJ C, - way .to, ij?qt. ; Put postage rtamp on upper rijrht nana corner. ' The malls mu ciosetiauy T. mnila M ill close -OMIT SB TOIKTWS: v. iwmi. New York- Philadehiiiia. Baltimore. Nor folk, Washington, D. C, and all points North and East, at......... .ii. ..".....;......... 6.30 A, M. forehead and Bcanfort, N- O, at ........ . . . 5.20 P. M. toanoko Mand, daUy, at . i . .'. ......... 8.30 A M. oldsboroV Raleigh, Wilmington, and all I points West and South, at....'.; R.80 A.M. lay River, every Friday, at...;,.... ........13.00 M. entori and PonoCKSViHo. crcrr Tncsdar " t i and Friday, at ;.; ..v..:.w.U... 9.00 P. M. llatteraa. every Wednesday and Saturday, at 4.00 IV a Swift creeK, w asninsrton ana Plymouth, . C, every juonaay, v eancsaay ana x naay, At ............ ..;.. - Office Open from 7.30 A. M. to 6.00 P. M., and from 7 Jo 7.80 P. M Sundays from 7.80 to 8.30 A.M., and from in7.30r.JH. . : . : i All letters to be delivered in the United States, In- duding drop letters, must be prepaid, or they wilt be tent to the dead letter offlcevnnlesa addressed to- Heads if Bureaus at Washington, D, C. ..? .1 ? f sti?r itr v Ort'VT -r .r m Persons can have the Republican left U tncir xiou&us w swiw uy icayiutr luuir.nauies t the office, 39 Graven street 5 :f ' Tna New Bern Republican Association Jneets at tlie, Brick t Building known as the larvis store on cvpry. Monday ? evening. A Veneral invitation to be present is extended to he citizens ot JNew nern. . i -. I JTEW ADTEirnSElIENTS IN THIS ISSUE. MiTcnELL, Allen & Co. sell all articles lecdcd, byv Planters, Fanners, , Mechanics, )3mlders, &a;and are Agents for Fire, Marine ind Life Insurance. BankKotice. j ; T Custom House Notice. ;. Ladies Festival and Fair on Wednesday jid Thursday. I . Cain scat chair re-seated, &c. I Sale of Government Property on the 59th of I Notice to Firemen. nORRIBLE MtRDER IN JONES Me KEsGim MUBD: lr. Bichard B. Poscue, his wife, daughters and t 'l two grandchildren ihe victims, j. i ; : rxiE MTjhlERSlsmt' AT LAftGE. Intelligence reached -our city on Saturday 3iorning, of the murder of Mr. Richard Reeves Foscue and wife, at their residence on Island beckon Jones county, about ten miles from .his city and within nine miles of Polloksville, )h the Beaufort road. A detachment of United Jtatcs soldiers was at once sent to the scene of ho murder by Major J. J. Van Horn, of. this ''' Our reporter arrived at Mr. Foscue's house n Saturday evening, and learned the follow- ig as the facts: in the case : On Friday after oon three colored men came on the premises :d demanded money of the ladies , in the a ,use,' which was occupied at the time by Mr. -'ospujj and wife, their two daughters and two jrarid children.1 . Failing to get money from the ladies they took Miss Foscue, Mrs. Owen and the two children to the smoke house, and . there shot them. Mrs. Owen .Witty, Mr, Foscuc's daughter, and an infant phild of Mrs. Witty's, were killed instantly, tfhile Miss Foscue was slightly wounded and left by the murderers, they evidently-thinking W dead. Miss Foscue will no doubt recover bom her ; Injuries. A grand chld pt. Mr.' foscuc'sV the child of Mr.CMartin Brock, was hot while in Miss Foscue's" arms,- and diedt a jew hours