V ( . " - "' '" , - 1 " ii'illi III i ll'H n - " a",1"l i. i , , " I j H 1 .vA ."- HATES' OF ADYERTISIIIG:1- I f i XJBUSI1EI: rraVEElLL rrrr r Tt Tlar or m lack ! rot rozU:st a w,-' Om-x,6B lrrtw . ' , ' I,l Tt J. IUiIiuGL IX.' D Editor. - 1 4 f 7 . .., , i .;., , ... , ....... . . I -RATES 0frSU6SCT?JPTI0N: " :-W,. t .-fa - rmnr-CaM Adtan;' ' ' ' , Vir'T ,1J.P f "51. lifl-. "-tesjxj1 Ko2 rtttictt tarr4 tl J eetU ::V0I. I.7-SQ.; 3&ji ,KEW BEItN, N. G.i TUESDAY, JULY 1G, ;18G7.' '-. '' .,.tnhtha w.rrt n?:tJ;jr t " N 1-50 PRICE 5 CENTS. hrVx UUB tml nut tu cetjxA. - t . . - . . i : -Ua .i'.i J t -. .t . . - . - - . iUi 4- f - --. -- ... 4 j. . i . . , - j - - r ' 1 r . - f t ." f ' ' M i , ' i .- . - - . : ' ... - . , , ; i I ' t ' , -. , I '- jMT. 1 JP? 3)ndo" letter to'the lC O. BepabUom. ,: Tbc 1 Itoyal Family7 of Snsland. -otjlongfago'as was coming :dqvTi v vonwins j wMr lu.iruut iAaruKrougijk blouse, ana tij.il l.-r2 f K i !;:'' .-I li .... .j - . t L- - - . ..x '......-- adk, j -t; "ffr! nvea in-xowivinai monimg,' nao, .-held a s r f, 'Cmei'Bffiet, SEWBS3, S.'tt5, 1 1- 1 HI-' 1 I WooUcott ' & Tinker; ve on i'and nnd for'iale at Wholesale and Retail, for b, urge lot of; - ; , UNTRY LAIWt BUTTER lyiiie gerously ill at 3Iarlbbrough House. The crowa ' were wauing.jco see . ine yueen come out, and as It ha'eii nipre - tlian a year, since -i -iialseettvJi'exiHajesty,':! waited also. The crowd was" large, and made up, as all London Jcrowds ' arel of every ciass ul society, xx amusea.myseii. by.JUstenmg to tlieir conversation. ; One name .was Tverr if often5' mentioned hv them it was thai , of " Mr. JBrowii.,V I had pften lheard of him but had never seen mm. ; ij win noiv? repeat , wnat hi heard ; it was oonlv a repetition of what UTTER, CHEESE, had been whispered to me'more than two V. t r 1 u 1 1 - ycb ago, and that I had since 'heard in few public duties required, of .him, and the neglect which he too 'openly manifests at "a great ' public dinner at ' which the Prmco r had j consented : t to , . preside, . the Archbishop of Canterbery was delivering an elaborate emogy upon the character of Prince Albert, the Queen's late con sort." "Cut it short, my Lord!" exclaim ed thd Prince b Wales, to the consterna tion of the primate and' the disgust of the company. .On the night of the first debate'on.the reform bill, the Prince ac companied' by 'his brother' Arthur, was seen in the1 gallery pf the House. " As his wife was" then MnffYcrr ill, and scarcely expected; to liye, it was supposed that the deep interest excited by the reform ques- uon naa iemptea mm irom ner Deusme. But in the midst of DTsraeirs speech the a.- . r jr : ji i ' i fenndcT likewise, may sometimes . sh W y?? of mQC filth tha; arc picked Tip by or scattered ' upon them vuiuu5uui me ramoiings ot me day. To the pure aU things aro pure, and to find fault with a newsnaner for exerv "niw r ' t .... . :'r uue.. w oippiay the hypocrisy of Fiuuc, or me siumess oi an ismoraraus JidQri IZxaminer. . J 4 laj2-l-tt. Call and examine tbem.' MeiclikiitsT." Club. House," all CUX VEN S TREET ..... it il. 3-'. J.J t JiS t ickwheat; Oraham.tnd ifamuj riouo grades, j parlor -in club . rooms, on the s streets, and m conndentiai discourse, ' it is ' not necessary to sa whethei; I believe it-the Aticrc;vas a .liiue; tur, auoui uie gates of Marlborough House; the policemen cleared the - street t and made the people stand back5' to ihe : sidewalkj , A' signal was, given, andythe gates' were thrown open, i , ; : ' . -A detachment of mounted soldiers emerged,, tnen came an open carriage. TWSftXS.comimr.to New- Bero.wm llndtMaaneat 7X pycv- . . - . , . . - - . . .1. i t 4-lA ll A. I J and comrortawa place to stop w iveij aiwnuon, uo v?.v (wu cue , uocii. j eu,t w as a iuuv itd gact M f JM " ::;:fiuk dressed very plainly, and wearing a black to; be sleepy; her face,, very full and flat, was- flushed : here , eyes were ... dull and 5 ., Kcar the . Post Office, X-E WJt 4 E R:K N .: C J av anp plied with theTlfeStoTjV'incs, Liquors, and 4 With all tbe market wUJ aupply r-. .., ; !' -'"'tit l ft , i 1 . rr ... . SL, HAIDJ- & CO., jpoLLoic sTREirrJ new been, n. 6anceio oax patronl and the public in general, jit having fitted Bp our"i-; . - t' SKERT IN;,THE BEST MANNER irb o:i 1 1 o -f.i '1m r ij-i :'.,q. . X A r.,;- 'wi. are how prepared to iornish oar customers with. vt - almost closed. UpOn the driver's seat were two -flunkies, with, powdered , hair and 'coats eoei ed! with gold lace ; upon the knile-board behind were two footmen similarly arrayed ; betweeu them and. the Queen sat another; person.1; - lie was dressed in; 'plain J clothes, the 'ordinary costume of a private gentleman. He was a raw-boned, tail,! uncouth, sandy-haired and red-faced Scotchman. f It was "Mr. Brown.? VAs the.; .Queen's ' carriage ' ap- peared .Her Jklajesjty began to bo w to thew people hrst to the right, then: to the left, mechanically and'continuously,. with no "change- in the sleepy and apathetic expression of her face. The people re ceived her with perfect silence; a few y ed A Wooden Wed dine. .The wooden wcnldi nr of fp. nA Pickard, Boston, was obscn'etl Tuesday evening. .The cards of invitation wire very unique and butiful,rchsisthiof pieoes.pt thin chip, about eighth inches square, engraved in old Englislu. Ele gant wooden ' presents were receivetl. The bride wore a light 'irrar corded" tfilk dress, trimmetl round the skirt with two two Princes disappeared, 'and were soonJwldej rows of black velvet; on thtso aftcfards found in a private box at the hands were placed , large white wpbden Alhaihbra Theatre, a house at which no 8tar8 a lew inches apart. The waist was decent women ever are seeti, and to which I trimmed in the same manner as the skirt, genuemen' ga oniy sua rosa. j.nese are i wnu wmg sumewnai quiie un triflesj bri they are the kind of trifles common, being made of pine wood in the . ... ... .... I .1 ' - r a? I 1 . n i . . i that, indicate rmnnrtnt. .thinr. At tne ui uhy lkukcis. nuea wiui noirrn. time when ih'fe' people ot England hare I Ie earrings and pin were jdso of wcixL attained a political power they never be-1 ere pamied pinjc to resemble coril. lore possessed at the time when tnevi t . . nrm?? ittw can, if they will; sweep away any and all I t . ' ' ; LADIIS. nhnsps. nnd nd thprnsplves of anv ami-fill i : ., eoiOM nmi.mn. of tla tlmn tb eerIpUoa of a Wcddinfi Inroris. royal family of the kingdom have alien- ;T"C ollowmg interesting dcsmptipn ated themselves from the people, and the r1' weaing in ran is communicated people from them, and have' left nothing bJ lady traveUmg on the conUncnt tb a to bihdtheni to their' subjects but ihe end in Canada : - ' I, vague and lifeless traditions of:loyhIty, , Jdy atUst, aiid the damage at Jthe andthaf fear of change which is one of dowKth Wftf Hf lbnd"ltl?c the .ng ACUL At Ul .viv , viw." avj via. I . i . . . . f skies are bright and the seas smooth ; but mTilea to go into onopi the supper rooms, aw fct-o vuu onac, ana most cnarnnnir Special Notices. . r t therm. Thla la cirmrij dcawMratrd 7 th BUc lfarhln. rMrh U. aUictlr maklar. aa Aaaericma Uw ' la UOa Iraach C aaaa&lKtore. Um CUT XI tnTI.XO linil.XE L, ofic CI BnwSvay. SrwToric OtJ. aUdre-eacst. Their -lmprord Maamfartariact MAchlne" kuBorirml. It la bolls M avasd wchaal. eal rrt&dplc-U aimfJ la oocatradJna il adcr 9tood, aad Dot Ua11 to rrt oat ot order. . lU aorta qoanUea, partlcslartj oa doth a&4 feather. Caaaot he -eqoalkj; aad aa ack, rrramactrf It to or f rhrada aad tb pahUc feawmZI y. ' Iiftirtot Sent York rixrf Xot Heme - CAitirnxa united state ittAiC The A !Yo 1 Stcatnvb.!p Home Insurance 1 : . t I CO HP ANT, Xrv XLitxs, OoxxicnccT. . - ASSETS, i: 91,540,116.60. TTTIXJ. aaa II oa ! Ellen S. Tony :- . i at hItttt 4 o'doc r. St. Sf Tort. Cm!," Al OwA Airctnd ro r orQ b4 rooit Nasox Ac Fostiil. Agts. Xcw Bcmc, K. 0. tJZZSTrZZZc, rot tmrttt or rc- hanaf t a-tiaara. . aattoaa, x at Wm. 11. fjtirrr t TW k N t. . '. OFFICE AT "MIG BO OT: Xajt-ltX TODREADPIES and oakes 1 (is3riptlon. t Wfeyrni wo furrtfh at ihe ahorUwt e, OrHamenUl Cakea of all deet-ipVions, to' " 4J77;TOiGA' silent and withered t j.. i. v'lu u.--..-AM--,uiA-tt' another, troop oh soldiers closed the hats Were taken olf, chiefly; I believe, 1 foreigners like lnvHelf bui n!6 Voice cfie " Godltelss hev-V, 1 Aotiier carriage fol-: when a storm arises, they will be found to be utterly powerless. American Women. ;If-what we-. quote- from the Hound Table be true, it shows a dawn of wis- dom and truer taste which will bp well ( ' for wonanhood, for motherhood and hu manity: ; ; . :u '".The woinen of America are growing more and more handsome .every year, for just this reason: They are growing round er of chest, fuller of . limb, gaining snb- bh'ev looked: A dress ot thick white jiilk, tHe sleeves' and waistband studded jvith oruapients, a Avrcath of cttftrgc flowers worn in the "Maria Stuart style', and ajve il oi iuiic iaiiuig . soiuy over aiL rihe bridesmaids, or demoiselles dy hcftuietir. were three in number, the eldest being only fifteen, were in light silks, but quite id walking costume. The church being within a stone 8 throw of the house: the bridal party walked, the bellsstriking up a peal as wo set out. It was 11 o'clock, the sun shining almost too powerfully; it ris a vprv urnrm dnv" morn lilrn Jnlv stance and development in . every direc- tian There 'were about 300 -well tion. Whatever may be urged, to the Pressed people in the church.; "Mr.ia's contrary, we believe this to bo, a demon- brother, who is now a bibhon, camd all a i- : 4... ' . i. n .. i . rt n i ' to noVln onr fhantk to oar.cnstomars;(iu SoTicltinj? atlnaittco Of tha aame, we remain r?poctXolly, . i ;t iy 2-1-tf. i.r..r..Mrn lis. lowed, iu which ,siit the; King- oi -Den-. man ; pro- ctsVion, ti'iul the crowd dispersed. .