gcmdcnutij 4 i r-rror! ? NEW BERK,' JULY 18, 1867; - Ccnsrcssl and its Work, " .. PROPOSED CONSTITUTIONAL , AMEND " MENT, v. .:-.' ; J 1 the amendment THE i -1 I The following is a correct jcopy of proposed as Article XIV of the Constitution of the United States. IA this amendment forms part of. the. .iMofwstrttcaded)) C;cmgres8,wc publish The amendment has np to jthia cute (April 4; Deen ratified by the following States : Connecticut, Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Maine, Michigan, Minnesota, Mis- eouri, Massachusetts, Nevada, New Hampshire, iew Jersey. New York, Ohio Oregon, Pennsylvania Khoda Island, Tennessee, Vermont, West Virginia, Wiscon sin 21 in all.: d . -1 vi i The amendment has been rejected by the Legislatures of Delaware, Maryland and Kentucky, and by all the ujireconstructed "States," to wit: Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Florida, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Caro lina, South Carolina, Texas and Virginia 13 in all; M Re u resolved by the Senate and House of Representa tive of the United States qf America in Congress assembled, (two-thirds of both Houses concurring,) That the following article be .proposed to the Legisla tures of the several States as an amendment to the-con-stitution of the United States, which, when ratified by three-fourths- of said Legislatures, shall be Yalid as part of the Constitution, namely; - . , Sec, 1. All persons born or naturalized in the United states, ana Buojecv o jotibcucuuu lucrcut, hviu zens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make- or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States: nor shall any State deprive any per son of life, liberty, or property without due process of be hld r f -(iftl o tft tn a mnw- ':r.nV-- v. .'Jl f I District be autherlzcT I ?7 Astfthl.c;.inr .".onctifiitJoT. . -. . . ; i - 1 VCTT COUnty Of tllC h UlC. such State loyal to the Union ; said convention in each oiaie, except v irginia, to consist of Lei Congress do its work welt Wevivant tip botchfng,.no. supplementary .bills, txo ex tilanations reauiririg . explanation. ..The one !point to be kept well in mind is thisrjtbat any" tiniest lSjDetween tlie rresidentand Congress, and not betweenCongress and the South. All this trouble was made, not by the South, but I r 7 tne rresiaent. . we only desire to bring the l QAntk v. t . - ii tt - . . r vjutu uacis mj me union upon ine oasis vz Universal Amnesty ; and Impartial Suffrage. . That must be well and quickly done. I The war leftiia rp.ftonRtrurt.inn. - The ftholU Uon of slavery ma.de it necessary thatit should oeraxlicaL We bad to return to the bid filah - wbea the niaiority of the members of Cori- Jtress Were the slave-drivers of the South, and the slavery-spaniels of the North, with the in- TJTiwiDie payment 01 tne iteDei aeDt, siave-iaws,' nd the negro as freedmen, and not freemen. 'or tlsef make a new South. This was the prac- . tical.problem. Andrew' Johnson could have solved; it in, an hour if, instead of howling about hanging people for treason, he had made pone brief proclamation coverivg this. He put tumbling-blocks in the way, fired the heart pf me JNorth. imured the South. keDt the country in turmoil, and had his crreat office cliDDed and shorn of two-thirds of its power. , Under the present bill the Southern States might have lw nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the umsncu regisxraiion, neia meir conventions,4 adopted suitable constitutions, and taken seats- in the next Congress. 1 A" great amount of money would have been saved. ' Sheridans work, for instance, was done, and, in other Departments it was nearly finished. Now jit must be done over again, with additional ex penditures. i Let this bill be well matured. Two weeks more are trivial compared with' the J-Jfeat in terests at stake and the perils of inefficient re- construction. The South must be pacified ; and our Mexican affairs must be inquired into. Uongress cannot adjourn without a rigid lUr ouiry into our diplomatic relations with Mexi- 4co. It is said that during the-war;wetwere .playing falsely, that we showed no real neu-' operations for France, and denied the Liberals fcny power, that while the people were warmly ana passionately in favor of. the 3lexican re public our Government was at heart in sym pathy with the French.! It is said that Mr. Campbell was not ordered to Mexico until after the surrender at Queretaro, that his ap pointment was not in good faith, and that he was directed to remain in New Orleans be- cause we did not wish to offend the Emperor of the French by sending a Minister to Juarez. " It certainly Iseems suspicious that during? the agony of the strife, after the return of Mr. I Corwin, no minister was accredited to Juafez. lit is even more than suspicious when we je flect that our diplomacy in many cases seems to have been dictated by England and France to have been frequently in direct antagon ism to the wishes of Congress and the coun try. So far as Mexico is concerned, our di piotnacy has been either imbecility or knavery. Our national honor has been wounded. Con- of members as the most numerous branch of the State Legislature of such State In the ye-ar lwa, to