afterwards from the injury. : After nurdering tho ladies it seems the murderers led Mr. Foscue to a .postnear his smoke .ouse, where they stripped him of clothing, X . " ' w ucul nun' ana nnaijy iwxx mm uy striKing nun on tne Head with a aauL The wretehes 4hen ; pWeeded' toMo .ouse and completed their horrid work" by juxuenng juts. i oscue. rney then ransack wi l v.. l . , . . , .. uxu, uxey ooiamed.a small Amount of money, after which they left , r As soon as the murderers were gone' Miss Brock With i?fflittr n-rtt f- ,ai-a CI'IITC: , . Trr :.v ST' r .luo. touse taamg tne iJrock nild with her, paue ner way , to a. neignbor's House, where some three or four miles from any other habi tation. As soon as , intelliirenrft reafhed -the Neighbors, Mr. Wm. Poy dispatched roessen aid in pursuing the fugitire murderers." ' . "Mr; Barrus," 'special ' Alasistratc "of Jones .r 9 .Piai kroner tor tne occa- wu, ouAuunuiuug a jurjr, pwccucu lo the place of the murder and held an inquest, t -which the above facts were elicited. : The oldicra sent from New Bern were already at ho place where the CJoroner arrived. Immc- iately after the: inquest, theys started in pur- ait .of the murderers; Cot X W. Whittford avmg volunteered, his aid as guide. ' It is to be hoped that the demons, who per- itrated this more than hellish outrage may be rertaken. s ' -. - - lit. and Mrs. Foscue were both over 60 3X3 of age, and neither ihey nor the young lies could offer anyTcsistance to the robbers ; t the fiends-ses; to; have; thirsted' for od. and thus cruelly butchered five helpless 3W4 creatures. - Our .reporter describes the at the r house ; as ' most -borrible Mr: us was found dead, .still, tied to the post, lands pinioned "behind with the mars: iolinco oanit naked body. Mm. ,WTiitty pumiara pe arrived at day break on Saturday1 The signmentv the officer so assigned wul make the Usi in whhh the marder was committfd fi SgSgS&SS and her childwer lying drenched in blood in the smokci liQUse, andMrsi Foscue was dead upon her bed in the house. ; Mr, Foscue was a upright citizen who, with His - family ! Wa3milch.laVed anil 'rncrwAfw all I Knew them. These murdei-era have thmtvn n over tne entire neighborhood. We sin cerely hope that nol joaeans will be' spared to onng ine authors of the masacre to justice. Match's Coubt -Before His Honor Mavor palmer, Jfonday- JuljfJsCj "f. ;y v ' '' ip Bryap Jackson was up on a charge of dis orderly "conduct. As the affiiir proved a very involous matter, the case Was dismissed. of ' the Board of Coramon CounfiiL '.lpIoDATuly 1st. 1807. The Board met at 4 o'clock p. m., his Honor Mayor Palmer m'the chaiif Present : Councilmen Stanly,; Menhincrer. Radcliif and Jacobs. ' - i : ' ' Committees reported proffrcssj ' . f Councilman Menhirigeroffered the following resolutions, which were carried unanimously: Tnmsi1 fTl,. 1.. niiJ ';m-. 