u . RATES OF ADVERTISING: ' " ' ' " ' ' ' " " ' " " ' hi in . E-i ZtEZmnrGEB, J.:D.,; Editor. J- ... r ' ; ; - i it - i i xi. i 1.1 i w .3 7tvv i rvi a i t m mm i ' - ... l--- : t a i t . . - rr . - - - ,J I'V . ri V C M r LJV - J.V. Mr 10 ! - : 1 - - - A f ?KS OP JSUBSCIPTlOKt .tW fill''. 2fp4CaA in Advance, j : 5G.00 . 3.00 ' 1.60 i.ii:B0 'Three Monilis i FUENITUEE & BEDblifG , y JS XHS COSISTINO IN PABT py ' XIrron, . Pwlor - Fmraflare, Rockers, Socu, .;; : StsiuUy -Tables, ' it 35 JRw f U7uteaml amd rtl mil ty C. A. NELSON & CO., Crarea Street, BEwBEEI, S. C ; : L WobUcott &1 Tinker, TTt on hand and for sale at Wholesale and Retail, for , cash, ajarse lpt of COUNTRY LAUD, BUTTER, CHEESE; Uackwheat, Graham and Family Flour of all grades, i j Call and examine them. JlayiUf. "Merchants' Club House," . v CItATEX STSEETy : Near the Post Office, - NEW BERN, N Cv; "PERSONS coming to New Bern, Mill rfnd this a neat x and comfortable place to stop at. jSyery attention i : - bar - A . Always supplied with the hest of Wines, Liquors, and With all the market will supply LODGI&GS, , -' Unsurpassed. 1 1 WM. L. PALMER. Proprietor, New Yoi-Ifc Bakery. it HAHN &i CO., 1 j; ... M'POLLOE STREETj NEW BERN, N. CC, ; . '" '-''- ' . ,; -i . . f j . 'Aoncfo our Patrons and the public' in general. Jul that having fitted up our i i -v !: :,4':; BAKERY IN THE BEST MANNER, ' -v.-i " i; i art now prepared to furnish our customers with i n 1 ' 1 ' : GOOD BREAD, PIES AND CAKES f all descriptions We will also furnish at the shortest notice, Ornamental Cakes of all descriptions, to PARTIES, WEDDINGS, &C. I Tendorlnff our thanks to our customers, and solicitin t pontinuanwof the aame, we remain respectfull; May J-l-tf. M. HAHN & CO. To the Public. - .... w: . ? J. W. VAUGHN, i . . Cor. South Front and Hancock Street. 1 J8; pajing the "bighlst market prices for all kinds of MANUFACTURERS' STOCK, ! ' : ' OLD IRON, I '" " 4 " : " OLD BRASS,' r -,t: ; OLD LEAD, ! RAOS, &c.t Ac MayS-l-tf. OLD COPPER, EVKUSOX & CO., ntine; Distillers' ' , Millers Wharf, Union Point. " i Also WHOLESALE and RETAIL GROCERS, I r . F(xt of Middle et opposite the Market, i i ,MayJ4NEW BBRN' N. . j . . x . I. . r - HEIWOOD'S PHO TOG RAP H ROOMS CHATEX STREET, d; L - i..-,.-,- : .' . . NEW BERNE, N. C, n 'tOrroswa Nnr Bsssts Rxfcbucah Office.) PHO TOG RAPH8, A M B R O TYPES, A Terythlnfii pertaining to the art done in the - Instructions giTeain the art. 1 . 1 " Stock for aale and entire outfits furniehed for small advance on Nw York coat ;v .'. , ;--rc - u j Mayur, ; , - : . . .. . , 1 SOO Bbls. Rockland; lAmeJ7? Jwox icircdaiidforaiebT ! sri , i .. ' . :-g , P.MEBWINACO v May 80 la-tf. '.l ' n PoUok bU New Berne. TJTaUor .West, : f (Successor to) ' , - . v . !' L EDWIN, WEST, J SO OK STORE ASV- V IS E W.S DEPOT. " ' No. 80 Poixok Stkebt. , , Mnly2-.if.- ulr.' ' E. N. WRIGHT, & CO., , r 84 and 20 Peosle'a Market. tfEWi njEJiir, 'nr. c s t PJlOCERIESj ; FORWARDING Oommissioii Merchants; i PATRON, " CapSvEPTilA ROSE, r ! XI IOLAj' : v,; m if,. JOSEPH ROSE, I WILL leare marke .Wharf erery . 8aturday for Wash j f fincton N. a and Hyde County.: , - ! I Oood8 cnt to our care will be" dclircrtd with dispatch. P OUT MAR Y SAW-MILL: -Tfr'ptlo of 'LmiBER kept constant on - ' hand and for sale iiailii1?1? r)H cash. : - ' ' " :'f ! rs,!v-: - V.-.J 'rill ' ..- 1 CI 5 1 '-:.: i-);;eW - - . - - . -- ... ' 1 , '" .' I ';.-. ', -. .. . . . .1 .yol.IHo.30. 