be appor tioned among the several dlstrfctJs counties or parishes of such State by the commanding general, giving to aach representation in the ratio of voters registered as afore said as nearly as may be. The convention in Virginia 6hall consist of the same number -of members as repre sented the territory nowxonstitutlng Virginia in the most numerous branch of the Legislature of said State in the year 1SG0, to be apportioned as aforesaid. Sec. a And be it furtfier enacted. Thai at ald elec tion the registered voters of each fctatc shsll vote for or o!nt s,schiCmmltea la vcrT county of the htatc. s . .i hf Malted That the mcmberi of the ConTenfton hereby pledge tbemwlres to use every IcciUmaUj mcaoiln their SowrtUo disseminate correct Information anions tfca people of their respective counties,, f . 5 STATE EXECUTIVE COMillTT.' t U 'purVnanff -' taeVesolaflbn adoDtWiVtbi whit' ' Keconstractlon Convention in lUlcib, the lion, A. 1 . Jones, the idect of the body, appoim follovlnjrxc-cutiveStatfl Committee for tbeltephbU, 13 OLD tZ' li' Anti and RxxctU Fron Mr hdt$ fffi wJ AnZ Jfkt and Eat - - . .. , "1 , against convention ; fonu a corrtitutlon thwfof" , ' ' ' I nnHor th! art:- Thrift tiff. in fnvAr f 'V Tr "U. TT OLD KIT. Ttalclffh. Wit 8 COUnlT. r uuu biiu nam n i tucw v i yi tu ttt uu I ue DIU1UU Or w Q1CU I ifc c v, . - ' t coual Drotection of the-lawB t sec a. Kepresentauves snairoe-apportioned among the several States according to their respective numbers-, counting the whole number of persons 'in. each State; excluding Ihdians not taxed. But -when the" right to vote at any election for the choice of electors for pjesi- dent and Vice President of j the United States, Repre sentatives in Congress, the executive and judicial offi cers of a State, or the members of the Legislature thereof, is-denied to any of the male inhabitants of such State, being twenty-one years of ag, ana citizens Of the United States-, or in ahy way abridged, except for participation in rebellion ori other crime, the basis of representation tnerein snau; do reaucea in tne propor tion which the number of such male citizens shall bear to the whole number of male citizens twenty-one years of age in such State.'" ' " " 1 f.- Sec 3. No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice President, or hola any office, civil or inilitary, under the United States or under any State, who having previously takerj, an oath as a member of Congress, or as an officer of - the United States, or as a member of any State Legislature, r A 1 Mr m Hi . l A. ballots hr they .vote for delegates, as aforesaid, the words For a convention, ' ana those voting against such a conven tion stall have written or printed on such ballots the words " Against a convention." The persons appointed to superintendsaid election, and to make return of tho votes given thereat, as nerem provldedi shall count and make return of the votes given for and against a con vention; and. the cornmandiug general to whom the same shall have been returned suall ascertain and declare the total vote in each State for and against a convention. If a majority of the votes given on that question shall be for a convention then such convention shall be held as hereinafter provided: but if a majority of sald-Totea shall be against to conventlomthen no such convention shall be held under this act;' JProtided. That such con vention shall not be held unless 'a majority of all such registered voters shall hare voted on tho question of holding such convention. Sec. 4. And be it further enrtcted, That the command ing general of each, district shall appoint such, boards of registration aa may b4 necessary ctmsistlnir of three loyal officers or persons, to make and complete the regis tration, superintend the election, and make return to him of the -votes, lists of voters, and of the persons elected as delegates by a plurality of the votes cast at said election ; and upon receiving said returns he shall open the same, ascertain the persons elected as delegates according to the retains of the officers w ho conducted said election, and make proclamation thereof : and if a majority of the votes given on that question shall be for a convention, the commanding general, within sixty days from the date of election, shall notify the delegates to assemble in convention, at the time and place to be mentioned in the notification, and said convention: when organized, shall proceed to frame a constitution and civil government according to the provisions Of this act. and the act to, which it is supplementary ; and when the same shaU have been sd framed, gaid constitution shall be submitted by the convention for ratification to the persons registered under the provisions of tills act at an clection-to be conducted by the officers or persbhs ap pointed or to be appointed by the comriiatidfng general, as hereinbefore provided, and to be held jitter the ex piration of thirty days from the date df notice thereof, to be given by said convention ; and the returns thereof shall be made to the commanding general of the district, t Sec. 5. And be it further enacted. That if; according to said returns, the constitution shall be ratified by a majority of the