.1; as A HEVTOEtr BY ; . JOHN .G. WHITMO r jonnUv iWhitmore contributes to the Julyt uumocr oi the Atlantic Monthly a poem' enti I, i:.. i.r.Vv. jo FREEDOM IN BRAZIL: With -.clearer-Tight, Cros of the South shine forth In blue Brazilian skies ; - y- And.thoti; O river, cleaving half the earth 1 : From a sunset to sunrise, vi : i From the great mountains to the Atlantic !! - waves i ;, .-.r -; -. Thv joy's long anthem pour, : ,v J : Yet a few days (God make them less J) and , slaves.. ' t--v-- V; -'-i'.tnvi Shall shame thy pride no more. : J ? r i 1 No fettered feet thy shaded maggin press; ' J But all men shall walk free Where thou, the high-priest of the wilder- - -, ness, . . 'Hast wedded sea to sea Arid thou, great-hearted ruler, through whose moutn -Tho word of God is said. Once more, "Let there be light 1" Son of the ; 1 . - oouth, ... . Lift up thy honored head, - -Wear unashamed a crown by thy desert . More than by birth thv own.' Careless of watch and ward ; thou art begirt ny graieiui nearcs aione. - - i The moated wa& and battle-ship may fail, , But safe shaft justice prove ; : Stronger than -greaves of brass or iron mail The panoply of love. ?v ,. ; - Crowned doubly by man's blessing and God's - , . gTacc, v- : c ;', i. j;i ' ' . Thy future is secure: I Who frees a people makes his statue's place In Time's Valhalla shure. ; ; J v Lol frpm his' Neva's bank the Scythian Czar . airetcnes to tnee his hand, ; Who with the pencil of the Northern star, Wrote freedom on his land. Apd he whose grave is holy by our calm . "And prairied Sancramon. . i From his gaunt hand shall drop the martyr's paim , , . To greet thec with U Well done !" And thou, O Earth, with smiles thy face make -v ! ' sweet,. ' ' . ' ' And let thv wail be stilled, To hear the Muse of prophecy repeat , Her promise half fulfilled. , ; The voice that spake at Nazareth speaks - - still, , - ' '4 ; - No sound thereof hath died : , . . Alike thy hope and Heaven's eternal will Shall yet be satisfied. The years are slow, the vision tarrieth long, And far the end mav bei: But one by one, the fiends of ancient wrong . uo out and leave thee tree. The 'following Is a proposed as Artide XIV of the Constitution of the TJnitedj States. ; As this -amendment forms part of the basis of reconstroction adoptedbj Congresswe publieh it for gjenefal kif carnation and reference. '.Jl'.-'-lt The amendmenrhas up to this date (April 4Vbeen ratified by the following States r Connecticut, lllinoiet4 incuana, Kansas, Maine, Michigan, Minnesota, Mis: souri, assachnBer Netada, NewIJampehirei New Jersey,; New York, OMo, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode island Tennessee, Vermont, West . Virginia; Wiscon- 1 The amendment has been rejected by tho LceislatuTea of Delaware; Maryland and Kentucky, and by all" the unreconstructed " States," to wit : Alabama, Arkansas,-! Georgia, Florida, Louisiana, Mississippi,- North. Card- uua, ouum varuiina, iexaa ana Virginia 13 in ail.- --' He it resolved bv the Senate and IToute Tienrfirnftii ' tives of the United. State xf America in Uonart assembled, (two-thirds of both Ilouses -concurring,) inatthe following article be proposed to the-Legislatures of the several States as an amendment to the Con stitution of the United States, which, when ratified by three-fourths of said Legislatures, shall be talid as part of the Constitution, namely j . j' ,;-v : f.j, Aeticxb XIV. ..4" r. 8ec.11. All persons born or naturalized In the TTnirA States,! and pubject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citi zens of the United Statea and of the State wherein they reside.; No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of tne united etates; nor snail any state drorive any per Eon of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law, nor .deny to any person within ita jurisdiction the eqiuu proiecuun 01 uie jawt. - sec. a. Kepresentatlves Bhall be apportioned among the several States according to their respective numbers, counting the whole number of persons in each State, v exciucung incuans noi taxea, - isut when the Tisht to vote at any election for the choice of electors for resi dent and vice President of the United States. Repre sentatives m Congress, the executive and judicial offi cers of a State, or. the members of the Legislature thereof, is denied to any of tha male inhabitants of such State, bema twenty-one years of ase. and citizens or tne united istates, or m any way abridged, except for participation in rebellion or other crime, the babis of representation therein shall be reduced in the propor tion which the number of such male citizens shall bear to thewhole number of male citizens .twenty-one years 01 aee in sucn oiaie. , . , : sec 3. sso person snau be a Senator or .Representative or hold any office, civil or military, under the United ouiics w uuuur uuy ouim, iuu uavuis previously iHKen an oath as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the united states, or as a member of any State Legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to eupport the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the 