'J' ! TUc Fate of Maximilian. Maximilian has been srint. lw WI ... At TIT : w " V ; What shall we say of the justice or in justice of this act? . ;r U ' Ever and every whcfe,r we are opposed to capital punishment; whether for hiffh "v f w ueuier upon small offeud eft or great. We hold with Jeremy put a man to is to hang hini." : Wo di- ' vo WW1BL USB Vftll Mtl au-e l ine universal abolition of the scaffold uiuimwniicnon ot the deatl Mcuaity., Hin some oi the. States of the American TTn , --.rr oyblciu oi puuilC iumuuufc prevails; we hope to see it prevail m t alL Hie hangman's 1 rope is not an ; instrument of relic of barbarism. .Twelve soldiers shoot- ing at a man s bare breast in a prison-yard u a.pwificie agreeaoie to Uhristiani 'if States&and Nations, as ;soon as possiuie, nave done with all thtee ghastly acisoi aeath. .... : But, meanwhile, it is a solemn fact that me aeath-penalty, either by -hanging or 7 "w""s is uie common mode, prac! tjced by the civilized world, of punishhin the perpetrators of capital crimes. e The death-penalty is the Drevailinor lorn m the United States and in Mexico. Thi$ oeing the case, on wliat criminals shall mis law oe .executed? Shall obscure culpnts taste the bitteraess of a bitter iaw?, ana illustrious ofienders go free? Shall a great hation, in meting '"out the punishment of death, say to the world. o-uu inuiuurer yi a man snail be hun r uuu me assassin ot a nation shn pardoned?" I be teentn century have been Jefferson Davis and Maximilian. The one Was miiltv nf - v fei ctticoo viiiuiuais oi tne nine- treason aorainst Ki It; it is -ever justifiable to punish . any criminal with death, the American Gov ernment ought to have executed Jefferson Davis, as the Mexican Government has executed Maximilian. The onlyvindicaA tion possible r to the American ftnw: mentfor its release of Jefferson Davis is a consistent policy by the Government' juture, oi non-punishment ot any and all criminals-by death. The esnar Jefferson Davis onorht. abolish the death-penalty forever from the Republic. Since ; Uie greatest of American criminals has gone free, theti hereafter, while time shall last. lf. nA other and lesser wretch ever suffer death. We deprecate in Mexico, as in Ame- nua, ine iaKing oi me by the state. We believe that, morally considered, no gov ernment on earth has a, risht to stretch n man s neck from a cross-beam, or to shoot; at his heart in a public square. Butl such being the law of Mexico, if under it has ever proved himself entitled, to ieei its eage, tiiat man was Maximilian. If. the Mexicans were ever justified in nanging or shooting any criminal , they! ,tJ uJfucu. 114 luti execution ot Jllaxi milian. Not a .villain lying, in any dun geon in vera Jruz. tor whom thA W halter is now waiting, could ever be iust-l v ""xo. " iucAicu ii iuaximuian had been pardoned. : . . ' This ambitJoiis foreigner was no doubt an accomplished and amiable gentleman ; but he was not shot for being a gentle man ; he was : shot for being a brigand, a filibuster, a pirate, a nsurner. a desnnt we was an ahen .who entered Mexico with ah invading army; and sought there with to overturn the Mexican republic, and on its ruins to erect an empire. :The ! , - r " crime which he committed against Mexi co was just as heinous as if he had at tempted it against the United States or Canada. We admit that, if his villainy had; been s perpetrated: against our own government, he would probably have been bailed j but if it had been against Canada, he would probably have , been blown, like a Sepoy, from the mouth of a gun. . . . . , If Gen.. Washington had any right to hang Major Andre, the Mexican Govern