votes of the registered electors qualified as nerein specmea, case at aaia election, . (at least one half of all the registered voters voting upon the qucs- Dr. Kronf Gnxsaox. Frankllnton, Granville cormtr, a wrriT-Roon ITill. Johnston CDunty. ' ; Pnni. Ooicraine. Bertie county. - j f t wwra Thaxhox. HotcL Bertie county. H 11 Davu M. CABTBn, Washington, Beaufort county. J Davo llEAToy, Jfewbern. Craven county. C. R. Thomas, Newhern, Craven county. I ' ' E. Il PwMBToivFavetteTille, Cumberiand county. Da?stei. R. OooiU)r. Wanwt4n, wrrm rtinrity. Atrnrn Iocert, RockjTighaTO. Richmond f punty, Tuos. Settle. Went worth. Rockingham coattty. t iRoa'T P. Dicfei tireehsboro', Guilford county, s-f 'Dr. W. StoaSi Dallaa, Gaston county. ? A Jos. IL Nett Wilmington, New Hanover county. ; i . J. Q. A; Bbtax, Trap HilL WUkes county, i , L L. Stewabt, Aslievil , Buncombe county 1 1 , ' W. g. R Gabjiett. Richland Valley. Haywood eo. f - . ' . t, , or ?tirrr toux. ;Sax"i. Fokkker, Mt- Airy, Sorry County. ' O. W. Loo ax, Ruthcrf ordton, Rutherford Ctmhty. j ; R. W, Krso, Kinston, Ienotr county. Jas? TL HAittK Raleigh, Wake county, Alexis LoXa, Raleigh. ' Jaxks Jdsfcs, Raleigh. G. P. Rocbks, Wilmington, Kew nanorer couhty, V. CawtIiobn. arrcntonjvvarrea couniy : vTTv iirviv Wiirrpnton. warren county, i . i IL Uxthakks. Greensboro', Guilford count f. J. W. lloon. Favetteville, Cumberland county; I. B. Abbott, Nowbern. Craven cdonty. . IL Efte$, )ltfax, Ilalltsx conntr., ' - . .J. T. A. Stei. Elizabeth City, PasqmJtank cophty. Toxr Gbxex. llendcmonviile, Henderson county. ; R. 8mtth, Charlotte, Mecklenburg county. J. E. O'IIaba, Goldboro Wayne cdunt. .f.l . Ainucu 8TOXE9. Wllkesboro', Wilkes county. i - ! I 'tl "18 y.ars In N. . Clt." ... , MOiJy InfAll'.Uu rrmadies kAOwn.'' . Tre from PoUona. " I Not dangerous to the ITamaa FrmUr. . MRata come out of thdr holes to die' i " Co-star's" Hat,fIloacb, 1'C, Extern Is a paste used f r 2?f JTk EaaeXtst . Black and Red Ants, dr dt I" Costar's" Bcd-Bcg Exterminator ;;. ., tl a liquid or wash card todetror, aad, j , alio a preventative for JJed-Bucs, dc Costat's" Electric Powder for Insects czz?iT.aL $i.ooo.ooo.ti ; T Is for JlotXi, ItotTvUo. risat. Hed-pvgsi Insects on rtanLs, Fovls, Animals, AC r .4 or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to -.jS.afir.n kI , , , . . ' m A -a f, . a. 11 1 WAV AA VI DUVU lUfcAAlVUkAVAU kUV UlClUCUb Ul LUO WU Cat' BuLiyvi m tUC vuuovibUUVU Va uavi vuitiu uacatrvris rauui have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given -aia or comiort to tne enemies tnereoi. But Congress may by a voteiof two-thirds of each House remove sucn aisaomty. I Sec 4. The validity of the public debt of the United States, authorized by law including debts incurred for the payment of pensions ishd bounties for services in suppressing insurrection or rebellion, shall not be ques tioned But neither the United States nor any State shall assume or pay any debt or obligation incurred In aid of .insurrection or rebellion . against the United States, or any claim for the loss or emancipation of any slave ; but all such debts, obligations and claims shall be held illegal and void. ' : t Sec 5." The Congress shall have power to enforce, bv appropriate legislation,!-the provisions of this.ar tacle. v :-J ' i' BILL FOR RECONSTRUCTION. press should hold the guilty to a strict reckon ing, and let the truth be known. It might be -well to do soniething with the finances, but we deprecate anything; hasty on that subject The harvests are now our best financiers, t Sunshine aud good - weather, and . occasional ripening, grateful showers, will do more in the next two months than two years of debate. I Bo, unless some necessity arises. We think Congress had bcttei do its work well nd qukkly, and adjourn. Let us have as little talk as possible, only earnest counsel, : f l- . - '. i.'- pruuence magnanimiiy, anu promptness, jjet confiscation, and impeachment and President making rest. So far as the Sputh is concerned t we do. not want surgery, or probing, the. knife, or blood-letting, only generous, grateful medi cines: that will make it comely and strong comely -with freedom, and justice,-and strong in contented and independent labor, bounteous harvests,.ihe cattle feeding upon a thousand hills, school-houses and spelling-books, mills upon uer .waier-uouraes, anu science tearing out of her bosom rich and endles s treasures. :. Jf. Y. Tribune. - - ; . ; t The, following is Senator Sherman's substitute for Stevens' bill, withJWilsori .and Shellabargers amend ments in the House, as it was finally passed, t. Wilson'a amendment Is the latter portion of -section nve, com mencing at the word " provided." The sixth section is Shellabarger's amendment ; , j , A BILL TO PBOyiDE TOR THE HOBZ ETTICTEKT OOVIRN- . .. .... .... r- - - .: MENT Ol" THE! KEBEL STATES. Whereas, no leeral State governments or adequate protection for life or property now exists in the rebel States of Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, -i - -w, ti. rr J a ueorgia, AiaDama, lxjuisiuna x luriua, leiaa uuu Ar kansas ; and whereas, it is necessary that peace and good order should be enferced in 6aid States until loyal and tion shall transmit