6ame, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof . But Congress may by a vote of two-thirds of each House remove such disability. " ; - Sec 4. The validity of the public debt of the United .States, authorized by law, including debts incurred for the payment of pensions and . bounties for sen-ices in suppressing insurrection or rebellion, 6hall not be ques tioned. But neither the United States nor any State shall assume or pay any debt or obligation incurred in aid of insurrection or rebellion against the United States, or any claim for the loss or emancipation of any slave 5 but all such debts, obligations and claims shall be held illegal and void. i Sec; 5. The Congress shall have power to enforce, by appropriate legislation, tne provisions of this ar PERSONAL. tide. BILL FOR RECONSTRUCTION. t The following is Senator Shcrman'.s substitute for Stevens' bill, with Wilson's and Shellabarger's amend ment in the House, as it was finally passed. Wilson's amendment is the latter portion of section five, com mencinfir at the word " provided." The sixth section is Shellabarger's amendment : July Gov. Fchtoii will spend his Fourth of at his home in Uhautauqua county. Gen. Pope declines the Savannah invitation. A. pressure of official duties forbids.: t :. Ex-Senator McDougall, it is said, is about to settle in San Luis Potosi, Mexico. . Compliment by the Peck the recent bou quets presentation to the President at Bridge port, -j ' . J j At a recent wedding party in Pittsfieldj Mass., one young lady wore $30,000 worth of dia .:. monds. j. 1 - i ; - Gen. . McClellan , has engaged, passage for home in the steamer Scotia, to leave on the 3d rvf "MnvprnVifr rfvt I The Rebel Gen. (xordon has been visiting the Union Gen. McAllister; of Trenton, N. Ji, and talking over " old times." ' j j . It is stated that Gov; Ward, of New Jersey, will review tho Cadets at the Mount Pleasant . Military Academy, in Sing Sing, on the; 27th mat. . j A BILL TO PBOVIDE FOR THE 3IOKE EFFIC1EXT GOVERN S WENT OF THE KEBEL STATES. - 1 . ' Mrs. Elizabeth Lochman died on th0 12th inst., near Stoever's Mill, in Bethel Township, Lebanon county, Pa., at the extraordinary age of 105 years.; 'Whereas,- no legal State governments or adequate Erotection for life or property now exists in the rebel tates of Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Louisiana, Florida, Texas and Ar kansas ; and whereas, it is necessary that peace and good order should be enferced in 6aid States until loyal and republican State governments can be legally established ; Therefore, , ! Be it enacted, Ac., That said rebel' States shall be di vided into military districts, and made subject to the military authority of the United States, as hereinafter prescribed ; and for that purpose Virginia shall consti tute the 1st district ; North Carolina and South Carolina the 2d district : Georgia, Alabama and Florida the 8d district ; Mississippi and Arkansas the 4th district, and Louisiana and Texas the 5th district.1 Sec. 2. That it shall be the duty of the President to assign to the command of each of said districts an officer of the army not below the rank of j brigadier general, and to detail a sufficient military force to enable such officer to perform his duties and 'enforce his authority within the district to which he is assigned. - Sec. 3. That it shall be the duty of each officer as signed as aforesaid, to protect all persons in their rights of person and property, to suppress insurrection, disor der and violence, and to punish or cause to be punished all disturbers of the public peace and criminals, and to this end he may allow local civil tribunals to take juris diction of and try offenders, or when in his judgment it may be necessary for the trial of offenders, he shall have rower to organize military commissions or tribunals for taat purpose ; and all interi erenee under color of State authority with the exercise of military authority under this act shall be null and void. j Sec. 4. That all Dersons nut under military arrest by virtue of this act snail be tried without unnecessary de- no cruel or unusual punishment snail be muict no sentence of any military commission or tribunal hereby authorized, affecting" the life or liberty or any person, snail be executed until it is approved oy the officer in command of the district ; and the laws and reemlations for the covcrnment of the army shall not be affected by this act, except in so far as they may conflict with its provisions. Sec. 5. That when the people of any one of said rebel States shall have formed a constitution of government in conformity with the Constitution of the United States in all respects, framed by a convention of delegates elected by the male aitizens of said State twenty-one years old and upward, of whatever race, color or previ ous condition, who have been resident in said State for one year previous to the day of such election, except such as may bo disfranchised Jlor participation in the rebellion or for felony at common law ; and when such constitution shall provide that the elective franchise shall be enjoyed by all