ment had ten thousand times more right to shoot Maximilian. ' - , CCTackof the twelyo rifles which uttered this Austrian's dMtWo.OT,f which we hope has forever, put an'end to the divme nght of kings " on.this con tf?en;a needful .proclamation .to the Old World that crowned heads are in truders on North American soil and that foreign bayonets, pointed ;against a North American peoplei shall be thrust back into the bosoms of those who bear them hither. The army of Maximilian deserved de feat ; and. its leader deserved deathl Sic semper tyrannu A7". K Tiidqkiulent. The Koran does1 not permit the Com mander of the Faithful to leave his own dominions; :It is his duty to conquer the world land jnake it all, Mohammedahahd EurppeVhas the soil oi France on one sideband at the gates of Vienna on the other, and but for Martel and Sobieski, Paris might have been juled b - a Moslem Yiceroy But most; things in this eWorld an be man-, aged, and to aHow the Sultan "to come to Paris, it was : only ; necessary o; decree .the;anhexation of France, , pro tem.'to the Qttoman Empire; and then, when the Sultan has finished his "visit, it will be given ?back again to Napoleon HX bythe grace of God and the wiU of the French pyupie, ius ngnuui pwner. :'j i- . f. There are thirty. pounds of blood. in tn:e human frame, and two hundred and fojiy eght j tpn.es. i -.Women . Have . the . same number, not including the whalebones - ''' I Jk m aaaa I " 1 NEW Why lrounff rTncn not 'Marry: - - Rev, Robert Cer,' the eloquent "Uni tarian clergyman; recently preached a sermon in Chicago on ' OurDaily Bread iri the court bf which he discussed soaal questions, and explained why young men do notT marry:- : " ! 'trr'j ; :! : Wheri one-said lately 'in thVpnenU of a frank, outspoken young woman in this city, that Jhe reason why youno- men did not marry was that their, wives would ?otT ?c intent to begiii to live in a homel v fashion; after they had beW raised in luxury, she replied, "the woman1 is quite as billing asthe: man. to do that, and I faiQw-of '..no., woman in :tho circle of .my acquaintance. wlK would not be content for the; sake of the man she loved, to cast . mm auuniaKc nis lntercstin - , i nt 1 hear'a man livmo-m flintnKno A . x near-a his attendance at pkiy and opera ay "I dare not marry; because . I know no wo man would ;be content to live , as one should have to live," I say to myself.it may be true, but it looks-wry much like old Adam, who ate the npple and then turned around and laid tic blame on the woman. Let this be as it will, here is the dismal fact staring ns everywhere in the face, and' in no place r more painfully than in our own city, hat for social, con ventional, or still worse reasons, the best youth of the countiy is held back from its most sacred duty as well as its most perfect felicityfalls into that sad mis take of: a long encasement, in whirh tKo pain and disappointment bears hardest always on the. woman ; or. the young man shuts his eyes and his heart when tho spirit walking amoncr the frohlh 1, whispers to him of some maiden, "That is thy wife," and says, No, not vet fbr many a year to conic" and so inarrip at last away on in life, whon imt! i: , - 7 uuw lUICO have become set in their own foci,: and their love is hardly enough to cive them thn V5n,llv " "V" ; . T r. ,V . " U1 uiucarance to - ward whnt. i gc mnnv ,.i x i disposition, until they can become - r 4jiiiiiiai in i iijii rif t- nn 1 . Self ;reverent and reverencinrr each ' ; Alike in individualities," . and so tlie best of the days of