3 : 2T3 rig j0 gr1 HP A Si- itw- ,.wiwBiT'-'.v-. - a w - - :. - n p:kv i;:;:' a; :i : -i r7-M .r " 1 1 : l. 1 1 T - - - v y ; ? i ; yy 1 1 . : : y j 1 .1 jr 1 it 1 1 1 .jjA : v-V-- uiiiJ llAm JHIU vUJrlW; IL4 1 1 UJ71'Ld JAS..O. HALHIEOIT, PnVishsr & ErWr. . RATES OP SUBSCRIPTION t; i 1 . a i-! Ttrm Ca$K in Advance. ; One Year SixMontns Three Months t One Month ,f 8.00 8.00 " 1.S0 ' 50 .; ; xun inansT stock of j -JN THE STATE, CONSISTINO IS PART OP nm m 1 i, .Iwken, . C"J .1- V i Bedrteii, . Chain, A , Cradles, C Crib, , r -i Itacan, fiattresetK, Rlrrors, f Uur, 'yCy . . Tahiti) . . ! ' . " .... ... . t .i. C.A.HELSOH&CO., : : Oratcn Street, NEWSSSU, H. 0." May g-Uf, " ! ' - Woollcott 1 & ; Tinker, ... UlDDUl STM5T, -....,, r, 1 . , .it- '-V' ' t " ' 1 - TTate on hand and for tale at Wholeaale and Retail, f r COUNTRY LARD, BUTTER, CHEESE, : c BATES OF ADVERTISIliQf! VOL. I. NO. 36. 'V' : NET;BERN.;D.,; TUESDAY JULY.23,'.18GT. PRICE 5 CENTS. GOODSPEED'S Special1 Notices. Weekly Steamship Liae, Between Kew York an d Xew Berney North Carolina. CARRYING UNITED STATES MAIL The Steamship A No. 1 stf.rr Backwheat, Graham and Family Floor of all grades. Call and'examlBe'them. : May 4-1 U. it Mercliaiits', Club House' Near the Post Office f fc Ellen S. Terry, CHAPtN, Mastek, Ifew York, dlreet. LL sail- from on ... ' - v this port, for I- at half-past 4 o'clock &"M.V :VCtt : .i ; All Goods directed to my care will be recclred w forwarded Free' of Commission-' - For freight or passage, haying nnrarpassed aceommo- oauons, appiy at wmiu. uuver & Co. a Brick Stor to m . -1 11 C- P- GOODSPEED,- Afeut. Amencan pcupie e, uctoiui aoaoi, iar aneaa ox au others. .This ia deariy. demonstrated by the' Sewing- machine which la, strictly ipeakins, an American In-, In this branch of manufartcre,'tb VLTIKT. StTTIXG MACHINE CO., ffioe. 615 Broadway, New York City, stands pre-eminent. Their "Improved Uaaufacturins Machine " ha do riraL It Is built on sound mechanl cal principles is simple la coiutniction easily nnfigr- atood, sndnot liaUc to get out of order. Ite sewing qualities, particularly on doth snd leather, cannot be equalled; and as such, we recommend it to our friends snd the public generally. Home Insuranc e COMPANY, ": ' " liiw IIatxk, CoxKrcncrt. ' i: - AS3ET8f ' Ql;540,liae& ; Nasox & Foster, Agts. New Berne, N. C. OFFICE AT. "BIQ BOOT? '' : THE SOUTH ITS RESOURCES , u 1 v Ai1 ro . PERSONS coming to New Bern, will find this a. neat and comfortable place to stop at. ETery attention paid to-gaesta. place to Btop - J7AJ? Alwaya iapplied witi the best of Wines, Liquors, sad Cigara. : . ' ... TABLES, With all th market will aupply. j . LODGINGS, ' ' - ' i ! Unsurpassed. i : Wil. L. PALMER, ' s 5 Proprietor. ;Nw rl ;Usalieryo ,.t..i; s XI POLLOK STREET, NEW BERN, M. C. . A naounce to oar patrons and the public in general, XL that haring nttea up our ' BAKER T IN THE BEST MANNER, ' are now prepared to furnish our customers with GOOD BEAD, PIES AND CAKES oi au descriptions. ' We will &I90 furnish at the shortest notice, ornamental ixuces or ait aesoenpuonft, o ASTROLOGY. - -The World ' Astonislied ; , MADE BY THE GREAT ASTROLOGIST, Madame H. A. PERRIGO. ! .v. . j. ; ' .'. - . , ; She rereals secrets no mortal ever knew. ; She restores to happiness those who, from doleful events, catas trophes, crosses In lorei loss of relations and friends, loss of money, Ac., have , become dispondent. She brings together those long separated, gives information concerning absent friends or lovers, restores lost or stolen property, tells you the business you are best qali fled to pursue and in what you will be most successful, causes speedy marriages and tells vou the very day you will marry, gives you the name, likeness and character istics of the person. She reads your very