such persons as have the qualifi cation herein stated for election of delegates ; and when such i constitution shall be ratified by a majority of the persons voting on the question of ratification who are qualified as electors for delegates, and when such con stitution shall have been.submitted to Congress for ex amination and approval, and Congress shall have ap proved the same : and when said State by a vote of its Legislature elected under, said constitution shall have adopted the amendment to the Constitution of the United States proposed by the Thirty-Ninth Congress, and known as article fourteen, and when said article shall have become a part of the Constitution of the United States, 6aid State shall be declared entitled to representation in Congress, and Senators and Represen tatives shall be admitted therefrom on their taking the oath prescribed by law, and then and thereafter the preceding sections of this act shall i be inoperative in said State : Provided, That no person excluded from Mr. Seddon, the ex-Confederate Secretaryof the privilege of holding office by said proposed amend r. s : l.f i.s .e nji.ilL.ji mont to th PnTifst.itntion of the United States shall be - uue W SlSt 7. i mpmhor of the convention to Va. lie does not meddle With pupllC fp-lnn institution for any of said rebel States. nor shall any such person vote for members of said convention, t Sec. 6. And be it further enacted, That until the peo ple of 6aid rebel States shall be by law admitted to rep resentation in the Congress of the United States, any civil governments which may exist therein shall be deemed provisional only, and in all respects subject to the paramount authority of the United States at any time to abolish, modify, control or supercede the same : and in all elections to any office under such provisional governments all persons shall be entitled to vote, and none other, who are entitled to vote under the provis ions of the fifth section of tnis act ; ana no person snau be held of delegate to a-conventlon for the pprpog of establishing a constitution and civil government for such State loyal to -the Union; said -convention 1ri each. Stater-except .Virpaia to consist of the tame -number oc- members aa tne most numerous branch of the State Legislature of such State in the year 18C0, to be appor tioned among the several districts, counties, or parishes of such State by the commanding general, givin to ich representation in the ratio of voters retrigtered e afore said as nearly as may be. The convention in Virginia shall consist of the same number of members as repre sented the territory now constituting VlrtHnia in the most numerous, branch otthc. Legislature of said State jn me year ltsou, 10 oe apportioned as aforesaid. Ssc. 3. And be it further enacted. That at said elec tion the registered voters of each State shall Tote for or against a convention to form a constitution under this act. Those voting in favor of such a conven tion shall have written oxuriuf ed on the hallota h rhtrh ther.tote.for delegates, as fafdjesajd, the word i Jot suiiuuuu, mjuiuwtivuiii; uuiuM tucu & conven tion shall have written or printed on such ballota the words Asainst a convention.. The to superintend said election, and to make retnnTof tho votes givep. thereat, aa herein provided, shall count and make return of the votes riven for and Aoinc tention ; and the commanding general to whom the same shall have been returned shall ascertain and declare the total vote in each State for and against a convention. If a maioritv of the votes riven on that be for a convention, then such convention hnu h arhereinafter provided hut rf a majority of said votes shall be against a convention, then no such mnvotitinn shall be held under thia act I Prodded. That such con vention shall not be held unless a maioritv of nil mrh registered voters , shall have voted on the question of holding such convention. - Sec. 4. And be it further enacted. That the command inggencral of each district shall appoint such boards of registration us mav be necese&rv. mnaUtim, kw. loyal officers or persons, to make and complete the reels- """"I ouj4imjam wi utuuo, auanuuia return to him of the votes, lists of voters, and of the persons viL-vieu us ucicx&ies ov a Dinrantv or tn votM met at said election : and upon rcccivinsr said ntnna h Bhn open the same, ascertain tho persons elected as dclrzatea according to tne returns or tho officers who conducted said elections and make proclamation majority of the votes given on that quct-tion shall be for a wmcuuun, iuu commanding general, within sixty days from the date of election, shall notify the delegates Mscuimc m wuycuuou, ai me time and piaco to ' be mentioned in the notification, and said convention, when organized, shall proceed to frame a constitution and civil covernment according to thp and the act to which it is supplementary and whn tho same shall have been so framed, said. constitution shall be submitted by the convention for ratification to th persons registered under the provisions of this act at an election to be condncted by the officers or persons