t i -. i' ! ..... a . , ... " .r k 1 r o to P; irrnT.TaifP!n TRI-WEEKLY. H J. UEinilffQIlB, 11 D;( Efitor. r; , JA& G, HiEISO!, PabMer & xYop'rr . . : . ' " r - HATES OP SUBSCRIPTION: yv . nYer f- xJiontbf irwMoatha -ajlontn Ten- Cash in Advance. -r - f , 3.00 , . iv- . - - ; .'.bo gaMMaWOMaaaaa - -; t - FURNITURE & BEDDING; . ; ; pi THE STATE, OOXSISTC5Q IN PART OP ; j ' v-y v ' ' 1 : ( y ;"" v '"'"..' ' .';..i,,y r' ' ' y '" ' ' m '. T... . . i... - i . ... ' ". ,'-' f aBMgBmagi " ''- - -,,1 .l. L" ' " ,. ' ' , ' ' i;:lMT6.3t;;-- : ,i . Prico 5 Cciits. ; RATES OF ADVERTISKQ: Tr a T. w c irOi of ;u.i tost. One jCArr, w t . - . IjCf Ftcial No(lrr ckr?4 C Jk rnt. kWr or- kVlrr tlaa ratr wJUW ti.fr V:.vj j -A JTASBY f PPB. V it- ; , i j it t The Boston Excursion An Account , of 'the quality as it'rTiijquaRtityv.O Slxttresxci 3IIrrbnu4 i' t'lt tyc -r... r. k ' r ! 'il w; a y u ran six, i . Treparatory PiscnssionT-Tiie Start and the wwpt. - .avis, pus it aai .., T ( 7i t lormitY MV'tiic'proceedins.or btnkc any- ys -fl'vM- .!s . j ; . f ,t bodv ez bemsincr er.. .Thcrtricd terrible I - : . I ' J' I in: J '1 Si-L ; - f From the, Toledo. Blade. ; C.A:.1IELS01T&C0;; j 'j, ; Crkm Street, IL a 1 I iJ ("dch Is in the StsJt of Jlassadinsett) V Tremont, House, Boston, t. ); riTlidiaialcichltrip 'scarcely.-,pverr Ilk earM pbllcbtt & Tinker hard to;ge:.;fpecch out tiVi s,iand the President (vasf- 'trillin ' but"- IlaridalljRccirf tbat the llcrald.and Triboohfliad', report; ers present, fiupprest.bim. And eotihna iq QttttoltjVjcpmpArativcly .sober. and verj! ria earlvl ' v: ' sitfu6x; n! -i- Serene Highness determined npon accept iKgf? t t " , TT- i - - the lqngfli, depu -and breadth uvrthe. en intheBostonnTitashentlliscorjel re. thoosia1n:'nv, theeceDshen;i;5 cepshoa in orth ilvarlmy giro . liim; a show the greet atlhc "death :nv Presi 1 I sort m.i dDbetite:for. ikinler-apDlanse'and dentsTe hdti$t evennyhcre -the portraits' ue uercruuneu. upon xryin in uie x onu agin. At the Cabinet m'eetin held 7 1 1 is? iiv" 'out Pr&l&ossbr; linln,:ijdra:ped,' in on Wild nnd for sale at Wholesale and Retail, for ; cato, a larjc u. i l fHa ftiiviri1 Swm' TioW 'tUnvmniinT Vi won Wf'everlas'tindvr6rie!,, 't- hps v-I don't know hqvr lar tho trijj. will be extended.;...- ,, . i;; : tffj Postuusirr), and, Viotcor la .the Hm and Japhcth Fr Academy. fov tbe - cypi;nv urine tmeiicicuvall rnow irrv- fjnx-uyc-UYcolor. 2; discuss the JjuestionVSeward expressed desire -vto: go: ! Welles fbllered Seward; ai Hahkerclicrs waved from the -windcts ' -' ' pnW-ViViri' lwfc.'RaaaaU.iwfio.aencb 'the deceaseo'l nv?.the: enjinenti rpspectability,l.::,th tCSTItr l.UlD, nVTTim, .CI!EWE Sir ISik Ncwton, is considered tl.e strobgl T"'. ft ff J?.A ;--vv .- i ; . v f-!.;-ji iwv" t iv.ii.i, aj enthusiasm, a sort ov halimourmnggladt jackwheat, Graham nvY i w man bokmeeted vitb-th(S Admimstrai j 11 gfSyln; T;i Uk ethereforessooms diktatonal 'wVoI , Call and examine them, i?", A8 tppOSCal& t f , i!ii,ri .iwkJk'm-A.k -J!;.UTA Kf. i. iltyJl-tl. "Merchants' Clnbv House1 CRAVEN STREETS ;? ; Ncar3the Post Office "?;OTM:BK; vfrh )KRSOK9 coming to New Bern, trill find this a neat and comfortable place to stop at. . Every attention M tO 2Set9. ?-i ---; -.