thoughts, and by "her almost supernatural powers unveils the dark and hidden mysteries of the future. ; From the stars we ee iu me nrmament tne maienc stars tnat overcome or predominate in configuration from the aspects and positions of the planets and the fixed stars In the heavens at the time of i birth, she deduces the future destinv of man. Fail not-to consult the greatest As trologist on earth. It costs you but a trifle, and you may never again have 1 so favorable an opportunity. Consultation fee, with likeness and all desired informa tion, $1. Parties living1 at a distance can consult the Madame by mail with equal safety and satisfaction to themselves, as if In person.1 A fuU and explicit chart, written out, wijh all Inquiries answered and likeness enclosed, sent by mail on receipt of price above men- uoneo. a ne eiricicei tecresy win oe .maintainea, ana all correspondence returned or destroyed. References of tho highest order: furnished those desiring them. Write plainly the day of the month and vear in which you were born, enclosing a small lock of hair. i Aoaress. uataice ii. a. i akkiuo. P. O. Dsavcb XSS, BcTJNao, N, Y." aay l-iy. 4 ; . ... . J. Hats ! Hats Yl Hats ! ! ! ; t '- ' DO NT LEAVE TOWN, OB STAY IN TOWN ANT LONGER, WITHOUT CALLING AT PH Alia & FABE'S ' NO. AO POLLOK ST Marvin's Patent t DRY PLASTER, JIM GrLAIi PRO OF ALU3I AND FIRE AND li .81 . XXD SCTIVG X toE FUR OR-STRAW HAT. They are retailing them LESS THAN WHOLESALE PRICES And can ahow more than ASto jittiiB Cite nl Hew Orleans , nON..l;l)L;KELLEY. : ?kllow Citizens ofLoctsiana In response to the invitation of your Gov ernor, and the. Mayor of this beautiful city, I Eta here to counsel with yob as to the best intere?ts of our country, f Let me, however, first congratulate you- upon your enirancnietnent, and thank the loyal men among you, wnnout regard Xo race or color, who during tho late sirurcle 1 1 V .! ...1 OC uructi uie uamjera oi oaiuc in ueience of the old flas:, or who quietly remained irueipuamid tne dangers which Knr nature with tho right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, they ottered the law that was to fashion the institutions of America, and shapo the civilization of her pcop - They were ever true to that law. They controlled the States at the time they framed the Constitution of the United States; ami then every free man, without regard to color, was a voter in everv State, except South Carolina; and while the Executive Government remain I ed in their hands, and their j personal in- uuence conirouea uic icgvsiauon oi uie country , tho free coloreil man tras not denied the right of suCVafre under anv Territorial Government. Though. South Carolina had steadily demanded his ex clusion, from 1778, in the Convention for framinit Articles of Confederation, until that time, it was not until 1812 that she Tea or cm lr h cf ryc cv-.i.;.tsl a sc sar. : Ob r;-aar. otw lrrtkm - J - iX-3 Li'xrii &r actlotui Is Urje srrrtlaers, , . ; c Fpeclal N(ks cSud SS per cccV ier iXs t? illrory adrrU-TM-sta. . - . , , : , , ? For sdvcrtWr-rt-ta lewrtrd LTqctU?r, i pertrzt, hlVr than uaojd rates wia b rharrd. , - . I All bcIbcra klters tcn!l be mLlirtt to tb palTUW the llh of February, ie 47, three mola tion, emlxxlving xrvcrc abstract propoxi-- lion ice taM oi wnicn was as louows: M That the enact met! t of any law "which should directly or by lu efTccu, deprive tbd Vldzccsofaay Stare of this UtSoa trcta mU- ?