a copy of the same, duly certified, to the President of the United States, who shall forthwith transmit the same to Congress, if then in session, and if not in session,, then immediately upon its next as sembling, and if it shall moreover appear to Congress that the election was one at which all the registered and qualified electors in the State had an opportunity to vote freely, and without restraint, fear, or the Influence of fraud, and if the Congress shall be satisfied that such constitution meets the approval of a majority of all the Sialified electors in the State, and if the said constitu on shall be declared by Congress to be in conformity with the provisions of the act to which this is supple mentary, and the other provisious of said act shall have been complied with, and the said constitution shall be approved by Congress, the State shall be declared en titled to representation, and Senators and Representa tives shall be admitted therefrom as therein provided. Sec. 6. And be itfurtwr enacted, That all elections in the States mentioned in the said " Act to provide for the more efficient government of the rebel States,, shall, during the operation of said act; be by ballot ; . and all officers making the said registration of voters and con ducting said elections shall, before entering upon the discharge of their duties, take and subscribe the oath prescribed by the act approved July 2, 1S62, entitled " An act to prescribe an oath of office. Sec. 7. And be tt further enacted. That all expenses incurred by tho several commAnding generals, or by virtue of any orders issued, or appointments made, by them, under or by virtue of this act, shall be paid out of any moneys in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated. ; Sec. 8. And be it further enacted. That the conven tion for each State shall prescribe the fees, salary, and compensation to be paid to all delegates and other offi cers and agents herein authorized or necessary to carry into effect the purposes of this act not nerein othcrwiso provided for, and shall provide for the levy and collec- Hubbs & Brother, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER3 VA GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, CROCKERY, NOTIONS, rtr 111 Cewam ! 11 , of all worthless treltatlt.; Be tiat CotTA' bum U cm eacH Box, Dc:U ihd before you bey. . , i. v Rml "ML clVv htraA&D Rknit. and all Druggists aad Ite taller sverywasra., . . , ... - li ' i it tojbt ennracrutod at thli xrx. . Ztm and conddtral man, but doei Hi tainll j la hiring Hi Life In sured FINE ZIQ VORS, MIDDLE STREET, If If; t f I ' i one door South of roixoK street, E. 1TUBBS. MayS 1-tf O. HTplBS. V.iMcLAC K LIN i WITH J. & M. Patterson & do. V. MIDDLE STREET, Pollok and Souta Between K f ft'- " K E IT Front, BCB5;:X. c. . j - "COSTA R'n ; CXLUATXS - . 4 ' . Buckthorn Salve, For Cuts. Euraa. Bruisea. Wooada. JJod. Caaecrs, Bro ken Breaata. Sore Nipple. Bletdlnr. B:id as4 ralafal riles: Scrofaloaa, latrtd and Ili-condltlcd ftm: Uker01aadalar 8w111bjs, ErapilotM, Cutaaroei Af fectlona, Rlnjrworm, Itch, Corns, Ban Ion. Chilblains, Ac ; Chapped Hands LI pa, Ac; Bite of fcpidcrt, laaacta, , tST" Boxm. SS eta.. 60 eta., aad 1 aiiea, bold bv all DrarrtttJ verrwhre. Andby HENHi R. COST AR, Depot S4 Broajwal. ?C. Y., and Uchako Biut and Ooonoia A Warxxxa, Kew Bern. IS.C - kay WBt wWck Mddcct or a4TtrxT: TLt adruu of laa - - f Gcmania Life Inrtnrczn 0 ' art: GENERAL NEWS. Agricaltural and emigration statistics made public by order of Parliariwjrit, show 1 that in the.ycar 1860 the total decrease of land under cultivation in Ireland was 129,526 acres , from .1 L rr. 1 J 1. . it.!. uie. previous , year, i ne aecrease in mis re spect to the crops was chiefly in oats, barley, potatoes, turnips and, hay. The number of emigrants who left the country in thevyear was 10i,251, or nearly 2,000 less than ii 18G5. The decrease was entirely in the uuinber of female emigrants, as nearly 4,500 more male emigrants left the country in I86G than in 1865. WomanRood Suffrage. The Assembly ', Chamber was well tilled last evening to listen to Mrs. Stanton and Miss Anthony on the sub ject.of womanhood suffrage. Mrs. Stan ton made a strong appeal in favor of tlie franchise. Miss Anthony followed. In response to quer ies, she said she expected women would serve, as j urors, . and be. drafted. Several . hundred ' had fought in the war, but when-their sex was discovered they were dismissed. To the shame of the Government be it said, they were never paid .'for their services. ; She was repeatedly applauded.-l?5. Etc Journal, . ; .Capt D. H. Bingham; of Alabama, a Secre tary of the Southern 'Loyalists'.