- 'waya anpplied with the beat of -Wines, zara. HHiS! A ZT m WJfi; Pri-iLwcloomy 9PIKsishen, gh I must Mass&Wosftsr oo-'lsedhejVtP ny,, I'resiaents nev. I oiiv;l i.1 w XJlllfUlJU, tiiu tuio I toil. ' ' I and ThTiA.VfrkV:f'hnm ' trirli m tftoir.'.'nfTti .vvmu u,. sheUposishen, n mer, Avno aeceest in i i 'z. unto mat t 71; '. ; .-; TABLES; :r: VftitrtR the market will Bnpplyv,f ;r make one more effort to save1, our ' erririf Korthern brethfenu V J i hji (Hivxir. " Mr. President'- retortid Randall . . . .- I m v w 2speck jlhe ..government' - t . country. , vurr aesire is to Tvtnni Fficf Ttf -nrrn rr I f rtr rhncn mnfli corn er, stun wnz , engraved these 2 words : Lv .J. a: Z,nk-V i, Sjo d,' Ai a disease ,suret us to. )nanife.l nere the. l'resi- withdraw from yodr support! and .after Tcaand Coffee CalUvallon in 'the 'str?'. State oFlorida . .v. i An exchange discourses as folIowj on the .;cxperiiuents now being made in J the South to grow. tea 'land collce plant, in connection fwitli other pew tropical" dro dnctiohsr . . .: .' r : rx : v; .' i .v .'. ' - ; I .' - J Attempts- at tea culture in the -lower rart of' (Sontli Carplina - and Gvorgia have AheciY crowned with- success, . nnd tliougH 'only' small quantities have leen scu,iinc aacc nas been demonstrated that we had the ability to produce in jour own soil ;that delicacy hitherto peculiar tq the Celestial Empire.. But we willj go tep. farther, and it is now assertwl that coffee 'may alse be successfully and profi ta bly: 'cultivated1 pn;the Gulf 'jseaboird. Expcriment?i haro already beenmadcj we qre pleased,. to f learn, fith flattcrinoc! re for the journey. Upou the 'frontier, of Egypt they; wait till tbey ree thc new moon of March, nnd then, under it bc nigijcreoUf, the symbol of their faith, turn their Tacev, southward to the 'city; Iti thirty-tlrrvc davs thev 5bc r'ross the : . , : i The domes of bory 3Iecca swell, , . - Andt kneeling -with deroutcjt igh i ! Quench thctr lon thirst at Zctnrcta'a VclL Here they spend from two to three weeks hi alternate ceremonies and repose : seven time they walk round the sacred Kaaba; solemnly they kiss the black stone that fell from heaven, with reverent steps they ascend the hills linked with the story of incprppnei. jicanwiiiic,at uairoatnrec j days jubilee 'is kept for the accomplish- i ! . a e i. .t. ? i iiiciii ui pilgrimage, ana vue gun 01 inc vitauet arc nreu at each- ol the nvc daily hour of prayer. In one hundred days from the time of their departure they re-enter thecitv gate, bringing with' them thesilk covering of the previous year, which is divided in small bit among the eager crowd. ' A week of feasting and illumination follows, in honor of their re turn and of the birthday of Mohammed On the last and greatest day. the cere mony of the Dutch is performed. The sheik of the dcrvishc. mounted on horsc- kback and attended by many of his order. goes in ino aucrnoon to tne squaxo 01 ino tlTc-be-ke-ch. whero ho rides over the r XDc . i, i r r i i i i r ' t . ' . . " v ,, 1'iwuaio wujct oi scleral nonurcu 3' tTTSl .VLH1 natics, who think themselves secure from l r , . lr. A,,UI.a,,r. a.luM Vl ihaniv in this world and the next COODSPKKIVS Weekly Steamsliip Linb frr-fi Set YvrL' -nt'l CAUUVINO CSiTFj) STATH iUa. The A .o. 1 Steamship .: - , ;f,.,J.N.t- -,.4 I Ellen S. Terry, 1 fcuiuj. , inere is n strip ot country bauth of Tampa Bay, Florida, some forty mjles in length and thirty in width, which .is peeuliirly adapted to the