-aUn j witli Ibcir propcrtr Into aar of ths crrilcrics of tbe united Butes. -win tzxkm txxch dlfccrlra I nation, and "sroull, therefore, Its arlolxtlonof the ConstltuUoa tsi iWe riVtaT of tLe Sum frvta tttidi wxidh tkizrz2 cr5- rratc. and In dcrogatlro cf lbs! perfect vrzz lit wlricli txrkmrs to ibm as rrrrabrrt of tLU L'n.on, and wrrtud Uil dlrtctlj lo sulvert Has Union ludt." The object of thce rcso-Utiont was to extend slavery over the almost boundless territory then belonging to the UnitrJ States. So repugnant was the proposi tion to the members of the Senate, large ly Democratic, and with no Republican member in it, that Mr. Calhoun did not If ; M I 4 v w -m MimmM w a ww iiiv.ii v m m . m m mm. m i . . . mnnTIT Yrtn fnr hn r rsv t-. uccceaed in mserung tiie word tciite in dare press his resolution to a vote. mr CTfhic!fmen 1. 18, the DcmocraUc pafly n ' - a w ' a t an. , . a .. , - a large and enthusiastic audience in Mem phis on Tuesday night, and, standing in the midst of ,this brilliant scene in; the city of New Orleans, I am at last able to proclaim that I am a free man in my na tive land, and mav traverse its wide ex tent, carrying with me my conscience and convictions without fear of personal vio lence. This was impossible before 'thc war. The institutions of the South were not ' cosmopolitan.4. Her ptcul iar system of labor not only controlled but contract ed her civilization. ' ', . Disregarding the practice and precepU of the founders of our Government, andN ignoring the admonitions of experience, the South turned a deaf car to reason, re fused to listen to remonstrance, and finally punished dissent from her judgment as a crime deserving r outlawry and deatlu Attempting to maintain in a progressive ment That word appears for the firrt time in the law wtabbshing the Territo ry of Missouri, which was enacted in that year.- , The littlo monosyllabic white, embodied Vi that law, was the germ of the war through Which wc have just passed. It involved an attempt to stay the courso of American civilization it was in conflict with its essential law the great truth to which I have alluded, and involved strife between the spirit of liberty and the im pulse of the masses on one hand, and the grasping selfishness' of an oligarchy and, the wrongs of slavery on the other. -From that time to this our- country has known no peace ; and while the institutions oi the North have been more and more ro publicanized by. the spirit of democracy, 4 ft 4 1 H II . , . ! i H V) A. lar variety of Dress Goods, Buttona, ' ' Tri-omlngs, Edginst, Injertlai, Swiss Muslins, Jaconets,' Nainsooks plain and checked, Marsaillea, Ginghams, lMnts, &c, it. 8ilk and Cloth Sacqnes and Cloaks. '' ' 1 Best qualities of Hoop Skirts, latest styles. f ALL Of1 WHICH WILL BK SOLD AT TXH .OWE ST PRICES POSSIBLE, Brfso' ''' ' ' LOWER TTLVN NEW YOIU ItETAIL RATES. , 'PARTIES, WEDDINGS, &C. Tendering bnr thanks to our customers, and soliciting coniinaance oi mc same, we rcmaiu repec..uuy, ; ! ''k-ys-i-tf: iir 't is.; HAHN & CO. WARRANTED the lest In the world ! Never corrode i the Iron. Never llose their fire-proof oualities Arelthe only Safes filled with Alnm and Dry Plaster. Pease send or call for an Illustrated Catalogue. . ' 1-1 - MARVIN & CO. t Principal No. 2f6 Broadway, New York. Warehontes f No. 721 Chestnut st., Philadelphia. May 21-tf . . .-.. l' . " To tliePriblic. - w..wT i J. W. VAUGHN, i Cor. South Front and Hancock Street, . . . i "T3 paying the bighest . market prices for all kinds of XANCTfACTURERS STOCK, xt , -v ; ; OLD IRON, ! . . .. , ; - , OLD, BRASS, . OLD LEAD, I ; OLD COPPER ! 'V.EVE RSON & CO., " , Miller's Wharf, Union Point. i - Also WHOLESALE and RETAIL GROCERS, i J .'. Foot of Middle st., opposite the Market, L , : '.ONBW -.BERN, N. C. K Hay S-l-6m. 1 m . i- a BEAUTY. Auburn, Gol den, Elaxen, and Silken CURLS produced bv the use of Prof. Pe. Bronx' Friser , ie Cheveux. One applica- l tion warranted to cnrl the most straight and stubborn hair of either sex into wavv rirtplets, or heavy, massive curls. lias been used by the fashionables of Paris and London, with the tnoft grati fying, results. . Does no; injury to the hair. ;; Price by xoaiL scaled and postpairt. SI.