ap pointed or to be appointed by the commanding general, as hereinbefore provided, and to be held 'after the ex piration of thirty dare from the date of notice tivroof to be given by said convention ; and the returns thereof shall be made to the commanding general of the district. Sec. 5. And be it further enacted. That If, according to said returns, the constitution snail be ratified by a lUHiuruy vi nits voica vi me reisierca electors qualified no uereiu epecmeu, casi at eaia election, (at least one- natr oi ail tne registered voters voting upon the qucS' tion of such ratification.) the president of the convpn. tion shall transmit a copy of tho same, dnlv certified, to the President of the United States, who shall forthwith transmit the same to Conirrcsf. if then in bpukJott. nd If not in session, then immediately upon its next as sembling, and if it shall moreover annear to Concn-osa that the election was one at which all the registered and qualified electors in the State had an opportunity to vote freely, and without restraint, fear, or the influence of fraud, and if the Congress shall be satisfied that such constitution meets the approval of a majority of all the qualified electors in the State, and If the said constitu tion shall be declared by Congress to be in conformity with the provisions of the act to which this is supple mentary, and the other provisions of said act shall tiavc been compiled with, and the said constitution shall be approved by Congress, the State shall be declared en titled to representation, and Senators and Representa tives shall be admitted therefrom as therein provided. Sec. 6. And be it further enacted. That all elections In the States mentioned in the said "Act to provide for the more efficient government of the rebel States," shall, during the operation of said act, be by ballot ; and all officers making the said registration of voters and con ducting said elections shall, before entering upon tho discharge of their duties, take and subscribe the oath prescribed by the act approved July 2, 1802, entitled " An act to prescribe an oath of office." Sec. 7. And be it further enacted. That all expenses incurred by the several commanding generals, or by virtue of any orders issued, or appointments made, by them, under or by virtue of this act, shall be paid out of any moneys in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated. Sec. 8. Ana be it further enacted. That the conven tion for each State fchaH prescribe the fees, salary, and compensation to be paid to all delegates and other offi cers and agents herein authorized or necessary to carry into effect the purposes of this act not herein otherwise provided for, and shall provide for the levy and collec tion of such taxes on the property in such Stato aa may bo necessary to nay the same. dec. v. Ana oe u juriner enacted. That the word article, in the sixth section of the act to which this is supplementary, shall be construed to mean section. . ' ti ,.. MMnmitiMI In District toutberLad to appow 7. , SrJ'LVnnrUOx wm adopt- hltttdi That themcmberi of thi Convention hereby people of their retpcttWe counties. . , , . .-. RTATK EXECUTIVE COHMi'rXJJl , . Tnlpuwuance of th resolution fdoptod br the receot L La vullTZ:tlZ. -t,, option 4n Ttalcieh. the lion, A. IL lteconpvrucnun ----- - i. f allowing liXflcuuTC o ' tan party of North Carolina . I . mr fW 1 1 IT V . A3 OLD EQ50. EET TO : 11867. Am tyring approaxXu Anti and JixxcW Frirm their fdu eomsut, And 2Iic4 and Ibis In tpU of coil, " GaSy tkip about.; " vtr-, vr nntnnr. Ralebn.-TVafco eountr. . V 1 C L. nlnnis, Ealcigh, Wake nmntj. wi- AVrro, Boon II in, Johnston county. jOIrs Pool, Colcraine, Bertie county. MnTnSmos, Hold. Bertie county. r SvS M. Cabteu, Wahlngton, Beaufort county.; David Bejltox, NcwberruCravcn county. , w . t- t Ttioxas, Ncwbern, Craven county. y l" pSarnTox, rajretteviDe, Cumberland county. DAxiri. B. Oooplob. tVarrentoa, Warren county. Thq. settle, Wentworth, Rockingham county. noBTptDicK, Greensboro', OulUord county. . Dr W. Sloaji, Dnllae, Gaston county. Jos. IL Nrrr. Wilmington, New llanover county. J?Q. A. Bbtax, Trap Hill, Wilkca county. L. L Stxwabt, Atherille, Bnix-ornbe county. W. ofp. G AKiirrr. KIchUnd Valley. Iljwood co. SAVt Fomntrn, K. Airy. Sorry county. F "Williams. BurnTlllc. i ancoy county. o.w;l . JL W. Knto, KlneioLoircounty. Alexis Loxo, Kalcigh. James Joxm, Kaleijrti. G. W. Beodie, Raleieh. . Jomc Makttel, Raldph. I 0. P. ItornxE, Wilmington, New nanovcT coanty. W. CiwTBOM, WarrentonjWarren ctfonty. . Jomc IItmak, Warrcnton, Wsrrrn county. II. HjfTnASKS, Greensboro'. Gnllf ord county. . s , ' j. W. II00D, Favctteville. Cumberland county. 1. B. Abbott, Is ewbern. Craven county. II. Epfes, Halifax, Halifax county. T. A. Stkes, Ellrabcth City. Pamjnotank connty. Tost Gbekx, nendemonvllle. Henderson county. K. SMrrn. Charlotte, Mecklenburg county. J. E. O'IIaba, Goldsboro', Wayne county. Alfbed Stokes, Wiikfsbor likes county. r I i M " 1 t i .--.4 : Life TjaalU'aiLc e Co i . "13 years etUUhcd la ??. T. CSty.- . . 1 i -CylnfallitUe remedies known. ; Krw from Poion." - , , . . Not dacetrout to the Ilumin ramll. 