growth of Jt ho coffee plant, nnd all the tropical fruits. i v x . ' . U3 , uever peen sciucu dv me it 8 ace brightened up) yook.offis ! ePrtsident turned lnghtfidiyret.:wlc1i' Where an annrpciatfi eonstitnonnnftv will t ,1 ;. -i1. f.. LODGINGS,:. M ;. . iermit mR forivorttav. I irilLbccalled "f P D1S P0""".'1 t r upon to write an epitaff for yoor politikle - li x'waJ:'a.i ..Vnsurpassed. iy S-l-tf. PAWIER. . Proprtete. r 7cir York Bakery upon corner stun, wick I shel to wit : notist,:uul 3L IIAIIN fc CO., 4 POLLOK STREET, NEW BERN, N r'JRcjcKet'-Andrw-JTohnso1 J I shun. "onnce to oar patrons and the pnblic in seneral, ,ai nanng nttea np our s I ' i-1 Xk&nrix TIIE BEST makner,( . . , : . i , I ..... .1 :: : . r -u- ;' ' - ---f ; ' - :t:'. re nor prepared io furnish our.cnstomerr'with OD. BRli,, MES AKDCAKES '..:: n't I-.- , jiU i"'- u.f .!; r,. vf.'if,1 1 detfcrlptlontf.' We will also famish at the Bherteet ;e. Ornamental Cakea of all.desccriptions, to ; 4: c ARTIES, WEDDINGS, .&C...U. ! ii ft' bt. "fi' 1jo:.7 iL. -i U' I ;r?J j. ndeiiag onr thanks to oarcuBtomorff,and noliciting itiatiui3 of the same, we remain reppectfully, i j , : ' it. iiaiin & co. reser- Ile wbodent undertake to co'neeel who "died ifroni, thefeffexouv a (disease, emoahens r.whicli agitated' hiiui at, this superindoost -byi. over effort in. a j great pcrseyol rwelcome. upon .the soil juv Mas many attempts to save his politikle frehds sachoosits. It wuznt necessary for'hiin5 "PosKRip The f rends t wuznt flwprtK ezhii wuz iii the : habit uJ !doirt further the savin, but they lived. Yi frit M I Southjeap1 those afore him wimrprobably " ota BENEThe man who saved eni ez f amilyery itli it ez he wuz. but he wood wuzht quite ez good ez the frehds but he ashoor em, for ther encouragement, that aiecu ; : -jr, ,--., r-.-) r ;; uie 11 is try u v- xassacnoosiis .in conuecti JBut upon sekond th'ot Pve no objects shnSvith'the bistiH" uv these " States hez shun 'to this door. -Y06 kin do us ! no becomoa part' uv the Ihistry nv the coun- damage ef the, reporters is properly train- try, axdthereforen in: visitin Iassa- ea, ana ei yoo aenyer my scn; speecp.es enoosus. unuer -sjcu4 icKooiyer circum ezwe determine upon before hand.;: iVpo stances it is pekpolyerly gratifyin , to .rc- seeVe sich a welcome. In recrardto vour y M-tf. To tlio Jublicl j ;5 ?ci South Front and Hancock Street, ylng the highest market prices tor all kinds of !,',.-.. 1 . . J-. - j . - ' j ; -. U JPACTURERS' STOCKS W . ! OLD IRON, OLD BRASS, ! V i . - OLD LEAD, i Is ' i: OLD boPPER, sc., dke. : ,. i ?-: t j; ; -: '. whom have, up to this time, bafl!el even- vuurb w luniove inein 10 uie intiian te servoj .west of .the: Mississippi. " So long sj no cflfprt: is, mado. to reiiove them ttey are friendly. t As they arc-only a iew. hundred iti numbers, they could notl interfere-with a large colony, and, acc4-d-inglyi a company ,s being fonnel in1 the orth to, take, up the land and raise coffee. The soil is , light and Very pror ductive, and if the schemo is practicaple it will furnish profitable and jfrmannt employment to many thousands tf frecd men and others It will educat6 the blacks to habits of industry and econoiny, develop the resources of acouutryhithpr to almost entirely neglected, andiu aftw( years raakc! us somewhat more indepen- dqnt of foreign countries, for articles nowv