-Association, was lately assailed by ruffians at his home in Athens. The assailants were arrested and taken to Huntsville. They were afterwards released at the request of the captain himself, made in: a .letter to " General S wayhe. ' The . effect' of this generousity was at once manifesto On Mr. Bingham's. return to .Athens he was waited upon , by some of the most influential citizens, who thanked him for the kindness, -assured him he; should be protected, and that liereaf ter they would all live a friends. Wash- ington Chronicle, f 4- it 4! I A French journal gives an amusing illustra tion of the familiar truth that " accounts dif fer- t Bv "t careful study of the Cretan des oatch'es it has ascertained that the total loss of the .Turks during the present insurrection has been. one million five hundred men; of the an eureents, forty men. A simular computation, founded upon, the Turkish despaches. eives a Cretan loss of three million men kt thelowest figures, against a Turkish loss of five. One does not often liave to split a wider difference tt is rumored that ', some of the Fenian con- victA i who are now undergoing a sentence of twenty rears of penal servitude in the Cana dian penitentiary wm oe pardoned in honor oi the union of the provinces. Among those to whom royal clemency will be extended is Her. j. McMarjon, and four others. , V - - " r ' ' . :'h-' The New York ladies, according to the , Eok Journal (their organ,) have adopted 'the French fasbion of washing in vine which is said to have a peculiarly softening effect upon the skin. One young lady uses two or three bottles of "Greeit.'seal? every morning "while performing her ablutions. Poor papa! i si i A.youn . f reedman, named Frank ..Smith, has applied tq the Secretary q War. for a ca tdetship &t Wet. PpiQt from the, first Congres sional District of South Carolina, l rj ant An enterprising merchant of Cincinnati pfb poses to send wheat down the ?Misssissippi to fjew.Orleans and thence to (New-York for half the ruling rates, or for .30 cents a busheL ....... -v iCr-A rust 4 U'c:KT&i AX- uUiXl,tnX't t It Is Bald tliat;thd Emperor Napoleon fcharges tlie Church-party with the death i of Jxlxnil- vided into military districts, and made subject to tbe military autnonty of tne umtea states, as neremaiier prescribed ; ana for mat purpose lrginia snau consti tute the 1st district ; Nortb Carolina and South Carolina the 2d district ; Georgia,- Alabama and Florida the 3d district ; Mississippi and Arkansas the 4th dietrict, and Louisiana and Texas the 5th district. Sec 2. That it shall be the duty of the President to assign, to the command of each of said districts an officer of 'the "army not below te rank :fi brigadier general,' and to detail a sufficient military force to enable such officer to perform his duties and enforce his authority -within the district to which he is assisrned. Sec. 3. That it shall be the duty of each officer as signed as aforesaid, to protect all persons in their rights of person -and property, tq! suppress insurrection disor der and violence, and to punish or cause to be punished all disturbers of the public peace and criminals, and to this end he may allow local civil tribunals to take juris diction of and try offenders, or when in his judgment it may be necessary for the trial of offendersrie shall have rower to organize military commissions or tribunals for i jat purpose; and all interference under color of State authority with the exercise of military authority under this act shall be null and void.' Sec 4. That all persons put under military arrest by virtue of this act snail be tried without unnecessary de lay, and no cruel or unusual punishment shall be inflict ed; and no sentence of (any military-commission or tribunal hereby authorized, affecting the life or liberty of -any person, snail oe executea until it is approved Dy the officer in command of 'the district ; and the laws ana regulations for the government of the army shall not be affected by this act, excef& in so far as they may conflict with its provisions. 1 i Sec. 5. That when the people of any one of said rebel States shall have formed la constitution of government in conformity with the'Cokistitution of tho United States in all respects, Mraroed by convention-6f delegates elected by the male aitiZens of said State twenty-one years old and upward, of! whatever race, color or previ ous condition, who havejbeen resident in said State for one year previous to the! day of such election,: except such as may be disfranchised, for participation In; the rebellion or for" felony at common law ; and when such constitution shall provide that the elective franchise shall be enjoyed by all such persons as have the aualifl cation herem stated for election of delegates ; and, when such constitution shall be ratified by a majority of the persons voting on the question of ratification who are quaii ilea as electors for delegates, ana when such con stitution shall have been submitted to Congress for ex amination and approval, and Congress 'shall have ap proved the same ; and wnen said btate by a vote of its Legislature elected under said constitution shall have adopted the amendment to the constitution of the United States proposed by the Thirty-Ninth Congress, and known as article fourteen, and when said article shall have become a part of the Constitution of the United States, 6aid State shall be declared entitled to representation in Congress, and Senators and Kepresen tatives snail re admitted tnerefrom on tneir tatlng the oath prescribed by Jaw,' and then and thereafter the preceding sections of this act shall bo inoperative m said state: rmvtaea, xnat no person excluded from the privilege of holding office by said proposed amend ment to the