-' -V ' -" Who was tjhlt .iu.tlie carriage with the Queen ? I asked of a: policeman near whom I stood and -with whom I had I tha u-av frum I .'vrn tr ivrfnnn (hn Anrrt. i to hear such miserable moans .over dys- mony With the high mass,' lasted J pepsia and the heafstoves, bad food lour thde "and ; bridegroom and bad-haVusKotJife, that an impression walking round the altar with one of those f-i ' ' . t T 'i. z ; i i n . r oi degenerao' nnus-Tiacc in manv minus: .iii : j Hats ! : Hats ! I Hats I I I DOST LXAVE TOW2f, OR STAT IX TOWS AST vsn:oLOGV. r r. L05GEIX. wrniouT callxsq AT PHAIB & FAKE'S, t XO. 40 FOZLOK ST, I a sTte World Astonisied J"Ha e5rrnL tjrrti ti XIAD2J BV THE GREAT ASTnoLdcYf; Madame IL A. PEIUUGO. FINE FUIt-OUSTRAW HAT. I b TTTfl rTri m morul rrtw Tki-r. Fharwturr Ubm twv from tolrt al rvrvta, cata trohra, uiwi ta leva. 1m C natla aa4 trtaafta.' to C 8k7trj. iu hart booooa tlrrfrr ua . brier iorrtbet tbow kr; at-paraud. ri r tt-'jeirjiot CQBtacraiajr aiMrat trWs r lorr. nwvorr tot r toa prprr7a roa tha oawranM fvt am tw(t)(3. -Sad to poroa and la ahal too U b amt aacrwr U. They are rrUUi&glhrm 1 L2S3 thax Wholesale rsicr csawa wprmir taarrtar till oa t? -rr f $j TC UtVa C Lh pawl. . bha ttsada yar Terr UiXacfhta.' ; iJrt nritirln of lij frTtra. Joa llaf Mar t arc la ta twntifti iW akV atari flat AbJ caa show lhaa t and . a aaa t FIFTY DIFFERENT STYLES. r i A Urjje rtrlctj of Drtffo Gooda, Dattoaa, . . . Trlmmlac. Edjltc'S tBmtlnja, ' t . .,. i r . i f . ' 8lt M alrn, JaroDrt. ) ' Salovooka ptala and checked. r ' Xaraaiava. Glnghama, "Print, kc, tt, fV Smc and Cloth Sacqoea aad Cloak. j r, ' . . .... . - . . : , t '' ' Dct qaaUUea of Hoop Shlrta, Uteat atylc. L ; all or ittiftn will ax aou at thi 1 . . .it" ..... .... . i LOWEST PRICES. POSSIBLE, BtUCO ! or rratioailxialc l Umt DC.rvrat-troia tha aad poalOen 4 tha aad LW Cd atait i .-i.r acarrsasi l&e lime tin, im etana lx. it .rrt daatlsr of anaak lU aw ta cooaaM Ua mf A-" ' trUopiU oa earth. It raala ro bet a trti. aft4o auy nerrr arS hare xs faalA aa j-wrtxU . CoaacKala ft, atth CLrawa and a3 Arvlnx Hon. $L linH linaf at dlataaro caa rci.ru rt u 7 MaAama by aaaU rUh sd oaiHy aad atiXarUa la Om ux.1t. aa U la jwrva. A (u3 atd exjocit dart.' wrlttra oat. aijm all tqtrlra uvm4 aM Caaoraa ' mdaaad. aval by raall a of nV atwra aa tiooad, TW tlrtctMt racrry .ia ba amaiatataad. and aU eMTrapoodraoe rrtcrard or oatroyad. Udrrraoea of tba blsh-t ordrr f arnUhM tboaa Cr'.rir.g tVC Wrlta pUitJy tha day f Da aaoMa aad rear ta Ucb yoa rra barm, rncktalaf a aaaall lork of hair.' .iddna, MnaalLA.ri:raU(iO. m ' t r. O. Diuara tsa, XJrmio, S.f . and the proposition therefore that Amer- ican"woin?,!T rire visibh'grpP.' uand. somer may at tirsi provoke a good deal of dissent. We beHove, however, that reflection and observation will endorse and ' s ustain- it. i The. change may be less nana, tne bishop holding a gilt cross, which every (one, myself included, had to kiss. Then? the married pair had awhite silk canopy, held over their heads for some. time, I and fiuallv thev repaired .to the Sacristy: to sign ..their '.names, .livery, one olluwed e iLOWXIl; TILVN Nln T0EK RXTATL RATES. ! '' a.v a m a w a v I'JIAIU d; VIU(, 1 . .YO. 1 POLL OK XTSEX Cor. South Front and Hancock Street, ; paying the highest jmarketpricea for all klnda of NUFACTURKRS STOCK, ; r ' ' . .. .'. .. OLD IRON, f ) ' OLD BRASS, : " 1 OLD XEAD", -i Ul- ' ';. '.V.1V. . T.'.'. V ' W:' ; old; copper. hpii fnlkinor Tilipsts ' vniir honrt . .v.il t t . T OT.Ii . ,- f : r - ."J: . . f 1 1 .1 . . 1 .1 I hf ; .didnyou, never... see ,him before ? ! 111:11 Kecl a.ioiig.,iuupooierciae, una and here commenced a scene which I bav Tts AMr. iirown;. the' greatest man in maJ uc hjciuom seen equalled, livery relal ail rilen gland. 