exclusively imported. j if m tlicv TTTILI. '! Dvn this jwrt fof Nw 1 Tin-Jut r. Ji'LT 11, i-rr. be rutT4 r4 t hf tat 4 o'cloc k P. M. An liotw ilrrrtM to wr rr U Fur irvCat or tgr. itic jm'i-p-riwf rrw Jlay -lt c r. ooouriXLJ. Aruu Jean feel the tramp of tho steed and the fweight of the saint as he passes over. lyct the Arabas know as well as we that t u4 ix v-tou. m.d iorm.docs not always imply fervor, and Ithat outward teal may be out a cloak for :in ward indifference. Thus thev! have a jrovcrb: f IC a man has been twice to plecca, watch him; if he has been three ,timcs, lock the door. Special Notices. E VE It SO N & CO. 1.' topentine Distmers, .w - Miller's Wharf, Union Point jt ; 4 U Mo WHOLESALE and RETAIL GROCERS, I - FoAkf 3flddle ft., opposite the Market, . ; : NEW BERN, Nv C.' U. IIEYWOOD'S 10.T0 G RAP II RO QM S; ;- i i' i ' XEW BERNE, N. O, 'mmx Nrr Bihxe RsrmucaK Orrics.) . i. ITOGH'AP IIS, AM BRO TYPES,1 -. t everything pertaining to the art done lathe isiyic. ; , r : ! urtioan jrlren In the art. ! - j ' x tot sale and entire ontlita furnished for raaall e en New York cost. j t sri-tf ( ; . -. - I v';:;ij 300 Bbl; Rockland Liiiie,; r jrcceiTcd and for Bale by 30 l'S-tt X, Hi. go : thro Delaware, ' wich -is ;ourn ; Noo Getey: won't hurt 5 us1 very' liiuch cpz V9uye- bia; thrqV tliere V wunst, ,and r.they know: wat to expect ;Noo. York will give a' enthposiastio ;recepshun ; ef lorrissey and Ben AVoqd ..will take holt uv the mat ter togetherr--by Uid way,' ' Seward, tele graff em to Avuns't; and in Connecticut yoo re : certai n -uv a corj el reSepsh un. Iliat State is full ti v demoralized Yankee Dimocrats,1 who. hev bin-out to Michigan aud left there 'all ther Puritanism and brot back with them, in its stead, all the cussidness indigenous' to ' that soil, wich cussidness grafted onto their natral cute nisj makes em rather, enterprisia in ther worthlisnis. Iri Boston itself, the pros peck is good. r There'll be an ; immense crowd ; present to dedicate ' the'Masqnik Temple, wich we shel claim the credit u v bring, ez we did the throngs wich come to ; see" us on the toor 'north but; wich ivood persist in hollerin ", Grant "The trooly decent men uv Boston nre Ablish nists, but there's some thousands wich want orrises, and them, with the spiinklin uY Deniokrats dnd ; Conservatives, ohght to niake us a handsome recepshen. x There is yet in Boston men who used to return fugitive' slaves, and ther is besides, 'the eminently respectable gentlemen whovare4 su conservative ,uiat jtriey poia onto sin becoz, its .old and established; by. prece dent, and so nstocfatic that they wont uu niruij iist ueuua uunii, rue is a quite common tmng, in that secKshun ; who hold onto the tail uv progress and holler "stop;" and who ef they tie theirselves to a good cause load'-it ; dow-n with?, tlieir dxrnity; Like the 2d Lootena'nts uv,'61 , their .bag- gage is worth mor'n they are. 7 But the trip "won't hurt f us.: 1 You cari't'mako the Ablishnist more remarks i tetchiri : the ''prcservashek ' itv these States, I trusts I j' may say Without egotism, a vice wichd hev neVer.bin tac enseduv, and from-wichj I may. say 'r, no one Is morejsinslerlv froe tlian'mvscl'f. I yield to no patriot livirf or dead in' my devoshen 1 to that ' purpdse.