- Descriptive circularf mailed freo. Address j BERGER. S1IUTTS & ! CO., Chcmfstf", No. 285 River street, Troy, is. Y. -1 Sole agent for tbe United. States. ?l ) r, , . May2My rillSKERS andiMUS- r TwT- nrr VT TACIIES forced to d'ow upon the smoothest face in from three to five weeks by i using Dr Sevie-s ne's Restaurateur Capfl laire. thetmoft wonderful -V fi discovery in modern science ' Nr acting nnon the Beard arid Hair (n an almost miraculous manner. It has been used by the elite of Pans and London with the most flattering sncccfuk 'Nasves of all purchasers will be registered and if entire- SAttsi&etn) is not given in every instance, the money will be cheetf oBy refunded. Price ;by mail, sealed an.a postpaid. Sl.H Descriptive circulai and tes timoninfe waikd free. Address BERGER, S11UTTS A CO., Chemists, No. 2S5 River street, Troy, N. Y.i Sole agents for the United States. May2 1-ly J. IK iie Ywoarvs i P lit OLO GR A PH ROOMS, JV'iS'i Til .1 ". STREET, , CJtA TEN NEW BERNE, C. (Grro-iTS Nsw Bebxe RcrcBLicxN OmcJ ' U ii is i- PHOTOaRAPIIS, AMBROTYPES, f . , - r ,...-:'. AND everything pertaining to the art done in the best style. ,; . . . i .- ' , Instructions given in the art.' i " ' , i Stock for sale and entire outfits furnished for small ; idyance on New York cost. , . .. j , ; . i 500. Bbls.' Rockland Lime " CBISPER COMA. f Oh I she was beautiful and fair, ' .1: With starry eyes, and radiant hair, . ( -, Whose curling tendrils soft, entwinjed1. Enchained the very heart and mind. CRISPER COMA, - Tot Curling: the Hair of either Sex into Wavy and Glossy Kinglets or Heavy Massive Ourls. : r i By using this article Ladies and Gentlemen can be ant i fv themselves a thousand fold. It is the only artielt in the world that wwl curl straight hair, atd at tbe same V May S 1-t PHAIR & FARR, -YO. 40 POLLOK STREX FIFTY DIFFERENT STYLES. 8C ami in a.of vast and varied re- enterprising than any that had pfeceded it, a system which was " peculia," and incapable of modification, save by abso lute overthrow, she arrayed against ler all the forces of civilization. Sp poet ever sang the charm's u of slaveryl Ko limner cver'embodied 'upon growing can vas1 its beauties. Ko orator ever de scanted npod ' its blessings ; and thWgh dumb dogs that could not bark proclaimed from many a pulpit the dutv of -servants td obe' their masters as the 'sum ''and substance of the -gospel, the voice of Christianity bade conscientious inch ilo unto others as they would have others xlo unto them be eyes to the blind and feet to the lame :and the cries of the wronged against those who. withheld from the laborer his hire, ascended incessantly ko the ears of the Lord of Sabbath, j' t -To this attempt on the part of the peo ple of the South to isolate themselves, to exclude from their broad and fert!c ter ritory the advancing civilization bf the age,-may oe ascnueu me errii)io Avar throucrh which we have just passed. It made them intensely sectional, wlijle the steady ucveiopmeni oi inc'orm was demonstrating to its more rabidly in creasing millions tho beneliccnco of na tionality. It created a separato and an tagonistic system. of ipivilization.j Ihe North welcomed all classes of emigrants from all lands. She made herself ; -famil iar with the inventions and discoveries T."PWEBS, - ' s. ' ; South Front Street; NEW BERtfE, N CV, . .. -1. Importer and Dealer in . , . . . ; ; ... FOREIGN ANQ DOMESTIC WINES, Liaxjoiis & CIGARS. met ia Convention at Baltimore, ana Mr Yancey, Calhoun's great disciple, tab mitted the following: , . . ' ItnUtrd, That the doorine of noa-latcr-fcrcncc ir Ith the rlrhtt of property of acr per tion of tUt confederation- be It in the b laics or Territories, by toy other than the panics Introduced