1 Bats come out of tbdr boles to die. " Costar's Rat, Roach, &c, Extcnn'i . 1 U t rarfenr4 for Hall, iflce, oai4, , Black and l2td AnU, f &, CosUvr's Bed-Bog Kxtcrmmator Is Uqufd or wiuh cM to dctfCT. tad sifO t prtvr&UUre for Hed-Itvgt, t. M Costar,j Electric Powder for Insects Is for JLTkA . ifoUott, JIm. Jlfd-Jiytge, Intel on tianu, lovu, AMmau, rc TUrill BtwABB III of aU worthless 1ml tat loos, rn that Qutas name Is on each Box. DoUlc, and Flask, before Ton dot. Address, l nrXBT IL CfKTAR, . I si ixrosdway. 1. v. Bold In New! Bern. N. C-, by IUcuabo IIuit, and aU Druggists andlislallers everywbero. O 1 eiriTJiz. 0 i:ooo.ooo.&i Tho bene flu cf Lift lEszrtLzao nod to bo cnunicratcd at IHj tri. Ercrj cxm and cjoaaldcratc nna, but dos LU S famll In briog bU HublDS & Brother, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN GROCERIES, PROVISIONS,1 CROCKERY, Life Insured XOTIONS, . (T-iEINEZIQUORS, cCc., ctr.J etc. MIDDLE STUEET, ONE DOOR SOUTH OP rOLLOK STREET, "COST AR'8 cblzbatbd Biicktliorii Salve, At a am&ll erpcaac a taally Is lairtd tc anjr want-which accident or adrcrtltj othcnrUo bring upon Lhczx. 1 The adrantagct of tha E. HUBBS. Maj 8 1-tf O. HUBBS. A. MclTACKLIN WITH J. & M. Patterson & Co., - MIDDLE STREET, ' i " Between Pollok and: South Front, , KC1T BEBi 5. C.,-' For Cat, Burns, Bruises, Wounds, Bo!L Casnrrt, Bnv Plica; rVrofhlous, Putrid and llliondiUoned Sores;) fSrrWiflltift TAft Tlltttrrrnr r. Ulcers, Glandular SwcUlnr. Eruption. CuUnoooa Af- I CJ C AllXJirarKt Q fcctlona, Rlnrvrorm, Itch, Com, Bantona. Cbflblalns, Ac ; Chaprtcd I Land Lip. C4 Bites of Spiders, lesects. Animi, cc, sc. lT" Itoxc. t5 rtiu 60 cta and 1 alios, hold by all DrorrUts ererywhers. Andbr IIENBV IL OOSTAR. LVnot S4 Broadsrtr. N. Y., and Bicbako Bkkxt and Goonua A WaTaiss, New Bern. N. C , i - are: ITS LARGS AND BTEADILT XXCULUOfJ . CAJTTAI EEPUBUOAN PLATFORM. Resolution adopted by the Republicans of North Caro lina,4tt a Convention held tn Iialeigh, Ylth March. 1867 : Vallandighain declines to deliver the address laj' aiMV at. tho Oxford (Miss.) College commencepient. frirjul lingular. v e tninK ne " never raissea a meat " before." . . i -John Davis. Esq.. who last Fall made a epiendid canvass for Congress in the Copper head Gibraltar of New Jersey, will delivjer the Fourth of July oration in Newark. ; j! V. II. Langlv, the Gallipolis, Ohio,; floiir merchant, who lately failed, has an insurance on his life of $300,000 more than any man in the country. . . . ; ! j Mrs. Lucy Stone Blackwelfand Mrs. Eliza beth Cady Stanton will speak on female suf frage, in tho Representatives' Hall, at Hart- " forV y ' K ,; i : 1v Gov. Worth, of North Carolina, donned a suit of Confederate gray in which to receive President Johnson at Raleigh. A Worthy re ception, but not a clear enunciation 4f the axiom that "Worth makes the man." ; j ! 1 A New Haven paper savs that Gov. English V will violate the rules of ettiquette in feoing to Springfield, Mass., to meet the President." The editor forgets that the English ettiquette jdmers from American - War. county, V a. llo aoes not meddle with puplic .Affairs, and says he is out of the political ring. ' The Albany Journal authoratively denies ? the statement of a New York correspondent ; of The Philaddpliia Ledger, that Gov-Fenton has decided to pardon young Ketchufh, the vWall st. forger. , , j j ji 1 A Lancaster, Pa., paper says that a young, i Woman, residing in the western parti of that v city, was so much injured while bitting 6ft her ; toe nails, a few days ago, that a physician had be eliijible to any office under any euch provisional grov f tb be called in- to attend her. i h i ernments who would be disqualified f rom holding office - . : i under the provisions of the third article of saidconsti tution al amenament. j ; - - SUPPLEMENTARY RECONSTRUCTION BILL. The following Is a copy of the bill as it finally passed iot!i Houses v - An Act supplementary to an act entitled " An act to - provide for the more efficient government of the rebel states," passed March 2, 1867, and to facilitate restoration.-; - - - " TtA tf. enacted bv the Senate and House of Rcvrtsenta- thft mftswas a beautiful loaf of cake, in the Hues of the United States of America in Congress As- :fr06tlOS Of Which was neatly imbedded 20 fine tfmbled. That before; the let day of September, 1867, , silver half dollars.' We hope Mr. P. may live IgSS&SHZiZ provide .ZSZJkZt government of the: rebel states," appro voa aiarcn z. CI ouou vauov i. .. ' nf thn TTnUoH ShitpiL twentv-one veara of asre Of Newburyport,has receifedrfrbm and upvu resident ia each county or jpariahin the poniom5n Tr RntUv1in nnriviWtmAnt State or States included in his district, which regiPtra- . 