- Yoor other, remarks on the Rooshen pufchis and the: more economical collecshin uv the in- ernal revenne also- meets my, coriel ap- P, MERWIN & CO., Pollok at.; New Berne; ' , . AO.... - i OQK ST OR3 A r.f r 5f tlF S D EPOT ; '! No. 20 Poixok Steeet. ;tt N. :WRIGHT & CO. :-, - -.ti ''. -1 ,24 and SS People" Market, NEW JJ.iSiV, N. CI, UOCERIES, ''FORWARDING'- AM almlssion Herchants. Lltl Jh Tw Sailinr Schooners' - 3 wTKON, t -' Capt JEPTH A ROSE; -i 'X leaVe marke . -wharf every ! Saturday for Wash ?to, N. C. and Hyde Connty.j -. , E t la ent tq oar care will be (Mi vexed 1th dispatch ' " 1 .A 1 OUT, M All r SA deaciipttoil of LUMBER kept constantly on . ' lIBArrOICASU:- J;, t -i-tf. - . i 1 lAblishinV and therriiez f oiler us for the: loaves and , fishes we dis pense, wood still toiler us, ei the road we took- led ez strafe through perdishen ez pigeon wood flyl'M We'll iro.; - Ef VouHii make this toor and say nothin ideotik, the very: novelty uv it; , will direct attenshen from wat we ve decided to do w ith Sher idan, Sickles, Popk etal.": - Delaware the , resepshen ,wuz all that we desired, and in Maryland the people oonie in crowas to greet us ; ino toe; cneers partbot so much )uv" the4 nacher: uvfthe cneeriuiiyeus uv tne j vomearit i sojers when thev charged, that Sekretarv ' Sew- ward's nerves wuzl somewhat shockt. ti'Ez Phihijeiphy-didtf ties uv.the citytwe didn't" stop there at alL The train, run around it, the Presi dent's nose beih elevated all : tlie time, ez tho he smeltsuthin When it had finallv ;Tir Ti" jiuli -;.- .',- - ' pasi, u.r, jauaaujannounst uie. tact, andj the Presidenshel face assoomediits yo'o suel benihe expression ezrw;e glided, into the sacred soil uvlXoo Gefsey, . ' V'1 f . . Arriviri in NouYbrkthe'resepshfn wuz all j that i cood have ; been, desired. Morrissey heddone ' hisf part,1 and ther wuz respectable bodies nv cheerers wait ing at every point, agreed, upon .by tho committee, and cz they had i bin j paid librally, the enthoosiasm wuz'cr gooa in Randall 'pitl'led at his coat tale." w hen the President remarked that he misrht say without egotism that: he didn't desire to make a speech, ajudsto). We brought him off iri comparativefv good order . it e siuij ai tut; Aiemoiib iiousc. 11 is a good hotel,' tho' the waiters ought to be Aterkins. Its;soothin- to- a ' troo Dime kratio be waited on; by ; a, nigger. , Yop kin damn, a ruggerwaiter,butputaYhite man iri that posishen and yoo feel a delU cacy auoui iu vv nen we rexirea inc President insisted that T'shbdil "sleep ly ing across the door wayiiiv. his room. "I am in Boston . ' renlied lie. "wher tt ey' stun the prophets Boston dislikes me;1 Boston hez to-day a smiliri face, but wot kindi nv a hart does that smilin fade conceal? . Sumner lives in Boston, anil so does4 Phillips -in Boston they, elect . nig gers to the Ijegislacher, and arc try in to a place is that for a Dimekrat5 President to trust Jiimself into? Yoo sleep across mv doorway. and ef a; band uv Ablish- nists. deemin me their . foe, shood. strive to enter, tney wooa pcy 10 uesu iuni daggers in i'obr body first. " feari while 1 1 woodf escape.i( Yod coodj by preparin be forehand.a fe.w impressive Jast j words, make , a gorjus eatb uv it and -do tho coz good. i?or instance,, as. Dumnwiw yobj'i'ob could gasp ' Slay 'me' but' spare Al J. the!hbpe uv the RuupI'ic ' Or-ci. Wilson Struck r yoo down t w ith a .blud gepnf : mitt) exclaim j 'I, die willingly ; for the Constitooshen with 3 & stars ontQjitw Any Uit'tle quotashen' f roirf v any ' uyrf my speeches; ndrciodslrl'iliroTO; 5n;'?n?c1r sich circupiitanoes wood;do gool. 00 will sleep ther tpuight and . rernember, in case yp'4 are ealled upon ,to Ldie,- the pro per quotations."