Constitution of the United States shall be eligible to eviction as a member of the convention to nor shall any such person vote for members of said convention. ! Sec. 6. And be it further enacted: That until tire peo ple of said rebel States Ishall be by law admitted to rep resentation in the Congress of the United States, any civil governments which mav exist therein shall be deemed provisional only, and m all respects subject to the paramount authority of the united States at any and in all elections to any office under such provisional governments all persons shall be entitled to vote, and none other, who are entitled to vote under the Drovis ions of the fifth section of this act ; and no person shall be elisible to any office; under any 6uch provisional eov ernments who would be disqualified from holding office under the provisions of the third article of said const! article, in the sixth section of the act to which this supplementary, shall be construed to mean section. . THROUGH the solicitation of numeroua friend and bid customert, he will cut garments for grntleraea and boys in the very Jatest style, having thorottfihly potUd himself in regard to the fashions. Customers can bate their own material, of tbey ran M supplied with!the-bet articlw, aa be is prepared to fur' nitih a choice assortment of Spring and Summer Caisi meres, unuinga, c aiay a i-u. Qep. S. Oampbell,L TAKES pleasure In showing or ncllin; his iarc stock Of ! ... .... ., H ! ' TAItrR CUTLEIlY, !' ' ! i GLASSWARE, CHINA. CROCKERT, ) ! TEA TRA YS, CASTORS, LAMPS, OfL,dC. . XTt LAJCS1 UfD ITXilTtT DtCCUrii QiTVTLU RED FRONT18 POLLOK ST. May S 1-tf i - t it -t- x , - - EE?TJBLI0A1? PLATT0EM. ' R(telytions adopted by the Republicans of Worth Caro lina; at a Convention held in Raleigh, 21th March, ' 1867: . I Having assembled In the Cityvof Raleigh on the 27th of March, 1867, in ?onf ormity with a timely and patriotic call, reflecting the eentiments of the loyal men of the State, and believing the time is at hand when an open and fearless expression of sentiments, opinion, and pur- pose is urgently demanded therefore, . . - " t . ; 1. Resolved. That in view of our present political condition, our relations to tho Kational Government and the people of all sections of the country, we do this day with proud satisfaction unfurl the brilliant aud glorious banner oi xhi .Kefublican Pajitt, and earnestly ap- UnnO the iJidies especially, this Invaluable depilatory peal to every true and patriotic m$ai in the State id rally recommends ItK-lf as being an almost indispensable to us support. The splendid and patriotic record made bv thiaereat political organization, in standing by the general govT ernment with an inflexible resolution, in carrying for ward profound meat n res of statesmanship to a wa:ess- lui itue, and the powerful .aid -iren by It in Anally overthrowing and prostrating the most gigantic relnHr lion of ancient or modern times, thould command the resect and challenge the admiratlou ol every candid man. - - 2. Resolved. That tho American Concrcs is eminently entitled to the profound thanks of the whole cuuatry for its persevering, persistent and heroic devotion to the great principles of human rights as enunciated in the Declaration of Independence ; that in the name of the patriotic people of this State wc feel warranted in cor dially assentinc'to and acccutinc the reconstruction plan recently and finally adopted by that body, and to the end that peace and order may be permanently secured and every inaustriai pursuit resumed ana encouragea, we pledge ourselves to use every fair and legitimate means to influence public sentiment to the nearest possible ap proach to unanimity On this subject. ' a. jcetoiwa. Tnat we lejoice th.it the dogma long pro- It it managid fy rtli&blt txiduCh.- ? 2Itn! - : !, C O 8 T JL R'S" EXQELSIOR! EXCELSIOR ) j Chastellar's Hair ExteiiAinatqr! "ForRcmocing Superfluous article to female beauty, is easily applied, does not trer Or injure tbe skin, but acts directly on the root. It It warranted to remove superfluous hair from low fore heads, or from any part or the body, completely, totally and radically extirpating tbe same.leavlnir tbe-skin soft. m . r . . r smootn ana natural, i nis is tne only article used by the Frenchrflnd ! the oniy real, effectual dcpilatoJT im existence. Price 75 cents ier jwickage, sent postpaid, to iy address, on rect-ipt ot an order by ' - " 1 i rxrmiAL - CORN SOLVENT, --ror Corns, Bunions, Wart, AcJ 7 liof- eta., w eta.; and $1 !. bold by all Drn?ziau everywhere. Andby HipiKY It. CO 5 TAR, Depot 4S4 Broadway, ? Y.. and Rich nAD Bxaar and Ooosuie A Tattota, New Dcrn, H. C The Ixuoircd need im o qclbtllsi tt r tion on the pin of IhUjDOMPAXT, 1 1 Iraurtd -orcr 13,000 pcrtosi cr n t S11UTT8 & CO . Chfmt.t. 285 River st., Troy, Jf. T. 1 PEItGEK, NBEPAttATOR CAPILLIi , Throw away your false f r!zre,'your switches, your wi Destructive of comfort, and not worth a fig :I j a 1 I , 1 . V w, T Ana rcioicti in jour owu luxuriant nair. , i t It 7at paid ttuJin a fpo yxi r $200,000.00 So JTidne and (hjh ill tution al amendment. SUPPLEMENTARY RECONSTRUCTION BJXL. The following is a copy of the bill as it finally passed both nouses : An Act supplementary to an act entitled " An act to provide for the. more effluent government of the rebel , States, . passed Jnarcn55'7lt07, and to facilitate restora tion. - i . . i Rett enacted by the Senate and House of Representa tiues of the United States of America in Congress As sembled. That before the 1st daT iof .September." 