'Albert Pike has performed one great achieve t ment. In a recent editorial he produced! a sin :gle sentence of 210 words without anylbther rfitop than a few. commas. It is said that Henry , A. Wise fainted away on reading the sentence. - .At the tilver wedding of Mr. Joseph H. Par " dee and kfdv. of East Haven, recently, one of tJ enjoy a gold wedding. Edmund L. Fletcher, son of the Rev; J. Fletcher. - the Hon. Benjamin Fr Butler the appointment of cadet at West Point in the class to enter in 1868. The Hons. John Morrissey and Riche lieu V Robinson of Brooklyn, gave their ap- jpointments-io the publi$ schools of j thir re-v-epecti?e districts. : ; , 1 1 I Admiral Wilkes of the United States Navy. -; has 1,500 acres of land at High Shoal3, JX U. , ' carries on extensive iron works, embloys 150 5 , laborers, and has established a school for frcodmen fwhiohlJiis wife and daughters are - the teachers. r They "t have 150 pupils a truly tnoble example for thclaidies of the Southern chivalry. : r v . ' J j . The eccentric ijenry S. Foote has re-opened a few office in Nashville;and is advocating the bestowffient of.;, the elective, franchise! upon woman, with a good deal of zeal. It is hard ly necessary to say that the genial old gentle man's .views find nb.vcry ready reception in - that latitude, notwithstanding the recent pro- aunclamento ox Aciiiiir-aiisenimes. , Kati shall inrlndA nnlv those nersons who are Qualified to vote for delegates by the act aforesaid, and who shall. airn fairon arA cTiVcrnfv1 th fftllowin' oath tT nfflnna- tion s "I, , do solemnly swear, oramrm,) m Having assembled In the City of Raleigh on the 27th of March, 18C7, In conformity with a timely and patriotic call, reflecting the sentimenta of tho loyal men of the State, and believing the time is at hand when an open and fearless expression of sentiments, opiniou, and par pose is urgently demanded : therefore, 1. Revolted, That in view of our present political condition, our relations to the National Government and the people of all sections of the country, we do this day with proud satisfaction unfurl the brilliant and glorious banner of The Republican Paktt, and earnestly ap peal to every true and patriotic man in the State to rally to its support. The snlendid and natriotic record made bv this great political organization, in standing by the general gov ernment with an Inflexible resolution, in carrying for ward profound measures of statesmanship to a success ful issue, and the powerful aid given by it in finally overthrowing and prostrating the most gigantic rebel lion of ancient or modern times, should command the respect and challenge the admiration of every candid man. 2. Resolved, That thd American Congress is eminently entitled to the profound. thanks of the whole country for its persevering, persistent and heroic devotion to the Seat principles of human rights as enunciated in the eclaration of Independence ; that in the name of the Satriotic people of this Stafe we feel warranted in cox ially assenting to and accepting the reconstruction plan recently and finally adopted by that body, and to the end that peace and order may be permanently secured and every industrial pursuit resumed and encouraged, we pledge ourselves to use every fair and legitimate means to influence public sentiment to the nearest possible ap proach to unanimity on this subject. 3. Resolved, That we rejoice that the dogma long pro pagated, of the right of peaceable secession under the Constitution, has been forever overthrown by tho majestic uprising of the American people, in crushing out the late rebellion by force of arms ; and that the doctrine that the supremacy of the general government has been established, and that the'paramount allegiance of the citizen has been acknowledged as due to the United States. 4. Resolved, That we sincerely exult in the fact that as a nation we are now absolutely a Nation of Fbee meu, and that the sun in all his course over our wide spread country no longer shines upon the brow of a slave. Without reservation we heartily endorse the great measures of Civil Rights and Impartial .Enfran chisement without any.property qualification, conferred without distinction of color, and that we are ready to nnite in the early practical attainment of these inesti mable privileges. Although the mortal remains of Abraham Lincoln now rest silently beneath the soil of his adopted State, yet his voice still rings like a clarion through the land, earnestly summoning every American citizen to the support of the great Party of Liberty and Emancipation. 5. Resolved, That as the most potent and efficient means by which the South can speedily regain her lost prosperity, we earnestly advocate the spreading .of knowledge and education among all men, and that to the attainment of this great end, we demand and shall per sistently and firmly insist upon the absolute right of free discussion and free speech on all subjects of public in terest, i 6. Jtcsolved, That we join in an earnest wish for tne maintenance untarnished and undi mined of the public credit and plighted faith of the nation. , J. Resolved,1 That in the maintalnance of the position taken and the principles this day avowed, wo earnestly invite the influence nnd co-oneration of men of all po litical persuasions, who regard and cordially support the recent action of Consrcss as a solution, of onr nrcsent political difficulties ; that we deprecate partisan violence and desire peace