the best of our youth go by and find "I darn not" wait upon " I would." : r In the name of all that is sacred, I ask why this is, and get for my answer. W cannot afford it.' The young farmer can anora it on the prairies; the miner on Superior; the woodman on'thn - - . - y jl J the carpenter at his bench: tho rtmUh l his anvil ; the operative at his frame or! loom ; the loriarshoreman anil t That cluster of men down there in Penn sylvania, and those in' Yorkshire .whose mere young men were with me long years ago, lost no time and asked few questions, because some nie-ht instinr. tu , they must do that or worse worso m any and every way they could look at it; and so I can remember, as if it were yes terday, how speedily these found the wife and went to housekeeping in- one room or two, as they could manacre it. and irmko the hammer lincR ith a new musin. and gradually, got their house and household goods, and the world has never failed them, no, ! not for a day: but through dark future and bright, and sickness and strength, they have found the deepest experiences of their life each with the other,' for Great Ileart and Interpreter go Micfcuw v" "s pugnmage, aua now hey : see' their children comincr un to manhood and womanhood bont. thrm with the freshness of their own youth in iieir nearts, and know, though probably hey cannot telL the deeD content of a life ordered after the fashion God gave them when he created them man and woman.' f'But here are men with noble powers. with faculties that will ensure them a greater place, living in the most plentiful land on the globe, evening themselves through the years of their youth with that poor lost tribe of battle-singers, the loneliest of all those to whom; God has given a chance, and when you get at their . i ?. ..i . . reai reason it is eitner one or the other ot hese. They cannot believe what, if they have lived in the country, they have seen iwenry times to be true ot the birds that sing about us everywhere ; that new exi gencies tap new energies, and the little fellow who, a few weeks ..ago, had quite enough to do to take care of himself, is now caring for a nestfulT just as success fully. They do not believe that the Maker who has made their life of itself ft natural prayer for daily bread, has provided that the answer shall be equal to the , cry ; or when they pray;1 they mean by daily bread, board for two' at the Sherman, the privilege to attend parties' three" times n week throughout ; the whole " winter, to take a trip . to; Saratoga An summer, and miss no chance . at . any , other ; pleasure, howeverywpensive.", Let it be that of. a shred of that which makes this fatal fail ing ln the flower of the youth of America r the men from HarvanLand t Yale and all of their fme quality and the thought ful cannot but deplore the education that can so'enrse the, fair manhood and cause the blossoming of youth to come to such nn unomeiy end At Rockville ; Centre, Quecn Cp.J .N. on Tuesday a man went into a photo graph gallery to have his picture taken, and his own coat. being rather sedy hd borrowed one belonging to the operator, and .while the .artist was engaged the coat borrower stepped out with tha good coat on his .back; he is notknown in thft yicin ity and has not been seeu since the ocenr rence. !r: J k ' Hk ' of JPrcftfdeut drew JoTirtson, r -Hi Uilcigh (Nl CO 'copon'dint.b'f -N. O. HeintlKcan far? H . - I xneS. O. Itqntltican fyivs: Andrew' Johnson was bom in Ihinnnnk "n M t ssoT Tavern," of winch Lis mother was tho hdtisckecper or, steward ,i"?1 -Casso, the proL " r i nqtei, was marrietl to! a Tnerchant named Stewart in the early part of the evening, arid the ilance in honor of f" V nZ progressing at the time p aw ngnt, -ljie bride, who. lived j ou . iteu a icw years a, dresscil the new comer in hfs swad .lhng clothes. : His father ' JU icr .1. i r i if m i nii nrM . i : r son, die, four .years afterward, not from he effect of injuries received in savin" f r , . . I family i ""1 i fnmiiir i - t ianuly were. known. as IkaUm," becauso tlicy lived in a locality callril Khamkatte," which is' I suppose, a'cor raPtlon of the word "1." : t i ilio original generation were honest' hardworking laborers, but having no money wherewith to buy stores, tho sec pud generation were degraded into' what is now called "piny woods poor white tnwn. JMn. Johnson, his mother, was a woman of mre bbility for one of her 'class, and through her Influence Jacob Johnson, his father, was induced to obtain labor in the city of Raleigh, and when he died she apprenticed her son, Andrew,! then about thirteen years old, to a merchant tailor named James Selby. James Litcli. ford, who is yet alive, was then the cutter or foreman of the shop." lie gr.ys that Andrew was not a good bov, and yet not a very bad one, and tells many interest ing incidents of his boyhood. TW ple here, although they have obsequion ly built a monument over his father? 8" v wk. upon nun as a oor white irasu xanor, and always will. ui uumon isj now iauout SIOO.000,000 ucr T -T. - v v rLt 000,000 from pbeer or gulch goldldig. gmgs, and $80,000,000 from quartz ing. ui the quartz product, about tbrc fourths is from gold bearing loxlesJhnd one-fourth from sUver mines. In Ulic production of goldiCanfornia'takcs-tbb lead, yielding, about $50,000,000.1' In silver mining, which is never done; by uaiiu-nasmng, out solely through I the quarrying and reduction of qtiarte, Jfc-! vada is foremost, yreUh'ng $10,000 000 per annum. , Idaho and Oregon makSup the Temainder; of our ilver prod act x.u, 4a uuui uircciiv on the' greati Comstock lode, which in tho jnst Lbuliioo, andls.tlie richest silver mine vet Mvwn in uie wona. lt is from 8Qj to' 200 feet in width. A single'-companv in the same region the Gould fc CiirrT has taken out more than 12,O00,0O0.- 1 V4- mmm. A f A 1. fl wv ui. iimr;ui me quartz mills have as yet proved remunerative l A frightful accident recently occurlfed; at Tola, an Austrian 4 scanort on '4hk Adriatic, in experimenting with giycerme iorf military purposes. The i o -. ; . con-ette captain, Count von Kidman. segge, fractured tho leer of a cantain. rin! rendered the colonel tX another ofticial s . 11 j i jMuiuar inciueut occurred in thel 1 ark Jlorceau, Paris. . On a vacant lqt of ground iri the neighborhood grew -a large acacia, at present ' in full ' bloxsom. 5 T workman, 1 wishing to' borrow a branch j iviuiuauu juuw ui gronna, ciinu1 ed tho branch and commenced to sever it from the trunk. But before he had had time to make a: stroke ; he fell to the ground insensiDie, overpowered by the carbonic acid disengagedj from the flowers. lIM ot aspnyxix ! At the recent Masonic" celebration Winchester, Virginia, tho apron worn by the orator, Yilliara IL Travers ' belonged to General George Washington, and was presented to him by Gcncnjl Lafayette, and has beautif ally- wrought on it in silver and gold the .flagv ,f France and the United Suites comhinDll. and forms by their combination theprib-. ciple masonic emblems.' 