1 1 j.wosi,v w, iuai iuo viiy axreasurer oe au- monzea 10 procure a national flag, and that the same, be raised over the flavor's offl on the approaching national holiday the 4th day Of Julv' ' 1 .1 ' r J 1 Resolved. That the office of the Citv CAfrV be closed on the 4th dnv nf LTnlv thnt public work be uerf ormed bv auv of the em. pioyees oi me city on that! day, unless such AYorx. snouia oe ausoiuteiy necessary. Bills" against the citv were nrcsented and lowed. Councilman Mcnninger offered the following resolution, which was carried : ! Resolved, That the Street Committee be and the same is hereby authorized to cause a cul vert or. sewer io oe omit on Tsew street, to begin between Georce and Muddv streets, to run down New street, and thence to connect wim me cuivert on Aietcalt street. The Board then adjourned. Tiie13 tcamship Louisa Moore arrived from New York Sunday evening.1! j . - . - : iThk Thermometer yesterday, at noon, stood 9o degrees m the shade. The hottest day yet. r ;Invitation AccEPTED.-iAtlantic Fire Co. No. 1 have j accepted the invitation of New Berne Steam Fire Engine Col No. 1, to parade With them on the 4th of ; July. 1 7UU ? UHALLENGE ; ACCEPTED.The Elm City Uase liall Club have challenged I the Meteors tbSa friendly game of Base Ball on the 4th of July, which; has been accepted by the latter club. 3: -L- " r .1- ; ! V7e invite special attention to the advertise tnent of the Festival and Fair to be held by the ladies of the Methodist Church. t TlIK PniSEOSNOSCOSPOCRAPUY SOCIETY. This ancient and honorable corps of valetudi narious veterans held theur annual .meeting last Saturday evening, and made complete ar rangements for the celebration of the ap proaching glorious Fourth. y Ten dollars have been deposited with Mr. J. . Eldridgc at the National Bank, to be given to the individual who succeeds in excelling in an antique and horrible caricature, providing there are twenty-five competitors in the grand parade. i . j j The line will be formed on Craven street at half -past 4 o'clock a. m. The spectacle will be an' impressive one. . .jj t - - ' - "- aa i u - " ! . Celebration of the Fourth of July, Hdqrs. Second 3Iilitart District, ) .Charleston, S. C., June; 25th, 1867. j General. Orders, ) ; JNo. 4o. - j ;i : The 91st anniversary of the Independence of the United; States, on the 4th of July next, will be appropriately ' observed thoroughout this command. (At sunrise a salute of thirteen guns will be fired; at 12 M., one gun for every State; and atj sundown a national saluteat which time the troops will be paraded. At stations where the prescribed salutes cannot be fired the troops will be paraded at 12 M., and fire nfeu de joic. ) " ; i t Uijon all! public buildings, federal, state or municipal, the proper authorities will cause the American Flag to be hoisted at sunrise and kept flying until sundown. I The shipping in several ports and harbors are requested to ob serve the requirmenents of this paragraph. All public olnccs will be closed unless- for thd transaction of urgent business and no la hor exeentthe necftsrv nolieintr will be ner. formed by the troops. i! -The commanding officers of posts are charg ed with the execution of this order. . By Command of I ! . Aiaj. uen. u. BiuiiiiJo : .1. AYJiCLOUS, Capt: 38th UJ S. Infantry," . A D. C. and A A A G. o . A Circular. , 1 i r Hdqks. Second Military District, Citadel, Charleston, S. a, June 21st, '67 Circular: I ?