in them, is the true BcpuUIcaa doctrine recoalxod by this body.' There were 2S2 members ia that Corv vention. : The Soutli was fully represent ed. But, so novel and dangerous was this Joctrinc then considered that every delegate from the North and most "of those from the South united in demand ing a direct vote upon the question, thu Uiey might send to tho people of the country an expression of their abhorrence of this new and dan'eroua dogma. But ! about one in everr cieht delegates wa H u I: I the written law of the land; yielding to then pn-porcd to sustain it, Uie vote upoa the reactionary spirit which won its first triumph in the .Mi ssouri contest, has been controlled by' tho spirit of slavery, and been marked by a total disregard of tbe vital principle of our Government. Our Government rests on two great senti ments personal liberty and territorial unity ; and any law which restrained per sonal liberty, or engendered or f ostcrcu ' sectional interest, was a necessary can so of discord and strife. When, therefore, yielding to Southern persuasion or dicta tion, the North consented to deprive the free colored man of suffrage in tho Terri tories ; and when, under the same influ-e-ice, State after State, throughout the free North, made color a test of citizen ship, until out of New England, citizens of African descent were everywhere dis franchised, they who made tiicso conces sions were not, as they believed, cement ing the Union, but making war inevitable. Nations are Yiot the creatures of chance. God's providence embraces the American continent, His judgment is its final law. it being 30 for and 248 agxtmt But bo- hold the sequel: In less than twelve year the unprincipled men who governed tlxr Democratic party bronght on the fiercer struggles in Kansas by accepting the doctrine thev had thus promptly spurned, and persuading the Southern people thst the North had abandoned the faith of the Fathers, and in recklcM.disregard of tho restraints of the Constitution was robh'og ' them of their right v Impelled by ambition,' and ictsog wealth through the intrigues of a corrupt political era, thev encouraged you to pre- , pare for war. lhcy assured you that if you would strike for your supposed rights they would stand by you on thor baTUo field, as they had dono in caucuses, "eon ventions, and on the floor of CnsrcssTf I have seen a copy of a letter from one of them who had once filled the Presi- drntial chair, saying to you, through or of your leaders, that if you seceded there would be no war; or that if there were it would 1e co-cxtttjvc with thi cocnLnr !l. - r.t ! ... . . . nuincseauanunnxMitsoiineprii fiow in even viEsgc, upon which our Government was based town, and city of the North. " which had been reverently accepts! by our ioreiatners, as in uarmony wun ins How little Fnmklin Pierce knew the real spirit of the people among whom ho v will did not pass without His notice ( iivcd Hon ignoraut was he 4 tUfact Has He not repealed all these reactionary statutes, and by his breath wiped out these modern improvements of State con stitutions ? From the firing on Sumter to the surrender of tho armies of Lee and Johnston, Ho was teaching us, by the terrible baptism of battle and blood, how infinite is His power and justice, and how TtTSTVftrvfiTlind Tor ala bf : J .x y 5 J J ;P. MERWIN & CO., M ay aV-13-t'f. " " Ky J oUok U New Benxcv Walter 1 .1 T73st, . (Successor to ! ' ; " I. EDWIN west : , ; BOO STORE i I: No, 20 July i27-tf. WJPOtXOK DEPOT Stkxzt , R: N. .WMQHTr fi CO.; ' I W d Sft People's Market, ' . ' " j$JS:BERM;H'- : GROCERIES i FORWARDING CODpinissioii --i.