'V " ! v f The Arabs' visitetl tho TritmnAVi royuui auu. unices on VOdpcsda-."' AlieirH proposition to stand on their hands :ami: let the hollows of. their "feci Ie niod as- inKstands or thq rest of the day, was djj clined xrith thanks. Having ascended to the topmost floor, they crravelr noddal their turbans arid departed tor bthV climbsj : - ' !, -n ,V " 1 i 'J . Forty thousand wax candJes are lighV ed instantaneously br a sinrrlo mirh n the Hoyal Palace in, BerliK. The wicks are previously connected by a thread pu)i ; from gdn cotton, on lighthig one end bf which all the candles arc lighted imtl- tanecmsly,:and Uius tho whole pf the eroi: hundred apartments of the , palace arc) . . The Marauii of vHm hn Louden Castle, in Ayrshire; th the Jfarquis of Hastings, for $1,735,000; Au nrstsneu, niletl with this substance,burst 1 m the gun, destroying it, and, blowing' to j pieces two men who were loading it. - tit also frightfully disfigured the face of ?the 1 "-I- .11 . Prioo 5 Cents, Special Notices.- ! . t tJ W uart ft Jw-yi,- s4 u. Ancricaa fr4 ar. brrood Ur f a Jlatnlii-wniai K trkt1yKalJtC. am Aiarntui la- XlCULXt CO., cSce Clf 1ttWj rw Terk Cttf. SCsckihekaa noriraL ft Ulmitt od tarAU clrtndplMi 'Uslaapfa U t1fa 'isnTTj tdrr stood, wdMHIUU. t trtMtWtnkr. I , f IU arrlBjc qmsUttea, psticiariy tm dotk and Wt Wr, cannot be cqs∿ and a ach. rrrvnarnd li I onr frtenda and the peb2 gnatH. ' Horns Ini surance r yaw Uattx. cvwocin ictT. f ASSTTft, ; $1,540,116.00: 2aso.x t Fostxe, AgtkNewBexnc.N.C. OFFICE AT BIGBOOT? T. POWERS, Soutli Front Street, - XlflVjIFItXF, X. C, . . Iraxorlcr and 0aJfr in WOREIGX AXD DOMESTIC WINES,- UdUOES : & CIGAES. 1 ! ' i 5 Tilt tUOXCXST C RANDS Kf STOHE. Accnu for SlTirs a4cWatcd i Present Use and Stock Ales. ,TbU ALE la Drcwcd txxj tot SanOcra AUrkcu, aad WARBAJfTED TO KEEP IS AXY CLIMATE. Bring exdtulrtij tcyil la ibe abort bubvw , I am; prrprcd to offer SPECIAL rXDCCTJCE'CTS to parties partLAatrj la mj line. 4 . j T. rOWEES. Msj S-UL ! ! Lorch Brothers, ... , xftatxaa n GROCERIES, 1 5 PROVISIONS, . . j DRY GOODS, .. .. .UoOTS and SHOES, Ac 1 ' rAncery Produce alvars on Land, for Farmers oa the pmaUcs. ArcotsrMdatlon 1 BROAk STREET, H 3Uj 2-MI ?fTW JJERX, N. c Exchange Hotel, POLLOK ' STREETm cxt door to 1 . BAER & EPPLElt, i MARTIN J. McXAMAUA ' I'ropHctof. ! The above Ilotcl having been renovated arid refitted, is now open for the ixxnriraodatlon of jthc local and travcIlBg puLIlc, " r ..... , T.IJDIjJSS Furnished with the best th market can afford.' FfrEE LVNCn EVERY UVENIXO AT y s acLocic ' ; A PS Table, tnc of taarre, for Uc mof Cecsi. "Hats ! Hats J I Hats I ! ! I-'... i LEAVZ TOWS. OB STAT IX TOWS AST LONGER. WrrnOCT CALLTXO AT IfHAIll & FAKE'S, j 'UV(7. ,40 BOZZOJC ST' , C j i ' . srrcca a li FINE FUli OR STIt!AW HAT. r-r. LESS TJlAJf VniOLESAtE t RICES t And caa abow more FIFTY DIFFERENT STTLES. Jj;..-i j. .; 'AUrseTarktj.of Dna Goods, Bottom, , TrtaaoOa-,rdsie, tacertie-n, : jr" , - w Sisfaaciolra -plala aad cbecfad, i . , 3XaraaI3e. drgferws. rrtau. JLeix.' ". II J5Ck ad Ctotk Saofoca'aad GaW t jaiTUes of Hoop Cldrta. UUml ttjV. 1 iix or vox at adu at rii ' LOWEST PHIQES POSSIBLE, ji- (4 1 Hf l-l ." LcrWtB TZLUC KEW TOC3C UtTAIL CJLTES. . : i ' .'IT- - PHAIR-tS; FAIUV Sil 2Cc!r- tUrvJ C rcf Cf V,:Ut lUl U . rr 2itrtirracc: tMrrt(J IrrxJwIf', ti pet f-tt. LitWr tUa t-'l rmvi .,3 W cta-rnL . ,:: r , AS Ui.4 arn Uticrs lotAi U aJLirfcwt t tW tLS'. 4 3?7ee!dy Steamship inOt I . 