- il Wliprvp County in Korth Carolina or District in South varouna, are so eiieusivu as iu rcnuer n im I nrfirliwiblft for the Sheriff to Perform nromnt the duties quired of him by Paragraphia General Orders: No. 34, the Sheriff will assign Deputy Sheriffs to the performance of those duties in sub-districts, parishes, or beats, to be hrhim defined, and report his action to the Marshal General Upon the approval by the -Provost Marshal General of sucn as 7 will be held accountable for the prompt and efficient performance ot such duties witnintne limits of said sub-district, parish, or beat II. Sheriffs. and other, civil officers wnose costs ana under the fees4, will, ior all services performed requirements of military orders, render to the Provost Jiarsnal ixenerai s umce monuuy ac- counts nroDerlv attested under oath, here au"dited and payment ordered by i me proper aatnoniy. By Command of Maj. Gen. D. E. SICKLES : J. W. Clous, ; . Capt. S8th Inf antry A. D. C. and A. A. A. G. PRICES ; CURRE NT. Pi M E RTV IN At CQ., Beeewai. ......................... ... S3 CV 40 14 00 IH-Csxb. Boda.!...;.A.. ..:.L 11 ft Blue Stone. t. .t. .'...v......... . .... . 1" CoroytinsntitT..j:...i;....r..:.i...i.i" I 4tr Flaxseed, per bushel.. . ..... 1 0ft ft 000. ft 0 00 ftOO On ft i o 0 00 Guano, PerUTlan, per ton. . . . . .120 00 iiay...... ...... ........... i Oata....'.v.'..:....:.-.:....r.'... 1 00 '."I J '. ' NAVAL" CTOKEi j New Dip...,..:;...:.';::. a so Old Dip .... 1. . . .". . . .; ; .'. . . : ... : ... S 50 Sfflipi..:..;.;.! aw Pplrtta Turpontlns, tax paid by jmrch'r . 40 Bosln 00 rt ooo ri o oo to oo .00 4 m Tar. as te su...... . . . ... 1 " litch. S 00 Has'-' I :Tn rush at tha city Clerki offloe commea- ced yesterday morning by the' owner of doga. Remember only three day ore allowed in which to procore licenses, after which ell un- fntrrr&A r1rrr will lw Vll1 ' . , 1 " '"-. 1 HABBIED. At 6t. Cjrpnana Church, on ThrmdT Tm1ftf. th , T 27th of Jane, br the Iter. Mr. 8kinner Mr. Pr; Good to Miss kXixx Jloou, all of xhla dtT- : New Advertisements, ; Notice to rireinen. rfEMBERS. of the 2?cw Berne Steam Fire Engl AIL Com MET No. 1. mv ttu vMn Hmm tt o'clock A. "M. -I 7: i - - -"-:"? ;j -: OX TUB 4TH 1KSTA25T," ' for a Parade. " '' . . Full nniform wltli tcklU Pantal " The fine for not appearing win be ricldly enforced. " - -ISy order. . ; r - . t i U c. a.' nelson, Julr2-27-2t .1 ...Secretary. 3ank Notice. National Biinc or Ni TIktiyb i New Bekxx, N. Jul 1st, 1867. f mnis bank win t An. U T??SDAY JY 4TH, i867,that day being a lejal holiday. i -- IL IL THOMPSON. July 2 27-lt. Cashier. C AIN SEAT CIIAIKS RE-SEAT- ED, and UPHOLSTERING In all Its branches done to order at: N4. C. A. NELSON A CO'S, . ' CraTcn si. July 2 37-tf. NOTICE. I : 1 7 "I U. S."CUST0il HOUSES, New Bere, N. C, July 2d, 18C7. f rnHURSDAY, JULY 4TH, BEING A NATIONAL Holiday, the Custom Ilonsca of tbia DUtrlct will he opeu ior tne transaction of Dnslncas from 9 to 10 uock, a.! ji., only, . ' . . '.. It. W. KliU, . Collector of Caatoma, J uly 8 27-2L District of Pamlico. METHODIST FESTIVAIi AND FAIE. THE LADIES OF THE Methodist . Episcopal Church, r-' v t :' i win nave a Festival at the Stare i ot Wnu P. Moore. Corner of South Front and Middle Strecta, oa ' - V i WEDNESDA Y and TJIVESDA Y July 3d and 4th. . Sale of Goyenuiieiit Property. WILL BE SOLD AT PUBLIC AUCTION AT TUB Wharf of