-v Th Tart .STl: -I- PATRON, CapSrJEPTHA- ROSE, LEOLA,, ttttt.T. 1aav marke Goods sent to our care will be delirered JOSEPH ROSE, wharf every Saturday for Wash with dispatch AnrvT. ma I ' POti'T. UAiir sa w-mill. ..x-Ttt-i T.mrr.T-Rt vent constantly on .1 ' tnA and fnraald CHEAP FOR CA6H, . TUX CHOICEST BRANDS IN STORE. ; Agents for SMITH'S Celebrated Present Use and Stock Ales. r - Tikis ALE is Brewed expressly for Southern Markets, and WARRANTED TO KEEP IN ANY CLIMATE. Beinj: exclusively engajred in the above business, I am prepared to offer SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS to ; parties purchasing in my line, i o! the. day, and applied them to purposes J easily He can make the follv and madness oi man 10 praise mm. uaa vne ooaui been national and truly democratic as tlie North, and had her legislation been progressive, slavery would nave gradually1 disappeared, and the colored population -i i tt t .t r " . 1" oi uiiiiiy. ane cua-iengen ine iree? i ui cussion of all topics and all systems. She provided liberally for the education of all her cople, including the unhappy fewjto whoniLj iu' deference to Southern Remands, she denied the full rights of citizenship. But the South, wrapt in its delusion, re pulsed emigration rejected all science and literature' that controverted the di vinity of slaveYv, and the justice anil economy 01 unreaouea ton. one neniea to her laborers eduwion, aud could con sequently not avail hnrself ofj aiid was indifferent to the scientific and mechani cal progress of the age. Thus, j. while the breach between the two sections was that the world U under moral giricm roent! Wero his pledges kept? In what city of tho North did blood flow? Between the citizens of which Northern States was there armed colIiNon'crul from which of the Northern StattVduS men swarm to swell the ranks of tbo Confederate armies? As the echo of tho guns fired upon the flag over Sumter tv vcrbrated through tiwj glens and vaUejs- -of the North and ewecpt over the broads prairies of the distant Northwest, these same unprincipled friends ofvour, In obedience to tho ucimivls of popular "I is' .j... I ii -1 - ii 'A H U ?1 i w a w- -. a &.... i x. .. j - ii ui luu wumrjr uae urcn auaorueu wiu . cntimcut, flung to tho brvcxo, at their most without special notKv. But that 1 splendent flag of the Union; and, wftlr was not to be. By m inscratable law, all lrn.-nr!r Wwl at th. Ir heu mAts T. POWERS. time give it a beautiful, flossy svpearasee. Ths eris per Coma not nly curls the hair, bnt invigorates, beautifies and cleanses It : is highly and delightfullv perfumed, and is the most complete article of the kind ever oxerea 10 me American puonc. ne uriper .uuui will be sent to any address, scaled and postpaid for SI Adacess au orders to I -i ! W. L. CLARK A CO Chemists, i ! . No. 3 West Favette Street. STKACrsx. N. T. jiay 3i i-iy iilCT AFFLICTED! . SUFFER NO MORE I TTTHEN by the use of DR. JOINVILLE'S ELIXIR If yon can be cured permanently, and at a trifling eoet. , - - M - .i- - ' The astonishing success which has attended thik in valuable medicine for Physical and Nervous Weakneee. General Debility ana rrostrauon. ioes of Muscular Energy. Impotency, or any of the consequences of youthful Indiscretion, renders it the most valuable pre paration ever discovered t . i It will remove all nervous affections, depression, ex citement Incapacity to I ttudy or business, loss of memory, confusion, thoughts of self-destruction, fears of insanitv, Ac It will restore the appetite, renew the health of those who have destroyed it by sensual excess r evil practices. ' - , ' - i . Young Men, be humbngsred n.raore by " C;uack Doc tors" and ignorant practitioners,, but send witboot de ter for the Elixir, and be at once restored to health and Happiness, a renew uwmuiiceu m efwj m atance. Price $1, or four bottles to one address, S3. One bottle is suf&cient to effect a cure in all ordinar cases.' .''1" ' ' ALSX DR. JOINVnJtJSrS SPECIFIC. PILLS, fo tbe speedy snd permanent cure of Gonorrhea, Gleet, Urethral Discharges, Gravel, Stricture, and all affections of the Kidneys and Bladder, f Cures effected in from on to five days. . They are prepared from vegetable extracts that are harmless on the system, and never nauseate the stomach or impregnate the breath. No change of diet is necessary while using them, nor does their action in any manner Interfere with business pursuits. Price, $1. perbOX-.T-ia ::i j - !'