4 T.POWEBS iyS-1-tf. i; . .: j E-V?ERSO N & CO , TtlrpeiitiiieDisti ! iLT" er'a'AViarf, Union Point! r 'v-; i . Also WHOLESALE and 'RETAIL OOPTERS,;!'' r rVIoo( of Middle 'at.; opposite the Maxlte iiF.4-1: j .1 - s .. ' ' . n'e w: ! n e r n : n." ' c; :v :.;'(. ilay 2-1 -Cm.. . i., J ....... . .i, ".' I o J-,1,:- v. t II 0 TCf O R A P II .110 OM B l! '1 Mil i -i; i v i .7., . Tim .mWAMiriv nrna thoimnn I5ilia - in trift nrnA Armtl.fi a But she doe soine furious thingsJ;One blue silk, with a pleated flounce round bridegroom and gentlemen in a Urge of the most lamentable acts was com- the edge ; a white muslin skirt studed all place fitted up. in the garden. Then wq peHing Iher; daughter Helena to many over with embroidered corn flowers, and got. into the carriages there were ejgh Hr no hr stmn.i whn. na.fl thfl wnr rt bordered With a V alencienneS UOUnce, I wr "" iuc uuuca wim nuiw uuw -.., l ; . m, ' i .'I 1 1.1.-1 .l 1 1 ' vMiwnrn nvpr thp aillr nptticoat. ine f ounier uuci.auu mu unuccrwra aunui'i CRAVEN S NEW BERNE, N. C," .... :. . i' i '.. (Oppositk "Nbw Bebkb Rbpl-blican OmcE.), , s O-i K f. II 0 TQ Q I? A;? JIS; AMB, P 0 T,YP E S, ND eTerythins pertaining to the art done lathe 1 best stylo. -) a, 'tf-H :l !...' I hafnrf(Ana frtvon in tha vd a laowa hvivuo a v va aa mio aaa a . r ; ' vt Hock for aala and entire outfits farnlshedlfor email lvtuiceoa New York cost. Mar 4 1-tf ' , , - i ' enn ti nu-j Tii; ; TBT recelred and for aale by - -f 5 : i i P. MERWIN & CO., illy 80 lS-tf. Pollok at.,' New Berne. - - ..'ii - i . . t7 is itt t. .:v alter ,::r;"WcttV (Successor to) V; I. EDWIN WEST, ' ' ; . -. rj ai -? !-. I BOO 4-4 AND :r.v yri No. 20 Pollok Stvxxt-j rnlyS-S7-tL? ..... 1 , ' . . LV". P. ill't.Vi. i -it. IL N: WRIGHT & CO., !'' .1 -24 and 26 People'a Market. .. f i t- ,4 tl Airo - :., Doiiis3iorir:;:Mer.cliBSitS, PXfKO -CaWJEPTIlA-ROBE, 1 TATILE teara marke i wharf every Patnrd! for Wash VY ington, N. C. and Hyde County. .r Goods sent to par care will be delirered wifih dlepatcn. , .... l .... . i-. . - - 1 t ' A ion They do say that 'hecan't ceiuresoi. xpujauuu auu leiiuviueiii,, uu an1 friend commenced kissing the btide 'elp it; she will never -let him go out of t,iat wen place, is progressingnci and bridegroom;' there stood our pretty her sight, day or night. And, to see her is probably destined to atit t.C(nnmu- IMancheo surrounded by a crowd, all cn- wiith that widder's cap S on, too ! I 'ope at Urge, , we .have no doubt A hen deavoring to get near her and Bho kissing poor Frince 'Albert bleeps comfortable in the rising generation orAmencan girls everj-man, woman or child .who present It: is a.::tJ!-i.4it ft a-:-l; " - asj once becran to wear thick shoes, to take rJ tVinmc.K-n ! T itAn.1 non i;i iii - a j .l'j t ,t'i i:r..ii-.r-t.ii- much exercise in the onen air. to skate. rrrArS mrtL.oi A .omn in U aiu, ;iriHUxii.i;,; jpouuy uiuurxiiuiiy shook, t . . , -i ,i : 1 6' u , vuun, m 1Wi I tt r T XT noj his locust truncheon in the air, and pro- Plar croquei, ana aneci sine saaue, u gratulaUons. As: for the bride, (she VVXA-tJJO, . - - . - y-v n iT7 nnvnn Ta in in rfi ii'ii:u mil rm ini a - a a a r a ' a ceeded up PaIl!3IaII. ; ;t : i "v vb"" w ut.uiujt ujv,v i seemeu oesiegeu oyacrowti ivnicu poyreu rvfr--I,lUi' healthful, and which must follow, as the ;ntn tho.littlo . rJiarwL' until it bM9iUV .a fmmded ;npon eawe,. ;Uense uproar,a- very; Babel of ..fondues., and theloveof the peoplecilKeitherawe, - ........ - hen everybody had kissed somebody,; hor respect hof' Kew.Street ostumc. a we walked back' again to" the' housej the; the English peoflehtn i jhe;i6ok;upori A street costum obseryed in Paris is brido being escorted by her-uncle. tW heir tueen. ionob uimn. sne is nau mus uescnueuoy a correspoimeub y we i vv... , wv VimuuuuByiv South Front Street, FEW BERNE, X. C. i lilarvin's Patent ALUM AND DRV- PLASTER, ' FIHE AXJ) JIURGLAR PROOF - ;. ;v:;.S JL; P. E.S', -sr WARRANTED tha hJ tW14 1 Sr cvrrada too iroa. ffcnr io-a u nr crr-rrnor cuum -.importer ana D.a.cr Ip FOREIGN AD DOMESTIC UaTJORS & . CIGARS. I I I ' r's t. t: Tins cnoicxsT brand nc bto&jc Arrtthe ooty tafea f Hod with Alrrta aiwf frT JfCftter. j'eaa acaa or ca lor ta rJtrrw caIa;. u . MARVIN CO. Priodpa I No. tC5 yroadwy, rw Tort WarrJwane f No. tn Chaataat aU nSad..ia. May a 1-q . . . ; J3 . riaxaa. aad KOa tXRLS jwndaoad t7 U.e aae . of Pruf. I Brr-ai Prtacr . t ' m i uoAwarraaLca ta run tfca rlnrrla. or hearr. malr carta, Ilaa krra trd by lha rahluaaL4r of Parti aad Lattdoa. artth tL aaoM rraii- -' fjtcr reralia. Doca ao ta;ary o Ua hair.- .Prira ty. malC aralr4 Jd pmtpaM. . D-p v r!rrtl-a uiWd fr. Addrv UEJrt-ni. MU TTS A (XJ1 Clanalata. Na.MQm ? tract, Trey, X. T. M orrat for tha Unlud fctatca. i Xay h-i-4y TmiiKnts at4 yrt- 1 1 TAIUJJ f orera to l, v' A I ' fca a Uratasratrar c ' - T lalre, lb moat vondrrf rj diarvrtry la aaodrr arteara . ; T A. actlor apna tha lwrd and . V y . , ITalrla aa alavwt Bivran: Wra uxrr. lihaal t4Vy tha dUa r Part aad Ijtm&tm with Ik taoat CattrrUZ aorrrML Natara aU a inVaaiia wlil aa rarlatarad, -and U rati re aaUlartkml taut rlrra ta rrry liataan tha CkOfWT wta te dworfaCy rrfebdad. PrV t-y oaU. lad aad twatttaid. U Iaacr1HTWf u iala taaUcd trea. AAdreaa LlOU' KLR. fUl ITa A Acmd for SifmrS Cclchrated 1 - , i - - . - i . .. . . ( : . 1 i A . rTT- tnnir was nirpjvriv mfirnpfi rv thfi iMt. i was worn over ine. suk oeiucoau iuo was the,father of a familv of bodice was blue silk,' and above it mere peTeriwiuw jut uay, unu flc-uwu w 1TW CpOW wtLa hy aalax Ut. brrt. caxii). U CJ- CWslMa, Na. la rt- atrart, Troy. N, T. aenzta lor the L utrd tstatra. xty -wy Present Vc and Stock Ales , was Diue Sine, ana aooe t V ' tV TTo 7 U T,lJ i ThU ALE U Drorl exprraalj for Poalhor lfarktta, small, close-fitting cosaque with a the Bo s dc Boulogne to. the ciscade1, U w. antcUkatil ezdoalrdy cscd ta tha abora ttutoraaa, 1 prepared to offer SPECIAL INDCCXUL5 IS to porcharintln mj Rue. ' " j! M '-: I :T. rp Oh 1 aha waa toaatlfe! ar4 fair. - . ; . rf a a i "a w a i r.i a i niAn a a wnra invn incr ennr a aii nni t n nn i herself. Uissomte and unprincipled as pointed oasque in iront, eraDromercv w .v.. v y p-vt I BJn; .i - iv . iTf.T ir I :v.rwl Tpith I we roamed about: had some refreshment. I aa uie rnuce onv aies is prov ing uiiuseii iu i muwu iuc wuiwai, uuu cm ivuw i - - - -7 1 , f m s.r ' iJ ' .'.t . 'f m.i t i. i- a Tvma 1 Anil nrnrii nlrtnt. lnoi irrwvi. nr TrnllcfHi I "" De; ne could not v Dear tne spectacle 01 aicncicnncs lace. - inaguiuucu 1 , - -r- " -r r . . seemg nis sisier.mus aegraaea, ana nav-1 v. v busu waa ueuuuove uiew; - : . r ' Ir 'i in HncV ii JtVo itrT f V10 wW Whtte'rihboW; Rtnddpd all over with when we repaired to a famous restaurant 4&. Uia 1 VtUVU0taUAJ ! 