J. &M. PATTERSON. Union Point, 1J7, at 11 o'clock, A, M., a . , ,r. VESSEL, SCHOONER RIGGED. r - Copper Fastened and Measuring ONE HUNDRED and FIFTY TONS, (old measurement,) and ONE SMALL BOAT. ; J . .. " '. Said Vessel has hitherto been used aa a Light Boat In the 5th Light Blouse District. t " ! " ' " TERMS OP SALE CASH, GOVERNMENT FUNDS. ! By order of the Light House Board. J. M. BERRIEN, S. N., L. IL Inspector. Commodore U, Light IIoubb iKPrscroB's OrncK, Bth District,' Nobfolk, Va., Juno 10th, 1867. MITCIIEIjLi, ALiLEN & CO.'S AGRICULTURAL HOUSE Hardware Store. SELL every article needed by the Planter, Fanner, Mechanic, Builder, Miller, Coach-Maker, 8addlcr, llarness-Maker, Tarpcntlne-Makcr and Housekeeper. I aqkts roB. FIEE. TiTAKTHEASD LIFE TJTSUBAK0E. Jnly 2 27-lt ( Notice to Tax Payers. A P000 owning Real Estate In the aty of 2few Bern, are hereby notified to Ust the tame at the aty Clcrk'e Office, on or before the 15TII DAT OF JULY, 187. By order of the Board of Common Council. ' A: L EDWIN WEST, Jnna 15 14-td. City Clark. j POUND. i A SET OP UPPER TKKTTL ABOUT TEN DATS Aj rIdpc. corner of New nd East Front Street. The owner can have the same by proring property and pay enarges. one 25 34-tf. , " r - ' . Mrs. Annie Sullivan jespectfullt offers D.EK BSBvici DRESS-MAKER To the Ladles of New Bern and rldnlty and guaranteea satisfaction to all who may patronize her. ; J . ! ALSO. " All tlnda of SEWINO done at bhobt votkb, and on very rcaaonahle terms. t - Residence on Hancock street. South of the African Methodist Church, between Pollok and Soatit Front streets. . j June 2-14 Im. ' - H. N.;WBIGHT & C0.r 14 snd SS People's Hsrket. KE W BEM K; K. C. , GROCERIES, FORWARDING A3TO - - ' Commission Merchants. : t - The Psst Baflinjr Bdjorowt ' PATRON, - CaplKxiiPTUA ROSE, LEOLA, , : JOSEPH ROSE, TTTllX leave marke wharf eTery Saturday for Wash , VVlnrtoiwN.C.sndUytUsCountr. - t Goods sent teotxr cars will bo deilTcredwUhdlipstsa. ! ; Agxxts tom. ' PORT MART'S A VT-2ITLL.t Trtrj description of LUMBER kept constantly on . . c -. . s; nana sua tor im i CHEAP FOR CASH. . . . . C.-Rv TH0IIAS, TTORKET AND COUNSELLOR .AT-UtW 4 r v OfTin: Cem roixcx't.BAJ iuuc Srs Msy a-4-fct -A HI fTl TT tvt' fT t f A JL JLli 2.1 r i JL J XM I . I. GOTO BO Al v -rn n y I icripUon, that may accumulate on their re GiQT C3 HiDDier St PT0 lots, dwelling places, or business v - I stands, and to place such barrels or other re eci POLL OK STREET, Where you can save TWENTY-FIVE PER : , j , - CENT, by purchasing such Goods as the . j ........ following, or anything In their line: DET GOODS, sucn U I k - i LAWXS. ' DELAINES, I roPLixs, (Tlaln aad PlgurcdJ - BIS OS, ALPACAS, 4 OEEXADJES, OINQUAUS, CALICOES, ' . MLECUEDuA VNBLEACUED DOMESTICS . BED- TICKING, .SUIBTINO, t. STRIPES, FLANNELS, JIUSQVITO NETS, (aH colon,) . TOWELLINO, DIAPERS, TABLECLOTHS, LINEN, ! t 5755 and- i i JACONET MUSLINS, NAINSOOK, K I BELTING, SUA WLS and MANTILLAS, (oi U latest atjfoO BALMVICJLLJ5, HOOP SKIRTS, LADIES HOSE, (Of all qualities,) INSERTION, SDOINO, FRENCH and EMBROIDERED CORSETS, CORSET STATS, j (of all UndaJ FANS, LACE COLLARS, X IBB ON S, SUP LINOS, HAIR NETS, WATERfALLB, ' DRESS TRIMMtNOSt (In endleaa Tarletlea,) SILK kdA WORSTED - BRAIDS, ) STAR