1 .... - . r . , , , ., . j Utttrnu Arte lerJL Vis Mtme9 CAHUVIXG UMTi:i STATK ; OUIL. ::Enorridx5'"5 c rr a p i v m . r -v. -1 TTTILL i't from CJs rt fc Tsti, tw-. . c r. uooiii'triL a. 1- mm m m tr - . m ASTROLOGY; . The World Astoaislic-d 5 3IADK BY.1 GI1KA AitllOLOatSTj GubmoIL A PEIlRIGO.M to to;t4rM ItoM bo, trvm duUtl cTmu,- eTW. tropb, rrcHra a km-. Km at ri&UM aaidlrVi oj c4 txiwr, f turv txnM hArc ti atot, torubT tkoM- lotf Ppnru4. trlr. t&2urmaUcS conatiilrx aWni firtkd r kmn, nm 8d to porrw a4 ta hat r1 ta b nxro. tw Ww:t MArrUn tTU m t w x.. ltf cf lb prtxm. m rd jcrcr Kt Isrvln. 1U marrr. citn r i b mm. l ..W nc ia ihk f.f-rAjt ik. .v.4. a.m Jr7 . " Id rMrttton of ttt ;?itr-i. ( U Cs.t4 Urt Ulto WUbt of tsm. Kail to tmmnM lUm rwiM II! twf nrrtr aota V.re faun an cMrci'r Xubmp rr ti.f.il alit, .-,-.1 ... . vrttui iMt 1 1 A aU tqtfi aaam aU t!km m n!H f tot abmsW AA4rt, ! Manavrll. A. ITHIIJOO. itsjS-l.iV "prrraiS.T. Marvin's PatontT" AI.uil AND DRY rUVSTEIt, FIRE A XI) BURGLAR PROOF !-.' i . ;.. . ... WA mu XTEn i h lvt It. ? Wwid I Xrr,Vromi lVa emd or ca tor aa V)ftrnms C?e!r "TV ! TE.UT'-AUnL Cat- Uoa rarrmn!id to nut Lao row .rrt tif . .u. . t .. 1 1 , VfooVrfa M V A.. . ' - . U.WnbW of I'arl. a ad Lotm. cw aae rau fori v r i las, T. . . a . " " " ' t.v fill i n A ITI . Cbeml-t. No. C lUrcr art, Troj, X. y. fsTarUa w.- it.iT a i-i a . l TAtHES foaond to rrow npoa Vttm naootbort laoe la from Llrr to i nwlt try Blor l. fScTlr- lairr. lmi meal t t J","l,!l,t3irCTlkr' rm. rt Lai Un a tt ZZr,.7. X" r",,1'"" -a ia aaoaa oamf 12 EfVJt1 "TtU aiTTSSK lU?:' " trrrt. Troy. N. T. fta .v, vsuicii ruin. Jit r 1 1 Ir OniSPER,- COUIA. OH ! U aa UaaUXal nid" taf. . . J Hh rurrr nrt. aad raiUrt Lair. i'jNt UaairUa nUwioad. , to3C4 to txtj Lean ana vtaa. , CTUSPERCOL. ' 'ad Ghiay Ekgl cr ETy By ofnr U!i trtkJa LadW asd Cr1t-B m fcrasU f7tbriratrrBramMtkflL It ti u tmij mnxu la UtejrotVl lUt wrtJ carl aUaicU Wr. axd ai tW UrlT It a bMtifl, fWr tmrun. Tfc Crta prr Com not oaJr caAa tix Lair, bet lararau. beaatlfira aad cWaaoa U ; la t-VUy aad AVrrti-'aT (fmuDm. btxj ia rc.f taort ooceaOru anicte of to aiaa V1U be aret to airy arrr. acaiod aad aaaUfSf txT Addrraa aH onVra to W. L. CLKJUZ A CVrfclfOt, , 'APPX.ICTEDJ 1 ! ' SUITES SO X0C2I rrraES Vr tLc of db. joixvnxr? n rrm V V jca caa be cared prnaaaraxtr. aad at a Crlf.aaj Ta aatoaS.Ufc aam-aa wUda kaa attoadad Ola la TalaaUe aaarUrlaa ior Paraioal aad &inm aTiaiaws, fxtcral prUStr aa4 PaaaUaUoav Loot as UrnJmr arrrr. IwruUwj, off ay of Caa uuaaiwai trm of wUlal iarUarrrtioa. readers It taa aaoat raisSa r paraUoa ever Clacrrrcrad. . U m-Ul rmoti all ticrroaa aJuctloo. &ieasaa i rllrranO, tnraparttj to atal or baatoaaa, aoa of 9 tmtif ft ie. li vrtJ rxat-rt fbc taoUu. frtarw to acalia of toaa lM tare dcau7sd tt ll acsJ twaaf or rrU prtWr. t. Yoaax Mwba VamWrsd a aaort It " Oaar Doe ton aad lraoraat prartuuoacra. bat arad -aliaoat W Ur fortaaA2Utr.aadbaaorBf4oftdto aad BJpptaaam. APrtlortCBraiaBaaraaiaog n ntr; aunoa. Prim $U t 6rJ (iu WiW iA, aatSki-arat to cCort cava sa a also, djl! JoWniri JL tba rpflr aan ycraniaw " "T : ? Vl.m toiradaya. MMraaaawutaa that ara a r TT , raawj 04 - 2iA Xa jum rw . . . ; piano fcr Czlc ' f . rrtMsrvCTocTATsriAor-- A rtTSr-i't a3 aara attackatta.i X .r.ii (Waafk r ''- at .ft aT - aA I -T'- U r 'A r U i tl 5 !'1 : J -1 - 1 ii fi 1 f : 1: f i ' i . rj ; ! ' ! ill Ii . n f ' f rl II ii ! tl ?i ! ' ii . ' .. i at- 1 n 'i It w m t J r u :1 II t 1 I! M i.1 i "5 f :j I ii u . il the IMarquis of Hastings (o Fell' ' f :"f :'i ! " .. .-M, Winded States has 4 80 .chrpic f ac r n . .'. i ,0"ef- : iiii! -: ' . . I i ij: .0 . :. i li- i ' ; . : . I U H ; jwy 1 ! i 1 '.3 H