11 VH 1 ,ww aw w ' . . a at a at Iff Queen, he manifested i his disgust by ab- f bouquets of blue ; flowers. The i small 1 close to the Arc de lnompue, .where A0rJt . :l MiAnA.A I kTiof w-i, o vtv, qt," this toUetU 1 dinner had been ordered. Ave sat down kA Xi'- i - ' VnQVTi;tA mr.ai?ri 1ini With oale MucUbout seven o clock; about fifty guests, as rm. -r -i ' - ' ! if J 'Ti . I j- t -vil. -li , Volon. vmi cAtt imamrio. Lo ail : tin tnfuswv lonfr xut; ijuuuu papers lose no opportune Biutj auow w mue ;.nuw . , , f ty of sneering attPrince ,Christidn,rand ciennes lappets decorated the back. The table weH ornanwite the dinner lasting the otheriday; when the unhappy girl parasol even matched all else, being blue untd lO 1 . M. , I must tell you that the xcYifx io V,;D !;r. i: A t I enV nAvAMUf xrntn ta Ynnelin. I llAiUIiCV l" v mvi, BIVBIUC lJ DlUK, chiia,Jhe M'm - 1 5-7 V not icounled with smv nf tW mmi n. Tiie Province of Newspapers, t thef Ublc, the bndcgroom, hii mother gratijmtory" retnarkSj; while one papers went so. lar as: to speak luxuuti aaa iwuia AAAtAA uui uui laid J UUlt I DIAUU IU1IJU3 U-9 ne. JLUUiT AV4idAJ w ' I W w , .... - - iw - , coarsely designated:; its illegiUmacy. A person of stricUy.reUgious habits and neur--thero were two of these genUemcn. Hi be ottended ii ne bcc i . " , , : " . MayS-l-tf. C. R. THOMAS'; ATTOJtSTET JLXD COUNSELLOR AT ' Omci Oosxrm Pollok at XLutcooC Bra-, 1-4 IT ay 1 tf !?KW BKllX, 3f. C ! , : u "wtw . i w r a ii - . of - the It is unreasonable to expect tnat uiu m. ' ' v ijAnti blaa vuo 7fA jof the nublic' Dress will Valwavs publish . only with champagne, the bndo, and bnde- , rmmiaxQtmXU.btuiu riA-r,'4. t,fu --. i:J5.i.;.iwfSAnilkv frrc)m. escorted by the garcon dibon-l l : I MTir at ... m Prince Christian: is a pauperj ' ho lives f tastes ; will : on the Queen's bounty, who is not very newspaper the account of a prixe-fight, or touchmg too glass : oi every p.esvand .Z '--.iJiJ' Ti:i.-- . I m - r rs, . . -:rr TT ikrsamt? evei- one, m turn, the bride first irimi inn l w u l i i a-a w rt nr'aa - l aa k: r m nri mno i t ci rtin rrvr itii i hiiii la.a - a . r . - : r hard up f or ready moneyJ, W :winter . forgets that ae-iiewspaper.is but ihe .r and. aftetwank tne brideppom.. (The she? endeavored! to provide for. hifn by flection of the world at large ; and if he bndesmades followed, . and afterwards j", t,: c AaU,?co?A ;tj ; r-:.i: v .t; ftlfxreth- f me Dnuegroom s raotner tna tne same " . . . . . i ... ... I . . . . . t, 1 thincr l!ftW vm nnTml in an iint and piacingnin,gs,coiQnei, over the er.trom life, lor in a single street. u i : & , , Tr. " , c. A. sri-so: it cxrs, Craramat. Excnango ' Hotel, ouv- P0LL0K STREETi - - . ii f f A ilQrnnrtKhf? th PnnfA has not vet ven-1 omwt.lhnnio nr" tn nront.'!hwWmmissinn and claim I not vat" it a inllJ VVhjht imv.highly-sca- VULVuj v vyv rM wf.. r - . ,? ; - - v. .. . v . - m 'II a t-!. 1 .. . . Ii f . . t . . a'. I ckr,kJ J!;!.., TT l-i:lrn rMllXAIl &Ud I Gl Ills FauK. .;- -;...--. r ' 'movucu uiau' no tuay uuii uo ' - i .. nf tWo 1 rniYio 'irl L'T'l;r'rkArmmg tO f VC1L .-''.-''-'' ! . ' ; :il.Ant g4nn. lUUkCU NJ Ureu.) m nt-r ii.ii - Kiiumr.' i . , -TJ tnTT. . r. . ..- -4N Qneen But my Lady Godiva inay like a lewo Z:t V. ' , u sLd ' appearaU the irelicacie of theses - r-TXJX -B - -; l ri i: . . . .vrwfrtiTW trettier sisters arrarerr-seen.- as thcrl ft f - .f J tne aeam oi i -uvrairy mav Dave swraacn -'-o-. , , -. . -v , ' r .1" 1 1 , ...!.