BR AID I ALPACA BRAID, SERPENTINE BRAID, WEITE and BLA CK JJNENo& COTTON TAPE3, TAPE TRIMMINGS, BUTTONS, of all kinda. And a great many other articles too numerous too mention. Clothing of all Qualities, bt;sltjes3 SUITS, j DBES3 SUITS, ! SACKS, 8ACKTEE3, LIKEN SUITS, Whlta and Brown : alMTINEFRENCn 1 tad AMERICAN CLOmSand CASSIMERSS, SATINETS. JEANS. LINEN DUCK, 8PANISII LINEN, 1 As-, A a., Ae. AaomplaUStoekoi :i BOOTS A KB SB OESt Fagged and Swd, from tho Chaapaat to tho Ilaaot. A STOCK OP Farniolting: Goods, That cannot bo beat, such ao whitc Shirts, SrotmXinn SUlrU, Fancy Shirts, SiLU. and Merino Undcr-SbJrts and Drawer, Collars, Ties, II under- i ' . chiefs, . Gloves, Straw,' Wool and Fur Hats, of vcry crude, And 14 fcV 'ororytslhg bolostgtns to m ilrst-Class Dry; Goods House. W wooldslso tnrUo spedsl sUestlow frfca tho trsdo. oar fsrfWW far JOHBTNU bdncnow coosploU, ooo of tho firm beisz continually In ?iew Tork boyinf thlsjaarket. :j 4 All wo ask is s trial, w tootto boinf QUICH BALES and SHALL PROFITS;" CI' IkgaegMC thst ws hs r lonxi od to ccf new bsildlng. jatstrsewnesowowatOFliiMltoswoyo. BAER & EPP1EB, JU0M-13VL ( - Sanitary Hoticel IS It is rdned bf t .Vbjvf-of &m eflU CV,' jr cf Xne Lemt That the octipnU oi coca ana CTery Jot la tae city (ana In case the lot U unoccupied the owner thereof) arc hereby ordered to collect and deposit in bar- or ouicx tuiiaxie receptacles, ' all rexuse matter, garbage, ashes and filth of CTcrr de- ceptacles on the sidewalks in front of their respective Jots, on Monday and Thursday mornings of each week, before the hour of b a. m. 2. It is further ordained. That all decared I animal or vegetable matter or oGTaL rmrbaeo or sweepings. of any kind, collecting In or around the stalls of any public or private market, shall be deposited by the occupant of said' i til Is in fit and proper receptacle,! and placed In convenient localities lor removal before the hour 3 o clock n. m. of each day. Z. It is further crdained. That all persons are prohibited from throwing any oflal, rub bish, rarbeure. sweetilnrs or refnaa mailer of any kind whatever. Into any of the slips or docks around the; citv. or upon the walks. streets, lanes nd public highways within the dty limits. f ; 4. it is further ordained, That hereafter ho sinks or privies shall be due or excavated for more than two feci from the surface of the surrounding ground. 0. ItisfurUun ordained. That each and every property owner within tho City limits hall have all sink, waUr-cloacta or privies which may do upon nis property, cleaned out or dis infected by the use of copneraa. chloride of lime or other suitable disinfectant, whenever such cleaning or disinfecting may become necessary, or whenever notice to that effect may be served upoij such property owner by the Sanitary Committee oi the Board of Council. C It is further ordained, That no person shall food, water, wa&h or clean any animal within fifteen feet of any of the public pumps w& va t e a 7. It is further ordained, That all persons are prohibited from throw in r anvthlnp inio any of the public pumps, wells or reservoirs of the City, or impair their utility in any man ner. j B. It is further ordained, That no person shall convey to, scll or offer for sale any dam aged or spoiled meal, fish, corn, wheat, rye, oata, peas or other Articles of food within the jurisdiction of the Citv authorities! 