1867. the commanding general in each district defined by an act. entitled "An act government 1867, shall cause a reg citizens of the United and upwards, resident to provide for the more efficient pagatcd, of the rfrrht of peaceable secession under the Constitution,, has been- forever ocrthrown bv the maje8 tic uprising of the American people, in crushing out the late rebellion by force of arms : and that the doctrine that the supremacy of the inmcral government has been established, and that the paramount allegiance or tne citizen nas been acknowledged aa due to toe United States. i - . s , .? i .. 4. Resolved. That we sincerely exult in the fact that uh a nation wc are now absolutely a .nation of j-rex- mex, and that the sun in all his course over our spread country no longer shines upon the brow slave. Without reservation we heartily endorse the great measures of Civil Richts and Impartial Enf ran chisement without any property qualification, conferred without distinction of color, and that we are ready to unite in tne cany practical attainment or tbeso inesti mable privileges Although - the mortal remains', of Abbaham Ltncolk nowrCst silently beneath the sxil of his adopted state, yet his voice still rings like a clarion through the land, earnestly sunimonlns every American citizen to the support of the great Party of Liberty and 5. nesoitea, mar. as the roost potent and efficient means by which the South can speedily regain her lost prosperity, we earnestly advocate the . spreading of krwwUdge ana education amomz all maxuand that to the attainment oi tnis great ena, we aemaua ana anaii per sistently and firmly insist upon the absolute right of free discussion and free speech on all subjects of public in terest. . 6. Resolved: Tiax we ioin inanearnebt wish for the maintainance untarnished and undimmed of the public 3. i 11-1... j r.t- . i . creoii ana puzuieu iuia ox. me nation. . . ' 7. Resolved, That m the maintainance of the position taken and the principles this day avowed, we earnestly invite the Influence and co-operation of men of all po litical persuasions, who regard and cordially support tbe recent action of Congress aa a solution of our present political difficulties ; that we deprecate parti zan violence and desire peace and good will toward all men ; and if in an open and fearless effort, which we propose to make on every suitaoie occasion, to persuade ana convince tne people, that our highest dutv and truest interest is to be subserved by maintaining the principles of the Re- fiuDiican i-arcy, an earnest interest should oe awakened, t will be from no other cause than a rigid adhcrance to what we regard as a sacred right and a solemn public duty. The following resolution was offered by ilr. J. B, O'Hara.pf Wayne, and. adopted: rr J2esoltedi.Th&t this Convention .tender, their sincere thanks to Jas. IL Harris for the zealous and efficient manner in which he has labored at the North for the cause of all loyal men in Is orth Carolina and for her' speedy return to the Union. Mr. W. F. Henderson, of Davidson, offered the fol-' lowing, which was adopted v . ...t j. Resolved, That the thanks of this Convention are due and are hereby tendered to the Spartan band of Rnnb. licans in the fate Legislature of this State, for their bold and teaness defence of congress and the Union. ;a i . Mr. Settle offered the following, which were unani mously adopted : . . Resolved That we esteem ourselves fortunate, in that so experienced and accomplished a statesman and anl. dier as Major General Daniel E. Sickles has been ap.! tender to hira ouj hearty co-operation as loyal citizens irtlhe pcrf arrnancei of the' important duties tkat have been devolved vpon him. . Resolved, That we are gratified to learn that Gen. John u. KODinson nai Deen assigned to the command of this State, under Gen. Sickles. His former administration Cf military affairs in this State has Tocendch aa t& rin us.ftjnost favorable opinion of his peculiar flues for the position thus assigned him. Mr. Carter introduced the following, which was also aaoptea: Remlvedt That the President oi this Convpntlnn point iaavJixecjitiye Committee of forty members tol promote the orgamzaiion ana interests of the National j .j REPARATOR CAPILLL FOR restoring hair upon bald heads (from whatever cause it may have fallen out) and forcing a crowta of hair upon the lace, it has no equal. It will foro the beard to grow axon tne a.oot!rett face in fipm flv to eight weeas, or nair upon oa'a needs In front tr o to three montns. a xew ignorant prncti Hotter lhave as serted that there is nothing that Mil forre or,Uu-ntho growth of the hair or beard. Their assertion are false. an thousands oi iivinz-witncsseii crrrnn perience) can bear witnqss, t But rnsi&will sar, how are certainly la difficult, a nine-tenths of tho different Pre parations sdvertUed for the hair and beard are entirely large rtry it fully comes up to our representations. If ypnr Dfaggiat docs not keep it, send us one dollar and we wlU forward It, postpaia. tovciner witn s receipt for th monpf. tunic .'" v siuurc. ii f May 2-My. : ... , .; . ii . 