., f Seward concurred ed:He didn't crer.Ef3bstoh Grand Pageant ,at Cairo Pilri "'mage of Oltf liahommcdnns to .'riccca .' ' 1- The Tiklifiuufait of this we?K contains a letter from Cairo, Kgyp-tJ written iy, Edward Dean Proctor, whicli gives ja graphic description of Uie pilgrimage An nually made by the Mahomm'edans to the" tomb of ' their Prophet, at 3Iccca. Wc extract the following : j' - Perhaps iivthe Moslem world tlierdjis no more striking scene than the .depart ure of the Mecca Caravan from CAirxi. For be it known that Cairo, the most im portant city after Constantinople, claims tho' honor of. sending yearly the rich f Kaaba at Mecca; and thus the pride f , ZST. This 1 troly the of prosr.M aiid the American propte are, tjrjvcd doabt. txx ahed of all tolhcr. This la dearly demontrlrd by the frV1n Kllnw wtlch !, strictly rpcakloc. a Amrlril- kdiloau 1 j " ' ' . . ! . . tin tMt bnuKh of manafaetarr, lh drULC KYVfU It nnC 0 office, 61C LVody, Nrtr York CTty, f UBds pre-nvJofnt. Their "Improved MxncUctorlBj Machine hit n6 rrrxl It Is bcSt on aoirad tnetha&l- tsl prlodplea la ftlatfle la contraction eell noW stood, and not liable to jet out of order. i It tewing qttalltkv, particularly on cih and Wtbrr, fannot be eijoallcd; ! aa tneb, we rccotame&d It to onrfrtJudsaiKlthepahUcrcrmaI . - ? the capital combines with the zeal of the' pugrim 10 maKC il a uay 01 uays. 1111. silk, of I the most superb Oriental manu facture,' is embroidered in the' Citadel, with sentences from the Koran wrought in' gold. NoV woman's liand ' is sacred cnougu 10 touch it; out me inosr, skiiiiui designers among , the men arc" chosen J and there,' 111 the. stronghold ot the city, with dailr pravers 1 and prtxtrations tlu-ouh 'months of Wor, thev trans fur' the myotic sayings of ;the .Prophet tt iti lustrous' folds. Constantinople shelters the Sultan, the commander' of the Faith ful : Cairo decorates the shrine at Mecca ; whde tfci Damascus belongs tho Ihonor of cruanlirif? tho vearlv train, her Pa!ra be ing JEmir lJlafjy lrinoe of th llgriax Caravan. , . ' . , 'Jerusalem was not a dearer name to the CruKiders and Palmers' of "old than is IMecca to the Moslem; and a ptlgrixvag therejo-isrtlio aspiration of ail tincerc believers.., Witli the early, days of the new year the. companies begin to gath er in furthest ' India, and Tartary, and Persia; in broad Turkev, in Svria'an'd Ecrvnt : aloiiir 'the "Mediterranean coast df ASTROLOGY. . - The World Astonished ' AT TCX ronttinX tt.TtXAT M.VDE HT THE GltCVT AbTUOLOGIST M!imc II. A. PEIUtlGO. She rrreal. trtri t ortfcl rrrr trww. f3fete lo tiiue lLoc uto. ftvnx CS1tl ttn-t. ru ftopbr, crumim Im toy. a- rvf niili" St.4 t rtrtnl. Iom of ntonrr, karv tw-im- AlitrnTL. KM ttmtrruitxz aWM Tilrui r lu vrt. ie',trr kt lo4cti rojirrtr. t41m rxm Ok I ofl rrr trl tS hlfiim rsrtrrip t4 li fr'.nrr. Tficm llc lkr ( r In tb froanrTt ! twrU f c tnr tl.ul crttton or rrrCkmUtu ta ihwtr'",l i" rwwa xm1 kmJi1v 4 tbe iUtMi ebl Ue tu4 r ta the batn t IJm tlm ( lirtl. h lrti' t futsr otlT ff inn. r""ot to tnOJ tV r-fnCft A