and good will toward all men ; and if in an open and fearless effort, which we propose to make on every suitable occasion, to persuade and convince the people, that our highest duty and truest interest. is to be subserved by maintaining .the principles of the" Re publican Party, an earnest interest should be awakened, it will be from no other cause than a rigid adherence to what we regard as a eacred right and a solemn public duty. ! The following resolution was offered by 3Ir. J. E. O'llara, of Wayne, and adopted : . Resolved, That this Convention tender their sincere thanks to Jas. II. Harris for the zealous and efficient manner . in which ha has labored' at the North for the cause Of all loyal men in North Carolina and for her speedy return to the Union. t Mr. WJ F; Henderson, of Davidson, offered the fol lowing, which was adopted : ; Resolved. That the thanks of this Convention arc due and are hereby tendered to the Spartan band of Repnb- THROUGH the solicitation of numerous frienda and old customers, he will cut garment lor pcniicmen ana boys In the very latest etyles. having thoroughly posted himself In regard td the fashioni. -Pntnm(r can have their own material, or they can t supplied with the best articles, as he is prepared to fur nUh a choice assortment of bpring and Summer Casal, meres, DrilMnga, Jtc i Geo. S. Campbell, TAKES pleasure in showing or selling his largo ttock of ! FINE TAB IE CUTLER i - GLASSWARE. CHINA; CROCKER 1 . M ' TEA TRA YS, CAS TORS, LAMPS, OIL, de. JI ii managed byrtliaU and r3 bum . t Mtnl RED FRONT 1$ May 2 1-tf POLLOK ST. COSTAR'8" The Itfured need f oar no qItVUt x tx rr eion on the part of thU CO MP AM", uUU Inrafed otct 11,000 persona for art Cx Eighteen illlliom of Dolkri wi'ida tlx jas rnrniu EXCELSIOR !' EXCELSIOR ! ! Chastellar's HairjExtemiiiator! For Remoting Superfluous Hair TO the ladles especially, this Invaluable depilatory recommends itself aa being an almost ladle prosable article to female beauty, Ic easily applied, does not burn or injure the skin, hut acts directly on the roots, it is warranted to rcmorc upcrflnoui hair from low fore heads, or from any part of the body, completely, totally and radically extirpating the same, leaving the skin solt, smooth ana natural. Thl U the only article used by the French, and is the only real, effectual depilatory In existence. Price 75 cent per packacc, sent postpaid, to any address, on receipt of an order by 3 BERGER, BHUTT8 & CO., Chemist. May 2 My 2 River St., Troy, N. T. REPARATOR CAPILLL Throw away your false friz res, your switches, your wig Destructive of comfort, and not worth a fig : Come aged, come youthful, come ugly and fair. And rejoice in your own luxuriant hair. REPARATOR CAPILLI. FOR restoring hair npon bald heads (from whutevcr cause it may have fallen out) and forcing a growth of hair noon the face, it has no equal. It will force the beard to grow npon the smoothest face in from tU to eight weeks, or hair npon bald heads in from two to three months. A few ignorant practitioners have as serted that there Is nothing that will force or hasten tho growth of the hair or beard. Their assertions arc false, as thousands of living witnesses (from their own ex perience) can bear witness. But many will say, how art we to distinguish the genuine from the spurious? It certainly is difficult, as nine-tenths of the different Pre parations advertised for tho hair and beard are entirely worthless, and you may have already thrown away large amounts in their purchase. To such we would aav, try the RcDarator. Canllli ; it will cost yon nothing unless It fully comes up to our representations. Uyour Druggist docs not keep it, send ns one dollar and we will forward it, postpaid, together with a receipt for the money, which will be returned yon on application, providing entire satisfaction is not given. Address, W. L. CLARK & CO.. Chemista, No. 3 West Payette Street, 8yracuse, N. Y. May 2 My. . Ferdinand TJlricli, (At ike' "Big Indian on' Middle Sire,) AAXrTACTCnZB ATD nZALZjl T3 CORjV SOXTEKT, For Corn. Bunion. Wart. Ac. XV Boxe. 33 ctiu SO ct., and 91 site. Hold by all DmrtriU everywhere". And byl IIENKV IL COSTAR, Depot 4 Jtroadwtv, N. Y and IticnriAD Berbt and Goonrxo A WatkijA, New Bern, N. C. -I" " II Aoi paid tcithin , a fao yftiri r $200,000.00 to X7hvt and OrphrA It pcmlu a residence and trtrd oa 1L1 Ox tin rat of Europe and In tho Brothers 'Xi far South sj the north era Icuniary of Carolina, - " 4 11 COSTAR'S" raXTARATIOJI OF Bitter-Sweet & Orange Blossoms FOR BEAUTI FY1XQ THE COMPLEXION. Used t Bof ten and Beautify the Skin, remove Freck les, Pimples, Eruptions, Ac ' Ladles are now using it in preference to all other. ; XT Bottles, 11. Sold by Drngri'-ta everywhere. And by HENRY R. COSTAR, Depot 4&4 Broadway, N. Y., And Kicuabd Bebby and Goonrxa & Watxi, New Bern, N. C HUGO WKSENDOXCX. PUsidmL TOED. 6CH V IT. J4 MEKNIXGEXV Agent, t X pEr.S. Yotm &.CoM TIT HOLES ALB and Rrlail Dealer In Gtma, trrxfr II Pltola, ArnraanlUoaof all klnda, Mcaicalla ment. bhert Murlc Utrtt pnUIeatlon, Watdtea,' elry, Uau, Cap, &c rrry low fox caah. MBD FRONTS 0. IS T0LL0Z ST. May 2frr Bzxx, 3C. C. Segar89 AT; All kinds TOBACCO. WHOLESALE! AN D RETAIL. i of SMOKINO, CHEWING, and SNUFF COST AR'8" ALSO Meerschaum, Briar Wood and Rubber Pipes anchSegar Holders i Clay Pipes and i : Tobaeca Pouches. ; tar Orders punctually attended to. i June 61641. BOOT & SHOE COUGH 1 . I. making; t rSCTOBAX. IT - 5 For Coughs. CoM. Uoarscnewi. Pora Throat. Cmm. v nooMng Cough, Influenza, Asthma. ConmapUoa, Bronchial Affection, and aU Dlseaaca of the Throat and Lnntra, tin Bottlr. a cta CO da., and 1 aire. ' , . , bold by all Druggist everywhere. AnAhr UENRY It COSTAR, Depot 484 Proadway. N. Y..and Rim a no Bxur and Goo onr o A VTatbixa. New Bern. T. C. .