9. It is further ordained. That no cattle or swnc snail bo slaughtered within the City limits. i J 10. It is further ordained. That all persons are prohibited from keeping any lire bog within tho City limits from the 1st day of May to the 3 lit day of October. 11. It is further vrdained. That no graTC shall be dug in anytof tho Cemeteries In and around the City, unless it be at least firo fect rz. it is furvier orcuiinea. I nat no corpse 6 nail be rcmoTCd um tne Ucmctcrics, in and around tho City, without special permit from the Sanitary Committee of the City Council. 13. It i further ordained, That any person violating any of the foregoing ordinances shall, upon conviction before the Mayor, be fined a samnot excelling titty dollars lor each and CTery offence, and (f any person shall fail to pay such fine he shall be ordered to work upon the public streets a Sufficient length of time to compensate for tne amount ox such fine in ac cordance with the law of the State for such. cases provided. it ; 14. It is further otdained That all previous Ordinances passed by the City or Town Gov ernment and conflicting herewith, arc hereby repealed. June 0- 67.tf. i f 1VLAOON HOUSE,' i JBEil UF O&T H1 U O II. The nndfnd harlnc aocnrrd the above wn-knotra Uonaoat t Morehead City, N. 0., Win open for the recvptUm of G nosU, for tho S UMM ZR season, ; ' I 1 OK THE FIB STB A Y OF JUL Y. ! i The Urmlnos of tho AUaatle and North Carolina Ball rood, la beutLaHy sS taxied opon Beoolort llarbor. and la renowned tot its lnrloratl&c breeze, tu art-Uoit-in. lu odmlraUc jlshl bg (romida, and lta onsBryaaaad oeauuBUKH. OUR EFFORTS TO PLEASE. No ttalno ahaS bo rpared to render tho Oeesta of tho TJonae comfortable, aad thdr wants shall be scrolled wnenerer pracucanto. ; Attenure aerranta are c&gafea to wait upon them, add courtesy and poUtrneso shall mark tho deportment Of all the onployeeo. F.rrrj )at cause of complaint shall bo sTolded or remedied, sad none shall teste J t TBE MACON BOUSE , J dlaaatlsfled. If U Is possible for tho proprietor to lire a .4 1 All V t f THE TABLE. Every icllcscy of this season shall bo placed spoa tho - L i PEA UFORT HARBOR I wslers i And Its tributary wslers sre celebrated for tho Tsrlrty snd cxccllenco of tho Fish, Orvterm, ScolkM. Clssaa. Jte, takes frota thesa," which i i wlU be Mrrrvd ep ta t i tho stylo by experienced . cooks, la sddlttoa to s3 tho lsss lies to be zocnau firtt-asss uotcis in t&o lntenor. - ; ' PLEASURE SEEKERS '! 1 ; inntnA two ubW oas BILLIAltD TABUS. BAH ItOOX with the Cbdet WIom, Lkrsors, rs snd Tobacco, snd SAIL BOATS with rrWaond UtM f or Exrrrstotis to so, parts oi ino tLaroor. AAuin noi'ttFAwtimiU niT taxvrUla La bJl-rlT 8rt Baths sod di)r facilities for ptanco la tho Sort, If thst ssodc of bauds ooM ho ptctemo. uubicakd dancing. I for ! llfssldans, wCl at aH tlaos.bota sUeadaaeoto otkS M IK. mr vltH Um4T BOSSUmttZ WIW MtnlM tWa mad UtcIT DsSOS. CSS SSSSSO thOSV OUR TERMS. 4t. MBhatnaaesdthorrovnotor nik tn terms wrUln tho resch of sJ : sako tho urmswruin too rosea aa. BOARD TZU TAY. . .'