trtIt io earth. It roti r.t a tnfW t4 t tuny gtrrrr a?ln li itnrui c mttiait. tSotv. ftt. ltt l;tt; t a iltUK mi xt.t.H tt Vlklatno br ratti! H rjul rn'r-tr td t tl-f rT15 to ttM-m-It r, a If la twrwa. A fc 4 atd -jru :t art r1Jt fct. tS JJ inqt'.fV rffd ttd lik.t forlwfd. tit tx araTl on m?;t ci f1rM a' nvn tkiurd. Th Uit1ri wtit I3 I nmli-tf itw. t4 ail cjrtt utmlrtKw murtJt or Mr";L if'-rficr of Im lilibrl ord-r ltin.U)mi t liyw' t.f'ilwj tiirtn. Write plit?.r tb i.tr f tnwtrtli jtr t Ua fM itt rmrfl. trVi.!rff taki !kI ? Vn'.f, Atrr. JtiiuKt IL A. !"-l.iiK0. V. t. I a a t a sua. r-t rr im. ? T. Myt-lly. Home Insurance i , "COMPANY. . Kcw IIatxx, Ooxxbctktt. ASaETS, , 1 i !a.sox it Fostkk, Agts. New Berne, K. C. OFFICE AT BIG BOOT? JLTarviii Patent ;i . . . a 1. or and imv plaster: : FiuE axj) nrn;LAt: vhooir .:;', I'" safes, :v- WAlCkUTi;itHbrntatWrM: S-t Crredi AMthvmilf fr filed irb Aam atnl lrj l"a4rr 1 ea mcta or rv.1 tor a infni c ( k.-. - JIAUTLN A. CO. IMnHnul No. fGJ r.rvau r. N-w Vof k. Wrthot;ia j n T. P O W E It S , - . Soath Front Street, ; r XEW JiERXE. x. c, ; " i - Importer nnd Dealer ill 1 FOBEIGX AXD J) OMESTJC r 4 nAtTlV-As'ara. f;&J--. Mmm. tid Mli-n tg of 1T4. l rrtrT j r - . r m I litl W IA -t 1 1 II.. rln;!. tfbrH'. tns'.he rt,, lU litj t.l tbe fi.hUal.V- -si lt1a-jil ItW.n. .it? Jj- trxt rril fttn; rrti?t. I oc a tJ,T t tr. l-ifft-f i.tuaiL. -.lrd and totii.i1. 1, I-W !l dmiUrt maiW frw. AWw. I LI:.f I Mil TTH A tvi f -Velt, No.rc lUtrr tn-ct. Ttry. V. art fur the LUul uv. Wf li-l II TArillJt Im4 to ! 1 V tr la .'KJTfl fix ' Iiat S 3Ur. tb in '. " dirwTT ei I v at!tff tifva Kja iiirr fa s fg Ih-. etf. crtrt;r fnKil- twt tctfTltl tug epvi llr Ikauxl iu4 WINES, ; i idiauoHs 4 n ! I lac elite Ol If cud m'.tit Um r.'t ti-jli m li -n if t- mii 11 ai Km in imunw, tlx tnottrr U1 t rtnr.y MnV l'rm t nuC -l(l tt.J CM(ti'rfl. I l-wjlt.- 4rt.lr f-t lr- Hmonl.W luiikJ fn. K'-Crrm ItLl:(LIC MHTT A s rxi t'brn:t.X.rkS larr Mtnt. Tt. N. V. .le arrf tor the I 6514-4 MUr. Xt 11 JJ & OIGAES. -! - . . I THE CHOICEST BRANDS IN RTOBt. I Arttt for SMITITK Ok bra ted 4 flh ! b brt.ttftl ! fair. M lth Marry rye t4 tt-t tiglr. . Wbo c-et.ltsj UtiLsim vL. utwtard. : :- J tHlPKKCOMA;' -,v;r: ; i Icr Ourhig tie Eiii tf ei tLrr Sex hto Vt lrcM5n Use nnd titoclt AIr - . -. . . . : ' pd Gbtry ErleU cr Earj t . . 1 Hudre (hr!i Tfiia AJLS U crevod expreMT tor rowiacm xvuu, 1 xj r T t!t.-lv iwM tt4t. latttevorVllat cm traUI.ait. aui i tlav o B a hril.l. fitter i ;-,''. Tl in-- m act r-fcif rofU tbr turir. run i-t.-t--. aead WARRANTED TO KEEP IN ANT CLIMATE. 1, I wmmw fct' Bdn exclasiTcly ca.red la tbo abore borlaratm, I J yrr t' It j.U" t ?? krte iattta t am pirrwroa vo oner nraA.i.t iauuuii.m9 to i tvftciwl. axl A 1. : J . . 1 c . . I. . ' 1 I . r Afl.Mt Ik. B nrfli,, tldiT. i & I 1 iri.. Ainca, Wi iu ino iuu8 .irauu u, jptk pnrcha.las la taj line . 1 . 3 a-1 roKjmJ f- H. border the Sea of Oman. t They say that . t. rOwrr.1 ACin n wr. t 70,000 are thus aimuaUv collected to do V . . 'rVtt x.T. homage at the. tonil oOlohammetl ; antl J ; r ) jfts-M.T. 1. , . - 3 1 that, should pestilence, or flood,-or fani iue ever make tho jnunlcr less, angels come down to tread the desert path, and swells the ten thousands to the perfect seven ! Devout preparation is enjoined Uioii!th6se who would bo Jof the partj. For three days before leavingtheir houses must ;be .illuminated, feasts must be made for the ; poor, and even rite performed which" will tend to make them pure an4 j clcan'ih'the siiht of Allah.1 'I-anrc sums - 1 -3 : C.