-. W ATEST PARISIAN STYLES OF BOOTS AND -SUOES made at ehort notice - . . .i t i;,Tv.t f-.nA thfit t am i'HKm nf thA I and are herebv te State of : thatl have resided in said State for licans in the fate Legislature of this State, for their bold AVU AVC3 UAVUVr V mmf.m x-W ww W V . months next preceding this day, and now reside In the connty of , or ; the parish of j , in said State; as the case may be :). that I am twenty-one years old ; that I have not been disfranchised for participation in any rebellion or civil war against the Lnited States, nor for ieiony commuted against wo iaw s ml aujr oiie or of the United States ; that I have never taken an oath as a member of Congress of the United States, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any State Legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United Statee, and j ftrward3 encased in insurrection or rebellion against the United States, or giveu aidr comfort to the enemies tnereoi ; mat a wm lauuiiuir cupwvy i. wic sub stitution and obey the laws of the United States, and will, to the best of my ability, encourage others so to do, BO-help me God which oath or affirmation may be ad ministered by any registering officer. - Sec. 2. And be itfurther enacted. That after the com pletion of the registration hereby provided for in any State, at such time and places therein aa .the command ing general shall appoint and direct, of which at least" thirty dayT public notice ehall be given, an election shall Mr. Settle offered the following, which were unani mously adopted : . J . !. Resolved, That we esteem ourselves fortunate. In that so experienced and accomplished a statesman and sol dier as Major General Daniel .12. Sickles has been ap pointed to the command of this military district. '. We tender to him our hearty co-operation as loyal citizens in the performance of the important duties that have i Resolved. That we are gratified to learn that Gen. $dhnJ C Robinson has been assigned to the command of this, n. , f . 11 it: , . - ' ciaie, unacr uco. oickuv. - uia iui uilt auuiiuifciruiuu of military affairs in this State has been such as to give ns a most favorable opinion of his peculiar fitness for the position thus assigned him." Mr.- Carter introduced. tha. following, which, was also adopted: 4 , . Resolved, That the President of this Convention ap point an Executive Committee of forty . members to ?iromotc theorganiraiion and interests of the National lepublican Party of. North Carolina,- and that the rest dent members of nid committee in each Corjreaaional 1 i i 9 Best of :Uatcrial Used and ! , Satisfaction ,WarrantC(t. " I-.-- ---. ..' .... ' ', .PRICES UNEXAMPLED IN THIS MARKET. ; . . .w ,. Repairing neatly done at low figureej JACOB WIVY & CO., Next door to FRED. D. SHLACHTER, Grocetv corner Pollok and George at. June 11 184L - -, -1 -r' ' r. i THE NEW: BERN REPUBLICS ruBLisnxD, TRiwrrxLY rco anna j STREET, 2tEW TJEUX 4 rjtUS REPUBLICAN la Umcd aa aa INDEPENDENT AND rEOOItESSIYI JOClS wnkn shall rrfiect Lhe ecstimreU and cplttanf j HAfHUlalaUe tayzi pmulaUoa of Eateni t, Una, by an uncom rros'iinr c;p Z. at boeculoa. and hy a Iwku aTocacy td tW pnnoptcs of LtJon, Liberty and tqw'J La-. - The IUIcsm win be ocrotrd to the nJ? e ta of our prn4r, n iin - cvaiire toward tfaott , for an r It will plead for Ue taaintcnanor tsf, the Nailer al Govcrcamt and Ita eredU : the 3 all avalUble tacara of the pooj : the encc rv IsnairraxtoB arxl the derrlopcmeet U ' tcral, mineral and mrnmcrrixi rrtocrcw, While the Unmiiean min be y f3- paper the Opart men ta cf (Vc'. bclrnoB. Art. aivl Utmirrc mcxirt by Itrparta.Jaaya, rxtkrwaa! tts-A will permit. m"vr Full reports ca a3 ataitrca cf Local IclcrPi. "' a promlDent fmvtre, ajtd a tt- K'V wy,.- nncondiUonal Utin vorr la turm J;'Z 9 . me earaaucca lica tie irptMoam " avcruiiES C3?(n arc arparctu c COST A'R'B" 5ATE3 or suDscjamo B I CELEBRATED S1I O P P IL ON the Slst Inst., a small WALLET containing about SEVENTY-FIVE DOLLARS. .The finder will be liberally' rewarded by leavlnz the tame with the Editor fothe , "REPUBLICAN." ; June i-rs-tf. . " f '.-fr-'-r , a rsrvritaAL Dnnrra ptll. Y,ot y PItk Headachy CotUvox- Indiee bold by all Dmrrlsta evrrvwbrr. And by HENRY R. COSTER. Depot 4S4 rVoadway, Ooe Ymr - Tin M cr.it $" OoeUocUx - H1.TX3 CF ilATETISIJCO' Tea Uaet cr celtxh Ur?wW coz One rcara one tnaerUoa l-ara ichrtrcl tearrtion

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