- -. V1'--,!' , Ether of the above-mentioned articles win be sent to any address, closely sealed, and post-paid, by mail or ex press, on receipt of price. ' Address au oroers w i BERGER, SHUTTS & CO., Chemists. May 2 i-tf. May S-rMy. No. 2S5 River Street, Troy. N. Y Piano Tor Sale. A FIRST-CLASS SEVEN OCTAVE PIANO-FORTE, overstrung with all modem attachments, pen telly ew. win be ton towpTHaiVx-r. J. P. Hamblin, . ! SOUTU FRONT STREET, NEW BERNE, N. C, ' . . i . . . . ... . , . 1 WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN P ORK, ' . FLOUR, ,-; - . t : . GROCERIES. . ' 1: i . . AND LIQUORS .. MayS-l-tf. : - W. H. Eomaine, CRAVEN ST., NEAR SOUTH FRONT. ; (Under - the BiUtdrd Saloon) WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALE : Wines, L.iqtzors, Cigars & Tobacco. T my stock of Wines, LlQUors, Scgars and Tobacco, which I keep of the best quality, constantly on band, 1 have added a good stock of the best - ' GROCERIES, and have made arrangements for fresh ispply tv every steamer from New York. !' If yon desire good SELF-RAISING FLOUR, Tea Coffee, Sugar, Park, or anything In my line, tfe me a can, ana i wiu he pleased to jjoMAINE, . j Craven street, onder th KWxnloon. N. B. I make a spedalty of Self-Raisin Floor, and ask you to give it a. triaL , - s .. ; JUyW-tf : - ' - c. il thouas,;. 'JLTT0R2VET A2TB COUNSELLOR AT ULW : . .' - ; . , - -. - ' ...-. ; 4 Orrxca Coiam Poixo mxt Hurvocz Z Tt, 4 widening, the disparity in power between .1 ' a. - I. M 1 inem .was consianuy increasing. i trast, my.frieuds, the develo'pmenof, the two sections; behold the great cities -vf the North. New York with its 'cnvi rons, which are really, though not muni cipally, part of it, already excecdi Paris in wealth, splendor, trade and population. T rTnlnn nnrl Vnria nrr rr nnlv tmna-Af lantic cities which exceed Philadelphia w may all look back on years o war; in these respects. Boston, Cincinnati, I wo may count the dead of the contending Chicago, and other 'cities each exceed armies at nearly one .million, and behold .in population! But your lD taircst and most fertile regions ol great blessings come to us through suf ferng. Blood has been the price of freedom to every nation." For it is the same' with nations, in this respect, as with", individuals. Who can tell tbe agony that is required when the mother. ii m beholds a smile play over the face of her sleeping infant? . It is to the garden and the cross that we go, in sorrow and namiuiy, ior our nignosi nopes ana most enduring promises, and amid the tumult and tort arcs of the battle-field, the horrors jSaf the wreck upon the maddened ocean, orjie wearying suflenng oi the fcveruh: bed,Nre pass f rom tbe cares of life to the beatitude of eternity. And as Americans, iN ew uneans.in poputiuon. iut your beautiful city, past which the waters of sixty thousand miles of rivers flow,' ia the one great city of the South. , j I Let roe illustrate this point familiarly Tho railroads connecting New York with Phikdelpbia, aatl.llemphis with Grcnai our stnihng country, your own lovely South, scarred and acsotated by war, and rejoice that tho agony whicl.was to pur- cnaso ourcocnuysgreai oiessiug is over. Ilenccfbrtb it shall lb tho boast of every I American that though his country em- usaces au eumates, irom tne summer da'3Iississippi, differ in length less 'than hsces all ten .miles. 