-R. -.THOMAS, i l ;-t ... . - 1 ATTOttZET AVD COCXSEUOJl AT Lift AFTtlCTEDi btlTta NO ilOKT! " 1 i 1 ..I '.. ." 't . ' . Omrt Coins roixcrc axd IIxtccocx Sr-, ! It:....:. NEW BERN, X C Exchange are often expended thus by the wealthj r ... : : - -.?;. I rbiit Randair object- I amltbo poorest man daucs:himscU to anticipate -'any such ann- ngnt ; .nismiserapio aweuing, ,anat giro wants to frit rid'ot.tne somctnmg io inouicasi ana tne ceggar. president thy heY;in ; shorter; yun tsi5Lsinashen- . Rasli : Dolitishuns, r only assassinatetlieni, 'wich' they , can find 'Ai tick tnimnphf.ftt he wurn't afraid UY Boston: We stood, -ltter charrcc nv dviriir. uv'exoessive hosnifality in, Bo&- jton- tihen, uv beinstabbwl: ; Stomach mite protrnp.e iniosion,,oui our uu--ouv. vk. Boston who wou!(i!f east us', for ther are enuff men in Boston who want a posishen tA keeTvus a - rroin ?a year or two.1 ' He feared dyspepsia more than daggers, and- nad no tears nv tne wine oem iuxwiwx.. ."Nevertheless . I wuz forst ,to sleep in that"posishen,"'wich'Idid,. wakin'. up' in me morula cz- tore ami euu v a piuw I--; On, (lie morning of the' 25th" of Fcbnian; the procession from Cairaleaves the court yanl.oi iue Aiiaaeu wmte - caniei. Xithout blemishand that will henceforth be exempt frqm labpr lias Ijeen selected to. pear the burdca of the precious lining. The- Governor hiraseJf,or his deputy, puts tlic corrlbv which he isledjuto the han4 of the man appointed for that oflicc, and amid the booming of' cannon and. the en vy and Innietlictioh of tlie assemllel city ther go on .their war. : Two days they 6tay on the, bonier of the desert complett in and arranging their forces, when they ,u-or,.tn tho Bexlcct tl. Jlarr. the Lak0 of 'theiTgriras where they. take water; POLLOK STREET, .. . . ' - ' stntdoorto -1 j BAER & EPPLER; MAHTIX J. 3IcNAMAUX i-' 1 Proprietor, $ i. XTT1IEN by b w iJlt- JCTST JIOJ. w a-"" I MM jwtttawnuwlritwtarur. m Tlx alUbln rM V.ir attW tJ" ' raltiM mrdMae for 1; H 'T'-w v"rr; ' arrai lUJ?y atud hr-:rJ'. t- rf joothliil ttiTrtVo. rraW it ttc a- rit.i J- itirtlarrrlirtitrrnd. ' It a Ul rr a tm vo ffrc!Jo d-ra. r- I litmrii, . - - -m .. . . ! W iauJTr, XC It Ul lt tl-rjt. rra fc-'th rd t koc bo Lr d.Vn t H l-J or U prnierm. v,tw. I Yoow a. W LBn-Wr to ror l-y - Qar Xof-. . i i-.iii t k1 mt rrtrtd ta t k.-..w a IWImI Car ! timnxlm, ta UmMUIi nrirft.tloeCt a cJlaa3' j aXho! -on, joinvill-cs frrnncjrTLLs, Li- .. t rtaf ioarrW. lArl. i . - tftUfrrtrarw rwr ta- ! tV.l t at a 9 a fir i,-,,' a i a. r-Ti i m a - Tte Hotel h.vlcS Ucn rrnomal j - ft:' '..i'T - V . . 1 i i i n t . IIMO I . . . . ' m. . m mmi tmr-m .4 fcfittea", U dow open lor uk uwu- , -TIS.i Z iaT. 6f tlie local and trardin- puLCc -Xu' , r ItVr, t i t , . - i , ; . t i V rt ' .1 -J -'' l furnished nilh the bol tbc maxket ca afford. . - , i i I ' ' mmmmmi aav aldrrM. V-'r " P"" r. , mfREE LVSCn EVERY ZYZSIXQAT , WC rk J :.: 8 (CLOCK."- t A foSra .tat-nair' A BrtE Tabfc. Irre OC aarya, tor ua - w- ry,t. - n. - au i. -' Jiw-lT la. - s ' . i Vv a'l orW ta IX, i IC. Mil XT w-. UtS-M.'. Viaixo for Sale.

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