-'. noVitospeat Atnewspapef would have fe readers u Eiae uy siao. -t irid with ttt the mxrket a sira. i i .1- 1 s.r ' r - - .it n?plv 1 trues ts then followed. I cave 1 bacio .If -.. . . 1 1 .:. 1 H J ; -v r v - - a 4 - ,. -extoorto - ; I B AER A EPP1XR ; MARTIN J.;ifcNAMAnA, 1 TV ahrraaTIotel' ATlnr been mTtd aad refitted, is now open Jar Abe. cccWrjt TFreff -cscrlptioa of LUMBER kept constantly on if , v. i. . hmnA mnA tnr aala ' - s . aaaaaaxa imiw ' " ' v CHEAP FOR CASH, ; May t-l-tf . heads of Jthft EngSh noblemen who com- find, at any given hour of the day Tvhat mg salot, whde the tables were cleared i-Rrt in, n t,;0 i He away, the piano taken in, and soon every M bare suggestion of this raised such a need not readwhat he: considers to be one preoaredfor dancin-, several . .of, the is i:u ' hn neea l auie uwyiuu ciwx-uiuiy ij, unuo T ill llhH II liUil-i ' '- " dancing with any 'one who asked ?ber' ore she sat down to dinner the tulle was removed, and the orange flowers nc?f6LWide4.:winnihg hgi f eyefeVco for rloyalty that ha dofa'e-' so mubh td destroy, to n are laaea away. ; omce his father, Albert Edward, e-" ti'i 1 Pn 1 Whde bis, they idl.cned, and applauded fetiUkM.fc iltAnntii rKk strflrrtiW ftf tbtnim'nf . nrw. is moral; the tremendously; L then, gaie tf ZZ7TCZf JSriXRr. rllcorYnti bv t bo rrViidrrlnrr Wrirl ?nrC W nrrrVrindpr b . of -the purest $V0 110 Mingle.' WO lelt . t naU-past . rf for ttc m U OWa. r'j j-,- f j-. . 1 i - - . i i . graceful manner ui which he peforras the character, though the organ itself , motion 3 With atarry ryta. ad radlaat hair. , Wa-ae rsrtlaf trtodrtla totl. nt: Kacitaiawd Um irj hrmri -d mUML') Ola ; cnu?PEi: coiiA, Fcr Qzzlkg tii HsLf cf 6t2xrl Ex bt 'E'l.r f : isi GIa7 Ei-Iets cr EesTy' - 1 ' Kuxrri O-rls. -.! n), flt aalar thU artlcW LcW aad - raa l-au- iJ fr thnoatftea a rhoad f ail. It U ti ey Art- Ua- fire tt haaatUal. TJ i' -"afao, Tha , C-. haaa-AH arid ciranaea til 1 4r7 ArrrtTi.il,. pcrfaiaad. aad U tha aaoat mr;i-ia arrv of tha Uaa. r otrred ta tha Aawrtcaapatc TW CtVv Cmm at 3 be Mat to aay a-Oreaa, aaated aaa poacta-g ia Addreaa aH order ta ' . W. l t.ACX A CO, O-mUta. , m a. t rrratta trat, 1 1 nacra-, X T. Xay SMy. appwctcdj:; : ; a TTTIIEC Vy Um m of DO. JOISVILUrf t".V W yo cms U csrad paraUy. aad t a trUa Tit aatoc-ah!BS aarraa -ahtrh haa aCira-Ud tUa to ataU aWie far 1 -raloal ad yraaa Wiitaiaa Otaml XHty aa4 rrotratfam. Lw taerry. laraaUnry. or ay t" , ... ' yoatU al iUrnta. rradera It tha mmm f a4r fra AVMaoaaTardlMwrcrvd.- - . It aria rrtaT 3 atrrroaa affarlit jiaam dtmrat, larapadly to tay or t-a-aa. r til w. -. It CI rWtof (M IKJ r-n" haa-B of thoar o ha'Y orstr7M u r a ra , a-,r-f arrrU prarOoea. Taar-aa.be tore" aad traoraa ? ta- , aarahrrQ-Li mr tar ta Lxr. aad ha at aora nat-rad to kanotaaaa. A f"wtrt Cera U Oaaraaiaad ta . rrlra aLr3r bottkatooaai tuila aa-rttnrt ta act a cart U a jl-o.'-!: ocrnii-rs irrctnc nft ' ta aprl- aad prrmaacat ear i mi I frthraJ fiaarra. tjrwd, ttrVixra. aad ap a a ta r 'arra aad 1 tana f artad tatpcra e . ta r a. TW a-a p.-;., fro f"K that ara aana aa I aj s. ai ra aaaiaitaiaa . ayaHauwUeriaraauhbwMaraA. iTi l!r a rtid-03 i-Jf rf aay a-drtae. iaaaT ad. ad lt!LT -r4 -noa ---.. ...... " .. r r. m ( t 1 irra f ..a jfc3-rKraa.Ti-y.Xr. XayS-l-ly. ,,. . - m ..1 I rln::o Tar f - r a rilrr arxtTi ulii a . x ii JaM n i aamiaiir aira a3 fv. w aaM rsrrp. Sar I-ViL V J-l w. i-UCAX " OtTTCT." ; " t K i i ;". ? tl ' it- ' r . i- a '- . s '?a t r '4. f i V - :l