1 . . "C O 8 T AR'B" raxrAKATioj of ; 'ret- I worthless, and you may have already thrown away Uj wide j amounts in their purchase. To such we woli say; r of a the Rcparator Capilll ; it will cost you nothing unkw Bitter-Sweet & Orange Blossoms - FOR BEAUTIFYING THE COMPLUXIOX . td to Soften sM BnUTy lb BU,riDov rrck lew. Pimples, Eruptions; Ac. ' . Ladle are now oaing u la prefer rues to a3 others. ' tjd lwues, si. ; - . , . . KaM Trlirita vrrrrlr ' T And br 1IKNKY It. COST AIL Drtwt 4SI rtraaw. N. Y., and Rtcbajlo Dkbjit sad Goosur a Watxia. New Bern. J. C i . . . Il pmnlU ittsiitic iA2Uitd itta tic eat of Jliavpt ksA ta Uc ScuCj'crs t far South t XL nor&MTdTl i YnZLrj d ) C&rbli&s, I . .. iVvsiaVnt . Beertr) (At the Eerdinand TJlricli, ' . ' . i iddti At the rDig Indian," on Mu SEGABS, Slresi,) i 4L J. IIXXLKGEH, Jlat, tirtl i7 -u. ....-..-.. TOE KEW BEUN itEPUBi:- , : : jinn a" ttatit,t?03, pi' 1 , AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. All "kinda of SMOKLNO, cilEWINO. and FTSWT 'AUJJAllAJ. "COSTAK'S" MCTOHAX., i rrr.i.iSTTTT7, Tia-trrrxLT ixox a cv " '' " : ' . 1TTJEXT, 5TST ZTZX ' MeericJiaum, Briar Wood and Rubber Pipit and Segar juobter, Clay Pipes and I . Tobacco Pouchtt. 4' I 13T Orders punctuany attended ta . h Juneft Jft-tf. - ' ( COUGH. b.e:jedy,' ' T35 ErrCTLICJLN U brw4 as aa B of the rbel States," approved March 2, stration to oe maae. of the male States twenty-one j-ears of age in each county or parish in the State or States included in his district, which registra tion shall include only tnose persons wno are quannea to vote for delegates by.tae act aforesaid, and who shall - have taken ana suDscnoea the fallowing oath or aihrma- tion : . " I, do solemnly swear, (or affirm,) in the presence of Almighty God, that I am a citizen of the Stateof;; that I ihave resided in said State for ; months next preceding this day, and now . reside in the county of V, or the parish of i in said State, fas the case may be :) that I am twenty one years old ; that I have not been disfranchised for participation. in any rebellion or civunwar against the United States,' nor lor leiouy coninutuai naiiioi, tue uw jx any ouw or of the United States : that I have never taken an oath as a member of Congress of the United States, or as an' officer of the United States,, or as a member of any State Legislature, or as an executive-or judicial officer of any State; to support the Constitution p the Uoitt! folates, and afterwards engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the United States, orsriven aid or comfort to the enemies thereof ; that I will faithfully support the Con stitution and obey the laws of the United States, and so help me Godlwhich oath oj? afTjiation may be ad ministered by any registering officer. - ) Skc 2. And be it further enacted. That after the com- .a A . A . f Jl 3 ' pietion ox tne registration nereoy proiaea zor in any State, at such time and places therein aa the command ing general shall appoint and direct; of: which t least j Republican Part of North Carolina, and" t hit the ri iV. A n i k-i rH rf eh all rwi rwi i'n Tl aJm! rftil ' J a. a. v m a a . . uum wiiuu.u uv,Mii,uv.niviiom uui mcmocn oi saia comminrr in e?un i noi-mii i '1 O T" & -S HOE Po .CoQshs. Colds, Uautam, . Bor Throat, Croca. nronchUTAff ectlona, and all Diseasesc the TliroaTaad pgr nottW.x3cUB0etAaad iftixii. ''v" T. A .,' N AT? TVfA T.4 lakin to i i i t t ; t PARISIAN 1 .ATTEST SLisiIOESmade at ahort nntlr t STYLES OP BOOTS' ANU 'f r ncst 'gf Uatcrial XTsal and jV, '11 11 kl Is on "Warranted1. ..i j i PRICES .UNEXAMPLED Ei- THIS MARKET. Jacob wryriticovi , Next door to rBETv.rj, SBXACIITER, Grocer. corner rouok and Gcorjs ata. i iftlcia U21 rcfied VU itctinrtii aa rr,f mrnirtUabU total peptluios U TjuUs I Una, by u rncot: proml tier cypoaiUcs ta w oecmioa, arva vj a leanr acvorary w prindpics cf trie a. Liberty sad Lsuw-tJ Law.-. ... ... .; .... .--- , The ri:ica rn b drrotrd ts lha toff'" ru of our ptopie, wi ta saaiica wnri w lot all :- U will ric5 la t .toe taaltlestsK the NatlonaJ GTtrcraeet sad tta creCXi U ' W all sviHaUs t.u of the re; l : Ub. oi tmmiprallon rrA the tr rlt;ZDCzX . . V?lJlepLeeM srU tw aa 1jfr lbs drriir! cf Cumxotrtx. J" Haractt, Art, id Uu-riiirc. wlU mrerr r by Iirr-crtA, Eaaaya, lricwa and hsztsar wifl permit. , - ' ' . Pr.ll rryortf ca a3 tailtrr oi Local Utr a pror.'.-rt f rait re, tad as tVr t; )rtr ' ' gihron.'.UtTnsi VxJtt pt-r tXe- :r. 1 adrerUalcc Ofy'lcra art sparest. Repairing neatly done at low t gures. 41 June 11 18-tf.; O O S T A nt S CELEBRATED . ' .' . A . V 2 V A.IX1 AL D C(If ES FILL- . m km " P-i O A.; naJl WALLET Mfii.7nrWa vT.t uClZWJSlX'i -Tie CViU be yWraJyjXwadcd by leaving the nmo with tbe rltor And br HEXliv t? vw-t, .a . rtx Her: ha - c ZUTE3 op 8urscnrnc5' TrXXA CAiS istAJTC. Tea Jln a tarn irS'e i - Isa (i 9 K-trt ct ttscnl-a - X"h n-rrt lr."-.: . LiiraicCac;:'ii r ' t'" ' " JkHTS c. rfA?-' ,i -

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