'Jliev are each a link 'in a breezes that ever linger over your broad great thoroughfare North ami South, i G'&U to the wintry winds that howl the Msy Sttf r FXW.BERN, N- , -rr Over the former eight passenger trains pass daily each way: each train isinlade up of several . ears, .Over the latter ono I- ! - r . . m I irau oi two. cars passes aany. ine lare from New York to Philadelphia .is S3, ft a t -r i A t . Z-.' uui irum llciujuih w vrreniuia. is o. The' time retjutred to" 'make the journey from New York to Philadelphia is ; but four hoursy while it takes six and a half hours 1 to' pass between -Iemnhis and Gaada- The land along the route, in New Jersey and Pennsylvania, forlagrit cuimrai purposes, is worm I root zjoJ to f 00 per acre; that along the other czq bo-Bought from 3 to $20. ; . u-)t . .These contrasts are not accidental or "arbitrary. They illustrate great princi ples-sleerJess Laws of EodaTlife. ; ; When the sages of '76 proclaimed that all men. an. born equal, and invested 'by J Calhoun introduced-into the Senate, on requiem of gallant navies as they sweep over the mighty lakes of -the North, its atmosphere is so pure that no slave can breathe it and remain in bondage, psi- mensc applause. Let me not be misunderstood: I charge this war not uion the South alone. It is, perhaps, more largely duo to the unprin cipled men in the Nortjwwho should Lave met the issue at tho threshold and settled tho ouestion while ia was susceptible o lerislati e control, than to-tho men of the South who, prompted by thoiort sighted. aemanas oi present L-u-eres i, u-3ixt. concessions which- sagacious men. of prin- ranh wnold not hare accorded- It me illnstrate: No. sUtesman had dcsJod that slavery in the territories was toe suojeci of COTgrcasional legislation until John C. m t . l. CMt flf head, thenistWcs prominent in the work of re cruiting anil organizing troops for your subjugation. How did they aid vou?, The whole North, gave you two sofdlcr whose name are luc?u Gntavssy W Smith' aad IS-innekVIynil! Can any of you name a third ? Shoots of- no no. 111 tell vou what try cTidT give ?ou, though. fhey gavo" you what tho ittlc girl, who was aked to contributcr the value of tho sugar she used to the missionary cause. She replied,, No grandpa, I don t think I can do that ; but rll tell you what I will do. Ill gire nho cause my prayers. Iaughter. Ther cave your cause their prayers, si!, as u fearing they might prove cflectivey hr- tcned to meet their neighbors, and swear they had done no such thing! fcasorc? t t ri f encenng. i nopeics mmoniv xnt- frre&a Jirotirhout the war.- unawe to in- fluencc. much less to control a single acS of legislation, they made speeches for dis tribution through toe rowuJ, as n 10 co courage you i a. your hoIcss struggle, fcr . tliat whenit ended, tot should be utterly exhausted. In so far, hitterr will holl- th Nortl--rpeciaIIr tbe IJemocraHo party of the North respocblc for tho war. ii . vi ; ii -I- 1- 1 ii '& V -a -ti - i- . . .'A j StilL the millicii ot grawr m whichf H sleep-the best and brarest c bota see lions, arc iatable to the South. It withdrew the questions ia vol rod from the suWittIthnn to war. last drt. art. . tramcnt To prepare .the jray ior thiS iU controlling spmU had ttpi ciaw of the pcovU in profound and dcgradirg irno ranee.. Each State having mtired lrrxntofhnd for odceauonal TT- n-nf t-had provided srboc.s Lr the Deoole. TW laws of eitrh-fctite nrohibittxL rrr pcnai wua, w tion of ths tia PopalaUon. jr.n.was inevitable. I-rtuIIi-ace sod cr.!turo. are m . MJm - . . . ?1 1 . God attaches to t -crane h p. . . brother in boodftSP it Uitl he whi r k 1 ' if it i H i V tfty t-1 ti it 05 I .-. of

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