. fl l BSJSVBUUII v - - . X03TXL . Rnoemher. this eVUrhtf si strmiawrr-e smost rieaastlm th w hl ocmntrj. wta os-op kJSiber slso, rial tho epesi BALL wfl bs jl lUlosd Conpaay rs ssi frcw 05 KJ A KB . Vast rr tstf. 'SCHEDULE " Atkntia and N. C. Eailrcai : Omca Arum; A N. C. Rinmyica Ca, I Lmw Korwd at? . - . t03A.X. 03 , , 1M - s.: -t w -sa - Arm at vc-w Xitr. Lmti rew ucrtMr ArrtT at fclnatrji. ....... ..... Utn fclniw.j... ArrtT at Jlow4 LMrtMoMrlliS AritrtuUvLUboAi ..18-S3 - . xunviixixa. Lmt Ouidbor.... .... ten r. l , aw in 123 Un JfiwriT liiLl Lhti KiUia Arrir at Ik-rtw Lrar Kor Ikras.. CT3 SJ9 xjmr put, .. .. ArrtTc at Xurvbcd CUy...M road Trua rotcr Wnt ax l 1. H mtA. rxitrrJk Vvro aru-r tc arrtTJ of WllslsfUA ud UcUm IUIxmmI Trala rotac ota. - - - - irarncrr rra Um Wert wall from 1LS0 A. M. U tmr. M. I t Tb Aoro9ni!tUwa Tnia iTl tear Xr4 Htf oa Slocvlarv. Vt".T"dj- sad TYlatrm, txtuxlMtg trq alurutr uir, i. f 41ov- : Lmti MorrU-ad City (SUlio( 4. CD A. X. Ler Nrw Ikraa t3 Lrar Klxwto J&.J3 jiniTfuumaV : ua T. X. Laart OoldcaV iMl X Lart klnrtoa t.ri - t LraNorlkix .........Il. ArrlrvBt MiWdOl? (Matkia) Star. IL. Thrvr TVkrti m2 U old t priori!! ttttUoaa om Uw erta CfcrvZna lutlroad, wil n. mxrrrr. ' 3Caj 1-tf f Sapartatcadrtit of TraajaruUa. WP H. BomaiiiG, CItA VEX tST.. XAR SOUTH FROST (Under the BZLUxrd Saloo,) WHOLESALE AND ITT AIL DEALER IN WINES, LIQUORS, SEOARS AND TOBACCO. T) my stork of Trior. XJoora. ftcrtra aad Tobacco, vkka 1 kerp of lb bt q&fclMr.oucittt.Coa i.;V i aara acoa a gooa siock ox u mm GHOCEniES, . sad Law taada axrannmrtsta tor a ma"cr2.'r tr - errry stranrr from Ntw Tort Cofft. orr. I"orfc. or aaTthlas la ray Uac, CStv cm a . calL end 1 U1 be pk aaod to sen rp. Crarta atrwt. sndrr tb lUHiard aUooa. N. B, I talk a rpeda&r X bcU-Ralslcx Tor, sal ak yoa to irH It a trial. . . J. P. Hamblin, . SOUTH ritONT STREET. ..V-fVlff BEItXE, y. c.t W1X0LE4AL2 AND EXT AIL DEALER VX PORK, FLOUR, ' GROCERIES, A2fD LIQUORS. Exchange Hotel,, i! POLL OK STREET. text toot to ! ' BAR & EPPLEIl,. MAHTIN Jr McNAMAKA;. , IVoprictOK. Tho alre Hotel having been renovated and refitted, Is sow open for the accommodation. of Ibe local and traveling public I Fur zxUhcd with the best the market can sJfurdC FREE LUXCU E VER V E VEIflSQ AT 8 OCLOCK. A BJC&XtUe TaUc, froa of charge, tat tho baa of 0atta. -Jcnc 8 1'lta. Hats! Hats!! Hats!! I 4 ! DO NT LEAVE TOWN. OR STAT IN TOWN ANT LONGEIt. WITUOUT CALLXNQ AT P II AIR & PARK'S, KO. t 40 POLL OK 57!, trs irrma a KIKE FUll. OR STRAW HAT. ; They sre retailing them LESS THAN WHOLES ALE PRICES, A&d c&3 show more than i FIFTY DIFFERENT STYLES. A Urjo raridy of i Dreso Goods, BUoc, ' Trtmalnc, Edcls. Xnscrtl&cs. Swiss XusUfis. Jsconeta. 'Nainoooks piata snd ctgefcad. XjnalOoa. Olnchsaos, Frists, A-c. JLc SSk and Cloth Bsccues and Oosls. Bcvt qeslltlM of XIop EUrU. IsisU stjts. tXL or WZU. SJt OOLft ST TU LOWEST PRICES.POSSIBLE, LOWim TTIAIf TOSS EZTAXL BATXt i FIIAIR fc PARR, . . Jfs POLLOK 3 TREE icsjai-i - ffri sxa SLrrua. Ssji ssso ta Pnro' irugsf ITedlcinc i - DTE STUFFS, PERFUMER T ; m -'T'C' I jrAl TC. -C 22 I TPl UA1 9 3 00 s-7 ton , Ocmer cf Polled i?J ftro.t-.. ITETTBEE . sol-oat." 1 ; I

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